Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 09, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Business was practically at n
standstill In Medford this forenoon
hocnuBO of the visit of the airplane
(loot, aud tho long wait for It to ar
rive and watching lin departure. ' It
Ib not often that Medford peoplo have
Bn opportunity to witness such a
wonderful slnlit.
For fire Insurance pnone 64, cor
ner Eleventh street and S. P. track.
D. n. Wood & Co.
Mrs. Gus Newbury, worthy matron
of the Eastern Star chapter, and Mrs.
AV. H. McGowan, past worthy matron
left for Portland yesterday to attend
the- annual -convention- of Eastern j
r,. I
,.,.,,. Lnnarfi.
antes. Auto Electric Equipment Co..
phono 2.17-R. 71
The out of town delegates to the
district Epworth League convention
which closed at the First "Methodist
church last night left for homo tor
day by train or automobile.
Alco Taxi. Phone 95, "
An auto parly of Grants Pass people-
registered at the Hotel Medford
last night and today consisted of Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Denlson and Misses
Itosle WIchman, Loraine Courtney
and Olive Courtney.
B. J. McPhee, painter. Phone
600-X. 76
Miss Vera Van Scoyoc of Jefferson,
la., niece of Drs. C.' C. and W. M.
Van Scoyoc arrived In the city last
Saturday night for an indefinite visit I
with her uncles and families
We can save you money on that
new storage battery. C. E. Gates
Auto Co.
Children's day was celebrated Sun
day In the First Presbyterian church
under happy circumstances. Thojin
host of little folks entertained the
large congregation with an excellent
program, reflecting credit on tho
teachers In charge.
i Ice cream . to take home, 2 0e a
Dint, 40c a quart. No war tax.
Sugar Bowl.-
William : B. Jackson, assistant
cashier of the Medford ; National
bank left for a business visit at Port-
land this morning and -while' there ;
will enjoy the rose festival sights and i
Hemstitching, peeoting. Some pew
Ideas. .Vanity Hat Shop. ,
Mr. and Mrs. 'James H. Watkinsi'
Jr., and Mrs. Faye Durbin are Hotel
Medford guests who arrived Sunday
from Klamath Falls. . vvir-
Spark plugs for all cars. C. E.
Gates Auto Co. .
L. H. Van Horn of Jacksonville,
has gone" to Divide, Ore., for two
months to take charge of a road
building contract.
You can get a lot of miles onfof
that bid tire by using one of our re-.
liners-. - C.:R Dates Auto C)
, Rev. -b:' Myron Boozer was called
to Grants Pass today to conduct the
funeral of Mrs. R. K. Ross, a prom-
inent member of Bethany Presbyter- home. -
lan church of that city. Mr. Boozer1 T7 out merchants lunch. The
will accompany the remains to Port- 'Shasta. tf
land on the evening train. The last; Dr. W. W. Howard-is at Portland
rites will be conducted at the Port- attending the annual exhibition and
land Crematorium. i convention of the Oregon Osteopathic
We rebuild and recharge batteries.
C. B. Gates Auto Co.
' The county board of education
held a session In the office of SuDt. :
Ager at Jacksonville this forenoon.-fil
Joe H. Beeman, now employed in The Elks ladies will meet tomor
the TJi S. revenue service as a secret row afternoon at . 2 o'clock at the
service agent, wired Mrs. Beeman E,k temple. The following com
FrjdarHo "send their son Horton to mittee is in charge for the afternoon:
Portland at once so he could drive Mrs- L- Hamilton, Mrs. H. Hart,
home the new car he had just pur- Mrs- H- T. Hubbard, Mrs. J. W.
chased.-Gold Hill News. Johnson, and J. W. Mitchell.
, We call for and deliver batteries A motor will always run like new
for recharging and .repairs. - Auto ,f properly lubricated.. Vcedol 1b the
Electric -Equipment. 'Co., phone bsts-!r.surance for proper lubrication.
