Q FXTTR ETC " BTETWRTJ SCTTB TRIBUNE. WTTTRTRTI. ' ' v DTCErtOV. ftATTRTOY. FEB'RFX'RY 5"f. 5920 FROZEN APPLES "Chiftf, there is n bunch of drunken birds out here that need looking' aftor." shouted Howard Hill over the telephone to Chiel of Police Timothy yesterday noon. "Scandillyous," ejaeuluted Timothy us he bum; m the reeeiver and then tried ineffectually to eet Sheriff Ter rell on tho phone at Jacksonville to set him to proceed to the scene of the drunken carousel nt once. ''I'll fix those bums." crumbled the chief as the hailed a taxicab and climbed in. "Wonder where thev eot the booze." On arrivincr at the pnckiiie house of the Dillon It. Hill orclmrd on the outskirts of'the city the chief found Howard Hill aniiitinc him and watch me thu ilisuracelul spectacle ol n couple, of drunken robins and several sparrows Ktasrirerinir around im try inir feebly to flop their winirs. Home lime niro several hundreds of bushels of frozen apples were dumped on the irround outside the pnvkiue houso, where thev have since been rot tint; and fermenting, attract' inir hundreds of birds who come ther to eat, and thereby become intoNieatcd on tho fermented apple juice swallow ed. Tho birds plainly bceoijig iaeircd and present an umusinir collection ot "dmnks," as thev stumble and stun cer nround and trv to fly. Chief Timothy did not seem to eaiov the scene and at once hurried back to the city in tho tiuicuh lull; -iiiK explosively to himself nil the way. MUST IKE OUT NOME TAX LIST E E The Red Cross is fortunate in the prospect of bavins Miss liowler from t'Hp Northwestern Division lleadnuar iers' .g.f t'lip Ame'rieuii lied Cross to mjtjiduet classes in social service of exteneii seryicq' wrtrk. 1 '' " " '' ' .'jtese classes vin liecrin on Weilnes di'vj' J'eb'rMiirv if)', nt .2 :'M) p. m. in 'the rest room at1 He'd Ci-oss iicadtniartcfc in'tfio Sparta Huildinir. Medford, Orc- :', f i,,;!';'..,; ".. ": 'jTiiero. iti' iio' "expense'- nttacllcif til tho J'oii'rWe, s'luiiilv -ii lileilire.' '(li'iit 'if Utilj eiir'iilfs he"bi''slie Will at I I'll it n regularly ' as11' possible 'Tol''ii 'period or two weeks, the duration of the pin:;;';;:: ';';;i"':,:' ' lan'' e)iipti'rK 'tVrmiiilioul. ilio' division- 'n'ro' tiiWiir u1!) this work Vitll trobi) results, and the'local KM Cross haytajUia c'linri'lics and lodires, which al lnivo. problems of , ii eh'arifable nitturo, .ji'lll be' iiiterosted Jo' have lit leus one member nt t'e'nd these classes that the traiuimr there received ninv help them in mcotinir these problems. Any ono wishing to enroll may call up tho Ited Cross office (phono 450 or bo on hand at 2:30 p. m., Wednes day, February 25. LiAWIiS. 'When Irrogular or mippresBcrt use Triumph 1'llln. SaTo and always do pendublo. Not sold nt drug Htores. ' Io not experiment with others; nuvo disappointment. Write for 'Holier" and particular It's tree. Addrens: National Medical Institute, Milwau kee, Wta. Adv. IManv people, have e.!!o'! nt the city council chamber during this week scttinsr the aid of (1. V. Wimbcrlv, deputy internal revenue collector, who is there daily for this purpose and will remain until next Wednesday evening, in preparing their income tax statements. Air. Wimbcrlv calls attention to the fact that the law requires that all partnerships must make out and ill a report of their net income, regard less of its amount.. He has blanks with him for this purpose which any onp interested may obtain. He also calls attention to the fact thnt any firm, corporation or individ ual that during the past calender year paid to another firm, corpora tion or individual u sum amounting to $1.(10(1 or wore in salaries, rents, commissions or interest must make a report of these amounls to uo to the office of Ihe commissioner of in ternal revenue at Washington. These reports arc used to check lln the in come tax returns,, or in other words to see that every person makes a proper return of his income tax. TWIN BEDS AT PAGE THEATRE MARCH 10 The funniest, play in the world', Salisbury l''ield and Maruaret Jlavo's lamous comedy will he seen at the 1'aife on Allinduv. March I. What a mistake it is to suppose that mod ern audiences have lost their taste tor clean, wholesome comcdv. The reception of this remarkable play all over the world proves that whole some comcdv, thorouehlv well done, is still popular the world over. "Twin Beds'' js as sweet, as. a , nut, . abso lutely cleiin jiinl. .entirely. uuitiKinsr. It will be presented .hero bv.the same ireat 'yast mid production .organized especially :..,(; playbill the nr.uniin.eut citifS W 'the. .Iijiilcjle