Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 17, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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T PA'OE Timicti
TIUCPABHMY, N, V., Mliy 17.
Wlion tho Kliuit Amurlraii hydroiilr
pliini'K Kiiml awny Into tho enitl, ovnr
tlio (lruuil ItnnkH mid tho brunt) At
Inntla, I hay miUtrml iipiin u couriui
not only curofiilly cliiirtml, but pfi
trnllod by ronruo unit ropulr Kliljm nil
tho way to Uio I'ortiiKimno cortHt. .
"(Ilvo it no luck, K'mhI or Imil.jind
tlio trnnii-oecmiilo vbyuKO Hlioulil IiO
nimlo without trmililo," mild dim
mitnilor John II. Tdwimb, chlor of tlio
iixiioilltlnii, couiiunnlliiK liuCoro tho
"hop off" on tho coniiilotmioHii of tho
mivy'i propurullniin, "W nm not
nnilorliikliiK. tho liniinnnlliln, wo' nro
not 'ImukliiK on rliimoo. Wo aro ul
tnmptliiK a f liuhl wholly wllhln thn
niiinhiinlinl ponnll)llllln of tlio N (J
pluniin, hopluii to ilmnonntriito, with
out rimlijiwii rlxk of llfo or viilmilila
prnnnrty, Unit mi nlr tirulKO (o Kiiropo
In n pruitli'iil pr'oponltln."
Olio of Coiniuiiiiilur Towom' broth
or officii dnrliiratt Hint n now bran' lr
of tho ncliinca of imvlKiitlon . win
KrbwhiK up nroiind tho NO pliincm,
tlinH muklii'if tlio fllKlit nn undortuk
IllK tixprctoU to conlrlb nto mncorlally
to tha uilvuiirdinoiit of tlio profiwiilon
of tho Hen. Olnnt Mr "ion hum limm
ninda In ilavnlopnionl of tho atiivrlim
and weutlwr churn to lio mod on tho
fllKht nnd tha crow exporlud to ac
oomplltih worth -whllo remilu In tho
experiment! nbovo bluo wutur.
nnrrlitlon of 1'liinni
Tho niivnl oruft; tho NC-1, NC-3
nnd NO-4. Iiiiko flying boiiln which
narond from a "tuko off" In tho wntur
nnd "lund" nUo on tho mirfuco of tho
mm. nro driven hy Mbnrly niotorn.
' four to plnno nnd UKKrnKntlnx 1000
liomnpowor. They nro of tha blplnno
typo, with u wlnit itpnn, of 120 foot,
lunula ovor nil SO foot und loiiKth of
hull, 4i foot. Tho emft wnlKh in, 100
poundn, with nnvlpiliiK nod wtrolomi
oiiulpinimt nlionrd, but without crow
nnd ruol, Tho tolnl flyliiK wolnht la
m.soo poundn. , ;
Tha pliinon linvo a dunl control nyi
tnin, with nt ildo by bin. nnd for
ward of tho Rnnnllno tank, for tho
pllntB, ench of whom linn n coinplollT
net of limtriimnnU, Including com
pnMp. Tho navigating Htutlon, out
fitted with tho regulation innrlno In
trumvntii, U In tho bow, whllo tho
onulniier nnd rndlo oporntor occupy
tho muln compartment at tho lanka.
Tho plane nro expected to TUlo.
without wind,, 75 (land) mllna nn
hour nnil tho Knnnllno capacity of
11,400 poundn will curry them up
ward of 1500 nil leu. oonnliloruMy In
oxcean of tho loiiKeal' Inp of tho ocean
fllKht from Tropnanny to tho Axnron
without ro-fuolliiR.
, With Commnndor Toworii In chnrRe
of tho expedition, tlio three plnno
not out In command of Mr, Tower,
Lieutenant Commander A. C. Head
and Lieutenant Commander 1', N. L.
lJelllnser. ,
Hkctiiie of Commander
Commnndor Tower who I H
yearn of nuo, waa born In Georgia
and ontorod tho naval arndemy In
1002. . Aftor aervlce on vnrloun wnr
ahlps ho wa nalKnod to tha aviation
aoctlon for Instruction threo year
baforo tho outbreak of tho Kuropean
war. Midwinter of 1912 found him
In charito of tho aviation camp at tho
(iuanlnnamo maneuver itroun,cl of
tha Atlantic float, nnd In September,
10 H, n n Jloutenant, ho went to Lon
don at altnnl to tho' American
naval nttneho. After n lour of duty
an tho stnft of tho chief of operation
at WanhliiKlon, during which ho par
ticipated In tho selection of aviation
, HtatloiiH nnd won It I h commlHHlon n
commnndor, Mr. Tawara wnn dimlKn
ntod early thlk year to develop tho
plana for tho trniia-Atlaullc fllKht.
