STPHTFCnn) M7TTC TRTBTTNT5. BEDFORD. OT?FiO TUESDAY. FE?ttU A T1Y 17, 1020 POT! FTYT5 mm in Livestock rOUTI.AND. Ore.. i'Vli. 17. Vat -llc weaker: receipts 14:1. Grain umi i'c.l steers. rj.7."; ..)uii-i , U.OOui 11..10; irootl to choice, $1(1. no (ii'11.00; medium lo rood. !l.00( 10.00: fair lo irood, 8.0(l(i D.llll; cum moil to l'uir. $7.00(;8.00 : choice cow.; and heifers, $l).."0(i 10.."; siooil to choice, $S..r0(ffiO..)t; medium to ood, S7.."i0( -8.00: fair to medium. .fii.-KKu 7.."0: dinners, $.'1..")0( ; hulls, if (i.'i j(n 8..10 ; iirime liulit calves. 15.50(3)17.00; medium liirht. (n 15.50; lieavv, 7.00( l'J.50; stock era and t'cedrs. :r8.00(u;!).f0. Hobs Ktvndv; receipts lUli. Prime mixed, $15.75(l(i.25 ; medium, $15.25 rl5.75;' lieavv. 11.00(n ; 15.'J5 lasts, $i;i.00(tt)15.00. Sheep steady; receipts 8. F.nst .rn lambs. '$17.00(il!l8.00: lielit val ley. $16.00(,' 17.00; heavy. H.50u: 15.50; feder lambs. $12.00 15.00 : venrliiiL'S, $13.50(?14.(I0; wethers. $13.00(iil3,50 : ewes. $10.00(12.00. liuttcr. 1'ORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 17. Itut ler steady ; cubes exlrn 50' .( fillc ; parchment wrapped, box lots. (i2c; i-nrtons. 6.1c; halt boxes, halt' cent more; less than half boxes one cent more. Btittcrfat (i'.)fJi litje f. o. b. station; 02(a) Gle Portland. ' E88 Ecus, selline priee. ease count,' Hc: buyinu' price, 42 :; selling price, candled. 4(ic. Poultry Hens, 28(;30e II).; broilers. 35(? 40c lb.: old roosters,- 18(ff20e lb: turkeys, 57e lb live, 50e dressed: treese, 20((f25c: ducks. HbOHtiv. Hay and Grain Oals. $00.00 bid; corn, No. 3, yel low,. $58.50 bid. linv liuviiisr priee. timothy, $28; nll'alfii, $32: arum. $20. .Mr. and .Mrs. C. W. McDonald and Miss Woodsom McDonald eamo down from Medford Saturdny and were week-end guests at tho F. I,. Pickett liome. I. IT. Porter was a Medford visitor Saturday. Mrs. Poachy, who has been em ployed at tho I. II. Porter home the past two weeks, returned to her homo in Ashland Saturday. Mrs. Abbio Champlin, Mrs. Beat rice Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. P. Champlin spent Thursday evening at tho G. I). Alden homo Mr. Chas. Wahl left Tuesday for Colorado Springs, whoro he will visit for a couple of weeks with a sou and daughter, both of whom uro quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Matthews en joyed a visit from an old friends, Albert Sanders, who lived on Foots Creek somo years ago, hut has since lived In Washington, where ho perse vered in his search for gold and has become quite wealthy as a miner. F. C. Elliott was down from Med ford Friday and left his son, Donald, with Mrs. C. H. Wahl for a short time, ct until Mrs. Elliott, who has been quito ill, is much improved. Mr. and .Mrs. Ceo. B. Alden and F. E. Mattison left Friday fur Med ford where they have taken rooms at tho Barnum Apartments: .Mr. and Mrs. HIchard Engel have leased the Alden ranch for a year and will make their homo there during tho absence of Mr. and Mrs. Alden. Geo. W. Jacobs and 13ort CaiToy were dinner guests Sunday at the I. 11. Porter homo. Miss Muriel Matthews was a guest of Mrs. Maudo Champlin Friday. .Mr. and Mrs. C: it. Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Foster were in .Medford Monday evening to see "The Bird of. Paradise" at the Page Theater. "Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray were call FALLING? HERE'S WHERE IT SHOWS Don't worry! Let "Danderinc" save your hair and double its beauty To stop falling hair at once nnd rid tho valp of every particle of dandruff, pet small bottle of delightful "Dandcrine" at any drug or toilol counter tor a lew cents," pour a little in ynur hand and rub it into the acalp. After several applica tions the hair usii il! v t"P coming out and yon can't find any dandruff. Your hair Will grow strong, thick anil long and appear soft, flossy and twice as ocauu- (u! ea, eMsitasi,' J7 ill ing en old friends in Ashland Thurs day. Word was received by Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Woolverton that their son. Al Woolverton. was married last week at Seattle to Miss Ithh of that place. Mr. Woolverton has been working in the interests of tho nin parlisan league the past year with offices at Seattle. . .Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hullo nl tend ed the funeral of Mr. McCov at Gold Hill. The new bridge at Roc!'. Point was inspected by state officials on Satur day and work was pronounced up to the standard and according to speci fications. .Mr. Foster, the supeiin dent, with bis wife, will depart for their homo in Portland Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Foster have made many friends in their short stay here, who regret very much lo see them go. At a meeting of the Riverside Com munity club, held Suturday evening at tho Riverside store, the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: President, W. V.'. lluile; vice president, C. R. Uoyd: secretary and treasurer, Fred C'auiplin; di rectors. G. 'IS. Alden, and Chas. P. Champlin. After the business of the evening was dispensed with, a good social lime was enjoyed and refresh ments were served. Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Wahl and Mr. and .Mrs. G. H. Alden camo down from Medford Saturday evening for the week-end and attended the Com munity Club business) meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wahl have rent ed their ranch to .Mr. and Mrs. P. McQunt, who will take possession March 1. Tho Recreal.'on Club wus delight fully entertained by Mrs. MeQuat on boots creek Thursduy afternoon. The following ladies contributed to the SQUEEZED TO DEATfl When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these, organs healthy by takic- COLD MEDAL Tho world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add 'troubles. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in. good health. In threo sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed, as represented. Look Cor the Dims Gold Medal on every bos end accept no imitation K.vtH'utur's I-'iniil Not ire In the County Court of tho Stato of Orcfion for tho County of Jackson. In the matter or the estate of Stewart Patterson, deceased. -(Notice is herehy i;iver. to all heirs, creditors cr other persons interested in the estate of Stewart Patterson, deceased, that .the undersigned, as executor of the last wilt and testa ment of the said Stewart Patterson, deceased, filed his final account as such executor in the office of the Clork of the County Court of the Stato of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, on the 2nd day of February, 1920; and that said court has fixed Saturday,. .March 6th, 1920, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of that day, in1 the court room of said court in the County Court blouse at Jackson ville, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of any objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. All persons having objections to said account are hereby notified to present the same to said court on or before said date. Dated February 2, 1920. 'ALFRED S. V. CARPKNTKR, As executor of the last will and testament of Stewart Patterson, de ceased. ' Real iome Realty Bargains $25,000 for $16,500 111 health and war losses causes the fotlswlng unparallelled offer. A wonderfully fine fruit and Dairy Ranch, GO acres, free water, small amount in pasture and timber, enough for family use. Out range for number of cows. Land lays al most leve'. 2 miles from Ashland. Oood buildings. 'Beautiful shade trees, scenic outlook. Water system fcT house, lawn and barn, under grav ity pressure. 12 acres Bartletts and D Anjou, extra fine, full bearing. 5 acres extra good Bartletl pears and i-Vcwtown apples, full bearing. 2 acres old apple orchard, varieties, bear from 21) to 40 boxes. 