P3tCTE P0T7T? CTTTDFOTIT) m TRTfcTJNT?. WEDFOTU), OTlfifiOV. Tlrt'RSJUY, FKD'RTVT?Y r, 1020 IIEDFOR0 MAU, IfclBVNfi AN IMOlCPKNTiRNT NKWSPAPKIt ri!lil.lKHKi) i:'i:cY ai-ti;i:ni;1 , KXCKPT SL'NDAV HV THR MHDKORIJ Pi"NTINvi U Office, Mull Tribune liulltliiiK, i'5 North Kir xtrt'ct. 1'lionu i. A coiihoI hint Inn of l he In-mot'int ic Times. The M-dforil Mull. Tin Mlf'nl Tribune, !lm Sou t hum OriKuniuu. 'i Ahlaml Trlbunt-. The M'ilffinl Sumliiy Sun 1 furniMhcii 8ultcrHierH tKalriiiK a seven-day J;ily newspnp.T. JtOHKJ'T HI'IIU IMilor S. ,S. SMITH, MitniiK'T. , SUBBOXIPTION TERMS! BY MA IN AliVANCK: Daily, wilh Sunday Sun, year... I'atly, with Sunday Kim. month. IJnily, without Stimluy Sun, yenr.. &.' " Dully, without Sunday Sun, mouth ...u Weekly Mini Ttihuno, tmv year Sunday Sun, one vear BY C A 1 1 ft I K It I n Ai ed f o n I , A fdilmi'l, JuckMuivllh-, Ontrul I'oinl, "'hot-nix: Dally, with Sunday Sun. year ... Dally. Willi Sunday Sun. month . .fii Dally. without S'irul.iy Sun, . r . 6 ) Dally, without Sunday Sun, month SOUND WAVES. O UR scientific friends arc hearing sound waves from Mars and enns. Another coiintv heard troni. -' Simci )i' I Vir i L- i lycnvi'i'ixl I in iirt i I'ii e without of'trniii' ' ' 1 - .... f--- ' 0 there, there lias heen a decided lag h exploration inter est. Few obscure points on the earth's surface have seemed worth the effort of a journey. I Jut look ahove you! Here are a million worlds un approached by 1 lu hand or eye of .Man, a universe of romance, speculation and conjecture. If sound waves ran reach t lie world, wliv can t souiul waves lroni th world reach there. and if sound waves why not per fect!' sound beings, for according to the latest scientnu theory, we are all made up of nothing more tangible than waves and molecular vibrations. COMMUNICATIONS (Tim Mall-Tilbuty- tlroOi cM muiiitHtfonN o any f-oli.iect of flcur itl interest hut is in no way respoosi hlo for the st'ntiiiientN pressed. Only in exceptional cjihcm will oiimiunJeu tionH of mw ii(H wonjH U- printed, All roiiiniunfrations miit Iw hiuned by tin writer h name, uhieh niav upon tho writer's request be with. Official paper of the rtty .f .Med ford Official paper of Jac)cn t'ouniy. Kntered hh Heron d-e la xh m;i M-r "Medford, Oi'ckoii, under the ucl of March S. 1X79. Bwnrn dally iiverasrn clreulathni for six inonthH end I n if April I'.H'j 3,071 Wb'MHHIl OJ' TIIK ASSOCIATKD JJ-;SS. Kull I-enserl Wire Servlee. The Asho clntod PreHH h exclusively entitled to the iiHe for repnhllcat Ion of all wwm (HpateheH credited to It or not other wise credited in this paper, and iiIho the local Hewn puMlHheil herein. All riKhtH of ropuhllcallon of Hpechil dlsjialehcii licreln m i! a I ho rcnerved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthu Pmrry Viscount drpv'n letter lo the I. on nm Times is cliiKseil ns "one of tin great (liicnini'iitH iH-nrti'if hv Inc. hum of mini." let it nuiki's no iiiciilinii !' "willful mi'ii" mill "nimnv minds." nor "voices in tlm nir" n ml ".spirits on the horizon. iVmoii!.' t lie (icrniiui IcmlriM ilcstrcd bv th iillics is (icuornl Von Kliifk. Anil nil lm did was to scnrii tin world to ilcnlli in 1 1 n first davs ol the war, when lie led Hie irrav hordi towarils Paris, anil was everlastingly Iiinibiisled on the Ma i nc. "World Tressed I'm- Knod." (I leadline S. R t'hroniele.) Pressed for food, and eleiuied for everv eoni moditv. The world is a niintoriiim wherein the wrinkles in man's poek- cthook are ironed otil. A hue sit:n hoard