1 i Predictions I'l-nlKiMr mill OL' MIOIV. The Weather Maximum yesterday 02 Minimum today. 128 NO. Dally Fourteenth Tur. Forty-ninth Ye&r. MEDFORD, ORKOOX, FN! DAY, FKBNl'ANY i!i. 1'fJii. MA' JJT JUL PRESIDENT IS TSIuSf.o ALL DANGER VICTORIOUS IN ADRIATIC Lloyd-Georqc and Millerand Back Down Completely Before Threat From Washinflton Never Had An Intention of .Makiim Settlement Without Consultinq U. S. A. With draw Proposals Dec. 9 and Jan. 20. land Ask Wilson to Join Them. LONDON, Feb. 27. The ivplv made bv Premier Lloyd (ieoriro ami Millerand to President Wilson's latest communication on the Adriatic ttuos tion repeats the assurance that thev "never had the intention ut making' a definite settlement without oMaiii intr the views of the lnited States troverntnenl." The reply which is dated Fehnuuv 2i, states that the absence of an A me n nan representative had proved in practice an almost insurmount able obstacle to the success of the negotiations. The premiers observe as a fact of the irreat importance that President Wilson expresses a willingness to ac cept anv settlement "mutually agreeable to Italy and Juiro-Slnvm reirnrdimr their common frontier hi the Kiume region, provided yicii agreement is not nwule on the basis of compensation elsewhere at the ex pense of nationals, of a third power.'' This, the premiers ai:ree. would be an ideal wav of HCttlinu; the (niestion and they express" willingness to do their utmost to reach a settlement by this road. In order to facilitate this process thev are ready to with draw their proposals of December !) andand .January 20 because thev be lieve if the parties principally con cerned believe the allied and asso ciated powers are committed to sup port litem in anv particular -solution it will be more difficult to secure a voluntary agreement. The premiers, therefore, cordially invite the president to join them in a formal proposal to the Italian and Juno Slav governments to negotiate tin agreement on the basis of with drawal of all previous proposals. AHOrSTA. .Maine, Keb. 2 7. A list of twenty-six mutes that will co operate in oppgstng the action of Rhode Island in Keeking to have the national prohibition amendment de clared unconstitutional, was announc ed today by Governor Mllliken. These states are Alabama. Arizona. Arkansas, California, Colorado, Del aware. Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indi ana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, .Michigan, Montana, Nebras ka, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming. E RULE F BILL IS ANNOUNCED 10 PUBLIC LONDON, Feb. 17. The uovern ment tonitrht made public the text oi its Irish home rule bill, int roiluced in the house of eommttns on 'eines dav and passed throuuh its first reudinir bv title. The mea-nre fol lows closelv the outline triven the house bv Premier Llovd (ieorue in December last. Bv its provisions two parliaments will he set up, one for (he north and the other for the south of Ireland, the northern to ennsi-t iu '2 member and tin? southern of of V2H members. The representation in the imperial parliament would be V2 for north Ireland and 'Mi fur sout:i Ireland, necessitating the reaynor tionment of Ireland whieh is provided iur in the hill. The northern nrcu would be eom-o-ed of the counties of Antrim. Armagh, Down, Ferniunnuh. Lomlou- TRIAL BY 01 LI S- 4 4 4 IIKKLIX. Feb. 27. -A num ber of prominent generals and admirals, accused by the allies of war crimes todav iue.l a declaration which, while reiter atimr their refusal tp appear before a foreign court. exprees the willingness