1 acre young Elberta peaches, produced 4 00 boxes, 1!)19. Balance in extra fine stand of alfa'i,i and grain. Splendid team cow brood sows tools and ma chinery goes with the place. This is a prize winner place and should be seen to be fully appreciated. Price $16,500 With Terms A VERY EXCEPTIONAL STOCK RANCH 3.10 acres on the paved highway, 1.1U0 elevation, 15 miles from Crams I'ass, on pretty trout stream, private .it, unhn,.l hnnsn nn the ranch. good house and barn ample machinery and tools and. scales. piciuresi" -roundings, land mostly level, but some sloping hill side with got.:! tim ber, saw mill near by, about 100 acres very best soil in alfalfa and grain, produces SO hu. bar',)' and extra heavv yield of rirst-ilass corn. Some more land slashed and ready for cul tivation, large and good out range. Team and machinery, all good, goes wiihijdaoe. or will sell US acres with bldgs., or 150 without. TERMS. I linyp a liuge list of Realty Itiir E. T." STAPLES, Realty Broker Aslilnnil. Oro, . J'UUS 80 enjoyment of the afternoon by help ing on the literary part of the prc gram: Mrs. Duyd. Mrs. Gay and Mrs. Ileatrice Jones. 'Mrs. Foster took a picture of the club. EASE THE PAINFUL RHEUMATIC TWINGE Sloan's Liniment will brlnfl com forting relief quickly NEVER breaks faith, Sloan's Lini ment doesn't. Just penetrate without rubbing and cases the external pain and ache, rheumatic twinges, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica, lame, sore, strained muscles, bruises, sprains. For 38 years it has gone ahead win ning new frends, holding old ones, strengthening its reputation' as the World's Liniment. Clean, effective in relieving the aches and pains of men and women, this old family standby can be relied upon to do jta work promptly and surely. Don't be without a bottle another dav keep it handy. WAll Druggists 35c.t 70c $1.40. , Advertising Rates Classified One cent a word. Locals Ten cents a line. Legal Five cents a line. Display 35 cents an inch. Contract rates on application. Cash in advance. 11 ELI' WANTED FEMALE WANTED Reliable middle-aged woman, pood cook and housekeep er. Three in family. Oood wases nnd a Rood home. Box T. Hail Tribune. - 2SI WANTED Experienced waitress, 6 days a week, li usher Cute. WANTED ford. -Waitress. Hotel Jled- WANTED Cook, wages J40.00 a month. Mrs. Iteddy. Tel. 380. HELP WANTED MALE RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS? 110 mo'iith. Ako, 18-3.1. Experience unnecessary. For freo particulars examinations, write J. Leonard I (former Government- Examiner) 7.1S Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. 2S2 WANTED We have positir.n for a boy over 16 who wants to learn photography. Swem's Studio. WANTED Young man to work in paint shop. Oood chance for ad vancement. Medford Auto Paint Shop, 122 North Riverside. 279 MISCELLANEOUS WE PAY MORE for old machines than anybody In Medford. See us before you buy or sell. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 11a West Main street. Phone 215-u. 2i WE DO HEMSTITCHING and pecot Ing 10c per yard, silk or cotton, thread furnished. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 115 West Main street. Phone 215-R. 291 POLITICAL CARDS. District Attorney. I herehy announce myself as a can didate for tho office of Prosecuting Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon, on tho republican ticket, subject to the wish of tho voters at tho coming primary election. If nominated and elected I will seo that tho laws are justly and honestly enforced. Re spectfully yours, Adv. II. A. CANADAY. Relieving that mv successful man agement of the office of District At torney has shewn me thoroughly qualified, and that I can serve tno neonln of Jackson county, in that capacity best, I announce my candi dacy for re-election on tho republican ticket at the May primaries. Adv. G. M. ROBERTS. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the office of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected I pledge myself to an impartial enforcement of the law. P. FARRELL. Adv. Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office of sheriff on the republican ticket, sub ject to the May primaries. I feel that my record as a public official during the first l-rm entitles me to re-nomination and re-election. Adv. C. E. TERR1LL. I hereby announce myself a repub lican candidate for sheriff of Jackson county, at the May primaries. Sev eral years experience lu this line of work, including lust six months of 1919 in the tax collection depart ment, thoroughly qualifies tno to ad minister tho duties of the office In an efficient manner. Adv. JOHN B. W1MER. ('minly Clerk I announce my candldary for re nomination for County Clerk on the republican ticket subject to the decis ion of the people at the coming pri maries, and hope my record in this office the first term is such that I am entitled to your support this year. Adv. CHAUXCEY l'LOREY. County A!cfcor. . 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the re-nomlnatlon to the office of County. Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by the Republican party ut the primary election May 2 1st, 1920. Adv, n J, B, COLEMAN, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED ."i or li-room furnished house, April Phone munager of Woolworth Co. 2S1 WANTED To buy a good milk cow. Phone tll-J4. 2SU WANTED To rent modem C or more room bungalow on East side of Pear Creek. C. H. Prown. Phone 591-It. 2 79 WANTED To buy gas stove. Phono 360 or call 216 X Krout. -'SO W'ANTliD To buy 10 stands of hecs. l'hone H. V. niiiKliuni. 5'J7-J-3. WANTED When you have uuildiiiB or repairing, fcee Cillette. UK! South Oakdalo. He does tho work riitht. quick, and reasonable. Hy the day or contract. Phone 471. 301 WANTED St. Louis, prices for fur at Johnson's, 45 Front street. WANTED To buy good clean cotton rags. Vedford Printing Co. WANTED Your nrfle r money at Johnson's, street. worth real 45 Front I WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf VOTX EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE For seven passenger car, six head horses, IHi John Deere wagon practically new. one light two-horse wfigon with springs, one Jc-hn Deere top buggy, with pole and shafts, one set of double harness, heavy wagon har ness, one springtooth barrow, one 10-ineh John Deere plow, one 12- inch Syracuse plow and farm im plements. C. P. Roberts, corner Crater Lake and Spring. 281 FOR EXCHANOE If you hnvoj a five or six rocm modern bungalow on iivcd street you want to ex change for cash, address Box W. P. Mall Tribune. Uivo full particu lars. 279 TAKEN VP TAKEN VP About Kith of Novem ber mill. Red Heifer. Underbit. in right and left. No brand. Mark ed with neck tie dulnp. Phono "7 or enquire of J. S. Vincent, Central Point. RoutoS. v 27 J TAKEN VP Brown pony. No brand. Owner can have by paying charges. 1 103 Niantic street. 283 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Audrows loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Thone 63-M. ""81 North Grape street. FOR ItEXT rVKNISHED KOOMS FOR RENT-: Sleeping rooms, bath, close in. 245 North Grape street. .. .. 2S1 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath, close In. 24 5 North Grape street. I'OU ItEXT HOUSES FO It RENT 'Modern G-ixom bunga low, furnished. Water rent paid. Phone 371-X. 283 FOR RENT-Modern bungalow; 5 rooms and sleeping-porch; fire- ' place; built-in fifttures;. garage; ' well located. J25. Vacant March 1. For appointment address Mail Tribune, B: E. J. 279 FOR RENT Eight room house, modern. Large yard, shade. 425 South Oakdale. Phone 121-R. tf, KOK KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT A few'work horses. ' J. L. Helm. 280 Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Block Wo have some very attractive homo propositions for this week. 1. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors. Nicely located, $1,500.00 2. ,1-room bungalow, garago. Nice grounds, $2,000.00; $G00.O0 cash. 3. G-room bungalow, hardwood floor. For short time, $4,000. 