Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 24, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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    WkwFQRn mm. TKIRUNK. WTCTVFOTtT). 0!,M'.(!()N. SsATl'RDAY, JANUARY 21. 1020
PORTLAND. Jan. 21. Cattle
steady; no receipts. Stcors, best
$ll.2512; good to choice $1ii.5ih
11; medium to good $0;i'J.75; fair
to good $S9; common to fair ? ; m
S; choice cows and. heifers $UiiDl:
good to -choice $S(i9; medium tn
good $7S; fair to medium $i; ci T;
manners $3.50 L' 0 ; bulla $0(.i S;piimc
light calves . $15. r0(?i 17; medium
light $12.50fei3.50; heavy ?7!i
12.7)0; Btocltcrs and feeders JSty
Hogs steady; iio receipts. Prime
mixed $15. 505(1 16; medium niixiM
$1511 15.50; rough heavy $l2fnl5:
. pigs $12.50 11.50. '
Sheep steady; receipts l."ifll. K.ast
crn lambs $15"it!; light valley $ I 5
, !(( 10; . heavy $ 1 4.50 5j 15.5P; feeder
lambs, i $12 CP 1-5;' yearlings $ise,
13.50; wcthors $12 13; ewes pjn,
II). 50.
PORTLAND, Jan. 21. Putter
firm. CubeH, extra 55c; parchment
wrapped, box lots 59c; cartons 00c:
half boxes half cent more; less than
half boxes 1c more; btitterfato iii
57c f. o. b. station; 50 01c Portland.
l'OliTLAN'I), Jan. 2d. ICggs, sell.
iiig price, case count, .")c; buvim
price, "die: sellimr price, euinllcd, ."i.'lc
Hclccted etimllod in eitrlons, filic.
Grnln nnrt liny
OiiIk. ifli'J.nn Mil; corn. No. :i. ye!
low, ")8..")(l bid.
Bv A. C. Howlett.
Saturday night tlioro was a general
danco hero and 1 understand tlur.
there was a very good attendance.
As a matter of course there was a
goodly number of young folks at the
Sunnysido for supper, beds and
breakfast, among wham were Fred
Mlddolbusher and .Miss ICala Houstin,
Henry Trusty and Miss Enid Middel
busher, all of Trail; Wallace llerg
nian and Miss Vida Ilradshaw of Wol
len; 11. Brnggeman, a traveling sales
man, Frank Rhodes, our county sur
veyor, and l' U. rtayborn of Medford,
besides quito a number of our young
pecpeb who came In after the dance
and took 'beds and did not get up
until after 1 had gone to Sunday
We .had a very interesting session
of Sunday school, we have somo new
Inembcrs coming in and some old
onc rdturued who had dropped out
(luring tho cold weather. After Sun
day school. Rev. Joseph Travoto
preached for us, taking for bis text
"Am I My Brother's Keeper?" pre
senting some fine thoughts. Jle will
preach for us next Sunday, Jan. 25,
nt 7:30 p. in.
There were two cnrloads of people
came out from-Modford Sunday for
dinner, among them were Helen Sllli
lnan, 11. IS. Silllman, .Mrs. II. U. Silli
nian and Howard Silllman and J. W.
Wakefield and family, all of Medfc'ril.
Mr. Wakefield is agent for the Conti
nental Insurance company. We also
had Henry i Trusty and Miss Enid
Mlddelbusher, Fred .Mlddelbusher
and Miss Kola Houstin hero for din
er. Also Rob Harnlsh and wife and
Ernest Albert of Unite Falls. Later
in tho day Miss Mario Myers who is
leaching in the Heeso creek school
district and Miss Jt.'sephinc Koppcs
who is teaching In the Debenger tlap
district and .Miss Minter and her
brothor, .Marshall Minter., Mr. Minter
came with a- buggy to take tho t wo
teachers, Miss Koppes to Jasper Han
nah's whore she is boarding, and Miss'
Myers to W. 10. Hammers, her board
ing place, and .Miss .Minter went to
.Medford. with an auto driver.
Rev. Richard Weikee, one of the
men who' has been holding evangel
ical services hero for tho past month
and went to Phoenix last Saturday.
returnod Monday to gather up some
of their belongings they left and to
"'lend to some other matters. In my
last letter I stated that they had
gone tc Trail to conduct services, but
J had misunderstood him and he told
me on Monday that they had not de
cided just where they would go but
would try to find some place where
hey could go and try to' do some
good. They seem to lie very devoted
"lid earnest In their efforts to help to
inng people to a knowledge of sins
'orgivon. While hero they lived in
rented, furnished rooms and seemed
'0 pay their own expenses.
