MEDFORD Prediction'; Cloudy Dally Fourteenth Yar. Forty-nlnUi Tear. MEDFORD, ORKOOX, SA'ITRDAY, JAXFARY .l!)U0 NO. 2(m TIOU. The Weather Mavlm um yesterday K Minimum UMlny r 3 i U.S. IB ARRESTED 8Y CARRANZITAS Lieutenants , Davis and Grimes. American Arnw Aviators Forced to Land at Guerrero, Mexico. Last Wednesday. Ordered to Monterev by Mexican Military Authorities Mexico Suspicious of Reasons for Lamlinu On Mexican Soil. LARIOOO. Texas.. .Tun. 31. Liun tenunts K. F. Duvis unci 0. K. Crimes, American nrmv aviators, who were l'oreeil to land near (luer rero, Mexico, last Wednesday vlien 1 heir gasoline sminlv liei'iiine. ex I'austed, have been ordered lukm lo Monterev for examination lv Mexi can niilitarv authorities. Amcriean Consul Randolph liob ertson, stationed at Nuevo Laredo, opposite here, sent word to this ef fect todav from Guerrero, whence lie had cone to aid in the return of tlu1 aviators to American soil. The nviutors nre held "for investigation ns to their reasons for landing; on Mexican soil," the consul said. Ynquto Aro Troublesome. WASHINGTON. Jan. HI. A nick ed force of niilitarv police lias been sent from Mexico Citv to Sonura in ii campaign against the Yiiciui-in-llians, according (o advices received nerc todav. The Yuouis who went on the war path some months ngo have raided mnnv towns nnd villages in Sonorn and have terrorized the country generally. The special police will go to Maz ntlnn and thence to Ilprinosillo nnd will he stationed nlong the Southern Pacific railroad nnd on the border. Anns and ammunition nre said to liuve been smuggled to the Indians . across the border nnd bv gasoline launches in the Gulf of California. Mexican officials are disturbed bv the Ynoui activity in view of the po litical campaign now on ns the Vil nius are strong supporters of Gen eral Obrcgon, whoso eandidacv for the presidency is opposed bv Presi dent Carranzn nnd the official circle in Mexico Citv. General Oliregon was victorious in all his campaigns during the revolution His army was composed largely of Yuouis. i Jap Colony Mexico SAN ANTONIO; Texas, Jan. 31. Duron Otori, Japanese minister to Mexico, has mnde arrangements with the Mexican federal government and with agencies in Japan for the col onization of several thousand Jap anese in the states of Sonora. Lower California, Sinalon and Colima. on the west coast, according to a dis lmteli from Mexico Citv received to day bv a Mexican newspaper pub lished here. The Mexican government has as sured Huron Otori, Japanese immi grants would be given adequate pro tection from bandits. - .WASHINGTON. Jan. 3J. Deny ing that Huron Otori, Japanese min ister to Mexico, bad arranged for a colonization of Japanese in western Mexico ns reported in Mexico Citv press dispatches published in San Antonio, the Japanese embassy here said todav the baron bad not been in Mexico for n long time. MILITARY RAID ON SINN FEIN RADICALS THROWS ALL IRELAND INTO A TURMOIL DUBLIN". Jan. 31. Manv Sinn Fein leaders were arrested in n big round up eurlv today. Tbev were taken to an iinrevenled destination. LONDON. Jan. 31 Advices from Ireland todav show that the con stabulary and the niilitarv detained 25 men under charges of violation ol the defense of the realm act in coun ties Limerick, Clare and Tippcrary this morning. Seven of the newlv elected mem bers of the municipal council were among those arrested. The military alone carried on the rnid. The wife of one of the men ar rested was informed that a wurraut PORTLAND NURSES ARE E E i PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. :tl.-: Itcports ol' profiteering on the part of some nurses in connec tion with rare of influenza pa (ii'iits in Portland, it' I'oiin.l to be true, will result in the ruvoea tiou of lieensi's of all muses guilty of sued practice. Citv Health Officer l'urrish is now cheeking u I he ruforls, and will give all data collected to Do. lioberg for aetion. The reports received hv the mnvor and the citv henltU officer charge that eerlain nurses are attempting to charge a fee of $1(1 for 1'2 and in some eases eight hours' nursing. NVESTIGATE THE U.S. TRANSPORT SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 31. Ar rests and prosecutions in connection with the suspicious circumstances which compelled the great army transport Meant Vernon to abandon her voyage to Vladivostok and re turn hero will depend on u thoro in vestigation to