PAGE TWO STEDFOftD WATTj TRIBUNE, ITEDTOUB, OKFJOK. RATUJiTftY. FEBTiTAftY 7. 1f20 BeraiiRe of ho mtirb illnt'Hs of var ious kiiitlH In l he city and country tlu tiHTChnnlH of .Mcdfcrrt report t lint buHiiM'ss (his wwk lutK been the liKht est fur a long lime punt. The health blluution was refloated at the puhlic market today for it wan the lightest tmtrket for u Saturday for years in the way of supplies offered, ueeaust a nu in tier of I he persons who sell itwmlu nml tiiiiu tUtH'O ni'i II) fir hliVf Illness In their families. No fresh u"'lr ""l'luurterH at the local army moats -were on sulo. .Mr. and Mrs. 11. Simiucns gf Yruka and b red M. Foster were anion; tbi niorniuK's arrivals at the Holland Children's hair ribbons, wonderful qnallty, at cost. The Vanity ilat Shop. Mra. floo. I.uldley Is very sick at. her home, 12 V.i West Second street with lunihuKo Hot tumalo and chill conrarne at DoVoe's. Lieutenant K. H. Jackson and re cruiting party of Camp Lewis, who have been In thla city en recruiting duty the last few days and making Vor eye, ear, nose, throat see Ir. Heine, "Liberty Hldii. Glasses fitted. ,.-Jf you really want to enjoy pan cakeB these moruiuKS, mix them with Colestln water. Order from Jackson County Creamery. tf Kred Uonaldaon and Harry Nelson enlisted yesterday at the United Slates army recruiting; station, 12:', ICnst ilaln street. lionuldson joined the Infantry for service in Pananut. while Nelson enlisted for the siKnul ciips. ."ith Division, (.'amp Cordon, (In. For sale Iluck shot gravel. Phone i2-J. .7. L. Heed, manager of the Sample store, arrived home today from Lcwistnn, Mont., where lie hud been attending the convention of niuniigers of the chain-or stores of which his establishment- is a part. For sale Home made bread and pastry. 1 29 North Central. 273 .Miss Josephine Koppes, teacher this year 'at the Dehenger (lap and Laurel 41111 schools, who was taken with an attack of appendicitis and brought lt 'her home here Friday arieriiof.n was conveyed to the Sacred Heart hospital lust night where six? was operated on today. Her condi tion this afternoon was reported to bo fuvorablu. (let tho halilt! liuy shares now In the Building and Loan. Tho funeral ut Mrs. A. C. Mulonn which will bo held at 2:tl o'clock this nftornnon tit St. Mark's church Is expected to bo largely attended by Ashland nnd Medford people, and by nulto a number from Grunts l'uss where sho resided for several years with her brother, Fred W. Williams member of the state public service commission, r Order your NItrnto of Soda today. Kurm llureuu Cooperative lOxchunge. 271 Joo Kuglor of Chicago, and A. K. llelnzor and Chas. Fauler of Seattle are business visitors In tho city and Holland guests, Wanted to buy clean cotttn rags. Medford Printing Co. The Albany high school basket ball team which last night defeated Med- ford high team by the secre of 2H to 14, nnd plays same team at tho Nnta toMum tonight, will leavo for home Sunday morning. Try us, Apparel Cleaners and Hat torB 103 W Central, phono 22II-.I. 27r. Mrs. Mubol Prlddy of this clly has returned homo from hor visit ut CroBcent City und Grants Pass. Tho'Motlford Printing company has tho lie Luxe Multiplex cash books nnd other ruled books, looso leaf sys torn, also Inventory sheets. If you need theso or uny other blank books or bills to fit any binder see this office and patronlzo homo Industries tf Orogonlnns registered at the .Mod fcrd Include C. B. Morrlstfli of Spring field, 0. M. Hratton of Klamuth Falls, T. 'II. Monro of Ontario, Harry it. Hague of Uugene and L. V. Hex, V. J. Clnussen, Arthur llramwell, C. ('. Uvuns. Russull 11. Heckor and I.. T. llodson of 'Portlund. (Irowors may now get their lime nnd sulphur supply fur the dormant spray at tho llurdwell Fruit Co. 2 7 Concerning two cc.inpunies or the Third Oregon Infiintry which are well known III .Medford thru having been hero on guurd duty In tbo early part of tho war, a Portland news paper says: "Company C or the old Third Oiegivn had it platoon In Purls that was (considered the best drilled unit In tho American army. It Is to give a public competitive drill ut the Armory Wednesday" night. Its oppo nent will bo Company