Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 24, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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WASHINGTON'. Feb. 21 Despite
tho foreimi exchange situation the
trade balance in fuvor of the United
States iiiereased J237.000.00') in
January, figures made public today
bv tbc department of cumuifrec show.
1Mb. exports and imports showed an
advance, the value of goods sent out
of the country bciinr $7:11.000.000
sind that of those received $474,000,
000. The exports compared with $082,
O0O.000 in December ami li2.'l,O00.O00
is January a vcar lino. Imports com
pared with .f.iSl.OnO.OijO in Decem
ber nnd $213,000,000 in 'January,
i For the seven months of the fiscal
Tear bctrinnintf last July I exports
totalled $4.f!M. 000.00(1 and imports
$2,708,000,000 leaving a trade bal
ance of $1,820,000,000. The trade
balance, for the corresponding' seven
months the vear before was $2,099,
000,000. Gold imports for the seven months
vcriod amounted to $38,000,000 ns
compared with $11,000,000 in 191!)
and exports $31,000,000 attains!. $23.
000,000 Inst vear.
:. Exports of silver for (he same pe
riod amounted to $122,000,0(10 com
pared with $1 79,000,000 in the cor- j
responding period tli rci'.r before.
CHICAGO. Kvh. .24. Owners M
mo vinir picture theater in Chicago
todav aiirioimi-eil thev would close
their houses Pebruarv 2fl unless the.
ratification will In-ifin Thursday under ' Muvinir Picture Operators' union dis-
WASHINGTON-, Feb. 24. Uniu-1
terrupted eonidenilinn of the peace!
treaty until a decision i.s reached on
a plan announced in the senate todav
by Senator Lodiie, the republican
leader? and received without objec
tion from the democratic side. De
cision to keep the treaty uo ..continu
ally was regarded generally ua likely
to hrin ir ouiekly to a decision the con
flii't of opinion niJioiur the lemocrats
leardintr reservations.
Keturnini; to the capitol after two
missed its business nircnt moiii
fied its demands to the theaters "to
tinphtv men who are not needed iust
so that some unemployed men in your
organization may be paid." The an
nouncement was made in a letter :o
operators advising them their serv
ices would not be reo"ircd after .Sun
day. Turn Mallov. nuent of the opera -
days' absence. Senator Hitchcock. tors union, declared film exchanges
the democratic leader, huh todav he which sided with the theater owners
U-rill i ) ,a . al'iv tl.not..-
had not been approached with a pro
posal for a party caucus, although
democratic senators are eudcuvoriu
to urrantre one.
"Jf any considerable number of
democrats want such a conference,"
he faid 'I certainly shall not oppose
the htnrtfpNtion."
.Republican claims that twenty-
two democrats had shown a wiihnir
ness to neecpt the republican rcM-r-vatioys
without change were said by
the democratic leader to be "prob
ably exaggerated," but he added that
he had not made a canvass of the
situation durimr the last few davs.
The Crown of Womanhood
is motherhood. But many women face the ordeal of
maternity without sufficient preparation. At such times
and later the mother
should take a vegetable
tonic, sold by druggists
and known in almost every
home as Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescription.
Thousands of women
have testified as to its
efficacy as docs the
following :
Omak, Wash. "In tho
five years we have been
married we hav had three
children and lost two of them.
I doctored with two . of our
local doctors and they told mo
I had kidney troublo. I began
taking Dr. Pierce's medicines,
first having wri'Cbn'to Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, in
Buffalo, N. Y., telling exactly
how I was and had been, what
I had done, and psked what I
should do. They told me to take Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription, which
is a woman's medicine; the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' which is a
tonic; and the 'Anurie Tablets' for the kidneys. I took all of these
medicines and to-day I have a strong, healthy little girl, also I am
better than I ever was before.
" I can never thank Dr. Pierce enough for his kindness in giving
me advice all du-ing expectancy and in analyzing the samples, free
of charge, that I sent to him." Mrs. H. D. Simpson.
in the United States nnd O.nadn."
