Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 05, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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-f ; : ; . ""
The hottest dayNf th sViromor sea-
on bo far was yesterday w. Ith a max
imum temperature of 9t; degrees,
nd today with a minimum tempera-
tor this morning of 46 . degrees
promised to lit at losst' as 'warm4
"Pair" Is the prediction for Friday
and the weather map shows thiU fair
weather Is prevailing all over' the
.-' Pacific coast. A j. w : ;.
Big dance .at Central Point Prlilny
: night. , ' 6
1. C, Coleman, of . .San .Frani'Isco,
the possessor of considerable p rop
erty In Jackson cpnnty and who ha
. been a frequent visitor in this city,
died. April 7th last. This informa
tion has been received at this office
In Motter ftom his sonByron,.t'l9
man, lawyer, in San Kranuisco.
For fire Insurant phone 64, cat -.ner
Eleventh street and 8. P. track-.
D. R.Wood & Co. ' T
Alex Sparrow, superintendent of
Crater National park, who has been
ctlng superintendent of Ranter na
tional , park,' ,s .expected home any
day now .to. resume his regular du-
tles'as he was released from the Ra
: nler. position by the arrival there, on
June 1st of the new superintendent.
Mr.! Sparrow, -ep.. route to Medford.
topped at Portland to look after
business -matters. - -' ''.'' f '
Agate Sunday school w II give an
.." Ice cream social Saturday, June 7th.
Everybody Invited. ... - ,: 4
Mrs. J. B. Weaver and son, Roy.
left tills morning for. Cove, eastern
. Ore'gbhi near La Grande, havtng
been called, there by the serious Ill
ness of her mother,' Mrs. Mary Wag-'
: ' ner.1!. '' ,'.'..-. v , .'.;''
ti. !J., ' painter. Phone
00-X.' . ., . 76
Edgar Rater spent Thursday at
Grants Pass on business.
Big.dnqce at Central Point Friday
HBlpy.. ' ,.- - 65
' registered at the ho-
E.. N'eal, W. ; B.
n, D. J. Frarif-
Greer. L. W.
R. DeLong,
v-ech, F. Li.
. Gales
...Ion of the
. .ft held at
, .and was chos
.. 'next year's con.-.
wprIt In Jnnfl.
.!,.,. iMoH , p Frank Ami 'whUa.f
''of Ashland was chosen i Bogue river . WfedS day slipped pn
i .Mr Rnahoh s.iiob rock and suffel a Iracture of
A magician. The Jock-j '? shoulderie Injury was
i,y memhers . attending the ' cV"ed fop T Dra- Thayer and Poell
n -were, as follows: - Med- niff- - . .- -i31sie
Hoover, Delia Parker,! An Overland at J350,,Bulck 225.
,,iha RInagberger, Nora Martin. Vatia 275- 2S0. J325, White 350.
. 'iland-r-Mabel A.,Rojt. Emily 0 at your own price. Why pay
-.-Hammond. Eliza Hicks, Collie 'more? Pacific Highwa Garage, 123
; George E. Scott of Portlaud pnss-
ca mrousn .venrord last night en
route lo lojv Angeles to purchase
r.incninery lor a 3000-foot oil well
nt Yakima-, and was" mot at the de-no-tby
some of the local people In.
tenestou jn oil drilling In this vic
inity.' ;
Alco Taxt. Phone 95.
Mtss "Mnyme Johnson of Grants
Pass "an-d Xouie Jenkins of Modford
were united "In marriage! May SI,
.1919. s at Jacksonville. The bride
has b.9oh a resident of Grants Pass
for thi. past ton years and her many
friends wish her happiness and .a
tons an'id prosperous life:- The younsr
couple will make their homo nt Med-
(ord for the present. Grants Pass
Switch made from-' obmbinRs;
eenernli wnrk. Sanitary ilenuty
Slion. fro. 8 East ', 4th anil Front.
Phono 4S7-W. . ' ' ' 90
Afrs.- Ida East f -Jacksonville ar
rived In . the city this morning and
is regfitt erect at the Hollnnd
We have the best tires for all cars
rnd porsonallv Roarantee them. C.
