PAOE TWO MEDFOTOT MATH TRTBTTNK, MEDFOlin. ' OttEflOtf. ' FRIDAY. .TTOTR 27, 1010 It Is known that at least three deputy sherirrs are stationed up In tho SlnklyouB keeping a watchful eye out for bootleggers and other sinus Blere of booze Into Oregon from Cali fornia, especially at night, and It Is rumored Ihat this force will bo in creased from now until July 1st, 'When the national war time prohibi tion act goes Into force. Last nlKht many nutos came over the hump but no arrests wore made. Howovor, one , booio party But awny from the off! cora thru simple strategy. When hailed to stop a man nnd womnn in a largo car began to slow up gradual ly until thoy got a few feot in front of where the deputies wore standing and then the driver pressed down his foot and tho auto sped away down . the mountain side to safoty. For fire insurance nnone (4, cor ner Eleventh street and S. P. track D. R. Wood & Co. Springs tor all cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co. Mrs. 1W-. M. Van Scoyoo and daugh ter, Marlon, left this forenoon for . Santa 'Monica, Cnl., where they will spend the summer. Electric ranges repaired by Peo ples Electric store. S6 For the best Insurance see Holmes the Insurance Man. One of the events of the week end will be the dance at Gold Hill Sat urday, night given by the Riverside Recreation club. Roberts sunerb or chestra of Medford, -wih furnish the music. - First-class kodak irorlc,- charges ; about half regular prices. ,' Jap Art Store. tf Spark plugs for trucks and trac tors. 0. E. dates Auto Co. The people of Medford are prom ised a treat tonight in the appearance of Alfred L. Chapman, the Custer Guide -who -will deliver his illustrated lecture at both Liberty theatre per formances on the memorable fight between General Custer's command with Sioux Indians, in which he graphically describes the massacre of Custer and his command. . Big dance Saturday evening at Gold Bill nnder auspices of the Riv erside Recreation club, music by Rob erts superb orchestra. 84 Phone Delaneys stand for taxi. Phone S52. Corner Main' and Bart- lett. 86 Warren A. Cottle nd A. A. Cottle of San Jose, Cal., motor tourists who were here last week, arrived in the city last night on their return trip from Portland. They are at the Hol land. Sewing machines repaired, bought and sold, and rented 25c per week, Phone 615-J. Big dance Ashland Nat., Saturday, , June 28, Wednesday, July 2nd. Jit- ; noy dance all through ' celebration, July 3rd, 4th and 5th. Launspach's Ix-plece orchestra. S4 Florence B. Watson and son re- '- turned to Trail1 this morning after a days shopping In the city. We can save yon money on that new storage battery. C. E. Gates Anto Co. . ' Have a Super Retread tire sole put on your old tire. It will last twice as long as a new tire. Puncture proof, guaranteed. Best thing on the market. Akron Tire Shop, 36 South Riverside. 84 Sheriff Terrell who has been at Portland the past two days as a wit ness before the federal grand jury is expected home tonight or some time Saturday. It is rumored that he will bring a prisoner back with him to face trial here on a forgery charge. Baths 25c. Kenilworth Rooms. 103 Alco Taxi. Phone 95. Big dance Ashland -Nat., Saturday, June 28, Wednesday, July 2nd. Jit ney dance all through celebration July 3rd, 4th and 5th. Launspach's six-piece orchestra. 84 ' Carl Swainson, who has been chief printer in the navy yard at Bremer ton, passed thru Medford today. He has been mustered out and will re turn and take his old position with the Medford Printing company soon. Tr. Robert W. Clancy has resumed the 'practice of medicine and has . established his office in the Hutchin- '. son & Lumsden bldg. Week end event Gold Hill Satur- . -In.. I ,.1. . T -.1. . I ( I f j 1 tra. Good time guaranteed. 84 . Portland motor tourists who spent the night at the Medford hotel are ; D. F. Murphy, D. Del Valle, W. A. Arnold, Mr. Riddle and D. D. Del Valle. Dr. A. Bursell, 309-10-11 M. F. & H. Bldg., Korth Central. Phone 29. 