A. C. Spence, the Lake creek road
supervisor of Brownshoro. was a bus
iness caller Mondav morning and so
was P. w. Haley.
In my last, letter I .-.poke of there
''eing two different elections Satur
day, and Monday learned the result.
The first election, the one to vote on
'he bonding of tho district for money
lo liiiild the ditch to bring water from
"ig Htutte creek Into' this valley re
milted In carrying for the bonds 2S
for and 8 against. There' was but
very little opposition to the bonds
' "nd that was confined almost entire
ly to one family and relations, and
those who have been keeping tali
n the question as to who was in
favor and those who were opposed
report that there were quite a num
ber who were in favor of bonding
who were unable to be at the polls to
vote. The other election was simply
Jhe annual election of the Eagle
Point Ditch company to' elect officers
for the ensuing year and to levy an
assessment to enlarge the present
dltrh, as It Is too small to carry the
amount of water needed on the land
under the ditch. The election re
filled In re-electing the old officers,
I'dfonl. president,
ditch superinton-
I t;
et ilutte Falls, wlln lvi.1
lust returned from a trip to Pni-.lund!
came in .Ui-.miay evening on the llar
"di '"''. spent ,i. ,,,,, am Tm,s
'lay he,L. anil Taesdav evening .1 W
Heriian of the llullc Falls fish halrh
"iv . and Mr. and Mrs. Austin, one
liutiu Falls llK't-Wiants
"tit and ti .ik- supper and after
, came
" ..ii tour went on t;, Him,, Kalis.
i;eoi-e w. Sanders, llo- foreman
on the ( 'Humeri ial orchard was here
'or dinner .Monday. II,. was trviiin
io unit some one tv help him r
liis telephone line.
oilier l.tislnxRH
were Mr. Itadiliff
callers Monday
Wm. Smith end
wile ot .Mcilioi
who were on their
way up 111
country t., vsjt relatives.
as .Nichols and wile of Lake creek.
Hoy, Ralph and Thc.nas Stanley.
lurinK tin; lime that Mrs. Roy Stan
ley i.; U. in l lie Willamette valley vis
iting the Stanley brothers have
iiniuirod the habit of dropping in at
the Sunnysi.le. sometimes for supper
and sometimes for breakfast or din
ner, ami Hicy came so thick and .fast
that 1 have left their names nut of
my little lioi.'k and count them as
regular hoarders.
Mr. Vernon of Trail, came in Mon
day afternoon to have his horses shod
and reported that some one had bur
ri.'wed his doubletrees, neekyoke and
other appendages off of his wagon
while it. was standing under a shed
and had neglected to bring them
lank, and lie would like to have thorn
returned. Some people arc so for
getful! Martin L. llurst was here repre
senting a Portland firm selling the
Portable drag saw. He spent the
night here and tuck passage on the
7:.'!0 stage for Medford Tuesday mor
ning. W. A. Livingston, representing the
American Tobacco company, of Med
ford, was here for dinner Tuesday,
and so was F. M. Lewis and A. S.
JC. V. Ilritlson ivf the P. S. Ander
son dairy farm, came In Tuesday nnd
was having oar blacksmith and auto
repairer work on his auto.
Mrs. F. Trefino of Hutto Falls,
came out Tuesday and went on to
II. Xewstrom. wife and mother.
.Mrs. A. C. .Newslrt.'ni, formerly of
Lake creek hut now of Grants Pass,
and Mrs. Stedum, a sister of Mrs. A.
C. Xewstrom, passed thru here Tues
day on their way up to their old
.L. W. Smith of Idaho, came out
from Medford Tuesday and went, up
to Lake creek en the Lake creek
stage. . 1-io is here visiting his daugh
ter, Mrs. Stubblefleld.
W. li. Harris was able to return
to his home Wednesday evening after
lour weeks in the Dow hospital. Mr.
Harris i.s iniiirovinir rupidlv but is, as
vet. far i'roin well.
,. , Kov Nichols recently sold bis iron
grev I cum lo .Mr. Smith of Tolo, and
has purchased nn exceptionally line
voung' team of. Belgians.