The false alarm of the airplanes i
coming this morning was due inno-j
cently to Secretary Steel pf the Com-j
merclal club'who had received a wire
from the fleet commander at Gren-
ada, Cal., stating that the fleet would
arrive In Mdford at 9 a', m. It was
then only 8:30 and Mr. SleeL think-j
Ing to give the people a half hour's !
time to get to Gore field, telephoned
the fire department to sound the fire
whistle. Instead of a half hour's
-wait the eager populace had a ted
ious "wait of two hours before the ex
citement began. ' I
Spark plugs for trucks and trac
tors. C. E. Gates Auto Co. .
Among the delegates from Rose
burg In attendance at the Epworth
League convention were Lois Geddes,
Lillian Maclver and Gladys Walker.
They returned home today.
Switches - made rrom combings;
general work. Sanitary Beauty
Shop,' No. 8 East 4th and Front.
Phone 497-W. - 90
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ktibli were
Sunday guests at the Medford from
the Applegato district. ,
Largest remagneilzing equipment
in southern Oregon at Auto Electric
, Equipment Co. 71
Mr., and Mrs. A. G. Mott of Bur
llngamo, ' Cal.t spent Sunday 1n the
city with" headquarters at the Hol
land and left for Portland this morning:'-;
-, :. :' :
;Phdno Delaney's stand for taxi.
Phone 52". Corner Main and Bart-
lett. i, , ; 86
Graham Honson, head bell boy at
the HcjtoJ Medford off and on for the
past, (,Wo years, left Sunday.for Port-
lai)d,to,tuko a position as bell-boy at
the Alullnomah hotel., . v, ,
Wii have the best tire's for all cars
and.'. personally guarantee; them. C.
. E. Gates Aui Co , . .
Day Photao: fitfttU 227.
tiight Phones: P. W. Weeks, 103-J3,
lady Asalstent
'William A. KwIiik, a. mining onsl
tieor M Medford, transacted business
In this city Wednesday. Mr. EwlnR
has secured an option on tho frniik
Mongol group of placer mines on Kl
llott creek and will move a power
drill and other machinery onto the
property In a short tlmo. If the de
posit shows up as good as expected,
a dredge will likely be Installed and
the claims thoroly Worked. Mr.
Kwlng left Medford last night to
secure tho necessary equipment with
which to begin drilling; Jackson
ville Post. ;",'.'
Fir slab and dry wood tor sale by
J T. Gasnon. Phone S59.
The commencement exercises of
Albany colleso will bo held Tuesday
"enlng. June 10th. . n the First
Presbyterian church .of Albany. U
Myron liooJer of this city, will de-
liver the address on that occasion,;
ispeaklns on tho theme. "The Obllsn
'tlons of the Pay:", Mr.- Ilooicr will
return borne Wednesday morning..
The Medford Prlnttug company Is
prepared with up-to-date cuts to
print horse bills, letterheads, envel
opes, etc., for horses, cattle, hogs
and poultry. tf
"V. D. Hellen, Orjegon" was tho
name and address written on the
Hotel Holland register Into Sunday
afternoon which aroused curiosity.
Investigation showed that tho writer
was Senator It. Vonder Hellen who
had come. In from Wellen so a3 to
get an early start this morning for
the county board of education meet
ing at Jacksonville, of which he Is a
member. v
Handicraft Shop. " .' ',. , '
For the best insurance Bee Holcms,
the Insurance Man. . -, .,
Sheriff Humphrey- of : Klamath
Falls, arrived In the- city Saturday
search of two suspected thieves
who had stolen 11 horses from a
range in Klamath county, and had
been traced to Ashland .aud ., hero.
Assisted by the local police he ar
rested two IS year old boys. Lester
Van, whoso. address is unknown, and,
Chas. McNeil of Medford. They pro-
test their Innocence and claim that a
man hired them to bring the horses
to several places In this county. Sher.
Humphrey recovered all the
horses and with his prisoners left for
Klamath Falls this morning.
