PXTTE RTS rWTnDFOTin frTATi; TRTRTTNT!, TRmTTTRD. OT?T:r:0T, MONTttY. FE1TRUATIY 0. 1920 FLORENCE ROCKWELL AS LUNA IN "THE BIRO OF PARADISE' AT THE PAGE MONDAY. FEBRUARY I6TH TOMORROW NIGHT S.F. T A Fun-filled bow for tboso who nuto und thoso who ought to !! ? CALL 10 L ONE LIFE LOST Only Two Days More WASHIXriTO.V, Feb. 0. Organiz ed labor's pronoiinriulion of ils entry in politics, a call to "all lovers ivf freedom lo marshal their lirrei in defense or thnir rich's ami ideals," and to all tradii unionists and their friends lo unltii In defeating those .sci'kiiiK office who are hostile or in different lo tho rights of lubor, to day was sent broadcast over thu coun try. Tho declaration, Issued officially by the American Federation of Labor alter reciting what It termed vain offortH to secure remedial and con Btruetlvo legislation for the Interest and welfare of I tie tollers, denounced congress for lis "failure lo do Its duly and Its repression of labor." "Hi-orned by coiiki-oss, ridiculed and misrepresented by many mem bers of bulb houses," the announce ment tmld, "tho American labor movement finds it necessary lo vig orously apply Ils long and well estab lished non-lial iisan political policy. Tim American Hederalloll of Labor announces Its determination to apply every legitimate means and all of I he nnwor at Us command to accomplish tho defeat of labor's enemies who aspire for public office whether they lie candidates for president, for con gross, for slate legislatures or any oi her office." Tho appointment ot ft nall(,nal non-partisan political commillee was announced and the campaign will be started Immediately. Much aspirant for ortlco, tho an nouncement, said, will havo his record "luiulyzed" and those regarded ns fa vorable to labor will bo supported re gardless ot party affiliations. Tho declaration was adopted at the oiiiferoiico of trade union representa tives hero in December. BY SON'S TRIAL 51 A B SI 1 I'M KM). Ore.. Feb. 0. In etruiL'lili (1 circumstances as n re sult, of litiviiiir spent and borrowed mnnei' from friends lor the defense of bis son. Harold Unwell, chaired with Hie murder of Lillian Leiilliolil, llandou hie.li school uirl, last. year. O. (). Howell lias made u yileii lo 1 lie I'ouulv court of Coos couiilv lo mo vide funds for I he boy's defense. The lf year old boy has been tried twice in I lie Coos eoiinly circuit court for tb murder and b tune trial was followed by distmroemcnl of the jury. Howell pointed out to Hie counlv I'onrt llial lie is n laborer and is at n disadvantage llirmiL-li bavin alosl tine liuml n few months before his son was chareed with murder, lie MiL't'csIco! Unit $"00 be provided Willi which ho could nrrnmic to off set the plans made by t ho proseeu tion for the eonvielion of Ilie boy. 6 MEN PtPISH AT SEA IN RESCUE EFFORT 1IAL1HAX, N. S., Feb. !). The sec onil officer mid five men ot the crew of (ho Hrilish ship Oxonian perished while attempting to save the crew of tho llrlllsh sleanier Hradbi.yno when sho was abandoned off the coast of Kowfoiindhind according to radio messages received hero today. FROM FORTY-FIVE TO SIXTY A Word of Help to Women of Middle Age From Mrs. Raney. Morse, Okln. "When t was 45 yeara old Lvdia E. I'mkham s vegetable Lorn 1 pound carried in t through the critical period of the Chance of Life in safety. I am over tit) and liave raised n family of eight children and am in tine health. M y daughter and duughU-rs-in-l aw recommend your Veirctable Com- pound and I still take it occasionally my self. You are nt liberty to use my name if vou wish. airs, alicb iuvsli Worse, Oklahoma. Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman's existence. This Rood old-fashioned root and herb remedy may bo relied uKn to overcome fivmntoms which nccom- rianv it and women everywhere should i i u ihrn in no other remedy known to carry women so suciWullv through this trying pt-riod as Lvdia t. Finkbam's Vegetable Compound. If vou want special advice write to Lvdia E. Pinkham Medicine lo.. -n-ntialt Lynn, Mass. "ur letter ll b opened? read and answer, d by a woman and held in strict ion!dcm.e. a ? 