i' CHEST STILL HAS OF S I 000 , (.-, ASHLAND, Juno 8, (Hpoolnl), A eorrmillon lii In ardor. Tlio local 3'ik t riot Iti fund Ih not by any mnuiis (liil()luii. At lliu oIiihh of IU fiscal - your, May III, It hud on hniiil approx imately $4800, since which (lino ap propriations' or f .1 2 a 0 huvn been inmlu, luuvliiir a working buliinco of illout Iiooo In It troiiHiiry. "Iliinil. miino In in handsome (loan" coiitlmiuH to apply to tlio wnr chest In ninkltiK Honurouii appropriation for worthy objects. Tha apportionment of f 2000 for tlio Bulvutlon Army, iniiilo thru ohnunolii of tlio locul IClkn IoiIko, win a graceful ruoOKiilllon or timely nld, financial und otherwise, extended by Unit onlur ln'ivry anmriinnry thru out not only, tlio wnr period but In invoiliiK other iibcmIh. Th lut;li Mrlng to ISIkH toniplu In always ont. I'rniKlo appeal for assistance uro unnoreimnry, provided Ilia object li deserving. Moroly n suKKnstluii la In onlur ii ml ttuini follow an Immedi ate response. Tlio Hulvutlonlnt quota no promptly niacin, has linen supple mented by 1:1(10 In behalf of tlio Yoiiiik Women's ChrlHtlnn Assocln tlon, $350 In fnvor of tho Ashland Imnil, unci $200 Kninlml tho local ljrunrh of tlio W, -'. T. I!. Neverthe ( lima tho wnrcllrat I not ompty. It la not hulitliiK. but continues to "shell out" generously aa occasion requires, and whenever needs Indlcuto llfl cof fers will bo roplunbiliod nhundnntly. Seventy cent per pound, f. o. I. Aahlnnd. won tho prlco Krod llnrrln roritlveil tor bin clip of corrledale wool, Tho purchaser wna tho 1'ihv ilbiton Woolen Mills, thru le protil dam, ('. I. ll'uhop, of HnlKin, who at thu ruiiumn Exposition In San I'run clseo had opporlunltliiH of In vonllKHt Iiik tho merits of thin particular wool und win viiry favorably - impressed with It, Tlio result Is Hint thin appo int lot will ho noii l ill run to tho mill nt I'ondloton, whom bwlnit to It fine tnxturo and othur Niipurlor quallllos. It will bo manufactured Into IiIkIi xrado product for which Hint Instl tutlon la famous, nolnbly ; Indian lilunknta and other designs not only fancy hut nlo extra aorvlccabln. Tim oily will have another apeclal election to vote on proposed churl or ii mo nil in on t. Ouo will itovnrn mu nicipal election, and anothor will rreaio nnil Uuflno Ilia (hi I lew of a niiinlclpul court , Tlio, ditto tlx ad If June 27. ' - Tho Hoy Seoul will hnvo hend iuurter In tho Chautauqua building Inrlileut to their cnmpulitn activities thl. week. Buiitluy nlKht they met In tho llaptlst church. . Tho Woduesduy Afternoon club will picnic III the purka. In accor dance with annual custom; on June .11. ,.. I -nut Sunday, owing lo tho Illness of Pun! or K poh I or. his wifo occupied tho pulpit of tlio I'roxhylorlau church urglnft tho disposition of our mani fold opportunities and bout tulonl thru proper channol. .Miss Aldn. Iloor I homo for tho aiimmer vacation from hor achoot tin tin tho pt term at 'Uonvorton. Married, ;ln thl city. Juilo (I, at tho Presbyterian manso, Hov. C. Koehler officiating, Ira F. Orom and Miss Murloj Griffith, both of Klam ath county... ' J The tan-acro tract on Nell creok, known an tho Jeff Howard place, ha been "old by .0. V. Itlchlo to Thos. A Morrlii, who for the pat ten yoart ha boon lossoo of Ilia uppor Dunn ranch, recently dhipnHod of to a mom bar of tho Chapman family In thl vicinity. Morrla will hnvo po0Hlon at once of ono of tho bent Improvod place -thereabout. carrylnK with It ft valuable wator rlKht. Ho also hna other rnnltv Intoreiti In that locality. Tho Denver realty agency mndo flte iinlo. -r- , , With Mr. F, II. JohiiHon, and Ml Coshow, toachor In tho city schools, (i chaporono Kuldos and protector. n dozen young school girls of this vicinity mndo tho acont of Mount Auhland tho InHt of tha wook. l.oriR's Cabin wa tho rondosvons Incident to tho trip. . Tho Ashland high school nlumnl noclallon hold a joyous reunion In Odd Follow hnll lust Friday