of the men to no on trial before a (ierman .indue. The sinners of the decla ration are (Jencral Lm!cm!orff, former J'iiM iiu.irt.rm;ist.'r -jen-eral ; Admiral Alfred von T ir liitz. former minister of the navy ; ( Icneral Frich von Falken havn, former chief of staff; Field Marshal von Klurk, Admi ral von Schrocdcr and numer ous other generals and admirals. A (Ierman indue, the decla ration asserts, will proceed ac cordiun to (ierman law. 4 4 & h 3IENGLISH PLANES LOST IRISH SEA LONDON, Thursday, Feb. 2rt. Three llritish airplanes which left Chester for Dublin Saturday, where they should have arrived within three hoars, are missing, according to a report issued at the air ministry. A machine which is presumed to be one of the three was seen to fall in the sea off the Scilly islands hut efforts to rescue the crew were unsuccessful because of a rough sea. L tt'ASl 1 1.NCTOX, Fob. 2 7. The compromise railroad bill was return ed to the White House today by the department of justice to which it was referred Wednesday for an opinion as to1 its validity. ' The president was expected to act on it today or tomor row. , Attorney General Palmer informed the president he saw no constitution al objection to the measure. CALL OFF MEET 0. A. C. ON ACCOUNT OF "FLU" Coin ALUS. Ore.. Keb. -jr. -The i far wcslcrn indoor tra- l; meet, wh'di j bail been tentatively -scheduled to be held April :! at Oregon Aizricult ur.ii .college wn called off todav bv order 'of the college hoard of control, on - imr to prevalence of influenza in manv Pacific coast cities. San Fran- iseo preparalorv shool, ( )reuui colleges and other northwestern schools were to have competed. John W. Iloyt of Ashland W. Lun del of Lake creek? were guests at the Holland last night, as were K. liyan, 1.1. K. Cantrall and V. W. Zell of I Duusmuir. lerrv and Tvnjne and the boi'oui'Ii of Belfast and Londonderry. A "coiineil for Ireland' eompoed of fortv members, half of whom would be i-eleeted bv each of the parlia iimnts, -i al.-o jirovnlcd for in thv bill. Tlic Ic-islative iowers of til" new council would be onlv t bos granted it bv the two legislatures, but the framefs of the bill hope it will I lorm a nccleiu around which wouh be built one parliament for the wind j of Ireland. What the u'overnment considers on of the lii'f -alei:uards in lraftiju ( the power- of the parliament i a i prt istnii si)ei'iti.-allv prohibit in-. j cither Imdv tnm ctabii-hinz an j particular rehiiitti:- eieel of peiializ 1 imr an voiie t kv belore.-inu' to or no! bid i ni; in ir ti anv rtiitu deiioinina Mnunon v u muiiui uli in FOOD PASSE! Decree for Dissolution Bid Five Packers Filed and Sinned "Guilty of No Crime" Declare Packers, "But Wish to Relieve Public of Fear of Harm" Attv. General Palmer Declares Dissolu tion Will Result in Great Public Good. WASHINGTON, V1. agreed decree under which five' packers :nv forever I mm Htjrjini: in any lino J7.-TIH. 111.' "hur it' husi- ness other thiin liinl and produce v;is til f hniulline' meat il I.h!;iv in III- ')tritt of Ccditmbia Supreme Court. AVASIUXCTON, Feb. 127. Altor-m-v (Icneral rainier in a statement commenting on the effect of the di vorcement decree said: "The decree which the dcoartntcnt of i list ice brought about b v urucut insist euce, is dest ined to rest) re trcedoni of competition and increa.-c tile opportunities for individual ini tiative in bu-iness which mu-d, in time bear uood fruit lor public wel fare. "Those ureal it liii relations of capi- . A . Til T CH LI. PaL-MCR1! tal, which have come lo be known ;i the hiu' five' have been able lo domi nate so manv 1 1 tier, of trade that their continued and unrest rained urow t h coiistitutv'il a real menace not onlv fo American business. but to the American consiuiiimr public as we!!. 