V PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MATL TBTBUNE, MEDFORD,, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1919 Medford mail ramuNE PUBLIHHKD EVERY AFTERNOON BXCEPT SUNDAY IY TUB ' MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Office, MbII Tribune Building, 16-17-M North Fir street, pnona i. A consolidation of the Democratic Time. Tho Mei.ford Mail, The Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregonian, The Ashland Tribune. The Medford Sunday Sun la furnlahed ubBoribera dealrlng a aeven-da dally newspaper, ROBT5RT RUHL Kdltor. 8. a SMITH, Manag-or. tTBSOKXPTXOV TBBHIl BT MAIL IN" ADVANCb: Dally, with Suntlny Sun, year 00 Daily, with Sunday Sun, month .S Dallv, without Bunday Sun, year., f.00 Dallv. without Punday Sun, month .SO Weekly Mall Tribune, on year 160 Sundav Sun, one year 1.60 BY CARRIKR In Medfnrd. Ashland. Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix- - Dally, with Sunday Sun. year $7 60 pnllv, with Sundav Run, month.. Dally, without Sunday Sun. year.. .0n Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60 Official paper of the City of Medford, ; Official paper of Jackson County. Kntered as aecond-clnsa matter at Bedford. OreRtm, under the act of March R. 187&. won tally aTerire ctrcmlntton for six month ending Deo. 31, 1918 - t.04t MBMBKR OP TTTR AS!?OClATKD PRESS Full IjCnued YClie Venice. ' Tito Aafo clated Press le rchulvely entitled to the ubo for republication of all news dlarmtehes credited to It or not other wiao credited In this paper, and also the local newn published herein. All rights of repiiMicatton of special dleiia tehee Rrriila evo also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot 'i i By Arthur Perry Nothing Is so reminiscent of the asbestos cat with the tallow legs, as the presidential aspirations of Hiram Warren Johnson ol California. The leading dailies have no doubt but what HI will be elected, and will soon be doping out a cabinet com posed entirely of Native Sons. "The nomination of Hiram Warren Johnson." says the S. F. Chronicle, "will unite all factions in California of the republican party." But, out side of California, the nomination of Hiram Johnson will split the republi can party Into more pieces than Aus tria. . Hiram Warren Johnson has not yet been paid for throwing the hooks Into Charles Evans Hughes In the fall of 1916. , I . .. Alarm is felt In other sections of Oregon than locally, for the threat ened coming of the Standard OH oc topus. : If the Standard Oil ocMpus would get located In Oregon, it might be able to wrap its tantacles arouhd SOme Of the tlchtwarrta In rnntrnl and squeeze a dollar or two out for ueveiopmenc or natural resources. All the other known methods have failed. On and after July 1st the password of the thirsty will be changed to: Be still. ' The Hun motto has been changed from the Ich Wacht am Rhine to Ich Whine. The gentle patter of the rain on the straw hat was heard Thurs. pm. : Coffee is now one thin dime per cup,' In Portland henneries. Ed Brown always asked and generally got that sum, but. it is good coffee. The chief trouble with the raise, is that It gives them courage to slap on another one. And by the way, what has become of the old fashioned brand one could smell two miles and taste for two weeks? . 7 This col got all balled up about Chan Egan's bound, and Its pedigree. The canine is a- police dog, with no Hun blood, as stated. Chan repri manded us, and the dog bit us Thurs. The Mexican forces, as of yore, can find no place to battle but on the U. S. border. The area of Mexico is 765,535 sq. mi., and it looks like a place to fight could be laid out far- tha. f , AX IMMOKTAL TRAVELS (Vreka, Cal., News) , Ulysses Grant has returned from Eureka, where she has been for several months. A CLASSIC OF 1JOOZE Waste not your Hour, nor in the vain pursuit Of This and That endeavor and dis pute; Better be Jocund with the fruitful Grane Than sadden after none, or bitter fruit. e why, Je this Juice the growth of God, who dare Blaspheme the twisted