Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 24, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAflE TWO
' The news of tho socrot wedding of
.Medford man and son of Mr. and
t a m Minr. fir.
'.himr nt Air .nrt Mr. . '
P. Cornelius of Ashland, has just,
leaked out. They were married at
the Presbytoilan parsonage by Rev.
L. Myron Booter on Wednesday, May
J 4. They are llrlng with the groom's
parents until June 1st after which
(hey will reside in a suite at tho
Wheeler apartments. Mr. Flfcr is a
clork at the Jackson Comity bank
with which institution bis father was
connected fop years as teller, and the
bride was" and still Is a clerk at
Shasta confectionery. They have tho
Cost wishes of many friends.' .
, B. 1.' McPhee, painter. Phone
TiOO-X. '-'..- ' 76
- Ri H. Paxson's Superb Dahlia roots
now on sale at CentrM Point. Send
for printed price list. . 64
.; Ample preparation is being made
by the various committees so that a
profitable as well as a pleasant time
nyiy be had by -all at the high school
auditorium, Monday evening at S
p. m when the orchestra and gleo
club will give their musical program.
P&tronft aho";all those interested In
the schools and the youth of the com
munity are cordially Invited to at
tend. There, will 'be ho admission
ij. Hemstitching, pecotlng. Some new
Ideas. Vanity Hat Shop.
it For the best Insurance see Eolems.
the Insurance Man.
i O, S. Blanchard ahd family and
Mnf H. HVAllyn were a motor party
of visitors In Medtord yesterday from
grants Pass.
I V Room and board at 43 North Grape
Rtreet. Phone 568. - - . 66
j Carriage, wagon and auto repair
ing and rebuilding done at Merrlman
(Blacksmith Shop. All work guaran
teed. .' 66
CCews was received in the city late
Friday of the death of Mrs. Rose In
Ashland, mother of Mrs. Joe O'Brien
of this city,-
.'Piston rings tor all ears. C E.
Gates Auto Co. '.,..-.-
Moose, dance Saturday -flight.
Launspach orchestra.
The May term of circuit court
opens next Monday morning at Jack
sonville and It is reported that the
grand Jury will convene at the same
time. . v '.u-.'ss m-v -t i - . ..-'
..'Alco Taxli. Phone S5, ;u ; u ,
Magnetos, spark oolls, motors and
generators repaired and rewound at
The Crater Lake Motor Co.- 67
Jtlder of YreKa. are California men
wgistered at thd- Medford.
i Call "Mitchell In regard to that
' Ittwn mower and have it sharpened
right,- Called for and
'Phone 32 0-J. .'
dellvered. !
iSlpThe; Medford.xPxlnttng company is
prepared with up-to-date cuts to
nrlnt horse bills, letterheads, envel
opes, etc., for -horses, cattle, hogs
and poultry. ' tf
: Indirectp raise . for the home study
tour "Is"' cofitafhed-in- the following
Item In the-. Grants- Pass Courier
"Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thompson, .Miss
Ruth Corbett and Mrs. A. J. Green
returned last evening from Jackson
coUnty," where they went , yesterday
morning to accompany Miss McCor-
mick and 35 automobile loads of peo-j
pie, on the farm home study fcur.
Miss McCorrmlck Is home demonstra
tion agent for Jackson county. Six
homes were visited and those on the
toUr learned much in the way of re
modeling, sanitary conditions, land
scape , gardening, etc. Prof. Peck,
landscape gardner from the O. A. C,
.-was present and gave valuable in
structions in his line of work. A
IsimUki1 tour is to be made soon in
'Josephine county."
u Canteens are practically lndestruc
taMe'yst cost less than water bags.
Q. l.'mates Auto Co.
? Alco Taxi. Phone 95.
': Jrs-. Ii. O. Penland, of Talent, re
ceitAd a telegram last Wednesday
ffonVbar sonMelborn Atkins, saying
he had arrived at Camo Merrltt. N.