4. Fine country home, 32 acres. 10 acres in alfalfa. Buildings worth $5,000. Price for this only $11,000. Terms. 5. 40 acres with best water right. All best alfalfa land, $7,500.00. We have Beveral very fine dairy and alfalfa properties, best of land, and under irrigation. We adviso in vestment in orchards and can shew you some real bargains. We have one Main street business property at $.1,000.00 under the market and can give you Immediate possession. Is your fire insurance sufficient to cover your loss under present values? . See us for the Best Fire Insurance. Page-Dressier Co. Nash Block Medford Phone 282 WHY 200 ACRES $9,000.00 , STOCK, GRAIN, ALFALFA AND DAIRY RANCH 6 miles from Central Point. Just oft Pacific Highway. For Im mediate Bale, $9,000.00 LESS THAN HALF PRICE This place sold some years ago (or $20,000.00. It Is worth it. 90 acres now In crop. Some good alfalfa fnd gruln. 40 acres more can be cultivated. On good road near school. Ideal place to live. Open range back of place. Bank your money in this land. It will pay 20 per cent on Investment. If looking for land and waut a real bargain see this at once. 1 - ' - f ... . Phono 781-L or call, at 20 X Peach street. J. C. Barnes LOST LOST Lavalliere ii n J chain. Finder return to Katls Transfer Co., and rccoivo reward. 1! SU KOIt 6.U.K MlSl'KI.I.AX UOrS KOIt SALE Pelito prunes, 1.",c; 500 pound U.ts. 14c l'Mio pound lots l:iVfec; f. o. b. tlrants I'ass. John 11. Robinson, ('.runts Pass, H. -I. 2S 1 I'Olt SALE Ford tractor cheap. John Deere, two-liottont sulkey plow. Large De l.uvj Cream Sepa rator, cream cooler. Webster Orchard Co. ft 71 -.15. 2S l'OH SALE Few household articles. Phone 046-K. FOR SALE Alfalfa cultivator, hard ly. used. Tractor plow, 2-hottom, l l-ln. Good saddle horse. Also run works.' D. S. Clark, Hotel Med ford. 2 79 FOR SALE Met'rrniick hinder. 10" gang plow, saw frame, platform scales, grain seedor and Iowa cream separator, apples. Phone 408-R3. 279 FOR SALE First cutting alfalfa hay 2.1.000. One mile east of Phcenix on Scnntlin Ranch. ' 2 82 ! FOR SALE highway. -Alfalfa hay on Phone 2.1-.1-1. King's 279 1,7 FOR SALE New French hotel range. 210 X. Front. Phone 860. 2S0 FOR SALE Croat bargain, moun tain buggy, good as new; 500 feet one-inch iron pipe; corrugated rol ler, three-inch high whoel wagon. W. U. Roberts, Eaglo Point. 281 FOR SALE John Doero 10-inch sulky gang plow in good condition. Phone 591-.I-2. FOR SALE Cheap, strong two-sealed surrey easily made into hack; single, buggy; $1.00 per setting eggs. Wm. McKay, R. 1, phone 539-J-2. 2S0 FOR SALE Dry oaK and man.anita wood, not sawed. Phono 0S5-.I-3. 3SI' FOR SALE Machinery for comploto brick and tilo plant Including clay bank tor ' imtnediato operation. Will give terms on part and take brick in part payment. Big Pines Lumber Co. , tf FOR SALE Seventeen tons baled al falfa hay. Phono 105. FOR SALE Hay. Phone 842-J. FOR SALE Bank, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 9 12-J. FOll SALE POVLTRY AND l'XIGtf FOR SALE i' our hii-class While Leghorn males. Eggs for hatching, $5 for 15. J. O. Isaacson, Central Point. 279 FOR SALE One 400-egg Cyphers Jncubator, $25; also one Indoor Brooder, $5. S. A. Marshall, Cen tral Point. 2 81 FOR SALE Buff Leghorn eggs. $1.00 a sotting, 14(i So. Holly St. 283 FOR SALE One dozen full bloo'ded Minorca hens. Call 311-X. 279 FOR SALE S. C. Whito Leghorn hatching eggs. White Wing Strain Is better this year than over before. Order at pneo. Whito Wing Poul try Farm, Phoenix. 289 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eggs, $1.50 per 15; $2.75 per 30; $8.50 per 100. W. M. Tetherow, Central Point, Oregon". 280 FOR SALE O. A. C. Whito Leghorn cockerels $3.00 each, worth dou ble. For cheaper and bettor hatch ing eggs see Gus Uroinuier, 11. 3, 'Phone 589-J-2. 301 FOR SALE Booking orders eggs and chicks, heavy laying strain White Leghorns, R. I. Reds. Price reasonable. Cockorels cheap. Mrs. F. H. Dressier, phone 777-L. 