Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 13, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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And the next day aft-r wa.- Friday
the 13th. as was do:: My realized ''
the hundreds of ban'iu- who
reached very .-l'-r.y -k,,lt hajip 1
ct an early hour thir mommi; an'!
upent much of today in yawning an J
utretchinR. ',
For eye, ear, nofc, throat see Ijr. j
Heine, Liberty BMk. Cla.-s fitted.
The go-talied fin in Bed
ford, which at its wor U, was liirh! j
Brd never even approa- hd the
rious epidf-nilc 'fit-''1. reu hd in n:an j
parts of Oregon, has V-en at-atiim forj
The pa?-t week, d'irinK w!,j. fi t i ni- r.i
ovpt a half doen new rn'-." wre re-!
ported to th- r-iry loalth of f r. j
Vh'ii you have buf Idfrt j: or r-;;-air-J
ing, see ;;)! tu. 1 o;j South OakdaJe.j
Ho does tlie work ritihT. ' i: : ;
reasonable. liy the day 01 contr.
I'hone 4 71. - T
' .Soon after Charlec Kvan? Hir-'h-was
defeated in his ambition u,- Uv.
eome president, Mr.-. K. i'. Ifanb-y
Indford rnov d to Sr-a;t," .says th
Portland Journal. That wa. not be
cause of tne U'iKhM .'-hoit'ominK a
a presidential a-pitani. but ratiier
became Mr. Hauler transferred the
scene of his activities, to Puftet rionnd.
Mr. Kan'ey wan at 'he Portland on
Tuesday after vi-itin for some time
at the obi Southern Or!;i n stamp
ing ground, where relatives live. Mrs.
E. llanley Rush, his sister, who live
at Med ford, accompanied Mr' Ilanley
to Portland. It wasMrs. 10. R. Han
ley who campaigned Jn Oregfin for
Justice. Hughes in the preddin' i'll
campaign and whnrie efforts were in
large part responsible for Oreu'onV
. almost unique alignment with that
candidate. K. R. and Mrs. Ru:h claim
'liiil' Hanley of Harney ct.unty an
a brother."
Kxtra fancy Spitzenberg applet,
good condition, may be had at P.ard
well'Frult Co., S 2 . 2 per box. 'JMi
ViIliam .1. Wnrnor, assistant post
master, has so far recovered from
hln flu illness that night before last,
ho had his typewriter brought home
from the post off ice, and yesterday
was able tp go out for a short auto
ride. He will probably be back at
the officii in a few days Just to watch
the remainder of I'nele Sam's Irval
staff work while he goes on recupe
rating. Hi. Valentine Hall. Saturday, Feb
14, MedTord Nat. Dancing free HI)
i::io. J7t;
Mrs. C. C. VanAlstlno of Grand
Forks, S. !., in visiting her cousin.
Mrs. K. J. Runyard.
Oh how I love you dear eld Dort of
Each night and day you're running
simply fine,
Skillful workmen made you,
1 will never trade you,
All highly grade you dear old Dort of
Mine. Clark & Chllduvs, Hert
ford. Oregon.
The KlkK lodge session last night
was a short one with llu attendance
not up to the usual standard, as mauy
memhers were taking In the Lincoln
banquet. j
Kvorything for your car at the big
Hale. C. 10. (Jains Aultv Co. D
Medford has been namd the hcad-j
quarters of the Kplseopai chutvh in!
Houlhern Oregon with Kc-v. William
B. Hamilton cf St. Maik'K church as
denn of the district. The; r lis t meet
ing of the new deanery will be held
in may. when Rishop Sumner and
other prominent leaders of the churcl
will be present. The new. dist rlct In
dudes the churches of Jarkson, Jose
phino and Douglas counties.
If you really want to enjoy pnn
enkes these mornings, mix them with
Coleslin water. Order from Jackson
County Creamery. If
.1. N. Stelnlorl' ol Calein. Calif.,
win hns hoen in the lumber hindnes.
for yeirrs at that point, wan iti I he
city Thursday as a r"presenl at I ve ot
the Uooy Utile cotiipany, which is
in the market to purchase from ::'"
to -inn million feel of lumber of va
rloiiH kinds for use in their develop
mnnt work of :;,". tnio n ieM if irrl
galed land about miles fnm Ca
lexlro in the heart of (lit! Imperial
valley. Mr. Sleimoif couteiied with
J. T. liagnon. the loi-al lumber man
last night and placed wit h hmi a
substimt lal lumber order. I le left
Hits morning for Kimeue and other
northern points on llie same errand.