Film exchanges annomiecd tliev
would cease delivery of films after
February -9.
Mallov was a business partner of
".Mossy" KnriL'lit. noted Chieairo labor
feudist and L'tinman, who recently
was shot and killed.
I'OUTLANI). Ore., Feb. 24 Strolls;
opposition to affiliation between the
i:raiii;c and the land and labor party,
the non-partisan league, or anv other
purlisuii organization, and the criti
cism of anv state i:nini.'c officials
who "have put other and partisan in
terests above the welfare of the
liriiniro." nre expressed ill a resolu
tion adopted recently and made public
todav bv the Kusselvillc Grange. The
resolution is in a similar vein to that
passed .January Ul by the Evening
Star Orange at (ireshain in which
the Oresliain organization declared
itself as unalterably opposed to link
iner in anv way the Grange with anv
others in the formation or fostering
of anv political party.
LONDON, Fob. 21. Tho capture
of leo breaking and other naval craft
by the red forces which uro overrun
ning tho Archangel und Murmansk
sections in north Russia Is reported
in n soviet coimr. unique received to
day. The statement reads:
"According to supplementary in
formation from Archangel our troops
captured tho battleship (?) of the
Chosmnr river flotilla nnd two heavy
nnd five light Ico breakers.
"Tho enemy Is bombarding Cihcu
Itchosk (Sea of Azov) from tho sea.
"Fierce fighting Is continuing
urofllid Rostov nnd Nakhitchovau (ou
tho Don).
"Red troops have captured the
fortifications of t'.ulitch."
Don't forget to hear Am
phion Concert Orchestra
A play of romance and ad
venture with Norma at her
very "most striking."
4 DAYS 4
Never a Film
Like This
To God's
Adapted from
James Oliver Curwood
"Winter scenes netunlly taken
awav ni) in the A re tin eirele
16 Varieties of
Wild Animals
PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 24. Ten
deaths from influenza were report
ed at the city health office todav.
These occurred during Sunday and
Monday, no reports having been
made Yesterday on account of it
being a holiday. Today's report
brings the total of deaths to eight -four
since the epidemic reappeared
here a month ago. It also was re
ported by the hctlllh bureau that
there are thirty-seven new cases hero,
making a total of 878 cases now m
I'orlland. There has Been il8 J cases
nfported to the city health office
since the outbreak of the disease this
NEW YORK Feb. 2 4. Demand
bills for tho English pound sterling
dropped a ',4 cents hero ICday, open
ing prices being quoted at fS.35'4.
Franc checks opened at the rate of
14. t0 for tho American dollar, orr
5ij centimes, and lire checks were
quoted at 18.4 0, down 4 5 centimes.
The German mark was quoted at
1.05 cents.
At the end of the first hour de
mand sterling lad rallied to Jli.SSli,
up 3 "4 cents from
Cables $3.39 14.
the opening
SALF.M. Ore.. Feb. 21. Jack I,n
Kose, 118, known to authorities
throughout the state us "The Gas
l'ipe Murderer," who escaped nearly
a vcar ngd'Trom thd Vuvtodv of state
penitentiary' guards here, is held bv
Hie chief 'bl- police,'! nt Shawnee,
Okla., and an officer from the prison
will leave lijniglit to return him here.
LaKose was :sentenced to life im
prisonment i fori murdering II. New
man, n Portland pawnbroker, in
Mav. 1'JO!). lie escaped March G,
10111. , ..
I'OKTLANI). Ore., Feb. 24. Ur
gent telegrams were sent todav bv
the local post, American Legion, lo
the members of the Oregon delega
tion in congress, asking that every
effort be made lo obtain action on the
proposal for a government bond issue
to provide funds wherewith to imv
all ex-service men bonuses aggregat
ing sums of jf.'iO a month for the
service perioil of each in the late war.
A call was also issued for a mass
meeting to be held here"nc.t Monihtv
evening, at which efforts wdl be
made to rrvslnllizc sentiment in favor
ot the proposal.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose, with 5c and mall it to
Foley & Co., 2S35 Sheffield Avo..