4 i ' fit' J$ a 11 teit ?tf I J vM is 11 r v.f il 11 -fo ii 11 &k$i 1 II k a II E AND THE ALLIES ltKVAL, Ksthonla, Feb. 0. (fly Associated Press.) Kxporls from so viet Hussia began on Sunday. They woro Initialed by tho arrival here of two carloads of flax outward bound. CONSTANTINOPLE, Sunday, Feb. 1. Hear Admiral Newton A. McCully oiiimauder of American warships in Russian waters, Is at Novorossisk. on the northeast coast of the lUack sea, watching the situation there relative to resunipt ion of trade between allied Bullous and (be tiussinn people. While the capture i.'f that city by the bolshevlkl Is not expected the people aro said to be alarmed by the Influx of rel'mrees from the Hostov region. Until the bolshevik! and their ell-1 niles are reported to have suffered I more from typhus than from fight ing. There are tell thousand cases oftnou this disease In Odessa, and IMu) al was Sevastopol while in other 'dties where I ri. refugees are gathered the siliiatii.il Is said to lu- menacing, llecause of lark of shipping facilities, the allies are restricting acconiuiouai ions on vessels to wounded soldiers and wom en and children. luliil "A'' bv Ilie proscenium, in which ho outlined the buildings in the vioinitv of the shootings, pointing out bullet hoU -s ami drawing con verging lines sV.owing Hint Ihcv oamo from the Avalon hotel. Arnold hotel, Scninarv hill, anil oilier points east and southeast of Hie I. V. W. ball, llolim leslil'ied thai the bullet holes, whi'ii he examined them two days af ter the shooting, wore recent, liullet. 1, 'J, M, and I, ho said, were undoubt edly fired from the Avalon hotel. Xo. fi came from Seminarv lull. All of these struck n building at the north west corner of 'lower avenue and Second si reel, about (ill feel south of Ilie I. W. V. hall. Other bullets, on other buildings, bis testimony indi cated, came from the hill. 1184 feel east of Tower avenue, Holim's ex amination was to lie continued this at ternoon. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. !). Mrs. Marie Imnoho, secretary of the Ko bekah lodge In -San Francisco, was burned to death In a fire which de stroyed the Herkshiro upartment house here today. Thirty-stwo lodgers, firemen and policemen were injured. SAiXI FRANCISCO, Feb. !). Only one life was known definitely today to havo been lost last night In a fire that destroyed the fashionable Berk shire upartment house at Sutter and Jones streets. A scarcli of the ruined building early today revealed no ad ditional bodies. A score of persons are in various, hospitals, however, suffering from burns and injuries. HefLTo squads of firemen and po lice entered tho building at daybreak to search for bodies, it was believed that more than u score of persons had been trapped in the upper floors of the five story structure and burned lo death. The body found was that of an elderly woman and was so bad ly burned that Identification was not possible. The condition of the injured in most cases was reported favorable. Many cut off from tho fire escapes, sought to save their lives by jumping cither Into the fire nets or into a vacant lot at the rear ot the apart ment huuso. Many ot the windows this morning Indicated that the trapped tenants ilRed their own life saving devices lu escaping from the building. Twisted sheets, many feet long, hung from tho windows and by this means scores of persons slid to tho street. Last night the windows and ledges of tho upper floors were choked with scores of men and women frantically calling mi tho firemen in the street below for help. As no escape for them seemed possible the belief grew that many of them were burned to death. Tho presence ot the rope sheets seemed to prove, however, that tho expected large loss ot life was Inac curate. . The fire started In a store room of the basement and spread quickly to the adjoining floors and in a few minutes had reached the roof. The flames made a hugo torch which the firemen were unsuccessful In combat ting. This morning the shell ot the building was standing. Relief TREATY SQUABBLE AGAIN RESUMED EXONERATES LEGION (Contliuioil from mmo throe.) its n w iiiL' ils ilitlti-otliv juhl l:irt of rnpit:tl. ilt't liiiiii'jr tlti'.t tlif 1. W. W. h;il ils prinriput purpose the nlmlishini: of (In1 rapihiliMii svs I I'm. Al'iiittiiiir tlu' 1rtnl vouM In , ohii li'ii li 1 1 v ;niil liic-oino. Y;iii1it sal.) ho ill,) lint lM'lii' till' M;t! unultl in! roilu.',' the ttnnotiv !' ;ip- 1 to " : ..!.. -i.L.t .