iKomTOTJ'n !smr, ttitrttct!. mtttfyvrr 'nrr-;o. moxtmv. rrr.nrATCY "102(1. F1VH 1 i I WHY U. S. B Tteoontly tho news columns of The Mail Tribune have tol'l of some fiKht-' ins that is going on by the Marines J in the republic of Haiti. Krom thnei to tiniH the pn'ss despatches tell that Marines are fiKhiiiiK in Santo lo ininKo. ii Nacuragua, and in many different parts of the world. Nc more lanioiw and successful fiRtHing wasi donei n the war than that by the1 marines at Chateau Thierry. As a natter of fact the marines are fa- EST FIGHTING rnnnr m uinm n UKUt N WUKLU t lhous for being the finest and best . soldiers in the world, and why? ji There must bo a reason. i -T Tlw.ro urn ti it m l.oi- r.f i'.. .,11 ! working together, first the tradition' Ps6f the corps, to liegin wilh it is tin; ; P oldest i.-;' I he services, its creation in I America ante-dating that of the army. or the navy, iiy our laws the army cannot he landed on foreign soil ex cept by permission of congress, but tho marines may be lauded for thei protect ion of life and proper! y hy executive act without congressional ; permission. Judging by the acts of our government marines would not; be landed in such countries as Kng- j land or France, but they would be and frequently have been in China, I i.i-K.vpi. -exico aim ouier countries i that have nol earned the reputation s . ,, , . ,, . .... ui in an uiiic-H neiim anie ui .mora foreigners the safely and protection Ihey are entitled to. And in countries "Whore disorders are freiiu.'iil landing parues 01 sailors iiu.l niarines navel repeatedly l.een put on shore tu pre- .serve order and then if occasion de-1 iimnds, additional niarines nre rushed to the scene nf trouble. Koran example, on July iii). lair., ti revolution broke out in Port Au 4'rineo, the capital ol Haiti. To check it, the president, Vilbrun (luil- I laiinwi ilirpcted th.-.t 1 tin iwilii tc:il i Huspeets whom he had previously eon-' fined in jail, he butchered. This order! h "tjvaa earned out. On July i;s Vilbrun (iiiilluuiue was killed; on this same j lny ut noon the cruiser Washington dropped anchor in the harbor of Port au Prince and sent a part of ti'.H) men, half marines andjialf sailors to pro tect the foreigners resident in that city. A week later a regiment of marines arrived and the sailors were withdrawn to the Washington. JS vents of a similar nature have re peatedly happened. On sui'lfoccasions the niarines have invariably been confronted by forces numerically much superior, they have fought lawless and disorderly bodies all over the world, and never in a f ;-:: ;: k:.v ITS reflect credit on their corps and theirj country. Tradition. of this characteri are c;' immeasurable value to lary swvice. to th esprit de niili'I orI'-s: ' from the bfginning, each generation i of marines have added to t he glor ious traditions tehy have inherited. j When the marines are landed tlu-yj are away from a base except such as, may be provided by warships. They! t are always against superior numbers; j 'they have more occasion to develop self-reliance than troops otherwise j placed, and this contributes tc their' I efficiency as soldiers. There is another cause that con I ri bates to making the marines the fint-st and best soldiers in the world, his barracks training. The marine knows that except on extraordinary occasions, he will always operate in small detachments. This means that every bullet fired should hit. And this is accomplished by .incessant tar get practice. On .Mare Island every day you will see hundreds of marines tiring at targets, there is no body of in en in the world that have such con stant, incessant and intensive instruc tion with the rifle. The marine corps is a corps of sharpshooters. No; body of men in tho world can com pare with it in marksmanship. Kach year picked teams of marks men from the army, na y, marine corps, and the national guards of tin various slates meet in competitions and invariably the murines carry oil the lienors, t lie- reason is not t hat they are not supermen, but because of their incessant target practice. And this marksmanship does fearful exe cution when in battle. In France they created no little amazement, by tho ,vv il,.v ..i ihr.ii- Kl-luu nr. m.