even ing, nonrly 150 former grad having 'boon proBont Mr. 1J. Poror.r.1, tlio rotlrlnit. proBldont, gave tho nddross of wolcome, which wn responded to In a numbor of Impromptu talks, tho happy rotroBpoqilvo bolng dwolt upon ulso presnnt and porspactlvo vlows woro outlined optimistically, Will M. HrlKKS was elected prosldonts Mr. Ollro Thorno Hurdle, vlce-prosldont! What's the use when you can have ''V Post Toastbes Minn IIii,I Powell, nerii(iiry, Jll tory of Him vitrloii i'Iiihhii was ni vluweil with oiithiiHliism, and thnro wu cniiHldorublo rivalry dlHpluynd In recounting the iic.IiIoviiiiiuiiIh of tho eilnciilloiiiil nliiHHiriciitlun of the long UK". Mr, anil Mrs, SV, M, Ileuvor, of Hiilein, und Mr, and Mr. I.loyd Itob Iiihoii, of While HiiIiiioii, iii'coiiipaiiled by tholi' sou Kniiiiiilh, me horo for a vIhII with rolullve In tho llonvor and Yockoy fuiullle, louring Hoiithurn Oregon over tho auto route.. Tom Daly, who riiiicho ovor In Demi tiidliin at tha foot of Frog crook hill, brought Into town hint week a uiummotli nguto apecluion weighing 270 pound, which I on exhibition horo, und which I at disposal for 2d cent per pound "live weight." 10. II, IIiihIi unit family huvo gone to Portland for a vlnlt during tha rose festival period, . Frod Tostevln, now living near Kugano, wa a visitor hare last week, In uttendunco .upon tho nnnuul re union of tha high school nlumnl asso ciation. Ho I now field ropronnita llvo of a loading trada publication In lorrltory extending from the Can adian to Mexican borders, Mr. and Mr. O. Winter left early In tho week for Portland to visit rol ntlvo mid witness tho roso festival. Tho trip I being mndo Jn tho family cur. Mr. und ,Mrn. Robert Vllilng will return with the'm over a route tho Itinerary of which Include var ious section of central and eastern Oregon. They plan to be gone sev eral weeks. A reunion of the Vlnlng family will probably bo In order, Prof. Irving Vlnlng having returnod from New York recently after an ab sence from Ashland for several months. ' Announcements In tho Tortland dallies Indicate that the 1'nlon Meat Co., nominally an adjunct of . tho Hwirt Packing Co., ha been taken ovor horn, 'hoot and hide by tha latter corporation. . Word from Charley Johnson, who went la Arizona sometime ago for tho benefit' of his health. Is lo tho effect that he In steadily Improving. Ha In not only doing soma light rnr punlor work, but tha past winter has boon engaged In mailing toys, for the sal of which, there hu been a good demand In that section. Ho alno acknowledges with gratitude cour tesies extended by fratornals with which ho I uftlllated. Complimentary to Mis Plnn Ilon- edlct, tonchor from Ashland, who ha been conducting tho primary de partment of tho Kaglo Point school, n fnrewull party In her honor marked the approach of tho closing of the spring term, u delightful social event In which a number of muliiul friends participated. ', WASHINOTON, Juno 9. "I know a young man who was a waiter in a small town restaurant In pre-war days for $12 a-week and tips," say Colonel Arthur Woods, assistant to the socretnry of war. "Ho had been In tho National Guard and managed to get an appointment at an officers' training school. They ty?nt him 19 war us a second lloutennnU He came back a captuln with a modal and a citation. " 'Nothing doing.' he laughed when tha boss otfored him tho old Job-back In the rostaurant with 'the promise of a head waiter position In a few months. I am a five thousand dol lar a year man now.' . "80 ho I. .The 'othor day the young Captain got hi flvo thousand dollar Job with a big concern, which ha a largo number of men to han dle, and ho fit In admirably." TIIKVF.S, Juno 9. Beginning May 1, tho United Stntos disbursing office at tho nrmy headquarters In Cohlonz began paying 222 mark .for 100 francs, an Increasa of 22 marks over tho exchange ratos -which hod boon In affect sovcrnl months. Letters to tho (lulled Stntos