Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 29, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    r PAGT3 two
This is .McKiuley day, on which
liorecns all over the nation ure ex
pected to wear a red carnation in
honor and memory of the martyred
president. Meilford people evidently
forgot all ahout tho anniversary, for
not o nii.Klo person was seen en the
streets today wearing a carnation,
red or otherwise.
Ken - New Ways fi.r (Mil" at the
Kialto Friday eveniiiK and at the l.ili-
crly Saturday afternoon and learn
what you ean do with a tractor. . i
I'eople who have lioen lettinn their
rhkkens run nl I a run are warned to
:ease tills practice at once else they
will 1m arrested on the rliaiKe of vio
lating the ordinanco which pnhlhitR
iowls runniiiK at largo ami lie sun.iei i
to a fine of tZ and costs for the first
offense, and a heavier penally for
each violation thereafter. Chief of
I'ollce Timothy who has been llioded
with complalnls from all parts of the
city about chlckenb at large announc
ed today that he would strictly en
force the ordinance. .Many people
are now cleaning up Iheir yards and
,1hcrs are putting In spring gardens
hence the delugo of complaints.
Jlrs. Paul Iiunset., coraotloro for
iNullono. Phono 585-J.
Mrs. M. H. Soliss returned this
morning from l.os Angeles where slu
Jiad been spending the wlnler.
Dig dance St. .Mark's hall, Sat.,
Jan. :tl. I.aunspach's jazz. Nun seil.
"Walter Knurr llrown, district
maniiKur of tho Prudential Life and
Trust company, Ih spending several
days a'L IJrants Pass.
rieo the tractor picture at the lil
nlto Friday evening and at the Lib
erty Saturday afternoon. 2(M
Itoy (iuyer Is ono of the Meilford
mon suffering with a severe flu at
tack at his homo.
Ilig dance St. Mark's "hall, Sat.,
Jan. 31. . I.aunspach's Jazz. Nulf sed.
Amcng tho Oregonlans sloiiplng at
tho 'Xash nro K 11. Woodrufr of Co
qiilllo, V. M. Itoherls of I'ortland, and
A. V. Ilenackcr and A. Ilanauska of
Painting, tinting and paporhang
ing. Phono G00-X. l!7(l
Tho (!. & O. (!. railway is now do
Jiir considerable business In the way
of hauling cars cf wood from
along tlio lino, Hie bulk of tho ship
ments of fuel being for Medrord and
Ashland. Twoiity-elght wirs of wood
liavo como In over the line during the
past Ihreo weeks, practicnlly all con
signed to tho .lackson cr.unly cities.
Thoro havo also lioen shipments ol
lumber ami gravel over the line.
lirants Pass Courier.
If you aro Interested In tractor
farming don't miss "New Ways for
Old" at tho ltlalli.' Friday evening
mid at tho Mhurty Saturday after
noon. -CI
Included nmong Oregonlans regis
tered at tho Modford aro Frank F.
Schmidt of Salem, Frank C. Ilram
well of (Irants Pass, Allan IS. ltobson
and M. 14. llowurd i.'f Itoseburg anil
.1. U. Scott, .1. C. (.'niton, .Maurice
Wlnler, A. K. Hockwell. P. I!. Knox,
II. 1,. Hawkins, Mrs. lthoda Schuer.
S. McC.unnigle, Mr. and Mrs. N. Sulh
crlnnd, 11. j. Cox, .1. Forsylhe, !!. W.
JJalaa and T. M. Talbott of Porllaud.
1 1 lK dunce St. .Murk's hall, Sal.,
Jan. 31. I.aunspach's jazz. Nuff snd.
Incidental lo Iho .Meilford doctors
confurenco last night on Iho flu sit
uation according lo an outsider pres
ent, ono physician said suddenly,
"What Is flu anyhow'.' Tell me the
symptoms. Perhaps I am liimo on
this subject." This unexpected query
throw all thu medical men present up
in Iho air and hi hi I ml a general pow
wow on flu symptoms. Finally Or.