Orres, the ladies' tailor, will be at
Hotel Holland every Thursday. I'l"1'
woolens, latest stylos alwuys, tf"
Wllfonl Allen, editor of the Grants
l'ass Courier, and until recently mi-tuber
of the i;tate indusirial commis
sion, attended the Uucnln bouquet
and lett fi.r home Ibis morning. He
was especially imp'eseil with th"
wonderful address on Urn oln by
Rishop M. S. Hughes.
Net I oil Cent potatoes for .'ale at
Public Market Saturday.
Among Orcgonians stopping at the:
Medford are James I.. Couder am
M. K. Howard or Rnseburg. A M
Dura of Salem and IV D. Phillip.. K
A. I'ower, C. C. I
ott and l-'i auk 10
Weed of Portland.
A real Valentine parly! M
Nat. , Sal. Feb. 1 I. Kvenl
gtdng. - '
Mrs. N. OMerltelu o! Poitlatid, who
Is a Kisler or Mts. K. M W ilst.n.
wK.ppvd off in the city today, while
en rotift? to Kinmath Fall- (or a iH
with Mr. and Mts. Wilson
Prices cut to the bottom at the biu
Bale. C. 10 Cites Auto Co. tl
About sixty frcm Ashland and
twenty , from Cauls Puss, men and
Tvomon, attended the Unroln banquet
. here last night, most of whom came
and went by anlo. A number from
..each city, however, rernjuncd over
nfgnt. stopping at the hotels or with
friends and left for home this fore
noon. A. C. Ilnlstead. mechanotherapy,
metaphysics. 2 1: r. Kut Main, over
Kidd'a RUoeBtor' Phone (ino-M. t;,
The anri'ial convention of the Ore
pen Retail Merchants convenes at As
toria next Monday. It promises to be
the largest, convention held during
the pa.-t five ars by the merchants
of the state.
Valrntine hail Sat Keb. 1 t.
Med ford Nat. New Imperial Orct-s?ra.
Heal inu-ic! Real FKor! K'-al
time: " iTi
The Medford Printing company has
'he Ie Luxe Multiplex cash books
and other ruled books, loose leaf sys-
tern, al?c Inventory sheers. If you
r.eed 'h'-so or any other blank books
nr bills to fit any hinder see this
office and patronize home Industries
Ir. .!. C. Smotli. rounty health of
ficer, and Sheriff fo. bwi-, who
visited the Illinois valley Wednesday
o invest jpatc many su-pirious
of illiis there, found the influenza
,. ; raging througbo'it i he district, and
l(j'nie-t of th1-paf !.-ni- not r'-alizin;; the
t 'nature of Hie romplaint. They vMt-
;J "d many famlli s wh-in Illness wae ;
i promptly diagnosed as tiie flu and j
t quarantine reKti lat ions were at
:ionco entaldished. In the AHhcusr-
,. di-trirt the disease:
especially j 1
I prevalent. In one
j Henry Houck, there
family, that of
cere eight cases.
every member of the family bejnir
down, and at a brother's hou:-e. lo
Icateil near, all six of tho members
of the household were suffering
About U caes were found yesterday,
land Dr. Smith returnee to the district
J today If) make further investigations.
fiiantH Pass ( onrier.
Why pay tho new price- Tor VIetro
!as when you can save $:.".. no on the
Mb' and get them Just as good as
new. We trade in more on P.runs
vicks than we can sell.
Netted Hem potatoes for sale at
Public Market Saturday. '''
The prediction if fair weather for
tomorrow again fills with disgust the
farmers and orchardtsls, who have
'.'eon long hoping for rain, and much
of it. which Is badly needed, as the
precipitation is far below normal.
I lobar t Rrswort h in the story by
Coin emeu r Morris "Rchind the
Door". Ubcrly, Sun.. Mon. 277
Haskins for health.
Considerable comment was arousoc
among the politician! and other re
publicans, both resident and visiting
by the news of the announcement by
Robert K. N. Stanfbdd of his candi
dacy for the republican nomination
for I'nited States senator at the pri
mary in May, which was published in
yesterday afternoon's Mall Tribune.