'OR SALE S. C. Whito Leghorn eggs for hatching. I am also book ing orders for baby chicks. Como and seo my stock. 724 South Cen tral avenue, Medford, Ore. B. II. Butterfield. . 294 FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn eggs from my bred-to-lay pens, also R. C. White Wyandotte eggs of highest quality. W. J. Warner, 519 South Oakdale avenue. Phone 696-M. MONEY TO LOAN On fnrm or orchard land, 0 per cent Interests-five to forty years. McCurdy Insurance Agency i i urn t.y,-- roil SAI.K LIVKSTOt K VOn SALE --Several Jersey and'- liliernsey cows ana neners. roon i to freshen, also Sood work horses. StiS-ll. Ceo. Milton. 24" EOR SALE Mare, easv keeper, true to pull, or trade lor 1'ieycle or fur niture. Phone ::.'.! V, list EOU SALE Finn mule team. lcd leaders. Dandy for orchard work. Foothills Orchard. FOR SALE 21 Angora gnats. Phone 1-F-l-l. 2S2 FOR SALE 1 fresh cow and two stock calves. Bert Slancliff. rhocnlx. 279' FOR SALE 3 teams of horses, har ness and wagon, plough. C. It. Brown. Phono 591-R-l. 279" FOR SALE Saddle pony, young nnd in good condition, gentle and srnmd, $25.00. 322 Eust 12th St. 2S0 FOR SALE Team ranch mares, 270U pounds. Heifer soon fresh. Cheap. Alfalfa had, delivered. 1103 Niantic st. 2S2 I'OR SALE Milk cow. Phone 47.1-Z 210 Laurel street. 278 FOR SALE Cheap, good work horse 30 dollars: also three ono-horso wngons. llll 'North Riverside avonuo, Medford. 2S1 FOR SALE Six beautiful milch cows, four fresh, two coming fresh. Also fine yearling heifer. Good work horse. Three spring wagons and surrey, llll North Riverside avenue, Medford. 281 FOR SALE Pure tied Duroc Jersey wcaneu pigs noiu uig type uucua tors. Unregistered at $8 each; Registered at $14.00 each. Good opportunity to got foodors or breeding stock. Call Modoo Orch ard. I'OR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Small house, chicken house nnd barn lumber. Phone 710, Mrs. Floru Ann Irvine. 280 FOR SALE 80 acre ranch; exchango for ho'uso in Medford. Cull G31 N. "Central, Medford, Oro. 28.1 FOR SALE House nnd two good lots and good barn. How does this strike yon. Good location, good well Al water. Central Point Ore gon. Geo. R. Myers. 2S0 FOR SALE If you are looking for a nico 5-room bungalow home, seo tho one at 5 IS Bcatty street, or would trade in on acreage and pay somo difference. 282 FOR SALE Ranch, hy owner. One . mile from town. Ten acres of good land. AH fenced. Make a first class chicken ranch with improve ments. Box 42, Mail Tribune. 279 FOR (SALE 'Important matters re quires my presence elsewhero, 1 offer for sale all my holdings in Southern Oregon, ut reasonable prices. Pino country home, 51 acres, permanent wator right, good soil, roads, school; part orchard, fljio neighborhood, modern con veniences, oloctrlc lights, tolophone, plumbing, motor power, etc. 7 miles on Crater Lake highway. 40 ucres partly improved, and 40 acres' timber pasturo land in Sams valley. Also tho Tublo Rock Storo property (subject to tenant's lease) near Modoc bridge. Address John Cameron, Route 2, Central Point. Oregon. Phono Central Point 11-1 282 FOR SALE Five room bungalow, with or without furniture. 413 West Second. Phono 54 7-L. 280 FOR SALE Timbered claim, Jack son county, Oregon. Wm,. Wlck ens. Palm City, California. 279 AI'IOMOIULKS FOR SALE 1918, six-cylinder tour ing car. Good condition. Corner 8th and Bartlett. 279 FOR SALE At onco. New Oakland Six. Phone 283-H. 280 VSED CAR clearing house, buy for cash, sell on terms. Pickens-Morrill Motor Co., 18 North Grape. tf FOR SALE A light dollvory Roo truck, new express body and top, four new tires. Price $350. Terns or cash. Tumy Motor Co., 125 South Frant. ' tf FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring car, demountable rims, etc. Phono . 395-M or 121 Crater Lake avenue. 