R'. Gates Ant Co. .
-1 The " body of Carl ' Whltlock has
no.t yet hn-n recovered from- Rogue
rlvt-r. He "was drowned a week ago
this- aJtorrKKHi. The fishermen em
nloyed by 1 C. W. Whlllock to con
duct the search are continuing their
efforts, today.
For the "best Insurance eeo Holems.
the Insurance .Man'.
Mre. Charles Conner. Miss Dor
othy Conner and Boudinot Conner
arrived in Medford todav.' after a
Ions alwenee, from the valley. Mrs.
Conner made her home In Washing-
ton, D. C, while her son and daugh
ter were In the war zone. Miss
Conner. worked-in. a privately owned
canteen conducted by her sister who
Jivee In England. Boudinot Conner
vsr a lieutenant In the famous Slat
division and saw. active service on
the French front.
-. Springs for all cars. C, E. Gates
Auto Co.
. ti. h. -rronson naa a narrow escape-
from death yeatarday when the
steerinir gear on his car broke on a
hill near Eaele Point, the car going
orf the side or the road., and fifty
feet down . a steep embankment.
Asido from several cuts about the
face, Mr. Tronson escaped lniury,
but the car was badly wrecked.
The Xfedfnrd Prlntn.g company Is
renared with up-to-date cuts to
prlakBorse bills, letterheads, envel
ones, etc.. for horses, cattle' hogs
enfl poiiltrr.' ; .' .-rV-j.".. tf
Frank Ami whUa. fishing In the
Long- Bhetton,. Mrs. Mary Whitney. ,
Phoenix Minnie
"'Rose: : .-: ,
' Ice cream to take home, 20c a
Soutii Front street. 65
Roberts, Jemima; 'rBe o. canon was among the
. ' , Grants Pass visitors in the city on
:. No war
pint, 40o a quart
ugar Bowl. ;
Miss. LaVelle Boozer, daughter of
Rev. L. M. Boozer, who Is a junior
et whitman college, Walla Walla,
Wash,, was the recipient of double
honors -recently at that educational
Institution. First she was elected to
the presidency of the Wake-lita so
ciety, and next day she was chosen
.. as vice president of the women's self
government body of 'the college.
. Hemstitching, pecotlng. Some new
Ideas. ; Vanity Hat Shop.
Frank Emerick, a printer emj)Ioy:
ed on the' Evening Guard, was mar
ried at Medford May 24 to Miss Mat
tie McClain, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James McCIain. They have ar
rived in Eugene and will make their
home here. Eugene Register.
Spark, plugs for all cars. C E.
Oafes Auto po.; ;
ReY. H. P, Van Fossen. D. D.
uperlntendent -of the Klamath dis
trict, Methodist church, will meet
the mejubers tf the- quarterly con
ference at the PIrst Methodist
church of Medford this evening at
8 o'clock. . Others besides official
members . are invited as matters of
Importance will be discussed. .
Room and board at 43 North Grape
treat. Phone 568. . 66
County Agent Cate spent today in
. the Rogue, river .section Interviewing
ranchers in that vicinity with a view
to interesting them in the purchase
tof iline bred Hereford cattle.
Carriage, wagon and auto repair
ing and rebuilding done at Merriman
Blacksmith Shop. AIL work guaran
teed. . 1 ..... 66
Walter Larned left recently for
his former home at Chicago for an
Indefinite stay.
Spak plugs for trucks' and trac-
tora. )i uates Auto jo. 1
Peter Senhoff received a . tele-
graphic message Wednesday that his
mother at Conklln, Mich.,' was not
expected, to live, and he departed for
that place last night.
Tom .Gannon, the Applegate min
ing man,.-left this morning , for
visit in Glendale and vicinity. .
Swem's studio Is moving to 217
East Main street and will be ready
lor nusiness Saturday. , 64
: M. L. Baldwin of Ruch was among
the visitors- frpra, that section in the
city today. ' v'?.-'.,. ';!.';. '
Phone ; Delaney's stand ' for. taxi.