bo conducted at the Mare Island navy yard by both the mechanical experts Of the yard and the army transport . service, Major General Carroll A. Devol, chief of the service here, announced today. The Mount Vernon was taken to Marc Island early today. General Devol announced lie would go to Mare Island Monday to direct an examination of the vessel unit by. unit. His suspicions have been grounded principally on the flooding of the fire rooms with fresh water from a mysterious source and a fire in the coal bunkers, which has been burning for more than 4 8 hours. This, fire was under such control today that Lieutenant Charles McNeil General Devol's aide, was enabled to crawl thru and about the bunkers without being overcome by smoko or gas, General Devol said. SAN KUANCISCO, Jan. 31. The great n nil v transport Mount Vernon passed through the Heads and into San Franicsco hay shortly after 8 o'clock todav after ljuving been forc ed to abandon her passage to Vlad ivostok when leaks partially flooded some of her compartments. Later M.uior General Carroll A. Devol, quartermaster here, said the leakv condition of the Mount Ver non Jiad been remedied. A fire in the coal bunkers was under control Gttneral Devol said, and would be extinguished entirely within lil hours, lie added that the origin bad not vet been explained as the bunk ers bad been filled with, fresh I'ta'i coal which is not easily ignited. PRICE OF BREAD IN CHICAGO . TO BE RAISED ONE CENT CHICAGO, Jan. 31 Retail bread prices in Chicago will be increased one cent effective next M'ondav. leading Inrkers announced todav. The new price will be 11 nnd J 2 cents for u pniiud loaf of bread and the one and one-half pound loaf will sell for Hi and 17 cents. for the arrest would be rend when the prisoner was taken to the bar racks. Joseph McGrath. Sinn I'Vin mem ber of the bouse of commons for tli? St. James division of Dublin, also was arrested. More than 20 of the arrested men were placed in Mount Jov prison. The arrests caused great excite ment in Dublin. All those making inouirics with re gard to the prisoners were referred to military headouartcrswhere in formation was declined. About 40 Sinn T'einers were de tained todav hv the police and mil itary in various districts of Minister. t i- 1 INFLUENZA N A MID FORM ON INCREASE Disease Spreads On Pacific Coast While in New York Fatalities Show Increase Call for Nurses in Southern California No Deaths In Portland. CHICAGO, Jan. :tl. Influenza ami pneumonia claimed the heaviest tull of lln present epidemic during the past lM hours. Two hundred am! seven deaths, V2'2 from influenza and Nf) from pneumonia were reported to Health ( 'inumissioncr Huberts. SKATTLK. .Inn. :tl. TnHiuMixa in a mild form eonlinties on the increase in Washington, Dr. J. H, Anderson, secretary of the state hoard of health declared here todav. No general (inarniif inc is contemplate 1 at present, I Jr. Anderson said. le. asserled that Iho hoard was insist i Mir (hat all restaurants sterilize their dishes and utensils. Dr. Anderson recommended, as means of combat ting the influenza, that people keep their hodies healthy and able to re sist the disease. IXKW YOKK, Jan. .11 Deaths from -influenza continued to increase today, while there was a deeided drop in the number of new cases re ported to the health department. There. were 1211 deaths from the dis ease, mi increase of lour over yes terday's reeyrd figures in the pres ent epidemic, while the number of new eases totalled 4.8i)f, a decrease of till" over those of (he previous dav. 'J' here were L17 dea'ths and 811 new cases of pneumonia, decreases of C and 40 respectively from yes terday's figures. PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 31 Thirty-three , new eases of influenza were reported lo the eitv health bu reau today, waking- a total of 1M8 sinee the epidemic began. Kighteen cases were reported this morning at Hill military ncademv. but they have not vet been checked up. . ' Fifteen enses nre bcinir eared for in the cit y barracks hospital. No deaths have marked the last 2-1 hours. LOS A NO ELKS. Cab. Jan. ,tL Surgeon General W. ('. liraisted of the navy todav issued an appeal through the papers here for nurses to serve at San Piego nnd Mare Is land in caring for influenza patients. Local hospitals were J,' asked for belt), but were unable to give it because they were already short handed. CRAZED By INFLUENZA MAN SLAYS FAMILY CLEVELAND, O., .Ian. 31. Mrs. Edith Ltullmait and her five mouths old daughter Pauline were shot to death early today and the husband and father, 'Martin, was reported dy ing in a hospital with a bullet in his lira in. Police helieve liullinan, temporar ily deranged by Influenza from which all. three members of the family have been suffering for a week, first killed his wifo and baby and then shot himself. 