J., an,d Would reach home the first of J
many with the 120th M. G. battalion.
First-class kodak"' work, charges
about half regular prices. Jap Art
Store. . " '' tf
Moose- -dance , Saturday night.
Launspach-orchestra, -
Mrs. Marie Otterdale has returned
from three weeks vacation spent at
Rogue .River. ... -
- For fire insurance phone 64, cor
ner Eleventh street and 8. P. track.
D. R. ,Wobd & Co.
Fir stab and dry wood for sale by
J. T. Gagnon. ' Phone 859. -
'Funeral services of Mrs. Mary
Kribs who . died on the train near
Tracy, Cal., will be held at tho Weeks
-' & McGowan chapel Monday, May 26,
at 2 p. m., Rev. L. M. Boozer officiat
ing. -The interment will be In the
I, O. O. F. cemetery.
Handicraft Shop.
Springs for all cars. G. E. Gates
Auto Co. . -
Mrs,' W; D. Welch returned home
yesterday from a six weeks visit in
Portland with her daughter, Mrs. J.
S. Gallagher and children, John Jr.
and baby Elizabeth Gallagher.
Don't forget the pavilion dance at
. Gold Hill, Saturday night, May 24th.
"Roberts orchestra will furnish the
music . . 58
iPavilion dance at Gold Hill Satur
day night. May 24th. Good music. 63
Pay Phone: Paclfio 237.
' Klsht Phones! P. W. Weeks, lOSJU.
' - ' lady Assistant.
'PrulttHittson Auto company will
occupy the entire lower floor of the
St. Mark 'a building about June 1.
with their auto business. This will
give them one of the largest and best
rooms In southern Oregon. Utile's
Piano House, which occupies one of
the rooms, will move to the building
recently vacated by the. Bernard Mil-
llnery company on East Maiitpstreet.
Swem's Studio will be moved to the
building on East Main vacated by the
Shasta. . ' .
Children's hair
specialties at the
cuts one of our
Bowman & Noe
Barber Shop. , .
Mr. and Mrs'. O. W. Carter and
George W. Cartor of Canyohville,
were motor visitors In the city Friday
and this morning who departed tor
home today.
Rooms, with or without board. No.
8, corner Fourth and Front. .-, 65
Tho Medford Ministerial associa
tion will meet at the public library
Monday at 10:30. Rev. Sprlggs will
read a paper on "The Minister's
Reading."- This will be the last reg
ular meeting before the aummor va
cation. All members are urged to be
present as there are some Important
matters to be discussed. J. E. Wal
bock, secretary.
Dick Sanders says the smmlge is
over. Now is the time to make your
appointment. Painter, In all Us
branches. No after-cleaning to be
done. 10 years in Medford. Nut
said. Phone S40-J. Res. 844 V. 14.
- 75
' J. Frank Carson and F. O. Ahl
strom are Butte Falls men who were
guests at the Holland last night
and this forenoon.
Spark plugs for all cars. O. E.
Gates Auto Co.
K. E. Hogman, district engineer of
the Pacific highway, has returned
from a business trip to Salem.
Big opening dsnce and swim, Ash
land Nat, Saturday night. "
; Dalton, the youngest son ortherlf f
and Mrs. TerrllU'aged 16 ?ears, is
suffering with an attack of appendi
citis at the Terrill home in Jackson
ville. Soon after recovering from
the present attack it is planned by
his parents to have an operation per
formed. - ,
Pavilion dance at Gold Hill Satur
day night. May 2 4th., Good music 63
. All universities and colleges are
tiring students to Own and use type
writers for their workr The Corona
folding fills this need perfect. Two
have already been sold for gradua
tion presents. Medford Book Store.
, A rellner will double the lite of
your tire. C. B. Gates Auto Co.
Guests from Marshfleld at the
Hotel Medford are A. E. Adelsberger
and family and Mrs. James Polhe-
mus. ' ?