ron Unite to I nil lout 0 a deslro lo rc-enlali 1 1 Hit business relations. Ono firm in tho American occupied zone, writing to a watch manufacturing company In tho United Stntos, snya thut (lor mnny will soon be in the mnrkot for n great many watches for shipment by pnrcol post. PATRIOTIC PARTY IS The managers of tlio patriotic par ty, to bo given at tho l.tttntorium on Wadnondny evening deslro to statu, In tonus most omphntlo, that tho nffnir I n citizens party, In which ovory one In Mod ford, young and old, nro nskod to participate. Tho soldiers, Bailors, mnrlnos and nursos In whoso honor' tho party Ih given, are askod to appear in uniform If possible. The fathors and mothers of tha honored guests are asked to bo In tho rotlvlng line nt 8:15. At 8:30, Mayor Gates will give a brlot nddroBS of welcome, to which MEDTOTIT) MATT; TT?TBTTNX The Outbursts of Everett True By CONDO i A CHURCH I tr IS. r-J A a built ,'NV. ' ' CUTOUT THVT 1 l I StoeraftiNGL ii'. VZ j : Ksi'j Major Clancy will respond. With dancing on tho upper floors, aquatic sports In the swimming lank, a bund The LA J Wheat straw the lightest, nett, hnett, strongest cigarette paper the world. Roll a Juicdo cigaiette LA CROIX paper, MEDFORT). OTCTCfiONr, MONDAY, .TUNE 9, 1013 .W- i I I ! concert and refreshments for all, the ovenlng premises to be one of unal loyed pleasure. Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette Finest Burley Tobacco : P.-cllow-aged till perfect ' plus a dash of Chocolate "YourNoseKnows - iff- .' - ' -- v ' ': v : f Have Yoa Tried "TEA-FOIL" PACKAGE? j .-.... ... i . - . . . ? - '.. It's soft and pliable decrease in size at i the tobacco is cake in the package - no digging it , out with the tobacco in tion than tin. owe it to packageandgive tuxedo a trial ' much the tin, thinw in all with Jl A..aMaa.4lM TOUrilO,, . Ohio. June ' 0. Jean Willnrd begun the second week of hc rioiiM trninitiit toduv for bin lieuvv weiirlit i chiimpioiiHliin t'ontest with Jiiek llemiwev here Julv 4. The cliam pion plans to increase bin boximi un I I lie li8H reach the 12-j-oiiikI limit, the dUtunce he in to (ravel nifninbt hid vouthfnl phullenircr. There w eritieism because the chuiiiliion doubled the Drice of ad miitHinp vesterdnv to visitors to his training- cninri. The- ehnmnion rhnre cd 50 cenlH. inNtend of 25 eentt). as on week duva, and rceciotH were 2. 084. about double the eoht of trnin nar expensiM for a week. Dempscv declined to take advantnire of the Sundnv tlironir and ehnreed tho cuh tomnrv 'Ih ccntn. There were LCOO paid udini-SHionx at the Dcdidscv camp. licportH llnit Dill Urownc. a new York referee, had been selected for the big fieht. were denied. It was announced that the referee nuestion would not be Mettled until two weeks before the coutot. . Willard said he had not given the ouestion of a ref eree nnv thought. OFFICIALLY RAISED WAS111XGTOK. June 8. The em burao'1; nirainht the exportation nnd importation of eold was removed to diiv. bv President Wilxon on recom mendation of tho federal reserve board. Hereafter eold mav be im lunted or exported freelv to all coun tries with the exception of Bolshevik nHHin. and encmv countries. The con trol exercised over foreiun exchanges wn terminated. 7 axedo in the New used tobacco aoet not tinger. Keeps tne :even better condi Now, don't you ' yourself to buy a Not quite at Ml : IH '. jar ... .. dff . , ."I IMI , . I W :i ' V V' . tobacco at i but r also packed in the famous green tint at heretofore. What !s Rheumatism? "1 Why Sufferer Should Realise That It It a wood infection. Doubtless like other sufferers, you have often asked yourself this question, which continues to re main unanswered. Science has' proven that Rheu matism is caused by a germ in your blood, and the only way to reach it is by a remedy which eliminates and removes these little pain de mons. This explains why lini NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to tho leital voter of School District No. 49 of Jackson County, State of Oregon, that a school meeting of said District, will be held at High School, on tbs. 46th day. o(. June, 1919, at 2:00 o'clock In the afternoon to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year beginning on June 16th, 1919, and ending June 30, 1920, is estimated In the following budget and Includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys ol tho district: ' , : . BUDGET . Estimated Expenditure 1.