82 Big dance, Medford Natatorium, Thursday, June 26, Launspach's jazz. Have you heard those zylophones? S2 The final social event of com mencement week takes place tonight at the Natatorium where the mem bers of the graduating class give a reception to the junior class. Dance tonight, June 26, Medford Nat. Fine floor! , , 82 , P. F. Close & bon, machinists and . automobile repairers. Riverside Gar . ago, 132 South Riverside. Service car. Phone 162-R. ' Miss Ida Rogers has returned to Grants Pass after a two days visit here with Mrs. E. C. Steiger. Wo have the best tiies for all cars and personally guarantee them, C. E. Gates Aut.i Co Ice cream to take home, 20o a pint, 40c a quart. No war tax. Sugar Bowl. '.''. WEEKS & McGOWAN Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phone: Pacific 237. NlBht Phones: F. W. Weeks, J 03. J2 Lady Assistant, Clyilo L. Smith of Jacksonville, and Frank Richardson of Klnmuth Falls, of (ho 23rd engineers reiilmeut who rooontly landed from France where thoy wero in service 14 months arrived In tho clly this morning from Camp Lowls. Moth boys enlisted here nnd Mr. Richardson will visit in Med. ford and vicinity a short time before proceeding homo. As tho Increase of patients Is felt and space is required. Dr. do Rey nionto has opened an "Instltnto of Health" at 425 South Onkdulo ave nue, wh6re the slok will have more comfort. His offices at St. Mark's bldg. will bo transferred to tho Insti tute, Monday, 30th of Juno.5 SS Sure we'll wire your houso. Peo ple's Electric. store. S6' Mr. nnd Mrs. A. iB. Thompson of Seattle are guests at the Nash hotel as is also Howard Bentloy of Port land. Prepare now to own a homo, tho Building and Loan will help you . Have yon forgotten that there nro but four days more to pay Interest on street assessments? Sco tho city treasurer at once. In view of the fact a portion of the existing road will be somewhat torn up and traffic Increased considerably during the construction of the now Prospect-Crater Lake highway this season, most careful driving of motor cars over the portion of rood from Prospect to Crater Lake national park boundary will be necessary. C. S. Seymour, IT. S. highway engineer, has posted notices asto a speed limit of 15 miles per hour and hopes to see it lived up to as near as possible, Phone 12, People's Electric Store. , . - S6 We have tho only properly equip ped Ford repair shop in southern Oregon and the best Ford mechanics. C. E. Gates Auto Co. Mrs. Ralph Heath of Rodney, Ore., who .iad been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Read for two weeks, left today for RosI, Colit., for an extended visit. J. E. Adams, United States navy, is a guest registered at the Nash. Buy wisely but buy now, the Build ing and Loan will assist you. We rebuild and recharge batteries. C. E. Gates Auto Co. The annual picnic of past and present residents of Josephine county will be held at Laurelhurst park, Portland, Sunday, July 13, from 2 to p. m. The dance to be given at Prospect, Saturday night, June 2S, promises to be the event of the season. Jazz orchestra. S4 Mrs. Fred Thayer, formerly Miss Etta Williams, is here from Medford visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. F. M. Wilkins. Eugene Register. See the city treasurer about your semi-annual interest payment this week. Times are better. You can't afford to lise your property for a few dollars. Spark plugs toi all cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark left yesterday for San Francisco whore they will spend a brief vacation. By paying your semi-annual inter est by Monday you save penalty and interest, also advertising your prop- orty. Mrs. Frank Preston left for San Francisco Thursday for a visit with her daughter, Miss Billie Norris who is 111 in a sanitarium near there. Tho American home is the safe guard of American liberties. Own your own home. Consult the Build ing and Loan. Portland men registered at the Medford include Phil Flood, Otto Motschman, Geo. A. Cable, Ira