Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 12, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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l.Y.T it W-:!m Vee- i-l
1 2t up is ii
i o; ;.e;. Voi a.-e
Li t''a:
. your br:ht. yosr .;
.c. s- 4 tkt del.zhtfal ie.iz?
s rttnrs-xi tc thow who r
The Ir:h Bord-Oni:!''. r:re ' -"- 1: - iirnci.tore
toxin in Orct, Fb. J;!i ar.4 es-it '!p:rtat i t-lnte H4l. tt M-i-"-b.
221. Tb j,ar of. it S.-ie L' J'"& S.iravr bo will re;
Js to flume the J'-t4 jjoii-;T.:rjT K- M. Wade ' :o Ja'.ktcn
.f tit k'-UJ-A ir eland io ..'"'' 1 '' ''' tc il-i'.or :
i.l rUML..! rf and (v.-. " - JNMipi w.l to5
fcurb other jjrp-jef ai Ir;e rover.v
merit rtay i-cj'Je. nd " rt.r.
are ij.-j'l in denon-ir-atlo:.5. I-'.'
',. IJ'iO asd t'i or.. 7; e ierc.i
of pa-merjt are tr.e Ji-) fr:lf:-af
cah on appITcatios, the iv.V-rs. 2'
1 1
of 'arm n, .'iin-ry to one 01?-
: tr.o: ' -: h Me-jfoM ihr itrlMiiifiJC '
.eiter of agr Jit-jr: Implement in,
; The farmer of io.m Or; 2 or:
;iJl have the n'ivanti.e of :eet;c.-. ,
per ctnt on applf af ion, i". per fea::from Ure e'.o,; of all the ew!
Jn thirty ; a, 2." per in tixtj ; widely known ma:es of machinery to-
days ad 2i per reM in ninety days, j aether w-th better Aervice on part,
Ir. An1re .Srn:tb has been design-1 e:?. 1
t4 fcs ehairran f or Oregon byj yiT s:KnfjT s located in the Kor-
Krank P V. alh. the national chair- inek builrfir-jf and has already fverai '
an. Lrr. J F. Heddy was name1 s J trUa of machinery tn atock with:
-our'.y chairman f-r Jaclcion county 0Ifjrs arf.v;r.jf &a the season ad-;
Ky frank P. Walsh. Owicj; to hj varices. Owir.? to i!-e enormous floor;
ttMrnm of Vr. Herf.iy In the east. I.jfpa(f parl of the bjldin? will be1
.Smith has appointed the liev. Jobnj.,: ow.r K .j.,, J.riR. Spc in! ,
Towers U act as 'o-inty c hairman. , all(.fllj0ri IO fann-rrH who don't !
JJond certificate may be secured , tfi,ft (o ,v. th(.ir ar. in Ihe Mrtf.
from him any time. Uhiie at theatrev. etc A man will be '
frank P. Walsh sent the following ' jn aift-r.dane till U p. m. nigh'.s
telegram to lr. lieddy at Medford ; in addition to farm machinery Mr.
from New York: i.Siznor will have two makes of trucks
"Laree numbers I.'nited Rtatesjand three makes of tractors.
I-lierty bonds offered as subicrip-j Mr. Thos. I. Temple, manager for
lions. This indicates entima!on n . Mr. H;i?nor, lias bad 1.", years exper
whifh first loan of Irifh KepubU I jene in farm machinery and tractors, j
held; also set hi?h standard. 3ux-i likes Medford, and hopes they srik';,
Kei to all workers to encouray t oil. ;
especially this feature. Forward Lib-j
erty bnds to me daily as received: Oreponlans u;i to this noon re gi-;
t-nd verified; convert registered tered at (he Medford include II. L.
lKnds into bearer bonds iefore for- i Benson and K. L. Culver of Salem,
warding. I'se registered mail and, Mrs. L. K. lilakely of Koseburg.
insure contents. Accept Canadian j Clyde A. Wilsc-n, V. F. Slater and K.
money at par and forward to me by , F. Harrison of F.ugne. and V. A.
registered mail daily as received. j Terry, Jno. P, liurns, W. IC. nonald-
Mancbester, New Haiiipf.hire. fjuo-Hon. H. Ii. ilrig-i. C. II. fberhaus, F.