tendril as Snare? A Blessing, we should use it. snoum we not? And if a Curse why, then. Who set it there? I must abjure the Balm of Life. I must. Scared by some After-reckoning ta-en on trust. v, mien wii-ii nupe ot some invin er Drink. To fill the Cup when crumbled Into ! ... Must! . And much as Wine has play'd the In- f del. ...... And robb'd me of my Robe of Honor Well. I wonder Often, what tho Vintners ibnv Opo-lialf so precious as the stuff thoy sell, (The Hublynt.) NOT SO THE treaty of peace is being changed every day. Tho latest change reported is granting a plebiscite in Silesia and admitting Ucrinanv to the League of Nations. Tomorrow the plebiscite maybe withdrawn and Germany once more eliminated, lhe iinal urate is about as certain, as the weather next Christmas. ' Instead of criticising the peace council for not releas ing the full text of the treaty, the fauld would appear to be in releasing the treaty text at all. It would seem much more sensible to wait until some decision ha'd been reached in Paris, then release the complete document and allow time for Germany and tho world to study the same. . Demanding the complete text, of the treat v before the treaty had been drawn was a silly bit of child's play from the outset. "What if incomplete copies had been smuggled into Germany, that was no excuse for demanding incom plete copies in this country. The error, to a man up a portion of the unfinished impatience at the delay, but Ave doubt if there would have been serious objection if the peace council had frankly stated thev had a big job on their hands, and would pub lish the treaty just as soon a torm tor acceptance or rejection. lint now the senators have had their tun, and the treatv is to be rewritten, we Washington will control their the official text is before them. I hat has been the pro cedure in the past. As far as we can determine, the sen ate of the United States never before demanded a treatv until it had been prepared. The senate's business is to ratify, reject or amend, not dictate as to preliminary ac tion. ' . There is enough fol-de-rol it in "Washington. "When the treaty has been perfected in final form will be time enough to beat the tom-tom. Villa will not eret verv far. tory he gets married. The fate of the neace treatv at the moment seems to rest not so much in Paris as in Berlin. If the present German government is overthrown and Germany ge.es Bolsheviki, the treaty may be there but who will sign it? Those who fail to comprehend the senatorial psy chology overlook that sapient saying that men arc but children of larger growth. The animus is not so much political as personal. "Our George," for example, doesn t hate the democratic Wilson. . . HUNGARY AID POOR BUDAPEST, June 13. Two wom en here of American origin, Marcella Lind Jellinek, a singer, and Mrs. Isi dore C. Shasza, ( formerly Mary Was- serman of New York) who is related to the Seligman banking family, have filled their houses with homeless friends so as to escape the "commu nizing" of their apartments. Count Apponyi's house is quite filled. After he left, his personal clothes and the family linen were requisitioned to the last stitch de spite the protests of his daughters who had remained behind with a German governess. When the latter made a complaint to the local -red guard commissioner he denied any responsibility for the requisition. In many cases red guards are just plain thieves they enter houses and take what they fancy, and the soviet is unable to control the lusts and passions which its propaganda has stirred up. It Is, nevertheless, true that there are many decent fellows Perfect Health Is Yours If the Blood Is Kept Pure - Almost Every Human Ailment Is Directly Traceable to Im purities in the Blood. You should pay particular heed to any indication that your blood supply is becoming sluggish, or that there is a lessening in its strong and vital force. Ey keeping your blood purified, your system more easily wards off disease that is ever present, wait ing to atjack wherever there, is