Bee man and D. P. Sibley. The Parent Teacher circle of the Lincoln school is calling a mass meeting at the Lincoln school Tues day evening at 8 o'clock. All patrons and taxpayers are requested to be present as H. C. Garnett will explain the budget which will be voted upon July 10th. Public stenographer Elsie Farris. Room 212 Garnett Corey Bldg. 85 Clyde Smith or Kuch, who had been in the United States marines service for the past IS months and who for the past year bad been sta tioned in the Philippines, was expect ed to arrive in the city this afternoon having received his discharge. An Oregon City party of auto tour ists who are enroute south and were guests at the Medford over night consists of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. George Pusey and George E. Pusey, Jr. Mattresses made over, furniture upholstering', crating and packing. Douglas, 101 South Central. Phone 615-J. The final high school assembly session of the year was held this afternoon for the purpose of the stu dents receiving their grade cards. I The high school faculty was busy all forenoon clearing up school and class matters. Build fourself Up. A daily ration GrapeNuts will help. . A Wbnderful Food Tbr.SturdxStrength! You can get most any old thing at DeVoes most any old time. . E. J. Skewls arrived homo Friday fort-noon from a trip to Portluud and Seattle ' Do not forget tho boxing contests at l'ago theatre, Wednesday, July 2nd. Lynn Mowntt, who was with tho Ashland Tidings tor several years, and who litis Just roturnod from over seas, where ho sorvod In tho heavy artillery, is tho now secretary of tho Ashland Commercial club. Mr. Mow ntt is a live- young man und will make nn active secretary. Frank J. Shtmi, the rotiring secretary, has rendered tho club efficient service and leaves the work with a splendid record. , Are you going to tho Story Book ball, Monday evening, at St. Mark's hall? TK'kets 15o of any member of tho Comrades club. So Visitors from California registered at tho Medford include: 11. P. llrlt tnln, A. Hoffman, James Waring and U.: L. Chandler of Snn Francisco; Donald Durham of Los Angeles; A. Moon of Bray, and Mrs. W. H. Robins of Sisson. A motor will always run like new If properly lubricated, Veodol Is the best Insurance for proper lubrication. C. E. Gates Auto Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dennison F. I-ivton of Fort Klamath, arrived In tho city Wednesday for a visit of a week or so with Mr. Lawton s father, Flro Chief Lawton, and other relatives and friends. Denny is the owner and op erator of a fine stock ranch at Ft. Klamath. He and Mrs. Lawton mo tored to Medford with Miss Bertha Pitman of Ft. Klamath, his wife's sister, and tho Misses Winifred, Nel- lie and Lura Conrad of Oakland, Col., who are cousins of Miss Pitman. The young women will also stay hero for a week and aro guests at the Hol land. ! Dry oak and fir wood for sale. Phone 818-R. 100 Mrs. Maud Kubli and daughter of Medford and Edward Kubli, Chester C. Kubli and Everett Miller of Apple- gate, were guests at the Medford last night. The Applegate men wero here to witness the graduation Of Miss Edith Kubli with the high school seniors. Fir slab and dry wood for sale by J. T. Gagnon. Phone 859. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ulrlch arrived in the city from Prospect yesterday. This morning Mrs. Ulrlch left for a .visit at Weed, and later in the day Mr. Ulrlch returned to the ranch. Only fohr more days to pay pav ing, sewer and watcrmaln interest at the city hall. Penalty goes on July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Clngcade and daughter of Sacramento, arrived here Thursday for a visit with his brother, Chas. Cingcade and fnmily, and their many friends. Mr. Clng- cado who was a former Medford po liceman, is now in the Dodge car business at Sacramento. Switches made from combings; general work. Sanitary Beauty Shop, No. 8 East Fourth and Front. Phone 497-W. 90 While standing in. front of the Barnum apartments yesterday noon the automobile of X. A. Loucks, man ager of the. Independence Creamery, caught fire in some manner. The fire department' extinguished the blaze before any damage was donq. You can get a lot of miles out of that old tire by using one of our re liners. C. E Gates Auto C TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TAKEN UP One black goat, two in field. Can have same by paying for damage done. Phone 2-F2. 