I" ynrrT(yRTTgTiTj trtkttt;. srnvFOTCTv orjrooN. friday. Frcr.nrAm pott: stcvet? ltov. liuj i - id. in-2n IjlVOHtOl'k PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. K',. -Cuttle steady. Receipts six. Grain an, I pulp fed steers, $12.;ltf .: choice. jll.SOV 12: medium to goon, . n. r. i. BIO. ."''I; fair to good. $s.;,u ,. common to fair, $7.ro s,:ut- ems ami heifers. $:).:,) ij 1 1 1 . r, 1 1 ; ,;, to choine, $S.f,i f 9.r,0; modi good. ?r."04l S.it(; fair lo medium. $c.;iKi 7. so; caimeis, $3.r,n .rr, .-. ii; lulls, $ti.2.' fii S.f.O; priint'l ight calves, f 1 3.it 1 7;m edinm i;ht, 13.'ifi 1.1. .H); heavy. $7 rn 1 j.:n; stccker.i ami feeders, $X fr !l..',u. Hogs receipts, inr.il; steady, prime nfiscd ?iri. 7 -((( 111.5; medium Jl.VLT, f 13.7m: roiiKli heavy, $ i j, i :,.:, pigs, ? I 3 C 1 -. , Sheep sioacly; receipts 10. Fusi on lambs, $l7(?i IS; light valley, ?li; 17: heavy, $ H.iiiMi I .-,.r.ii; f,.,.,ers, lambs, $12ifil.",; yearlings $ 1 :;.;,ii.i !; wethers, 0 12. lllltter. l'OUTI.AXO, Ore., Feb. 1 ::. Hut tor firm. Cubes, extra. .',! '2 'i i;,ic; liarchment wrapped, box lots. i!2e: carious, t::',e; hair boxes half cent more; Igsh than hnif boxes le more. Huttcrfat r fi f. o. h. station; tiSfy tile Port lllli d. Kgsrs, sellim; priee. ease count Me: hitvinir priee. -lie; sellim; prieu eanilleil, 4 le: seleeleil einnlleil in ear tons. Tile. INmltry liens, 2H(o:i()e Hi.: Iiruiler-. : 4(le Hi.; old roosters. lH(n I'd, tnrkevs, .-)7e lb., live, Title ilres geese, 20('ri!2.'if: ducks, .'J.'ifo -llle. Mrs. Ada Stiinuard, our prima ry fnachor, loft for (lohi Hoauht Ore., Monday morning. She is the admin istratrix of the ostato of the lai; lion. John U. and Mary K. SlannarU who died from thu fin last winter. She was called to Cold Uracil on husiness in regard to the estate. Mrs. Geo. Carter is teaching for Mrs. Stannard during her ah.scnce. Mrs. Sloppy was a guest vt Mrs. J. Patterson Thursday. John Paul has returned to Talent and is working on the ditch. Mrs. Cr. W. Burnett was a business shopper in Ashland Friday. "MiMeeta Netherland of Medt'ord was in Talent Saturday visiting rela tives. Miss Kdilh Ha.on has been con fined in her lied for over a week from over-exertion playing and practicing basket ball and a slight attack of !a grippe. Andy Weidner has sold bis ranch home to Mr. Barrett of Ashland. Mr. Barrett is a butcher at the east side market in Ashland. This is one of the most conspicuous homes in this vicinity and is located just across the road from the school house. The pro ceeds were $2(!,IMMI. Little Dorothy Kcrhy was not af flicted with scarlet fever as was re ported a couple of weeks ago and has never been absent from the school room. Mrs. Pearl Barrett was a McdlVrd visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Kverett lleeson mo tored to Medford Sarunlay. Other real estate transfers in Tal ent recently is that of Joe Pace to "Hud" rmenhoffcr, tho little house thov recently vacated near the depol, , and 'Mr. Alford sold his properly ml-1 iolninL- Ihn Adaiuson nmnerlv to Mr., Edgar Adams. Mrs. Ed Hughes and her daiighier Thclnia wero Medford visitors Satur day. Wm. Crosby was an Ashland visi torsi Wednesday having some dental work dono while there. Miss Ktllel llaen was nuiong tile Ashland shoppers Saturday. Lester Weiss of .Medlord, who re cently returned from Portland was in Talent Tuesday visiting