I PSGE TWO SIEDFORD WATL TIirRUNT!. MEDFOTtD, OftEnON'. WEDNESDAY. VEttttrAKV 11. 1030 mm Tomorrow lieinK a leal holiday tlio liunkH will m closed ull day. 'However, the uo.storfiee will deliver and diHtrihute mail an usual a.s alihrJ Thursday Is a lgal holiduy cnngrtnihi )ia8 taken no anion deciuritm it an official holiday as wan done in the cane of 'Washington' b birthday. For eye, ear, nosu, throat nee Dr. Heine, Liberty lildfi. OlufwuH fitted. Jackson county probably holds the record in Oregon for the number of dog licenses taken out under the new, Ktaie law, for Chauncey Flny, coiiu-j ty clerk, reported today thai out of the dogs in this county licenses hud been procured for I'lOii. Tin1 owners of the remaining unlicensed dogs if they want to save Die unfma from being killed had better hurry as the ttheritf and police will utait the slaughter In a day or two. Already the Med ford police have gathered ; number of unlicensed di-gs into til you have building or repair Ing, kmc (Jillcttc, 103 South Oakdate Jin does the work rinht, quick and reuHonublo. iiy the day or contract 1'hor.e 471. 2 7H .Mann's semi -annual remnant halt openH Saturday. Feb. 1 Ith. Hemnantu of all kinds of piece goods ut less than mil) prices. Don't forget to come early to .Mann's. 27a The Lincoln ban net tomorrow night at the .Med ford will open with K. V. Carter, of Ashland, the club president, presiding. Tolonel Wash bum of Table Hock, will act as toasl muster and also give (he political address. For pear and apple trees see lint ler's ad in the classified column. '11', The great sale of.remnanls of dress goods, Bilks, outing flannels, white goods, sheetings, linens, laces, em broideries and all other piece goods remnants opens at Mann's, Saturday, Feb. l lth, at 8 a. m. He on hand early. 2 7.'i Itex Hartley and iieorge Palmer of Salem, Frederick .1. Hrennan of Port land and A. L. Wllber of Albany are guests at (he Holland. Oh how I love you dear old Dort ol , mine, j Kaeh night and day you're running Rlinply fine, Skillful workmen made you, I will never trade you. All highly grade you dear old Dorl of .Mine. Clark & Chllders, Aled ford, Orogon. Jf you really want to enjoy pan cakes these mornings, mix them with Colestln walcr. Order from Jackson County Creamery. tf The AVoman's Home Mission soci ety of the M. K, church will meet Frl-; day afternoon with Mrs. K. C. .MinearJ 408 North Ivy streot Instead of with Mrs. McXary as was formerly an-j nounced.'" Friends are invited to at-1 tend this meeting. Orrest the ladies' tailor, will be at Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine woolens, latest styles always. tf The Hrcwn Motor Co., at Itti-IO North Front street, are agents for the Miller geared-lo-thu-road uniform miloago tires and ask t hut 'you give them a chance to show you the tires before purchasing. It has just become publicly known that all the deputies in the county offices wore recently granted a per cent increase in salary by the county court, which went Into effect the first vt the year, nnd that all will remain in the county's service. A number of them had decided to re sign and engage in other duties for a livelihood unless the county court gave them a substantia) raise, even above 10 per cent. The biggest money saving event in 'Mcdford is Mann'H semi-annual rem mint sale which opens Saturday. Feb. 14th, at K u. m. sharp. It will pay you to come early and often to this sale. -7fi For shrubbery nnd nut trees hoi lhitler'u ad in the classified columns. 7 it t.Vormun Normllo of Portland, who had been here since Sunday visit iim relatives during a short vacation will leave for that city tonight. Chimney sweep work guaranteed Palace Rooming llt.'use. 117." Visitors in the city from a distance and stopping at the Mcdford are Aaron Task of lloston. J. (I. Lewellyn of Milwaukee, T. J. Kennedy of Los Angeles and A. Sereth of Seattle. A. C. HalHtoad, mechanotherapy metaphysics. 'J 5 Kant Main, over Kldd's shoe store. Phono U!tO-M. liSti For berry plants and grape vines see liutlor's ml in the classified col umns. iI7.r. William l. McAllen of Portland, who is special agent for one of lac nationally known insurance compan ies is in the city .n business. (iet your tickets now fur the Lin coln Day banquet at Mcdford Hotel and Commercial club. tr For sale Huck shot gravel. Phone ! 