Phone 568,. . Corner Main .and Bart-
lett. ;,.a;:.' , 86
Mr, nd Mrs. N- Archer, tourisU
from'ParlB, 111., who had'been here
tor a flay, .left the Hotel .Medford
this morning for Portland.
jflT ' . iwo,iiib unu properly eqnip-
'ped Ford repair shop In southern
Oregon and the best Ford mechanics.
C. f B. -Gates Auto Co. "
The Elks lodge at its meeting to
night will initiate about a dozen can
didates, vote on 25 applications and
inake arrangements for the big in
itiation of- the class of from 150 to
200 candidates obtained In the recent
drive. .-. '.-
Fir slab -and dry wood for sale by
J. T. Gagnon.' Phone 859.
. JFlato Monntjby of Washington,
D. ; C., and F. Teitlebaum of Cleve
land, Ohio, are eastern visitors reg
istered at the Hotel Medford.
Mattresses, made oyer; furniture
upholstering, crating and packing.
Douglas, 101 S. Central.. - Phone
6 15-J. . ; . .
Mrs. Paul Hansen' left Thursday
morning fpr . a visit with relatives
and friends at Salem and Portland
Alco Taxi. Pbone 9t.
-i A number of the Ashland bankers
who were ' attending the district
bankers convention were accompan
ied to Medford by their wives.
- Dr. A. Bursell,, 209-10-11 M. P.
H, B)dg., COprth CentraL Phone 29.
: ', -.82
' ;The .Parent-Teacher circle. of the
Lincoln school will - meet , at .'.the
school building tomorrow afternoon.
This Is Mothers' day and all mothers
are- expected to ,be present. ,The
teachers assisted, by some .of the
members : will serve ice cream and
cake. . An interesting program is be
ing prepared by Mrg. Jacobs. Mrs.
Crems will talk on "The Associated
Industries of Oregon,-" Superintend
ent Davenport will speak , on "Co
operation of Parents and Teachers,"
and there will be three musical num
bers by the idifferont grades.
,Call Mitchell In regard to ''thot
lawn mower, and have it sharpened
right. Called tor ' and : delivered.
Phone 32Q-J. , " ,
The ladles of tho Talent Christian .
church will hold an apron Social Frl-!
day evening in tho church, A good
nrnlrrnni i to It.ln. .. u.. .. .. J . .. -
cream and 'cake-'will 'be served.
Everybody is Invited. Tlie price ot
admission wilPub one j)enny tor enclv
iuvu vuh uiumunw arouna ine waisi.
You can get a lot bt miles ont ot
that old lire by UBlng one of our re
llners. C. R (Sntts Auto C "
' In tho current iRsue ot tho Bluo
Book magazine npeais as the load
Hry the first' of a sorios Of twolve
stories by tho Medford writer, Edi
son Marshall, undor tho title "From
a Frontiersman's Diary." The scenes
are laid In tho Lake or tho Woods
and Fish lake sections of this county
and some of the characters portroy-
ca in tne series are real hill residents
of those parts. '
Pecotlng, ' , :" '
( Handicraft Shop. ' . "
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wilson return
ed this morning from Portland,
wnere Mrs. Wilson had been visiting
the post ten days and where Mr. Wil
son attended Ihe meotlhe- of tho
state board ot accountants this week
st which he was elected chairman of
tho board for the fiscal year,
,We will sell our Mitchell Six dem
onstrator at a reduced price. Pacific
uignway Garage. 65
Alco Taxi, Pbone 95. '
F. P. Tracy of Eugene, former well
known resident of Medford where he
was connected with the Deusl &
Kentner store, and brother of Mrs.
H. c Kpntner,. but for some time
past traveling salesman In Oregon
with a prominent eastern shoe house,
is in the city and a guest at the Hotel
A motor will always run like new
If properly lubricated. Veedol Is tho
best insurance for proper lubrication.
C, E. Gates Auto Co. .
The annual exhibition of the music
and physical training departments of
the public schools which will be
Riven at the Page theater tomorrow
night will begin at S p. m.
