cr f PAOFi JWJTC Hedford Mail liimuNE AN INnrcPBNnKNT NEWSPAPER KXcfcPT KUNUAY BV TUB . MKbKORU P1UNT1NO CO. Office, Mnll Tribune Building, 8M7-M North Fir street, rnoiia o. A comolliintlon of the Pomoeratlo TltnA ThA M,.rlfiitM Mall. The Medford Tribune, the Houthern Oregonlan, The AMttand Tribune. - The Medford Sunday Sun is furnished utmorllKira desiring, a. seven-day. dally newspaper. ROBERT Rt'HU Editor. B. 8. SMITH. Manager. , : gUBSOKIPTIOW TIUMI Slv XT ATI IN JinVAMPh! nally, with Sundny Sun, year. 1.00 Dully, with Sunday Sun. month. .65 Dally, without Sundny Sun, year f.OO Dully, wltlioutSunday Sun, month .60 Weekly Mall Tribune, on year 1.60 Sunday Sun, one year . 1.60 BT CARRIKR In Meilford, Aehland, Jacksonville,. Central Point, Phoenix: Dally, with Sunday Sun, year J7.60 . Dally, with Sunday Sun. month.1.- .65 Dally, without Sunday Sun. year.. .00 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60 Official paper of the City of Medford. urnciai paper or uacKson uounty. Entered as aeeond-clasa matter at Medford, Oregon, under the aot of March B, 1511. worn dally averare circulation for ' lx months ending Deo. 31, 1918 .S.041 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Full Leased "Wtimi service. The AssO' elated Press la exclusively entitled to me use ior repumicaiion or an news dlnpatohca credited to It or not other wise credited In this paper, and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special 'Aeretn aro also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot r By Arthur Perry - -. It don't seem right to pay a dime for a shine on a pair of eleven dollar Rhoes. . The Gorman1 fleet sank as it f ought, treacherously, if at all. The suicide at Scapa was due to despon dency over failure to fight when they had a chance. The end was a fitting Hun "Der Tag." There is nothing in the terms or peace about the unrestricted right to whine. -. The old song ."We shall gather on the far side of, the .mountains" is ap propriate if not popular at this writ ing. , . " "The Mexicans have J)een misguid ed," chirps their ambassador at Washington. Not alone misguided, Ibut mistreated. No one told them that the "watchful waiting" notion "was In the junkpile. ' ; , The feathers of the peace dove are somewhat Jiedraggled. The Alaska Indians have gone on the warpath. .. ;' GOXtiE&SIOXS '(Salem Capital-Journal) Wanted A woman or girl to ' keep house for one man; you can work in cannery close by If you like. Call at 112 Union SL after 5 p.' m. or Sunda any time, -'-.;. . . The newspaper - headline "-"News and gosstp of the churches," " Is a . (linger; There is ho news, and ab solutely no gossip in the churches. The cry of the hour 'is On to California. , "- 'Dry up." "The peace treaty,"- whines the Hun press;" dizzies the comprehen sion, and whirls Germany from her economic position." Perhaps she ap i preciates now how Belgium felt in i 1914. : . A fond and loving mate of a Tus con, Ariz., gent went out looking for him one day last week and found him . within affinity. Wierenpon she shot the affinity and embraced-the erring gent. So it goes. Who will . he .the first this year to he1 mistaken and'sltot for a deer? .', TheVwatch'ful walttrig1' Idea seems to have been hit in about the same jiluce as the Mexican revolntion. Count von Bantzau, who was so full df emotion that he.could not stand up ibefore the peace commis sioners,; will be .so . nervous he just can't write his name, when the time comes.;. , . ,t is charged that the Salvation Army did no constructive work in . France, they held