west and Pacific const.. . J'VICTORY" at Liberty Today.. Those who like motion pictures brimmed full of action, pictures which pull the emotions this way and that, and those who think that Joseph Conrad is the world's trreatest writer, will alike en.iov "Victory," plavint! at the Liberty today and to- L morrow. The production is on a lavish scale. The scenes shift to various ouarters of the elohe, and all of them are pictoriallv beautiful. The South Sea island locations are especially re markable. Knh'anced bv wonderful phototrraphv, the whole production is like a scries of exouisite pnintinus. "Victory" will undoubtedly convert a lot more people to the belief in motion pictures uml it will send tlu regular adherents of the screen into all kinds of ecstasy. BLACKSTONE PAGE lina if DinUn . iVol'llia Talmaduv i Iun .nl. tin- T?i rtW'.1VJR I'v'thrcfi diiiH.,ii;iiininir liji(c)j-iiW. .1,11 her, latent i)M'urumm.; 'TA!.JIi'-i'l(.V.iiicn(,''.is.li.e. tills il Jo in, .l.uuwsiiUi mid.- Anita.1 1.oos ndaptVd' lli'c icrccn' version' from Ihe novel by 'Ai-lhuf INirnblow culled "By ttlL'Ilt ,o; .((PlKIUtist, .; i.llo-,:'. Aliss.J.almadLre'.bn hoi uiuiM. v. tuliu, 'i'alma.(te. in jier., 'east pund Wvinlliain StaidiiiL' .is. her-,lendinsr hiun. ' (ivirvth llui;he.s.,,is -mnpthcr well-known member of thu enaL,.. Ito Feels Like a Now Sinn Rlinumnttn nnfnu linlrnnl.n f uuhuluu, yuiuo In sides, eoro muscles, stiff Joints or an "always tired" foollne arn iiRnnl- ly symptoms ot disordered klrinnvu W. W. Wells, Toquln, Mltjh., writes: I am on my feet most of tho time and got tired. But after taking Fo ley Kidney Pills I feel like a now man. I recommend thorn to my cus tomers and have novor heard nf nnv case whoro thoy did not give satisfac tion, rrompt In action to relievo kidney troubles and bladder ailments. For salo by Medford Pharmacy. All tho magic ot India, China, and Egypt were like playthings In the hand ot tho great magician, Ulack stono, at the opera house last night. For two hours the audience thorough ly enjeyod tho wonderful Illusions and trickery ot this mastort each one more baffling than the ono before. There were a great many things that maV tho evening ono of gen ulRO pleasure, -flrstMif "Wbioh waB tho personality of Mr. lilackutone him self. One usually pictures a magic ian as a sort of wierd and uncanny person, but such was not tho case last night. Mr. Illackstone is quite human and very witty. Ho koeps tho audlenco in a rear of laughter the greater part of tho evening. Circu lating among tho audience a consid erable part of the time, ho porforms various tricks in such a refinod and ontortainlng manner that no one could ta.ko offense 'Ab for' tho tricks and illusions, per form'iy 'by " 'Mr! 1'Blacki)lon'o ' and the supporting company, they Includod everything "from cttrny mi.at dirnjiipauie i!Iy;"01,)Ve1, coi a turn Mr will ejVif 4p Vlill'HUI':eitk per formance tonight and the distinct en jpymontjof everyone last night, big bouse. Salem should insure a Capital-Journal. Blackstone will be at the Thursday night, Feb. 2iith. Page Two turned at Oil Well. TUI.SA. Okla.. Feb. 21 Two men were burned to dentil and three in jured so .severely it is believed thev will die. when the Slick-Jones oil well near JanniiiKs hurst into flames early today. WILL BUILD $150,000 CHURCH. (Continued from Pago One) States In my work, and 1 have never seen a city anywhere the size of Med ford with as high class of peoplo as we have here, where there were ao few modern church buildings as are found in this city!' Continuing, Mr. Sasnett said: "It seems to mo that tho situation constitutes a challenge to the entire southern part of the state, and should lie taken up and agitated by the var ious commercial clubs and other civic organizations. If Medford leads the way with one of tho most modern temples of worship to be found any where in the west the church situa tion In this section cf tho state will be vitally affected, and will receive such an. ImpetiiB ub will react on every phase of life commercial and industrial us well as religious. Then inlead of muny ot tho most substan tial tourists giving us 'the once over' and passing on to make their home elsewhere in the west they will be at tracted and maje their homes here. You may put It down that tho highest type 'of people looking for a place to make their homes want the best re ligious and educational advantages tor their children. The city that falls to have the very best schools and iliuiclics is short-sigblcd, and is but sinning against Itself." Altho the name of the church has not been