- 2. 3. 4. S. . 6. 7. 8. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Teachers' salaries Furniture -. .Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, ' eraser,' stoves, curtains, etc 800.00 Library books and e'upplementary .readers 800.00 Flags ,. .-. '60.00 Repairs of schoolhouses, outbuildings or fences.. 4,000.00 Improving grounds .- 800. 0O Playground equipment . 200.00 Janitor's wages 4,700.00 Janitor's supplies ; 500.00 Fuel 3. 000. 00 Light Water ;....;... Clerk's salary and stenographers Postage and stationery : For the payment ot bonded debt and interest thereon. Issued under Sections 117, 144 to , -. 148 and 422 of the School L aws ot Oregon, 1917 . Insurance .....7. 5 9. 20. II.' 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Freight and drayage Printing ......j... Text-book and Indigents Manual-training and domestic Special assessments Miscellaneous . Sinking fund Telephones . ...... . Equipment ..s Total .... ; ; ' ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during the coming school year .. .'..(10,500.00 From state school fund during the coming Bchool year 2,80-0.00 estimated amount to be received from all other sources ;.. during the coming school year... . Total estimated receipts, not including the money to be received from the tax which It is proposed . . to vote . i ' ' RECAPITlIiATIOX . . , Total estimated expenses for the year .....$95,995.00 ' r : , Total estimated receipts not Including the tax to be ... '; , -voted . 13J50.00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax.......;............: i.f 82,245.00 . Dated this 20th day of May, 1919. . ; .. Attest: - '. ' " F. E. REDDEN', r. , W. "E. PHIPPS, i". . District Clerk. Chairman Board of Directors. ' AUTOMOBILISTS Don't ruin your storage battery by using hydrant water. - Distilled Water 15c per gallon without con tainer; 25c per gallon with container. . . gpoooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooocoeoopoeooooooi Eat Where the NICE AND COOL Salads a THE GUSHER CAFE ooocxxooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooocoooooooooooxoooo IGNATION REPAIRING ' ' Magnetos, Spark Coils, Motors and Generators repaired and rewound. Guaranteed good as nsw. Batteries repaired. We are Southern Oregon Agents for the celebrated Burd Rings. Try them for compression..-: ... '.,.. " CRATER LAKE MOTOR CO. ff DuejConsideratiqn II 3 II to Your Own Interests jjv If ? f Tills Is noltlior mlsorly nor selfish . , lSll IlJJI it is a matter of financial prudence iJll I I to have a reserve fund and save all j. I j II if! ' you can. . '' i5ll f i . Start such a fund now with the t .. ; Jiwll Jackson County Bank. II 011 i "IsN 4 Per Cent Intores Jli If iKSW paid on savings f e sta blistTTdj aat" ' PA'OE THREW Suffer from It? j ments and lotions can do no per' manent good, for they cannot pos sibly reach these germs, which in fest your blood by the millions. S. S. S. has been successfully used for Rheumatism for mora than fifty years. Try it to-day, and you will find yourself at last on the right track to get rid of your Rheumatism. For treatment of your individual case address Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Spe cific Co., Dept. 43, Atlanta, Ca. ...$61.485.00 1.400.00 300.00 600.00 1.450.00 ' 100.00 0,000. 00 700.00 ; 100.00 "175.00 "- 325.00 650.00 1,000.00 1,050.00 ' 5,000.00 . 160.00 1,150.00 . 95,995.0 science . 450.00 J13.750.00 Eats Are Good Specialty .