Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 18, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    wEDFOTin urnr, TTiinim-rc. flrEDroTtn.
okiwox. Wednesday. EEP.mTAftV is. ir20
"They said I couldn't live mum
than hIx months longer, hut I'm hi ill
here and feeling fine," said 'Mrs.
Mary Daley, of y.U) Oak St., San Fran
eiflco, Cal.
"I have actually gained Beventeen
pounds since I hcgan taking Titular:."
she continued, "and to look at nw
one wouldn't think that for several
months J was unaljle to do my house
work. I suffered I'rcin gastritis all
tho time, would bloat terribly and
always felt miserable. had no ap
petite and felt nauseated all the time.
I was bo nervous the least little- noise
would startle mo and it was almost
impossible to get u good night a sleep,
I had night sweats and was so run
down and weak that ttie slightest
exertion would almost exhaust me
completely. I lost weight dreadfully
and was told that I couldn't live six
months at the rale I was then going
down hill.
"Nothing helped me until I began
taking Tanlas and I honestly helievt
It is the finest medicine In the world
for It has mado me just like a new
person. My appetite Is splendid and
i never have the slightest indigestion
any more and I never enjoyed kih
flue and refreshing sleep in my lif
Ufl 1 do now. My house has eight
'rooms and I U all the work with
ease. Tanlac lias been a god-Hem
to urn and 1 would be selfish not to
tell others about it.'
Tanlac is sold in Medford by West
Hide Pharmacy, in Cold Hill by M. It
Howers, Jn Central 1'oint by .Miss .M
A. Moo, In Ashland by Kast Side
Pharmacy, in Kaglo Point by Von
der llellen. Adv.
New Spring
Line of Woolens
GUS, the Tailor
111.-, Went Sliiln.
Seed & Feed Co.
317 East Main Street.
Out' mill in .hu-ksnitvllle in riinnliiK
t ill 1 iimh h y mill I In' mill in Suiilli
ciLst .Medion! will lo ready fur opi-rn-
llnu Kiiiin. Wo employ homo liilmr
nud use home-nrim n Itinlii'P. riilron.
i'Mt homo Industry mill lii'lp innliiliiiii
u pny-rull for .Mcdfot-d.
city orrii-o s. i ir rimiio rn
Licerisod Cit.v Sonvprip-fir.
All rcfuso Immediately removed on
short notice Weekly visit In real-
.llotrlnta l:iilv Iii.Ith: ilia.
ASIil.A.VI). Kuli. H. Tlin Kutlier
mil Sun liiiiKiliel, liiTi-tiil'uru hi-)ii-Iii!-d
tin' Kclirun rv 'JO. tm-i hceii met-
inmi'il until Tiii'kIhv eveniiiL'. I-Yliru-;irv
2, i u-f m j tlv nt 7 u'cluck. The
-i i'lie tt'il lie tin' Ariiiiii'V. Umil lirk
Hs, .'iilmiltiii Imlli f. -idier .iikI miii.
will lie (111 i-ciils eiicli, llie sule In rlos-i-I'elinilll'V
Aeiiiinlliiiilliliiilw will
lie ii-u iileil lui- Hill, inn! there should
lie mi wiuI'iil' lit. i-ulceiiiientlv se
cure tickets e.-irlv. Ki'iireseiilutives
(rum viiriuiis eliin'clies anil Kiindnv
k-IiiiiiIs will hiimlle I he tickets, niul
iiii-v eiill lilsn Ik- (iiiinineil eillicr et
Holmes M.rnct'1-v. Ii'usi! I'.ros. c(inVi--tionerv,
in' the White llniise '.'riicei v.
'A sciire nl le.-iiiin eili(ins Ihliilluh
(iiil the 1'iiitiil v iilleiiileil the weeklv
liiiicheiiii helil at AIciH'iii-iI today liv
the ( 'liaiiilii-r ul' ( 'nnuucri'ii nf thut
eitv. the invilniinn ln-in-j snei-i.-il
line, In ilscllss mutters li'hilive t.
the n-iiiiiei ihjhI hiuiil issue uiei
other i 1 1 1 it : i ii I nlTnirs.