Save from : to flu on a tire at
the big sale. ' C. 10. Oaten Auto Co. tl
Any bills against the Lincoln club
sh( aid be pr.-.setited tc Ceu Tavlor
at once.
The condition of O. C. Hoggs, who
has been quite 111 with the flu at his
home, is much Improved. Stanley
and Carter, the sons of Mr. and Mrs.
Hoggs, have recovered their
siege with Influenza and are now
out again.
Orres, tailors for men and women.
High grade only. Ashland, Ore.
It. i. Red eggs at DeVne's.
C. D. Rut lor of Tl'ie Dalles, w ho
was formerly connect ed with t he
automobile department of the secre
tary of state's office. Kpent today in
Medford and Ashland looking after
his randldacyf or the nomination of
secreiary cf state. He attended the
Lincoln club banquet last nigh;.
For sale Ruck shot gravel. Phone
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsettcro for
Nn Rone. Phone riNa-J.
W . ( . Fields, who, for the past
seven months, had been foreman at
Paul's Fleet vie Store, in this city,
leaves the latter part of the week
to accept a position with the West
i oast l-.b'i-trical iMimneering company
of Portland, one of the largest elec
trical conlracllng firms in the north
west. M r. Fields mato a lied id
friends here during his seven months'
stay, his ready smile and genial ;er
sonnllty making him extremely well
liked and popular with all who knew
him. lie was active in the wrk of
the Knights of Pyihias lodge, ami
of the recently established temple ol
the D. , K. K. His many friends
bate lo see him leave, and wish him
the best of success In his new work.
Oct the habit! Ruy shares now in
the Rulbling and Loan.
A picture that will linger In your
metnor. "Rehhtd the Door," Liberty
Sunday, Monday. U 7 7
( iri'goniaus regis! ci eil at t he ' Io
laud include Mrs. James Collier. .Mis.
Nanney Collier and W. F. Ouy.- of
Marshtield ami Mr. and Mrs. It. F.
Mait-h of Portland.
One of the most unusual pieces of
fiction or the year. "Rehliid the
Dooi", Liberty. Sun., Mon. 277
Wanted to buy clean cotton rags.
Medford Printing Co.
nje ot the pleasing features of last
night 's banquet was the excellent
mush whb h was supplied by the new
I in pe rial o r idlest ra of Medford. A
progiaiu of popular music was render
ed, being interspersed with sevei a I
solos by Herbert Alford. which were
mil' b appreciated. The next app'-ar-ain
e of the orchestra will be at -'he
Natato! iiim Valentine ball tomorrow
nii: hi.
not her i rand ma cook ie product
i i .milma 's
llie leililillK li
nke.-1. for
llm lam. Ue ami illlli tonearno at
I ., o. .-..
.lane r ll.
i olllll llealtli
ef Portland, h rtiicr
inn arrived iu the
rll y Th u liln .
.liiil nrriu',1.
. oal. Viilh-..- 1
!l Ilnu- has
!r siilieal t
t.'.ir f famous I tah
i.-l Co.
d 1)o :;m';;1 pr;u -
Kffle S-liliiiM o' crh Powd.-r
Hid Warren May or Wallnla. Waih .
are pnests at t lie Holland
Cakes, French juistry and cream
puffs M the Shasta.
Something new' Crandma ratten
for sale at all l he leading Kr.iciT.
C. A Bacon and family arrived last'
niffht from Med ford to reside here. I
I.Mr. liacon is 3. P. brakernan with
'the switch engine crew. They w.-re
j accompanied by their uncle and aunt
j.Slr. and Mrs. Paul RochJ, of Sheri
dan, Mont., who wfll remain indefi-
Ti:;ely. ('.rants Pas Courier.
' Thoe who wi-h to :n for water
j with the Rogue River Valley Canal
1 company and have not yet had their
land measured, should notify the
company at once, so that surveyors
may be pent to do the work.
( Try our mere-Hants' Iunh,
! ahavta.
The Western I'nion Telegraph
Company's local office was closed all tour
day Thursday because of it beir.g a (.!'.
legal holiday. t i-ro!
The famous Shasta tamales on salei i'ew
now. Shasta. ; Wo.
