r FAOTC ETOTTT MTCDFOftD MATL TlttTJUN'R "M EDFOTM"), OKE(10T. FliTDAY. .TUNE IS,' 191!) Fi I KING'S HAY Dcnpondency on account of 111 hculth so proved on the mind of I'ctor Haakenson KJorkenstnd, SO yoars old, that he ninde a desperate attempt to end his life In nn orchard on Kings highway outside the city limits last niKht by slashing his throat with a raior. He lay there unconscious all night and this mor ning until about 7:30 o'clock when he was found by a passerby who noti fied Sheriff Terrell. The sheriff summoned Dr. Chas. T. Sweeney and proceeded to the scene to investigate. Dr. Sweeney dressed the man's wounds and lie was removed to Sacred Heart hospital in Perl's am bulance. He will live unless some unforeseen complication sets lu. Fjorkenstad lost much blood from the sevorlng of several small arter ies. The raior blade also penetrated Ills larnyx. His home is at Coralia,. Solano county, Calif., and for some time he has been on highway construction work near San Francisco. A short time ago he decided to come to the Rogue River valley and obtain work on the Pacific highway, thinking the change In climate would benefit his health, but after a few days here he felt no better and decided to end his life. He is a native of Norway. STATE HIGHWAY E The membors of the state highway commission accompanied by Port land newspaper men arrived by auto mobile in the city this morning to look over the progress of state high way work in this vicinity. In the party were Simon Benson, R. A. Booth and W. U Thompson, mem ten of the commission, . . Herbert Kunn, state highway engineer, Roy Klein, secretary of the commission, D. Rosenthal of Mr. Benson's office and representative of the Oregonian, David F.' Morrisson of the Telegram, and R. C. Johnson of the Journal. ,., .This forenoon the party went by the. iBybee bridge and Dodge bridge route to Eagle Point to inspect the highway work out from there, andN5 this afternoon they went to Ashland to look over the highway work to the state line. "From 'Ashland Mr. Minn will leave the party and depart for 'Portland via Bend and Klamath Falls. The remainder of. the party leaves for Portland .tonight. ... The commission is merely inspect ing the Pacific Highway and did not meet with the county court and had Schuman-Hemk k Ashland June 18 h&v- - iladame Sohumann-llelnk, as every one knows, has tour sons In the United States navy, but as everyone does not know, 4000 sons in the United States marine corps. This large increase In her family all come because of a visit to Quanlico, Va., the overseas depot, where the mar ines receive their final instructions. The famous "mother of the canton ments" was there to inspire the boys with her wonderful voice and cheer ing presence before they were "shoved off" to foreign shores. It was a case of "she same, she saw and hey conquered" for before her reci tal was half over, Madame Schumann Heink announced that she had adopt ed every one ot the 4000 marines who formed her audience, and then she celebrated her adoption by sing ing "When the Hoys Came Home." Whereupon, 4000 lusty voices an swered with "Mother O' Mine" and the adoption was complete. And then the marines sang this quickly arranged version of their hymn to the intense delight "ot madnme,. "When our new found mother passes on And arrives at heaven's scenes, She will find her path guarded by The United States marines!" Madame Schumann-Heink will ap pear in concert at the Ashland Chau tauqua building, June ISth. 10 GEORGE WALSH STAR AT PAGE TONIGHT Euck and Pluck George Walsh's latest feature, is about the best he has done. This is a typical Walsh comedy and carries a plot which per mits him to display his wonderful athletic ability in fact the feature fairly sizzles with' situations which could only be handled by a man of extraordinary athletic ability. The "program for today and tomorrow in cludes a two-reel Sunshine comedy, "Money Talks." It is sure a hum imer and one that old and young en joy. ' A Hearst news and a special musical program by Miss Flora Gray completes the program. POSTAL UNION OFFERS TERMS (Continued from page one.) of Western Union employes at any time,, but company officials Btated only one operator had quit thus far. Strike leaders here declared that twenty-five percent of the Western Union company's business in Oregon was handled by railroad operators and that the service would be severe ly crippled tomorrow, when these employes ceased handling the com pany's . business, as ordered