Our new road supervisor, with a
crew of men and teams, is hauling
material and graveling the road ulon';
the pine grove.
L.ast Fridtiv evening the Crossine
rii lie h was Hie scene of n pleasant
dinner partv: Those present, besides
thei filthily, were Mi'.,nnd Mrs. l!ov
Nicliols nnd' Jh'. and . .Md-s. William
Thonipsoil and daughters.
Circuit Court
Jijlilred A. Dowers vs. Denton Dow
ers. I'liilertakiug.
K. K. Zook vs. .Marv Z iol;. Mo
tion. :, ,... ,
Sfa'tiilc V.. Weiss vs. John Lester
Weiss. Notice.
John F. lfocho vs. I'nknown heirs
New Service for You
IV YOU wiiiif to know about any property you set!
advertised in the J'ortland papers by the PACIFIC
ACl'LXCV see PACH-DliKSKLKIi CO. of your
own town.
AVe have subscribed fur the PACIFIC AGENCY
SKUVICE and have full pari iculars of all proper
ties handled by them, regardless of where it may be
If von want to sell'or trade, list your properly with
us and we will plaee your list hit? in all the offices bav
ins? the PACI l'MC AGENCY SERVICE, over fifty in
number, which means that your property will receive
the coniTiined publicity and selling forces of the prin
. cipal communities of the Northwest.
"We are the exclusive representatives of this SER
VICE in .Medford, Oregon.
Page-Dressier Co.
"f ,1c ili n Anderson, dec
Atl'idnvit. i',t bill.
l:isetl. ct
' t. Default. Decree,
llelle Xickell v. 1!. If.
Maliel A. Woodeoek Vs;. Kavinotul
Clair Wood -k. Divorce.
I'ilv of Medionl vs. ('. J. Lewis e:
ai. Tax lein foreclosure.
( itv of Mclt'onl vs. John V. Me
liilvro, ct nl. Tax lein foreclosure.
Charles K. Hooper ct ux vs. Mar
'.aret I,. lice-er. Foreclosure !
( itv of Medford vs. Kiuniu '.. Mur
pliv ct al. Application lor tax fore
closure. Cilv of Meill'ord vs. C. .1. Lewis e!
al. Foreclosure of iux lein.
Cilv Medioril vs. Anna !onne
et ai. Foreclosure of tax lein.
Florence Miller vs. Janie.- V. Mil
It r. ! iivorce.
1'Vc.l .1. Xaretis vs. Marv Xarcus.
l'rolmle Court
A. I'. Talenl. estate. Petition. Or
der. Answer.
licoruia Potter, deiillituenev. Or
der. Maliel I'.robeck. estate. Annual ue-
Maria I.. Tripp, estale. Proof of
J. S. Howard, cslale. Proof o!
William li. Ihirtllini, estate. Proof
of publication.
Ileal Fstate 'rransfers
J. Ml Winter ct n.x to F. !,. Ca
I tin el ux. Land in Collage
addition lo Meilford $ IU0
A. Andrews el ux lo Anna
Jcllrev. Lots 11. -I. fi
block o. K'oss addition
. 11.
Med l ord
F.ilward X. Ju,lv to John
lev Juilv. Land in D. 1
P .1-. WvnUoop et nx to l'ldwin
Caseiiecr el'U.x, Lot -I. block
Kendall's aihlition lo Mi'il
I'ord 10
Frank W. Moore et ux to John
Tadinii. West half of NR..
K. half of XW., SW. of XW.,
(i, :i'.i. '.!!: 'J,0(H
Cordelin O. Dlake1 et vir to
Clias. D. 1 ,n in 1 in ct ux. I.antt
in Ashland 10
Duller i Thompson Co. to
Charles Lindsav. Land in
Ashland 10
M.iss Clara V. Fleming to t). .
Cooke. SW. 'J. 41. :iW 10
Dowevs Investment- Co. to D. N.
Butler el ux. S. half of HW.,
S. half of X. halt of SW. '.'7.
118, IK Hi
K. X. Campbell ct ux to W. M.
l'efrie. Land in D. D. C.
;is. iw
Marv A. linilov et vir to W. M.
I'ctrie el ux. Land in I). L.
