Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 14, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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The Weather
Prediction Fair
Vcsteriuiy's nuiv I0
Today's mill -t
SO. 277
ndir Fourteen-,
. " ' 1 1 ' " - - "- "
' - . A m mm. mm M m. V I I f F
Shoot in the Other Direction!
Dismissal of Secretary of State Give s Publicity for First Time to Per
sonal Differences of Lona Standi nq-Lansinq Opposed Wilson's Notes
to Mexico and Germany Announcement "America Near War" Raised
Presidential Ire In Paris Lansinp and House Both Opposed Wilson in
His Determination to Include Covenant and Peace Treaty Bullitt Tes
timony was Last Straw-But for President's Break Down Lansino's
Resignation Would Have Been Requested Last Fall
WASHINGTON, IY1. H.-(l!y the Associated
press )Rebiikpd hv President Wilson for ealhn- eal
inet meetings during- liis illness, Secretary . Causing lias
resigned. . ,, ...
file president has iiffepted the resignation with ap
preciation," and Mr. Lansing becomes the second secre
1 i..4- !.., ilw. Miliniiiistration over a disagree-
lillV OJ. SltHL l !-- ",v '
jnciit. with his chief.
Although the correspondence between Mr. Lansing
and the president makes tin- calling of the cabinet meet
ings the incident which led directly to the secretary s res
ignation, persons "on the inside" of the administration
... ..... : iw.i, r,,in- mi sav that was only an
WHO Know wimi " m - . . ,
... . . ....... .u.... i, ,.,,.,1 .ismis He the break a'o bat
lnciueni ami mui. ' - . ,
over a period of many months and come I mm iundamen
tal dittercnees oi opinion in
Ilioak Htartcd 111 1017.
The dismrreemcnts between Hip
president and Hie lieii.l f '
department even illiterate the entry
of the United States into the war. I he
relations between the two men al
most reached the brenkint- point early
in 11)17 when Mr. l.ansm-r issued Ins
. I 1 mint Slivillir t If I I""
ccieoraicu sim... "7
ted States was dailv belli.: drawn
nearer and nearer the war. Hv sum.;
it was taken to forecast the entrv n
the United Stales. The president
made cverv effort to overtake the
statement after it had been given out
at the state department but it
When Mr. Lutisinsr went as a mem
ber of the American peace delegation
... ii..: ......... dirl'.n-cnces developed.
With other members of the American
mission he was not in aeconi
president's idea of making the tree
r ml the eovenant ot tin1
i ..r 'lnne one and the-sinne
I. i. ..i li was Mi
mseperaiiie uui"' .. -Lansing's
idea that such a plan would
delay the rutifieution ot a peace
J : iliU he was supported
ni'.iiv iimi i.i i - -
bv llenrv While and I-.. M. Hon'- ,
It mavbe said with a great deal i
authority Unit while the prcsidcn and
Mr. Lnnsine were toacnier in "
other differences of more than minor
nature developed and this is continu
ed bv the reference which the presi
dent makes to it in one of his letter-.
Disagreed on Treaty.
When President Wilson went back
to Paris last March and found t ha
during his brief absence in the I nite.i
States Mr. Lansing and the others ot
the American neuce. mission na.i
agreed, tentatiyelv at least, to nave
the peace terms and tlie I.eicMte ot
x. .- . ..-..ic. I he Slt-
uiilion came very near a breakup.'
point and probably was avoided (inn
i. ..,..,. ill.. ,,,....;..-ill thouL-ht it more
iniportunt not to let F.uropeun stntcs-
nien see a split m the American peace
While Mr. Lansing probablv saw
and conferred with the president in
I :
: pyi jr,u"w' L"i" jKpl
1 MkJivl
rkwh rift. .' k. wv,i ar u u vai ijfKi; A.-kJ5i&'?rA.K&is'JT
mwMWZwmwm &r mmmmk i
far j
1 I
Accept President's Recommendation to Hold Wane Demands in Ahcyansa
Temporarily 300.0CO Members of Maintenance of Way Union Nof
Affected hut Brotherhood Leaders Wire for Them Not to Walk Out
and Believed This Order Will Be O icved President Anrees to Annoint
a Commission of Wane Experts to Go Tlnromihiv Into Unions' Wane
Claims Brotherhood Issues Call for February 23rd to Consider
Further Action President's Letter Not Published.