Dick Sanders says now Is a good
time to have vour exterior work
done. The-airjsclear of Insects and
good drying weather. Good clean
workmanship. Phone meal time or
evenings;;; S40-J. 844 West 14th.
.. Springs for all cars. C. E. Cates
Auto Co.
Sir. and Mrs. James La Niece of
Los Angeles, arrived, in the city Sun-
day t0 spend the summer with their
.son. . . ? ' .
; we have the only properly equip-
Ped Ford repair shop in southern
Oregon and the best Ford mechanics.
C. E. Gates Auto Co. ,
Miss Ercle Stewart left Sunday for
Portland after a month's visit at
association of which he Is president.
-Sewing machines repaired, bought,
sold and rented, 25c per week.
Douglas, " 101 S. Central. Phone
C. E. Gates Auto Co.
.Mr. and Mrs. Bvron F. DeFord of
Central Point were Sunday suests at
tlw Holland. ...
Mattresses" made over; furniture
upholstering, crating and packing.
Douglas, 101. S. CentraL Phone
G., W. Bowen ami Lionel Staholm
are tourist.s from British Columbia
storpinr nt the Medford.
Dr. R. W. Stearns has resumed the
practice of medicine and surgery in
the old location, Jackson County
Bans;. , 76
Hugh Stevens of Central Point,
was among the visitors here today
from that town.
Alcb Taxi. . Pnone 95.
Miss Alice Palmer returned home
Saturday from Klamath Fall.- where
she had been teachintr in the public
SChoOlS.. .
Dr. A. Bursell, 309-10-11 M. F. &
H. BIdg., (North Central. Phone 29.
, Walter Lowe and Ben Lemohn
advance representatives for the Whit
ncy boys' chorus, band and orchestra
of 1000 boys, were here Sunday and
arranged with the Commercial club
to have the chorus appear hero about
tho first week in July, definite date
To be announced later.-. The chorus
halls from tho state of Washington
and is making a trans-continental
trip, their destination being Wash
ington, D. C. The trip will cost $250,
000 nnd is guaranteed by. prominent
officials in the state of Washington
and Is endorsed by the Elks of that
Btate. Further particulars .later. .
; Call Mitchell In regard to f that
lawn mower and have It sharpened
right. Called for and delivered.
Phono 3 20-J.
You can get most any
; old thing at DeVoes
.."'most any old time.
1 ' v'jj
v ,Vi
Tho countess wul bo tho first
lady of Cancdi when tho earl hi
made Govoruor General He U
slated to succeed the Duke of
Devonshire. Tho Earl of Athlone
Is a brother to Queen Mary, Urn
countess, a niece of Queen
loria- , '
Mr., and Mrs. ' J. H. Adams and
Albert GossleV are Los Augeles guests
at the- Hotel Medford.
Aleo Taxi. Phone 95.
- HaJph Woodford left Sunday for
Portland to transact business and
see some of the rosO festival.
First-class kodak work, , charges
about half regular prices. , Jap Art
"WASHINGTON, June 9. With a
substantial marine guard in Nicarag
ua and a warship on each coast, the
United States is prepared to protect
that country from invasion by Costa
RIcans, it was learned today from
official sourietE;'.No action Is expect
ed, however," iond'iuR the outcome of
an investigation now being made by
the state, .department. : f
' ' ( NOTICE . ;
i School' --District ' No!.'; 9 of Englo
Point will receivo bids for the trans
portation of not nore than 10 chil
dren to attend? tho "iledford High
School the coming - year. . Leave
Eagle Point at 8 a. m. and return In the evening.
The Board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
' Clork of School District No. 9.
' Eag'le Point, Ore.