laiiL'linr from the slurs should read. "World Cleaninir Works." "F.dd Hrnwn was cniislit hollering at Dock Colirov Wed., hut swilehtvl it off into the lasl strains of an an cient flit I v. Tim flu eniilemie has heen nltrih u tod to evervthinir hut eimireltes. iVerv few farmers have become ni; nuainled with the areiinient that tractors can't eat hav. so why use one. Well! Well! A whole .In v. am! not an American killed, capture, I or wounded by the simple Mexicans. Tho Kailway Administration re ports that, railways can make mi moiiev. and Ihe wav Ihe freiuhl trains hustle bv, it sure looks like it. Wusi waisls liscarilcil. Thin tiling worse ha for women have beet could not be. Some been discovered. Schools Closed hv Flu. KETCHIKAN. Alaska. Feb. a. Schools and theali'rs were oidcrcd closed here lodav hv the cilv l oiim il in order to prevent the spread of in fluenza. ' Ahout ,"() cases bavu been reported. Ho Keels Mko n New Man Rhounintlc paluH. hiiekacho, palna In bUIob, noro mimcles, Rtlff JolntH or nn "always tired" feelliiK are usual ly Bymptom of dlrnirdnrnil kldnevs. W. W. Wells, Toquln, Mlrli., writes: "I am on my feet most ot tho time nnd got tired. Hut after takhiK Ko loy Kidney Pills 1 feel like a new mnn. I recommend them to my cus tomors mid luivo never heard of any caso whero thoy did not rIvo satlHfac tlon." Prompt In netlon to relieve lldpey troubles nnd btnddor ajlmnnls For anlo bv Medford Pharmacy. Yerv o-ood. verv good. So we have arrived in Afar.1 or Venus. Let's make it Venus. And we have found ill amazing civilization, far superior to our own. Th Veniisiaiis call it Zahdulipo. Its nothing more than 11k apotheosis of democracv. Kverv Yeinisian has work, suf fieient food and warmth, and yet all have the joy of com petition and the zest, ol gain. I hat is to sav it isii t a state where everv man's bank account is equal to everv other man's. Its (Capitalistic Democracy with till the de feels of such a system eliminated. So far so good. lint, we or one of us, is of an alfru istie turn ol muul. I lnnk of those poor I toons down on the earth, st niggling along so helplessly when only a few words would give them a Paradise. J will resent; them "Whereupon he takes the first Sound wave express for Vew York ('it v. I uimediatel v on arrival he harangues a crowd in jMadison Souare park. The speech deals with the joys of Zahdulipo. Hut shades of Lenine, it sounds .suspicious to the Madison Square patrolman. He calls in the chief and Hie chief calls in the district attorney and the district attoniev calls in Washington. v "Here's another, one of these lunatics preaching an overturn ol tins government. Jle prclers the arrange ment in Venus to the arrangement here. That's against the constitution and hvc-fiiws as well as the Declaration of independence. Let him go back there." So he is deported. back fo Venus and the Zahdulipo niilleniiini, and as he never returns the secret of that Paradise is never known. All of which illustrates the danger of deporting agita tors without a hearing, without knowing what we are deporting them for. No .harm is being done by sending soap-box anarchists hack to I'et rograd, ot course. But e danger lies in the precedent. Perhaps one of these davs a change in governmental procedure niav be sug gested of which nine out of ten Americans will approve, it they only get a chance to hear about it. America is the last country in the world Ihat can af ford not. to listen to sound waves from Venus or Alars,! i east long enough to