an Lift Off Corns! "Freezone" is Magic! Lift any Corn or Callus right, off with fingers No pain! ra 1 Drop . little Freezone on on aching corn, instantly that corn' etops hurt ing, then you lift it Tight out. It doesn't hurt one bit. Yes, magic! Why ivaltt- Your il.ruggUrt Bulls "d FAST. tree, was in publishing any treaty. Naturally there -was as it had been completed in trust, our representatives in impatience, and wait until in Paris without imitating Everv time he wins a vic party but he docs hate Mr. LEAGUE TO PROTECT IS BERLIN, ThursdayJune 12 (By Associated Press.) Letters exchang ed between officials of the League tor Protection of William II, one of which refers to a remittance of 20, 000 marks to Holland for the pur pose of "cultivating" the Dutch press are printed by the socialist Vor waerts. The newspaper remarks that the league must spend considerably more than this on Us propaganda "in view of the determination of the entente to have the ex-emperor sur rendered.". Turkish Delegation Arrives. PARIS, June 12. The Turkish ueace dclesation which reached Tou lon vestcrdnv arrived at Lvons sta-. tion here at 8:45 o'clock thi mora ine. among the red guards, whose reputa tion must suffer from the , black sheep. opening. A few bottles of S. S. S., the great vegetable blood medi cine, will revitalize your blood and give you new strength and a healthy, vigorous vitality. Every one needs it just now to keep the system in perfect condition. Go to your drug store and get a bottle lo-day, and if you need any medi cal advice, you can obtain it with out cost by writing to Medical Di-. rector, Swift Specific Co., 46 Swift .Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. , , tiny bottle of Preozone" for a few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between tho toes, and calluses, Without' unrc seas or irritation.," Try ltl No humbugl AT- L AS TO OUiCOME JULY 4TH FIGHT TOLEDO, Ohio, Juno IS. With tho heavyweight chnmplunshlii con test between Jess Wllhird and Jack Dempsey sot for derision three, weeks from today, sporting authorities on tho battleground today are rrnukly at a loss to select Iholr favorite. All are ngroed thnt probably no hrtvy wolght championship contest since tho memorable battle between Jnmoe J. Corbott and John 1.; Sullivan haa created such a varliinco of opinion. JALTS S HE FOR KIDNEYS. QUIT MEAT flush the Kidneys at one when Back harts or Bladder bother Meat form urio acid. Ko man or woninn tfho eats-meat regit Urly can make a mistake by Hushing the kidneys oecaakmnJly, say a wvll known authority. Meat form urio acid which clogs - tho kidney pores o they duggiahly filter or strain only part of 'be vrastft and poisons from the blood, icn you got sick. Nearly all rhouma Ism, headaches, liver trouble, nonrous :, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, .ladder disorders come from sluggish kid cevs. The moment you feel a dull ache In th kidneys or, your back hurts, or if the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy anL take a tablnapooniul in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidney will then act fin. This famous salt I made from the acid of grape and lemon juice, com bjisd with lithia and haa been used for generations to flush clogged kidney and stimulate them to activity? also to nau tralits the acids in urine to it no looser cause irritation, thus ending bladder dis order. Jsd Salt is Inexpensive and en ot injure; make a delightful effo tvacent lithla-water drink which all reg Olar meat eater should take now and then to keep the kidney clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kid ney complication. . JOHN A. PEEL Undertaker - Phone M. 47 and 47-J1 Automobile Hearse Service . Lady Assistant 82 SOUTH BARTLKTT ntn SnilmlMM lo nntxw Two-Day TIRES Saturday and Monday Only To clean up in stock and make room for our new shipments coming in we are forced to make room. These tires are all good new stock and carry a 4000 mile guarantee. LOOK AT THESE PRICES 30x35 $16.95 Non-Sdid 32x35 31x4 33x4 34x4 