no services, they (built nothing for the future. If they did no constructive work in France why is' it that no returned soldier speaks ill of them? riONAL HOTEL Fi , IEIJLP0R1LAN0 PORTTjAND, June 23 Three canr didates for president of the Greeters of America, the national organization of hotel men,, loomed forth todayj with the gathering of delegates here for the annual contention of the orr ganizatlon which opens tomorrow for a four-day session. They were Leigh Fullor.'of Lob Angeles; .Hammond Williams of San Francisoo, and Leon ard Hicks of Chicago. Partisans of each candiduto wore 'busy today among- arriving delegates. Today's arrivals included delegations . from ; Denver, Salt -Lake, Los Angeles, San Francisco and; San Diego. . Prospects wore that. 800 doioeates would at tend, and that, most of tho large clt- le of the'-coiintry would bo repre sented. PEACE TREATY TUB important thing is not: (lemianj lini the' peace treaty, but the spirit in wliich at ts iitij'nod. The statement of the now premier is the most promising pro nmuieeinent, that has come out til' Oernianv in f() years. Objections to the severity ol the treatv are mentioned tit course. This was to be e'xpot ted. Hut in t Iomis lies doi laration Ilerr Bauer has thus to sav: . , "Germany's ultinmte salvation does not depend, upon world revolution hut, upon moral consciousness." There is the first gleam of light, from the other side of the Kliinc in many a long day. ... It is the first indica tion that the lesson ot the war has been learned. .It is the first intimation that the. spirit.of Potsdam has not only met defeat but lias been renounced. ? And the best assurance this statement-is made in good faith, that the conversion is real rather than assumed; is that the man who makes this statement is the mau se lected , to conduct the final many ehoses to represent her at this critical time,. , 'Hate dies slowly. Faith in a ltation like Germany, that has shown herself faithless, can not "return in a day. Hut if the German people remain true to the spirit thus expressed, -it tlicv bear tlieir of a people who have been wronged .and seek revenge, hut in the spirit, of a people who wronged both the world ami themselves, and are readv to perforin the expiation which justice demands; then there a better Germany but a better world. .'' ... -Not- upon the outside world but "upon the German poo pie themselves depends their salvation. READ A COPY OF . THE TEXT. , venture to sav not W to the League; of Nations have., read ;the text of the covenant. .;- . -. . The complete document treaty is printed in the Congressional Kecord. Anyone may secure a copy by writing bis congressman or sena tor. -Those who, give any credence to the . wild bugaboos created by the Covenant opponents in congress, should se cure a .copy at once. . f, , ' ,j, : : ' i Then let them read it and est these .objections by the copy ot the text ami in the iigbt ot common horse sense. How any fair minded person can read this document, sense its spirit and the spirit of the world which prompted it, and not brush away these far fetched objections im mediately, is beyond our comprehension But whether this would-be the result or iiof, it Is im perative that opinion of the League of Nations should be based'upon knowledge of what it is, rather than hearsay of what it isn't. This is ,the most important document written since the Declaration qf Independence. " If ' ac cepted it will determine, not only.the destiny of this coun try but every country in .the ( world..