291 BROWNS WHITE REALTORS MEDI'OUI), ORIXJOX Wo have outside well Imprtvod prop erties on tho paved highway. Irrigat ed and non-Irrigated, sizes and prices to suit uny reasonable person. Medford city property from modest cottages to some O'f the finest homes In the city. Stock Ranches adjacent to good range with ample water to produce maximum crops of alfalfa. Somo splendid Orchard and Alfalfa ranches which will show a good net return on the Investment. Wo will be more than pleased to talk with you and show you what wo consider good value. , ' .,',!(' Wo also solicit correspondence. Yours truly. ItVSlXKSS lliUKCTOHY. Auto Supplies. LAHF.R Al'TO SPRING CO. We are operating the largest, oldest and best-euuipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when others fatl. Sold undor writ ten guarantee. 3 1 North Fifteenth St.. Portland, Oregon. Altorneys. W. E. Pill PI'S Attorney at Law, 42.1-421'. M. F. & H. Hldg. Offiro phone 372; residence phono 325-M. ELIJAH II. IIL'RD Lawyer, 213-14 Garnett-Corey Bldg. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett Corey Building. Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK is BLOCK WORKS specialize in ail kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. 259 Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson. C. P. A. Attention given to anything in Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Lock Into our simplified accounting method. M. F. & II. Building, Medford. Phono 157-R. Instruction in Music. FRED ALTON IIAIGHT Teacher of piano nnd harmony, liaignt nuBia studio, 318 Galnett-Corey Bldg. Phono 72. Planing Mill. THOMAS MOFFAT Genoral mill work, sash, doors, mouldings and screens. Shop 437 S. Fir. Phono 184. Physicians and Surgeons. A BURSELL, M. D.: D. C. Splnolo glst, iPhysielnn and Surgooir. Spe cially Physiological Methods. 309-10-11 M. F. & II. bldg. Phono 29. ROBERT W. STEARNS Physician and Surgeon, Jackson County Bank: Bldg. Office hours 9-12, 2-4. Of fice phono 39. Residence 933. DR. J. J. EMIMENS Physician and Burgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically toslod and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co. Bldg. Phone 567. ' DR. F. O. CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATI1IS PHYSICIANS 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone 9M-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel Street "UR. E. RANDOLPH SBELY, 306-307 Morgan building, Portland, Ore., makes a specialty of surgery. Spec lal attention to Medford and Rogue River valloy people. ' DR. McMORRIS M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon Practice llmitod to surgery and hospital obstorlcs. Special attention given to diseases of womon. Offices 306-7 M. F. & H. Bldg. Roaidence, the Daw Hos pital. ' Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best oqulpped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf lcdgors, billing systems, . etc. Portland prices. 27 Nortu Fir St. ' Transfer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO". Office 42 'North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PERL Undertaker Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 28 South Bartlett. Lady assistant. Auto ' mobile Hearse Service Auto Am bulunce'Sorvlce. Coroner. Lodges. , O. O. V. Medford lodge No. Meets every Monday night at 7:30, O, T. Parker, N. (J., W. L. Miller, sccro tury. ItoRue Itlver Encnmpmont No. 30 Meets 2d anil 4th Fridays at 7:30 p. in. h'unmel Mulcwiun. C. I'.,. L. O. How ard, scrihn. Ollvo Kliekah IoiIko No. 2! Meets 1st iiiel 3rd Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Nun nio Hull, N. U., Annie J. Hatemun, screlary. ' ' '' Visitors cordially Invited to all nic-tlrics. You Can Buy These NOW, RIGHT. . 5 room bungalow, modorn, 2 lots with furniture. $1600. u room cottage, modern, 2 lots, on pavement, $1200. 8 rooms, modern, 2 lots, corner, pavement, $1100. ' HI acres Improved, orchard, good buildings, $3000. 10 acres, well located, 6 acres bearing poars, $2000. 120 acres bottom laud, well; Im proved, $6500. HURD LAND ft INVEST MENT CO.