Oh how I love you dear old Dort of i A
Skillful workmen made you,
I will never trade you,
All highly grade you dear old Dort o
'Clark & Chllders
Medford. Oregon,
R. Tomlin arrived
Mr. and Mrs. .1.
lome yesterday from then- extended
trip to the middiewwest. where the-,
visited friends and relatives. While
visiting Mrs. Tomlin's sister in Oar-
Men I it;. . Kansas, t he en t ire house-
hobl was taken down with tho flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Tomlfn and Mrs. Tom -
lin's siMcr survived, but the latter's
husband died after a brief Illness.
Have you tried one of those dell.
ious Orandma's cake:!. 277
f.n ...I .1... I.minr 14 Iho llln..!.. . .i.ii.lll
niliuer garugu win uu upen uay aun
u,t"L. 11
At tlie Nash liotel am ffKlstered
I. . A. Yonili; of I. os AtiKele. .Mr. tind
Mrs. Krickson of Paradise, .Mont.. K.
II. Kbrlott of San Francisco anil
lieorpe 1.. Hninplireys of Klamath
See I), li. Wood & Co.. llm. 201)
Liberty HldK.. for fire inrnrance. tf
Fresh Columbia Itiver Hinelt re
ceived daily. Only food not goliiK
hlcher. .Medford Fish Market. 27fi
Kdwin .lames and Clifford lliiKheH
are visitors in the eity from the W'at
kliis district.
Hemstitching and pccotlng. The
Vanl'y Shop.
Kidd's filioo Btoro. Phono 690-M.
Four operations on Ashland resl
dellls were performed at the Dow
hospital Thursday. Those Koins
under the knife were .Miss Pearl Wil
hire, llie twin infant rons of VI. B.
I'nyer, and the little daughter of W.
.M. Iliirrls.
All kinds of fish, fresh from the
sea, at .Medford Fish Market. 270
Ilninswlck phonographs on
terms nt Hale's Piano House.
Smith Stlmmell, of Fargo X. D.,
the (i. A. R. veteran and who was j
a member of Lincoln's bedy guard, t
addressed the student body this after
noon at the high school assembly giv
ing his interesting personal remines
cences about Lincoln. He is making
a lour of the northwest speaking be
fore school nunlls. churches and other I '.
, . ' . . ,,,,, ,
puum: K.i . liei iiik. c.n in jn-i
cent Americanism.
Fresh halibut at Medford Fish
.Market. 27 1."
Painting, tinting and decorating,
orders promptly attended to. Phone
HIM, F.lllott H MeCafl'erty. 3S4
Hurt It. (ireor. the Ashland editor
and .Mrs. tlreer, attended last night's
hau'iuct hero.
Carl .leschke, lilgli grade watch
mid clock repairing. 9 Fir street
The famous Shasta tamales on sale
now. Shasta.
San Francisco people stopping at
the Med ft Td are Mr. and Mrs. K. C.
Sanford. C. M. Chilgren, L. Segall.
I.. A. Schullz and 1. V. Lapp.
l'-or the best Insuranco seo Holmes
the Insurance Man.
Slab wood for salo by tier or cord.
Vultey Fuel Co.
i;. . y.
Spfrinl work limfKht in
Worlhy .rastrr D'-kiim-.
All Itnvai Anil Ma'snns
A. NOTII, Sfi-y.
f-;tll(t.)IO Mrward
p;,v ? 1 no. oo n-ward tn nny
oiio Hiving that will lead
to the arrest and conviction of party
that shot tin- rod hound do Im1oiik
iiiK to mo. on Wednesday, 1-Vli. 1th,
in cast .Medford.
.1. F. 11ITTSOX,
'JTt; 1 1 22 Kast Main.
In Alaska. I'lahn. ( n mm anil
"ushiii::lim there lire n n rliapn-r:
of the Ue.l Cross, with uu adult inein
hership of :n; 1 .0011.
'Diamond Dyes" Mako Used
Apparel Stylish and Now.
! Tont wn-rv rh"it rcrf-'t rrnH.
'c "Diiinn'tid Mypi." liarniitced to i:ivo
ii nw, rich, tndt'l- cd'r to hmv fab
ric, whether it. lc wen!, silk, linen. eit-
I t'Mi er iinxd got.! !:e t.
. flMth-
er. dr.tperie. cnvcrin'.