Try our merchants lunch. The
Shasta. ' ..... tf
C. J. Homes, has the fine percheron
stallion at Dr. Helms' bam in Med-
ford every llpnday. and Tuesday and
would like to have all lovers of draft
horses come and see him. '
Portland Telegram. Phone 620. 61
- E. B. Remington of Portland, spec
ial representative of the big moving
picture production "Hearts of Ho-
manity," Is in the city today making
arrangements for the appearance of
tbls 8 reels of . film entertainment
with special orchestra In the near fa
Alco Tail. Phone 9f. '
" Robert S. Howard, of the Ladd &
Tllton hank of Portland, Is in Med-
ford for a business trip and to visit
his friend. Delroy Getcheil. It's Mr.
Howard's Jrst trip since 1892 and
while he Uffd hdard so mucip about
Medtord andlhis valley and Wpected i
to see a splendid city and a wonder-
Iful valley, they both far exceeded all
expectations. . .
Brake lining rur all cars.. C. E.
Gates' Auto Co. ' '
.: The people of the Beagle district
are looking forward to a big dance
that will be held In that section of
the county tonight.
Furniture upholstering, mattress'
making, crating and packing. Doug
las, 101 South Central. Phone 615-J.
W. V. Barnum- received a telegram
Friday from his son Clyde who ar
rived from overseas service some
time ago and has been ill in a hospi
tal at an eastern military camp, that
he is enroute to the Presidio at San
Francisco where he will receive his
discharge. He is expected to' arrive
home next week. '
- Back .on the Job. Just returned
from the service and ready, to do
your piano tuning and repairing. W.
P. Brooks. Call Palmer Piano Place.
WANTED Tent, any size. Phone
buy Conner or Meridian Orchard.
FOR SALE Old building. Contains
about 11,000 feet of lumber and
27 squares of corrugated Iron roof
, lng. Inquire between 7 and 8 p.
' m. at 617 North Bartlett street. 53
Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated
Suits 1-2 over Mar Co.
128 E. Main, Upstairs
Kodak Finishing
Film developing. 15c roll.
Printing, post card size. 3 for lOo.
, 21213 and smaller. 2 for So. -Every
day service.
Roy Stewart in "Boss of Lazy Y"
- -
0, 'm Mi -iit.i'i vii... in. nun .i ii mm I i.n . .. -i.V'i'V"! liij ifiVr m '1
5 --'N
Sccno from film at the Kialto
Mr. and Mrs. A. McClennou of Vic
toria, B, C, are tourists stopping at.
the Medford. Mr. McClonnon Is a
well known hotel man of tho Cana
dian city.
Big 'opening Sat. night. Ashland
Nat. Dancing and free swimming.
B. W. Paul arrived home Saturday
forenoon from a business visit at
Portland. ...
- Don't forget the pavilion dance at.
Gotd Hill, Saturday night. May ilth.
Roberts orchestra will furnish tne
music. 63
Superintendent Davenport of the
city schools, his been appointed as a
member of the committee to repre
sent the Oregon State Educatioual
association In the promotion of nat
ional legislation in behatf of educa
tion as advocated by the National Ed
ucational association. ' B. H. Whit
ney, assistant superintendent of
Portland schools, is chairman of tho
Mrs. P. Randlev and son Paul of
Evanston, 311., who had been visiting
the former's other son, Paul Rand
lev, and Mrs. Randlev of the Apple
gate district, departed for home this
morning. Mr. and Mrs. Randlev
were in the city to see them off.
The condition of Mrs. Jons Jenson
who is-critically HI at the Sacred
Heart'hospital following' an operation
early In the week was reported Sat
urday as somewhat Improved.
: Harry D. Mills was a Tlsltor In the
city Saturday from Butte .Falls.
Rev. M. F. Chllds, who has been
the pastor of the Free Methodist
church Ifere for the past year and
last week at the annual conference
held at Ashland, was transferred to
the northern; Oregon conference at
bis own request, with Mrs. Childs
will leave for Springfield. Ore., next
Monday night, from where they will
go to Portland next Wednesday to at
tend the annual meeting of the nor
thern conference at which Mr. Chllds
will be' assigned to a church In that
conference.',' .' .; .