friends. Orval llewey is moving his family ; In one of Mr. A. Alford's houses. I ,mmon (o fair. $7.r,o rti , h, 1 . cows anil lienors. :i..,u'd iii.:,ii; ,;, j? to choiire. $s.r,(i r s.r.o ; mL.iii , n,l i7.:.0i S.SU: fair i,. ,,..! "" , i;Rr ( n,...,, , TALENT TALK PAGE - DRESSLER CO. NASH BLOCK MAIN STREET ATTENTION BANKERS, CAPITALISTS, SPECULATORS WE ARE LOOKING FOR SOME ONE TO BUILD AT ANCE FIFTY BUNGALOWS And we stand ready to enter into a binding contract to sell these faster than they can be constructed Medford must have more homes. This matter most important. Some cne should give this immediate consideration. Watch for our ad Saturday and Sun day. PAGE - DRESSLER CO. Phone 282 Nash Block, Medford : ' ll'-',' !,,.. ,, ..!,, ; , ,. , ' :" tl -IH 1 it I '"' '" " mound I'll, '.,,;'.' ",. ,' '.' ; " rr. .( .M : .s Kl,., ,. ,..,.,. '''' II ve:c lii'j.n ;u M. in. Ii.-n. N'.h hi i.'on. i';, Gu.- ,,i II,.: ,, He a.,, i; j-.ir-. ai:o ,,. u r.dith ( am, run at Tal-ni wlu-iv hilv 'h- their h,im,. up ,. "f his daih. I-" ii ii.. i ;il service.: Id III the Phoenix eet)H'lrv SitniinuiK in tiic l ncuti ( o1 Slato t,f Oregon, in ,-md fur Jackson l ountv Ola Sutton. I'lainiiir. vs. SamiiW C ur Pinter, and if he k deceased tin unknown heirs of Samuel Carpen ter; also all other persons or par ties unknmvii claiming anv right. Ulle, interest, lion or estate in the real estale dencrilied in the com plaint herein, Defendants. , io: Samuel Carpenter, and U he (be deceased, the unknown heirs of ,,,u""" vaiiu'iiiur; auo all ofher per sons or parties claiming anv right, tille. interest. lien or esiai.' in ih, jroal estate described in the complaint him tin. In the name of the State of Oromvn, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitted court and cause, on or before six weeks from (he date of the first pub liratbm of this summons, the first publication thereof being on the 2n day of January. IHl'ii: the time nre- scribed in the order for publication thereof, and yon are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint I't.r wa.it thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief as deamnded in the com plaint, to-wit : That the plaintiff recover judg ment in the sum of four- hundred dol lars Cf KiiUHH, together with inter est thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum, payable semi-ann'i-ally frcm .March 2 1 . 1!US. until paid, together wit h one hundred dollars ($10n.iiO) attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements herein to be taxed. nnd for a der-ree of court foreclosing the certain real estate mortgage securing the debt, ami promissory note described in plaintiffs Com plaint, and that said mortgage be foreclosed of said premises in Jack son County, Oregon, as follows: The east, half of the mrtheast quarter, and the east half of the southeast quarter of Section IJO. Township ::s South of liange 2 West of (he Willamette Meridian, contain ing one hundred sixty acres. That said premises described bo ordered sold in the manner pnvided try law, and the proceeds thereof be applies: 1. In the payment of costs and expenses of sale: li. In the payment of costs and disbursements of suit, aud the attor ney's fees allowed by the court. Ii. The amount due the plaintiff on said note, and the balance if any there be after said amounts have been fully paid, satisfied and dis charged, lie paid over unto the