FIRST NEW GERMAN WARSHIP FULL PROGRAM -FOR SCOUT WEEK to this country with her child, of which Spiker's brother. Lieutenant Perlev Spiker, is the father, indicat ed today that his marriage with Miss Knowles would take nines here to morrow, iieturning after a hasty trio to Washington, where immi'-rra- tion officials said they had no ob jection to the marriage, .Spiker went to tho city hall and arraneed for de livery to him tomorrow of the mar riage license, lie said he planned to leave here tomorrow night for his home in Baltimore. 10 ALBANY BY 14-29 SCORE FORD L (Isv Herb Grew) The Muill'ord ''it-'h school bnsket liall onintct wis eonciucred bv the speedy Albany Hi losers in a I I to 20 triune lit the Natntorium last niirlil. Tim concensus of opinion in the Innre crowd of simrt c-ntlniiasts. who witnessed (he contest, was that, the superiority of the Willamette val ley champions lav in team work ami experience. .Since this is virtually the. first eumc of Jledl'ord's schedule the local team could not be expected to have the smooth team work and endur ance of the up-slate visitors. Med ford had. however, the advantage al most to the end of the first half, which ended in n 13 to 11 score for Albany. In the second half the ri val tossers look a decided spurt, while the home siiuad labored hard in defense of llieir baskets. the brilliant work in I' Wilkinson .nnil Willnrd, who played forward and center respectively, the Albany men pulled up a biir score the last half. Moore of Albunv showed nil well al foul shoolim:. The name was faster and harder than indicat ed by the score. The. Medfoi-d bnskelhnll (wirier pbowed up well for the first biir came of the season. The two minnls. Smith auil It. Payne, anil Captain Coleman, forward, played a fast steady iramo. The other first line men nnd substitutes showed up well. Owinir to jVledford's situation in lioiruo liver valley the local teams are unable to schedule nianv prelim inary enincs to open' the season wilh. It is therefore hard for them to stet the experienee which is essential to u championship basketball sound. The jl'edford ouintet throindi last night's eonlest. is more accustomed to tho style of plav of the northern men and the second mimi) which will be played touiuht, promises to be an even faster and harder triune than last niuht, ns tbev arc determined to regain their lost laurels. Medford Girls Win ' As a preliminary a last trills' cnine was played between tho Bills' teams of liedford hiirh school and lioirue river. The Medford irirls played a irood clever eninc and succeeded in runninir up a score of Iti to (i on the Houuo sextet. Kor Medford Misses Ilnkill, forward; Mills, iumpimr cen ter, and Captain Clark nt iriinnl. played especially well, while misses Owens nnd Karkharl. were the bcsl bets on the Itivcr team, The lineups were: ' MKIIKOHI) Coleman (capt.) T , Abbott ...I-'. . l.uciis C I'nvno (I. ... Smith ; a. .. Substitutes Woods ALBANY Moore Wilkinson ...Willnrd llussard Unllar for Abbott, Brown for Lucas. 11 Sherwood for 3'avne. Hall, referee: Williamson timekeeper: Kinir, scorer. (lirls : MKDKOKD Hemphill Jlukill Mills J'litrv ("lark (capt.).. Skeeters It. RIVER V. ...... ....V ...I. c ,.s. c ,.. . (I (i Owens Stevens ..Cnlbreath ....Ilurkhart Dix - A. Owens PROSECUTING ATT'Y II. A. Cnnndny bus announced his candidacy for tho office of prc.sceut Jiik attorney of Jackson county, on tho republican ticket, subject to the primary In ..May. Mr. t'anaday has practiced law In Medford for nine years, and stands fcr strict enforce ment of all laws. GUARANTEE BV, PER CENT (Continued from Piiro One) been about ,1-!MMI, 1)011. 