1 2-J. There will be no meeting of the Kings Heralds of the M. K. church this mouth. Cet the habit! Huy shares now In the Hulldiug and Loan. Wanted to buy clean cottt.ii rags. Medford Printing Co. The big Mine- sale of the Hub Is crowded eery day and the bargains' are bcitiK appreciated by the puMic The store opens each day at noon. The Itardwcll Fruit company ha received a carload of lime and sul phur and arc now prepared to make deliveries to growers. The mining men of southern Ore gon will be Interested in the news thai comes from Portland that Hiram D. Kirk of Denver. Colo., represent ing the Denver Milling company com pleted a transaction in that city .Mon day for the purchase of eight cluims on Cow creek. Jackson county, five miles from the California line. They were located and sold by Thomas -McGinn Ik, a prospector and mining man of southern Oregon. It is under stood that the transaction involves $-'2."i,omij in cash and securities. Kirk has gone with .Mcdlunls to Leaven worth, Wash., with u view to pur chasing mining property there. The property in Jadkson county is known 10 be rich in chrome, platinum and gold. Try us. Apparel Cleaners and Hat ters 103 x. Central, phone 22:j-J. 21:, The Medford Printing company has the De Luxe Multiplex cash books and other ruled books, loose leaf sys '."in, also1 inventory sheets. If you need these or any other blank books or bills to fit any binder see this office and patronize home industries. tf Considerable interest and specula tion Is being manifested around town as to whether It. I. Htewart, the con- tructor building the Idg (iates autoj garage building at West Sixth and Itiversido will lie aide to have the concrete structure completed by April 1st, as first planned, but so niueh progress has already been mude that even some of the most skeptical are now willing to concede that this feat can be done. Crowers may now get their lime and sulphur supply fcr the dormant spray at the Hard well Fruit Co. 27 Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for Xultoiie. Phone ft Sit-J, Carl Hclioeinnker, slate game and fi.-di warden, will arrive In the city tomorrow morning to attend the Lincoln banquet according to u wire received from him today making n i Mini reservation at the Holland. Hawkins for health. Orres, tailors for men and women. High grade only. Ashland, Ore. W. P. Itlake, former well known raveling salesman with the Standard Oil company thru this territory, has been with the Overland and Willys Knight auto agency at Portland for some time past and was recently given a promciion as chief territory man. Ohcar Heintz, formerly ol Med lord but who now make;; his headquarter at Petaiuma, Calif., in in the city and vicinity on business and stopping at the Holland. Why pay the new price for Vlrtro- las when you can save $:.". 00 on the 100.00 and Kt them just as good as new. We trade in more on liruns wlcks than we can sell. Hot tamaie and chill con earn e at DeVoe's. The weekly luncheon of the rhatn ber of commerce directors was held Ibis noon at the Hotel Medford. Nothing has been done us yet in ap pointing a secretary of the chamber to succeed Will (L Steel, resigned. Ladies' and men's suits French dry cleaned $1."U. City Cleaning Works. Phone 474. tf TROUBLES FROM MY AGE Mrs. Baney tells how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her 1 hrough the Change of Middle Life. The itu oral inn at the Lincoln hall-(U.-I loiiHjii'nw night will lie deliv ered by l-'atlier Powers. A banquet feature wil! be the reading of Lin coln' Gettysburg address by Rev. I.. Myron Huozer. .lust arrived. Car of famous I'tah coal. Valley Kuel Co. .lr. ami .Mrs. K, i Coleman of Lake creek, and O. Ahlstronl of liutie Kalis, were overnight guests at the Holland last night. This office will take subscriptions for the Portland Telegram. Bargain rate of $.1.93 a year by mail. Sub scripth.iis to be Bent In before Febru ary 10. 274 1.. Spiro, and S. V. Douglas of San ' Cm and after January 12 the Hines I'rani-isco and Win. C. Sivai'tom ol & Snider garage will be ouon day and llunsmuir are guests at the .Medford. . night, tf Safe 7IliiChxwmmnmwM ASK FOR HorSick'i TheOiiginel Avoid ForlnfontB.lnvclidsandGrowingChildren j Rich milk, malted groin extract in Pcwdcr The Original Fuod-Driok for All AceNo Cooking Nouriihing Digestible Rheumatic Pains Quickly Eased By Penetrating Hamlln'a Wizard Oil A "safe and harmless preparation to. relieve the pains of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame back and Luinbaao is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It penetrates quickly, drives out soreness, and lim bers up stiff aching joints and muscles; You will find almost daily uses for it in cases of sudden mishaps or ac cidents such as sprains, bruises, cuts, bums, bites and stings. Just as re liable, too, lor earaciie. looinacnc, croup and colic. Cet it from ftrticimts for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and KCt your money back. Kver constinatcd or have sick head nrlie? Tust trv Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little,, pink pills, 30 cents. Liuarantceu. "Good Shoes" Down Our Way l'lif your feet into a pair Schmidt's "Good Shoes and you'll have cash lcl'l put into your bank. to (lush, isn't it wonderful how handy the leather trust manipulate a cow's hidef KOli NALK liws for si tinii. O. A. C. lavm- strain Marred lMvnioiith Hocks, ews at l.f0. Phone S8!)