- Every. American home should Jja-ve, a copy 'and ( every American ' citizen should have a f fcs't. hand knowledge of its contents. OF LIME AT GOLD HILL RAISED The price of agricultural Hme will advance from $ 1.75. per ton at Gold Hill to ?2.50 per ioa after July 1. This is made necessary on account of the state lime plant having to employ free labor In place of convict labor as formerly. ' , ' This information has recently been sent to the office of the county agri cultural agent by the chairman 6f the state lirile plant, A. B. Cardley. ' Mr, Hobb states that there have been about nine cars of agricultural lime shipped into Lane connty during tlie past year for use on orchard and genera! farming land, and that a fair trial of lime should be obtained this year. ES I PORTLAND, June 23 A series 6 receptions to returning troops en route to Camp Lewis for muster out was In progress here thruout most of the day. The first contingent, ;on sisiing of 205- men of the 21st and 23rd Engineers, arrived early in the day and was entertained by thfi local reception committee for several hours. A group of 150 casuals xirr rived about noon, while another lot of casuals some. 300 men, were due to arrive late in the day. ; Breakfast was served to, the, first contingent and Iifncliebh to the second, while plans were made to entertain the third Jot at dinner, ,, The 148th Held artillery, consisting largely of .Ore gon men, is due here next Wednesr day. Elaborate arrangements are ber Ing made for their, entertainment, j You Cant Cure Rheumatism i4 i, r With Liniments and Lotions If you are afflicted with Rheu- matismwhy'wkste- timc with !& ments, lotions and 'other local apr, plications that never did cure Rheumatism, and never will? Do not try to rub the pain away, for you will never sVccecd. Try Hie sensible nlan of findincr the ' cause of the pain. Remove the cause, and there can be no pain, i Vnn will never lie rid of Rhcuma iism until you cleanse your, blood MEDFOftP MATTI TTJTRTTNE, IS ACCEPTED. a revolution in Germany's . negotiations, is the man Ger burdens not m tlio spirit is indeed. not only hope for five, percent of those opposed with the unrevised peace ED TO FORCE VOTE WASHINGTON, June 13 Senator Knor, republican, Penns tvanio, an nounced today that after appropria tion bills had been passed, he would attempt to obtain a vote on his resolution expressing unwillingness to accept 'the -League of Nations co venant as an inseparable part of the peace treaty. ' ' " ' i , The stormy senate fight over the League ot Nations apparently . had reached a truce today while the lead ors on both sides realigned their forces for the final struggle over the covenant's ratification. Restrained sentiments of bo'h sides are expected however, to find outlet in an occa sional outburst of senate debate. . IN PARIS JULY 4TH i PARIS,, June 23. (Havas). j On the Initiative of the government there will be monster demonstrations in Paris July 4, in honor of the anniver sary of independence of the United States. General Pershing will be re ceived by the municipality. , Presi dent Polncare will review a parade of American troops In the Place de La Concorde. . ., r '. ' OREGON JERSEY SALES I BREAK WORLD'S RECORD i . PORTLAND. Juno 23 Secretary R. Mi Oow of the American Jersey Cuttle club at Washington. D. C. lias announced that the tivernec price ol' $1,1;)!) obtained tor lerKcV.cows at the sale held at Carlcton. OreJ. June 10, breaks all Kale records of the iersey bleed, according to dispatches received here today. of the germs that cause the dis , ease. 5. b. o. nas no