The Iirr.-: iiMi Hok w,:h cacti
ti'l's a pl.iihty linr to d ninon 1 tly? ever
anv color that Tim can not nuke .1 w.i
t ike
I o 111.1t. !i nny m itrri.i!. have dnii;t;iAt
how vou "Piftai 'nil lv.--' Ci lor Cari.
Dajr I'hotie: Tactflc WT.
VUtht rhonra: F. W. Wreks, 1DS-J1.
IjkIj Altn
1 l lln- litre rte1--
U.i i
nd In-r i:ii:!,t .: M;ii.r u,v V.
r "1 Portland, who i iiiaiia'jt-r
rl'"N of Kncr;il Leonard Wood-
einpaii'ii tor t!n
-r prohahte that
-H..n i-it'oni
tour and make an
i -1 f-iden-- it U
;. n.-r;l W i will
m :t I'aciiii- uc:i-;t
wi.;r.-"-. He ;-No
e Ko.,-f c!i will
av- that Theodor
i-robablv vi. t Med
, I,
month- in the
1 eaopaiuil.
'online to M.-i
in: i-ri'-l
1 InW
tiioii'jh h whirl a
UiitlieiiiiL' tor (ierjer
; No a --iionianeon-
the r-tate eampj-Ln
Alrendv there b;
i in Om jiUi i-I
W I. -It i,
'!lti!!l--i." Jlitl
.;i:i;i'-.-r tula.
I' lici'ii 1(1 ui'il
i J nr-anieil in On- ui and
.more are beim ur-;:iiizcd contniith
, j i If of jbeir o'.vn volition, win nn.
dcr-tand. and it look- to me a-, tliouub
nothitiir could -dot. it. J. ner;;l Wood
j eertnmlv unr in nreon."
j ij. Walker let ! t i
j Seattle on busiue-- in
.with the Wood eatm..ii-jii
J f OBITUARY. ii.r
Mr-It i: vm n t..r.l.-. M.
j .McKeynolds
in Cold
a Bed
Hill I-Vb-years.
, n;lrv j
nitmlli nml 1 'i a-i.u c, ....... .1,..
wife of .lohn I. .Mclteynolds of Cold
Mill. She leavns to mourn her loss
her husband and four children. They
are: Mrs. Vinell Howling of Med
rord; Lenus of Cold Hill: Hester of
Tacoma and Stephen of Mc.Minnville.
Ore., also five sisters, Mrs. .Jane Mor
gan. Mrs. Mary Ablx tt of Ashland:
.Mrs. Sarah Ovlatt, Mrs. Clara Park
dull of Medford and Mrs. Hannah
Fisher of Oregon City, and twq
brothers. F. M. Ferguson of Cold Hill
and liobert L. Ferguson of Condon.
Ore. Heceased was in all health for
a number of years, but was always
loving and kind to her family. Few
knew her good qualities. Her kind
faithful husband and children will
miss her in many ways.
I Mineral cortege will leave the
i Weeks & McCc-wan company chapel
j Friday, February 1:', nt 2 p. in. In
; torment will be in Jacksonville ceme
! lory. Dev. J. T. Spriggs will of
I flciate.
f'flV In:ie T I'nv l.r.r,. In
' "
Marlon County, Oregon, April 2. I S.',!).
ll.r.ln,l ' .. n.l O-l
.... .iiim iu ..uniu .ti.: i.ei.ui.ei
l!)!t. To them were horn four girls.
Hertha. Lola, Eva, and one hoy Seth.
I I'.-e.-.iseu is noi ,111 j y surviveu oy ine
i njiove named, but alst two daugh
ters, Hattie and Minnie, ity former
! marriage; two sisters, Clara Miller.
; living in Ashland, Ore., and Martha
i.lenklns at Myrtle Point. Ore. .Mr.
, v oy was
:i miner by occupation, and
a member of the various brunches of
the I. o. o. F. lodge at Cold Hill. Ore.
I lie died at his home in this city
February lo, i;i2'l, where he had re
sided for the past IS years. .Age at
1 death, c.n years, lie was a good hus
band, a kind father, a noble citizen
and his departure is mourned by a
host of friends.