11(10 auuaallv. based on the three year period iust prior to the time the government took clinrue, individual roads leeeivini; va rying returns. Jlistribution of earnings in excess of the Buuranleed rclurn also is pro vided in the bill. One-hall" of one per cent would be available for un productive improvements. Kiflv per ivjit of the ovcr-earninu's would e.o lo the roads earnim.' such excels while the other halt' would be put into a I'outiuBcnt ndminUlcrcd bv the commission and used to purchase equipment tor the weaker road which eo.uld obtain loaM-s from the fiihiU Ho Keels I. Ike a Now Man Ilhoumatlc pains, backache, pains In aides, soro muscles, stiff Joints or an "always tired" feeling arc usual ly symptoms of disordered kidneys. W. W. Wolls, Toiiuln, Mich., writes: "I am on my feel most of tho time and get tired. Hut after taking ho ley Kidney Tills I fee) like a new man. I rccimmend them to my cus tomers and'bave never heard of any case where they did not Rivo satisfac tion." Trompt In notion to relievo kidney troubles and bladder ailments for Bale by Medford 1'huruiacy. RERLIN The first new Siiado ready fur a visit to South relations. CHIEF ORATOR AT T The officers of Ihe Lincoln club desire to call special attention lo the talent on the program for the annual hanoiict next Thursday nitiht ami promise one of the most iutcrcsl itc programs ever iriven by I he club. Bishop HiiL'hcs of the Mclhodisl church of flre'.'on will make the ad dress on Lincoln. I'mf, Viniuir will make the Kooscvclt address ami Col. If. ('. Washburn will make the po litical speech. All of these men arc well known orators and insure the success of Ibc occasion. There "will also hi' short, talks bv prominent men of the stale. Hick I'oscv without whom u Lincoln club I : 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' t Would be incomplete will have another of his original poems on the political situation. I'hcre will also'he some splendid vo cal music in cbarirc of William Vaw ler ami orchestra nnd some "stunts" Hint will be up-to-the-minute and in kecpintr with the occasion. Tickets are scllinir fasl, the num ber is limited lo .'1(1(1, and you better tret yours at once. They can be se cured from (Men Taylor, chairman of lh committee, at the Chamber ol Commerce, Medford hotel, or any leadiiiB republican. NO ATTACK I. W. W. HALL (Continued from pai;o three.) Hint the skills Clinic from several different places, dcscriblm.' the Ava lon hold, Arnold hold and Seminary Hill, about 1,11(111 yards distant, from which point it is aliened many shots were tired. Allen said lhal Ihc slale will show that the defendants talked of a pur ported raid on their hall to lake place on Armistice day, bill said Unit what ever information the del'cndanls re ceived rcBnrdinir any purported raid of llieir hall, came from the dofend anls themselves. Shot from .Seminary Hill The statement went into detail about aliened meetings of (he 1. W W.'s at which the arrannements to The Outbursts of Everett True By CONDO 'ON TW5 Pt-rVtpORM oP CH5APER FOR.,7"HtS- CfoMlMOM POfie on tha1 ISSUE i STNI O I TH INK IT'S V pAlv 11'. eveRV3oi3Y knows -oat im vouo IT'S NOT CHEAPSR, PRtCCSS 0 Thg fecc5SSRte2. of Ufc, but K - cruiser. - Dia ttireiiutiiii-p nf tho na.mnn American countries carrying tradesmen arm men and place them in the hall and other straleiric places are said lo have been discussed. Allen ulso L'uvo many details of the movements of Loren Roberts, who is aliened to have later confessed to his part in the shoot inirs, cxphiinim; that the state would prove that Roberls was one of I he men who stationed them selves on Seminary Hill and shot al the marchers from there. (Inns, a suitcase and other exhibits will he of fered lo prove this contention of tip' state, be said. The movements of Kobcrls, licit lilaml and Ole Hanson, aliened lo be the men who fired from the bill, also will 'be shown, Allen said. In the case of Khner Smith, Cen Iralia atlorncy, who is oharnod with hcinn an accessory before the fact, Allen in his sluleincnt to the iurv, declared Ihc evidence will show that Smith attended a meetiim in the I. W. V. hall iusl. prior lo the parade and lliat he conferred wilh several of the defendants, ami lliat he advised, ami counselled them. thai, be knew of llieir plans and that he went lo the hall for Ihc purpose of instruetinn and (lireclinn them, "I think thai siibslanl ially nil 1 have related will lie conclusively es tablished by Ihc evidence in the case,' Allen said in closinn. "and I submit to vou, nenllcmen of the iurv, when we have produced the evidence in this trial scltinn forth and estab lishinn the things I have related, we are .justified in asking a verdict of miiltv as churned at your hands." E WARSAW. Keh. (i. Peace over lares bv the soviet government of liassiu will be considered by the Polish government, according lo a dispatch seal lo M. Tchiterin, bolshe ik loromn minister bv Stanislaus Patek, Polish minister of foreign af fairs today. M. J'atek's reply fol lows. "The Polish government acknow ledges the receipt of the wireless d liiration of the government of the Uussiau soviet republic dated Jan- uarv I !'