Thayer said: "I really know what the
flu is because of the attack of II I
suffered last winter. Well genlle
men, when you are very Hick and feel
that the whole world Is slipping away
from you, and feel forlorn, miserable,
friendless, homeless and hopeless -
that's the Mil."
i'akos, French pastry ami cream
puffs at the Shasta.
Amt.'ng guests al the Holland ure
AW A. Wi.iiiiward and A. F. Krlrksou
of Portland.
All members of tho I nard Wood
club aro requested to meet at Hie
iMedford hotel tomorrow, Friday, al
3 p. m. to decide on a public meeting
to be addressed by How Walker, stale
manager, and transact other busi
ness. Mrs. II. II. Sargent, president.
President William Sproule ami
party of Southern Paeilic official:
aro expectt-il to arrive In Medtold tile
latter part of !ho wecK eliroule south
and perhaps may stop iu Hie city for
a day.
Fine naiiisool;, organdy and voile.
Handicraft Shop. mi l
("has. Herb or ('.rent lletid, Kas..
Is ll visitor In the city and a gitest at
the Nash.
Oh boy, dance at liuch, Sat., .Ian.
SI. Fveiybody Invited. I ty the
jazz Ja?.ers. 'Jlir.
The big new store, sales and gar
age building i.f the ('. K. liales Ante
-ompunv at the corner of Sixth unit
South Hlversbie Is raptilly assumiui;
tangible shape, and considering that
hall the walls ale up. nllho the pout
ing of Ihe concrete was only begun
last .Monday, cw u ihe most skeptical
hitherto leel i i.iivinceii that the big
stril.ture will lie ready fi.r occupancy
hy April 1st, iu- was allliounied some
time ago b the o.vuiT;..
Iliisklns for Health.
Pny Phouet 1'acIMo 227.
Night Phone: r. W. Weeks. 10S-JX
Tho Modford ill Times just off tho
yrH totfnf rMuu th'i following
iuw wf ;v: "W. Willla IHiviiu
port ff-Tgot lo cay "yoanp ladies and
Bcntlomen" in a. recent siiewth lo tho
aH.scmbly. Kour doolors wru callt-il
in and pronounced his vaimi very ser
ious find needing immediate atten
tion." l!l'0 HI dance Thursday nlM.
J V. Silva writes A. W. Walker
from Manhattan, Calif., that he drove
hi.f; Maxwell from Mi-dford to l,un An
j;elcs at an expanse of $1 for wis and
oil. Me made an hiKli an 2S miles jier
gallon on llin paved roads.
A. C Iliilstead, mechanotherapy,
metaphysics. 5 Kast Main, over
Kidd'H Hhoe store. Phone GlHJ-M. 2 SO
Atlenlion is called lo the report of
Dr. K. Ii. I'ickel, city health officer
on the flu tiiluatlou in another part
of thin newspaper. Twenty-seven
new cases were reported in the city
yesterday, and it is understood thai
Ihere have been alx.nt 0 r mild cases
al!oether mo far. The situation was
discussed hy all the doctors of the
city and Mayor daU-s last nlht at a
ineetliiK called hy lr. I'irkel and pre
parations were made for adopting
stringent comlialive int!asi!rcH sliu'uld
Iho upldfuilc Kain a foothold iu the
An ail ninht dame at Itueh. Sat.,
.Ian. :!l. Willi tw tlircje pieces of
ja.z. Kveryhody Invltvd. 2 );.'
Tilery will he a joint meeliiiK (f
all Ihe parent-teachers circles of the
city tomorrow afternoon at '.' o'Hork
al (he hiuh kc1im1 huildiiiK. There
is special business lo be transacted
and everyone is urKod to be present.
Machine needles, bobbins and shut
tles for all makes of Hewing ma
chines. Handicraft Shop. 2."S
K. II. Hard returned home this
forenoon from his atiendaneo at the
statu convention of farm loan associ
ations at Salem.
. Korty-three snides of pencils kept
in stock nil the time. There is one
just rltfht for you. RIcdford Hook
Tho Walker Whiteside cimpany
which played In Medford last -Monday
nlnht opens a several days enae
nient In Port land tonight.