1 Seven Die Pittsburq Fire. PITTSBCItO, Jan. Seven persons are known to have been burned to death early today when fire destroyed L" temporary resi dences, occupied bv employes of the Carnegie Steel company's plant at Clairton. An office building also wils consumed. Frequent Rains Predicted. WASHINGTON. Jan. ,'U. Weath er predictions for the week beginning Mondav nre: Pacific states rreouenl rains ex cept in Southern California where generally fair weather will prevail after the earlv davs. Erzberaer Much Better. I1KKL1N. Jan. .11. Mnthins Kns berger. minister of finance, who was shot last Monday, received a num ber of; visitors yesterday. He hud no fever ami bis heart action hIiowc;! hardly auv abnormal symptoms. Houston Endorsed by U. S. Senate l lAMIlt IIVW UAVID B ..HOUSTON WASHINGTON:, .lun. SI.-t-TIm nominations ot David F. Houston, now HfM-tvtary of ariiull urn, lo In neiTtnry of thu Irrasiiry anil K. T. MiTi-dilh, of Dbs Moiui's, la., !(. In' smTtMary of aKriciiiiuri', wi-re 0011 firmt'il unanimously today by llio Ht'n ate. FIVE IRE DAYS TRIAL SELECTED MONTKSANO, Wash.. Jan. The temporary inrv selected to trv II aliened I. W. W.'s e.huiin-d with the murder of Warren (. (Irimin. one of the victims of the Armistice dav shoutings at Ccntrnlia. was reduced to 10 this mornine1. when 'J mitre John rs. Wilson ruled that one temporary juror, Mrs. Kniilv C I'attison, had indicated u prejudice against the 1. W. W.'s, and when the state agreed to not further contest the defense's ehalcnie of Ort on Glenn. Jtoth were excused from service. Reduced to .10 temporary jurors, counsel auraiu he trim the exanitnat ion of talesmen and K. Kohiusou, car penter of llo(uiaiu, was accepted hv both sides, the defense wilhdrawinu a charge for alleged opinion. Talesmen examined and excused were : John Soder, saw filed, 1 lo uuiam; (). Onron, barber, Aberdeen, and Joseph Gamier, carpenter, Aber deen. Conveninir of court was delayed nearly two hours hv u conference be tween counsel and Judire Wilson in the bitter's chamber. . Judge Wilson made ii ruling: during the council, be announced later, that examination of talesmen should hereafter1 be completed without interruption nnd that re-examination will not be per mitted. With the .selection of one more talesman the lime for exercising1 ol peremptory challenges will begin. c cording to counsel lor both the de fense and prosecution, it may reouire at least five davs more before a ner mancnt jury . is sworn. Mrs; Inez Moore of Klmn. several miles east of here, tins being examined when court udiourncd for lunch. 1RE1F,U.S.A. I'AItlH, Jan. 21 Hungary has been allowed additional time to con sider the peace treaty RiihmHted by the allied powers. The Hungarian deleKutiin wrh informed today that the time given ft to formulaLe obser vations regarding the peace terms had been extended to February 12. COPKXHAOKX. Jan. 31 A Jluda peHt dlBputeh today fpiotes the newH paper Szozat of that city as ulating it undertands that Brigadier (leii eral dlnrry IL Handholtz, If. S. A., American military representative In Itudapest, has offered to Premier Iluszar "the support of America for the Hungarian peace delegation." The newspaper adds that (ieneral Itanriholz will acrompany the If iln Kariun delegation when it returns to France and Kfve to the peace confer ence a report of the impressions ho had receive ike situation during his stay in JItKry. A Itudapest dispatch daled Janu ary 24 and received in this rem try on January ':, announced that JlriK adier General Handholtz was Bltortly to leave for Paris, and that he would he relieved by (Jrant Smith, former acting minister to Denmark. ciissiN1 AnnrryrMTnM AT RUMANIAN FRONTIER nU. IULUIIHI AbKhhiVltNl UN ready for invasionjq Minn nil mcaciidi: 10 lIUiLJLiLLJ V M. II HI : : : : House ami Seivati Deadlock Rouaril iiui Reyulatiuns Gov't Oil Lau:l ' Broken at Last Renrcsentalivt! Sinnot of Oiem n Takes Prominent Part in Final Adjustments, WASHINGTON. Jan. ill. Ilom-c