C. liti. :i8, IVY ' 10
T. S. Carlton ct. al to T,. 11.
Carlton. XW. of SW. 17. N.
half of SW.. SK. of SF... XW.
of SK. 1S. Ml!. IF. 10
Buy a bottle of Sloan's Liniment
and keep It handy for
F I only had 6ome Sloan's Lini
ment!" How often you've said
thatl And then when the rheu
matic twinge subsided after hours
of suffering -you forgot itl Don't do
it again get a bottle today for possible
use Ionian A sudden attack may come
on sciatica, lumbago, sore niusclcs,
stiff joints, neuralgia, the painsand
aches resulting from exposure. You'll
soon relieve it with Sloan's, the lini
ment that penetrates without rubbing, .
38 years leadership. Clean, econom
ical. Three sizes 35c, 70c, $1.40.
(iconic L. 11
Ciislcr et
el u to 1.,
i.iui'l in
;17. 1W
licrihn A. 1'
et al to William II
Land in
Advertising Rates
Classified One cent a word.
Locals Ton cents a line.
Legal Five cents a line.
Display 25 cents an Inch.
Contract rates on application.
Cash in advance.
mouth. -Cook, wai
Mrs. Redd:
$10. '10
WAXTICl) Girl lor general .house,
work. Mrs. II. A. Thierolf, 27
Geneva. 'Phone s Kl. .
HKl.f WASTI.l-S4Ii,
W'AXTKD Apprenlice boy at the
Cenieut ltrick & Jtloek Works, cor.
Fir and Tenth streets. 2 ." d "
WANTED Reliable firm wauls good
responsible sales manager. .Must
furnish references. Kxcrller.l pay.
Car owner preferred. Call lvoni
117, Hotel Modfol'd, Monday. 250
WAXTKD Team and man to haul
lumber and to log. Goi.d wages.
'Phone tl'l.
WANT1C1) A stonily all year round
ranch hand. Address Box S, Mall
Tribune. 250
WANTED Axmen lo cut wood and
clear land. W. J. Webster Ranch.
Mule and 1 einnlo 1
WAXTlCf) Young men and women
to learn good profession, low tu
ition if act quick. Roseburg Tele
graph Institute. 2tM
WANT1CIJ' To buy. homestead relin
quishment. II. Deuham, Route A,
ICugeno, Ore. 250
WANTED Teams on Pacific high
way. ' Seo foreman on jcb near
Tolo. Clark & llenrv Construction
Co. 201
WANTED Reliable couplo without
children desire to runt or lease
neat modern 4 to 0 room bungalow
with furniture and garage. Phone
250-11. 200'
WANTED A team, to weigh alirut
1200 pounds. Jos.- II. Sander, Ash
land, Ore. 1149 Oak street. 201
WANTED Your, hide la worth real
money at Johnson's, 45 Front,
WAXTIC D llighost prices pnld for
hides and turs. Medford Junk Co.,
phone 2S3-J. ,
WANTED House moving and re
pairing. Phone 488-M or 48S-X.
KOU HlltlC Ttruck by hour or con
tract. Phonu 010, 120 South
Holly. 203
WIC ltlCN'T AND UICPAIR machines.
Phone 215-It, Singer Sewing Ma
chine Co., 115 West Main street.
OLD MATTR1CSSICS muito over like
new. Phono Douglas, C15-.I.
FUItN'ITURIC upholstering nnd
pairing. Phono Douglas, G15-.I.
SEWING MACHINES, phonographs
nnd clocks repaired. Phone Doug
las, 615-.!.
FURNJTIJItlC and household goods
packed and crated. Phono Doug
las C.I5-.I.
Illli.KiATlCI) TltACTS
10 acres highly improved, all mod
ern conveniences, close in on pavo
mont, $5000.
10 ucres mostly bottom land, well
Improved, close In, on pavement,
10 acres, well improvod, close In
on the pavoment, $5250.
8 acres well tin proved, close in,
piico including stock, equipment and
furniture, $3000.
4 0 acres well Improved, 20 acres
paid up water right, all tine bottom
land, $12,000.
3 acres close to Gold Hill, well Im
proved, somo good alfalfa under irri
gation, $2500.
G acres non-Irrigated, well Improv
ed, close In to Jacksonville, $IS00.
10 acres close to Gold Hill, well
Improved, all crop In, price Including
stock, equipment and H. II. Goods,
in BnrTii inn rt.