ta sixteen thouJ-an.i repirts thirty- s. John::on, F. J. Hiird, fieorJJe An
two thousand and more coming. Jer- j derxon, Leland J. Sparks and Kent A.
in: , ' i am 6i years eld. cj
ail ry o; wore, neTer a meal,
ea: a. i wan: and anything I wan..
and a? yoang to-iay a i d:d fifty i
yeai irv. wh:a I auribuie 10 '.akin?'
ea'h before retiring, Ka'.h box 1
'OL-.a.L- a r,i AHAMKK coupon, an J
. -ejird ;:h a b: eal
ignaiure of ALO.VZO O fcl.-.S.S. For
a.e all leading druoi- in ooie
ccy.taining dov for 4 !. and a
-.ze for i. -',... ?,!ade r,y A. O.
' The liird of Paradise," the play
that plea.--s theatregoers season aftfer
season, will be atn at the Page thea
tre Monday n:gh. Feb. I6th.
ft is one of the biggest and most
novel of Am-ri an successes and
helped to mai:e five actresses popular
on the F.t ren and stage.
The play is the story of the Ha
waiian Islands as they are and Amer
ican influence as it i3. It is not only
picturesque but thrilling, and no
stage scene has ever held more of the
sensational than the volcano picture
of the last act. Florence Rockwell
plays Luana, the unfortunate prin
cess, this year.
f.ey City has passed 0,110! a seventy
five thousand, will exceed 011 e h u n -dred
thousand. New York workers
leport numerous subscriptions from
Chinese. Many soldiers in army
ramps are sending monoy direct to
national headquarters. Reports from
Htates where campaign is proceeding
demonstrate flotation remarkably
successful. Preparation and work
ers' effort are only essentials to com
plete success."
Price of Portland.
II. Ii. Urigga of Portland, engineer
in the construction depigment of the
Standard Oil company in this district,
arrived in the city yesterday on busi-
Tfc e i&ih-rr and 50a banquet i
honor of Kov S'-.-ut week, at the
( "r.n-:ian hir'h nijh: was a
huse fucee. 1 1 uit. ?-e.ri led a -
ire uanoue: table end the feu-t oi
. i.;r,;en p;e &nd ail .,ner vsi tfjic
---r.-'i v the lacie- of te chart-
m'l-;, tu the -u.-'-e-- of tne oc-
It was a f rand mm to Je father4
ar.d -on-, ai-o ,bu-inc-n n.en of the
citv with other hor. sealed ai th&
table, and minIin' t''erher.
D. K. Millard, fout mazier. Tre--.dei
and the follow -ncr Drram wa
heart iiv entered into bv the bi and
littie bov. iire-ent:
cation. Paul Jannev. 1): ei-sco'it
n.a-ter. made a shrt t;iik on the
'sfTowth of the bov .--'its in Medionl.
Talks were al-o made bv Mavor
! K. fiat. J. ). Iii.-kert. Will 0. Steel.
Hen Sheldon. Superinter. Jent Ii.i'.vn
l-rr. "l):uV Kinr. ::tii!eii. tea her
in the cLooN: 1 i, TaTt. ,f. A.
Perrv, Jhn C M;inn. S. S. Smith,
C. M. Kidd and oth-r-.
A number of the bov out-s took
part in the itroram. teiiiri-.' of the
imiiicanee and S'-oi,e of the bov
scout movement, what the neee--arv
reritii-ite- are to the drlferent de
trrees of the wnii!- :md manv
other intere-tinc feature- that ooene.j
the eve- of the men pre-ent.
The hi-torv of the American fhiir
bv Kdward Wold and the demonstra
tion of firt aid work to injured
people were amor.'j the --peeial
feature- of the even in l'.
The -couts "nve a rr.imber of velfs
during tlie evening ami lauded their
leader, I). K. Millard.
y:Z'j: V. M. M'.-Revn..:.U 01 0
Cocdoc. Oresoa.
The decea-i t; ill a nzrnbrr c
v a r- .' nd a- alaavi. hizi
k.nd. JVs- kneu- her "ood t-jal.:iei.
ifer kind iitb: d ha-bat.! ar.d ru.'