Lloiitonont. Commandor Itnad, 33
years of ngc, wan born In Now llamp-
ahlra. After loavlng Anunpolla ho
filled varlod naalKUmonta until lDlft,
when he reported at tho naval nlr
' ntutlon nt Pcnnncola, Kin., for In-
atructlon. . Two years later ho took
command of tho aviation at at Ion nt
Hay Hlioro, on Long Inland, later aa
aiimlng a almllnr pout nt Miami, Fin.
Whllo on the staff of tlio chief of
naval operation nt WnnhlnKton tho
following your ho waa dutachod for
tomporury duly In connection with
tho camouflaging of noaplanoa at
Jlnmpton Ronda, Vn., Inter holding
changing aaalgnmonta until ho wa
nnmod for participation in the trans
atlantic flight.
- Lloiitcnnnt Commnndor. IlolllnRor,
born In South Carolina, 33 yearn ago,
want from tho naval ncadomy to son
duty, which Included commund of a
Htibmnrlnu, Ho returned to tho acad
emy for. aviation Inst ruction tn 1912,
nnd tho following, yonr joined the
luuntaiinmo nlr equadron, Aftor aor
vlco In 1 91 4' on tha stuff of the chlor
of naval uoronnutlcs, ho was anslgnod
to the Pennncoln station, whero ho
won promotion to the command of
tho Hampton RoadB aviation camp,
to which ho roportod later In 1917
1,1 o was on dotuched hnvy dopnrtmenf
duty whon he waa nolocted ns ono of
the trans-Atlantic flyorB.
Tlio battlenhlpa Now York, Arkan-
naa, Utah, Florida and Texns, with
' Hour Admiral Kodmnn'a flag 'flying
from tho first nnmod, uro at non with
tho doatroyor pntrol, which la conv
mnndod by, ftonr Admiral 'IMunkott
on Iho crulnor IlochoBtor, - , ;. ; :
Killed BV. Fall of Seaplano.v
l . 1'IONSACOM, Flu., Mnv 17. Kit
uinti if. Vnwlor.' of Siilein. MttHa.
anil fjhiol' Oimi'loi'iiiHHlef KVnr,wore
killed hero lotliiv in tlio full of n Hen'
. nliino into PiMiMiicoln llnv, Tho plnno
wu,s wwkgil,
The Outbursts o f
Everett True
1 AM FKOM THC5 city
now, whatH xovr.
(i am fkom ,th5 city twy zXj
"ijfew DiRcsctorv orrxes ino leu
yPzFui l1C5tA LIKC5- A 'aHCSKSY
riS,i DisTtcceRY J 1 vnt MY
h nM fAM5 to o3Pei-ceD RlCNT
LI, NP MY AOOR&V? Civeifv
Memorial itorviccH will mean more
to people iIiih veur tlinn ever before.
It ia not oulv u ilnv for ono nation
but tliu whole world. Tlio addition
of nenrlv lour million Holdiein to the
military liialorv nod Mint of
America i in itnell' enooi;li to atir
now cntliiixiiiHiu nnil nntriotiHiii in our
henrlM. Tho' loan of fitl.OUO brave
Aiiierieiiim ill battle mill Iho lo-H of
another 57.111 llirotiuli other coiihch
wliilit in the aervit'o of their coun
try Iiiim made Memorial llnv a renbtv
ill the liomeM of build reds of thiiu
snndH. lx.'t the cervices of thia dirv
cluiin Your iiliKolule devotion unci at
tention. Show whole licnrted HVin
luilliv for thoKU who have loved otiex
sleepinir on forciiMi fivlilx.
The meuiorinl Herviees nro to bo
held thin veil p in tho Ituptist ehiireh
on Memorial runiliiv. Mnv A'tlh. All
are expected loatlend. The (I. A. It..
the Helief f ortis, t lit; Auxiliary, (he
Miildiem of the Kimiiisli-Auierienn
war. the Next of Kin, the Stale
Quiirdx, elr., cte, . .
Theso orumiixittinnH will lie Healed
in miiuiriilti bodies if noKnilile, mid we
trust everv meuilier nnd every noldier
in I bin vieiuitv will attend.
The church is u'lad (n honor nil ulio
have nerved the count rv und cliul to
servo lliem wherever it emi.
Let tho eilir.ens mill the eliureh
si rive to make Iho memorial services
of Kill) lueiiiiirablo.
rOltf LAND. Mu 17. Duns for
extension of tho Y. Af. C.A. into re
mote districts of OroKon linvo been
completed here nt n oonturenoo'-of
reprosentatives" of tliu vnrions
branehoH of tjio urunnixntion throi ith
out tho stale, it was jiniiotinecd to
day. A enniiiimmi to finimeo the
lilnns will he eoniltuiteil durini! the
woek himiiininir, ,ltinc 1, A fund of
:i2.00() will lie the objective. ,
; Showers Forecasted.
WAS1I1N.OTON. Mnv 17. Weath
er predietiois for tho week heuiiinjnit
Monila issued bv tho weather bu
reau todnv lire:
I'neil'ie slntes: Normnl lemiiern
turc nnd uenernllv fnir except occa
sional showers prolmlilu first pnrt of
week on mirth I'neifie eluivt.