I. It Is ex pected that u largo uiidlence or old und new national guurd men will at tend. Old Company C was command ed by Captain Crcysley. now lieutcn ii li t colonel, und It is hoped to have him command the platoon. Company 1 will bo commanded for that drill by-Lieutenant Hanson, formerly ocin inundor nf the crack platoon. Mrs. Paul -Hansen, eorsellere for Nullono. Phone Rx-.l-J. " ('older and fair weather Is the pic diction for tonight und Sunday. The alisence of fog, the mildness and sun shining made today seem very spring like. The llurdwell Fruit company has received n carload of lime and sul phur and are now prepared to make deliveries to growers. 27.'' The season for large stories is now on and the latest from this section is the folli.wlng from the Grants Pass Courier: "The Portland papers u few days ago printed n news Item telling or n largo Willamette valley egg. Mrs. T. P. .ludson chines forward with the produro or one of her Isand Hed lions which oiinuls the Willam ettu 0(51!. Tile circumference or the Itoguo valley egg was li 'ii Inches by X Inches." Orres, lallors for men and women High grade only. Aslilunil. Ore. Vrat. C. I. Lewis lirt last night for Kugone and Saleni. and the work of ulenlnir nn orchard acreage In the vulley for membership In the Oregon (irowers Cooperative association will lie continued by M. O. Kvans. of Sa lem, field solicitor or the association, and J. K. Kdnilston or Sams Volley. Its local solicitor. Jlusklns for health. recruiting stiitlon, 123 Fast Muln street, left loday for Ashland and Klamath FallR where they will seek enlistments for the new democratic peace time army. They will return to this city within n week or ten days. Just arrived. Car of famous Utah coal. Vulley Fuel Co. Guests from a distance ut the Med ford include 11. S. Coiner of Now York city, II. Hunter ut .Monessey Pa., I). H. Warnr and H. 11. Gates or Chicago, H. Smiley or Denver, Mr and Mrs. F. J. Itnbinson or Lewton, Mont., and G. E. Drum or Seattle This orrice will tuke subscriptions for the Port land Telegram. Ilurgaln rale of $3. Hit a year by mail. Sub scriptions to he sent in before Febru ary Hi. 2 74 Medford and valley peoplewho us ually attend tho Hose Festival at Portland will bo Interested to learn that the festival will be held June and 2-'j, and will last only two days instead of three as formerly Oh hew I love you dear old Dort of mine. Skillful workmen made you I will never trude you, All highly grade you dour old Dort of mine. Clark & Childers, Medford, Oregon The condition of Mrs. Everett Trowbridge continues to bo very low at thu Sacred 'lleart huipltal where sho has been ill for a week or ten days. An operation will be performed on her as soon us her weakened con dition permits. llrunswlck phonographs on easy terms ut Hale's Piano House. tf Hoard of chamber of cc-innicrce meeting today at 4 p. m. Kihhons. Then more ribbons, at cost. The Vanity Shoo. II. II. Clark of Sterling. 111., Wm. Alexander or Kent, Wash., and .1. K. Abel and M. It. Khoads or Portland are stopping at the Nash. Hogue river sorghum at Ilutcliln si.ll & Llimsden. 275" Misfortune attended tho arrival here this week or Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Callahan from iltiirlihglcn, Vt., who expect to inuko their home in Med ford. Coming ovor tho Siskiyous Mrs. Calluhan caught a severo cold and the nbxt day after their arrival was taken from the home of T. Henry Callahan, who Is Mr. Cuflalian's uncle to the Sacred Heart hcupitat threat ened Willi pneumonia. Sho Is now bettor, however. Then Mr. and Mrs. Calluhan received word that their furniture was burned enrouto be tween Chicago and Portland. Mr. ('allahun spent a summer und winter in the Blue Ixulge district nine years ago and over si lira hus longed to be eomo a purmanont resident of Ore- Ron Tuko your liomstltchlng and pecot- ing lo tho Handicraft Shop. 27,1 Carl Joschkn, high ' grade watch and clock repairing. 11 Fir street. ' Richard Horn, of Portlund, north west manager of tho Cleveland trac tor company. Is In tho city on busi ness with headiiuiirters at the Hoi land. Flno seed barley, bearded und beardless, reclained gray oats, vetch seed. Leo Walkins Co.. 3!I7 South Front. Phono 269. 