Stock Ranch .Orchard Farm House
Through our office in Portland vc have located
customers for places here. If you have a Stock
Ranch, Orchard, Farm or House for sale or trade list
your place with me at once. Phone 78I-L or call at
20 N. Peach street. If I can't sell your place I will
tell you so. If I can quick action is assured.
J. C. BARNES, Real Estate.
. II mm r- T - ' iiiini - '"n'Y
bed. ill 2
-Sleeping room.
South Grape street.
KOIt RKXT Comfiirtable room in
private liome. close in. Phone j
5 22-X. 2.'.;l
rOH 8ALK. UVtaTOOft' i
FOR SALT li'isev-Cuerusey tnilkj
cow. South llainiilon si tv ct, soul h
of Ualiota avenue. 2i;;i
FOI! SALIC- -Two cowit and three 2
year old heifers. K. Persons.
Phono 11-X-l. Central Point, Ore.
2 5 il
extra good milk
sit at once. 1 I 1 i
avenue. Medior:!.
goat, coming fri
North Riverside
sheep. See '
ate or .1. o. I
Ft) 1 1 SALIC 200 head
Frank Messino at Ai
Isaacson. Central Point.
, 1 -
FOR SALIC Three, extra good milch
goats. 1111 North Riverside ave
nue, Medford. 200
FOR SALIC Ten fine milch cuwu.
1111 North Riverside avenue, Med
ford. 2 09
FOR SALIC Puro nied Duroc Jersey
weaned tugs from big typo ances
tors. Unregistered at $S each;
Registered at $11.00 each, flood
opportunity to get feeders or
breeding stock. Call Modoc Orch
FOR SALE Do you desire a good
farm homo Willi ail abundance of
fine spring water and 20 acres of
crock bottom land'.' 17 Nor'.b
Central. 205
FOR SALIC Adjoining city limits,
four acres of ground, five room
hr.'use. two small barns, chicken
house and yard; two wells, tank,
engine nnd pipe, complete irriga
tion system. Price and terms right.
James Howling, 20 South Peach
Phono 25J-.I. ' 250
FOR SALIC House, burn and three
lots, corner Thirteenth and Fir
streets, now rented for wood yard.
CioDd investment for business pro
position. Price and terms right.
James Otowling, 20 South Peach
Phone 353-.I. 250
FOR SALIC One nine-room house
with sleeping porch: one two-room
cottage; five-acre tract adjo'ining
'Den Sheldon. See Itankin lCstes,
515 Penn avenue, Medford. 260
Rill SALIC Cheap, on account of
Hlckness, modern bungalow, fur
nished or unfurnished. 530 South
Grape. 2 60
FOR SALIC A good stock ranch
with or without g'o'oi! cattlo, at
door or good range. Hay capacity
175 tons. Answer llox S, Mali Tri
bune 2 5 II
FOR SALIC Timbered claim, Jack
son county, Oregon. Win. Wlck
ens, Palm City, California. 270
FOR SALIC Modern house and fur
niture 613 South Central avenue.
i'o reasonable offor refused. Own
er, llox 565, Newborg, Ore. 26 t
KOR SALE Why pay rent. A flvo
rnom moilern house, furnished.
613 South Central avoinio, $200
down and $20 per month. Owner,
Uox 565, Newherg, Ore. 263
FOR SALIC Fourteen acres one
fourth milo north Central Point on
good road; good four-room cot
tage, good irrigating pumping
plant, three acres vineyard, family
orchard, 75 Wliito Leghorn chick
ens. Price $3000, $2500 will han
dle place, balance on long time, G
per cent. Apply to T. J. Noonnn,
owner, on place. 2 75
KOR SALIC Hy owner only, house
and lots in Medford. Cash or easy
terms. T. L. Taylor, phono 152-11.
FOR SALIC l)y owner, several up-to-dato
bungalows chenp and on
easy terms. If you want a good
home Ihls Is your opportunity. P.
K. Wynkoop, 820 Wost Twelfth
street. 260
2 Tbiick LigM-Si.Y, Touring
1 Chevrolet Touring
1 Ford Touring
Prices from $250.00 up.
I t costs nothing' to look these
123-125 So. Front St.
FOK One lilack team and
harness, one single horse and har
ness, t single wauon ;! '.i , 1 lumlter
wagon i.i . 1 siitehiil itardy spray
er model ItMSi. uooii as new; I
Singer sewing mai inne. 1 Packard
piano. Geo. Wolff. I;. F. I). I.