'ompcltcd to Sell "Fader t he decree entered todav ill1 chic tackinur iMmiiianii-s. their - u b'i diaries and principal stock holders are compelled to sell prefer ably lo livestock producers and the public : "All their holdings in public slock ar.Is. ''All their interest in stock yard railroads and terminals. ''All their interest in market news papeiv. "All their interest in public eold storage warehouses, exeept that whieh is necessary for their own meat product. "Thcvare barred forever from the retail meat, business. Barrel From inn-erics "They are barred forever from deaiiuir in 'unrelated lines' v. liieli in clude wholesale groceries, fresh, can ned, salted fish: fresh dried or can ned vfjetable-: fresh, crushed, dried, evaporated or canned frails; confec tions, svrups. soda water J'ounlain supplies, molasses, honey, jams, jei - l:cs a no preserve-, spices, saii'-es. relishes, el-., coffee, tea, chocninl cocoa, nuts. Jhmr, siiuar. rice and cerea's (with certain limited excep tion with respect to cereals): bread wafer-, crackers, bi-ciiils, siihai'etli ermicelb, muearini. ciun r- (diina. tiirniinr' and forth. '"They are required to abandon for- eer i tie use oi tneir iiram-n nouses. route cars ami auto trucks coinpris .n' their di-tribution system, for an' tb'-r than their own meat.- and daii v pntduets. Sulimit. to Con its "Tliev are reouired to submit per-H-luallv to the court's injunction '"rbldiln. all the defendants J roll) lireetly or ifidirectly mainlaintic.' an 'imbimitiou or eonspiraev with tliem- ( Continuc4 ou I'ago Klalit) I,? ? . , ? (j ify i.Ss W.J. BRYAN REFUSES TO ALLOW USE OF NAME I.ISMAIM'K. X. I). A petition t" i!;h-r of Wilham Jcunin the huilnt li- c;in.!i.l;itt deiitial endorcjiH'jit Dakota deutocr.iK at Feb. J7. ' the iii'tne Drvan nil for presi- iMncjit bv North iK at ihe.March primary was withdrawn todav at t he rcouc-t !' M r. i'.r an. "If v .u tlr-nv to pledue dcle- a les to I'rvaii ha ve no object i not he entered ; .-aid Drvan in John II. lilooni a democratic ! the Drvrm petiti I irvau's wit one presidential - that of Scnat dciuocracv.' I 'ii, tint I mu -t s ;i candidate." a telc'iiMin to f DevilV Lake iil.r, wlio filed iwnl left onlv ctitioil on tile ' llirnm John- Mill. A PATRiOTIG President Chamber of Commerce Issues Call for Support of Drive t(T Increase Mcnibershin No Man So Bio He Can't Get Some Benefit. From Ortianization. - It ih a patriotic and civic duty to belong to a civic-commtM'cial orKaniatiou rifiht at this time. There is no man so hi hut that he can Ket Home gocd out. of v eivil:K!ominercial organization work. The bii; m-a of the communi- ty owe the civic-eonimercial orKanization the henefit of their business experlenco and organ- iiiiK skill. This is the day of all da s when the w hole com- ( mtinily needs the best thought k of that community. Vonnvn II. Vawter. T'ollowiiiK the statement authoriz ed yesterday by President Vernon 11. Vawter of (he .Mcdford (Tiaml)er of Commerce lhat the local organization had eont nod en wp h tliu American City Mureau of New York, I'liicaKo, San Fran i i.sco and Toronto lo direct a 1)Ik expansion and reorganization ciiiii ;ai(;n for more effh icnt and moilet n community service, active work has been inaugurated by the bureau. Campaign headquarters has been established in the Chamber of Commerce building and a battery of stenoKraphers and clerks are already