above named defendants, and thereby all and any title, estate, lien and interest of the defendants, and each thereof, including the unknown heirs of Sam uel Carpenter, if he be deceased, and all other persons or parlies unknown claiming any right, t it!e. interest, lien or estate in the real estate de scribed, be foreclosed and forever barred, except as to the riiiht of re- demption as provid d ny law. and lor such further and dillerent reliid as to " '(.liri may seem pinpei aim e,,. able in the premises 'Phis summons is published in the Modtord Mail Tribune, under and by virtue of an order duly made, ren dered and entered upon the Snth day of December. l'.HH, in this court and cause by 1-'. M. Calkins, Circuit Court Judge. The date of the first publication thereof is the 2nd day of January, 1!i20, and the last publication is l-'eli. G, 1920. C. M. THOMAS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and post office address: Medford. Oregon. , union. s, : .ii. i till! 1 1 u i M I i'l SfM'VK (V w,-r were 1 K"''- '" at I"::!'! a. m.,' her- -- N: j en ill Sun taken lo Ashland , ll n led Miuutay in il;,Mt' b' mi, i, 'iw, 'in a mil Mi,n,l;: evenint:. ir. Malm il"'Uix and 111'. Swedenharii i'i i-'l: o:' Aliland were in at- r..!.;nr,'. !u- is Ki'ttiiii; along niieli pir .em. ibM Mm has mnvetl his family on a ran, Ii just above Ashland. II"v. Morris, pastor i : th" .Melbo 'i -t liiiin h was linalile to pre.u h Sunday owini; to his family being miller ,iiarantine for the flu. II. T. Kin, Hay of MiMlforil. was a isjni-ss visitor la Tab'iil Tuesday. LADIES ! LOOK YOUNG,- Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will know. Cray hair, howover handsome, de notes advancing ag. Wo all know the advantascs of a youthful appear ance. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mara the face. When tt fades, turns gray and looks ntreaked, just a few applications of Sago Tea nnd Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundred-fold. Don't stay pray! Iook younjr! Either prepare ttie recipe at home or get from any drug store a bottlo of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," which is merely the old-time recipe Improved by the addition of other ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-use prepara tion, because It darkens the hair beau tifully, besides, no one can possibly telt. ns It darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a spongo or soft brush with It. drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after nnother application or two, its natural cotor is restored mid it becomes thick, glossy and lus trous, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound fs a deliphtful toilet requisite. It is not intended for the cure, miti gation or prevention of disease. Advertising Rates Classiflod Ono cent a word. Locals Ten cents a lino. l.ci;al l'ivo cents a lino. IMsplay cents an inch. Contract rates on application. Cash in advance. W A X Tf.'l 1 S IT V A T I O X S W A XT K 11 1 1 Igh'sciiooigi rl desTrraTi place to work for her board where there aro no small children. Box 27ti. . 270 WAXTKD l-'xperienced Holt cater pillar repair man wants job repair ing, or takes job operating a ihylt caterpillar for thd coining season by thu day or month. 1-3. 11. Itraeht, llillcrest Orchard Co. Phone 572-lt-It. 2711 II ELI WAXTKll MAI.F. WA.NTKD Kxperieneed ranch hand. Steady employment. Phone H. W. Bingham, .VJ7-.I-.'