yester day, v- Western Union officials said they'dld not know the strength of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers In this state and would not hazard a prediction as to what effect the move tomorrow would have. ' Il;nd It. It. Operators Active BEND, Ore., June 13. Railroad operators between Bend and Port land are aiding In the commercial telegraphers' strike by intercepting messages sent by the Western Union, It was learned today. Uncomplimen tary remarks In Morse code address ed to the commercial operators who are staying with their jobs are also frequent, F. E. Studobaker, freight and passenger agent declared today after listening to the instrument. v Announcement Notice is hereby given to our pa trons that we have Bold our Interest in the Crater Lake Motor Co., to E. E. Waters All accounts owing to date are to be paid to Court Hall & Son, and all accounts due paid by ttaonv Seely Hall will be retained by Mr, Waters as chief mechanic. ', ,.-.-. . COURT HALL. . , SI ' SEELY V. HALL. Concerning the orchard owned by Hawaiian Islands men and which Frank E. Thompson, a Honolulu business man arrived here some time ago to look after, the Honolulu Star Bulletin of recent date says: "William Henry has incorporated the orchard in Jackson county, Ore gon, recently purchased by him from Judge Charles F. Clemons, for 1 125, 000, divided lntd 1250 shares at $100 par. The property is known as "Oak Knoll," contains 420.03 acres and is stocked with fruit, cattle, hogs, etc. "Mr. Henry becomes president of the corporation; Dr. A. G. Hodgins, vice-president; A. L. Castle, secretary and Frank E. Thompson, treasurer. Each holds 312 shares of. the capital stock, and W. C. Moore, the auditor, holds the remaining two shares. The corporation has the privilege of increasing its capital to $500, 000." . She Couldn't Stand Clothes to Touch Her "My father got me a bottle of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy for stom ach trouble and I am feeling so much better since taking it. My stomach was so painful I couldn't stand my clothes to touch me." It is a .simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practic ally all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, Including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refund ed. For sale by druggists every where. Adv. T00 LATE JO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Two oak leather-seated rockers, three oak rockers, large library table, six oak dining chairs, falling leaf table, two beds, birds eye maple dressing table, water waslier and wringer, other house hold articles. Man's wheel. 313 South Grape. Phone 458-M. 72 FOrt SALE Milk goat, highly bred Nubian to kid July 11th; now giving quart per day. Phone 458-M. 313 South Grpc. 72 WANTED Experienced saleslady, 30 years old or older preferred. Wages according.to ability, H. G. Enders &" Son, Ashland. 72 FOR SAIE Four Dodge cars, one Maxwell, two Ford touring cars, Ford bug, one Chevrolet. Tourist Garage, Ashland. . 73 FOR RENT Slx-roora modern bun galow, furnished or unfurnished. Inquire 711 Palm street. 72 FOR SALE (10 acres river bottom, all in crop, fair buildings, water right free, close to school. 400 acres, 9 miles from Med- ford. About 250 acresunder cul tivation, 120 acres good crop that goes with place. Fine stock and grain ranch. Both these ranches worth look ing at. Consult J. W. Wakefield. L DELIVER ADDRESS . ELK'S FLAG DAY The Elks Flag day exercises will bn held Sunday, Juno 15th, nt the Klks lodge rooms to which momWrs of tho Elks and visitors are Invited. Below is printed the program: Nutionul Airs .'. Orvhostra I n l rod net ory exercises Officers Prayer Chaplain Patriotic song , ... Mrs. Florence McElhose History of the Kins Hro. Frank Farrell Altar service Esqulro and Officers Quartette William Vawter, Fletch er Fish. W. 11. Hamilton and Her bert Alford. Elks tribute to tho fins: Dr. J. .1. Eminens Solo ....'..Gorakllue Tbelss Accompanist. Mrs. C. C. McCurdy Patriotic address . Rev. Atyron T. Hoozor Song, "Star Spangled llannor" Quartetto and Audience Offlcws George T. Collins, exalted ruler; Blnin Klum. esteemed lending knight Georgo Codding, loyal knight;. X. S. Bennett, lecturing knight; L. I.. Ja cobs, secretary; E. C. Joromo, es quire; George Hilton, inner guard; J. H. Ilenselman, tiler: Rov. W. B. Hamilton, chaplain ; 11. G. Lnuns pach, organist. Committee on arrangements: Gus Newbury. G. O. Taylor, O. Arnsptger. my Pa says to Ma- Loosen up, sive the kid plenty of Post Corn Flakes that - .OA make you smUeyVjjp . 