85 WOMEN! DRY CLEAN THINGS AT HOME Try it! For a few cents you can dry clean everything. Save five to ten dollars quickly by dry cleaning everything in the home with gasoline that would be ruined by soap and water luits, coats, waists, silks, laces, gloves, thoet, furs, drap eries, rugs everything! Place a gallon or more of gasoline In a. dishpan or washboiler, then put in the things to be dry cleaned, then wash them with Solvite soap. Shortly everything comes out looking like new. Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles. Do not attempt to dry clean without Solvite oap. This gasoline soap is the secret of all dry cleaning. ' A package of Solvite soap containing directions for home dry cleaning, costs little at any drug store. Dry clean out doors or away from flame. At tho commencement exorcises last nlKht Principal linker announced that tho Willamette University schol arship had boon awarded MIhs Helen Itrown. und tho Pacific college schol arship to Karl Campbell. Try our merchants lunch, Tho Shasta. tf Prof. James T. Matthews who de livered tho nddross ut tho common meut exercises last , night loft this morning for his homo at Salem. It wiib tho ninth- commencement . ad dress ho had gtvon during this sea son. Every red blooded American will want to see tho boxing contests and wrestling exhibition at tho l'ago the ater, Wednesday, July 2nd. ' J., J. Deadmoud of Watklns, and J. It. Carlton of WolUui, wero county visitors In tho city last night und this forenoon. Got ouo of Ilnnoy's auto bods for c:mpliiK, Chnutnuqua or Crater LnRe. For girls only, tho Story Book ball, at St. Murk's" hall. Monday evening. Tickets 16c, of any Comrade girl. S5 Tho only Jackson count- men In the SlSth engineers who lauded last week In this couutry front overseas, having seen over a year's service In Franco aud Gormany, being four months in tho lattor country- nt Cob lom, wore expected to arrive homo this afternoon from Camp Lewis where they wero discharged from ser vice. They nro Earl- York of Mod ford, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. York; Ernest Carpontor, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Carpenter, nnd Mr. Kay of Kuch. Everybody's doing It. What? ray ing up their intorcst on assessments. Why? ' Because property values aro coming back. HeniBtttcU:nt, Pecotlng, Handicraft Shop. Tho floors of the waiting rooms of tho Southuru Pacific depot which wore only painted u fow mouths ago nro buliiK given another coal, mid the gouorul waiting room Is divided (iff Into two equal parts with tho tllvln Ion Hue nt tho ticket window. Only a half is belnit iiiilnted ut a time. Tho publlo will only bo inconvonloiieeit until Sunday. Cull Mitchell In regard to that lawn mower and liavo It sharpened right. Culled for and delivered. Phono 320-J. A. V. & A. M, Special comniiiulciUton Med ford ludgo 10il, Friday even ing, Juno 27, Work In !!. A. and F. ( degrees, Lodge will open at 7 o'clock sharp. By ordor of tho W. M. 1,, B. WILLIAMS, Secy, Wanted Bids for Transportation Tho Kenwood Srhool District No. 102 'will recelvo bids for tho trans portation of not mora than 25 chil dren to attend tho Medford school the cbtulng year. All bids must ho In tho hands of tho clerk by July 10th. Tho bonrd reserves tho right tp rojoct any and nil bids. For further particulars In regnrd to contract, bond, etc., see or phono clerk. Mrs. H. A. MATTHEWS, Clerk of School District No. 103., H. F. T). No. 3. 