Miss Vesta Holt, " Instructor ; of
physics in the Medford high school
for the past two years, will be a mem-,
ber of the Eugene high school facul
ty next year, having bean elected by
the Eugone school board this week.
Miss Holt Is a' graduate of. the
Eugene high school and of the Uni
versity of Oregon. ' -
V : The Noted
"His Parisian Wife"
The Parisian wife of a I3ostonian, JMiss Ferguson in
this picture Wears some exquisite Paris creations.
. Plenty of Comedy. ;
The Haney Auto Bed Is strong, light weight, compact,' and
easily, placed In position in one or two minutes. Mfcdq to (It
any car.- Place your order today. Price $12, DC. t.
U. K. IlANKV, Medford, Orogon, i-.j.-. ?ij,f '
Theatre today nul tonight.
Frank Colemnn and Arthur Hatol
rigg, tho county tax department twins
spent Saturday nt .Jacksonville and
visited the court bouse.
The public market did a brisk bus.
iness Saturday morning and for the
first time In weeks fresh boot and
veal were on sale. There was a heavy
demand for fresh vegetables and gar
don truck, which could not be flllod
as many farmers hnd neglected to
bring such produce to market.' . ,
Floyjj B. Young, the frost oxport
stationed here during the trust sea-
soli loft Friday to lake . up his sum
mer's work In Portland, his. depar
ture having been delayed' tor several
days. Mrs. Young left Thursday for
a visit with herparents at San Fran
clrro. ' : ' '! : ': 'v .
E. M.'Mnlthows of East Orange, X.
J., and Ira L. Sehlcsslnger of New
i ork , city are among the; eastorn
states visitors in the city who are
guests at tne Medtord. v
x The Grizzlies' outtng at Gold Ray
dam Sunday promises to bo a com
plcte success and to be well attend
ed. The party will leave the Com
mercial club at 3 o'clock and camp
will be mado on the tract of land'
that the club Is planning to loose.
It lies Immediately below tho bridge
on the south side of the river about
a half mile distant and can be reach
ed with automobllbs. Everybody
should take a lunch, and probably
about five o'clock coffee will be
served by he club-to all who,, attend.
A meeting. will be -held fpr tho trans
action of any business necessary, and
the proposed tease will be considered.
, TOttr a ! " v
Palmer Planol Houti. has,, rcntod
tho storo bulldini; formerly occupied
by the Model Clothing Co.. 34 East
Main streetcorner of Main and Bart
Iett, and will move into same about
June 1st. I
Having bought' of the Halo Piano
House tho Victor clock, s.mal! goods
and sheet musltn'cnables us to fit
out a "store "up to date whoreby we
will be able to serve tho public as
efficiently as Portland or San Fran
cisco, We sell everything musical,
therefore solicit your patronnga an.-!
assure you of courteous and fair
00 . 234 East Main,St.
Stage Beauty
f. .-;
'-'William Wltlirow., th'Vnow ilopiity
bborltt whoso special work s to toolt
after violator of tlu llciutir und
speed laws and who has only boon on
duty this week, spending most ot'tho
tlino looking over the situation uml
getting his boarliiKs, lust night g.U
busy and as a result urresled four
men up on the SIsklyoUH who, wur'o
returning from California with ; !7
pint's of booso in their nolo. Not
only that,, but as u result of Ills
week's labor It Is rumored that a
large buotloggtng sensation Is In
The four men arrested lust night
were J. C. Robinson und James K.
Ward of Medford and E. It. Wall and
K. W. Anderson, well known mining
men of tho llluo Ledge district; The
arrested inon wore arraigned In Jus
tice Taylor's court this morning und
woro.. represented by Judge Crews.