273 The famous Shasta lamales on sale now. Shasta Messrs. lloyle. Plymnle. Gammon and Leavitt of the California-Oregon Power company left last night for Klamath Fulls and vicinity. They will be busy for Rome time on engf neering work In that territory. For the best Insurauco soo Holmes tho Insuranco Man. Hand embroidered dresses fi.T In fants. Handicraft Shop. , 27ii" Mr. und Mrs. W. G. Curry and V (1. Dungherly und daughter. Miss Myrtle, were visitors here from Asli lunil yestorday. l'he famous Shasta tiimnles on sale now. Shasta. k, Arloiue Andrews-Scuttl in concert Pres. church, Tues, eve., Fob. 10th 271 The l'arin bureau secllonal meeting of today is being held In the Ilcllview lllslrlct Tickets fi.T the Andrews-Scutti concert Tues. eve, Feb. Ill at Pal mer's Music Store. 271 New Imperial orchestra, Medford Nat tonight! Dancing rree till 11:3 p. in. 2 7 1 The McCormlck orchestra, whose "jazzensatlon" music creuted such a favorable Impression hero last Dc comber, will pluy at the Ashland Nalntorluni next Tuesday nnd at the Medford N'atutorluni next Wednesday night. Tho i.'rehestrn Is on Its i months tour of tho I'nited States Dry hotly' fir, tier or cordwood fr.r sale.. Phone SIS-R. 273 Ladles' and men's soils French dry cleaned $1."0. City Cleaning Works. Phone 17 1. If Men Sheldon was an Ashland busi ness visitor on Friday. On and after January 12 the Hlnes & Snider garage will bo open day and night. If KlbiMius and malinc at cost. Watch cur window. Vanity Hat Shop. Gold Hill visitors who were here Friday and this forenoon registered at the Nash were .! !.. Melver, D. S Avery and M. M. Whitsett. Kldd'a shoe store. Phcwo I.9I1-M CHAPLIM AND HIS Sie R-CVUNDERED FVIV At fttALTO 81H DAY lite sTA-iT"- The special evangelistic campaign announced to begin on Feb. lath in the First Methodist Eplscopul church hus'lieeii postponed c-n account of so much lllnesH in the city. The date now set is Murch 14th to 2Sth. Plans' and preparations are being mado tor the greatest revival ever hold here lu t lie Methodist church. A. C. Halatead, mechanotherapy, and Mrs. Duvld Williams of Xei.ltt, lowu, and' the sister of Fred A. Wil liams of Salom, Oregon, Mrs. 1'red Kick of Jacksonville. Oregon. Dr. C. D. Williams of Genoa, Neb., Mrs. Tom Edmonson. Clarksvllle. Texas. Wudo W. Williams, Portland, Oregon, Mrs. Italph It. Twamley, White Lake. S. D and Iwight II. Williams of Iowa City, lowu, all of whom survive metaphysics. 225 East Main, over! nor. Kidd's shoe Btore. Phono C90-.M. 286 Kuneral services will be held Sun- Slab wood for sale by tier or'cord. i day at Episcopal church at 2:30 p.m. Valley Kuel Co. i Major and Mrs. C. A. Malono arc .1. C. Stewart of Louisville, Ky.,tlie parents of two sons, Dunne, age Is in tho city and is very desirous of finding Wm. C. Scott, formerly of Louisville. Cakes, French pastry and cream puffs at the Shasta. Try our merchants' lunch. Tho Shasta. tf eight years, and C. A. Jr.. both of whom are living. Deceased had been a member of AgVtha chapter of the Eastern Star of Neola, lowu, for muny years and wus always un active church worker. Most of their married life had been 4rV& H now Ctn..-i tats section jf the country than all other diseases put and fvr years it was sup posed to be IneuralCM. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and bv cqnstcji'ly failing to cure with local trertmenl. pronounced it incurable. Cuturrh is. a local disease, xreutly l-'luenced by constKuilon&l con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, fs a constitutional remedy, io taken internally and acls thru the Hlood on ttie Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward is offered for any case that Hull's' Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for clrculars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Drugglste. 