84 Dated June S4th. WASHINGTON. Juno 'J7. Kinnl aniu'ovul was uiven lv oonsroxs todav to repeal of llio i'nvliirlit savimr law in the udoitiou of tin conference re port of Hie annual ntiriculluriil nn pruiiriulion bill to which the repeal lnensuro is attached. Tho liill contains an amendment providing i'or the lalicliuir as well us tlie iiisneetiinr of horsenieiit. Bag. U.S.Pmt. Off. Is our Registered and Common-law Trade Mark and can only be rightfully used on goods made by us. Should any dealer try to sell you any ' garment for Children I to 8 years of age under the KOVERALLS name you ' may be sure he is trying to tnnrkct an inferior substitute on Kovcralls reputation. - - Unless made by Levi Strauss & Co. - ' they're not KOVERALLS Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit W FREE ,F$EY KOVERALLS are made only by Levi' Strauss & Co., San Francisco and bear this It VI SIKAUSi C.CU. saw roANCi-oCo. cal. I ,;' KOVERALLS fita.u.s.PAT.orr. THE MARKET OF 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 1 It's not what vc used to he but what we are today that interests the buying public NOW. Si Wc know von will be pleased with our complete s line of meats and our own delivery service. Si I Everv minute this market is open is a minute of g service to our patrons that is why they are in- creasing. - i , ' ' ' Economy Market . (Si West Side Market TODAY Li BERT Y Tomorrow BIG BILL HART .... ' In '" "THE BREED OF MEN" Thrills come thick and fast in this latest Hart Picture. Can you imagine it Bill Proposes in this one. ALFRED L. CHAPMAN FAMOUS CUSTER SCOUT Will give his illustrated lecture for the last time tonight. GAUMONT NEWS WEEKLY i LYONS-MORAN COMEDY J' URGES SOUTHERN STATES NOT TO RATIFY WOMAN SUFFRAGE 11ATON HOniK. I.ii.. June 'J7. -'lVli'tti-nnis liavo liwn muiI hv (lovcm or Pli'iisiint nl' l.iiii:iitinii In Urn imiv crnui'M nl' .sunt linn Htnli'H nskiin; Unit llinv oihuim' I'lilil'iniliiui ul' lint li'il ci'ii I woman miITi-iiuc iiim-mliiu-nl liv tho li'ui'itiilni'i'H nl' llii'ii' Hfitof;. RF.LL-ANS tLmlrCip INDIGESTION Coolost Place In Medford i n imifi wil (i-Vj j ' I SPECIAL WEEK END ATTRACTION ; CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG -In- "THE CLAW" In Five Big Intorestintr Acts TWO DAYS STARTS TODAY SEE THIS GREAT STAR IN HER LATEST AND GREAT EST SUC CESS. 1200 SEATS .wl CI Aft A WMfVML YOUNO 2 "THE CLAW" g ADDED A FAST SNAPPY COMEDY "IN DAD ALL AROUND" TWO ACTS- ITS AN LK0 AND ITS GOOD AL80 HEARST'S NEWS It is another 100 por cent tshow and you can enjoy seeing it in the coolest place in Medford. Mat. 2 p. m. Eve 7:15... Adults 25c Children 10c. Starts Sunday - TWA Witt? 7 w w I BMiftM!. iv II DOROTHY PHILLIPS The Incomparable , Porothy riiitlips, tlin'll iwver forgot Jier Inn yonnB mother in the himcmt ilrnma of thn hep, "THE HKAKT OF HUMANITY," llio pirturn (hat will ji, f,mrrr. I'm. mmii.-ril l.y Preu, Pulilln anil Critic "'llio llrnilmnll of llio rrccn. Dorothy I'liilliiia will livn lonK in yUr iiH-niory. Ymi'll tltink auout Iter, You'll talk about licr. You'll never forgotkor. Hcr Ja llift hiftpflt photo ilrnnm rvrr nctwnnl, hiMrt than any picture you vo wiifthnl In lifrt. direct from in cuMtimwl run 011 Urondway. Nw York, for cvrn fMrninht week, aud wiUi iKinwtional crowd wlicrrvrr aliown. And hrrr are a frwof tltou eanda of cxorcwiionn on thin iiimtvrj,ic:c of nil human dm mo. "Aifnimuuutiirirtur," own Toilc. A JWitKt tbtrnmttt In fri'itina tlo "ihtr mitln U, fn mm TUn Ilcrl of iomiull'."Mew Vork I'rihuiia, . nifillroKlwaTfinitrnwm Mrltf. 0 wrrflriwlnx l.r an u-llmr tla( nvrr ynWMl Idrlll nnr hii,,rl a ilramatid (MimMIoh'N. Y. Mvniinti TelctiaIi. "Of tlut otiniMl lBlN.MN.Y.Wml4. m.ANrw York llmll j ".It," In N. Y. JmumU "On nt thn mmt ttlirlnn fllma mt YtnA In Nw York, Onn of tho nwH ffrajthln iImmm of filming arnu on Dm J) Full Orchestra Directed Bv Mr. Harckc of Llborlv Theatre The Battery Shop Is Now Open for Business WE DO EVERYTHING- ELECTRIC IMtcrir-s any make Kcclinvgod and Ilcpnirod. Ex port workmen. Satisfaction gimrnntocd or money rcruiided, C. A. Linch, Proprietor. 115 W. Main St. Medford .