Sml news In parents unci 1'rienils
wns n tclcyrnni receiveil here mi
Tiiesilnv iNui-niii'.'-. iinniniiieinir th--siiihlen
ih'Hth nf Klviilue, eldest sun nl'
Mr. and .Mrs. I-'. (1. MeW'illiiiins.
which iiccinreil Kelinuirv 17. in the
viiinilv nl' Newnmii. Ciilil'., not far
f t . jiii Snll I'Vanciseo. Miss I' ninee-'.
tencher in the Onkhiml schonls, mill
n sister nf the decenseil, was the first
tn not i I'v the luiroiits, u shnel; which
has well-niiili tln-m. Kl
viihje was .'hi year sohl. anil lor sum.'
tune nasi has heeij in the einnlnv ol' a
lii'.' ranch estate in the vicinity ol'
A new ilciiai-liire with the Medio-ili-ls
is the oliservunce of "church
nialit." hehl once each month, when
the iiiemlicrshin el loaelher, hrinuiiiL'
ainiile lunch haskels nml enjoy an
ideal reunion on a i-oinniunity ( in
terests hnsis loi'lilii-il ,v inlly fellow
ship. I'hil 1 4. uili ;i in. Civil war veteran, has
been ill to such an extent, of late
that friendly neiu'hbors bad the old
i:endeiuaii removed to the (Inutile
City hosiilu, of which circumstance
a son residinu- in Oakland, Cal., has
been notified.
milliner ol imp iiiuitist. nersua-
sion went to Aleillord on Monday
iiinir to bear the address eiveii hv
V. U. Ilinsnn of 'ortland.
I be rarent-Teachei' circle ol' West
Ashhunl will t at .unir lliirh
school 1-riilav alternoon of this week
l-'eliruarv ul -1 o'clock. There nil
be a iminrnin of exeenliniial merit
both literary ami musical, iiieludiu
in nddress hy I'rof. Viiiimr. followed
by a social hour.
I he local Host of the American
l.ccion now liuiiibers over Kill, nml i.-i
I'litudly uniiroaeliim;- die l'lll i k
to its numerous activities tie
has added un eiuiilovinenl bureau, a
very iinnortanl accessory in eonnei
lion with the practical help which the
hoys ul lord Ihrouuli various ehau
Coninciileiit with additions ami im
iiroeuieins in parks am mi o ennui
irrouiids, lollow extensions to tin
Inch drive which were surveyed mid
planned sometime niro. The Wes
nh' will soon boast of a lii"liwav
which will hit the luuh places way
iinovo the heenic drive, in fact it
will w ind its win- clear over the eresi
ol ad ii nt lulls.
Previous to her depiirtiini for I.nn"
Heaeh. Cal.. to reside iiennanentlv,
Mrs. ( lark Hush has been the reoin
icin oi manv social lavoi-s troin n
le ol intimate I rieiu s with whom
she is an esteemed lavoiile. Heeenl
Iv Mrs. Louis I Indue mid Mrs. I . 1 1
MeXnir enlerlaineil a inirtv of mu
tual tneiiils ut the II.mIl-c home
Allison street. .Mrs. Hush lu-imr the
iioiiono uiiesi ill nils ilelielitlu so-
llll I'vellt.
I'rospects indicate that (be A-ri
ciillnral Collece Cudel band will aiv,
a eoneerl mid dance in Ashland ear
i.. :.. m . .i. ,i. . .
i. in .uni-en, ine jwucricnn l.ecion
post mid Military company unit in-' in
iieinu' sponsors lor the dual entertain
Andv McCallen writes from Texas,
inceniim; die plundeiinu" f his of
cis nunc rciiiriiiHi: noni tlie war
zone, that the thievery was nndonl
edlv comiiiiiti-d aboard ship, mid that
u addition to common beloni;iii.'s In-
ost a nuiulier ol souvenirs 1iifhlv
irizeil on uccoiint ol family asso
i.itions and a wide circle of friend--hips.