end senate conferees on the oil land leasing bill . reached a vi rt uat agree ment todav. breaking a deadlock over house a ud senate amendments to the so-called remedial provisions of the o:l section. A final settlement nf the distribu tion of royalties derived from the product of oil wells remains now as the otilv point in conlnvcrsv am! settlement itf it was iell o Senator Smtml of I'tah, li'eprcscntative Sin iiolt of Oregon, chairmen of the man agers for - their respective houses. This, Seriatm: Smoot. said, probably would be dnnlndav. .In ad iuslinir lit" ferences over t be reined' a 1 provision, the conferee.; agreed upon proposals by Represen tative Sinnott designed to prevent any one person obtaining more than the- maximum of ;,'J00 acres of oil land by the juggling or exchange of claims or by purchase from claim ants, 'I'be conferees also agreed upon a distribution of royalties derived I roai past product i.mi, whereby 70 per cent will go to (be reclamation fund, 'JO lo tiie slate in which the oil was obtained ami 10 per cent to the government. On llie nueslion nf the distribu tion of royalties derived from pres ent production the senate insisted on a distribution of -15 per cent each to the reclamation fund ami to the stall' and 10 per cent to the fedenrl gov ernment while the house managers insisted upon -10 and 10 per cent re spectively. A coinpronrsn was sug gested whereby the percentage would be l7'-. and 10 per cent, and according: to the conferees . thU probablv will be accepted. The con ferees also accepted house provis ions providing that, no maximum roy ally should he prescribed in the bill WEOS MRS. LEEDS GENEVA, Jan. 31. Mis. William B. I. cuds, who will lie niarrloil today to Prince Christopher of (ireeco, ar rived here last nlftlit from .Montreux. accompanied only by Dowager Queen OlRa, of Gieecu. She was BCttn fol lowed hy Piinco Christopher and his aide do enmp. Captain Blocker, who said llie .Swiss civil marriage to he performed today was only a formal ity. He declared Iho real ceremony would he conducted tit Montreux on Sunday, according to the rites of the (ireck church. I Former King Constantino nnd Queen Hophlu of Cireocc were not In vited lo the wedding. . El OTTAWA. Out., Jan. .'II." More than !i."i.000 .persons of the farming class emigrated to Canada from the I'liileil Stales during l!U!t according to government reports made public here today. The I'niled States fiirn'shed .VJ. (110 ucr.MMis nearly half of the do minion's to! a I immigration. They brought with them cah and elftcts valued at - LS, U H. IOC. Alberta att racted more A mej'icans than any other province Lf.Hh.'i. SWISS WANT NEUTRALITY GUARANTEED BY LEAGUE PFPYF J:. ii '10 --I'll. 'Kii-wu nni'. 'rnnicnt has addressed a note to the League of Nation asking that the oucMion ot Swiss neutrality he the f rst dealt with at the meeting of the ouiifil of the league in Loudon, Feb ruary j. , .;, ,. 4. .j. .j. .;. 4. .. j, VIFNNA. Jan. 'JS. lbs- ; patches from I inch a re--I stale ' 1 hat llie hob-he viki a re wail ing ' at the frontier office to offer peaeo terms to Kumauin. If the v terms a re rct'u-.ed, the advices :iv, the soviet troops wdl ad : vanee. VLAHIVOSTOIC, Jan. LMi. 'j' Three hundred Kussian govern V incut t roups revolt eit here yes- '' tenlav. iunlc.l their officers ami refused to take orders fnua " governiinMit authorities. It was not until lliis morning (hat Ihe men were forced to surrender. 4. 4.4. E WIEfi ALLIES WILL PAItIS, Friday, Jan. :t0. Uusslan co-operative Bf.'leties will maintain a strictly non-political attitude in at tempting to effect commercial ex changes between tho Uusslan people and. the allied nations, according to a statement adopted ul meetliiKK held here from January 20 io January 2 1, made puldie today. . Tho Htaieinent recites the society's decision to "absolutely avoid prob lems of u political nature and to for bid part fcipatli.'n In their Kelttemeiit," during diplomatic exchanges between the various Kovernmeals. . "Tho only object sought ,by the Uussiau co-operatives is to furnish the population of Itussia withcut ex ception articles of greatest necessity and tools that are needed as well as to put Uusslan products on foreign markets," says the statement. ' "This conference feels the cooper ative organization can accept respon sibility for the resumption of com mercial relations with Itunsln if ac complishment of this mission is net prevented by Insurmountable ob stacles growing out of our political collisions." 