!. WAXTEIl Young man to work in paint shop, flood chanco for ad vancement. Medford Auto Paint Shop, 122 iXorlh Riverside. 27!) WA'XTED Primers undo ther or chard help. Hear Creek orchard. Phono 4C.S-.I-2. 2 7II' WAXTKD Man to cut wcod on shares. Berkeley Orchards. 27t; POLITICAL CAItDS. District Attorney. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Prosecuting AttcTiiey for Jackson county, Oregon, on the republican ticket, subject to the wish of the voters at the coming primary election. If nominated and elected I will see that the. laws tire justly and honestly enforced. Re spectfully yours, Adv. H. A. CANADAY. Believing that my successful man agement of the office of District At torney has slitwo me thoroughly qualified, and that I can servo the people of Jackson county, in that capacity host, I announce my candi dacy for re-election on the republican ticket at tiie May primaries. Adv. (1. M. ROBERTS. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the effice of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected I pledge myself to 11 u impartial enforcement of the 1 1 law. I Adv I-. P. l-'AItlt KLL. Kheilrr hereby announce my candidacy I lor re-noininalion for the office of sheriff on the republican ticket, sub ject to the May primaries. I feel 1 bat -my record as u public official during the first I-tih entitles me to le-nomination and re-election. Adv. C. E. TKRRILL. I hereby anni.uncr- myself a repub lican candidate for sheriff of Jackson county, at tho May primaries. Sev i ral years experience in this line of work, including last six months of !l!i in the tax collection depart ment, thoroughly qualifies me to ad minister the duties of the office in an efficient manner. Adv. JOHN B. WIMER. County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re nomination for County Clerk on the reptihliran ticket subject to the decis ion of the people at the coming pri maries, and hope my record in this offi. e the first term Is such thai I am i-Miilb d 10 your siippi.rt this year. Adv. CliAl'XCKY KI-OUEY. I -1" ! I. am I, v lie was I aU V ii'i'li appeinliriiis was IIKI,!' WAN I I'll 1 mm.vi.i; WAXTMM--Stenographer and elerU. A good oppon unity is offered to one who will learn the business and who Is lo, king for ndvanee iiient. Must have pleasing per sonality anil b, aieuiate. Salary $l.-..uti per week to start. Oie full details ot our qualilieations i in tnst letter, .mil al.so reterenei Mail Tribune. i;,, n . 27; WAXTKD- Wotn.iu maid. Kenilworih for ehamber Itooms. 277 WANTED Cook, wukm 4 0.00 mouth. Mrs. Krdily, '1VI. USO. - I W A X TK 1) M I S I M : I . I . A XHt ) I' S WA.NTKI) Anyone having fairly i good milk eow ,vho would let h for her feed for about si weeks please phono N'',:i-. 27 WAXTKll To liu v 111 stands of hoes. ; Phone 11. W. li:::hain, r,M 7 -.!-:'.. I i WAXTKll To hoirow Sl'ihiii nrivaiel 1-ihiii private I money en pill ciIko security by re- i sponsible) psirtv. Address It. 1! . care Mail Tribune and partv will call. -J7 7 ! WAXTKll To buy sccond-h:;ilil laundry tubs in good condition, rhone 177 WAXTKD When von have hnildini: or repairing, see ilillette, in:t South Oiikdale. Ilo does the work right, quick, nnd leasouable. My the day or contract. I'liono 471. :inl WAXTKll Mnn wltii lainlly wishes position as tenant. Kxperienced in farm and tractor work. Dennis Swaney, 524 lleatty street. I WAXTKll Tot rade for or buy I-'ord j trucK. i-.iiquii-J'hoenix, Ore. Phonenix Cnrag WAXTKll Plowing with tractor by day or acre; anything up to 2011 acres. A. C. lluson, It. 3, Box 7i5. 