(Contlnitod from Tape One)
u allowd to fall int the hands oi
I he rc olut ioiiiirv committee. Aent
ot tlie allie-- arc a t tempt iity lo learn
the rejixuis ;tinl idaee Uu; iT"tif-i-Iiilitv
lur th'-' liattpeiiitcj-.
iler N'aiolvit-Hi i
Neuralgic Pains
Clva Way to Soothing Hamlin'
Wizard Oil
Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and
effective treatment for headache and
neural:. Rubbed itt where the pain
is, it acts as a tonic to the tortured
nerves and almost invariably brings
quick relief.
Its healinc. antiseptic qualities can
always be relied upon to prevent in
fection, or other serious results, from
sprains, bruUes, cuts, burns, bites and
stings. Jt1.1t as good, too, for sore
feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sores
and canker sores.
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back.
Kvcr constipated or have sick beau
ache? Just try Wizard Liver Vhtpt--pleasant
little pink piu2, JO cents
Guarantee J.
"in- mill in -Jai-ksohYHlo Is runninu'
full capacit and the mill tn South-!
cn-t Medford villi Ih ready for opera-j
t ion stum. employ home lalmr J
and iiM' lionir.m own timKr. Patron,
ie home induu y nml help maintain
a pay-roll for Mod ford.
I lly Of! i. 11:1 S. I ll- PhlillP .1VI1
l.eune dietat-r j.nd mmtarv
fthe all Ku.---i.-iii -.'..;h rn-iM-nt at
. hak
Om-f: on the downia
the di'Wiiiall m the Mirt-e-
I tor-.." tlie lir-t all If ti L
mem. November 1 HHv
November !a:, the -m-cc-i-
i Ijol-heviki al-'iiL' the Trail
ra-hvav I'm reed him to evneuate
I Omsk and be-.-m in- retreat ea-'wanl. ;
!he -ijvi rnnienr imallv c-tabli-hiii.'
its sea: nt Irkut-k. j
In the ! diouin'j 1 1 ' n 1 1 1 . Kolehak :
letircd a- cNumm.nder in ' be ? of tlie!
all Ifu-siaii nr'i.v. aPnoiitin'' the Co--
j -aek com rt i.i iMier. Hen era! Semenot r. I
J a- hi- .-ucee-:.r. Horn in 174. Io- I
itcrc.l ili
niuai -crvp-p
1 lcrcct'ivcd licCO-
-n-.l;:pancc war.
he v.;t- jii-i-i.i.'itcil
I'.lack ilect.
: vi-itf'.l the I'ri!-
lillsiu in Ihill.
I !" the II:
j On .Ji:ni' '. l'.'lli
j i'.'mil:MIlilrr nl t!,l
A.lnnnil K..l-hi
t. d Slot.- in S.-!'t'-Trln-r. 1!)17. at tin-lo-a.l
ol' ;i -pecinl na'.al n.i i.tri. re
luiniii'.' tu Sibcriii arlv in llie t..ov
hfj vi'ar. He was taki'ii liv rcvola
t.i.iiarv !..r.-c lnt in. .nth.
(Continued from I'ase Van)
Kcilemtmn of announced thai
till- prc-l.lellt's ini,-;il would have
to he "lint in. to the liieli." before anv
aiilr.iiinecnieiit could be' bv th,
'file president iir.iioal. whatever
it wa-. was not expected tu -my the
-Irike ol' the riiaiiileiiance of wav ein
ploves tilled ti- m..t Tue-dav.
I'es'ile- Mr. Jewell ami Mr.
L. .1. Manioti. ure-idcnt ol the
of Kailroid Tele-raiiliers. wu
enl nt the c.iiil'. ieii. e. The .n
met the reiireseiitiilivi i the
sf mt ii
portico ol' tlie White II, ,u-,.
Ji statement which he h.ul
and rea l
-t'ldv of the
rt on
J-j.-hftJ .-J9 CLASSIFY !
U'A XTK f P.oy fTyears or over to
work evenings after reli'irl. Mu-t
have wheel. W st.Mn Cnion Tel 1
27, '
KOll 1 1IC XT -Sleeping rooms, hath,
close in. 21.". North Crape street.
F0i SALE -l-ioom house with bath.
light and gus. Assessments paidj
in full. $ I Lot adjoining I
with store bouse, chicken yard and
garden with berries, J2.".o.oo. :,
room modern bungalow on paved
street. Assessments payed, $1GU0
Enquire 731 West 2nd street. .;!1
FOU SA1.K Milk et-.v.