- ..,..!., t tli;it lu1 KiH'w "tlifv wmiM ii"t thin-! Pinilihv tlirir linn witiu1 USIUN(iTO 1-Vh. il. rnnni iMtnsrnl lor llu viM'onitU'rat ion lfl'ii'-i'il totlav hv Senator Nor- rif., ri'pulilit aii, Ni-lnaka, our of thy iiTt'i'oiirilialiKfc oppoinir ratifiratimi. The vote on Senator Lodge's mo tion tti snpeml 1 In1 vales so t lie trealv nuain eoultl lie eonsidoreil wns V'A to . Tlm-o otin niiainst it. all repulilieaii-, were : Ht trail Itlalio ; Hramleiiee, t 'onneet ieut ; Kraneo Marvlano! ; (ironna, North lakota Knox, Pennsylvania: MeCormii'k anil Slierman, Illinois Xoiris, Nebraska. anil l'oimlexter, Wnhinuton. As soon as the rules had been sus- pciub'tl a preliminary serap develop ed. Senator Norns makin'jr a point of onler auaint Senator Lodge's mo tion to rreon-odrr the vote by whieV ratifieafion Tailed in November. Tb tion was oernneil hv ire Preideiit M'ar.-liall. whose net ion wa upheld bv the senate, by a vote ot t', i Wa-h.. 1-Vb. !.-- In- j j ib n.-e bv the slate in MOVIT.SAXO, troduetioli ot e I Ihe trial ol' 1 1 aiU-ed 1. W. V.s i harmed with the murder ot' Warren O. t Jriuini. ( 'en I ra lia A run--1 ire dn v paraile vielini, beuan iu re Ptdav. Vld wa rd ('. Unit in. -tale l odd engineer nf the stale of Washiimt.-n. was the first witne-- to take the siand. Uohm terrified l!i,tt he had 1 years' expenenee in mjto uinkimr in t ludiiej- nearly two rar- with lb'1 reneml statf of (ieiu r.il Pfrhimr in l-'ranee, and that be wa- tally compe tent lo draw and explain all charae ler ot mat" 100 PEP!' 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RELL-ANS &FOR INDIGESTION r30i?8PICOUGHS 2 Til 10 OXK Al OXLV OltKilXAfj CHARLES CHAPLIN With II in lyriadK of Truffle Troubles Jlis Kllvver ' "Wori'ies and His TemiHTumonlal Disposition will iive you More Thau A DAY'S PLEASURE It's Ills fonrtli Alillion Dollar Comedy Success "The Price of Innocence" A Drama of Mnine Fisborfolk of the "Shore Acres" mid "Way Down lOast" type. Ailnilssion Adults Hoc Kiddies 15c liOes 5Uc ft 'tgfr 4 r. - - ' ' , fi ? tK $ w U r - Aibilne Andrens-Seultl who will n ppenr In concert tomorrow evening at 8:1.T at rreHbylerinn eliureh with Indies' chorus of 25 voices. RJALTO D Next Tuesday KUSIK JVXIS D For Reliable Stylish Tailoring r-T TT '28 EAST SEE K T .K.I lJ MAIN PAGE esr Monday, Feb. 16 Mail Orders Now OLIVElfMOROSCO RICHARD WALTON TULiySj 3 DOVlANCfdj ( I WITH FLORENCE ROCKWELL, AND TH- IVicrs .Sumo as all cities Lower floor, Kiivt 14 rows 2.0Qi last 4, $1,511. llalcony, First 4 fows $1.50; next 4, $1.00. llalanco 80c. l'lus 10 ior cent War Ta. l!ox office sale Friday, lrtlh, 12 o'clock. AVE 1,K.D OTHERS FOLLOW Launspach Orchestra DANCE WOHK Ol'lt SPEOIALTV For particulars phone H. G. Launspach, 4 13-Y. We get all the late music as soon as it is published, fron 'Frisco and eastern cities. This wcTk is not a side line with us; we make it a business. WnstalM 1 If Constipated, Bilious or Headacliy, take "Cascarots." V His lelinioiiv tiuus ot a larue ..........-t-.--- lYol liiiliy! T'l' itl'j.iinl! llvn't sl:iy k. liiluMi. lu'Jtl.wliv. ,eiitip:ilti. Up- j iihivi1 tlie livrr atui linti (ui;tn wbicii i k't'tni ytMir ai'.ui ibry. your tfttvjue i rintiti, v.Mir ltrt.it Ii but uml slim.u'li ' cm. iiy nut on.I .1 tVw cimii- lor ; r, box of t':nr.ire:s ;ii:.J cnitiy tiif nicrt. j f!iiit'l l.ix.i t i vo-t .it In r t it- u evor cx- 1 iioi ii'iii-cil ? ('ii-t.ui'l? nrwr urine. !iiv-ken j nr iiio-nvontrU'O eiic I kt' S:lH, (;l. ini'luileil ci1.in:i. j I'l.luiiii I or Imtfh l'ille. Ilicy work while li.iuj ullinj a j you iep. It f T f t t r t t f t t t t y r f 106 Jackson County Fruit Growers With 4250 Acres of Orchard Are Now Members of the Oregon Growers Co-operative Assn. The new state-wide fruit marketing organization. Mem bership open to Fruit Growers only. Representatives of the association will be here a few days longer to receive applications for membership. M. O. EVANS, J. E. EDMISTON, Hotel Holland f t f y y y f y f t t T y y y y y ? y .f y t t t y y f t y y t t I . . . - lTT