277 WAXTKll St. Louis prices for Turs at Johnson's, 4 . Front street. WAXTKll To buy good clean cotton rags. Vedford Printing Co. WAXTKD Your nirlo is money tit Johnson's, worth real 4 5 Front street. WANTED House moving and ro pnlrlng Phone 488-M or 4X8-X. tf i-'ok i-:.rii.x;i' l'Olt SALE OR T RADIO l-'or seven passenger car. six head horses, 3 4 John Deere wagon practically new. one light twohorse wagon with springs, one .Ic.-hn Deere top buggy, with pole and -shafts, one set of double harness, heavy wagon har ness, one spriiigiootb harrow, one lo-inch John Deere plow, one 12 inch Syracuso plow and farm im plements. C. P. Roberts, corner ('rater Lake and Spring. 2S1 KOR TRADE Oft SALE Two-ton Iruck in good condition. Wnnl a light luuring car or terms if de sired. Ho:; 115, Mail Tribune. 27s I-'Olt TRAi'E Equity in 100 acres, tin under cullivalion: some timber. Want a light car or what have you? Box (5, Mail Tribune. 27N FOR KXCHAXC.IS If you have a five or six room. modern bungalow on paved street you want to ex change for cash, address Box W. P. Mall Tribune. Clivo full particu lars. 2 7!) FOR 1 IK. N'T FritNIMIIKI) KOOMS FOR HUNT Sleeping room. (102 King street. 277 FOR RKXT Room for gentleman, '.No. Ill Peach street. Phono ti-ll-ll. 27ti FOR KENT Sleeping rooms, hath, close in. 215 .North (irapc street. l'Olt IIKXT A I'A ItT.M KNTS 'Oil It l-'.NT Very desirable furnish ed apartment to adults only. Ref erences required. Berben Apart ments. Phone 3511. 27S BROWNS WHITE REALTORS MEDFORD, ORKdOX We have outside well improved prop erties on the paved highway, irrigat ed and non-irrigated, sizes and prices to suit any reasonable person. Medford city properly from modest cottuges to Borne of the Ilnest homes in the city.. Stock Ranches adjacent to good range with ample water to produce maximum crops of alfuira. Some splendid Orchard and Alfalfa ranches which will show a good net return on the Investment. We will be more than pleased to talk with you and show you what wo consider good values. We also solicit correspondenco. Yours truly, BROWN 6c WHITE WHY 35 ACRES BEAR CREEK BOTTOM $9500 Just received a telegram that owner of this plaeo is seriously ill and laee must lie sold at once at this sacrifice price. This is cheapest this place hasbeen offered in ten years. Very best location on Pacific Highway. Ideal home in every way. J. C. Barnes Phone 784-L I i ni-:xT-n.i-s.:s von saI.,:-i.Ivkst. k j rsm:ss i,,kktokv. ; modern. Large ar.l. shade. 1 2 , 1 ' . '' '1 Auto Sup, s. South Dak.lale. Phone 121-1!. t f j N"r"' - ' : LL-- , l-'Olt SALI-: MISfKl.l.ANKDIS I POP SA LI-: tireat bargain, iiiiinii-! tain buggy, good as new ; f.lln feel ( t.ne-intdi iron piie: eorruguted rol-i lei", t hree-ineb high wheel wagon.1 . 11. lioberls. Kagle Point. 2nI Ftilt SAI.H- One two ll. p. Kail-hanks Mo-.-e spray riM in nixl condition. Hear Creel; Orchards. l!7li - - - I'OII SAI.K John heere I il-ineli suluv B""K ""' 111 K"1"1 condition 'hone ."tU-.l-J l-'Olt SAI.K Cheap, strong two-seated surrey easily made into hack; single buggy; $1.00 per setting eggs. Win. .McKay, K. 1, phone S3H-.I-2. 