:ren - .11 rai-.s her In manv v. i ;
j Kunenxl cor.f.'e leve the Week-j
4" M'.-'xowri n companv chap-i i'Kdav, :
rebr-arr l.'J. at i j. m. Tae inter-;
rr.efit wil! e m JacknvUie eem"terv j
fiev. J. T. Sorisi-s will o:f;.-iate.
Two of the prominent candidates
for state office here for the Lincoln
banquet tonight, who arrived this
afternoon are C. D. Butler of Salem
and K. L. Coburn of Grants Pass, who
aspire to the secretary oi state nom
ination. With Fred Williams, state
public service commissioner, they mo
tored over from Grants Pass this
Kor the best Insurance see Holmes
the Insurance Man.
Slab wood for sale by tier or cord.
Valley Fuel Co.
The College Woman's club will
meet at the home of Mrs. Robert
Stearns, 23 north Orange street, Sat
urday afternoon, Feb. 14. Miss Car
kin will have charge of the program.
Subject, "Current Verse."
Your Health and
The Children's Health -
should cause you Xo
investigate the merits of
this table beverage
You. are certain, of purity
and wholesomeness.
Sold by Grocers
Made by Postum GereaLCo. Battle Creek.Mich.
Republic Trucks
When you purchase a REPUBLIC
TRUCK you are doing as 60,000
other shrewd, sensible men have done
The Best Known Trucks
in the World
N. Riverside Opposite Nat Medford, Oregon
Wall Street and the public for
years held aloof from oil stocks,
partly because of the speculative na
ture of the producing end of the busi
ness, the present enthusiasm is al
most entirely centered upon the
stocks of companies engaged in pros
pecting or producing. This, of course
is due to the large profits which are
possible; to the stories, true in many
cases, of a ?100 investment quickly
becoming worth 30,0ou, and the
The profits in the refining and
marketing end of t tie business are
very close, compared with the risk
and cost of doing business. It is the
companies which produce, or expect
lc produce, oil which have captured
public interest, and to a considerable
extent these are in the new Texas
fields. Oil apparently can get people
excited and anxious to buy stocks fas
ter than gold, silver, and copper, be
cause an oil field, when tapped,
comes quicker and faster than do
ores. One pay well may make a
whole countryside rich and enable a
small stock company to sell out for a
fabulous sum. Wealth is scattered
so suddenly, promiscuously and spec
tacularly that all sense of proportion
is lost. The writer has met in the oil
fields dozens of men who were in
moderate means or in a few cases
even poor a few weeks before, but
now had inccmes exceeding thoe of
many millionaires. Review of Reviews.
To Relieve Catarrh
Catarrhal Deafness
And Head Noises
Persons snffe.nntF r.ntn 1 i
..viii '..'.ml udj
aeanesa. or who are growing hard cl
bearinz and hai-A hcaH nnir ;n
elad to know that this distressing af-
iiitiioji can usually t,e successfully
treated at -home i.y an internal med-!
nine that in many instances has ef
fected complete relief ifter r.ihe.
treatments have failed. Sufferers.
who rnillri h-.... i 1
Uieir hearing restored to sulIi an ex-1
lent mat the tick of a watch was
Plainly audible seven or eight inches
away from either ear Thn.Qfn it :
you know of someone who is troubled I
With head nnisea nr .ararrhl Ar
ness. cut out this formula and hand it '
iu mem ana you may have been the
means of savin? cmo t,-
jiuains irum total aeatness. The
preSCriDlion can he rrena. vn
and is made as follcws:
Secure from your druggist 1 oz
Parmint (Double Stia-ngih.) Take
mis home and add to it pint of hot
water and a little granulated sugar:
stir until dissolved. Take one table
spoonful four times a day.
Parmint is used in this wav not
only to reduce by tonic action the in
flammation and swelling in the Eus
tachian Tubes, and thus to equalize
the air DresSUrP m the rlmm I. nt tn
correct any excess of secretion's in the
nnuaie ear. and the results it gives
are nearly always quick and effective.
r-very person wno has catarrh In
any form, or distressing rumbling,
hissing sounds in their ears, should
give this recipe a trial.
residence in '
1!C. Martlui
nixed fii! vi':ir,
She wns the
Hcvnolil- mill
ln.s her llll!l;:
Mrs. Vincll l'.
inu, of (mM
coma mid Stt
Oregon, iilso
brothers. Mrs.
