WEDF0RT1 MTT, TT?,TT?UNT1, METYFOLM). OUK ;0 1 KMDAV. FFIUU'AUY PAGE THREK GET PI FOR E BUSY THIS WEEK An army recruit ins l-vty, consisi InR of First Lit'Uteniint K. II. .lark.-on, Serjeant John Woitt ia-i, Sm infant William Lesch ami Curimral John FormelliT. from the First ('nited States Infantry, I'amp Lewis, Wash., will lie in th rity mil il Sat unlay morning, Feh. 7, at Army HecruiiiiiK Htuti(,'i on Main stret't, near Cent nil avenue. All member: will he slaii to Slve infornuitlon uimtit the new army and its schools. Military drill is so urransed that OUT soldiers may attend sehnuls every afternoon frt.'in ono to tour. These BOhools are voluntary and are open to every soldier who wishes to take advantage of the courses and studies offered. Heliw is a brief outline of educational and vocation courses that may be had at Camp Lewis, classes in other subjects will be opened whenever twelve men apply. Complete grammar school, gradu ates will be given a state of Washing ton diploma, with the words "Karned In the Army.' French, Spanish and Italian. Uusiness course; shorthand, type writing,' bookkeeping, spelling, pen manship, commercial law and kin dred subjects are taught. Fo.-ilious will bo found for graduates of thte course. Ante.' repairing, motorcycle repair ing, blacks m it bins, telegraphy ant) radio schools are now open. In addi tion to those mentioned many other trades are taught. The instructors are the best civil ian teachers to be had and all have had over five years experience. These teachers have already made the sehi.'ol a rhccopr, over 2T.0 students are enrolled. Lieutenant Jackson wishes it un derstood that he will accept appli cants for any branch of the service and allow the applicant his choice of station. Resides the camps in t'nited States enlistments are open for Pan ama, the Philippines, Hawaii, China and Alaska. A schocl In animal husbandry is now open at Camp Funston, Kansas. COMMUNICATIONS (The Mall-Tribune welcomes eoni mlinicat ions on any subject of gener al interest, hut is in no way responsi ble for (be sentiments expressed. Only in exceptional cases will communica tions of over 1200 words be printed. All communications must be signed liy the writer's name, which may i!Hn (ho writer's request be withheld.) How About Kerry Factory? To the Editor: 1 recently mdiced tiiat (lie won derful .juniper forests in central Oregon have onlv been discovered, although for almost half a ccnlurv thev have been talked about bv liie few who have visited Ibem. Alnmsl REPORT MANY CASES hi m Says .we must keep feet dry ; avoid exposure and eat less meat. Stay off tlic damp ground, avoid ex posure, keen feet dry, eat less meat, drink lots of water and above all take a spoonful of salts occasionally to keep down uric acid. Rheumatism is caused by poisonous toxin, called uric acid, which is gene rated in the bowels and absorbed into' the blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast it out in the urine. The pores of the skin arc also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. In damp and chilly, cold weather the skin pores are closed, thus forcing the kid neys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate this uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating through the system, eventually settling in the joints am muscles causing stiffness soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts ; put a tablespoonful in a glass of water and drink before breakfast each morning for a week. This is said to eliminate uric acid by stimu lating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these impur ities. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and is- made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, comlilned with lithia and is used with excellent results by thou sands of folks who are subject to rheu matism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent lithia-water drink which overcomes uric acid and is beneficial to your kidneys as well. Licensed City Scavenger. All refuse immediately removed 03 short notice. Weekly visit In resi dence districts. Dally business dis trict. I'hones 2 77-J, L The county has practically devoted all her attention for the past two months of December and .lanu ary to the work in Medford. There have been a great many calls made at (he homes, and for the month of .! unitary considerable bedside nurs hij;. The next ten days will be spent in and around Ashland, with speci-il work in the three schools of that city. Kvery day, particularly during those days when sickness in many different forms requires skilled nurs