-iilei-l way , i,,.,' f,i,. .t, i,..i,i ,, i ,i""' ...f...... To Sllln ., wo would sav the reasons; l he murines :ii' 1 h: finest -,,,,) iwwi c iu iiH'li' ..,.,-it (,.ldunn corns, lesultint; from (heir traditions, ri.(lm ,,(. ..,. , ,, re- i (juirt,d tti ,h)l.Ui wh,rh u,.VeIops tho mnst (i(,sinij,,, iim f sell-reliance, :imI from ,heir expert nmrksmanship. (developed to a hmhof decree ainim nKlrine.s than in any iiiIi.t hody of mr.n -til w world. Sundnv morning we had our regu lar Sunda v school exercises and at the dose Kev. Travaio preached, but tho attendance was very small al thouuh Kev. Travato lireached one of li is verv best sermons. I!v tile time I reached homo the Mimpauv from t!ie siirroundinir cities and country hei!an to arrive at the Sunnvside, I'nr the clue ken dinner, and then the job of securing t!ie names of the visitors bean. The Jirst. ones on mv register were Mr. and Mis. J. A. Wise and family. V. S. Anderson, Misses I'hen:! and llekn EAGLE POWT HfflfR I Bv A. C. Howlott j Now Have Three Carloads of F0RDS0N TRACTORS in You can get a Fordson in a few days You can pay on our easy payment plan Why delay ordering when a small down payment, another in the fall and another in a year will get your tractor " : :; . hihhvn. C. V. Loo-Iev ol' rrt Klu .....i rlu n(,vt,.ii .t' U'limtili r:ilU;.. (i. 1'hM-.--. Trail; Ma-t.-r 11m..,. mii, I .L.v.... V..11 .1. r H.-llwi. l.lo.i St.-nl.-v. II. .ward H. Sillitiian. Mr- iiiiiman. M r-. ,1. Sillitmin, l.'ov Wakehebl. Min W. Waketie!,!, Mr. ,1. W. Wakefield, lle-tcr Wele held ami l liarle- Wakefield. Tie ifii la-t named had phoned 1mm Med io rd the tinv before that thev wen ( uminii, no : to have Mr-. 11. prepar ed. A 'j.md idea. V. K. Wi-e. A Shi. vie v. Mi- Stella Anderson 11. -d her si-ter Kthel. The liiL'lit at the Saiin-i! and A. .1. 1'k.rv. Jr., v ttnriie the n L'ht. ami l.;M-:ti'r itnil Mr. and der i lelleii. lie-ides a ft v ha.l sunt ll. Ch-mi llah v cl'e itKo jiie-! Kloicn. Mi-. Win. o:, W wlio-e llilllle j I faded to M-eure. The vi-itoi Inc. j Medtord rcpirt that ti.e mad betwee:! here and Med lord is in tine condition and tint moM of them expre--ed a ' determination to come out a'jain b. 1 the near future. Mrs. K. Y. Stronir 'f Trail came ot;l 'on the M.-K. 1. stane anl went on up t to her home Moiida v iiinrunu:. .M":r. ami Mrs. liav llartiish wete 'ored M olid a v iiioni'nu u il li t he I arrival of another plow bov veii:k- i 1 1 j1 about nine pound-. i W. II. K.I.I liar..;. I K.l.lv i nl' l'nl'llilllil WCIV lliTi' I Mi.i.duv. Mr. K.l.lv w.i for i ai.v lie t, ilinuci in-ij i till- In'Aii M'llili.j :i l Ii.'il i nil I'l.lelibiinls nl' I he lii'l. Williimi .1. .I.iiin- ' i i-tii ('i.-l,,-lnll. -lii'i-ii tit: . . And ir.'-.'lil ii; , ulill.auv of S,nlt ol 1 ( liiin. mii! Wm. I.ewi-. inn' ; w.-i-c :il..i, her,' inr il tiin ; ivus Kd'.'iir .loliii-oii. i ! .Iiililisiin liiii.. an, I Wnoil Ill'iiv.lisluirn. ami .1. W i .Med1 d, re) resenl in Machine the : unpanv. e all hel Sewm: Xi.