(. 'Hint declaration will be considered and Iho answer will 1 communicated to the Russian soviet government CHWR VOTc?SJ'2 JG . ' Z V i I 'i- m ' 1 r i yr:- i ........ .itn ,.... who will attempt to establish 1 AMERICAN? 1 HEADQUARTERS, Coblenz, Ciermany. Claims for dam anes to Htreets, buildings, farms and even individuals all reputed to have been done by American soldiers or American equipment of smno kind since the army of occupation reached tho Hhiiio, aggregate something more thun .1,0110,000 marks. Those allow ed tc'tul approximately 2a0,000 murks. Many claims nro unique and sonio without, any justification. A woman who contended that her facial appearance bad been marred for life, owing to cuts caused by fly lug glass duo to an explc'slon at an ammunition dump, seat in the mod est claim for 2S0 marks. Jt was at lowed. Another woman, whose husband bad been killed by an American mill tary policeman who was chasing dis tributers of contraband liquor, sub mitted a claim to the Americans for 250,000 marks, contending that her solo support had been taken from her Tho Americans maintained that the German hud been killed by the Amer ican soldier who wus ucting within his rights in line of duty. The claim was disapproved. Some of the claims nre humorous Last summer, the Eighty-ninth divis ion borrowed a gout for a circus at its headquarters. Recently a claim wus filed with the American major asking damages -on the contention (hat Hie health of the goat had been Injured. This claim w'as pigeon holed. A Khinelnnd farmer recently de manded five marks fcr a beau pole alleged to have (been stolen by an American soldier. An army commis sion heard the case and threw out the claim on the ground there was no evidence to show that an American had committed the theft. IE nUt MANN'S STORE Mann's progressive store has lust installed in (heir bookkeeping depart ment the latest lype of tho Ilurroughs ledger-posting and statement ma chine. As far as known this is the first mercantile establishment in Medford to Install ono of these up-to tho-minuto machines. ! or some years the hanks have been using these machines, but it re mauled for this store to take tho lead among the merchants of Medford and install a system to furthor insure the accuracy of their bookkeeping and protect their customers against errors and in accuracy in the han dling of their accounts. They have gene to considerable ex- nensa to install this system and are sure the public will appreciate it They will be glad to have any one interested call at the office of llieir store and see (lie machine in opera tion. CEN'EVA, lYh. 7. Russians who have arrived here recently by way of Sweden and (lei many snv a former r.-dnister of jusi ice. Spitzherg. has been installed in l'etrcgrad as "break er of marriages " He is said to be graining from r.oo to ('.00 divorces a week, no investigation being neces sury. All thai appears to be required Is the signature of the person deslr inc. freedom from matrimony. Highest quality jewelry repairing Diamond setting, watch repairing Batlifactlon Nasored In quality and prte. MARTHI J. REDY x Hall na yu; want, Scout, Week program is announced as follows: Sunday, Feb. 8. Morning All Scouts nllend their own or some church in uniform. Sit with parents if possible. Kvening I'liion service -of Ihe Presbyterian ami Christian churches, in the Presbvlcrian church'. I). 10. Millard and Stipt." Davenport, speak ers. All Scouts to attend, in nni- (orin and occupy reserved seats. Monday New Member Hay. All boys desiring to ioin the Scout or ganization should make application on Monday throiinb the recruiting station located in the Chamber of Commerce building. Watch for signs. Tuesday, Commiinilv T)av. All Scouts meet alter school in City park. Scouts will do a nood turn for their city bv cleaning up vacant lots. AVednesdnv Father's linv. Kven ing, father ami sou banquet. A sumptuous bamiuet will be served in the bas'emciil of the Christian church followed bv Scout stunts mid an ad dress bv L. Mvron Hoozer. Thursday "America Day.' Mon sler I'ov Scout parade after school. Presentation of American flag by Will U. Steel. Address bv Mayor Gates. Monster pledge allegiance to mv flag-service. Fridav--Molhcrs' Tn ficouls are, to keep mother in. mind all day. Do her (ill (be good turns vou can. Saturday All Out Door Day, Games, contests and drilling. Kven ing monster camp fire, supper and names. 