Uox :i, Orchard 1 Ionic. 20 o
FOR SALIC Oak office desk without
top, four drawers and I;. pewritor,
drop shelf. See same at Mail Tri
bune office. t f
FOR SALIC No. 12 llel.aval cream
separator, used very little. It. II.
Slead. tiold Hill, Ore. Phone
4-F-12. (,:
FOR SALIC 10 laying pullets, Wes
terfield strain, $211,110: 15 thor
oughbred Ancona pullets, $2.".. en,
Yellow house F.deu Valley Orchard.
FOR 1 1-Inch P.
i O. plow, chilled
Apply Ilex 50, Mail
shares, cheap.
FOR SAI.iC;i;l.x I Goodrich safely
tread tires at. 20 per cent discount.
These tires were taken in exchanue
for cords. Seely V. Hall .Motor Ci,.
FOR SALIC Second hand automo
biles. Owing to our limited over
head expense we are able lo sell
second-hand cars at a very tow
price. Seely V. Hall Motor Co.
FOR SALIC Good 0-hole wood range
Paul's Electric Store. 200-
FOR SALIC Sharpies crnoni separa
tor in gnotl order; two-seated sur
rey; 2011-egg Jubilee Incubator. II.
T. Kenasfau, R. 1, Central Point.
2 5 0
-Newtown apples. Phone
FOR SALIC Wyoming Diamond
Rock coal, $11.50 delivered in ton
lots; no delivery less than ton lots.
Phono 7S7-.I. Packard lnterurhan
Truck Co'. 2 5 0
WOK SALIC Or will trade ror llght
. er car good Vollo Six, A I condi
tion. PliL'tie 315 or IS0-R evenings.
26 1
WHY PAY $S0 to $100 for a new
sewing machine? Your old 11111
clifne can bo made to run like new.
W. II. Puck. Phono 101-X. 261
KOR SALIC Huzz saw rig, two saws,
used one season. Inquire 322 ICast
Twelfth. 2 611
FOR SALIC Kurd touring car. De
mountable rims, In good condition.
Call at eiiil South Hamilton. 261
KOR SALIC Three Ovorlaads, 11117
and 11)18. Clark & Ohildors, Gra
ter Lake GnriiRo. Phone 100. 2(i0
KOU SALIC '.Manuro.
l' Y. Allen.
Phono 351-Y.
KOR SALE Throe, 1IUS Chevrolels,
eusy terms. Clark & Chlldurs, Ora
tor Lake Uaragu. 26 0
KOR SALEt-Two light Ford
260 orles. Clark & Chlldors.
FOR SALE Ono 10 IS model baby
Grand Chevrolet car, practically
new, $725. Phone 306 or write
Box 131, (iranlB Pass. 266'
KOU SALIC Can innko immediate
delivery on now Ford touring car.
Solf-startor, shock .absorbers. Took
car on trado and will sell at small
discount. 'Write, or telephone W.
C. Clcmmmis, ut Eaglo Point.
''OIL SALE Oak, pine and fir wood
at. now woiid yard. Eighth and
llnrtlctt. Phono 4U7-W. 371
KOIt SALIC Hone or nxchango,
and used sowing machines.
ngenls. I can save you monoy. Seo
mo heroro you buy. C. A. Chap
man, phono 003-R. 215 South
Central. 200
KOR SALE Now rubber tiro buggy,
light spring wagon, single harness
and snildlo. Jill North Hlvorslde
avoinio, Medford. 206
FOR SALE A touring car In good
running order, good engine, good
tires. A bargain at $300.00. Tumy
Motor Co., 125 South Front St.
FOR SALIC Sowing machines rent'
oil $1.00 per month. Phono Doug
las 6I5-.I.
FOR SALIC Day. Phono 812-J.
FOR SALE bant, graTel, sediment
and dirt. . Plowing and teaming
work done. Phone D12-J.
LOST Or stolen, between Grants
Pass and Medford, Friday, Ian
hand hag containing barber tools
patters and letters. Finder notify
Jinx 8110, Medford, and ownur will
eall. 15. Iloyd. 2 60
On farm or orchard land, (I per cent
interest five to forty years.
McCurdy Insurance Agency
You Can Buy These
fi room cottngo, modern, like now,
2 lots on pavement, $1200.