21ii Laurel ftreet.
Phone 17".-.
ftirniture. SS7-L.
kinds household
X. JaekBon. Phone
Rub Musterole on Forehead
and Temples
A headache remedy without the' (ten
ners of "headache medicine." Relieves
headache and that miserable feeling
from colds or congestion. And it acts at
once! Musterole is a clean, whiteoint
nent, made with oil of mustard. Better
than a mustard plaster ami does not
blister. Used only externally, and in
no way can it affect stomach and heart,
as some internal medicines do.
Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis,
croup, 6titf neck, asthma, neuralgia,
congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum
bago, all pains and aches of the back
or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises,
chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the
chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
W'c wish (i iiniKiiiiii'i' to the
incuts have hccn made wlicrchv
ilcinands i'nv this jinwdcr ami
schedule t' aci-dininodate ens
Grater Lake Hardware Co.
j uaue negotiation- i-n-sen!'-.l to hi:
' hv IHre.tor iM-n-r:.! Him-- i
' ennH-renee i.-. .i a.M.ui i ;
- i Tl,-
U:il -.a- in in- wm-ei -" T -
i.rr-i'icnt 1
refill -Ill' f lii-
-t In
SKATT1.K. 1'e'u. IS. Am.-ri'-a s
pu'ulic school sys'c-m i- facir.s a gen
eral breakdown through a tii(..-iase
of teaeht-rs. Mr?. Jos-i.hir.o Collie
Iri-ston. Vashir.-;oii .-ta:- snp.-nn-U'niient
of public cliication ami prcsl
ilcni of tli" rilm-ati-mal as
sociation, dcclarcj in ail adilrt
today. i here
V. D. McI-aiiBhlin. of Woodcliop
pcr Creek. Alaska, irecinently sends
in bans of gold dust lo llie Red Cross.
'Papa's Cold Comround"
breaks up a cold in
a fc.v hours
I Kelief cnmfi ill-lantly. A dnse f hkpti
evcrv two hours until three .le-c ;ire
j taken usunllv brc.iks u;. :i severe c-.ld
!an.l ends :rl the "nppc :n:-cv.
I Th" very lirst duse opens your nngged
!up notriU and the air i...i2e m the
head, stops nose running, relieves tho
j headiieiie. .liillnc-- f'-verisluc - . -nc-z-i
ing. sorcnens and stiirnetd.
i Don't stav etulW-ui! Quit bl.iwnig
Bnd snulilili!.'! Clear your com;..-ti.d! Nothing cl-e in the wor! I gives
euth prompt relief as "l'tcV Cold turn
i pound." which costs only a few cents at.
: anv druu -"tore. Jt acts without a-.-ist-,
once, tastci nice, contains no .pur.;!.
Insiat upon's:
Vhy Don't You Jake "Cascarets" for Your Live?
and Bowels and Feel Cheery, Fit and Fine?,
Cascarcta end bilionsneaa, lioadaelie,
cohls, and constipation so gontly you're
never own inconvi'nienct'd. 'lhere is no
jrripinj; and none of tho explosive uftrr
pffects of cathartics like Calomel, alts,
"They Are Better than the
New Ones"
These are the evact words or t yreat many of nnr customers that
Imvo had their ohl razor blades rc-sharpened. Try us uith a dozen;
we guarantee satisfaction.
HeaLlVs Drug' Store
The San Tox Store
Welded, Re-enforced and Guaranteed.
Cast Iron. Stfcl. M;i!cnllp, Aluminum, Brass,
Bronze, Copper, Xirkcl, Chrome and Vanadium
39 South Front Street.
trade that effective tmhiv
ve will niaki
action is ii-.iiiiiied
we Hud ii necessary
'nn rs.
to put off to-day's duty until to.
morrow. If your stomach it
acid-distnrbed take
the new aid to digestion comfort
today. A pleaoant relief from
the discomfort of acid-dyspepjia.
New Spring
Now Arriving
Plcnsc look over u-,r
lines before bnyiiig
Vanity Shop
Next Rialto Theater.
flickeninp Oil or cramping Fills. Why
don't you take Cnscareta and pot rid of
the bowel and liver poison which ia keep
ini; you miHoraule and sick? Cascareta
L-ost !:ttle and work while you sleep.
ail' deliveries L'
by the increasing;
In install this daily