Dated June C, 1919. 68
AMOY. China. June 9. (Bv the
Associated Press.) All business has
been suspended nnd the .schools have
been closed in this citv as u protest
itttninst the arrest of students in I'e-
Icintr following disorders which re-
snltcd from announcements of the
aet op. of the council of three nt
Paris relative to Shnntilns aud Kino
NEW YOniC. June 0. A. E. di
ner, the former Ilnrvard sprintinc
star, was the- individual point winner
n the championship track -tames of
the Americnn expeditionary forces,
held nt.C'oloinbes. France.1 Saturday,
according to a cablegram received
today at.Y. M. C. A. headouartcrs bv
Or. George Fisher.
'. DcHavifand Passes Euqene.
Euccne, Ore., June !). 'flic De
Iluviland airplane, lurtrcst of the
fleet en routo from Sni-riimeiito to
Portland, pnsscil over ' Ktiucnc' t
12:20 o'clock todnv. . .
Legal size typewriter paper $1.50
per box of GOO sheets, Good quality
Bond. Medford Printing Company, tf
Old naners for li'ullrlln? flrert and
hoiiRe cleaning. 10c bundle.-
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
FOR, SALIC Young Indian Runner
ducks cheap. Phone 010-E1. 69
WANTKD 3lde delivery make, truck
wagon and platform scales. Phono
28-113. : . .
WANTED Thinners. Twenty thln
. nam wants:!. 30c rer'hontv" Hce
B. V. Stone, 33C South Riverside
avenue. . 70
LOST Diamond ring May . 24th,
$100.00 reward if returned to Mull
Tribune, , 71'
(Continued from page ono.).
The president's mossune transmit
ted thru the Whlto House and road
by Senator Hitchcock when tho for
nlisn relations, committee mot today
to plan Us. Investigation follow:
. "Please convey following to Sena
tor Hitchcock; I, am heartily glad
that yon ha?vo demanded an In vest I
cation wllh regard- to the possession
of texts of treaty- by tmnuthortml
persons. 1 have felt 1 liuf It was high
ly undo.fVulle officially to comiuunl
cuto tho txt of a ductimeut which la
still in 'iieRotlatlon and Subject to
chnngQ. Any ono who him posses
sion of tho official English text, has i
what ho Is clearlyvnot entitled to
have: or to coromunicate.' I have felt
In honor bound to act in tho same
spirit nvd in the same way as the
representatives offthe other grent
powers in this mailer and am confi
dent that my fellow countrymen will
not expect mo to break fulth with
them. I hopu the Investigation will
bo most thoroughly prosecuted."
tlnnker TnlerVitcl
All of tho financiers named ex
cept Mr. Vnnderllp were called nt the
suggestion of Senator Borah, repub
lican, of Idaho, who told the commit
tee he was convinced that ench of
them was familial with .what the
treaty contained, llo'sald he could
not be sure that Any ono of thcur
actually had A copy, however because
he never had seen a copy In their
hands. "
. The Idaho senator said ho v wan
convinced the International Hnnkers
of New York were Interested "for
private reasons" In the adoption of
tho League of Nations covenant. He
added that in hla belief tho calling
of tho men named would show how
and why they were Interested. '
Wall St. Men to ApHnr
WAStn.YC.TON.'Juno 9. In lis
investigation of jiow copies of tho
peace treaty reaohed New York, the
senate foreign rolntlons committee
today subpoenaed Jacob Schlff. Tho
mas F. Lnmont. H. P. Davison," Paul
Wnrburg, J. P. Morgan and Frank A.
Mr. Lamont : was requested to
btlns wlt( hlra :otp correspondence
which passed boteon-v4. P. Morgan
pnd company and lb finrls arid Lon
don agcnliarilife;ho treaty, and
particularly ianiy'.cjjminunicntlons on
tho subject betwatn the bnnklng
houso and Mr. Davison while tho
latter was abroad. .
The committee also- adopted unan
imously u motion by Senator Full,
republican, of New Moxlco, InvitlnK
Acting Secretary Polk to nppou as
a witness and to take part in the
Inquiry by cross-examining witnesses
and otherwise.