equal as a blood purifier scores of sufferers say that it has cleansed their blood of Rheumatism, and removed all trace of the disease 'fromi their,,, system. i ' Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your.', drug store and get on the right treatment to-day. If you want special medical advice, address Medical Director, 49. Swift Labpra tory, Atlanta, Ga. . ". , MTCPFCVU'D, OriTC0!OT. MONDAY, JUNE 2ft. 1010 Dorothy Dalton at the Liberty I tOi. M unco fimsvt.ts BOROTHy DALTON 'Extravagance ' AT THE PAGE TODAY Ono of the best opportunities yet afforded Constntico TnlmadKO for the display of her talents, is the rolo or Geraldino Uarkor in "Tho Veiled Ad venture," a comedy plus drama in which she appears on tho bill toduy und tomorrow, at tho Piiro thoutro, Win. Dunl'iin in "A Man ot .MlKlil" and a two reel comedy completes the program. LABOR BACK.S WIRE MEN (Continued from page ono.) Washington tomorrow in- order that we ninf n5e'ii ruliiic oil the order." siil Mr.4Korl.- - "A confi-rcnce will bo held toduv in San r'niiu'isco witl iromiifinv officmls ami upon those two conferences will -tlcpfinl whether n nntimi wide strike will be ciilli'tl." t.tiS AKOfiT-KS. June 23. Km- lnvcs of the We-slern I'uiiui Tele raph compunv huru will be unit! here after at the rule of wanes fixed at a conference between company execu tives and employes lit Omaha last Julv. ncciirdintr to announcement here today bv Alh'li ItixSon. viee prefiHlciit of the Western Union Kmploves As soCialion. Mr. Ilixson said the award would be rotroavtive and ' that back pav would be forthcoiniiur for the differ ence between rat existing rate anti the liL'rced scale since Julv 25 Inst. It was explained that the confer encc. liL'rced to a J.pcr cent nicronso but before it became ctiective the L'bvornmcnt took over the linos nnd awarded a 10 per cent increase. An tlioritv bavins now been ciyen the cohipanv to ilirci't such mutters, it has notified the men that it will al low a furtlioV iniTOnsc of. five per cent, , , . , 1. I. Marshall, m chnrce of the tcleitrai!ticr' strike west of Denver, said it would cive the strikers more Irentth, as the Postal Telcernph comprinv would have to meet tho raise; lie said iiiff compnnv m- nounced it "bnlv to prevent u fur ther walk out." ' ' There was no apparent cliunee in the telephone strike In Houthern Cal ifornia, cities today. - ' ASlt FtDR and GET B H 3 Tho Original ) Waited Mlik.y. i: SFor Infanta and Invalido Take home to Mofherla' brick of our three colored ice cream. 60c. All readv to serve.'. : . . JOHN A. PERL -Undertaker . . .. -Phmoi!. 47 unf47-J3 Automobile llcarso HcrVico ' -'.Jndy 'Assistant - . 8'JHOVTH I'.AItTLKTT Auto Ambulanco Service. Coroner. 0 t'titrtiti' tHititt PiocclHttilih (t'onllnuoil from lcvlday) t'nwt of IMbr itt. ISibr Kimn T. J. .MalniKi'eii, vuunty phy sician t s:i..ta V, N. WollS) su)t. piior fai in 1UU.UU Kil. llliins, iiitiul fur county fiii'in lO.tiO CHllf..Ovo. Power co., IlKhts i for luwpUiil .:. lQ.H ltalph V. Kldon, scuda for . county farm 38.20 lluli'hlson LumHilen, oun- ' , ' ty farm s'upiilltia.; ' 71,80 Iluaklna Druk Sloro, needs for County farm .80 Modtord Purn, lldw, Co., sunpllos County farm 8.76 Monarch Bced Oo., syppllea or County farm T.iiu A, I'enwoll, work lit County farm 1.88 Paul's Kloctrln Sthro, County . farm supiilloa 1.76 lllil l)rlilurtlH. Whl'k III t!llllltV farm 3().b R. It. Cooneratlvo Krult Assn.. supplies for county farm t'u Honry Shouts, work at County farm 8.71) Wlhlto llnuso (iroenrv. Coun ty farm supplies 1.00 RrtihHl AVftlilon. Chlinlv farm ....'v 10. 