Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 31, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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'Word wan received fu the city to
day tlml there are rive ruses of small
pox ut Central I'olnt and ruinon
uboiit town were that there wen
from 17 to 70 eases ut Ashland
There Jh un linusuul prevalence o:
smallpox thruont the state, and he
cause of this the state board of health
lias ordered that in towns and citle!
whore the smallpox uppeurs every
school pupil anil teacher who has noi
been suceessf tilly vaccinated wilhli
seven yeas past must be vaccinated
olse the schools would be ordorec
closed. In accordance with this or
der the Ashland school board carlv
this week hecouse of the then few
eases in that city ordered vaccination
of pupils and teachers. So far at
can be learned there are no smalljHn
cases In .Medford.
Mrs. Paul Ilnnser., corsetlere foi
KuBone. Phone 58D-J. '
The funeral services over the late
E.-D. .undell will be held ut Porl'i
clianul, Sunday afternoon ut l::t(l it
m.. The Interment will lie at the I.
J, P. cemetery.
If you really want lo enjoy pan
cakes these mornings, mix them will.
Colestin water. Order from Jackson
County Creamery. tl
All ex-service men will bo interest
ed In knowing I hat their KOVernnicnl
Insurance can now be converted into
policies similar to those of old lim
companies, and all benefits be made
payable In a lump sum. The act ol
conpress recently passed and which
wan recently signed by the president,
makes more liberal the provisions un
tier Ull government, insurance pel
icles. Pull data pertaining to I he
new forms of policies ami how the
old policies can lie converted can In
iiceured from Curl Y. Tengwald,
Hotel Holland. Kvery ex-service man
and woman should look up Mr. Tcng
wulu and get full data pertaining It
this lutest change In government in
Take your .
Hemstitching and pecotlng
To the Handicraft Shop.
The 'Medford Ministerial associa
tion will meet in the public library on
-Monday ut IU::)H a. in. Delroy Oclch
ell, president of thei'armers & Prult
growers bunk, will address the minis
ters ut this meeting. A full atten
dance Is desired.
lllg dance St. Mark's hall. Sat.,
Jan, 31. Lunnspuch's Jazz. Nuff sed.
Guests frofh n distance who arrived
In the city Friday und are guests at
the Nash uro .Vlr. and Mrs. 10. 1''.
Killers and Mr. and Mrs. S. S. (Ireaven
of Salt hake City, Mr. and '.Vina. K. A.
Hlurford und nloco or Kansas City,
Mo'., und O. Kideness or Ciladstone,
Busk., Canada.
The Davidson's will be heard In
concurt Sunday night 8 l). m., at the
Holland Hotel parlors. Admission
line .. 2iiri
The writer has seen the advance
sbei'lH of the' annual edition of the
fimudge 'Pot, which has been deluyed
In publication by untoward circum-
Ktnncea, wlintuver llieni is or tliut
are, worry over the special session of
Hie legislature, the big storm and
freeze and the llot.'ver presidential
campaign, tlio flu epidemic, lack of
Irrigation and other activities of ro-
formem. This Smudge Pot book Is
hilariously funny all thru, especially
the chapter devoted to Koguo lllver
valley whiskers. It will bo cut soon.
Children's silk halt-hose. Handi
craft Shop. ... '2'J
Medford Is to again have un aruiy
rocrultiiiK offico according to the fol
lowing Item In the Grunts Pass ( our
lor: "Tho Briny recruiting station
which Hub been located In Grants
Pass since 19 HI, hnB been ordered
trunsforrcd to .Medford. It,' which
place. It will niovo on February 1st.
This station covers the counties of
Josephlno, Jackson, Curry, Klamalh
n il tl I, like."
lllg Uiuico St. Murk's hall. Sat.,
Jan, 31. l.aunspacli's Jazz. Nuff sed.
Tho senior Muss of tho high schoi.'l
tins decided for tho annual class play
to produce "The Hacholor's Ito
niance", a clever I'omedy on which
rehearsals will soon be begun under
t he direction of .Miss Cuttrcll i.f the
For appointments with Dr. McM.
M. Dow, cull the superintendent ol
tho Dow Hospital, telephone H.
Dow will return about Pcli. Kith.