2X0 l-'Olt SAI.K At bargain, two pool j (aides, complete ellipnient, cash ' or terms, lmiuire Clark, Itl;! Xorlh Celili-al. 277 l-'Olt SALK Or for rent, barber shop Talent, Oregon. Imiuiro 4 ! I Laurel street, Medlord. 27S l-'OK SAI.K llardlo spray rig, used ono season. Also team young mules and work horses. Wood iw. lterkeley Orchards. 2 1 11 l-'Olt SALK Dry oak and inanzauita wood, not sawed. Phono tiSa-.l-:!. I 3SI I-'Olt SAI.K Machinery for complete brick and tile plant including clay bank for immediate operation. Will give terms on part and take brick in part payment. Illg Pines Lumber Co. tf Kent SAI.K falfa hay. -Seventeen tons haled ai Phono 105. KOR SALK Hay. Phono S42-.I. FDll SALE and dirt, work don. Wiuio, Kriuol, sediment Plowing and teaming Phono S12-J (lit S.VI.I-: POI'LTRV AND IXidS I-'Olt SALE (I. A. C. Barred Itock hatching eggs, $1.50 per 15; $2.75 per ;:o; $s..',o per loo. W. M. Tetherow, Central Point, Oregon. 2S0 I-'Olt SALE Fine thoroughbred It. I. Red cockerels cheap. 12it South Holly. Phone (1 Hi. 27S FOR SALE Laying hens. Inquire 3 13 Apple street. 27S 'OR SALE Dozen Rhode Island Red pullets and two cockerels: also 200 foet. poultry Meeting. C. C. Chapman, Mi mile north .Medford On Highway. 277 FOR SAI.E halor, fin 115 C. P. -110 egg Cyphers incu J. W. Birkliolz. Phono 2 711 FOR SALE O. A. C. While Leghorn cockerels $3.00 each, worth dou ble, l-'or cheaper aud better hatch ing eggs see tins Jirommor, ll. 3. 'Phone 5SII-.I-2. 301 FOR SALE Booking enters eggs and chicks, heavy laying strain White I.egnorns. It. I. Reds. Price reasonable. CockerelH ' cheap. Irs. F. II. Dressier, phono 777-L. FOR KALE S. C. Whilo Leghorn eggs for hatching. I am also book ing orders for baby chicks. Come and seo my stock. 724 South Cen tral avenue, Medford, Ore. 11. 11. Uiitlcrfiold. 2 11 -t FOR SALK S. C. Ithodo Island cock erels and setting eggs. Ernest Webb, Central Point. 277 FOR SALE Hatching eggs from carefully hoganlzed stock White Wyandottes, Whlto Leghorns, R. I. Reds. Phone 13xxx2 Central Point Mrs. Jno. Hrenner. 277 FOR SALK Hatching eggs, Tancred strain White Leghorns. Regular pens $1.!U per sotting, $7. OH per hundred. Special pen $3.00 per setting. Ask for muling list. Phone 51)1-11-1. R. V. Criim. 27(1 FOR SAI.K Marred Itock cockorols, O. A. C. strain, and eggs for Bet ting. Phone a-F-2. FOR SALK S. C. While Leghorn eggs from my bred-to-lay pons, also It. C. White Wyandotte eggs of highest quality. W. J. Warner, 51!) South Oakdalo avenue. Phone 69G-.M. FOR SALK Whlto Minorca cock erels and Wyandottes fir sale. Io. 1003 Wes Tenth. Call after 5:30 evenings, or phono J. W. Wuke field. tf MONEY TO LOAN On farm or orchard Innd, 0 pvr cent intficflt five to forty years. McCurdy Insurance Agency 20 N. Peach St. FOH S Al.K Span '.;l lings weighing 2 .Mid lbs., price $l."u; one Shlrej mare lion lbs., price $nii. one, team 2i:oo lbs., price jn;:.. All! guaranteed. Henry Shellv, Vinson j Ham. 2 77 l'Olt SAl.K One span of mares three j years old. uuhroLe. Call at 10:12! West Klevenlh street. 277 i I-'Olt SAI.K l'lire bred Poland china boar six mouths old. or will ex change. 'W. K. llryson, Ciit'i'in Creek. 11. 1. 27ti l-'Olt SAI.K lersey milk row cheap, test ."1..".. South Hamilton street. and Dakota avenue. l-'Olt SAI.K Toggenhiirg buck goat, two years old. ltox N22, Medlord. Ore. 277 l-'OIt SALK Cheap, good wi.-rk horse .'to dollars; also Ihree one-horse wagons. 1111 .North Itiverside avenue, Medford. 