-V We I public licve in letting th in on anything; that yood. (lOOI) SllOKS, tiiHin nu ii',.h aui "(IOOI) K(i(iS." Are you n'oini;- to put Harden this sprinY in i i i remaps yon II need a pan ol good work shoes that wil siami outdoor wear at a rea sonable iiriee. "We've "ot cm. llilsinrss Opportunity Sixty dollars ier mouth eattily inado for a part of your time han dling circulation ot large daily news paper In Medford. See Mr. Allen to night or tomorrow at Mcdtord Hotel. I We are at 21 N. Central. "Good Shoes" WEEKS & McGOWAN CO. UNDERTAKERS Pur rhoue: I'oclflo fJ7. VlUht riionra: p. W. Weeks, ItfS-ja La47 AabJtaa Rochester, Ind. "My troubles were from my age and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound helped me wonderfully. I took doctor's medicine and other patent medicine but the Vegetable Com pound has helped my nerves more than anything 1 have ever taken. 1 am thankful to the one who r e c o m menrierl it to nd will surely do my part in telling others wiiai uie meaictne nas clone lor me. 1 Mrs. Lettie Baney, flUiiEastathSt., Rochester, Indiana. Such warning symptoms ns sense of suffocation, hot flashes, beadaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears. Daluitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, ir regularities, constipation, variable ap petite, weakness and dizziness should be heeded by middle-aged women and let Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound carry them sufclv throuirh this crisis as it did Mrs. Baney. You Wives and Mothers Iavc you i-onsidcred the aiplication of elect rieit v to vour sewiiur work '. You know the advantage electric iron. of the electric litrlit anil Ih The Electric Sewino- .Machine is as nnu-h an advance over tlu chine as the electric old stvl iftht is over (lit scwii)!- nia- is instant Iv W'vcrncd or oil lamp ;i sad iron. the candle 1 the electric iron over the pressure ol vour loo The speed toot eont rol. We will be oad to explain to ymi i,n detail -THE WESTERN ELECTRIC PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE fl... .....1 1 1. 1 ' i . j ! ii i , i i nil- urn iinuiii, wmi'ii can lie insiamiv aiiaeiiei on rcadle iiiacliine. Paul's Electric Store I lIliilKft ' I ( .1..."', ji jifp Irnpee, WownhiK tlx' eloHiis anil Wi f Jty(T7-;- rtnlllj'lfWw IteepliiK Vm MtniiiiiK. is nil purl of j9. I rsf'' 1 JW,"t NWIJu'lWBp Mli.nlM-tlCs seheino In the fustest, jH OJ jj",i''u'st ,',""",u'" ,,t! p I , 'Ijr&r mils a I I SWKCTIIMHTIH-TIIK S j'J ' ' ' ' B 1,1 festival or run. x'.J' (0" E RIALT0 2 - r4;;!fi !S; C-- F'" - " ' ' J J.-l1 1' f " ' . - BZJBSi LIBERTY TODAY TOMORROW H is a niarvi'liius insiyhr into liiitiKtu nm lire jtisi ( untch the .smilliitf und liaijiy titci's pouring out nf tin l.i'lKMly this week. Surrly a prormn fs unili while Ihnl ciiii do that! FATTY ARBUCKLE "The Hajseed" Ami ,at hut )t, lit'ast "Tin Ioy il l" ol' I ilinlaiid" Marguerite Clark IX 'Luck in Pawn' Next .Friilnv ENID BENNETT In- STEPPING OUT" Blouses New Spring Blouses Now Arriving 1 'lease look over our lines before buying The Vanity Shop Next Rialto Theater'. ITHE BUILDING- SEASON IS ATI nMiU -- AriU OUR. CHOICE tLWBEg:S in DEMAND ! Our mill in .Im lisoiivillc is iiiiiniiii: lull inpiuily anil tin- mill in South cast Mi ilronl will !,. n-aily roi; opera lion soon. We finploy homo lalwr anil iim- lioinc-ni ciivn liiolicr. atitn. i.o homo industry ami hi-lp iiiaiiilain a pay-roll I'or Aliirinil. GAGNON LUMBER AND E0X FACTORY City Ol'l'i.o I I.! s. 1'ii- Phone H.-,f GIM CHUNG China Herb Store Herb euro Tor earaciie, headache, Catarrh. rlinllOinrifi anra thrMl liinir trouble, kidney trouble stom ach trouble, heart trouble, chills and fever, cramps, coughs, poor circula tion. Carblinflpa- Intnnr, i-d r,mA breast, cures all klnd-s or goiters. NO OPERATIONS. Mediord, Oregon, Jan. 13, 1917. This is to Certlft- thnf 1 tho nndnr. signed, had very severe stomach trouble and had been -bothered for several years and last AntrnQi MT! a inl expected to live, and hearing of Glm Chung (whose Herb Store is at 214 SoiKh Kroilt fitrepf. MeHfnrrfl T Ho cided tc Ret herbs for mv stomach irouuie, and ! started to feeling bet ter as soon as 1 used them and today am a well man and can heartily rec ommend aiiyone nfiiicted as I was to seo Oim Chung and trv his Herbs. (Signed) W. It. JOHNSON. -Witnesses: Wm. Lewis. Eagle Tolnt. W. L. Childrcth, Eagle Point. M. A. Anderson, Medford. S. 11. Holmes, Easle Point. C. K. .!(,ore, Kasie Point. I. V. M.'Intyre. lOagle Point. Geo. Von der Hellen, Eagle Point. Tbos. E. Niihols. Eagle Point. Old papers for buTMIng fires and bouse cleaning, 10c bundle.