ing care, the county nurse realizes how totally inadequate her best ef forts are to meet the demands upon her. Home day, .Medl'crd will have its own school nurse, its own visiting nurse, and they will both be kepi busy. A school nurse is an econom ical asset to any community, and the visiting nurse Koks after the bedside care of those who need her ministra tions. .Mrs. Lee desires to thank everyone who has helped her in her work this past month. Many a kindly act of social serice has been performed that will never be recorded. Oh. it is tbesocalled "lime things" that make life the easier to bear, ami the bur dens easier to carry. ."l vcar the to ests in Mend i- s a 'jo I saw ami wrole about me. astotiij-hiiiir juniper for tbe neighborhood of where i now calling attention to jreat development. A cuinpanv lias been formed and maehincrv being placed to work this valuable but lit tle known wood into lead pencils. It is said tit he the linest forest of ju niper in the world. What country in the world can out rank Wogne river vallev in grapes, loganberries, black berries, M ra wherries, etc., and particularly our wonderful , apples. pears, peaches, etc. In a great variety ol vegetables we excel. All of these products are. found to be unexcelled assets in other parts of this state where they have facilities for hand ling them. At Salem, for instance, is a great dehydrating plant being largely increased in enpucitv to meet the rapidlv increasing demand for dehydrated fruit and vegetables. The Willamette valley has numerous plants for the preparation of various kinds of berrv juice and fortunes are being made in these lines. Fruit raisers in Uoirue river val ley complain of disadvantage for want of competition in freight lines for marketing their produce. It is a' well known fact that dehydrated fruit and vegetab-s are relieved of the great amount of their weight without loss to their duality as food material. Now I have a suggestion. Kog-ue river vallev ought to have a berry juice factory and a delivd rating plant: then put out berries and veg etables to supply these factories. In a very short time hundreds, perhaps thousands ,f acres now unemployed in oid of the way places as well as throughout the vallev would soou iml on the glories of logntiberris. trawberrie, etc., etc., and in a sliiirt ime our delicious drinkswouhl make Kogue river as famous to the world as did the flaminglv labeled beer bottles work the same miracle for Milwaukee. Sams vallev is tributary to Gold Hill and has thousands id' acres suit able for these products when water is placed on it. Water, water, that musical, precious fluid intended !)v tlie Almighty to make everv desert blossom like the roe. is plentiful and pellucid in the beautiful river that ings pat this land on its way to the ocean. There seems hut two classes of people that we run up against when we commence to tall; about irrigat ing Sams valley by giving liogue river a chance. One is the complain ir about the 11. ('. L., who can sing no other song and who have no time to do anything else than sing, and (he other is the profiteer, who has no time nor money for betterments while high prices furnish so excel lent an opportunity to get rich nuick. Let ih ii-.iit talking II. C. L. and get to work, and forget our woes. ('. K. WATSO.V. Gold Hill, Ore.. Keb. !!, 1)JII. Lvpluuatioii front Dr. I bay To (lie Kditor: I see in vour paper of the ."tii iiwt.: "It developed that Dr. S. IL Hedges advised and gave M'eoi.d treatment in the ease of Mrs. Wil liam Heil of Ashland, etc." Through a regrettable errr Dr. Hedge.-.' name was not mentioned in the tifst article, but I take excep tion to the won! "developed' I marie, a verbal statement direct to the paper and there was nothing to be concealed as the word "develop eri" implies. I treated Ir. Hedge wit h proi'es-iotial coiirP'sv. inviting him to go with me if he cared to -ee a ea-e of that nature, lie did -o. Alter two visits of that kind 1 b;ul him in consultation when site rchip-ed. During the whole time he made live or six vi-its. Kverv nri-iu-tment In marie I specified the vertebrae to ariiu-t. I appreciate the made in justice to Dr. Hedges and me per-onallv and advice given at all times. The above statement i marie in justice t oDr. Hedges and WHAT 10 DO WITH TREES INJURED IN I'm- id IMir-- until iitiri'j III!' t hi .l:l i-1 Vhii! dull i'l'll;l,s II Mtlll' ilillirlllt til ili't iTIIlilli'. j ill thi. tiuu'. Tlit'iv i-- ii tciiili'in-v on j the innt nf iimm-i'-! t,i lv. 1 Unit iinv ilisi-iiiurntiiili insiili nl' tin wiuiil nii'iiii-i thnt tho t ! will