.1. C, lloylo and Arthur l.eavlll of
tho (lallfornia-Oregon Power com
pany are In Klamath Kails In I lie
Interests of tho company's engineer
ing department.
Colton, silk and wool threads for
embroidery. Handicraft Sln.n. Sti'J'
.hares for dresses combinations
and gowns, llanilirrari Shop. lit;'.)'
A few new dresses in plain rolol'M.
stitched and smocked. Just arrived.
Handicraft Slii.p. IMi'J
A "real" (lance is to be staged at
Iho Medford Nataturium tonight
when the Imperial . reheat ra will
make Its Initial appearance In Med
ford. Piano, banjo, saxapliouc, nia
limbaplione, diums and traps will be
used, combining to produce dantr
music in every sense of Iho word
Various stunts will be introduced at
intervals diirinr the evening. Danc
ing will be free lo all mil 11 ! : :l
p. m., and there will be m; admission
chnrge at I he door.
Painting, tinting nml paperliang
Ing. Phone i;i)(l-X. '.1711
M..A. Clevenger and Mrs. 11. P
.Icwctt of I, line Palls left tor home
today after a day's visit in the city.
Hemstitching 10c per yard. tnrofcd
furnished, work guaranteed. Mail
orders solicited. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Co., 1K West Main street.
Phono 2IS-U.
For sale IVjcK atrtr vu.. Phono
The claim of It. Kemp, Welch &
"o., for $.",:t,-IOIl for war mineral re
lief on manganese mining has been
allowed but has not yet been paid by
the goveninent. Myri'.l K. Hoor lias
a one-fourth interest witli .Mr. Welch
n the jiroperly, which is located on
ugner creek.
Cakes, French pastry und cream
puffs ut the Shasta. '
Mrs. Culvert, organist ut tho Ore
gon theater in Grants Pass, arrived
In the city yesterday for a short stay
Dance tonight on a real floor! Med
ford Nat! Hest there is! 2 OS
Itev. William 11. Hamilton arrived
home Prlday frcni attendance on the
dinecsan convention of the JCplscopal
church ut 'Portland.
Oh boy, dance at Kueli, Sat., Jan.
III. Kverybody Invited. Hy the 3
iazz Jazzers. tMJ"
Medford hotel guests from a dis
tance include Miss J. P. Gilsin and 10.
Ilalrd of New York city. K. II. Mitch
ell t.'f Chicago; it. M. Hutchinson of
Fayetle, Idaho, Kllzabeth C. Doudy
of Seattle and Mack A. Horn and I..
K. MadiKon of San Francisco.
Hasklns for health.
C. II. Williams arrived from Ta
coma last night for a lew days visit
with the family of his brother, A. It.
Williams. Later be will prt.'ceed to
soulflern California to visit, his moth
er and brothers and sisters In und
around Dos Angeles. Air. Williams
had an accident a little over a year
ago that caused the loss of a leg and
nearly cost him his life, und he is
just beginning to' be able to get
A. C. llalr.tead, mechanotherapy,
metaphysics. 221 Fast Main, over
Kldd's shoe store. Phono Giiu-.U. 2SC
The weather bureau forecaster at
Sun Francisco was feeling very con
servative tills morning and hence in
making the prediction for tonight
and Sunday only forecasted "elcudy."
The injnimuui temperature o'f tills
morning was the freezing, point, and
there was u dense' und nasty fog all
Wanted to buy clean colton rags.
Medford Printing Co.
Tlie farm bureau cxcliango shipped
two (Mir loads of fine hogs from Med
ford today. It was expected that
three cars would be shipped, but not
enough consignments showed up lo
fill a third car.
A real dance! Tonight! Medford
nut! Imperial orchestra! Heal music!
Admission free! 2ilii
Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc is Just reccv-
crlng from a hard attack of la grippe,
lroni which he lias been suffering for
several days.
An all night danco at I:ncli, Sat.,
Jan. 31. With the three pieces of;
Jazz. lOverybody Invited. alia
Portlanders slopping at the Med
ford yesterday and today Included W.
It. Durst, A. I,, llrumwell, K. U Pur-
rott, II. A. Uvlngs'ton, J. II. Devlin,
S. W. Tracy, A. .1. Gerrans, K. W.j
Davis, 0, W. Tuttlo und A. D. Purker.