2S1 KOIt SALIC Six bountiful lllilcll cows, four fresh, two coining fresh. Also fine yearling heifer, flood work horse. Three spring wngons and surrey. 1111 .North Itiverside avenuo, Medford. 2S1 l-'Olt SALK Three good work horses several .lersey, (iuerusey, and llol stein heifers. Inquire (leorgo Dil lon. Phone Nti-ll. 277 FOR SAI.K Puro bred Red Polled bull calf, ono year old. Excep tionally fine animal. Call Modoc Orchard. FOR SALE Puro -Died lluroo Jersey weaned pigs from big typo ances tors. Unregistered at $S each; Registered at $14.00 each, tiood opportunity to get feeders or breeding stock. Call Modoc Orch ard. l'Olt SALE HEAL ESTATE l'Olt SALK 'Best anil most profit able modern 15-aero, free irrigated city home in southern Oregon. Very scenic nnd attractive location. You can't equal it; fine meadows and cherry orchard. I breed Jer seys. Investigate. R. D. Sanford, lower llelman street, Ashbind, Oregon. 2 7ti FOR SALK Five room bungalow, furnished, on pavement, all clear, $2500. Terms. Six room house on pavement, all clear, $2000. Terms. Throe room house on pavement, all clear, $S50. Five room bungalow, $11100 cash. C. S. Huttorfleld, phono 2 111. FOR SALK A six room rolrtge, eioso lo i.N'orth Cenlral, $1000 if taken at once. By owner, Mary Daily, Medlord, Oregon, 1031 Courl street. 2 7(1 FOR SALE Five room bungalow, Willi or without furniture. 113 West Second. Phono5 l7-L. 2X0 FOR SALE Clood rami home, alfal fa land, summer pasttiro, Hpring water lor ull purposes. 315 Ha ven St. 27S FOR SALE SO acre ranch; .exIiangTt for house in Medrord. Call at 0 31 N. Central, Medford, Ore. 27S FOR SALE -Hy owner only, houses and lots in Medford. Also good land. Cash or easy terms. T. L. Taylor, phono 452-11. 277 FOR SALE Tlmherod claim, Jack son county, Oregon. Win. Wick ens, Palm City, California. 27U FOR SALE By owner only, house and lots In Medford. Cash or easy terms. T. U. Taylor, phono 452-11. 277 ALTO.MOIHLKS FOR SALE Ovorlnnd touring car in excellent condition, and with good tfroR. This machine lias been driven carefully and only run 1)000 miles. Price $350, and will glvu terms. M.eCurdy-Howno Motor Co., across from iNiilatorliim. 270 USKI1 CAR clearing house, buy for cash, sell on terms. Plekons-.Morriil Motor Co., I S .North (Jrupe. tt FOR SALE A light delivery Koo truck, new express body and top, four new tires. Price $350. Terns or cash. Tumy Motor Co., 125 South l-'rant. tf FOR SALK 1'JlS Ford touring car, demountahlo rims, etc. Phone 3'.)5-.YI or 121 Crater l.ako avenue. 2!) 1 mikckmk.ti;h WE PAY MORE for old machines than anybody in Medford. Seo us beforo you buy or sell. Singer Sowing Machine Co., 115 West Main street. Pho.no 215. U. 291 WE DO HEMSTITCHIXO and pocot- Ing 10c per yard, silk or cotton thread furnished. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 115 West Main street. Phone 2 15-lt. 291 WE It EXT AXD REPAIR machines. Phone 215-R, Singer Sowing Ma chine Co., 115 West Main street . 278' MONEY TO MIAN TO IX) AN J. 1). Andrews loans money on real estnto and buyj mortgages and Liberty bonds Phono 63-M. 31 North Grape street. IX1ST LOST- Buick crank. Plcaso retu'n to nines & Snider. 