1 . W Vt.U, M !" TOMORROW Modern Husbands THE Style Fit You Want Material At a Price You Can Afford . at , KLEIN, The Tailor 128 E. Main. Upstairs F IS HIGH FLIER PARIS, Thursday, June 11 An- nouneemeut Is made that Baroness Ho l.tt Uocho, a widely-known French uviatrix, driving tbu small bl-pluno In which tliOlnto Jules Vedrlmes landed on the roof ot n department sturo hero Inst January, has reached nn altitude of l."..T0D foot. Reporta ot her flight have been checked by a commission appointed by tho French Aero club unit she Is given the Word tor height attained by women filers. The' level she reached Is over tt thou sand foot higher than the best record made by Ruth Law, who hus hereto fore held tho women's altitude title. ARROW softCOLLARS FIT WELL WASH EASILY CtatU, PmtwiySt Co.. tne.. Troy. A". '. LIBERTY TODAY TOMORROW ONLY CECIL B. DE MILLE'S Product ion' "Don't Change Your Husband' Witlui Wonderful Oast, including ' ELLIOTT DEXTER, GLORIA SWANSON AND THEODORE ROBERTS A di'immtic thunderbolt of domestic life that ha.s. literally torn the walls from the four sides of married life. Plenty of humor. THE BEAUTIFUL GOWNS SHOWN ARE ALONE WORTH THE VISIT Prices Adults 25c; Children 10c MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED "WIRTHMOR" WAISTS New models of this well known waist just in.. It will pay you to look at $1.50 Jxtanrts them. Always one price Ku-li ! e woman s otore 14-22 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE MEOF0R0. OREGON III WE PAY POSTAGE ON ALL MAIL ORDERS 3 3 WELWORTH WAISTS g A new shipment of these beautiful " l waists, made of fine voile, trimmed' H with good lace. Always . M CA II one prire, I'lai h .'. yu0J s ON SPRING WEARING APPAREL I Every Spring Suit, Coat, Dress and Skirt in the House On Sale Saturday at Great Reductions from 8 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. WE ADVISE YOU TO SHOP EARLY IN THE DAY IT PAYS I i uress 3aiQ v EVERY SPRING COAT MUST GO 100 Brand New Coats go on Bale Saturday at Great Reductions. omen's stylish now Spring Coats, good col ors and sizes, Values to $15.00. On sale tfQ QQ Saturday at P?.?0 10 new Silk and Wool Pop lin Dresses, good colors and styles. Values up to $15.00. On sale ffQ Qfi Saturday, each : p7.70 10 beautiful new Dresses i made of Silk and Wool ma terials. Up to $25.00," values. Satur- ttlQ QO day, each .....$1770 . See our new line of Silk Sweaters Women's up to date Spring Coats in plain and fancy colors, all good styles and sizes, up to $20.00 values. Saturday, each $14.48 Women's new Spring Coats, good material and 8ty!c8.',.Keal $1(5.50 val ues. On sale ff 1 1 QO Saturday pll.70 Women's exclusive new Spring Coats. Some of the best styles of the season in this lot. Up to $25.00 values, 1ft QQ Saturday, eHciP7.70 m Sale I 25 Per Cent Off on all s Spring Suits ' $50.00 Suits now $37.50 j $10.00 Suits now $30.00 f $30.00 Suits now $22.50 j $25.00 Suits now $18.75 $20.00 Suits now $15.00 J $18.00 Suits now $13.50 H See our new line of Wool Sweaters. OUR JUNE SALE OF WHITE Should Interest You. Many New Bargains for Saturday . Sheets ' H 10 dozen SlcepweU Sheets, 72x9:51.;- jnade of fine quality sheeting. Worth today, $1.75. ffl Saturday S Display in Window. S Pillow Slips 42 and 45 inches. ' Cheap H today at 50c. Sat-' IQf urda'y sale, pair ......... 0 71 H Bath Towels . S ' Largo si ze heavy quality. Cheap at 45c. Sat- tirday, pair v Bed Spreads ' "Wcarwell' quality, largo size, cheap at $4. On sale Satur- jg Table Damask Mercerized, G4 ' inches wide,' good . quality. Cheap at 75c. CQ Saturday, yard ' ' ' White Gloves Kayser's patent tip Silk Cloves, all sizes and qualifies. On eale Sat urday at, pair 85, $1.00, $1.25 Muslin 3(5 inches wido, a fine, soft1 finish quality. Cheap today at 25c. On sale Saturday, ' ' 9flr yard '. '.-Avl Dorcas Dimity Bed Spreads for summer use, 81x90. Very special O QO Saturday, each.. P J70 Bloomers Women 's Knit Bloomcra in white, pink and black. $1.00 values. Sat- CQr urday, pair -..."'v - Huck Towels' Extra heavy, large size, fine quality, . 35c values. On sale Saturday, OCp each .....I Cajnbric' 3(5 inch fine soft finisli Cambi'ic for fine under wear. Cheap at 25c. l(1or this, sale, , ' , On yard'.................;.......6Ul Union Suiis Women's fine knit Union Suits. In all' styles and. sizes. 75c lvalue's.' . Sat urday; . CQr suit .,.......,..,....;.. v7U I MANN-The Blest Goods for the Price, No Matter What the Price--M ANN'S I is