1'laee announced later. FALL R1VKR. Muss.. Feb. 7. Guv Spiker, fiance of Miss Knowles, the young English woman who came LIFE WAS A MISERY TO HER Says tills Woman Until Re lieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Carrollton, Ky. "I suffered almost two years with female weakness. I could not wailt any distance,' ride or take any exercise at all without resting. If I swept the floor or did any kind of work it would bring my sickness on. I vtas weak and lang uid, bad no energy, and lifewasa misery to me. I was under ,j the care of a good Mnhvsician for sev eral months and tried other remedies. I had read of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and decided to try it. After taking twelve bottles I found myself much improved and I took six more. I have never had any more trouble in that resnect since. T hnva done all kinds of work and at present am an attendant at a State Hospital and am feeling fine. 1 have recom mended your Vegetable Compound to dozens of my friends and shall always recommend it" Lillian THARP, 824 S. 6th St., Carrollton, Ky. If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice given free of charge. THAQt MAH HQIT(Rt,l Not Your Money But Tour Good Will w We want the good will of every car owner in this town. We want everyone to say what lots of folks say now f'Willarri? That' u,kr u, Ret a square deal and value,! lor every aouar, i We'd rather have""yourj food will than an extra dollar, r two on a repair job. We'd rather sell you a bat-1 tery that will give longer and better service than to make a) living by repairing , poos, batteries. ( Of course" good "repair' tTOrk and Hood batteries cost more; but we betieve' they make friends and buy good will. Let's get together,) ELECTRIC SHOP SOUTH BARTLETT STREET RIALTO CHARLIE CHAPLIN And bis siek-eylindered fliv are racing here for three da' traffic, troubled and tire-less laugh iguitiyn . that will mend anv crank case in his , newest million dollar comedy. "A DAY'S PLEASURE" You'll Say So, Too! STARTS TOMORROW For Three Days LAST TIMES TONIGHT HARRY CAREY in "MARKED MEN" NOTICE TO POULTRYMEN March 15th our lnruc Incubators will Iks at your service. These incubators are the licst hot viator machines and are in stalled in a modern incubator cellar. Your eggs will be Incubated ltlGIIT. Agents for the ' Kresky Ventilating Brooder Stove . The best brooder on the market. C'omo and see it in operation, ROGUE RIVER POULTRY RANCH Phone 201-W. Caroll F; Carpenter DOLLARS AND SENSE OXTC YEAR WITH US and throe veai's in a busi ness of rice IS Till? PRACTICAL DOLLARS AND SUNS1? COURSK I CAN plus I WILL equals OPPORTUNITY MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual Instruction Day or evening LEARN MORE EARN MORE ENJOY MORE Telephone 1 1 N. Riverside, Apple and E. Fifth Streets The Dow Hospital Special attention given to surgical and obstretical cases. No extra charge for graduate nurses services. The most important person in this hospital is the patient. - .; MEDFORD OREGON Reliable Used Cars 1918 DODGE Like new. This car plainly shows the good care it has had. 1919 VELIE Refiiiished, only ran 8,000 miles. rA" wonderful value. 1916 DODGE An exceptionally good ear at ihe ; right price. ; ,. 1919 CHEVROLET Like new. 1918 CHEVROLET Splendid value. ; Brown Motor Co. 36-40 North Front St. A MACHINE BUT WITH HUMAN INTELLIGENCE HUMAN INTELLIGENCE ll I "WHILE the great Federal Reserve System has done much to facilitate the routine handling of a customers business-?-it3 greatest good to the greatest number is in the possibility it affords for commercial and finaiK'ila upbuilding generally. You will find many of the advantages of a First National Bank connection linked up with our Membership in that System. Vhe First National Bank Medford CX -0 Phone 400 Oregon II I 1 1 1