WASHINGTON. Juno 9.-Senator
Lodge who mado the first chargo
that, tho treaty was in tho bands of
New Yorkers, was the star witness at
tho opening session. .'.'lie declined on
tho ground of his senatorial Immu
nity to give tho name's of persons
who had the treaty, but said ho would
ask permission to discloso their
name's. Senator Borah, 'ho also
TKers; Great
S ati sf act i oi
irv krvowirv tKe cKild
rev's Keevltli a.TYd ei
joyrsxervt are beiivd
provided for wKervyoxi
a ' ive iKercv -j . . V .
as their Hot
)"'', : ' : In ,:;' ..
"Goodness Gracioiiis Ahnabelle
About a Husband and . Wife who didn't know
',-" i each other. .. .. ,
made charges nlmllur In Senator
Lodnc, said ho hud not seen copies
of tho treaty but bad been Informed
there were copies In New York, lie
had no personal ltnuwlodBQ of It, ho
Acting Secretary Polk of tho stale
department tuHtU'lod that hu had re
ceived copies from tho American
peace mission In Purls, .hud theuv
locked In tho ntutn department vmilt
and believed noun of those copies
were tho onus referred to as being In
New York, - , .,
Coincidental with 'tho opening of
the Investigation, President Wilson
cabled Senutor Hitchcock ho hopd
tho Investigation would bo thorough
ly prosecuted. '
Tho comtnltteo irdjourned without'
fixing n duto for the next meeting.
The Investigation will bo made by
the full cnmmltteo and Chairman
Lodge whs expected to call another
meeting as soon hb any of thnso sub
puenuod today are ready to appear.
Brought by 'I'llliune Man
NEW YORK, Juno . Tho full
text ot tho petico treaty wllh tho
central powers, which has been the
subject of discussion lu tho Vnllcd
States tor a week or more, has boon
brought to this country by Frailer
Hunt, u correspondent ot tho Chicago
Tribune and Is being syndicated to
newspapers In 'this country lit copy
righted sections.
Mr. Hunt says tho copy which ho
brought horo Is ono of tho original
drnttn and was obtained In Paris, lie
says It Is qulto easy to obtnln Ger
man translations of tho treaty in
Germany and neutral countries,
, Another American correspondent
abroad also secured nnd mailed a full
ropy of the treaty but the Jlritlsh
censor held It Up. ' ' ;V
Wilson Oppose Publicity f'
WASHINGTON. Jnno . -President
Wilson In a cablegram received
today by Senator Hitchcock, demo
crat, Nebraskn, paid Ho hoped tho In
vestigation by the snnato foreign re
lations cnmmltteo of how copies of
tho peaco treaty reached private In
terests In New York would "bo most
thoroughly prosecuted."
Tho president said ho felt It was
highly undcBirnblo officially to com
municate tho text ot a document
v.-hlch Is still In nonotlnllon and sub
ject to chance, and that nnyono who
bad possession of the official English
toxt "has what ho is clearly not en
titled to havo or to communicate."
This statement by the president
strengthened the belief of officials
here that he would not comply with
the request of tho senaU that the
treuty tixt be furnished at tills tlmo.
WASHINGTON'. : Juttc!, O.Mnior
ticncrnl t audi, cominaiiuiin; tin-
uniitlifirn ibiiiitrtfiinTif find tbn Mnvii'litl
border.- m n snciiil rvnort to the war
department loduV ndvisi'd nuniiist anv
iiicrcuso in tiirccs ut this tunc. I he
l'iirf',.. nntf under liis I'liitlinnliil. fiill.
ernl Cabell fnid. were Hiilfi-.'ient to
bundle nnv eontinuenev that could be
torcsen. '
Llaht:tv Law Upheld.
WASHINGTON. Juno 0. The su
iiromc court in hu nninfon todnv bv
Justice Pitnev. held the Arizona Htnte
employer.-.' liability law constitution
al. . . ,
' T - --
table driiilt
' 11KULIN,1 Biiilday.Muiie 8 (lly
Associated 1'iess. 1 (Tltmoia that u
eubluut crisis In imminent uro dis
missed In official (luurtuis us Idlu
gossip. The fact that Heir Wlssol,
ililiilsliir wllhnul unrltiilln uuil llr.