75c. Hall's Family fills lor constipation. hi Seventh Day Adventist . , Church Sunday niht Subject "Heavenly Rail Road." Closing serviiM'J You are invited. Tho American Legion post of: spent in Ashland and Medford, ex- Oranls Pass announces thut It will give another big boxing entertain ment In that city on February 211, to which a large contingent of enthusi asts from Medford is expected to at tend. Tho following is the card: Hoy Cedarstrom of Hosehurg vs. Jim- mle Grady of Portlund, in rounds, ut inn pounds: Kid Itocco of Eugene vs. Ilud Stevens or J'ortlund, 8 rounds, ut I2N pounds: 'und Hed Hlchurdson or Grunts Pass vs. Hoy Prultt, a new comer to .Medford, at 1ST, pounds, 4 ounds. ' Puintlng, tinting and decorating, orders promptly attended lo. Phone 11114, Elliott & MeCnfferty. 3S4 Tickets for the Andrews-Scuttl onenrt Tues. eve., Keb mer'B Music Store. 271 cepting two years .Mnjor spent In the army and upon diu dis charge lost May they moved to their! present home on Park avenue, Med- ford. , I Mrs. M';Uone was n lady of rare1 personality und had a most Icveablo1 churucter, n favorite among hurj friends, an idol In her homo, .and a! most devoted daughter nnd sister. Her many cherished deeds of love and kindness will muke the mc-urn-Ing tleoper in the circle which sho loaves. Talent Man Drops Dead John Nyswaner of Talent, while in I the pool hall of that town operated 10 at Tal-! by his son, niley, dropped dead this noon presumably cf heart disease. It Among the San Francisco men vis-' is understood he is survived by a wife Itlng In the city are Karl II. Kraft, and six children. He was the father A. (iolilcr and Chas. II. McCreatly. I of Mrs. Italph Koozer. i Another Cullforninn here is It. Han- flolpli of Los Angeles. Notice of Itcmovnl 'tiro liome-matle sorghum at! The Union Livery, Feed & Sales llulchinsoii & Lumsden. 275 i Stables rormerly located at Dr. Helms j Hemstitching anil pecotlng. Vani' y Shop. 2 The All makes or sewing machine needles, lliiniliirafl Shop. 27" A big dunce will he held at tho nutatorium this evening. The music will lie in charge i.'f Herb Alford and bis now Imperinl orchestra, piano, banjo,, snxaphonu, marimbuphone, drums and traps. Moonlight waltzes and fox-trots will occur at intervals. Dancing will lie free till 9:30 p. m. and no admission win be charged at the doer. Sod J). Tt. Wood & Co., Xo. 7 West Eleventh, for fire Insurance. tf Seo tho Farm Bureau about mill run, (19.00 per ton, $2.00 per sack. . 271 A. I,. Edgerton, wife nnd daugh ter, J. B. Paddock and wlfo of Grants Pass, spent Saturday In Medford. Mr. Edgerton is planning to built a then tre for Georgo Hunt In Grants Pass. A real dance! Tonight! Medford Nat! Imperial orchestra. Admission free! 271' Why trust n tramp repnlr man: We will repair your eld maehlno and guurantco the job. "Singer" Shop, 115 West Main street. Phone 21ii-R. 271 Fred Guy of Gold Hill, was a visi tor In Medrord Saturduy. Houston's home-made sorghum for salo. Hutchinson & Lumsden. 27 Pnlntlng, tinting and paperhang lllg. l' (Illll-X. ' 270 Yesterday afternoon the grammar school basket hall, team cf this city, vfhlcli Is'betng coached by Mr. King, physical director in the public schools defeatert the high school team of Jacksonville 28 to 3. The contest showed up stme'gootl ruture material ror Hie high Bchool. Campbell, for ward, Hughes, center, nnd llaugliiuttu guurd, were the stars for the gram mar school, while Thotnsnn, center, was the score gainer for Jacksonville. Arlolne Andrews-Scuttl In concert. Pres. church, Tues. eve., Feb. luth. 271 Yarn flowers nnd yarns for making them. Handicraft Shop. 27."i barn, 111 North Fir street, is now; located at the old Vincent barn, I North Riverside and will be known as I the Union Livery, Feed & . Sales Stables, the only feed stable In Mell aril . 27(1 First Christian Church Cc-r. Ninth and Oakdale. D. E. Millard, Minister, lllble school 9:45. 13. W. Paul, supt. Preaching 1 1 o'clock. 