rr STEDFOTID MXTL' TBTBTJNE, MEDFOTJD, OKKGOX. WEDNESDAY. EKBUEARY 11. 1!)20 PAGE FT7B " r t t T T y y y t t y y y y y New goods arriving daily in every department. Buy your spring goods early while you can get the best selection. We carry a large assortment of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear, Dry Goods, Shoes, Men's and Boys' Furnishings and Men's and Boys' Clothing. We invite you to come and look the new goods over for we won't have room to describe them all in this ad. We sell for cash only. The same price to all. We handle the best merchandise obtainable and sell for the lowest price possible t y y y y y y y x t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t t y y y y y y y y y y SUITS New shipment just arrived. Made up i lithe newest materials and styles for spring. "We invite you to come in and look these suits over. They arc priced at $35 $44 to $55 Other shipments to follow in a few days Waists Full line of Ladies' Waists in Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe. Priced at $4-50 to $18.00 New Coats "We have a few of the new spring - coats and others will be here in a few days. Priced at $29.50, $35.00 $47.50 DRESSES We have a nice assortment of the new dresses to choose from. "We have had several shipments of dresses and they are selling fast. Come in and pick out yours now. The new materials and styles for spring. Priced at, in Silks, $23.75, $25.00 to $33.75 AVool Dress at $32.50, $37.50, $-16.50 to $19.00 LADIES' SKIRTS Priced at $41.50 to $17.75 MEN'S FURNISHINGS ilea's Dress Shiits at ....$1.75, $2.00, $2.55 to $4.95 Men's Dress Hose at 25, 30 35 to 40 Men's Silk Hose at $1.00 and $1.88 Men's Delts at 35 to 75o Men's Hose Supporters at '. 25 to 45 $2.98 Men's Khaki Shirts, best grade at SUMMER UNDERWEAR Nice, fine Rib Union Suits at $2.00 B. V..D. Union Suits at $1.85 Athletic Union Suits at $1.35 Best Grade two-piece garments at 98c garment, suit $1.96 Buy your sunnnerunderwear now as our stock is now complete. MEN'S WORK CLOTHES. Best grade Blue Bib Overalls at $2.50 Best grade "Waist Overalls at . $2.35 Good full cut Work Shirts at $1.25 Extra Heavy Double Back Work Short, at $1.98 Heavy Weight Khaki Pants at $3.00 and $3.25 Good Heavy Waist Work Pants at $2.50 Canvas Gloves at 15 and 20c Other good Work Pants at $3.65 and $3-75 MEN'S WORK SHOES We have a large stock of Men's Work Shoes, all solid leather, priced at $3.50 $5.25 $6.15 $7.00 $7.25 to $8.50 . NOTICE FOR MEN We have an odd lot of Men's Elk Shoes for summer wear in' odd sizes. These shoes have been in the house for two years and still the same old price if there is a pair to fit you. It would be worth while to come in and see them. MEN'S NEW HATS are here, and they arc priced at $4-50, $5.00 to $5.70 Get yours Now. MEN'S SUITS New shipments of Men's Suits every few days, and we arc selling them fast, for our prices are right. Men's all Wool Blue Serges at $38.50 to $48.50 Other Wool Suits in stripes and fancy patterns. Priced at $27.00 to $42.00 DRY GOODS This department is filled with New Silks, New Wool Goods, New Voiles, New Wash Goods and Muslins SILKS We have one of the largest and best assortments of silk in the city. Be sure you come in and look them over before... buying else where. A few of the prices are as follows: 3ti-inch Figured Lining Satin, per yd : ....$2.20 n(J-inch Changeable Poplin ..