5 room bungalow, modern, e
front, CO ft. lot, $1650.
6 room bungalow, modern with fur
niture, 2 lots, $1600.
8 room house, modern, 2 lots, clear,
160 acres Improved, adjoins It. It
station, $1800.
660 acres, 3 sets of Improvements,
farm land all irrigated, $0,000.
213-11 Gaructt-ttorey Illdg.
,.. Motlfordj Org, JUau
FRF I! - Copies Independent Oil News
POST Mil l; SIC1.F -Learn how
thousands are making surprising
profits from marvelous Texas-Louisiana
Oil fields: Postal brings you
valuable informal ion, showing your
chances for increased prosperity.
Fveiyone seeking quick moncy
mitiiing opport unit li s write - l.N'
Gilmoro Hide, Ft. Worth. Tex. 2.70
TO LOAN .1. II. Andrews loans
money on real cslate and buys
mortgages and Liberty bondi.
Phone 52-.M. ;' t North llrnpn
An to Ifnppttflc
are operating the largest, oldest
and best-equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Use our spring
when o.hors fall. Sold under wrlt-
. ton guarantee. 3 1 North Fifteenth
St., Portland, Oregon.
ELIJAH II. I1UHI1 Lawyer, 113-14
Gnrnott-Corcy HldK.
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-Iaw
rooms 8 and 9, Medford National
Bank Building.
A. IS. RE AMES Lawyer, Garnett
Corey Building.
Iliiililliiff Materials:
BLOCK W'OH ICS specialize In all
kinds of cement building products.
Cor. 1'Tr and Tenth strouts. 250"'
UK. BERT It. ELLIOTT Dentistry.
304-6-6 Modford Furniture and
Hdwe. nidg. Miss Phylls Roberta,
Dental assistant. Office phone 205.
residence phone 115-Y. 173
Export Accountant
Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given
to anything in Accounting and In
come Tax requirements.
into our simplified accounting
method. M. V. & H. Bulldlnt,
Medford. Phone 1B7-H. .
Instruction tn Mwla
piano and harmony. Height Muslt
Studio, 401 Qarnott-Coroy BldK
Phone 72.
O. O. F. Modford lodge No. 83,
Moots every Monday night at 1:30,
II. A. Van Ausdall, N. W. L.
Miller, secretary.
Rogue Hlvor ICncampmont No.
80 Moots 2d and 4th Fridays at
7:30 p. m. J. L. Demmor, O, P.;
L, O. Ifowurd, scribe.
Olive Itoboltah lodge No. 28
Moots 1st and 3rd Tuosdays at 8
p. m. Karon M. Uateinan, N. O.;
Aunlo J. Daiuman, secretary.
Visitors cordially invited to all
Planing Mill
THOMAS MOFFAT General' mill
work, flash, doors, mouldings and
screens. Shop 137 8. Fir. Phoni
O. J. BICnaLUND PlumblnR, heat
ing and repair work of all kinds.
BIovub rollnod. 217 South Klver
Bido. Phono 225-.I. ' tf
Physicians and Snrgeonn
and Surgeon, Jackson County Dunk
llldg. Office hours 0-12, 2-1. Of
fice phono 30. Itcsldcnco 033.
DR. J. J. BMMENa Physician ana
sargeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Auriat tor 8. P.
K. It. Co. Offices il. y. It H. Co,
llldg. Phono 667.
4K-417 (larnolt-Corey Bid.
Phone 004-L.
Residence 26 3. Laurel Street.
T. (JV HEINE, M. D. Physician and
Burgeon Specialty icye, Bar,
Nose, Throat, Glasses fitted and
proporly adjusted. Molea, warti
and skin hlemishoa removed with
no scars left. Office third floor
Liberty Building.
Morgan building, Portland, Ore.,
makes a specialty ot surgery. Spec
ial attention to Medford and Kogu
Rlvor valley people.
DR. Mc.MOIUUS M. DOW, Physician
and Surgeon Practice limited to
surgery and hospital obstetric!.
Special attention given to diseases
of womon. Offices 30C-7 M. F. &
H. lildg. Resldonce, the Dow Hos
pital. Prlnteres and Publishers
best equipped printing office in
Southern Oregon. Hook binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland pricos. 27 NortD.
Fir 8t.
Office it North Front St. Phon
16. Prices right, Surrki fuin
H -f
r ,.