-e . Kit I' A-hland wen end -o vi CI ih s .ml Cm, en. Me- i ' !:ar!e- llorton cattle incitue. m.i latvedav and II ttoli lt:iii HIM bo, of 'h;irlc t'im e e:iiue here for a lot of -teels of and thev ail three e iter. Ilarev Stnitl tlie diners Mondav. I. 4. Ilohcisoii. of eomill? to lown e i;v. lie has Irs bovs s nlso on la. i- in il.e erv dav in ; plo. in l: am hV.'ii - irrow unit; his l-oiiNoii 2w. plaw l-'ortls or sprint tooth hano.v. and it seems to keep him bu-v nto-1 of the time, lie came in Mondav in an auto hriim i nir the hatts ot' hi-- buu'jv with him for repairs. He said tliat he let the bovs have the bm;uy and that when Ihey drove into the driveway one c! them about the 1irst I him; that li" did was to pull off the bridle, and the horse suppo.-intr that he was loose tinned square around and the result was both shalts and the cro-s bar were smashed, but our blaek- jsmith Mien had them repaired ami I ready for ue auain. The next time ihev intend to imhitch the hoise be fore ihev take off his bridle. Mrs. II. Y Peek of Pend. Orcmm cm ill M.miliiv mi Ih.' II o'clock tMiWM I'll Price delivered without plows $835.00 Price delivered with plows $1000.00 ? -It i nt the p.i-jlit. it- !. r ! .-ati-h lw 1.. t i c,.,,,,.;,.. lakiii- llu- 1 ! i ..r-m.l; ith.-r'- e Mr lie- oh- , ho m ll- a la.rm neai I .: t re-!;, vi-itin j Si ic int( tid- to H"Lnd a u hi it beture vetnrniiiu h.:i.. llarrv Von der liellen v i ' luiMnes caller- Mi'ia!; Nil was aiiioni: (':a al.-.t. tia- lendnm froi.i Hit: t m.i'tli of av to Me.l itlv i-neo'U'- !- planning W. llait'inel. one ot pi nm Hutu ti rs ol the Otlrii to the Ncetion in was here on his v lie -eem to be liiv I town j lord. j a-jed er the protect mu i to put :i lar-e part of 1 I altaila ami i l-ver. He i- i I.e cai: -ue.-ci-d in pat I ii. hi land that he will ie .... ! -eveial hundred ton-, .r I:; other k.nd- of crop. He :- pronn-s-i w men ho b ! . 1 inu ahead and doine in?-!-;. as Mime of ihe old timer- tiirowinir cold wet'T o:: e j toward ad vaticcmenr lor -1 t.ixe- v. til 1m ni' i eUM-'d. .11- t 1 , ui.l Mr-. 1' in mi Mm , Mi-.ir.inl, 'in ,,r D.. Illllf U'l'lll 1 i ii nun li- C W. Mell llU.hl. the llii.ll .!... ::,. from Idnlio a -liorl it i.e a-., and i hoii: the W. K. Hel, -lev l.laec. Marled for hi- old hoiue m Idaho hietiav alien n to i.d !. bu-- lili':-- lHteiei . eieelm.. .. ,c 'jnlie a few week-. He Will le! llie people of (Ital 1 1 o '.1-11 region about tmr oiit lit i ii e,,ii clima I c. I'M Moi ;; ii h;i mo1 ed into the Vaiii:.!eV in. i. .e. In mv rounds Tuedav I called a4 llie new liaraue and found thev had it liNed lti in liootl shape and were doiiti: -ome business. I al-o ca I led at the old iMra-e-the W. I.. Chdd- ie(h blackIiiilll sho. and found ineM Im- v. Mr. I'liildietli ha- en ::aued llie service; of i,nn lla'ev, an expert machinist . 1 help In in in his on ru!.;i! w ork. ami we spea k for both phi report tl epe both tintr tu places ! ahle rl'nlVi to led with work. .1. P.. .Inek.-oii. was in town Tin about the Karat w hen he wauled 'III' f nip- lay Mid Pure pn iold how sulphur to put on his alfalfa that the dealer- in Mod ford and Central Poiuto said that it could not he sold for le-s than !fSl a top, and how ho ami William I'errv Imid theirs laid down ni their doors in Kaude Point tor $-i7 and --r : ; 1 1 a ton and otlier fertilizers in the amo ratio. He i Ijoostiue- for them. Sam Courtney, Marshall Minter ami Mr. Iloauiand of Central Point were business callers, Mr. H. taking out with him several rolls of barbed wire, uoimr toward his farm above Browns bnro. William Kerry is ensitued in pnllinu up about half of the fruit trees on the llov Steidi'y plai'e. n. I'. Calef, aucnt forlv'niht I'aek- l iiiur cniiipniiv, v,is here I'm .1 inner " " i;ci the tarmci ituetiort of tomu v a ton ue- m, M..!ioid. - ami M: . I.. 0. h:ne I.e. n woi-l;-r (hat ,h hum :. eauie out ami the SuiiiLVsi!e u:e in tla l tevin to t Ml.s I'loven.