In- killfl. KH'lit'llrt' ill till' lut-t !lll- -llt 11. linu t it, thnt this i- tin t'i'iiiii tiu1 With tin I'xi-i'iitiiin nl' iii'itr-, tlit'iT is very litlh' Imil tl;iiiini:t' nf nnv kind tu l,t' I'lilllnl ill till' stuti'. lint tht'iv i soint' iutiii'iititin iu-ri' him! tlu'i'i' ut' n ..liflit lini'k illinium'. Now. it must nut hi' iMinrliiili'il that liiM-itusc tliriv is sunn' lirnwil nil till' uniiit, lltiit tin tirf is kiilrd ur I'Vcn si'iiiitislv inini--i-'l. In n ri'i'i'iit iiulli'liii nf tin Tni viTsitv i,l' Miniii'siilii. .Mi'. M. .1. llur-si-v snvs; "While ii bruwiiiiii: nf tho wnml i-im In1 i'tmiilt'-t'il lis ii fiiiriv ni'i'iii'iiti imii'X to tin1 hiirdiiii'ss nf n variety, it lines lint. eeeit where it ni-ellis tn n severe decree, result in permanent iiiiiirv. New v.miil is simply Iniil dnwii nriiund the hrnwil area, ami a i i'uss seetiiin nf the lilnli shmvs a stieeessitin nf dark eireles etirres. iiniiiliiii; tn the years nf severe in jury." An exaiuiiiiil inn I'rnin time In time, between miw nnd spring, will prnh nlify sllnw less ullil less disenlnra tinn ill the wonil nf the trees. Oeen siniiully there is an apple trunk whii'h liows some disenlnrat inn, and a few cherries and walnuts. iiltlintiih pears show the must. Of peurs, the Bnse seems tn hit '1'e uinst S4iseepa ilile tn' injury. In must eases, tin Hartlett has heen injured inure than the Anion, and in nther eases, yiee yersa. Very little injury has heen dnne tn ('tniiioe nr Winter Nelis. Th" Inids and interinr of the spurs nf the pears slmw smiic diseiiliiratinn. W hat this will aniniint to, no one knows until sprinir. Jiiduinir h past exper ience, hnweyer. the trees will sllnw consiileralile of this discoloration in the winter, ami vet urnivii normally in the spring. The ilaiitipje lins heen largely localizeil. In the hills where !HI per cent of the fruit of the state is simin, there is very little dnni ime. most of the ilamaue heinii- Incal ied in the low hinds where mil v a limited ii i ii.ii m t of our fruit is lirowti. There is n difference in Hie ilillniint nf iliuilauc, afcnrilillir to the varieties, ami ncconlitiir to the cnu dition tho trees were in. Trees which harilened nn well will show less ilain iiL'e than those which hardened up lute in (he fall. The reann there is less ihiiniHie in the hills than the Iml I nin lands was due first to I lie fact thai il was nut as enld in the hills, and secoiiil, that the ilrv conditions last summer forced the Irces into dormancy earlier this lull, and ciuis.. ed tlieui to harden up in iMind shape for the winler. Invest iunl ions which have heen made hv tile Iowa experi ment station in their research liulle tin No. L'l. shows Hint the maturity nf the w I III the lime the cold weiither sets in lindnulitedlv has a must important lieariiiL' upon the ability nf the tree to witlisland cold: thai the hardy varieties mi an uvcr aye had u slightly lower moi-lure lontent than the inure tender varie ties, thus difference in nuiislui n- lent lieim.' explained, pnrtlv lit least, hv On tact that the inure tender surfs evaporate water more readily tlinii do the hardy varieties. Most nf Ihe linrdv variidjes enntain u larL'c miioiiiit of starch stored in (he pith, and lneilullary rays. Where some damaiie has heen e.xtierien 1, it would he well for the '.'rowers to keep a olnso ohservation of the condition of Ihe trees. Watch first lor louse hark. If the hark (ends to net loose and crack, and roll from the trees, the result will he serious. If the hark starts In crack and mil. lack it hack immediately, usin'r lai'L'e hill postinir tucks. A few of these tacks nu either side of Hie split hark will L-eneriilly .suffice In hold i in posi tion. If Ihere is a fcelinu' (lint n few Irees inav have heen killed at (he snow line, they can later he saved hv craftiiiL'. late in Ihe sprinir. It would he well til this time to cut lie siralile scions anil place llieui in cold storii'je, where they can he kept un til needed for Kpriicr use. As re gards priinitiL'. where the ilnmiiL'c has heen only a trunk ilatniii:e n fairly heavy prutillii: of the top nuiv he de-.-iruhle, since, if some of the trunk tissue is injured, mid (he amount nf sap which will he flowing lo the lop thus somewhat curtailed, it will he hettcr not In have Inn much ton for the limited an:" other hand. if. where there i -the top wood a i well not to priti ill';, hut to ;. i termini llic coin dcr no nnilitu.i practice III-;: v time. It is 11.. ihcm until -pin tcrminc the r tree-. .Illd pcrin.euts which I pear-, diiritiL' picimii-. winter in- ilirv pcrinds, it' t;ic in i 1 1 1 ' v tu tile tup is somewhat L-cnciii!, then a gener ous cllttiuir hin-!. -ccms tn he lielli lul. It', huwci.