Dick Sanders says now la a good
time to have your exterior work
done. The air Is clear ot Insects and
good drying weather. Good dean
workmanship. Phone meal time or
evenings. 840-J. 844 West 14th.
A. WeBsels, assistant cashier ot
the bank at Joseph, Ore., was this
week visiting friends In Medford and
Ashland. , -
Sewing machines repaired, bought.
sold and rented, 25c per week.
Douglas,. 101 S.V Central. Phone
615-J. .,. : . v ......
We rebuild and recharge batteries.
C. E. Gates Auto Co. y -
Mrs. G. F. Kradel of Kennett, Ca.U
returned home today after a visit
here -with her' nelce,' Mrs. W. E.
Barrows, ; , (,-'. ."- r
Try oar merchants lunch.' The
Shasta. - - - J - - tt
- First-class kodak work, ! charges
about half regular prices. Jap Art
Store. -" -: ; ., .;.,,.' tf
Day Phonet Pociflo 227.
Klght Phones: P. W. Weeks, 108-Ja,
. .. ,. KO DROPS USED ; . ';'.'. 'i.
Broken Lenses Accnrately Duplicated
Suite 1-2 over Mav Co. '
" 128 E. Main. Upstairs -' . J
j You 6a&i&et most any
old thing at DoVoes
most any old time.
LIMERICK. Ireland, , Muy '5. (Cor
resKmUnco ot tho Associated Press.)
This sleepy old city has resumed the
even tenor of Its way after nn exolting
experience with a government ot strike
loaders which selzod tho administra
tion of the community's atfuirs and for
a period ot eleven days regulated tho
goings and comings ot some !)S.0OO
persons in tho face ot British boWIoi'j
and Irish constables.
Tho statement ot one ot the' lead
ers that the "British cun now seo we
do possess the ability to govern 'our
selves" may be taken as the real mo
ttve for their action. Tho controlllnK
power In the leading Irish organiza
tions desired to prove to the govern
ment the faulty of the repeated utnto-
men, mat insnmon caunoi govern
themselves." ,: '
The Limerick experiment originated
In an Incident dating back to lust year
when members of- the Royal Irish con
stabulary searched the house ot a Lim
erick postal clerk and found a revol
ver. - For this he was sentenced to a
term in prison. There be refused food
and soou It was necessary to remove
him to the Clare workhouse to save
his life. .
There a party of his friends entered
tho hospital, and clashed with the
guard. Ono constable was shot dead,
several others wounded, and tho clerk
also hit. He died within a few hours.
The military authorities learned that
tho dead clerk s friends wore arrang
ing to give him a military funoral at
which all Lemerlck and Clare men
were to appear in the uniform of their
military organization the "Irish Vol
unteers." Orders were Issued from tho
military headquarters In Limerick for
bidding a military funeral. The Irish
leaders decided to attond the .funeral.
In their ordinary attire.
The funeral will never be forgotten
In southern Limerick. All business
houses were closed and the blinds
tightly drawn. . Factories and work
shops also were closed, sending many
persons to the streets.
At two o'clock parties or armed nien
apeared at - strategic points In side
streets off the lino pf march. At eaoh
Important -point an armored car was
stationed.: its guns commanding .the
route to be followed by the funeral;
procession. ,
The funeral was held at 8 p. m. and
the march from the cathedral bogan.
No man wore a uniform but they
ninrchud with the steady stride nnil
porfoet ranks of well drilled soldiers.
Klfteen- tliommml of thorn won), with
Mayor AI)lpnHiw''Q'Marft and other
olty utt'lclals In tho lino.'
Tho next day Llmm-luk was pro
claimed a "restricted area." Military
Hues had been established so dividing
tho' city that workmen living In Clare
ana employed In Limerick must have
pusses to go Into tho city.
.- This angered tho trade unionists,
who dvulurod they ought to liavo tho
right to go to and front 'work without
the- consent ot the British govern
ment, Tho Trades and Labor Council
called a general strike. ' A proclama
tion was Issued olosiiiR every-' factory
Mid store,' and genoraly placing tho
lotlvltles ot the olty undor control of
the strike lenders. It was Instantly
obeyed, nut a store or shop opening.