7:30. Union service of tho Presby terian and Christlun church In honor or the Hoy Scouts 10th unniversay. Supt. Davenport nnd D. E. .Millard, speakers. Boy Scents will attend in n body. Service in the Presbytoriaii church. Everybody welcome. Old Age and Glasses The gradual decrease of ocular power which accompanies use Hhould not he coiikUI , ered contrary to na ture any' mo're than it iH for the huir to turn Krny, the tooth .to ho como defective or the muscles to woaken. Besides, as ago ad vances, the other phys ical faculties are up to he used less and lesH, and the eyes' mora and more. Artificial aid a therefore to be ex pected and Hhculd al ways be resorted to at the first indication of failing eyesight. Call and let us fit -you with the glasses your eyes reo. uire. Dr. Rickert OPTOMETRIST Deuel Hldg. ' Medford, Oregon First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Bartlett "A Church with :i vision ami proniiii of Community Servicer "A ( 'hui'cli of (!ii1 -Music" 11 a. m. "The Way Transcendent" 7:30 p. xn; "A Fool's Philosophy of Life" A triio ihiliistiihy of life is the secret nf happiness. The discussion of the' evening will hring out .some of the errors of an eminent fool's jirincijilcs of li vini;'. lioth .Messages. REV. J. RANDOLPH SASNETTi JOOLAJEJO CLASSIFY j TAKEN t'P One red bell cow, spot-' ted face, brand on right shoulder: one roan heifer, cne red and white heifer, one red stoer, wliito facev left ear notched on above cattle. Phone II. W. IlinKlinm, .ri!i7-J-a. TO LOAN' $:.00 to loan on real j estate security. Phone H70-.I. 271 1 EOK SALE 2411 acre stock ranch. 4301)0; two of the bent close in lots 14000. Phone 370-J. 271 EOU SALE KtniK plow. OK TRADE Riding Phone 370-J. 271 VOH SALE Hardin spray ric, used one season. Also team youiiK mules and work horses. Wood saw. Uerkeley Orchards. . 27ii AND Maline "Wonderf ul selection at cost Watch our Wondow. The Vanity Shop Next liialto Theater. WA'NTKD-shures. Man to cut wtod Berkeley Orchards. on 27C I'OK SALU Klne milch cow. 42:1 OBITUARY King street. VOH SALK Hatching eggs. Tuncred struiu White Leghorns. Regular pons Jl.fiO per sotting, $7.00 per hundred. Special pen $:l.lto per setting. Ask for mating list. Phone r9l-U-l. It. v. ('rum. 2 7ti I'OIt KKXT Sleeping rooms, bath, close in. 24"i North Grape street. For Spring Canyon Utah Coal AND Dry Wood PHONE 242 WISEMAN & SCHEFFEL 631 S. Front St. KLLIOTT Uie.7 at the Sacred Heart hospital, l'riday. Kcb. lith. 1H2U, .Mrs. Nellie L. Klllott. after an i ? Illness of ten days ot pneumonia. She ( leaves to mourn her loss a husband, t II. V. Klliott and four yeur old daugh- j ter, her father. Heckor Lewis, audi mother. Mrs. Agusta Lewis, two sis ters nnd' one lirc-ther. Tho remains, are to be shipped to Roseburg, Sun-i day morning. Teh. Mh. Interment In. Cole's Valley cemetery. Kiln Florence Willlam-Malone was born in Harrison county, Iowa, Fob. ISS.i, and after finishing Hie high school, graduated frc-m the low i sluto normal, taught school for a number of years nnd was married to A. Mlllone. Oct. 27. liUO. She died ut Medford. Oregon, Feb. I. 1H20. She was the daughter of Mr DOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOCOOOOCKXOOC Spray Now With Lime and Sulphur Guy W. Conner Warehouse I occcxckxoooooooooooooox WEEKS & McGOWAN CO. I UNDERTAKERS ' Inj rhouo: Pacific 237. VUtbt Phono: F. W. WmIi, 10S-JS. ' Ld AMlltUl j DANCE ASHLAND NATATORIUM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 LAUNSPACH'S ORCHESTRA Titino, At'cordion. Trombone, Drums. Admission Free MAGAZINES We have received-notice t hat many of thef popu lar niiigiiMiiie.s will raise subscriptiqii .prices during February, 'March and April. A few of Hie raises are as follows: " ' Now. Xew price. American ifl'.OO $2.U Cosmoiioliitni 2.00 : 3.00 N Everybodys 2.00 2.50 Good lloiisekeepin;.' 2:00 ! T5.00 Harper's Bazaar 4.00 0.00 Hearst's ..: 2.00 3.00 House and Garden 3.00 3.50 House and Garden during Februarv, two vcars for $4.00. .. ' . ' Hand us your subscriptions now as maiiv changes will be made February 15111 and 20lh. Medford Book Store THE "WONDERFUL" SPONGE RUBBER PAD TRUSS This truss certainly will perform wonders In (ho way of holding rupture, und ut the same time wearers say "Hardly know I have a truss on." It Is very llsjht. fits perfectly, and holds all the time. (Sponge Rubber Pads Cannot Slip.) r Heakh's Drug' Store The San Tox Store They're Coming Back A REAL DANCE With McCorniick's Jazzensation Orchestra of Portland, Oregon On their 12 months tour of the United States at the Nat, . ASHLAND, TUESDAY, FEB. 10. MEDFORD ' DANCING- FREE FROM 8 TO 9 P. M. s BASKETBALL TONIGHT Albany vs. Medford NAT 7:30 SHARP Rip 'Em Up, Medford!" Tickets at Crcwson's and Shasta. J0VI