enancd in the prelitninai-y work in cident to the compilation of the so called "prospect list." The, preliminary work of the cam paign will ret) aire three weeks time during which period the. prospect list will be enmpijtid, and committees and field teams appointed to take haiK! ( Com limed ou I'afie Three) $5,000,000 THIEF WILL SURRENDER JON REQUES OF HIS ACTRESS WIFE t MOW VOKK, i; 7 . In- frii mutton thai Xfchnliift Arn slr'in, rlMHi-rilnjd by tlm piilife as tht; "miiKler mind" in nn at tcniiitirt $.",noo,000 Bwiirltiea itifft. is in Tolodd and will lo aiT'si'd oi' Mirronddrifd witliln twi-nty-feiur hours was received I'.iliiy hy District Attorney Swaiiii. .rnst;in is h poc i fi-:i 1 ly (liarRiMl with rpi-Hivini; JIL'.ooo worth of stoifn lionrls. His wifo, l-'annie i'riif. a inusfral ronfiiy arm'ss. has )rtttiiised to try to induct! him to rr?t urn. DUTY 10 JOIN SAYS VAWTER iEFUSES 10 SK TROOPS TO REIUR Juiliie Wi'son Turns Down Demand of Vandcrvesr Attorney for Moute- sano I. W. W.'s Savs He Has Notbinq to Do With the Matter Vandervc;r Reconsi'lcrs Threat to Withdraw and Continues Willi Case Smith cn Stand. Mnl NTKSANO. Wash. I'liiled States soldieis at will not be asked to depai Feb. L'7. Moiitesitiut . so far a- Superior .Indue .In) i M. Wilson, piv ot' ten alleged I. r !!ie '.milder of i,c:itialia Armis Mdimr at the trial V AY. on trial ! Warren O. tlrmiiti. tice dav parade victim, is concerned. .Indue Wilson announced from the licuch todav that he would take m act on on the reoucst of defense counsel in the trial, that the court ask for the recall of the troops. . Indue Wilson staled from the bench at the openiue. of court todav that the court had nothing to do with l be brinuiiiLr of ihe troops here, ami that he now took the position thai he had no ri-jht to ask their recall, lb' said that he had conferred with stale t oun-d'l and hail been shown secret information which he Ihouuht initiht h;t e warranted the presence troops liere as a precautionary me: -t .. .Imho Wil iMi oiiiniitn n the pri'si'tirc Ileliises Opinion son refused ti express s to whether he thought ot' I In; soldiers was not a ni'ccsil v. Attorney (ieor F. Yan iii'rxi't'r, ilcit'iisi1 ciiitnsi'l. uliu cs li'rdav aslicil Ihiil t lit i-otirt ak I'ty the nifall of the Miidicr-. ti.ldrcsst'd llio I'oiifl niiiii todav. ttfl-i riitu: tltnt tin tiri'i'iiri' of Irooiis iiii'enicd a stlttalioii whii-li tltt'oati'iis i!trinu' lOfiiidit'i'. lie rritiTnti'il hi- slatc- j 1 1 1 -i 1 1 ol vi'sti'idav lo Hit' cllfi'l that in.- would not lend iniiisi'U to sni'lt a lii'oi-ci'ilnrt'. lie .snid hi' would not proi'i'i'd inilcfiiiili'lv wlih lic i-asi! unions lie' luiil Ihe inforniiition wliii'ii Ml nl ! I'oiini'l has L'iviMi lo Ihe roill'l. jiikIci'Viti Hacks llouii .ludi-'i' Wilson inlormi'd Yninlcrveer liuil. tin i;isi' ii 1 11 t jo on nnil nflar I'oiisiiltal ion with his i-lii'iils. ,'an iIitvimt iinnoiini-cil lluii lie would tiro- I'CCil. W. II. Aln-I. of stale i'ounx'1. in tul-lirc-sine. the eoiirl. ilei'lared that he Knew ol' none of the oi,,.t-i!ion to l!ie I'leselu e of lite troit(i whieh lit; salil llllilerveer ouoted 'mini v Allol'llev .1. I' alUO'in ini; (lie M'lniiiiL' tnent of soldiers here and siliil lie understood ill" also aiii'oved of Abel ipiotcd Stewart a f the etaeh for the trial, lhat the sher t he sohljerV i.resenei!. Jmlm- Wilson has informed Major Arthur C.isev. eoiinnander of Ihe de Ijk Iiiik nl here, thai the soldiers art' to remain awnv from Ihe eourllioirie and il is u;ider,tood that Ma iur Casey has evidenced ii willingness lo eotn nlv will; llui