Know just what they sav. Meat Trust Causes Kill. To tho Ktlltor: Iho prevailing epidemic of flu seems to puzzle tho medical nrofes- siin: persbmilly we believe the cause will Ito found In our food; 2 lit; articles of which lire controlled in whole or in part, by the big parking rani funics who feed us for what there is in It The prevailing high prices furnish a great incentive for adulteration; it is easily within the possibilities we are eating things tbat muke for feverish condition In tho system which makes the taking of cold easy. and still more cold, the forerunner ol both fin and pneumonia. We know, animal heat Is produced by the oxy ilizathn or burning of carbon In tin moon. i no oxygen ot tho air we breathe combines with tho carbon producing carbonic atiil gas, which is attended by Qomhusticn, producing animal heat, and a lever Is but au ex cess of animal heat, more carbon or fuel being conslnicd, and once beyond control Is akin -to a prairie or forest tire. This theory is supported hy the fact that weaklings aru more im mune than the robust anil sturdy, while if the cause was in the air, tho case would be reversed. Mark back to the cases of flu which have come under your personal observation and see If this is not correct. If the oxidlzaticn takes place In tho lungs it's flu, if it rages throughout the sysem, its pneumonia. Tho supreme court's decision that It was not only necessary to prove t lie adulterations. but to prove also that tlie adulteration was harmful, killed our pure food nnd drug net, and is now bearing fruit, at least, so I believe. . , Wm. J. SCOTT, YOUR 1920 DOLLAR IS STRETCHED TO 1914 PURCHASING- POWER "When you tell your grocer you want CRESCENT BAKING POWDER You get. Urn same good powder that IIISKS IX TIIK, OVUX ami makes lighter, sweeter bakings. You get convenience, for you may bake as soon as your dough Is mixed or you may delay tho baking Tor bonis. The, ilough will list- to per fection whenever placed In the oven. You pay the pro-war price . 25c for 1 pound $1.00 for 5 pounds. CKHSCKXT .MAM K.( I I l!l; COMPANY Scullle Washington "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Lnnfr nt lonpnet T?nmnv.- nnl. ! sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accent California" Srnip of Fij only look for the name California on th package, then you am intrr your child la having tho bent ami mimt Imrm 1hb laxative or phynie for the littlo utonrnvh, liver ami lioweh. Children lova it th'lieioiH fruity tate Full dlret.'tiona for fluid's dtw uti ciuh bot-j tit Give it without feitr. I lotherl You must nay "CHlilyraU BASKETBALL Tomorrow Night V Albany edford vs. M WITH GIRLS' PRELIMINARY NAT 7:30 SHARP "Rip 'Em Up, Medford!" Tickets at Crowson's and Shasta. Happy Vision. Mothers Friend Gives Comfort to J&pectant Mothers By mfiking clastic" the muscles, during the anxious months before maternity. Mother's Friend renders the ligaments pliant for expansion as the system is preparing for the coming event. How natural then that the new dawn is looked to in happy anticipation. Mother's Friend Is toed externally. At all Druggists SpccUl Booklet on Motherhood and Dftby fi, Bradf ild RajulutorCo. Dept. V-6, Atlanta, Ga. ship ' your furs )M0A.B..;iac unless the bundle is tagged to' Shubert" The Highest Mees Ever Known That's What You'll Get from "SIIUEERTM WE WANY 'EM NOW AND WILL PAV TUB PRICE TO GET 'ESI Spring I 8.0Oto 7.0OI 6.50 to 5i0 5.00 to" 3.75 1 3.50 !o 2.75 I 3.00 to 2.00 Winter 6.50 In 5.50 5.00 ts 4.00 1 3.50 to 