Ueiiiliard. leriihui'K, nilulstet of fi
nance, differ respecting the conduct
if post-war economic:. control, has
itnrted a report that there Is serious
dissension lu tho cabinet, Tim Issue,
It Is ruutaiided, enunot hn diH'ldeu
until peace Is im-unttod and Is. In any
caso, purely iievsoiuil,
Anoulttoil of Murtlor Chnrtia '
NKW YtHtK. June- II. Cuplnin
Aclolidi C. 1'cderwon. niid. hit son,
dolph K. VviIi'Vmiii'. Were iictiiiilted
bv n I'cderitl iurv Unlit v of the ehiirue
of eaUMinif tile ilealh ol' Alex Itnv
Men, n miilor on the hark l'uuwo, ol'
which Ihov were otlicciH', The mrv
wn not civ niiiuitn..
fefBe Sure toCeT
Wrapped, to insure Its perfect
condition' in aIj climates and
seasons! Sealed tight kept
right The perfect gum in the
psrfect package. : .
fitter every tneol . iV ri
Girls ih;the6Chdrd8' . "
" fiixn Tax Peroxitlo 6ro;n'n " in.Tft soft healing
vrcaolcsa fj'pniii,' prcvoiitrt Hiinhiii'M, tan or frcckk-s,
and not grow hair. 60 nnd 30
N tteaLH's Dru Store
Phone 884 the San Tox Store
Jitney Service
Starts Tuesday, May 20th..
leaves Niwli Hotel 8!ilO n. nt. and
Butto I''all'g nt 2 p. m. dally.
i'i f
: 'Why wuit until the FLIES
Como? . ; -. '
; Order' ypnr SCREENS
NO W . arid have them put on
early.'' . ' ' . , ' -
rhone 43l-.j,'10th ant Ofape
1 IHCS MOINICS, lAwli, Juiiit D.J.
M. I'levco, pul)llHlier( of tho low
MputoHtviwI. .lodiiyinnotinced thilt hu
lntil wl'ihiliiiwii lils consent to meet a
iliihmutloh or Ctiuuell Itliifra Holdlurs
which1 was comlnr hero.Wediitisdiiy
t!o insulins'" with htm published stiite
menln concerning -lawn's methods nt
siilllng Liberty bondii mid criticism
i)f the .('oiiiiPU llluffs military bur
.ijitu. , Mr. I'lerc.a mild hu docllned hu
oiumo ho leiiriicd the pioposud moot
Inn "wiih u nollllcal trick by his en
emies to discredit him."
i.. . ' . '''-.;
I'--- Admiral Benson til Salt.-
I d-'AIIIS, .rune II. Ailiuiial Willimn
: .-Unison, chief of iiaviil tilicrntiiuiH,
of the l!nilutl Ktatcrt niivv. iiful nnvtil'
adcifl't to I'l-eshlent Wilxnil -mill llui
Auicj-iciin ilclc'iitioh nt ' lh pence
eoiil'ereiii'e, left for Hresl loilnv. lit)
Mil -mill fiir.; I ho I'lliied Stntea to-mori-ow:'
f .
The flavor tests
Also uif (i n't for JViirbanks arid Mora
,l-','. '.'.',.'. i' i, 'BnifiiM.1 ',
.'ti- t : 17 South Rlvarsltf. . !
Camera Shop
the Qnly Exclu'siye
Comm'crciiU l'lioto'gfapher
: iu So'uthern Oregon.
fi f; ' ,. ' '
Vgativ'cs made any time or
5j place Ky appointment. .
Phone 147-J. .,
' , y- .
We'll do th rest.
! i t .'
Mflrlforrl KJ
.' 203 .Ennt Main' Street