WASUIVOTOX, I'eli. I I KnlliiwliiK
delivery of llio reply of the liiolliee
liooil eliiefs to I'resident 'Wilson, Hie
labor conference telcsraiilicd lliime
.11 i.. ... A 1.' IliiiUer. nresldeiit or
the iii'alntenaiiio of way employes and
liopinen and advised lilm lo can
.i... ut..ili...
It is understood " iainer ''
liil'ormed the proposed sliiKe would
v..w- ..niliiiriass till) position of Hie
other railroad oritaidwitions.
nwNFn ships
u n i iul vim
drrreliiry of Slate ljinsinn
is much as nnv other member
i n mwHiii. it was :
remark that lie saw hun. three mile zone.
Solution of German Ship Problem
Siiqnested in Conqression Resolu
tionWith Liquor Revenue Gov
ernment Can Operate Service
Naval Expert Confirms Charnes.
ii'iuiiivWOV Teh. I I. A reso
lution direction Hie shippim: hoard
not to sell former (icrinan steamships
was introduced today be Ifepresen
tative Sabath. democrat. Illinois. The
On. treasury, with the
! .-ccrctarv of eominen-e anil the chair
Iman of the shipiiiii1-' hoard would be
i authorized under the resolution to
; adopt rules and regulations for scll-
imr liuuor on the ships outside ot nie
Paris i
of the
mutter ot
verv little. ( IlK'AflO. Feb. H.Maior John
However the incident which came . , ,.,.,.,.,,., York, foriiierlv naval archi
ne irer caiisini: a break than anv , ((.,,t ,le shiipinir board, who an-
.i. ;. . ... (.ciisai lo a u-siiiii"i" urnuH i lie uei an sin ' nu- .i""
of William C Hullitt.
pcrts attached to the
There was no lnt'ormatlon
available at the While House as
to the .probable auccossor to Mr.
I.ansinR. but the appcinuiioni is
expected to he made soon. John
W. Davis, ambassador at London
and Under Secretory Polk are
being discussed.
Cabinet meetings will be re-
sinned "very soon." and as anil-
nouiucd a few days ago 1'iesi-
dent Wilson will preside. While
! House officials reiterated to-
day lie was making rapid strides
toward regaining his health.
! Nctlfieation of Mr. Lansing's
retirement was sent to all for-
eign governments loday by
Under Secretary I'olk.
: It was said at the state cie
! partment that Mr. I'olk would
serve as acting secretary for a
I period of thirty days unless a
! , successor lo Mr. Lansing Is
i chosen sooner.
r- nniim ir
LANolNb lb
Former Secretary of Interior Declares
He Was Also Responsible for Cab
inet Mcetinqs All Thought They
Were a Good Tliinu Comiressmcn
Criticize President Sharply.
railroad employes' representatives
have agreed lo accept the reeoiiiuieu
dalion of I'resident Wilson to hold
their demands in abeyance temporar
ily, it was announced todav.
I'resident Wilson informed the iricii
of his intention to appoint a eoni-
,r ,.. .c nviierls to no inor-
linnsioii i'i ...-- . .
moldy into their claims. On this
basis, the union leaders agreed to
delay further demands lor increase.!
waires and called a convention ol
their u'cneral committeemen to be held
in Washington Keinuarv .i.
in .0..11 hinders' replv lo Hie
president's proposal lo handle the
controversy in tins manner no in"
end the uuestion finally. They made
it clear that thev desired word from
officials who are in closer touch with
their membership than thev. the dete
cates who have been conferrine: with
Director General I lines since. Febru
ary , ,
i..i ..r his rentv the presi
dent reiuiested the niainteuance of
way men to withdraw Ilieir sinuc older.
ill' the ex-! j(. liarbors shoikly before the I'ni-j 4.
(Continued on Page Kjght)
iMltlons eovenant t"-i
ww ..Pii'miiT Tinrn 1
American nenee ; ,( states entered the war. declared
,t..i- 1 1 t 1 In. former (ler-
iman liners which the shippim.' I r.l
is- nUeruiL' tor sale were nuura
The International Mercantile Ma-
has offered .iL'S.IMIII.IMMI lor the
I built
strike of electrical workers in the
system of the Pacific Telephone and
Telecrnph company in f'alitoriiut.
OreL'on. Washinatun. Nevada and a
portion of Idaho, went into effect at
8 o'clock todav but there were t.
usual conflictinir statements lb 1;.
.1 1 ! .w.tll'llv Ollt. I'-
ine numner 01 nun .
1'. Fullerton, superintendent ol i'""'
here, and the official spokesman e r
the company, said not more than 1
ler cent of the workers had struck.