Monograms, centers, luncheon
cloths, inianls dresses stamped to or
der. Handicraft Shop. 2)11
Kasteru visitors stopping at the
Mud ford are Henry Hauler of Moues
sey, I'a., J. W. Patterson of Pes
Moines, la., and Norman P. SlKcker
of New York city.
Wanted to buy clean cotton ijiks.
Meilford Printing Co.
The egg record of 1. M. Prancis of
near Springfield, Ore., arouses envy
Iu Ihe minds of Jackson county keep
ers of poultry, lie started out in
September i.-f 1!)1S with 42 liens. Hy
August HO, 1!H!, had sold ICS dozen
eggs al an nverage of -HI cents a
dozen. Sold f 7 chickens for $71.
Set It liens oil Ki5 eggs and also
incubated 1 I I eggs. Cost of feed
$1-7. 70. profit $.1.37 per hen. Tho
Ht pullets raised before September
I, 10 111, have been laying for more
lhan fr.'ur months and the record now
is front 21 to ;t(i eggs daily.
Keo j-iox carbons and ribbons. Same
prico as Iteroro (he war. Medfr.Td
Hook Store. 'n;t
Messrs. (iaininim and tPlymale of
Ihe California-Oregon Power com
pany engineering deparl men! , left
for Klamath Kill Is Wednesday where
I hey will be for several weeks.
This office will lano subscriptions
for tho Portland Telegram. Itargain
rate ,f $:t.!l5 u year by mall. Sub
scriplionu to ho sent In before Kebru
ary 10. U7i
Tho Medford Printing company lias
the Do I.uxo Multiplex cash books
and oilier rilled honks, loose leaf sys
tem, also inventory sheets. If you
need Ihese or any other blank books
or bills to fit any binder see this
office and patronize homo industries.
II. Pollock and (leorge N. Angell
are among the vIsIIuTh Iu Hie ii!y
from Seal t le.
Kor uppolnhuctils with Dr. McM.
M. Dow, rail Iho superintendent ol
the Dow Hospital, telephone II. Dr.
Di.-w will return about Kebruary luth.
2 il ii '
Hr. lleluo, eye, oat. nose, throat.
The It i m It si-hool basket talt loam is
working hard to make a victorious
showing In Ihe hard sehedulo of con
lesls ahead. The student body Is
somewhat exrllnd over the puts i hi lily
of obtaining a game with the learn of
Lincoln high school of Portland
which is planning a southern Oregon
On and after January III the Dines
& Snider garage will be open day and
uilht. if
lu per cent oil' nn all Pacific Park
nge goods. Handicraft Shop. I'lil
The aiiniuil ineehha, o! the Oregon
Hardware Implement Dealers ussivi-j
alion comes to an end with this after- I
noon s session at Portland.
Hemstitching 10c per yard, tnread
furnished, work guaranteed. Mail
orders i-ollcited. Singer Sewing Ma-j
chine Co., 1 K" West Maiu street, j
Phono 2 i;-U. I
Ladles' and men's Bulls French drv j
( leaned $1.50. City (Meaning Works, i
Phono Mi. tf
LOST Party who found turkey h''n
on Willow Springs road near Cen
tral Point Sunday please ret inn to
or notily J c. Hering. phone !,";?,
otitral Point i
WAX 1' KD - Din feet I 1.7-ineh orlr-
Inch iron ioe iu Kood rendition '
Mediord Concrete Construction Co.,
" t' "i
FO;"S A I. K Two" "yiwnrt mule Volt' !
Inquire ai A. W. Walker C.araue. j
i; 1 ;
i-ok SvMjK leam ranch mares.
L'mmi lbs. Alfalfa hay. One liirht
er team, t lo; 'Mantle street. 2t;s
KOItSA LK St 01V f in n"u ure iui f l
tines. Kndcrs. Mdford.
Owing to tho fact that the blower
for the new ventilating system being
established in the Klks lodge room
has not yet arrived tc-night's lodge
session will ho a short one, and a
special entertainment 11 umber will In
put on.