00 W. N. Wells, exiihnso of sunt. ot County farm 6.60 W. N. Wolla. travullnir ex- uensd .-. i R.OO W. N. ul is. s ini lilies for Poor farm Total'.'...: "... .1n.Dl Cnro of I'iMir Not nt. I'mir Vurm IluiiKalnw StOro. Indluent ex- penso 0.5S Cowley's Kmnorluin. IiiiIIkoiiI , expense . 20.00 J. J. Kmmona, Khmncs tor In- ' dlgont 7.60 E. C. Fnber, Indlnont Bitppllen 3.00 K. C. rubor, liullKciit supplies 0.00 M. MoutKomory, ludlKunt ux- pnnso B.80 O. C. Oden, Indlitent siinplleH 1.32 Chns. L. Sohlnfrelln. IndlKont exnonao 8.20 Ulrlch & Ryan. Indliient sup- plica 15.00 Valley Fuel Co.. IndlKont suii- plles 8.00 Wilto Houro Grocery. Inill- gent sunpllva 15.20 Womnn'a Kxchanxo. Inillitent Hiipplles 4.sri Han MiHtfon. roKiilur IndlKont 10.00 Nancy Arrasmlth. roKiilur In digent v... 10.00 Rena Averv. regular tndlKeiit 10.00 MniCKlo Ilohl, regular Indi gent 15.00 Mrs. G. R. llrobock. reiiular Indliteht 8.00 A. D. Rchrdsly; reEUlnr Indi gent .!...;.-.;.-.-.r...-.;. 8.00 Mrs. Kate Connlo. romilnr In- dlgnnt 8.00 Mrs. .Marv M. Chlldors, reu- laf Indigent 12.00 Dave Daniels, regular Indl- Kdit 8.00 .1. II. KattlK. regular Indigent 10.00 Mrs. Catherine Olllotto. roxu- lnr Indlxent 11.00 Mrs. Onnn. resulnr IndiuenL. 12. 0 Mrs. Hutch, rcgclar Indigent . 10.00 Mrs. Hudson, regular, linll- : Kent ....i..,. : :. 8.00 Mrs. Viola Jones; regular In digent' ui 10.00 Albert Johnston, regular In digent 8.00 Mrs. Martha Jones, regular Indigent fi.00 R. Kimball, rogulur Indigent 16.00 H. C. Knann, regular Indigent 8.00 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kclane. regular indigent .: 8.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kano. reg ular Indigent ZO.OO Mrs. Lena Leo, regular indi gent 8.00 Mrs. 1. A. Montgomery, regu lar Indigent ; , 8.00 Mrs. J. A. Myers, regular In digent 8.00 Mrs. Carrlo K. Miller, regular Indigent 10.00 Dan Mnhar, regular Indigent 10. 00 Mrs. Murguret N'obla. reculnr indigent 10. 0d T)oo Pnrson, regular Indigent 8.00 Mrs. Catherine Rodgers, rog- , ? ular Indigent 10.00 Mrs. A. M. Tttlln. rofirulnr In- dient ., 10. Oi T. D. Stafford, regular indi gent , 7.00 Mrs. C. w. Stan el ley. rogulur ' Indigent 80.00 W, H. Smith, rogular indl- l?cnt 15.00 Mrs. L. Schleffolln, regular indigent 0.00 Ellas Slovor, regular indigent 10.00 Nancy Slaomoro. regular Indl- ent 10.00 Mr. and Mrs, Tnffer, rogular , indigent 10.0Q Anna watgins, regular indl- ent .i.:. . 8.00 z. Wolgamott, regular Indl- . Kent 15.00 cecina wood, rogular Indi gent 8.00 Alex Wilson, regular Indigent 8.00 J. R. Anderson, rogular Indl- , gent :...U....i 6.00 Granite City Hospital. Indi gent exportso 80.00 Mrs. l'orienuargor,' ,i regular indigent 12.00 B. P. Tholss & Co., Indigent ' supplies .....,;.....).'...... 23.00 Leonard Oorthuys, milk for Indigent , 9.00 White House Grocory, indi gent suppllos 16.-04 Total :. $022, 0(1 Court House Kxiieiiso .1. A. Kkirrls, janitor aalary....$ (10.00 I' red J, Fick, courthouso sup plies j ' .85 8o. Ore. Traction Co., freight ! Cal. Ore. Power Co., light for Court House l.ld Total :. oo.oo .Tall J. A. NorrlB, jailor's" salary....! 25.00 Joe Applcilmkor, labor at Jail . 5.0rt Jane Johnston, jail laundry.; 11.00 Paul's Electric Btoro jail supplies t .1. 2.50 Paul's liloctrlo Store, Jail supplies is..;....-.;...:;;..:.- 32.08 Mrs.. August Slngler, . meuls ;. ' for nrlsonois ......j....: 110.7 John M. Wllllums & Cb.j jail suppllos 30.32 Cal. Ore. Power Co., lights tor Jull ! 5,24 L Total : '..$227.90 Jiivonllo Court I Elva A. Hobitrt, caro of'.Tu- , 1 '.VOnHert .1.;........;,..;;.....;..:..:..! 