.Mnrv Abbott .,
tlviult iiml M
!)S Iiicrt at her Kite
iul.l llrll, February 3 I.
Abiirail .McHevnol.'.s.
S months and 111 il:iv.
wile of John II. M -
leiivcs to mourn hcrj
mid and four children.
wlinir of Medfoni: l.c
llill: Hester of T.i-
inlien of McMiiitivillc.
five sisters and two
.lane Morcun and Mrs.
1 Ashlund: Mrs. Surah
rs. Clara Hnrkiliil! of
I Hand fH
J TxfSrTi
Softens the Skinl
HUXl.tX) Reward
I will pay 4 1 . o m reward to any
one giving informatics thai will lead j
to the arrest and corrv-tjon of party
that shot the red hound deg belong
ing to me, on Wednesday, i eb. lr.h.
in east Medford.
1122 East .Main.
If you are loilng your hair, or
are bald, or have danaruff, don't
apply anything that will dry the
scalp a moat lotions and sham
poos fJo. but ue the famous
Ir.uian hair elixir Kotalko
which contains oen-mr-.e bur at
and other potent JnKrwlienta.
Now that your attention is
Kotalko should b impressed on
your memory and yuu will u.-
it if you really want a auperb
hair growth. No mattc-r It you
have despaired before, try KO
TALKO nor. J3O0 Guarantee.
G-t a full size box at any busy
drujf Htor; or send 10 cnts
(stamps or silver) for brochure
J H.BHHaln.lnc.tatlon rtmTerk.S Y.
Let's Go!
Sat. V
lliKllt S,
Name "Bayer" is on Genuine
Aspirin say Bayer ,
In;t on ' Hrpr Tablets of Apiria"
in a "ILiyrr packaiie,' containing pfPf
-Jtriit.in4 in i old. Pain, Ilead-irh,
Nttir.ii-!4. I.mnlupo, and Rhcumatwni.
Nnu'c " ilay.-r" genuine Apinn
prtf:ri c i by p!iruii lor nint'tecn
yp. i is. llitndy t.n bMXPi of 12 t.ibkt
tir-t vw cent". Aspirin m trade mark
id tt;irer M imif.icttire of Monoacetic
Acidrsttrr of S jhylicacid,
' Anyone would expect a
motion picture full of
Klsie Janis to be full cf
snp and pep, bright and
brisk, jolly and friendly
from start to finish and
that's what 'A Regular
Girl is "
bun. Anlln .Stewart in
Dodue Car. stand corner Main and
Bartlctt. Phone 900.
-. . J. 0. DELAKEY.
At! Relieves Ingestion, Heartburn, Gases, Dyspepsia,
eausci ty Aciity. Hurry! Buy a box at any "drug store. Read
"Common Sense Rl!cs Regarding Stomach" in every package.
Monday, Feb. 16
Mail Orders
Prices Same as all cities! Loner floor, First 14 ros 82.00; last
4, ISalrnny. First 4 fos 8 1. ); next 4, $1.00. lialunce ,'iOc.
Plus 10 er cent War Tax. Box office snlo FYiday, 13th, 12 oclock.
Is a month of many gala days, and a gala day means a party. Are
you using gas in your home? Xotliing is so liundy or economical as
gas for cooking and heating.
Vsc gas and you will find satisfaction on every count.
Oregon Gas and Electric Co.
JU-dfiiiil, Ore.
Medford Concrete Construction Co.
General Contractors
Dealers in
Washed Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock, and Cement.
Offiee Jackson County Bank. Phone 80-W
Everything Electric for Automobiles
Trucks and Tractors
Guarantee Battery Service
Auto Electric Equipment Co.
27 North Grape Street.
TITTS is only one influence, Membership, in
the Federal Reserve System carries with it.
Formerly credits were largely based upon
opinion rather than specific' facte. Thus
both bank and customers have come to real
ize a higher standard of business principles
in their relationship of one to the other.
Wo deem it naturally a greater degree of
safety and service which the First National
Bank gams by its Membership in that system.
tte First National Bank'
riEDFORD Oregon