Even the uewspaper nud moving pic
ture Iiousch waro included In tho sus
pension order. .-.
5 . '
..; WASHINGTON, Jifhe 5. The
manner in which the Postal Telegraph-Cable,
company handed gov
ernment "business out of Washing
ton, '"at a ' crucial period ' through
which the country was - passing"
would have justified the taking over
of 'telegraph lines. Assistant , Post
master 'General Koons told the house
Interstate commerce committee at
hearings on'bills to return the prop
erties .to private4management.
Mr. Koons said that if other com
panies had operated the same policy
as the Posta) It would have strangled
the government in the conduct' ot
the war. ; , ;'"-' : ' ' i
. f t -) - -, .- . .
Paris Strifce.Xtear End ',
PARIS, ' June '5'. In ' competent
circles optimism prevailed this morn
ing relative" to the strike in this city
and. hopes Were expressed that the
trouble between the unions and the
employers would soon be settled,.
A. F, A. M.
Special communication
Medford Lodge No:' 103, Fri
day evening, Juno 6th. Work
in M. M. degree a'8 p. ra. sharp.
There will be a' banquet after
lodge and .all,, members and. visiting
brethren' are .cordially, Invited.
,By. order of the W:"m! "' '
. ; ' :. ' ;".' L. E. WILLIAMS,
64' V: Secretary. '
FOR SA-LEr 1360-acre stock ranch
.near Gazelle,' Siskiyou county,'
Cal. Free water right. 'Mi- E.
Harris, 685 Boulevard, Ashland.
' i'i- J.'i 'r. -y.;. -. :' .: 89
' There's no mi suffering from the
swful agony of lame back. Don't welt
till it "passes off." It only come beck.
Find the cause and stop It, Diseases
conditions of kidneys are usually Indi-,
eated by stiff lame backs and .other
wrenching psinsj which are nature's sig
nals for help!
1 Here's the remedy.! When 70a feel
the first twinges of pain or ezperi
ence any of these- symptoms, -get busy
uo 10 your aruggist sua get
at once.
a box of 'the Dure. . . oriainal
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, im
from -to
'sarlem, Holland
st to take, tber inatant
y attaeg tne poisonous germs clog
ported fresh every .month
lrboratoriea in Haarlem.
Pleasant and easr to take, they in
ur attack the DOisonous serma clocalnv
Tour BTatem and brine auicir relieL
For ovor two' hundred years tbey
have beeh helpror the sick. Why not
try them? Sold everywhere by re-
, liable druggists in scaled packages.
xoree sixes, aione
; not ' help yon.
ev back
Ask for
If tbey do
MEDAL'' and be sure the name
GOLD MEDAL" Is on the box.
y iy-----::' ' -'
'""'! '.: ' '; ' ..' ' .
I IM finest .thing tot Juxici)
in the way of fisli, ;
Kippered Salmon
seired pold.- : - '
,;':.:':, Also . . , , -;
Kippered Cod
Fish Market
The Graduation Gift Supreme
Phone 81
18 JtEIDl"8 HWEI,RY.
-A superfine collection of
treasures has hocn gathered'
here : for your! selection -from
the finest ot manufae-
We- have the most" to of-:
fer yon In quality quantity,
choice of selection,- servtco
; ttnd satisfaction. ...1 ...' ;'; .
, . IDIA.MO.VIW OVH ' 'I,'
:;;. '- 8PKCtA!LTy;i
Southern Oregon's lieaMng Jeweler .'
' ': 1 VlHltors Always Welcome
i' . - . .' A U- t,.
Transport Chlcano Arrives.
' ' NEW YORK. June !5. Cnsunl eom
unities numbering 10(10 olTieers 11 nd
men ar here todnv on the trans
port (?liicniro..Tlrov-inoliulMl soliliwa
from Minnesota, lown. Vintinin, Tej.
lis. Oip nnil IVnnsvlviniiii, ;
-.: JWIIson to Visit Brussels. :
Bltl"SSKr,S. Juno t'resiileiit
Wilsou will arrive hero on June 10 Pur
n' two davit' visit, ni'cor.linu' to ul'fi
einl ninionni't'mi'nModilv.