T. C. Viekers of Fresno, a vice pres
ident of the Intern.'.tional HrotiP'i-
thev had
ships are the "cream of the
Ihant fleet of till' world. Mll-
irk said, "fucat Ilntain never
-nch ships as fiermunv." he
.i.lo.l "Never were such murines. aiKl
'the facilities for handliiiL' passen
iners and ennro are such as no other
! nation ever po-se-seil. Thev could
not he replaced at any Price now.
If such ships could be built in
I American -hipvards
Ica-t f27o.0mi.0liO
it would cost a!
to construct
that L-enerallv
rc-ponded to the strike call.
The -trike doc- not aiicci u.c "i
. V- 1, -.iiv wav. accordini to an
M.-s.i..i.a or,,,,.
(iperalor- ,,, " .,,,,,
-''1r',', ::r:;, , .;;.-crv,n, carrier- built
.Icinalio- " ,l..,.,n,:- the war
,1,.. str.kc lilic-tloll ii,i,
...... Iiv hcen acted on. ..,',,-;l. , n-ki-d in a senate
i"" . 1 ....r.wi i.l.icni 11 ,'.-" ---- - . . .
"'"u'"n "" .resolution adopted late today what
" ll"Y- - I agreement, if any. he had made with
. . . ..... I,,,;. 1, rciraroimr in.'
,,.r Vane announced at noon - (i,.r,nan shies ol
1 . 1 ... ..Hi inn, , ' -
111", Main--1 v"v
Maior York d' si-.-ncd the can.-o
at llo-.' 1-laiid our,,,
fine hundred and t went v , line own
er, of 47(J ace- ,,f orchard land i
the Ho-.'Ue Itiver valley had siencl 11,.
with the (lie-on Hrowcrs ( ooi.cra
ti.m bv this 1 n. and
more are coniimr in. A week inru only
4111111 aces had bee n-i'-'iied up by
about i -" owners.
M. (I.,,-. field mai.a'.'cr of the
i.ssociatiotl. leaves toni'.'ht for -i
short vi-it at Snb-iii and Ku'."',ie. from
which he will return in ,1 few days.
Diniic.' his ab-ciice J. K. F.dmistoii.
who- .' bead, mart. -rs are at the 1 1 "I
land, will look after association af-
WAsiuNtlTON. Feb. I I. - Presi- j lair-
Tlie men
from t 'o
local linemen
'fered for sale bv the sbippim
j Mr. and Mrs. Trno Lewis both
j entered the Dow Friday
i night. They were brought In from
'their home In Watklna and are very
WASHINGTON'. Feb. I I. - Seere
tarv Lane declared today Hint he eon
idered hiinself "iust as inuch re
sponsible" as Sccrclarv Lansintr for
the calliii'.' of cabinet meet intra dur
ili.r the president's illness, lie said
Mr. Laii-iiiL' called him on the lele-
plou ml obtained his approval of
the idea before ,-alliii'-' the first meet-
I iinr and "i.resiliiiahlv secured the 111)-
! provnl f "the- i-abiel mciiibers
I ,,k,i "
; "We all th .neht II icctimrs were
a L'ood HriiL'." said Secretary I.une,
who retires as secretary of the in
t. rior March I. were often attended bv Jlf.
,:.-..v...t, .no! iiiess.-tees were trallS-
mittcl lo the t.rcsiilcut on miestions
,li .eii-e,l. I I ntieal -itualion pre
,i,..l hv ,1 ,,al strike . nine up
I'.o- eoii-.i.lerat;oil as well as matters
11. rtain'iie- to the lir-t indu-tiinl eon
I'urenee and other iiitporlant oues
tioiis. I feel that I attended the
nieetimts on a full level of responsi
bility with Secretary Lansiinr inas
nnicl, a- I h'! aL'recd to the ndvisa.
hihlv of lb," beinir held. Other
iiicnibers of the cabinet nnparcnflv
took the same po-it:.,n."
A-ked v. hcther the oiicslpin ot the
const'ttitioiialitv of the mcctinsrs ever
had been raised amomr the cabinet
mcnilicrs. Secretary Lane replied:
"No: not at all. The uuestion was
,i;....,,...t in ,iiv wnv."
Chairtaaii Porter of the house for
ci'.'i, affairs committee, eominentini:
todav on Secretary Lansing's rev
iirn:ilion said: ' ,
"I 11,11 not inclined to accept this
new and novel intcrpi. talion of or
ganic law.