51,30 ; ..-..-.' 1. ttVk ' tt. A, Price, oxMiiiho trip to Poilluiul ......... OH, 01 To! i?.ii.l;.A....i.v.A.i.H iM I , I'llH tlon kxiieiiNo..! 0. Ki,fl ittiyiiiiidii, oUiut ion ox"- penso I J.uu lliiailn lilill llull'll)'N ,Tohi Illuims, reii'yiiiiiit'li mil- iiry,.., an.uu "Too, W, lnliui, I'liiul vlmVor..:., 1,00 Walter' Uiirvln, otMilu)tqn.-..,. 5.60 Cdlnt !..:.;.i"...:.....l......i t 84.R0 '. ... ' ; County .Ntirsn ' HoHultn 'McGi'ull, county , iiui'so siiiiti'y -mo.oo ltomillu McGrall, uX)uiiho connty numo isi.aT Total , ...131.37 Miii.v,.vi,i'm flffleit A. Krunlc Ithodim, eouiity siir- vtvbr' salary , ! 85,60 A. FnutU lthodcs. orftco roitl 19.00 Total .,,.....1...;.,,...! Healer of Wclulili iilid MinNiiros IC. A. lloiid, sclilor of wOlKhtB mid moiumres suliiry .lo.iis Water MaNt(r ' Frcit CuinuiliiKH, , water master Hillary Fret, N". Cuiumlitgd. ospmiso witter niUHler 'Total :.....! ' County Attorney Miidriird Printing Co., siii- nllcH for county attorney..., Postal Tfll. Co., telegrams 11.83 (1. M. Hoborht, orrko oxpetisn 4.06 Putllt ..; .'...-. 80.70 I'l'iililbliJon I.niv tliirold McDonald, alary dep uty unerirr : ii ib.uu M iMCCllnhcoim State tit Oromiu. iiKi-lculturul work :..!.....,; ;.Ui00.O0 , Jload inil IllKKl lllHtl lct. NO. 1 Jack True, payroll $184, Adams .4 Co.. J. D supplies.. , 22. Lou Hall, supplies 11. Tims. II. Hlmlisou, . supplies, District No. 1 18, Total U... ; 1587 lUmil llintrlct o. It Wm. llruln, pay roll.. !8I lUuxl lllHtrlrt ?iit, ;i Nick Yoiiiik, pay roll ! 07 Von ttt'r llollun lldwe. Co.. Dmiplivs .: , .. . i Total TtiiHil IMari'litt. Mi. -I 101 O. 8. WolHher. payroll.......'.....! i4S W. ('. I.evviir, suppllDH 4.111 4. Medford l.umlxir Co.. sup plies Total !26tU0 DlNlrlct No. 3 F, J. Walson. pay roll r!350.00 .1. D; Ailams ft Co.. KliiiiilliiM.. 10.77 J. D. Adams ft Co,, supplies.. 2S.6H Assodntod OH 'o.. suiipllcs.. 13.25 C vi o Kim mnunt Co.. sruiior. tllHlrlrt No.- & 80S. 21 C. K. iliitcs Auto Co.. sun- . ulles ......, 6.03 T. T. Murrlmiln, repaint lu.r.0 Medford Sheet Mutifl Works. repairs 5.00 Medford Fnrn. & Mil wo. Co . repairs .,..; , H.4 5 Meiltord Lmnhnr CO., repairs 10.13 Puclflc Highway Garngo. re pairs ' 4.00 total !71D.6B DMricl Xo. (I A. C. Smn-. payroll !1 Frank Fnrlow, supplies 4.88 1.23 0.75 Iirowiislinro Ktore, supplies.... Von dor Hellon lldw. Co., supplies .:......: Total liiiiul lllnirlct N". 7 !180.88 Tom Stanley, payroll !2 S3. 50 -. 1). Stoddurd, supplies 2.00 I Total ..;...,....; , ;...!255.50 Itohtl lll-lrlct .No. H J. U. Davidson, payroll, road District No. 8 158C. 87 Frwnisn Wiley & Co.. sup plies 73.H0 J. D. Adamirj suppllos... 30. S I Total ;....: . ltoad INNtrlrt No. U !itl!).al To'm Carlton, pay roll Tout Curlton, suppllea Total !;...V:.......;..; :...$32.D0 ' ' ' Itimil llls'Hrt No. 10 l)avlit Dorn. bay roll District No. 30 :.:..303.2a .' . Itoml District No. It John Thrasher, pay roll 1305 35 J. D, Adams A Co., suppllos.. 18.60 Gold Mill Irrigation District. suppllos (I.:!.) Total- ..;..'.,.'.';.....:'.........'...: !30.20 Itond District No. 1'J OCbritB'fitaey, pay roll....:..:;...!238.00 Gold Hill Hilwo., supplies 9.15 C. S. Andcrsott. suppllos.: .00 Total ...,...;....:. ...!248.05 . Koail District. No. 1:1 J. S. QilaCkenbiish, pay roll..!324.25 j. iinrtninn, iirKigo work i it.jim Big Pines Lbr, Co., lumber.... 50.05 Hillings Car & Auto Worku, 1UIMUI a.,...,......, - . Crater vfiko Hdwo. Cq., sup- puea ........J.f..................:... tn.t 40 : . ltoitfllWj-lct No; 14 T); TV. lhmcb, pay roll.......:.;..!135.50 , ((cncral Itond Fund Hubbard Bros., road supplies $108.00 Modfdnl Iron Works, roiid . ' supplies .;....;., , 204.14 Merrlman s Ulncksmith Shop ropalrs road machinery.... . 