This office will tuna subscriptions
for the Portland Telegram, bargain
rule of 3.9u a year by mall. Sub
scriptions to bo sent In before Febru
ary 10. 274
All ytAing ladies who do not attend
Sunduy school are invited to join the
memburs of the Kldolis class of the
First Methodist Sunday school at
II: 4 5 Sunday in a profitable hour ol
Tho Medford Printing company lius
the Do I ,li xo Multiplex cash books;
and other ruled hooks, loose leaf sys
tem, also Inventory sheets. If you
need these or any other blank books
or hills to fit any bindor see this
office and patronize homo industries.
Frank Gordon, who lias the ron-
Iract for constructing thu new bridges
on the Pacific highway south of Ash
land, put a crew o'f men to work this
week on tho Nell creek bridge near
the Holmes ranch, and plans to push
the work from now on If weather
conditions permit.
For appoint uienls with Dr. McM.
M. Dow, call the superintendent ol
tho Dow llospilnl, telephone II. Dr.
Dow will return about February I Dili.
a as
Dr. Holno, eyo. eat, noso. throat.
Mrs. M. Iteud of Portland, Is the
guest of her hraher, N. I). Nordwlck
and family at their home In this city.
Albert Anderson, Iho contractor.
while in Grunts Pass yesterday from
Polo where he Is pulling in the, ap
proaches for the Pacific highway
bridge, said that I be work in that
vicinity Is fast progressing toward
omplclion, and that before the sum
mer Is far advanced the pavement
will be down connecting the valley
towns, with an unbroken stretch
from Granls Pass over tho Slskiyolis.
Dance at Nut tonight! 2 (!."
On and after January 12 tho I Hues
St Snider garago will ho open day and
nlrht. tf
Cullforniaiis slopping at the Hol
land are II. t). V1lllains of San Frau-
Iseo. and W. C. and Itev. PouoFor ol'
Oakland. .1. K. Grlbble of Fort Klam
alh is also tt guest tit the Hi. Hand.
Ilig dance St. Mark's hall. Sat..
Ian. 31. I.aunspai li s Jazz. Nuff sed,
Ladles' and men's suits French drv
I'leaned 11. GO. City Cleaning Worts.
Phono ,474. tf"
The Farm llurellll Cooperative Fx
hange has a car of Jumbo land plas
ter in. testing is. 3 per cent sulphur.
and claimed to be Ihc best on the
maikei. at Us per ton f. o. h. The
car will be unloaded .Monday nt Hard-
well's v.-aieliouse.
See D. 1(. Wood & Co., No. 7 West
Klcveiilli, for flro Insurance. tf
See the newest spring models in
satin hats at the Vanity Shop. 26u'
.VI the Holland the following are
registered from -Pol l land : A. 1.. Hol
lows. W. H. Kenan, K. 11. Hover and
I M . Murray.
For the best insurance boo Holms
the Insurance Man.
On and after January 11 IV Wlc
Snider garago it Ul wna 4. and
ithl. tf
John 'H. Carkiu of Medford and
K. V. Carter of Ashland are mention
ed In a dispatch from Salem in the
Portland Telegram as possible candi
dates from the first congressionaj
district in the Oregon delegation of
ten to the nalli.'.ia! convention of the
republican party In June.
Get the habit! Uuy shares now in
tho Ilullding and Loan.
Kidd'a shoe store. Phone 0S0-M.
Lawrence Gray arrived home sev
eral days ugo from the University of
Oregon on the sick list, being much
knocked out by a recent operation
for the remc'vul of his. tonsils, wilh
the expectation that borne comforts
and mother's cooking would soon
ro'iind him into shupe again. .,
Imperial orchestra! Nai ! Tonight!
On and after January 12 the Hlncs
& Snider garage will be open day and
night. tf
A. C. Hubbard arrived home toduy
from the state convention of Imple
ment and hardware dealers In Port
land, at which he was re-elected on
the executive board.
Slab wood for ealb by tier or cord.
Valley Fuel Co.