-i-, (he iitiur' i- -nllie- "(whal -pollcfl. t1'" -ti-nicj wu i, can ind the iniur"u ;.l lc 'llilll'j , tier i,l, ti. wat- On the ,f pears. latiull of ll,ii:llt lie I V I 'I'll 1 1 - to ill- ce. I'll- lives ur at Ih. to lea.e call de ll nf till the ex iled with IllV-elf. ik'dl'orJ, JOI KIT I'. I',I!AY. Ore., i-'tb. 0. Hits the spot For KincH cat POST TOASTIES n -o!iieWhaL To s el' pullimr on! oi' lie wilder. I lie experiences '.: the rohh -t win- tlie nortllWe-d. In ml hen- in Salem trees were ul!c.l be !elt nnpruiicif. portions eet ii. 1, shew the fooli-Site trees, in Ihe n.i.MIt would like to t ile 'D7 ami iS. one o lers cxiierieneed in a In rue chcrrv "i.h Mllitc a I'eW of (he out. ! hose which were lelt, how ever out u rew 1 heir in pn-v verv ra ti idlv, ami have heen productive trees. The .same is true nl a peach orchard here af Salem, a prune orchard at Seotts .Mills and a pear orchard at Albany. In all i!ie-e cases the own ers thought their Irees were ruined. Had thev left their orchard-: alone, the damaue would have been little or not himr. - Oregon ( ! row er. KEEP ST SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and ward ofi the indi gestion of tomorrow try the new aid to digestion. As piuasant i nd cs sf ; to as cendy. Hans py ccott ft eowuz HAKEI:3 Cr ECOTT'li E.VUUO I I GION i when it rains is made sure 7 KEFLEX SLICKER look fur the Reflex Erfgo A J. Towed Co. Esrabllshcd 1836 Boston. Muss.' I 4 . t'" '! !': 1.'. NEW SHOW TODAY "Tho Mirnule nf Love nli-irmivin I r Fascinatinor! zr Vivian Martin "His Official Fiancee" ---Tllclv's slli'l'f clltl I'lll, f li' I'l'ltl'-S of slni'v ,'itul iii'iiiittltty that vmi'll ( n- y- LIBERTY "The Miracle of Love Sun (lav MEDFORD IRON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP Aliso necnt for Fairbanks and Moiw Kncinea. 17 Smith Rlvnmlri Dotlnc Car. stand corner. Main Bartlett. Phono 900. 1. D. DELANEY We Have Just Unpacked lome Wonderful New The first showing of a collection unr paralleled in the realms of spring fashionry selected from America's foremost fashion creators. Oh! What a Thrill! Anoflicr season waves iis wand and reveals (lie secrets that cre ate and express the new, (lie heanl ii'nl, the most wonderful in . style treasures for womankind. The surpassing beauty of these first new crea tions for sprini- will evoke the admiration of the woman who .seeks the individual in fashion artistrv and color harmonies, at a moderate cost" made possible only by our close personal TRIM TAILORED SUITS $15.00 to $75.00 Lovely new tailored suits, box coat, ripple anil strictly tailored models, trimmed with hand em broideries, dainty vestecs. Mod eled aloiitf frit;', jaunty lines, hav ing a certitude and sureness of cut, these distinctive new suits embody all those niceties ol' tail oring detail usually to be found only in custom tailored garments of the highest order. coi act with eastern markets. JAUNTY SPRING COATS $23.50 to $75.00 : Captivating new coat styles to greet you here. Jlip lengths and . three-quarter lengths. Coats" made of durable materials aiid tailored on comfortable lines.. The accepted embellishing schemes being self-tone stiteli ings, box pleats and inverted pleated backs which arc worn' either loose or drawn in with novelty belts of leather or self material. SPRINGTIME DRESSES $20.00 to $65.00 Captivating in their winsome grace and beau ty of line are lite new dresses with their harem and appcalingly draped skirts, distended hips; short sleeves, pleated ruf fles, radiant headings, silk embroideries and exten sile lace collars and ves tecs. Printed (ieorgettes. Executed in new fabrics of soft, supple luxurioiis- Ill'.KS, FINAL CLEARANCE PRICES ON Shoes, Hosiery, Gingham and Toweling One lot, of ladies' patent, button Shoes .......$2.98 One lot. of ladies' black gunmetal button Shoes $5.69., One lot children's shoes at $2.49 and $1.98 - Men's dress Siloes, tfH.M values.... $6.49 Men's work Shoes, (;.f() values ..$5.49 ., Hoys' Shoes in gunmetal at $4.25 to $3.50 Ladies' Hosiery, black, white, 1 isles, TiOc value 29 Extra quality lisle hose, black and enrdavan 75d( '.'2 inch Zephyr iinghams, 7"c value 59. Outing Flannels, '.',7c value, now :.28d These flannels are worth -10c wholesale, but our present stock will go at old prices. Linen Crask Toweling, 18 inches wide,' bleached, or half bleached, ' yard 35 An exceptional value at this price. Etclusivft. Areata for Modart Corsets raPMTMENTS'IbHK Exclusive ' Agents . for McCall Patterns an! is