For sale Buck stio- gravel. Phone
Sec D. R. Wooa & Co., No. 7 West
Kleventh, for fire Insurance. tf
Thu new Imperial orchestra will
he introduced to Medford musical cir
cles Saturday, Jan. when a big
dance will be staged at the Medford
natal or Iu m. The organization con
sists cf the following pieces: Piano,
banjo, saxaphoue, marimba phone,
drums and traps and promises to pro
duce some of the bast dauco music
ever heard in Medford. Many are
looking Tor ward to this Initial ap
pearance witli pleasant anticipation.
There will be no admission charge nt
the door, and dancing will he free
until 0 : :i 0 p. m.
For the nesi insuranco see Holmes
tho Insuranco Man.
Take your hemstitching and ptcot
ing to the Handicraft Shop. 25S"
Alfred Carpenter returned lo hin
home today from the Sacred Heart
hospital, fully recovered from a brief
illness. 1
Slab wood for salt by tier or cord. 1
Valley Fuel Co. j
Urunswlck phonographs 011 easy j
terms at Halo's Piano Hotiso tf !
Chief of Police Timothy found no
occasion D,1 make any arrests up to
early afternoon of auto owners with
out 1!20 licenses and who hud not
yet applied for them. However, a
number of owners win,' had applied
for the state license but who luid not
yet received them lost no tltno In
seeking out Ihe chief this morning
and showing him their receipts for
applications filed with the secretary
of state's cf fice, and otner owners
who had not yet applied got busy at
once In sending in their applications,
and will have to lay low with their
cars until either tho application rc-j
ceipt or license is received.
&lab and fir wood for sale. Phono
Hemstitching and peeotlng. The
Vanity Shop.
Fair weather is tho prediction for
Friday and ll is Ihe general hope that
the fi.g which haa been present much
of Ihe lime for several days past will:
be missing tomorrow. j
Get tho habit! Huy shares now iu
tho Building and Loan. !
Carl JoBchke, high srado watch!
and clock repairing. 9 Fir streot. !
Painting, timing and decorating
orders promptly attended to. Phone
tlli l, Flliott & McCuTferty. 3S4
Hot tumulus and chill concarno at
Kidd's shoo store. Phonu G90-M.
Tho billiard enthusiasts of the idly
are wondering what Court Hall's de
cision is as to the match helween him
mid Mnru which was scheduled some
time ago lo begin on Feb. ;trd for
1000 points. There aro miners thu
when he begins to ponder on the won
derful Improvement tho Japanese
player has made the past few months
Mr. Hall immediately feels tho neces
sity of donning heavy woolen socks
and exhibits flu symptoms.
On and after January 12 tho llines
&, Snider garage will be opon day and
night. tf
Try our merchants lunch. Tho
Shasta. tf
Orres, tailors tor mon and women.
High grade only. Ashland. Ore.
San Franeisiv visitors registered
at Iho Medtord are Win. K. Cray, I-;.
D. Mueisck, K. L. linker, 1 1 . dtramnier
(leorge O. Iturch, F. A. Hantinergeu
and W. Dickelman. Other California
gnosis at the samo hotel are Mr. and
Alien. (1. F. Tunian of Yreka.
See tho newest spring models in
satin hats at the Vanity Shop. 2t;."i
On and after January 12 the llines
X- Snider garage will be open day and
night. tf
Last night at Ihe' Seventh Day Ad
vent ist church the evangelist spoke
on the "Law and Hie liospel." U was
shown that the gospel was given lo
Adam and that it has been in force
ever since. Tho thought was hrcught
out and proven by Ihe scriptures that
men were saved by mace before Ihe
cross as well as alter the cross. . Tin;
subject tonight will lie on the "lie
I urn of t he Jews."
If vim have roaring, buzzing
noises in onr ears, are getting
hard of hearnm and fear Ca
ta 1 t hai I leaf uess. go to your
drtii; gist ami get 1 ounce of
Parinint ( double si tvtigt h l .
and add to it pint of hi.t
water :uul a lit t le granulated
sugar. Take I tublc.;poonlul
four t hues a day.