Try our mercnanta" lunch. The
Shasta. tf
Mrs. Addl F. Ilaswell is expected
to arrive home this afternoon from
Weatherforil, Okla., to which place
she has been since Dec. 30 because of
the Illness and death of her sister,
Mrs. J. J. Winter, excepting the time
spent on u visit Willi her -brother,
A. II. Synicox, formerly of Medford,
at Cordell, Okla. lOnroute home she
stopped olf at Eugene for a visit with
lirunswlck phonographs on easy
terma at Hule's Piano House tf
Orres, tailors lor men and women.
High grade only. Ashland. Ore.
Itay Sulchwcll is one of the flu
patients of tho city, having been laid
up for several days past at the Satch
widl apartments In tho Hotel Hol
land. Slab nnd fir wood for sale. Phone
8 fill.
At the convention at Salem this
week cf the Oregon Stale Association
of Farm Loan associations A. W.
Stone of Medford, was elected on the
board of directors.
Hemstitching and pecotiug. The
Vunity Shop.
"The Credibility of the Incredible"
is the subject nnnt.'uiiced by itev. J.
Itundolph Sasnetl. for ie evening
service at the First Methodist Fpisco
pul church. This is thu second in a
series on "The Light of Reason on
the Claims of Christianity."
Carl Jeschko, high grade watch
and clock repairing. 9 Fir sireot. .
Painting, tinting nnd . decorating
orderH promptly attended to. Phone
604, Klllott & McCatterly. 384
Northern California people visiting
In Medford include Mrs. O. T. West
of llornhrook who is at tho Medfo'rd,
George Souza of Iho same town who
Is at the Nush und Chas. Marsac. of
Yrekn, who are at the Nash. Hubert
Boyd of Orovlllo, Is also at the Nash,
Hot tumalea and chill concarne nt
DeVoe's. '
Phantom Melody at Rialto.
An all star cast supports Mon
roe Salisbury in "The Phantom
Melody," nl Iho liiulto toduv und lo-
morrow. It is unusual tor a star
to be siiiiiiortcd liv idavers with n
nonularitv inirulloliii'-r his own. Such
is the ease, however, in "The Phan
tom M'elodv." Monroe Salisbury is
sitiiporlcd liv lleiirv Harrows, liav
(Inlliiglier. Charles West. Jean Cnl
lioun. Milton .MarUwell, Lois' Lee und
Joe Kit
"The Pliiinlom Melodv was direct
ed at Vniversil y City liv Doiiuln.
(lerrard. II is t ho storv ol' a strange
t'nle piirsuiuir the members ol' u ti
lled llritish und ivcallliv Italian lain
il v iliirinir war times in Italy. Tin
ieelaele of a uiaii Ileitis buried ulivc
and later returning from Ilie tomb.
a terrific duel over n Monte Carki
iinibliuir table, uiaunificeiit inferior
-((Mies of nu Italian villa and a dar-
mulie situation thai sustains lo the
smiislrmr climax, are oiilstaudin
features of the production.
Monroe Salisbury's reputation as
Ihc Mansfield of the screen is based
on Mich Cuivei'sul productions
"His Divorced Wife," "Sundown
Trail," "The Sleepim; Lion," nnd
other successes.
When Irregular or suppressed use
Triumph Pills. Safe and always ilo
pendaole. Not sold at drug stores.
Do not experiment with others: save
disappoint nient. Write for "Relief"
and particulars, it's free. Address:
National Medical Institute, Milwau
kee, Wis. Adv.
Nut In
ThiM'o will ho ii spi'citil mot-tins of
t He . O. K. K.'s Monday t-vrniii';.
Kelt. L 1!'LM, folh Ainu ri'Kulnr K. of
V. work. Kloetion of officers and
iirrangi'inont of plans for next evro-
monial. HKX TKOWUlt 11K.K.
2 n St'rrotary.
('onli'iii'lni-M Not in
rtnures wanted on excavation f'r
basement of Kdgnr llafer property,
full at v.rcliitect K. C. (Marks of fit e
jlit West Main. -ir.
I)cr Plume: Pacific B27.
Sight I'lionn: F. W. Weeks, 1US-J2.
I .Kir Aulitul
LONDON. The. United States
made the third largest contribution
in fighting forces during t lie war, ap
proximately 2,U00,0ou men, accord
ing to figures compiled by llritish
statisticians. France headed tho list
while Grout Britain came second with
a grand totul of 8,t;fi4,4i;7.