-e Turner ot Trail, mi: in the l vv.'w i ed in Central I -pent the Miuht Will 1IMI M.I..IV r.iiui r,,k ..I m. liillln f Tll.--i!;;Y .i li.r.l. Mr. M '.nlh' K;lll ii.nl ,. Iut.' lor I i ih. iv v. Mv I.. Mi ll-1 i't liiriiini: WYilui's- iu.v rn'iniilr ;;l!.l i.i H. K. on i the Mi-. .Ii.lni K.i !.-r aii.l li.-r .lmililor. Ml liiirrv !i-ii;i'V luif l'ii-ini-, iili.Ts T.n-,!i..v. ! Wiiliitm nit il- r 1 li-ii :i :i .-. ..n: m:i liU"1 l.v .1. I". Imhii iiii.l .1. 11. Pi.Ti -liirt.'il ti.r l.'.iiiii l T.iii iln- iiii.riiin In Iriir il,.,ii n lurui' liai'n .li:i'. Air. 'nii tier i ! . ; i r i h;i,i l.ii'j.jht. Hi' ii:!mi,U In 1 Hi ll nil liis 1:11111 nil Ki'i rrri'k. Ivi'iucliilifr t!:c strri'iililii-nn ciitiT 1 :i ililri'M! S'.iiuImv ll L'lit. I'Vlirilitrv 'J-, Inr Ih.' I.ciiil'il nl' llie lii'liil.'s Al- I'r l',ii' nil. Tlicre Was Nothing So Good lor Congestion and Colds as Mustard ' But the old-fashioned mustard plaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the plaster and without the blister. Musterole does it. It is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mus tard. It is scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders, and yet does not blister the tenderest skin. Gently massage Musterole in with the finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re livd how speedily the pain disappears. Use Musterole for sore throat, broil chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges lion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, .sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it (dten prevents pneumonia). 3Uc and 00c jars; hospital size $2.51). Dry Slab and Fir Wood Mill Blocks and Coal Valley Fuel Co. Office Phone 76 Residence 739-J ' : t r;:e-di I to em; I Iocs. I ; llV.Ti li SON NOW! 1 r, mm I. Ss'ffin i in TVbtm i t l Where Can I Find Itching, Terrifying Eczema? Question on Lips of Afflicted. 'l lu i t is ,i li.irrassing disroiillort caused by Kcctiui lliat alnuist be comes u lorttire. The itching is lil jnost unbearalile, anil llie skin ee:ns on fire with the burning ir rilation. A cure from local appli cations of salves ami ointments is impossible, because such treat ment rati only allay the pain tem porarily. Tl'e disease can only be SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ono Box of ( 'harinoiia Fai'e Powder FREE with each jar of Cocoa l.iittor (.'old ( 'roam. .Regular price (iO cents. Automobiles, -Tractor, Farm Implement, Factory, Household and Store parts Welded, Re-en forced and Guaranteed. All .Metals, all Shapes, all Sizes. THE VULCAN WELDING WORKS 39 South Front Street. Notice to Poultry men! liny (ho OI IOF.Y hot water incubator. A Mull grmlu, icllalilc uio t'liiuc. It hutches chicks thut live. nil. I Krow. AKentH for tho Kresky Ventilating Brooder Stove Tho Iwst brooder on the umrkct C'omo und aoe it la operation. ROGUE RIVER POULTRY RANCH l'hono !J0-V. Cnroll F. CarpontCT Telephone 1 1 N. Riverside, Apple and E. Fifth Streets The Dow Hospital Special attention given to surgical and obstretical cases. No extra charge for graduate nurses services. The most important person in this hospital is the patient. MEDFORD OREGON ro Relief From reached by going deep down to il source, which is in the blood, the disease being caused by an infec tion which breaks out through the skin. That is why the most satis factory treatment for all so-callcil skin diseases is S. S. S., which act by cleansing the blood. Get a bot tle to-day, and you will sec result from the right treatment. Medical advice free. Addre.s Medical Di rector, 43 Swift lildg., Atlanta. Ga. Transit go 9 t f T T t t t f f T f t t f X t f t t J T f 5 X T t t t X T f t t X f T t T f f f f t t la t t .it