4 You Never Saw Such a Girl'
Full of Corpedy, Love, Romance and Adventure,
PEARL VhITE i 9Kpiiode of'
"The Lightning Raider"
Ngte Performance immediately after band concert.
! Another Big Special " . A
7 Fi'oin t)it FaiiiotiH JS'ovt'l. '
f An extraordinary purchase en
ables us to offer pure silk import
ed Pongee in a $1.35 rjuhlity. Snlo
Price :.,.....,.95t
Crepp do pjrimy -lO inches wide,'
white, pink, 'RTay, yellow, etv.
Sale Price X 2.00
Fncr Silks, nioslly '.darker
shades, extra fine qualities and
pattern: that you can, wejl afford to buy now,
$2.25, $2.35 and , $2.50, .qualities. Halo " Wvo,
yrd, ....v-........"... 91.1)3
Taffeta and Mescaline Silks, 36 inches wide,
I good staudard trade, regular price, yard $2.25.
J. I TtliVi '. ACS
Chamoisuede Gloves, an jdcal fiul)Ktitute for
kid gloves. Will wash perfectly.,-' ..
At 25c Yard
A fine showing ofrstandard'
quality Dress Uinghanis in
pretty plaid and chek styles
all new goods. ' i. , '. (-
At 35c Yard
AlWcsiralilc styles. Checks,
I)liiids, stripes '' ."tid plain
shades a standard. ".r.hty
all fast culoi-s.
At 59c Yard
Fint! Zephyr (Jinglutins in.
32-int'ii witlllis beautiful col
orings in plaids, checks, stripetj
and novel! ies.
At 89c Yard
Exceptionally beautiful and
fine Zephyr (iinghanis in the
best of t he new season's colors
and patterns.
These are bargains of merit
Don't wait.' Be
' .;" j SHOES '
, 2-Strap Patent dxfors $1.98, $240
$2.7S '
1- Sira:p Patent Oxfords, $1.08, $2.40,
; ;' '$2.75 - . .-
2- Strap Ghiv Metal " Oxfords, $1.08,
$2.49, $2.75. ' .-
Barefoot Sandals, .; all Hi$cs, $1.50,
$1.08, $2.50 '
Every one is a real cash saver.
.' among tne first. ,
Women's "White Canvas Oxfords, turn
sole, lace, military heels, imitation tip,
good honest Oxfords at a real bargain
price. Kegulnr. $(i,50 value, Month Kud
Sale Price' , $5.50
Women's White Oxfords, with military
heels. Those are dressy well as ser
viceable", Regular $7.50 value. Mouth
End Sale Price ..; $6.03
Women's Light lb-own Kid Oxfords,
made -with French heels. Don't oveitlook
this number, it's a good one. Jleguliir.
$7.50, Month Kud Sale Price $0.95
Women's Lace Oxfords, made of
Drown Kitl, military heel. Regular '
$7.50 value. Month End Sale Price
$6.95 :;
! This is an especially good offer, hue
sure ad see it.: , ,: , . , " .-.
Women's Dlack Oxfords, made of
black kid, leat her soles. and heels. Imi
tation tip; This is a' very attractive
Oxford. Heguliir $0.n() values. Mouth
End Kalp Prico ...v.:..'..:...;,.V.,'.;....$5.50
Blue' Cliai4ryv Work Shirts !.ll.u..L.i.
IIcavyj BJuc ,Woi'k, Shii"ts ...v
Light Pin Stripe Sliirts .
Plain Cream or Tan Shirts ;
Light'.Wcight Khaki HviVU
Pongee. Silk Shirts
New White Union Suits, short sleeved
v Men's Poruslhiit'TJhion 'Suits LlhJ.':..
Men's Munsing i Union Suits-
B,lack White, of Brown Silk Holeproof Hose ,...;.50
' llack, Whitc;or Browii Ilokpl'tiot' JIosu, j;.5f
f f . i mr-j l y mil
M. M. Depar tm ent Store