Tho ration strength of the Amer
ican army In Franco on Armistice
day that is, the totul number of rjen
who were being fed from army stocks
Is placed at 1,924,0(10 while Great
Hritain'a ration strength in this
ater on the same dale was 1,73 1,578.
This does not take. Into account pris
oners of war or the negro labor em
ployed by Fngland.
America's combatant strength In
France on Armistice day is set down
at 1,1 GO, ooo and Great liritaln's at
l.Di4,7!tO. The combatant strength
Includes all troops whose functions
are, in the first place, fighting.
The captures of prisoners and guns
In France during thu victorious offen
sive against tho German army be
tween July 18 und .November 11
1918, are us follows:
llritish armies, 200,000 and 2540
respectively; French armies, 137.720
and 1S80; American armies, 43,300
and 1421; Belgian armies. 14,500
and 474. It la pointed out that in
ndiiition to tho above there wure
about -80,000 llritish combatant
troops in Italy who cooperated in the
final defeat cf the, Austrian urmy ut
Viltorio-Venuto, capturing 311,000
prisoners, and that in tho eastern
theaters of war, Palestine and Meso
potamla, where about .lp).00i) British
troops on an average turnout 11)18
were fighting, the complete defeat
und destruction (.f the Turkish army
was effected by the British alone, and
a totul of 85,000 prisoners taken.
Major General Peyton C. March.
American chief of staff, announced
on January 20, 19 1 II, that America
had the second largest allied army
on the western front, in ration
strength, when the armistice was
signed. The French, ho suid. had
2.559,000 men. the Cnited States,
1,950,000 and the British, including
Portuguese who were serving with
them, 1.718,000. Genera! March did
not give tiio comparative figures of
the national armies showing their
combatant strength on Armistice
ltOMK. Jan. 31. Publication of
the activities of the late Cc.'unt V.
Macchl du C'ellere. former Italian am
bassador at Washington, lias been be
gun by the Giornalo d'ltalia, which
in today's Issue takes up relations be
tween the late ambassador and Presi
dent Wilson. Count Cellere is (mut
ed as making the following state
ment; "President Wilson from tho be
ginning of the conflict felt it would
give him opportunity to transform
the I'uited States from uu Industrial
lo a ('(.'nimercial power and to shape
Ask for
Standard cold remedy for 20 yearg '
in tablet form sale, ure, no
opiates break i up a com in i
hours relieves crip in J a ays.
Money back if it fails. The
genuine dox nas a nea
top won kit. nw s
At A' Drug Sff
W.W'TKI) lOo t'oetl 'Much or 2
Inch iron jl'po in good condition.
Medford Concrete Construction Co.
2 (iti
I'Ol! SAI.K OK THAHK Ten acres
of land near Jacksonville, Florida.
Will lake car oil part payment. For
further information write lo David
l.eveoue. It. ;:, .Medford, Oregon.
2 0 7
FOR SAI.K Fonr room house, fur
nished or unfurnished, located on
Corner lot, ery reasonable for
cash. lmiuii,) Hotel .Medford,
room :I-'U. 2 it a
FOU SAI.F.-Choice blue club seed
wheat. Phone 3MS-M. 2117
Yon en get noil anj
old thin at DtVow
most any oU tlmia.
European markets with a view lo se-j
curing control of them. He thought1
to attain thin conquest by imposing
peace on the belligerents but Ger-
many with her obstinate provocations
dragged tilm Into the war with a hope!
mat no mignt ueeome aruner wneui
peace finally came."
ALBANY. X. Y.. Jan. .11. Scores
of delegates from the leadimr citic.-i
of the state iioured into Albany to
day for a meelim; this afternoon bv
memhers of civic, social nnd Inbor
oruaiii.utious to protest airainst sus
pension of the live socialist assem
blymen lieimr tried bv the assembly
judiciary committee on ciinrges of
Bv unanimous vole the meetini:
adopted a resolution Ihat the con
ference call upon its delegates and
tliroii'.'h tliem.uMoii their constituen
cies "to pledge tin defeat of cvem
member iiP the assembly in anv wav
responsible for the un-Aineriean. un
constitutional and indefensible oust
ing of Iho duly elected reuresentn
fives. .