Chicago, III., writing your name and
address clearly. You will recoivo in
returu a trial packago containing
Foley' llouoy and Tar Compound,
for coughs, colds and croup: Foley
Kidney Pills for pain In Bides and
back; rheumatism, backache, kidney
and bladder ailments; and Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome .and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, headache,
and sluggish bowels. For sale by
Mcdford Pharmacy.
It Throws Off Poisons Keeps You
In Shape to Resist Disease
At this time of tht ymr. when coMs,
In ffrip ami Inlliu-nm urv in tho air. It
Is ot grmtst. iijitortamv to ktvp your
Hvtr, kitlm-v ami bowi'ls tn pood
working nnh-r. When th orvnn
fail to Arry oil tho poim waste nmttfr
rour vitality nnd lvsistnnot' niv weak
iMitil. Yon mv nn tiisy victim for in
flations ami diyM' p'rm-
Hilioiiinsrt. wonkni'i
nmt ht-ndai'hfrtan' Nfitup' w
warntntr. Don't m'tfUvt
thfin. (.iont onit to your
rtniKKUt ami ffi'tapnckritr"
of Unooln T. Takt a
oup moh nipht. and you'll
surprift-d how won It
will put you in .tune nnd
nuike vou ftvl likt nw.
lin-oln Tiw it) a fanioiiA old herb
ivinrdy forrhronio cxnstlpation, clds.
la (Tripp, intlut'iiw, btliousness, hmd
aches and rh'-umatiiu. It is penile
Imii ptxittire and leavw no nnph-awnl
aftvr-ftTMn Ukf violent physios.
Nothinn h Ivtter for tbV childrt-n.
An otvaslonal cup keeps thiMu tn the
pink of condition. ' ivuts nt all
drimirisM, liprietAry Co..
Wayne, lud.
JfARSIIFIKUl. Ore.. Feb. 24 F
A. Ticdircn, for ten years superin-,
tendent of the Mar-dnield public
schools, resigned todav and will re
turn to Michigan to farm. Superin
tendent 0. A. Howard of Kuicne, has
heen enaL-cd to fill the vacancy.
TkmIltch uave as u reason for 1.
re.-iL'iiation the nect -ilv for earnin-'
more money than lie could obtain as
n tctclier.
Lydia'E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Surely Re
moves Suffering and Pain. .
. Here is Proof.
Seats Now Scllinrj. Prices
Si. 50. SI. 00. 50c. Box open
12 to 45 to 7.
Thurs, Night
Feb. 26
The Gnutxf
St Paul, Neb. "I suffered with
periodical pain for about four years so
that i was unaDie
to do my work at
times. A friend told
me about Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and
1 took it. It soon
stopped all my suf
fering so that I am
now feeling tine in
every way. 1 rec
ommend your medi
cine to my friends
who have similar
troubles. You may publish this letter
for the benefit of other women. " Mrs.
Will Thomas, St. Paul, Neb.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful
drugs, and today holds the record of
being the most successful remedy for
female ills we know of, and thousands
of voluntary testimonials on file in the
Pinkbam laboratory at Lynn, Mass.,
seem to prove this fact.
For forty years it has been the stand
ard remedy for female ills, and has re
stored the bealth of thousands of women
who now are, free from suffering by
its use.
m i.4r . mat i.w n w
Ono !x of Cliariuoiia Faco Powder FREE with
cadi jar of 'mroa JJutti'f Cold Cream, licgular price
(i0 cents.
I uJ? I
io a
Being richer in food value than
meal or eggs, yet costing much
less, is just one reason for the
peat popularity of Dei Monte
Beans in these days of high
living costs.
Four sizes of cans
to suit all needs
No matter how large your
family, or how small you can
get Del Monte Beans with .
Pork and Tomato Sauce in just
the quantity you need. The four
cans here shown are actual size.
Order a supply of the size you
need from your grocer today,
and serve them often for their
appetizing goodness their
high nutritive value their con
venience and their proved econ
San Frantitco, Chform