2J5 ESQ to 1.75 Zlotc 1.50 M" 1 M.K Fine, Dark 30.00 to 25.00 20.00 to 16.00 15.00 to 12.00 1 10.00 to 8.50 10.00 to 6.0(T Usual Color 20.00 to IS. CO 15.U0 to 12.00 10.03 io 8.50 8.00 to 6.50 8.00 to 5.00 Coast 15.00 to 12.00 1 11.00 to 9.00 8.00 to 7.00 1 C.iKHo 5.00 , 6.00 to 4.00 S KUNK. NmnfttUROE N?l URGE H?f MEDIUM f N?rSMAllGbODUNPBIMCl , I tJtlB AvfB;.c-L g..rr)a t, viae.t Ijeoba io tvifatar ti'a tq avihaci S ij Sift f quhity Plack 15.00 to 12.00 "11.00 to 0.50 9.25 to 8.25" 8.00 to 7.0? "IbllTSol port 10.00 to 9.00 3.50 tu 7.50 7.25 to .75 6.50 io 5.50 6.00 to 3.001 Narrow 8.00 to 7.00 GiO to 5.00 5.50 io 5.00 4.75 to 4.25 4.50 to 2.001 Broad 1 5.00 ?o 4.00 1 3.75 In S25 3.00 to 2.50 2.25 to 1.75 2.25 to Ui These extremely hirjh pricfis fcr Oregon Furs ?rc based on the well known "SHUBERT" liberal gradintr and are nuoteri for ir:merliat hin. nient. No. 3, No. 4 and otherwise inferior skins Viio-hrf marlrf You'll get "more value. Ship your Furs iiov,- -hen we var.t 'cm. money" and get it "quicker" too. ' "SHUBEStT" RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU 5IAPPY SHIP TODAY AND KEEP 'EM COMING FAST , , SHIP Alt. YOUn FURS DIRECT TO THE LARGEST HOUSE IN THEWRLD DEALING, EXCLUSIVELY A 25-27 W. Austin Ave. DcpfiSTiChicaqo; U.S.A. Dry Slab and Fir Wood Mill Blocks and Coal Valley Fuel Co. Office Phone 76 Residence 739-J OLD-TIME COLD OURK : DRINK HOT TEA I (iil a Mimtl pneknfro of nnmhurjf Urt'iist 'IV;i at any phnnnnoy. Tnke n labk'sMmiifiil il th teu, put a rup c if lioilinK1 WHtfr ukjii it, pour through a Bii-vo iitul (iiinU a tcuoup full at any timo (luring lh dtiy or before ret ir'mir. t ia the uinst effective way to hreak n eoM anil enre urp, as it opens i!k win's if the skin, relieving contTestion. Also loosens the IiowcIh, thus breaking up a enhl. Try it the nrt time you suffer from n eolil or tin- rip. It is inexpensive nml entirely ratable, therefore safn and linniilesM, STRENGTHENED NOT WEAKENED NO one will deny that dire financial cal amity would have faced this country when the late war came on if the ,nreat Federal LVserve System had not measured up in every respect with its promises. 'Its ser vices under Tire hut faintly indicate, its per-, J'ormance during peace times. AVe helieve the 'First. National's Mcniher ship in that System to 1 no of Hie con trolling factors in its desuahilif y as u bank ing headquarters. Medford Oregon STIFF ACHING JOINTS Rub Soreness from joints and muscles with a small trial bottlo of old St. Jacobs Liniment fctnp "iliiMtit,." Khfunuiti&tii. . It' pain tuih ; not one rasi in fiffy rrqiiiri-j int.'i:;a treatment. Hull boirthim:, ix'Mi lnlinjr "St. Jnrnln l.ini uu'Bt" riclii on the "teniliT sot." oml ly tho timr yn Knr .lack Robinson out. coinrs the rheiimnlic pain. "St. .l.icoli's Liniment" is a hnrmti's.s rheu matism euro w'lich nevrr (liinnpoints ami diM'sn't l.urn tho skin. It tnkos pain, Nuri'iH'm mill ttifTii0ss from nch iiii jninls iimrtrii and bolii's; Mop;; si'iittiea. Iintilmpu, haeknclic niMirali:ia. l.imlHT up I Hot a 30 o-nt bottle of olil-rim, Ikmici "St. Jacoijn Liniment" from uny ilr.u storf, anil in a moment you'll Ih friv from nini. aihi-s ami s'itTness. lou'tRutTer! Kub rheumu. ti$m Qwflv. NOTICE TO POLJLTRYMEN .Mareli ."(h our larKc iiicnlmtors will lio n( ytuir service. TIicmi fnruhatoi'8 arr tht best hot. water machines and nrn In Mallei! in a hum left i incubator cellar. Your V'A "ill bo incubated JCK'IIT. Agents for ITio Kresky Ventilating Brooder Stove The best brooder on the market. Cotnu and .sop it In operation. 