$2.25 rSli-inch Changeable TalTet ta $3.65 Sli-inch Satin, all colors $2.00 to $3.50 36-inch Taffettas, all colors, $2.00 to $2.50 30-inch Satin, black and colors, at. per yd $4.15 40-incli Pussy Willow, all colros, per yd $5.25 36-inch fancv plaids and stripes, per yd .. $2.00 to $3.40 4U-inch Crepe de Chine, all colors, per yd $2.75 to $3.35 40-inch Georgette Crepe, all colors, per yd $2.98 3(i-inch Black Costume Velvet, per vd. $2.80 42-inch Black Chiffen Costume Vel vet, per yd $8-75 3--inch Brown Costume .Velvet, per yd $4.15 18-inch Velvet, all colors, $2.00 to $2.25 54-inch All Wool Coatings, $2.9S $4.50 to $6.00 Cloth, per yd $6.75 ")4-inch xll AVool Velours, all col ors, per vd $5.00 :!i;-inch Wool Serge $1.25 1'J-inch All Wool Serge $2.95 4o-inch All Wool Tricot cue $3.35 412-inch All Wool Gaberdine $3.00 COTTON VOILE 10-inch Voil, all colors and patterns 98 to $1.50 40-iuch plain red 750 oG-inch Cotton Crepe de Chine, all colors : $1..2s5 3(i-inch Borch Cloth, all colors 90 127-inch Poplin, all colors 60 30-indi Poplin, all colors 75 WAS HGOODS Two cases of Devonshire just re ceived, all colors and patterns, plaids and stripes. Devonshire, yd 45 l!K-in. Kiddie Cloth, yd 43o JS-in. Galatea, yd 43 :!l-in. Scotts zeplorv gingham, yd. " 75 :!li-in. Gingham, yd 40 "JS-in. Gingham, yd 35? 2S-in. Gingham, yd 32r 2S-in. Percale yd. .. 3(i-in. Percale, yd. 3(i-in. Percale, yd. 3(i-in. 'Madras, vd. 20 35tf 457 65 SCRIMS 32-in. Curtain Scrom, yd. ......20 32-in. Scrim, colored border, at yd 30 and 40 3(-in. Scrim, berge ecrue and N white 35 to 60r 3(i-in. Marquesctte, white and ecrue, yd 50 to 90 3(i-in. Curtain Madras, all colors, yd 85 to $1.45 MUSLINS 3(i-in. Big B Muslin, yd 29c 3fi-in. Hope M''iii yd 32 3(i-in. Tillie Muslin,' yd 39tf :)(i-in. Long Cloth, vd. 40 .'h-in. hong ( loth, yd 55r 27-in. Nainsook, yd 37 .'!(j-iu. Nainsook, yd 40 3()-in. Nainsook, yd. 50 to (iOc S-4 Bleached Peipiat Sheeting, at yd 90- !J-I Bleached Pc(uat, Sheeting, yd 95" 10-4 Bleached Pcquat Sheeting, yd $1.00 .42-in. Pequat Tubing, yd 63(- fj-in. Peiiat Tidiingyyd 65f Palm Olive Soap 8o Machine Oil bottle 8 Colgatcs talcum )iow- der 15$ Colgates tooth iaste. at 10 and 25c Colgates Soap, at bar 10- NOTIONS Sewing silk thread at .! ...lS HO-vard silk thread at 7 Sand silk thread 5 G'oorl pearl buttons, card 5c4 Enveloiies at 5i and 10d J look and eyes at card 5 J lair Pins, box 5 10 box. Cdgatf'S sliaving soa !lt 5 School tablets 5- Colored Cravons, 5c Bit at 10 pkg. SHOES SHOES SHOES You can always buy your shoes here below sale prices if you consider quality in the price. We handle only the best makes in the best grades of leather and best con struction. LADIES' SHOES. The Utz and Dunn, Holters and Maxine Shoes for Ladies French heel Brown Kid Lace Hoot, at $12.75 French Heel, Grey Kid Lace Boot at $13-85 French Heel Black Kid Lace Boot, at $11.65 French Heel Black Cloth Top Lace Boot at $6.45 Military Heel Brown Cloth Top Lace Boot at $8.00 Military Heel, Black Kid Lace Boot at $10.95 Black Kid Pumps, High Heel, at $6.65 Black Kid Pumps, Low Heel, at $7.00 Brown Calf Military Heel Oxford at $7.70 Other Ladies' Dress Shoes at $4.50 to $9-65 MEN'S DRESS SHOES The Barry Shoe for Men Who Care to Dress Well. Men's Dress Shoes in the new) spring colors and lasts, priced at $6.25 $9.50 $10.55 to $13.15 BOYS! AND GIRLS' SHOES Boys' and Girls Shoes too numerous to price in this ad. We carry Buster Brown and Billy Buster Shoes for boys and girls. The prices are right. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY We carry the famous Buster .Brown Hosiery for Ladies, Children and Men. Ladies' Black Lisle Hose, priced at ....40., 60 and 75$ Gill's Hose at 35 to 50 Boys' lose at 30, 40, 50 and 65 Ladies' Silk Hose at $1.50 to $2.30 MEN'S AND BOYS KOVERALLS Men's Khaki Unionalls, priced at $4.50 to $6.00 Boy's Play Suits at $2.00 and $2.50 Boys' Play Suits at $1.75 ARCH SUPPORTS. Arch supports fitted here. If you have foot troubles, come in and we will tell you the cause. ...... . T f y y y y y y y y y y y t y f t y y y y f y y T y t y y y y y y y y y y y t 7 y y y y t T T X y T y t y t y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y f y t y y y j y y y f y y y y y y y t y y f y y y f y y y y y y x y 7 y i