courl rules. ' mm lllilcs Sold . "The fuel I ii .jun whs taken I roin i nsel for the (ieien-e who hail hccii In-iciie; il into tin urf. i in and thai the newiaoers have lilllillslled stories tellui!; of 'two mm men who are eua riiz defense i-ouusei oiijoi to nc -ii I I ti n in lo iis lifv the lires' tice of Iro ios." declared Mr. Ahel, in uddiesiu.' the eourl In--lav. Couiilv Atlorliev Stewart -aid lo 'lav that he had received information to the el feel I li f lilill -M,we' rillcs hud hci ii sold ill Ill's section ol' Wnshinfioii wiihin Ihe last. Iw.i and one. half iimlil ii Siewarl said Oi ii t the average sale- of rifles lor shell a iieiiod was onlv alioul 1 I'd. Ilefendaut on Stand In his effort lo iii'ovc liuil Warren K 'iriiuni. Ceiitt-iiliii A ruii-'i ice' day lairade icliin. was vhol while at lemtilini; lo raid tin- I. W. W. hull, and not while slandine- al Ihe heail of Itis eollliliu in the imratle. ilefctHe co'lli-el toflny ila cell Hntt Sniilll. -ecretarv of the Cenlralia I. W. V. local on the wittier, itanil. Smith, ho is nim of the dcfi'iiilunls. did nol lake Ihe tainl until dcfene counsel nnnoMii.-cl that il would im.ve tlmi (iiiinin was );ijed while comunUitiu an over! ail, mi, I that he was a mllv loan alleged cotistiiracv to raid the (Continued on 1'aRe lllglit) NEW ALTITUDE RECORD MADE, MACHINE FALLS lYTON. (I., l-'ei'. Mil iur Kudobb Stdiroeder broke the one-man record for altitude held bv liolan.l -Kohlf when his LnlVrre plane climbed :i7.miP ieet (,'-itimal'd) over Davtou t.niuV, ill the fliiiht Seiiroe der's oxvueil lank wave out and his sh p fell six miles Jct ore iiLjhtinur itself. The e.us tank burst. Mmkiui: a fan behind the fnllimr ma'Hlili'' whicli was taki-n here for a eoiiu't. The li'inpi'rature it I this hci-ht WW "' de-ices below Kerti. He led m ilhin JtHH feet of the around before ri'ainiie.' consciousness sii ft icierif I v lo nv.li! his maclene. M.'iior Scltroeder was lemporarilv bliirtle! and is now in a local hospital. Il's c)iiditi)ii i'; nd .serious. GREATEST RAISE COS! OF LIVING OVER IN E W'AHIIIXC. TON, ct.'.its bavo iidvanc.i Feb. 1!7. laving 1 more in six WJfiV elmi countries since llll 1 than in I'nited Stales. ueciirditiK to a parison of ret nil l ooil ivrices in i coiinl ries. iacliidiiiK Ainel'ica, mjjjtjSta aiioui: UMuij i'. iiiv: ... ... statistics. Ill Australia anil .I'liland. however, tho iiiHance li'SH thiin in this country. TukliiK July 1 S 1 1 as the hase l llio huri'iiii sliows that the r prices of the principal food art in the fniled Klines had Ineroasei lier cent in Seiti!iulier Mil 9 c pared with advances of 1 I ii per cent In (Ireat llrilain anil per cenl In Canada ilui'iiiK Ihe siime period. In Almost t'.H II llio Increuso in Ihe United States was Si; per cent com pared with Hill )er. cent In France, II-' pur cenl In Norway and 2 1u per com In Sweden, while In Australia and New Zealand prices rllmhed hut IS per cent. April llllil, tho latest report from Italy showed an advance of tsi per cent, there iiRainst 7S per cent In this country. In September food prices had climbed I. Ill per cent in Paris and 1 I 1 per cent In Koine. WASIIINCTUN. I'Vb. -.- I'.,st iiiasler Cietieral liurlcsoii. Hear Ailmi ral Williiiin S. Ileiisoii. rctireil, anil Waller S. lio'.'crs. of La (irunue. HI., were llomilllileil lodav bv I'residelil Wilson lo be the American members of the international eoiil'ercnec on comoiunicat ions which is to be llehl in Washington. VICTIM AUTO ACCIDENT DIES AFTER 3 MONTHS SAI.KM'. Ore.. Feb. U7. - Mrs, ('. 