Their hearing was sot tor this after
noon. , v
Attorney Crows raised a now -point
of luw which may prove a puxxler for
Judge Taylor under the - circum
stances, nud It Is the first time It has
evor been raised In Oregon, llu stut
ed that tho men waro transporting
the booieawhich was In bottles which
had hot been opened, from Horn
brook, Calif., to tho llluo Lodge tor
their own personal uo there.
'Ho said that relying upon tho recent-
decision of the United Status
supreme court,' as reported In the
newspapers, that It wus no crime to
transport lUtuor from ft wot state
thru a -dry state to wot state, that
the arrested men wore taking this
boose with them without fear of mo
lestation from the authorities. . They
were guilty of transporting booo
into dry Oregon from wet California
whllo enroute to wot California
This put It up strong to Justice
Taylor to muke a ruling on this con
Camera. Shop
the Only Exclusive '
iummTi'iftr I'liotiiniplifi
, i!i, S.iiitbcrti Oregon.
.,;nii'H nfnde.uny time 01
i liv appoiutment.
Pli.nio 147-.7.
" .i., i.
.5 - " ; : . '
;.: .: : .keeps her?: ' Xf:.-'
f to fill'a pbsitive need in the home for scieuHfie
days of haphazard. -rooking arc over.. I1ood
money. Neither should be wasted. Into tlie lOlectrie, Jtnnge have
beeilimilt those features" tliat 8tnnd for Rreateat crtin'oiftJ'--of timo
v of food of fuel, and cleanliness and cojweriieqitfo' uAcqtialcd.
Telephone 168 and we will send our representative to explain! ,v
California-Oregon Power Company
Phone 168 ; Medford, Oregon " '
tention, whleh was very embarrass
ing in vli'W of tl fiu'l I hal no ntrii'
I ii t news has litmn received tutl'o or
elsewhere In Oregon on I lie supremo
court ruling und tho only thing
known about It here Is from thu
l. -J. 1 '.I . .! !'.. .' 1 '. ' !' -
niter Its food hn been elicited o It MwulU
which Is beat done by Hiving , , ., v i i;
Th Inhnu' uid Children'. RaauUtor
Thousands of wlsa mothcta I:pow from nrliltil
experience that Ihnie Is nMlimg belter than tliu
remarkable romrtly for overcoming constipation,
diarrhoea. fcverUhucsa and other bnliy luiubloa, ,
Ttih purrly vftrtlnMu prriwrallim h iib"utii;'v h ifmlms
ft.tit.n no oiHdt,iwitoU(;ii, sivvM ur wltcr uaiuuui
iiiuitln-ni. 1 '
It vour babv Ii fwfiil. crlri, or sl- .iprtr -miiiims i ,
not Ikii.s vi H, enw Mi i, Wmli.w p sni mu tlie
UiuuUmu health and lifiyt.ini:ci th it wti(AW. - .
AHitlOtwIm .! -i'1 - (r
f4 tltmt Aow i
II.I.M F. RUiU. U.. N.w V, Ctm.
L - aavi.aii
3Ty M. j7'Kr' Spocial Saturday Show
;2rS!.gt)jJ 7:15' rjrntii Midnight.
Mrs. Charlie Chaplin
' (Mildred Harris.)
"When a Girl Lbves"
VAUDEVILLE CobK and LaGrande
Monroe Sali3bury;
.... , . . .III:.. ,.-,.:.:..':
"The Blinding' Trail'
GooRand IaGraiide
Science Built This
iicWBluipei' illnpntelion. County I'nwu
ciiliir liT Wi(n''lli' Jacksonville .
and tliereroio Jusllco Tuylor-Hiil tho.
Iiimrlity In IBn case for tills iiflor
iuhui wlieii lie pi-oHOi'ulor eoulil Ihi
present' ' 1 ' 1
rnr i'D'Jji.ii i I
!:W.WII!ifU ?
- . - v: - 'i', - "iii.Wl
y-v ''
cooking. Tho
and fuel coat
I,, JM .
& 9
i ' 1 1 i