The same resolution (lciuiinded (In;
immediate restoration of - the sus
rended members In llieir seats, j
Dartmouth to Piav U. of W.
SKATTI.K, Wuh.. Jan. III. Ilart
iliouth colteve of llaiiovcr. X. II.. will
meet the I'niyersitv of Washington
at football here November -liT. l!)Jtl,
Darwin .Meisnest, tiradiiulc innnticer
of (lie university, announced here to
day. Relieves Gas, Sour and Burning
Stomach (heartburn) and Pains in
Stomach between meals In Two
Kcr sick headache, biliousness and
constipation take one heaping tea
spoonful of Jo-to in a glass of hot
water 10 lo 20 minutes before meals;
acts gently but firmly on the stom
ach, liver and ho'wels, stimulating
them to natural action, clearing the
blood nnd purifying the entire sys
tem. Jo-To is sold in Medlord by
.Medford Pharmacy and Ileath's'Drug
Store. Adv.
Should Fit
the Face
CoiTticily tilling
frames are almost as
important as correctly
U roil ml lenses. There
fore we luke particu
lar pain:? to make sure
that the frames fit tlio
face perfectly.
The center of the
glasses should come
exactly opposite the
pupils of the eyes. '
The glasses shoutrt not
bo too wide or too
narrow. Th bridge
should fit the nos3 so
well that wobbling will
be impossible.
We are experts In
the proper fitting of
glasses and our skill is
at your service. If the
glasoes you now wear
do not fit perfectly
bring them to us for
Dr. Rickert
Deuel Ilullding, .Medford, Oregon
New Spring
Now Arriving
Please look over our
lines liefore buying
Vanity Shop
Neit to Rlnlto Theatre
First Methodist
1 1
Fourth and Hartlett.
A church with a visum and program of community service"
cliurcli of good music."
1 1
iiotii iivss.(;i'.s i tv ,
Rev. J. Randolph Sasnett. '' '
The message of the evening will be of ospecial interest to; People.
Because we follow the physician's orders accurately.
AVe give you service, skill and (ii;tlity. Tin; doctor's
patiimt needs the best, of everything ami we dis
pense the best. ' ..'.
HeatJVs Drug' Store
The San Tox Store ..
Saturday, January 31
Admission Free
,iA,.v idi.iok on im:.VT .i.'.zi:it '
Tlio 3AK.Y UlIiKIt travels Inn circle drills aimlessly NHV ICIt
AKHIVKS. The IDK.A It AX..VM docs the d uly Amcr-l-C'AN-l.Ml
oy-az. ACIIIKVKS ll.PPIM:SS throiigli a PltACTICArj THAI-NINO
Individual Instruction
i o . . . ? ,
Manufacturers and Dealers in M--
AX'ashcd Sand, (.ravel and Trashed Kock, Irrigation Pipe and Drain
Tile, Cement. t li.ALji
Medford Concrete Construction Co. ;
C. .1. SKMO.V, Manager. A. I,. I,AMI!, Construction Snpt.'
March 1."th our lnrft inciiliaiors will w nt ytmv rvvvIv.c.
These iiiciiliaturs are Ihc iM-st lint water iuac!uiuM iui(l nro In
stalled in a modern ineiihaior eellar. Vour es will ho ineuhnted
Aert!s for the
Kresky Ventilating Brooder Stove 'I. f'
I'lui host hiDoder uu the inarUet. ( uuie and see it in operation.
Phone 'JOt-V. C'aroll P. fiirpcnter
Telephone II N.Riverside, Apple and E. Fifth Streets
The Dow Hospital
Special attention given to surgical and obstrctical 1
cases. ' :
No extra charge for graduate nurses services.
Hie most linporliuit
ii . j F
Every Fellow Needs a
Financial Friend.
'ASIDE from the feature" of having one's
money more safely handled through a hank
one finds iniinineralile instances when his
hanker stands him in good stead.
(iiving counsel regarding money, business
and investment matters and advisiug,about
a thousand and one other things come
within the catagorv of First National SKU-V1CK.
Episcopal Church
A. M.
P. M.
Day or evening
person in this hospital is the
f.dii 1 id.-o