1.. Wilson, ti. who was run down bv an niilo si line here lliree mi hi I lis m'io. died last ni'jhl from her iuiuries. She I'-irincrlv resided at lllileticlldcnee IjiiI I'ollowinir Ihe iK'cident, was lirotii;ht to Saleui anil committed ti a local hosiiilal. nimtrpHM unMfiDm Dv im i h i r i iiu n u n i i ill i i UUULiuuii uunuivLu ui iiwz: WILSON APPOINT MENT I YUKON" TERRITORY TREATY FIGHT IN SENATE NOW WASHl.NCTON, Kuli. 7. Thn du riHtHtic (UOSliollH rOK(M'VUtloi) to tho pfiiKH ticnty was up for couwldorut Inn today in tho scnato, followluK t lie adopt Inn yeMtwrduy by a vote of fH to 4, of the ruHervatlori reKardiriK mnn dutorleH. Ken ii tor Lodge's draft of the do mest ic (lutwtlons reservat ion would retierve to the I'nited Stales the right to decide what issues, mich as immi gration, are purely in lernai and therefore nol Hiihject to the jurimlic ticn f the League (if Nations. REPLY TO 1EDQ IILllU President Adlierts to Former Posi tion That Unless Adriatic Settle ment Resloitid Will Consider With drawiiui Peace Treaty and French Alliance From Senate Ouick. Re nlv Received at Wasliinqtgn, But Not Made Public. WASIIINCTON. Fell, i 7. Till! re ply of the llritisii and French iire lii ii-rn lo rresident Wilson'!- last note, on the Adriatic question wilJ not bo niaile public until after tho prcnitlcnt lias had an oiitvoi'tunily to stui.v It. The reply was delivered lo Ambas sador Davis at London yesterday, lint owitii? to Ihe delay in cotllni! It was IKH slar'ted cn I lie cables to the statu department until loday. .After it ia received here it must' bo decoded and consciiiienlly It may not be delivered to the While House until llltu in tho dav or tomorrow. The reply of the llritish and French premiers on tho Ailrlsittc iiucs'flim was received today at tho slate department. It was sont to tho White liousff jniinediutely after liolng decoded. Si n t n deiiartnient officials - would without ihe consent ol tun i;remiora. Tills Is beini! Bought. Officials be. llevo Ihe premiers will conmmt to) siinullnneous publication of tho lat est reply on both sides of the Atlan tit;. Tho stale dopartnicnt hns loarnJ ed the llritish Kovornniont Is to pub? Iliih communications they hud aftcd December ! with tho Italian and .liiKo-Sluv Kovcrnments. wllich have not been communicated 10 the Amor fcan Kovernnienl. These Include a memorandum by the Italians .1 an miry 0, anothor nolo or tho Italians .lanuaiy JO uml nolo I'lttiiu the .lii;o-Slavs January 2S. Tho Itrlllsh also will publish n note from llio Serbian government of January o. VOTES BONE ORY DAWSON'. V. 'P., Vvh'. .'it. liono tlrv iirohiliition was iiinuovuil bv Vukoil territory voters at n uleheseito iust eotieliiileil. it was aniiouiicetl to day. Two proposals liivorinir litiuor were defenteil. One wollltl llnvo pCl'i uiittcd Ihe eotiliniiance of sulooiis null Ihe other wouhl have aiithorizcil SuV-. fin HK'tit linuor ilisiicnsaries. " Rttuhv Expert Passes Awav. VANCIM VKI!. 11. C.. I''('h. -'7. I aid I'ntlei'soii. Vaiu'oiivcr, who becanie well known in Ciililorniii several years iil-o as a ruuliv I'oot hall referee nnil-aiilhorilv iliml hero today of iiucunioui:'. Opposing (his tho democrats will attempt to have adopted tho llttch (ock fcitbstituto, voted down last No vein her, providing that "no moinbor nation" sltnll he retiuired to submit to the league any question it consid ers domestic. The republicans havo argued that the Hitchcock draft Is an amendment to the treaty instead ot a reservation Inasmuch as it affects all nations aud thereforo would have to be submitted for approval to tho other signatories to the pact, j DDfi . Llll