Paul McCoy Mitchell is the nairn
ivhicli hns hcen In-slowed upon the in-
ant bov iciciitly adopted hv Mr. and
Mis. Horace Mitchell. The -ha lie tint
to many thousands is practi
cally a matter of the right use
of reliable means of main
taining vitality.
time-honored and reliable,
combines palatability, inherent
virtues and unrivuled efficucy.
At the first sign of weakness
take Scott s Emulsion.
It is known every
where by the "Mark of
Efficacy" the Fisherman
tkvU thmuctiUAmilicUl.N.j. lr ll
ontv receivns pvorv attention which
loving hearts fun prompt, but u!o
has l)een litem Iv showered with a
'tnssiau." incIinliiiK a eomplote
enuipment of dainty irarments, tiit
liit't oi" kind hetirted Uet Ooms work
ers mid friends in 'general. The Ked
Cross ladies have now pmvided lmrnes
fur the three voumjest ehililren of
this strii'ken farnilv.
W. J. Hale. ti'inp-'Tarlv residintr tu
Santa Jiarbara, with his fani-
ilv, has heen ill. He plans to return
home here with the advent of settled
spring weather.
Quarantine bans have been raided
as far as sehool attendanee js en
cerned, with no indication that tlcv
will he renewed unless further eonta
i:iuiis cases develop.
A Salviit!n Armorv advisory
board has been established in Ash
lanI recitfitlv, duly ol Tieeri'd. War
ren A. t'hileote. field representative,
iustitutr'd the ordainat ion, whieh
will be perfected, and if demands of
the local situation warrant, arm v
workers will be detailed for active
(Icoriie Davis, well known local
colored man. who lived the life of a
recluse up the canvon, was found j
dead in bed on Monday mo mine, no j
suspicious circuni'-Aani'cs indicating I
1 1) he died of other than natural
causes, and it is doubt fill if an in
puest will be deemed necessarv.
(Jennie, whs a ojtiet, industrious fel
low, cultivating a small property near
his modesL home, and doimr all sorts
of odd iobs about town. Very little
is known as to his antecedents.
Co. Ii, or Kirst unit of the National
Guard, was inspected on Mondav ev
ening hv Col. Kraneis Koestcr, V. S.
A., who put the command ihrouuh u
course of sprouts that fulfilled the
most exaetiiiL' military reiiuiremeuts.
Krtua here rhc colonel went to Med
tord. In this coucctitm it mit'ht b
added that dipt, l'aul 'llalhawav.
-I!llh Infantry stationed at Vancouver
Barracks, 1ms been in Ashland of late
on recruiting duly, with headquarters
at Hotel Austin.
. .1. Itodire of Ka stern Oregon, has
iottic.l the colonv Immc from that see
tioii in purchasint- Ashland property,
having' secured throuL'b the Hillings
a tie ii ey, the residence of Mrs. Kliza
beth Cromer on Walnut street.
Trinity (Juild is plannim: an Kaster
I'.azaar for Monday, April 5th. I
i it is not strnnso that it la frequently
I believed to be identical with tnem
However, he thinks it is quite a dis
tinct disease, as it is confined chiefly
1 1 c adults and does not leave the se-
i rious effects of cerebro-spinal raenin-
! The malady has been diagnosed In
! widely scattered parts of the world
jn l'J17, 191S and 1919. At least
loll cases were reported from Kng-
lish cities in 19 IS, but it died out in
June. Until this year it had not
been reported in luily since 1SS9
and 18911, when it appeared in Man
tua. Many persons died then after
a few days, .sometimes even hours, of
lethargic sleep which could not be
overcome. Bulgaria also had an epi
demic at that time, and cases oc
curred in the I'nited States.
7OMR Sleeping sickness, or
sleeping headache, as the Italian
scientists prefer to call the malady
which has appears :n Home and
.several ether Italian cities, is believ
ed by Professor (luiseppe Sanarelli,
the distinguished Italian bacteriolo
gist, to be the same as that which
ioll(wed other waves of influenza
Pope Henedict XIII died from influ
enza In liliO. Tho after effects of
the epidemic at that time were so
baneful that his successor Benedict
XIV, waived the fasting of church
men during Lent and similar action
was taken by Pope I-eo XIII in liSiHt,
when there was another wave of In
fluenza, or la grippe.