24 GOVT FARMS IN WASHINGTON, Jan. :t 1. Twenty four government farms on the New lands project In Nevada, ranging In size from 2!i to HHi acres of irrigable land, will he opened to entry Febru ary 2li, Secretary Lane announced to day. . Kach applicant must agree for himself and his successors to take appropriate steps to have his unit in cluded within tho Truckee Carson Irrigation district. Tolmrco Sminlv Increases. WASHINGTON. Jan. KL-Leaf tobacco held by manufacturers ami dealers January I. ai."rregaed 1. ;iH, Ltl.'JPl noun ds. compared w'ith l.HK l.IliMi pounds a year ago. Ita' an R. R. Service Resumed. KO.MK. Jan. .'ill. Kailwav service is gradually returning to normal throughout Italy with occasional duplies between strikers and men who font inued work. NEW LAND ID LABOR ATTEMPI MANURE IWO OLOIPARIIES SAI.ICM, Jan. 31. Thu Lund nnil LatM.'r li'atfuo, formed hnro yesterday by dek'KiUes from (iruiiKe organiza tions and labor unions, will not be come a political patty In the sense of nominating candidates Independent (,'f other parties. It was decided. It will attempt to capture the republi can and democratic parties In Oregon by securing tho election on 1 lie old purly tickets of men who will sub scribe to the platform of the league. members Raid today. 'tinder the Orei:'a law the leamie could not have nominated candidates Stinreme Ruler in Siberia Hoisted On. His Soldiers Bavtmets Declares Official Bolsbcviki Oman Con flictinn Reports of Fate of Anti Bolsheviki Commander Semenoff Claims Kolchnk am! His Premier Imprisoned in Irkutsk. LONDON", Jan. Ii I . The Moucow win; less service today transmitted an extract fn.'m an article from the of ficial bolshevik organ Pravda, stat ing: "Only a few days ago Supreme Kuler Kolchak was hoisted on his soldiers' bayonets. v There has been considerable uncer tainty as to the recent whereabouts of Admiral ncichak. lie has been variously reported captured by tho helshcvlkl proper west 01 Irkutsk, ar rested by social revolutionists and imprisoned at Irkutsk, and was un der detention by revolting tro'ops from his own armies. It has been quite definitely established, however, that he has not been a free agent for some weeks, apparently authentic ad vices declaring that he was turned over to insurgent revolutionists by .eneral Jauiii, Ihe commander of the C'.echs in Siberia, whom the allies had asked to protect Kolchak. Gen eral Jauln's defenders claim he was forced to surrender the admiral or faco the annihilation of the Czech forces. " Tho last prevlcus report regarding.' Admiral Kolchak was received thru Honolulu on Friday, quoting a dls-' patch to a Japanese newspaper the?3 from Toklo to the effect that Admiral Kolchak was reported tc have escap ed from the bolshevik! and to ho in hiding in Manchuria. VLADIVOSTOK, Wednesday, Jan. 2S. Jtussiun Telegraph le Agency). Admiral Kolchak and Premier Pep pellayev, of thu all-Uusslan govern ment are Imprisoned In 'Irkutsk and what their fate will he is not known. Cencral Hemenoff, cc'aiinahder of the forces In the lur Kast, has com munkuled with the allied comman ders, insisting upon, energetic mea sures for liberating Admiral Kolchak. JOE STECHER WINS NKW YORK, Jan. 31. Joe Steele-' or of Nebraska last night won tho heavyweight wrestling championship at catch-ns-catch-can hy defeating. Karl Caddock, of Iowa, with a body rcissors and armlock. The official time was two hours fivo minutes and !t0 seconds. N. Y. Art Treasures Burn. NKW VOWK. Jan. 31 . Art treas ures valued at $7r0,00U were de stroyed today in 11 fire which swept through the annex of the American Kino Arts building in West 58th street. The total loss is expected t exceed $1,000,000. Most of the burned paintings were in the Vander- hilt exhibit. LEAGUE PARTY WILL in the primary election this year, be causo the stale law allows nomina tions only by parties which polled at least 20 per cent of the vote cast for supremo c'.'urt justice at the last elec tion. The league decided not to nom inate by convention, tho only other wuy possible. Tho declaration of a republican or demccrutic cundidatu that he will support tho league's program of gov ernment change must be made pub licly, tho leaguo decided. Then the league's support uutomotlcnlly' will bo pledged to htm, regardluss ot his political party. "J