fully decided upon. It tnay be called "The People's Temple ". This name has been suggested in view of the character of the work contem plated. Tentative plans involve a main auditorium seating about twelve hundred and fifty people. Special at tention and emphasis is now being given to the musical department of the church with a view of having a large pipe organ to support a chorus choir of a hundred voices. It Is also planned to have an educational equip ment that will afford every advantage for religious Instruction being car ried on according to tho highest prin ciples of modern education. There are to be social parlors, which will be at the disposal of the civic Organ izations of tho city. In a word, the building committee will have In view all the needs of the community inter ests and life of the city In determin ing the final plans and specifications. Iti'gin Work by Full Such a plant and equipment, sup ported by thoro organization, it is believed, wilt command the services of some of the most able ministers of the church. If the appeal of the local church to the Methodist board of missions for fifty thousand dollars to aid in Hie enterprise is ucted upon favorably it is expected that actual construction will begin by full. The cost of tho entire building will bo from J100.000 to $1.10,000. At their meeting on Wednesday I evening the official board also auth orized the trustees to purchase the splendid modern home at 27 North Orange for a parsonage. This is only two blocks from the new church location. caT(Vyr to te ! mtliiiiiSns. InvaV DnWfirmi?a quip or rn whlchjjring a,Iuugh. tr. Rlackstnrio midp his ccmpany .:ci ( Mr'.v !;! BIG 4 1 S fomach-lCidneys-Heart- JL,i ver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL IL Tba National Ramedy of Holland fur centuriaaand andoraad by Queen Wilhol roina. At all druggists, three sizes, fer th name Geld MmUI en overy box , fad accept ae imiUtiga PAGE Mail Orders Now Seat Sale Tuesday Prices $1.50. $1.00. 50c "Plus Tax. Thursday Feb. 26 'JMsfTSv-BIif ' "fi$R1EATEST AND, Mdsjf ' sfcxSATIOfcAT. O1 ?'''; v;j :i.";' K .1 '- ; : STAGE RIALTO LAST TIMES TONIGHT BEACH MODELS APPEARING IN PERSON STARTS TOMORROW THREE DAYS Norma , Talmadge Her fii'st special ' Production "The Isle of Conquest" Think of a pretty woman, a man-hater, and a hand some man, a woman-hater, cast np by the sea on a desert tropic isle just those two. '' - Some Story Starts Tomorrow Medford Concrete Construction Co. General Contractors Dealers in -Washed Sand,. Gravel, Crushed Iiock,. and Ccmiftt' Office Jackson County Bank. ; 1 1 '- -! '. i t m U;" r; f ' ' Phone icTHE-HOMEDEMANOK Sredffinl1 business men requested ua to fill SIX VACANCIES in their offU'eii last webki " , ', :.y. m.-z-a , , ;, LEARN MORE; .EARN; MORE ff jENJOY MORE .;WLJW?ie.i;.t9.J!U.KUJ!.PHS5!W.?ft.'?r5lSu,'v? P"' "1" ln fitness - MED Individual Instrnctlon I. !'' ' ' Day or evening WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY DANCE Ashland Nat, Saturday, February 21 Launspach Orchestra Admission Free , On account of .Washington's Birthday coming on Sunday, dance will be held Saturday. J , ; SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY One Box of Charmona Face Powder FREE with each jar of Cocoa Butter Cold Cream. Kegular price GO cents. Jo Simple yburBou t T T f ?. t "t ? T t ? ? t X f T X ? f T T t Can Operate It Western Ele ctric POWER & LIGHT r....i Ti . .i..: . ti i.. i . . j . w iv fulfill i'jii-ci 111; x liiius jirc urine in capacities OL from 400 to 1,500 watts. We sell you a plant fitted to ' i your needs. . Mr. Farmer When .you buy 3'our farm lighting plant and water system this spring, be sure you are getting one that v.ill fill your needs, not only for now, but for years from now. When you bought your automobile you investigated until you found what you wanted. Do the same with the farm power and light plant. Consider a few of the details of THE WESTERN ELECTRIC ' 15 D. C. Power and Light Plant l.")00-watt generator, a capacity of 7.")- '20 watt or l(i C. P. lights, o''i II. P. kerosene or gasoline engine. Generator and engine on same shaft. Electrically started and automatically stopped. : Air cooled; no leaky radiator or tank. Special design long-life, large-capacity batteries. No More Hard Work Where t T t T t f T t f ' t J t t t T t t t THESE Modern Water SvStPmfi mercial Buildings, Garages and all places where A Wilier la 11CCUCU. I'U ..... , , The Paul Water System can be operated from the farm light plant or .from the power line. " PAUL'S ELECTRIC STORE t" I ryyyy" y-y ?.";vy"' i"'.. I J"". " r--i