Professor Sanarelli, who has heen
studying the disease, says that the
best way to avoid sleeping sickness
is to keep the powers of risistanee
up to the highest point, as It seems
to attack ohleriy persons who are
in a run-down condition. Ho also
warns the public not to he unduly
alarmed about the disease, and says
he is unwilling fo concede It is high
ly communicable or contagious until
tho actuul cause of the malady is
determined. And he does not think
1ie germ will he discovered until after
extensive experimentation with the Immigrants who como by steerage at
brain of monkeys, such an expensive j Kllis Island Instead of on shipboard
work that it can be carried out only as at present.
with the aid of the millions of some 'it' the primary tests are made at
philanthropic millionaire like John j the island, more than l.UOO men and
1). Koekefellcr. j women will read from the Psalms
Professor Sanarelli says because . there daily, and Miss Liberty, who
of the sporadic appearance of the dis- stands a stone's throw from the
ease iL is reasonable to assume many island slip, could hear If she were
persons carry the germs, but are im- incarnate.
mune to the disease until there is Reading from the Psalms is the
some sudden let down in their physl- j literacy test for -admission to this
cal condition which overcomes their j country, which went lntc effect in
power of resistance. As the malady May. 1!H7, and is now receiving Its
itlways makes Its appearance at the first real trial because immigration
NEW YOHK Uncle Sam will soon
be conducting great classes in read
ing the Psalms almost at the feet of
the Statute of Liberty If proposals
lor changes in examinations of in
coming aliens are adopted.
Alfred Hampton, Assistant Commissioner-General
of. Immigration,
has been conferring with immigra
tion officials in regard tc restoring
the pre-war practice of examining all
The Horrible
Handicap of Catarrh
You .Must ld-ive it Out of the Wood
To Hot Kid ot It
same season as infantile paralysis
and cerebro-spinal meningitis, or
spotted fever, and as it persists in
reappearing occasionally between
during the war was small. The law
Champlin spent Thursday evening at
tew exceptions must he able to read
from lit) to 40 words in any language
epidemics. Professor Sanarelli says t he or she desires.
Just add water,
it's ready
A,dam never had a handkerchief
is another way of saying that Ca
tarrh is an ailment that we owe tc
civilization and the effects of mod
em life. Catarrh is not a disease
like pneumonia or typhoid fever. Ca
tarrh is caused by impure blood,
laden with irritating and poisonous
matter acting upon cells lining the
nasal passages and throat, that have
already been Inflamed, irritated mid
caused to overwork, by expc-.iure to
dust, dirt, sudden changes of tem
perature, abnormal dryness of the
air, and germs. Catarrh cannot be
cured by spraying and douching
the throat. The unhealthy condition
pf the blood must lie cercoinf, puri
fied and restored to a healthy condi
tion. You must realize that the disease
itself, and not its symptoms, is what
you have to cure. Of course, you
know that when you are cured of any
disease its symptoms will disappear.
Catarrh manifests itself by inflam
mation of the delicate membranes ot
the nose and air passages which choke
up and make breathing difficult. To
get rid of these distressing effects
you must remove their cause.
The blood is laden with the t'a
.lurrh germs, which direct their ut
tuek against the tender and delicate
membranes of the nose and throat.
These germs cannot be reached by
sprays or douches, which, of course,
have no effect whatever upon tho
S. S. S. is a purely vegetable blood
remedy, made from roots and herbs
direct from the forest, which combat
promptly any disease germs or im
purities in the blood.
Once you get your blood free from
impurities cleansed of tho catarrhal
piisons which it is now a prey to
because or its unhealthy state then
you will be relieved of Catarrh the
dripping in he throat, hawking,
and spitting, raw sores in the nos
trils, and the disagreeable bad breath.