"Steady" tho Men.
WASIIINt'.TON. Feb. 14. The re
plv of Hie railroad brotherhoods to
President Wilson's decision in the
n-11.11 controversy was presented to
the president today. Inmiediatclv
afterwards the union officials sent
leleurams to their locals over the
country, which H. M. Jewell, presi
dent of the railway department oi the
American Federation ot Labor, sum
t.i u....i-.i t.i "s-tcfidv our men," un
til thev receive the full correspond
ence eovcniiL' the nciroliiitions.
Sir. Jewell would not sav iust what
hud been the result of the neirotin-
tions. but it si led certain linn nie
president had refused to meet the
demands of Hie 2.1MKI. ' WOIKers
for a L'encral wmrc increase and thai
his decision had been accepted bv the
union officials, at least for the pres
Icrs here. Hetween 10.1100 and 15.
Illin colored members of the order are
affected, it is said.
The Panama canal authorities are
takintr measures to handle the situa
tion, should a strike develop.
M. of W. Hli-lko Is On.
1)F.TI!(HT. Feb. 14. President
Wilson's proposal yesterday to rep
resentatives of the various rnilroiui
unions containci nomine; un
warrant withdrawal ol Hie strike or
der issued to members of tho United
liiolherhood of Maintenance of Wuv
Fuiploves and liailroad Shop Labor
ers, Allen K. Harker, head of thnt or
ganization, said this niorninK.
It was announced bv Hie union
men that the llrotherbood of Railroad.
Trainmen had joined in the decision
submitted lo Hie president but tun.
the brotherhood of MVntennnce of
wav Employes had not become a par
ty to it. The maintenance of way
men have been ordered to strike
Mr. Harker said he had this morn
iiiL' received a copy of the president's
proposal. "I have found liothinir ia
it." he said! "to warrant chnnu'iniC
the slriko order."
It was reiterated at brotherhood
hendunurtors hero lhat unless an
nereement of some kind were reached
1 before toniirht the str ko set for Feb
ruary 17 could not be staved. Two
,l,,..i,. il.ivs. it was said, would be
I ; 1 1.1 in. 1 I'm-lhin- instructions
lo the more than MO.OOO members o
the brotherhood.
The president set forth these prin
ciples us coverinir tho manner in
which itrievnnccs of the union should
be dealt with:
"In the event that in connection
...:n. ,1,.. fuLii-ii in iiriyntn control
provision shall be made bv law for
machinery for dealintr with railroad
wage mutters. I shall promptW uso
mv influence, and so far as such law
confers power upon me, 1 .shall
promptly exercise that power to brine
about the earliest practicable orirnui-
zation of the machinery tlius pro
"In the event that no such provis
ion is made bv law for dealinc with
these mutters. 1 shall employ tho in
fluence of the executive lo ect the
railroad companies and the railroad
employes to ioin promptly in the crea
tion of a tribunal to lake up theso
problems and carry them to 11 Conclusion."
Strike in I'minnm.
PANAMA. Feb. LI. The strike or
der of the Un-lcd Hrothcrhood ol
Maintenance of Wav Workers in the
United States, effective February 1,.
will upplv to the workers of this class
in Panama, Colon and the Canal zone
it is declared in nu!h.,ritaiive onar
Ove 100 high schools In Idaho,
Oregon and Washington aro corres
ponding with French high sclioc.s
thru the Junior lted Cross.
A mail box for every rural school
is one of the alms of the school chil
dren of the northwest thru the Junior
Ucd Cross.
. ri.i-r- w-nt i ntlirn
(Contluucd on Pago Eight)
PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 14. Sev
enty-six new eases of influenza were
reported to the city health bureau to
d.iv This br'injs the total number
of cases in Portland up to 1412.
Klamath Falls wns sharolv warnc.i
yesterday hv the state office that it
would I losed immediately if petty
interference with local atreneics en
dured in coinlmttinir the influenza
i epidemic did not cease.
n- A A Smile. e:tv health offi
cer of the Southern Oregon town fil
ed complaint with the state offieo
that he was lieinir hampered, in en
forcement of iiunrantine reaulations.
Dr. David N. iiohonr. state health
officer, immediately issued and dis
patched bv teh'irraph n warning of
town miarantine and within two
hours received n second telegram
from Dr. Soule snvimr that the de
sired cooperation hud been secured
hood ot Hectrieai . .lu.eto
some places the men were out W0, he l,at
,. V ....t.i.,1 IIOIKCIS.
nunc w ill.