This will often bring quick
rt lief from the distressing head
noises. Clogped nost r lis " should
open, mth us stop dropping tntf;
the throat. It is easy to pre
pare, costs Utile -md is pleasant
to lake. Anyone who has Ca
tarrhal trouble of lite ears, is
bard ol' hearing or has head
noises shi uld give this presi'iip
t ion a trial. '
Telephone 1 1 rl. Riverside, Applo and E. Filth Streets
The Dow Hospital
Special attention iiven to surgical and obstretical
No extra charge for graduate nurses services.
The most important person in this hospital is the
I'd DAI'KST, Jan. 'J!. --I Imuran
will be 11 tiioiiari-hv and tin? new kin-i
will be eiiosou imno'di.itel v :(i'tcr ihe
nat hum I assembly ennvenes, said
Premier llusar, siie.tkitej- at a uo
men's gat heririir vesierdav.
'The first dulv of It nntiomil ns
seniblv which will be summoned 0:1
I cbruarv Hi will lie ht elect a ehi..t
ol" state," said the inemii r. niter e:
pressim: his sntisCaetion at Hie over
whelming success of the national
Christian jmrtv in tlio recent elec
Cl liTI.AN"l I. Ore. .Ian. !l. At a
i linv: Initiulit ol' the.-i-l I lumnl at
Milwaukei'. near I ' rl land, an cITnrt
will be made to determine a course
of action wild Ihe demands o!' lite 17
leacbers iu .Miluaukee's schools J'or n
Jlat increase of mil.
Ihe leacbers liaf threatened to
iuit Ihcir iiosilifius tonight unices
t lit' raise is itranled. Thcv have not
formallv organized a union but are
slandim.' lo'.-eilter in (heir demands,
it was said todav.
.Members of the school board have
declared thcv w-ouhl like to increase
salaries beyond Ihe !hl a mnnlli now
I. aid but lack funds and face a defi
cit. Couejicd MiiliMiml Day
John VoKnuo, Ulherton, tla., writes:
"Last fall, when my neighbors were
down with itifluenza, 1 took a severe
cold and bel'oro I was awaro of my
condition J was down sick In bed. J
coukIicmI iiiKht and day and my throat
was raw and sore. 1 not a hotllo of
l-'oley's Honey and Tar Compound
and took elKlit small doses in two
hours. My condition bewail to im
prove and in a few days 1 was as well
as ever. In my opinion l'oloy's 1b the
best eolith medicine made." l-'or sale
by Medford Pharmacy.
nnl oT Thanks
We desire to' express sincere thanks
to our many friends for their kind
ness and sympathy, tho use of cars,
the beautiful floral offerings Hcnt
duriiiK our recent bereavement of in
fant daughter.
Mlt. AMI A1KS. PlOltl'V 1,. I1KOW.N
Knights Templar, Attention
Special conclave of Malta
;: (.'oniinandery Xo. I, K. T-.
c'riday evenine,, Jan. :!n.
ifi'.u r.M. i, .1-1.- In iu.. Mm)
Or..a dem-ee. All Sir
Knifchls aro urKod to attend. Masonic
Temple. Ashland, S o'clock sharp. l)y
order of K. 1). WAC.Nlili. K. C.
W. II. DAY. Recorder. 21;:'."
Parasites! Blood Suckers!
Worm Themselves Into
Business and Labor.
This is something - every utnu
should know, whether he lie employ
er or employe. It is a thing Hint will
do more lo settle the present unrest
than a dozen industrial conferences.
It. Is a sti.vy that will j;o rijUit home
to every man.
(everywhere today you bear tirades
against, business, against Ihe wage
system, against ihe whole established
order of tbinus. Socialists, commu
nists, syndicalists. bolshevists alt
have pamii-cas tor all -the ills lhat
business Is heir to, but one of I he
greatest trruble brewers ol" all is a
had stomach, ll" you would see how
one of these panaceas worked out in
actual practice, take .U)-TO. and in
Two Minutes your miseries from
Stomach Troubles will disappear. .Ir
To is sold in Medford by Heath's
Drug Stove and the Medford Phar
macy. Adv.
tT KST K I V, A N 1 1 G I u SH KS
NO Wtora VKKlt
Itroken InsM Accunitrly lupllratMl
8ulto 1-2 ovir Mat Co
30 E. Msln. Uostair.
Ton can cet nost ny
old thlnj at DVoi
mopt Lay old tlra.