1'hoite ROGUE RIVER POULTRY RANCH LIiH-W. Carol I 1 Carpenter MEDFORD IRON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP Aliso acrnt for Fairbanks ani Morsf Kueinei. 17 South Rvprs!d GENERAL CONTRACTORS IKU'SK IllII.KI.MJ KOAI) fO.VSTItl'CTKJ.N CK.MKXT 1VOIIK Manufacturers and linalors in 'aln'tl Snntl, t.'ravrl anil I 'rii'.lii'd ItiM-k, Irritrntion Tlpo nml Dl'nUl Tilo. Cement. Medford Concrete ConKtruction Co. V. .1. SISKIN, .'Mnliimor. A. I,. I.XMIt, (Vinst ruction Stipt. Akron Truss The best in the world. No other truss gives so much comfort and relief to the wearer, and they cure when others fail. Heath's Drugstore The San Tox Store Cafe Holland Special Club Breakfast Ko. 1 13c No. 5 33o (1) Egg ..Breakfast Steak.. Hnm Toast Hot Cakes Coffee Coffeo No. 3 3Bc No. 0 35c U) Egg (1) Pork Chop Dacon (2) Corn Cakes Hot Cakes Coffee Coffee " No. 3 3,-c N. 1 -Wo (3) Wheat Caries Country Sausage Stripped Bacon orBuckwheat Cakes Ham Coffee Coffee No. -1 35c No 8 350 Fried Mush with Tlaln Omelotto . liacon Wheat Cakoa Coffee Coffee ORDER HY NUMBER I Telephone 1 1 N. Riverside. Apple and E. Fifth Streets The Dow Hospital Special attention given to surgical and obstretical oases. No extra charge for graduate nurses services. The most, important person iu this hospital is the patient. MEDFORD OREGON We Specialize On LUNCHES And Guarantee To Please Peerless Bakery and Lunch Room Jacksonville Medford lNTEHl ItllAN AUTOCAR CO. Scuudiilo from Jan. 16. 1920, Dally Except Sunday. Ie.ivo Medford: 7:10 a. m 8:00 a. m., !i : 00 a. in., 10:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 12:00 noon, 1:30 p. m., 2:30 p. m., 3:30 p. ra., 4:30 p. m., 6:30 p. m.. Bat. only 7:30 p. m., 9:30 p.m.. Sat. only 10:30 p. m. 1eavo Jacksonville: 7:30 a.- m., S:3l n. in., 0:30 a. m., 10:30 a. in., 11:30 a. in., 1:00 p. m., 2:00 p. m., 3:00 p. m., 4:00 p. ra., 5:00 p. m., 7:00 p. m., Sat. only 8:00 p. in., Sat. only 0:50 p. m. Siiiuhiy Only Lcavo Modford: 9:00 a. m., 10:30 a. m., 12:00 noon, 2:30 p. m., 4:00 p. in., 5:30 p. m., 7:00 p. m., 9:30 p. in., 10:30 p. m. Lcavo Jacksonville: 9:30 a. ra., 11:30 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 3:30 p. m., ,1:00 p. m., 0:30 p. m., 7:30 p. m., D:50 p. m. Offlco and waiting room No. 6 8. Front, Nash Hotel Building. Jackson ville waiting room at Rotor's Confectionery. INTERURBAJi- AUTOCAR CO. Bchodnlo from OcloOor I, 1019, Dally (Except Bnnday) ivoavo AshUnd 4 7:10 a.m. 7:55 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:26 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 m. i:00 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 2:10 p.m. , 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. ' ' 4:26 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:40 p.m. 8:40 p.m.- Leave Modford 7:10 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 9:10 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 1 : 26 p,m. 2:10 p.m. 8:0-0 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 4:25 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:40 n m Snt.onty 9:30 p.m. Sat. only 9: SO p.m obu oniy lv.tv p.m. 12:lop.m. midnight Sat. only srxiiAV rtvi.v 1xt Medford L core . AshlandV 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 4:00 p m. 6:00 p.m. , 8:30 p.m. 8:80 o.m. 9:00 A.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. :80 p.m. a: 80 o r . ., ., w. u,m. l ' Officn ami waiting room No. f. Smith rr)Ml. .nhsd lintel Itiiihling. I'bone 309. .