16. 8o.,' Oregon Traction Co.,' freight ; 12, HodKoh' ' Freena'tighty Co.,' : drags - 20.00 Soloman Andorsori, right ot .'"way- ...;.;.......... :..........:. Efflo J. Castor, right of way.. W. C. Kltto, rout : W. J. Mlllor, right o way 30 125 ,00 000 Total ....:.....:'! 15 3 0.5 3 . Total ....:....;..... $1530.5 , , . lioiinty Itenort Wm. 'Lindsay $ A. A.' JlToyco, ...;...;; 2.00 5.00 J. J. Wlalker 4.00 5.00 5.00 4,00 Hon, Harrls'on 0. II, Ml! Miitliews Gary Ctily Chos,' Humphrey ..; h.ui) LOrlB Martin 24,00 CIldN. I. Patton; 4,00 It. 13. Tucker 5.00 C. li; Moore 10,00 $320.50 3.00 3.00 17.00 '5. on Ml ' 8.00 t. 10 7.00 -2.00 4.011' ' 3.011 ' 3,00 3. (Ml ' 2.00 2.00 6.00 11.00 18.00 2,00 25.00 5.011 2.0(1 ,1. HcholM' II. HiiIniiiiiii , 1. W. llllClU'S .....;. (inn. w: i loi i toti .. Aiilnil It I ii K ' rv Ml iv ct'iii I. co Flclilii t'liitrlim Wni'il, . Will.: '.Mtll'llll , fl, Ml llntvlc Curl 1 human H. llleliiMHtuiU Kil Coffmnii .... "V" Doniild Aillloruim .. I. W, Itlng , ititphiiul (lardnur .., (Idorge Waltur Ciui lliinson ''! ' i - ' ,..,. 105,00 Y FI.OUKY, floiinly Cli'Mt, 101111 ..... CIIAUNCK lahdruff mea good'by to nair Pflhtlmf HttiiflHv motiiftrii ltir lifo out gf Hid hfilr too bilU ; 4fiVt?Mtnj! UIMI4 1UWI1CU WiMtooi la uuiuniitcwil to rlran - i i up tlmttiriilf and ret novo It-but it I uKfi the ncttltt Mini BUnuilntrB Urn littir to notmal, ItenHhy Hiuwttu flr wl ich Hwfrv it ,i- STRANG'S DRUG STORE Willing Bhumnoft HK htn u4 in rit(r"iWM 1iiiii Iha Uuttl ll)lIVU Will TUB (MNHANTll'.iniAllt TON 1(1 PIANOS r Jlriglilon yom; liomo witli miisifl. You will Juki a liiu- furgwo piano ono of Uio lost invpstnicnls you ever made. Ail upright or player piano fulfills tho (Iroftius of your wife, "your daughter or your .son and his friends.. All will ho delighted with tho Laffarguo because of it perfect tone and wondrous beaut v. Why should you wait? Buy now. ... . The House of Quality. GET IT AT DeVoe's VOGAN'S CHOCOLATES ,. FANCY GROCERIES . . , t, COLD DRINKS , , -'. . . , T". , ICE CREAM LUNCH GOODS BAKERY GOODS i ; WHIPPING CREAM MILk AND BUTTER The biggest and) best milk shake in the world. ' ' ..; GIM CHUNG' ;.i China Herb Stored :. f ' Horn euro for dhraclid, iiooilacho, catarrh, (llplilliorln, soro tlirout, liliiK trouhlo, ItlUnoy troulilo, stom ach trouhlo, heurt troulilo, chills And filver, cramps, cotiKhs,' poor' tilfcrila lion,' curWuucloH, , 'titmors, crnckoit (irohst, euros all kinds ot (foltors, NO Ol'KUATlONS. ! ,. ' . " M(for(l,' OreifoiK Jittt. 13, iSl7 This Is to certify (that I, tho umlor nlBiiod, httd vory ' sovoro : H'tdinnch trouhlo anil had boon hbtliBrotl : for flovenil years and last AiiKUHt won not oxpoetod to live, and iioariiiB ot tllm CliuiiK (whoso llorb Btoro Is at 214 SOulh -Front Rtroot, (Mortford) t'tlo cldnd to got horbs tor" my stomach troltblp anO-l started to foollliB' Itot tor as soon as I tmod thorn and today am a woli man and can heartily roc ommohd iinydno nfflleted ns I wn:'to boo .till Olmng nltd try hlstl-iorbB: (SlKnd W, It. J01INON. .Witnesses:"' : . m ' j. M. A. Anddliion, Modrord. ' . ; 8. B. Holmos, KilRlo 'Point " : Wm. LOWlH, iflllRlo Polill: ' ' ' .W, I. Clillrtroth. KliRla Pdltit, ; 0, 10. Mooi'B, lOHHlo.'PolntA , ' J. V. Molntyi'o, Kultld Point, (InoY.IWon dor Ilollnti, Kitglti Point. Thus.- lil. .Nichols, utiglo Point. A. O, Edlei- C. A. Wilier (lunrua llorfnmn, .11' mm 1.. --'