.SAX KltANCioCO, .Ian. 2'J. Klec
trical workers employed by the Pi.a
tal Telegraph Cable company were
not expected to put their strike decis
ion into effect until tomorrow niiilit,
accordint; to an announcement of
uniui officers hero today. The ;oni
jiany will be yiven another iiiporiu
nity to answer the demands of the
men for an Increase to (i a day. The
present wafic was said lo ran;;e from
$4.50 to $5.20.
WASHINGTON, Jan. li!h No bids
for (he thirty former passenger lin
ers offered for sale by the shipping
board have as yet been accepted.
Chairman Payne declared today, and
the necessity for further considera
tion of tho proposals received will
delay any action until M'tnday.
The protest of Secretary Ituker
often follows
Neglected Cold
Standard cold remedy for 20 year
in tablet lornt sale, sure, no
opiates breaks up a cold in 24
nours relieve t;np in j oavs.
Money back it it tails. I tie
genuine oox nas a eo
top witn sat, mil a
At All Drua Starts
New Spring
i ' i V
Now Arriving
Mease look over ' our
lines before, buying
'The :
Vanity Shop
Next to ltlnlto Thrntre
6 Nsw
at the :' :
Friday Evening
Saturday Afternoon
An interesting picture of what you
can do -with a Tractor
Patron and Robinson Inc.
Medford, Oregon
aKainst tlio wil of Boino of Iho ships
wanted bv tho army for tho transport
service is not cNpeeteil hy the chair
man to result in a controversy. 1 lie
matter will he adjusted before the
sale of tiie vessels is completed, -Mr.
Payne paid.
Your Dollar Is Just as Big
The Price Is Just the Same
Priced the same as before the war, during the
war and after the war.
Crescent Baking Powder-
cim:s( i :xt alv.n
firaido .... ' , "'
"With a htitie 6f PYEOL, a DeYilliiss Atomiz
ex, iintl a jmekage of 151a?o's, Jaxative Tablets, j-ou
are vell protected from all infection' .'
Heath's Drug' Store
The San Tox Store
The .1A..Y 111,I0II travels in a eirrle., drifts aimlessly MOV 101 1
AltltlVlvS. The IDIOAI, .I.V..IOIt iloes ,t ho truly Amer-I-OAX-izod
.ioy-.ia.z At'lllUVr.S IIAIH'I.NKSS through a l'lt.VCTICAL-XUAIN-JXli
for I.I IK'S lilSIXIJW. , -j
Individual Jnstructinu
March 1."lh our lare lueitbHlois will lo at your service.
These inciihators are the best JlMit, water machines juul are Ill
stalled in a modern incubator cellar. Your eKs will bo iuc'ubutod
JtKillT. , ,
Aden's for the
Gresky Ventilating Brooder Stove
The best brooder on the market. Come and sec it iu operation..
Phone Ulll-W.
Those Interested in-
should see ,
Mother's Mm
- j
Mot hers c?tAii
Absolutely Safe JlV
Bool, let on Mhcrhoml and Babr. Ftn
BRAnnrxn KrcniATOR co Dtn s-d. aii awt I
makes nnv friends every tiny. ' It Is
a thrift piiri'haso, not so mitrh'for Its
reasmiable price, as for Its quality.
CriMcent. JtlSKS IN Till.; OVICN"; the
housewife can miv rakes and hisellits
when colirenient knowiiij: the tlotmh
will rise to pet'l'et-tion if placed in
the oven hourt later. . .
Crescent niakes'sweeter, lighter, bak-
25c for 1 pound
$1.00 for 5 pounds.
All (Jrocers 1 '
H'At ti is i xo cojita x v
: .? Witslilnslon'
" "V
Day or evening
f- -- Caroll I'V Carpenter
? .
f I H