It was caused in tho first place, be
cause your impoverished blood was
easily infected. Possibly a Blight
cold or contact with someone who
had a cold. Hut the point is don't
suffer with Catarrh it is not neces
sary. Tho remedy, S. S. S., discover
ed over fifty years ago, tested, true
and tried. Is obtainable at any drug
store. It has proven its value in
thousands of cases. It will do bo in
your case. Uot S. S. S. at once and
begin treatment. If yours Is u long
standing case, be sufe to write for
free expert medicul advice. We will
tell you huw this purely vegetablo
blood tonic cleanses Ire impurities
from the blood by literally washing
it clean. We will prove to you that
thousands of sufferers from Cutarrh,
after consistent treatment with S. S.
S., havo been freed from the trouble
and all its disagreeable features and
restored to perfect lieulth und vigor.
Don't delay tho treatment. For free
medical advice address Swift Medi
cal Director, 107 Swift Laboratory,
Atlanta, tia. Adv.
Automobiles, -Tractor, Farm Implement, Factory,
Household and Store parts
Welded, He-enforced and Guaranteed.
All Metals, all Shapes, all Sizes.
39 South Front Street.
It's Breakfast Table Popularity
that makes PANCAKE FLOUR ?ch a
success '. You serve those bi?, fluffv . rolden hmwn
Pancakes to yourhungry family -they want them
every day in the weekl
As for pre-breakfast speed, with fef$r' ANCAKE FLO UP
you can mix a big bowlful of batter while the griddle heats.
Even the milk is there, in powdered form. That's the reor
why a package of PANCAKE FLOUR dosts you c
few cents more than ordinary Pancake Flours and the cak?r
cost considerably less.
Only the choicest buckwheat, wheat, corn and rice go into
, gZffoV PANCAKE FLOUR with the exact amount of rising
and a bit of corn sugar to make a crispy crust.
Swezy, is just off the press. A postcard request will
bring you a free copy. Address our Home Office,
West yaterway, Harbor island, Seattle.
Fisher Flouring Mills Company
' Seattle , Belling ham
Mount Vernon
Recipe No. 68 in Finhr's Ro
Oat and Fuh-r'i Pmrakj
Flour Cook Bool
Allow Imtk- !.amhii: .
Mnall frlttrrv Cui !ln-
BT;ipini:. into ,n'r i.
Into liultrn or lhlnl; i r'
klt' wi'h a Mltlf IriM. n i ,:
derel UKr C'Vt uti-
twenty in lii ut! ur i tin
ittLh IUe into a baiivi
cut water
Fry In tlecp lioU tut Of tun ui.
itr amt rod in puwUtte,! i
be 4 t d hut.
March 15tli our large Incubators will lie nt your service
These inciibntors are (he best hot water machines and are In
stalled in a modern incubator cellar. Your eggs will be incubated
Agents for tho
Kresky Ventilating Brooder Stove
Tho best brooder on the market Como and see it in operation. .
Phone 201-W.
Cnroll F. Carpenter
How Quick a IvisfcgMll brag
Saw Pays
For Itself
C-i&p h. p.
L f I Dependable Molor
Men Who Have Only a Month or
So of Cutting, are Buying
Drag Saws
They realize thai the low cost
of a Mitchell and speedy work
it docs eliminates all other
methods of bucking Iwood
OTHERS who ape in the woods fop months each year
and get out wood as a money making business buy
Mitchell Saws because they Know that It Is a saw
built to do the business and do It Pighl. A staunch, well
braced WOOD frame insures proper alignment of work
ing parts. An engine that Is as carefully built as an auto
mobile engine. It is powerful when you buy It and retains
Its power during Its life. Bearings that ape long and care
fully fitted. Hn engine clutch when wanted, that is a dup
able clutch of positive action. These ape reasons why men
buy Mitchell Drag Saws if they have a great amount of
sawing to do op arc clearing up timber land. Come In and
let us show you the superiorities of the Mitchell.
Seeing is Believing and VVc
Can Convince you
Medford, Oregon
.............. - J u 1. ...... ..u u.v I
trict. 1'lioaoB 277-J.