Better hurry for we just have a few of these sizes Elliott & Cook Auto Co. tfoiillmmit muniM to chniiKu ovory day. .Wlllurd, uftor nil lmii'imlv workout, nmy become tho fnvorllo one day; but tho nuxt may Cluil m'litt iiuuit switching to lils youthful chul UiiKr. WUItml Is finishing tho second week of his sorluus preparation vast Hail and Insurance on GROWING CROPS Reduced Rates Now Effective on Fruit and Grain. - MCurdy Insurance Agency Telephone Ono-two-three. X'NITKI) STATICS IIAII.UOAI) ADMINISTRATION' ' WALKIIII 1). IIINKS. DIHKCTOIt tilONKUAl, ()!' ItAILUOADS SOt'TllEHM PACIFIC HAII.UOAD (Lines North of Ashland, Oio.) SUMMER EXCURSION FARES . ' , tu Oreaon. Shasta Montaln and Northwest Resorts Plan now for a quiet summer vuratlon for yourself and the fam ily at the seaside or In tho mountains. Special excursion urea now in effect for tho summer. Shasta Springs Season Ticket from Medford M.TO 15 day " " " 1.7.1 Special fares also in effect to Shasta lie- treat and other Shasta iteaorts. Marble Halls of Oregon Season Ticket from Medford ... '. .1.1 13 duy " " " I.Ha Newport Season Ticket from Medford 1 0.1.5 Correspondllng fares from other points. Tillamook County Beaches Senson Ticket from Moilford 'J I.:t5 Fares to Notih-Knh-NIn, Maiiinnltn and flayocoan slightly hik'her. Corrmtpond Ihk faros from other points. VariOUS ""Special faros In effect to Columbia lllvor Douches, Ml. Itulnlor Nallonul I'ark, Yel yowstouo National Park and Glacier Nat- , lonal Park. " ' Inquire of ticket akont. ' ! - JOIIX M. SCOTT, (ieuornl paxnoiiitor AiiCUt. ON- 19.40 $25.00 $27.00 Non Non Non Non $27.50 ly Imnrovml mid tlmro soviiia lltllo iloulit, In I ho opinion of oxpiu'lH, that lio will ho In first uIuhs condition within (wo wimks, Ills wind Is Im proving rapidly mid tho fluhliliK'ss of his logs nuil iipiixi' linns Is gradually hurdunliiK Into Holld flesh uud muscle. Fire Sale - Skid - Skid - Skid - Skid s 052CJ Hot water , KCjtLils.H Sure Relief RELL-ANS ".-fjrn INDIGESTION GET IT AT Voe's VOQAN'S CHOCOLATES FANCY GROCERIES COLD DRINKS j ICE CREAM LUNCH GOODS BAKERY GOODS WHIPPING CREAM MILK AND BUTTER The biggost and best milk shake in the world. WOMEN! DRY CLEAN THINGS AT HOME Try ltl For a few cents you can dry clean everything. Sto live to l.-n ili.lUir qulrkl; bj dry cleaning tvi-ryUilng In lh bonis with K""hno Hint would bo rulnnl by . onp nnd vtr illt. ', wliti, ilk, lc, jlivi', lnc. tut, drp rl, riiR rrvrylhlng! l'litre Kalian or nmri' of jfiiullne In dUlipnn or WMlibollrr, tlirn put In tlio thing to b dry rlrniml. hrn wmli tlirm with Solrlta up. Shortly rvrrythinit ranui out lookliijr. Ukr new. Nothing filr, ihrlnki or wrinkle. Va not ullompl to dry clfn without Solvltn onp. ThU ftiuollno np ll tho teen-l ot all dry rlmnlnx. A. pnrkigo of Bolvlto iop conUlnlng dlracllona for homf dry rlianlng, coata lltllo al any drug ator. Dry clrn out door or away from flame. MEDFORD IRON WORKS F0LNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP Also ocont for Fnirknnk and Mm Knirlno. 17 Smith Rlvnrald. Vulcanizing AU oar work atrli tly gurncecid to be tint cImw. IS N. Kir Ht., Medford Iliono t.'it-J MEDFORD VIILCANIZINO WORKS Oregon product nlrmdy vnjoy nnlloiml rpuliillon 'unil milo International In many roxi'H. . Orr-gonlnnn nlinuliltnko n prlilu In n 1 v 1 1 1 k lliolr patron iiKo to tho j iniinufncttiriirH wlio lire) niukliiK Orogon fit inoiiH for (imjtly proiliic'lf. ; "( A8SOCIATI3I) INDUSTIIIKS. Oh OltKdON The Percheron Stallion PAUL Tlio"P6rchoron stallion Paul Is rog Inlorort In tho Amorlctin liroodors and Importer I'orchoron Hoglstry, No. 03727, ' Color liliick. Konlod July 8, lO'lO. Ilrod by A.C . Iliiby, Portland, Oregon. Slrod by Ituspall 6118B. First dnin Paullnd 51048. ' 'Paul will mako tho bouboii of 1919 an follows: Mondays nnd Tuosrirty at Dr. Holms burn In Wodford. . Wodilesdnys and Thursdays at Tal ont. ' Baturdiiy at 'Rnrron. Terms 'i0 to Insuro In foal. $15 ,for tho sonson and $7.00 for slnglo norvlcn,' .; ! ' Butler Walker, Owner. CIIAItlDH I. I KIM US, MiuniKor. De