2 it; LOST -Pair glass. to Tribune olflce, Please return l.AIIKlt A1TO SPItlXO CO. Wa are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant in tho Pa cific northwest. I'so our springs when olbers tail. Sold under writ ten guariintee. ;: 1 .North l-'ifte.enth ... St., Port land, Oregon. Attorneys. W. K. PIIIPPS Attorney at Law, 42.",-42li M. 1". II. llldg. Offiro phone ;I72; residence phono 325-M. KL1.IAII II. 111'Kll Lawyer, 213-14 tlaruett-Corey Hldg. PORTER .1. XKFF Attr.rnoy-at-law, rooms s and '.), Medford National Hank Building. A. K. It E AM KS Lawyer, Garnett- Corey Building. Bull, Hog Materials. MEDFORD CKMEXT 11RIC1C 4 BUCK WORKS speclnllte In ail kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. 259 Expert Accountant. WILSOX Al'DITIXG CO. 10. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to nnytblng in Arc-muting and In conio Tax requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. M. K. & II. Building. Medford. Phono 157-K. Instruction In Music. l-'RKD ALTON' IIAK1I1T Teacher of piano anil harmony. Jlalght Musld Studio, -101 Garnott-Coroy llldg. Phono 72. Planing Mill. THOMAS MOFFAT General mill work, sasli, doors, mouldings aud screens. Shop 43" S. Fir. Phono IS I. IMiysirlaus and Surgeons. A Bl'RSKLL, M. 11- Tl. C. Splnoio- gist, 'Physician and Surgeon. Spe cialty Physiological Methods. 30!)-10-11 51. F. & 11. bldg. I'hone 29. ROHKRT W. STEARXS Physician nnd Surgeon, Jackson County Dank llldg. Office hours 9-12, 2-4. Ot fico phono 30. Residence 933. DR. .1. ,1. KMIMKNS Physician and surgeon. I'racllcn limited to oyo, . enr, noso nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested nnd glasses sup piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. it. R. Co. Offices M. l' & II. Co. llldg. Phone 5(17. DR. P. G. CARLOW nn. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATH IS PHYSICIANS 41C-417 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Phono 90-4-L. Hosldanco 2tl S. Laurel Street DR. E. ItA'XIDOI.PIl SHELY, 300-307 Morgan building, Portland, Ore., makes a specialty of surgory. Spec ial attention to Medford and Rogue Illvor valley pooplo. DR. McMORRlS M. DOW, Physician uml Surgeon Practice limited to surgery and hospital obstorlcB. Special attontlon given to diseases of women. Offices 30(1-7 M. F. & 11. Bldg. Itosldeuco, tho Dow Hos pital. ri-intrrs and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, looso leaf ledgers, hilling systoms, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Transfer. EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 4 2 North Front St. Phona 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Undertakers " JOIIAri'liitl L'ndci-takcr Phono M 47 and 47-J-2. 28 South Ilartlctt. Lady assistant. Auto mobile Hearse Sorvlce. Auto Am bulanco Sorvlce. Coroner. lodges. . l. 0. I'. .M.Ufonl lodiio No. 83, Meets evcrv .Mmelny nlgbt nt 7:31), O. T. IMrker. N. O , W. L. Mlllor, Sucre liiry. ItoRitn Itlver Encampment No. 30 Meets 2,1 i,n,l till Fridays at 7:30 n. in. Kiinnlcl iiati iuuii, C. P., L, O. How ard. Hcrll'c. Olive 111,,-kah Indue No. 28 Meets 1st tin, I 3rd Til, -s, lays at 8 p. m. Nan nie Hull, N. (1., Analu J. Butcmaa, secretarv. Visit, us coiiliiilly Invited to all meet liic.S. You Can Buy These NOW, RIGHT. 5 room bungalow, modern, 2 Iota with furniture, $1000. 5 room cottage, modern, 2 lots, on pavement, $1200. S rooms, modern, 2 lots, corner, pavement, $ 1100. 10 acres Improved, orchard, good buildings, $3000. 10 acres, well located, 6 ' acres bearing pears, $2000. 121) acres bottom land, woll Im proved, JiiuOO. HTTRD LAND & INVEST MENT CO.