WlieneiiH. our fellow townsman.
Oeoruu Pulniim, for a number of
vears tho nblfl editor of the Mail
Tribune, has recently aevcrcd his con
nection with that paper; and,
. Whereas, durinir the ureut wnr ho
was most iieuerous in support of tlic
Jiickson coiiiilv chapter of tho Amer
ican Heil Cross bv eivintr publicity
to tho work of the Hcd Cross throtmli
the column of his paper and bv his
editorial contributions; .
llo it resolved that tho executive
board, of Hie Jiickson county idinpter
of the Anierienn lied CrosR express
llieir sincere appreciation of his ser
vices mid his lovnltv to tho cause of
the Kerf Cross.
llo it further resolved that n copv
of .tlicso resolutions bo presented
to our fellow citixen. Oeoree l'ulnain.
a copv bo spread upon the minutes
anil a copv be civen to the local news
papers. SAHA llLYTIIE MI5AKS. '
Commit lee on behalf of the Executive
Hoard of Jiickson Countv Chuptcr
of the Anierienn Hcd Cross.
Those, who nuestion tlio advisabili
itv of irrigation in this vullev, should
interview Frank Loder. who lenvea
toduv for liia homo in lieddine. Calif.,
utter attendance at the funeral of his
uncle, the late II. II. Ilullev,
loiler is buck in the power biiKinHs
iigniii, ufter rcHitninir from Ilia po
sition ns solicitor and field tutor for
the correspondence school. Ho is
now with the Northern California
I'ower eompanv. nnd hi especial mis
sion has been for months past the in
stuli.tion of power plunU for ptimp
inir witter from lh Sacramento river
for tho ricq fields. ' Ainone; the no
table outfits he has installed are four
iiiiito. e'acb of TitlO li. p., of the four
pii'nim drawinit MLOOO gallons per
miiiuto from the river channel into the
conpiiiiv fUics. Another of three
nn ts of l.'il) lr. n. each, for unother
coi'inunv. Within six miles of the
Inlter additional units 'totnllint; 1500
h. o., nil for the purpose of elevntinc
weter to the ditches for rice culture,
which has proven n phenomenal suc
eesg in that section, ns a result of
war prices. .
The land is reclaimed land, of the
lcort type, and the heavilv eapitnl
ieed companies, after installinir the
pumpinir plants and lavine out and
construetinir the nccessarV' contour
ditches, sublet the land, includinc
water privileges, for over $."i0 per
acre, nnni'iil rental. .Mnnv vielcis were
reported lust venr of 50 bnira to the
acre, avcrudni: in value "i per buir
for the rice, of which sccyral varieties
jire crown.
Mr. Lodor anvs it is follv'for any
one to fiuht irrigation in this valley.
l.EOE. Corvnllis. Mav 17. Wearinir
starched collars in the woods on a
I imlier eruisine trip or havinir tal
cum powder in one's possession con
.stitutes n misdemeunor and the cul-
-prit must be "hot handed." This waff
the verdict of the Kanirnroo court
held bv Deun O. W. I'euvv of the
school of forestry nnd 13 of his stu
ients in camp iioar tho base of
-Mnrv'a I'eak. jThe trip was for the
purpose of cntiiintr 0 10 acres of tim
ber (o estininte.jtjio content of the
irees tn oonrit laei. iicnn I'cavr wag
assisted in tho work bv L. C. Iicenall
of Hood Kiver und J. F. Holmes.
Oakland. Onlif.-
Cut Tbla Out It Is Worth Money
DO.VT MISS THIS. Cut out thlB
sleep, enclose with Sc and mall It to
Foley & Co., ,2835' Sheffield Ave..
Chicago, III., w'ritlng your name and
address clearly. You will receive In
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey add Tar Compound,
tor coushs, colds and croup; Foley
Kldnoy Pills for pain In sides and
back; rheumatism, backache, kidney
and bladder ailments; and: Foley Ca
thartic.' Tablots, a wholesome . and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, ' headache,
and sluggUh bowels. , For sale by
SfeJtord Pharmacv. :
New Shipment Arrived
' During the war U, S. AVAR TRADE BOARD
' prohibited to import about 95 of our line, but latc
, y it became all free, and avc are getting new ship- :
incuts every week, i
Kodak Finishing
First class work and every day service. Charges
are about half price,
6 or 8 Ex. Film Developing
10 or 12 Ex. Film Developing
Post Card Size Picture Printing,
2Vx3'i in. Size Picture Printing ;
3 for 10a
.2 for 5c
Jap Art Store
' Medford Oregon
p Mi
" n iir-frfcir ir lin nn
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot ranch tbo uutvo( tha dlseasa.
Catarrh Is a loonl dUoaso, nroatly In
fluenced by conhtttullonal conditions, and.
In order to cure It you must take un
Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is taken Internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medio I no was
proscribed by one ot the best physicians
In this country for years. It Is com
pound of some of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the boat blood
purifiers, -The perfect combination oil
the Ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is what produces such wonderful
results In catarrhal conditions Bend for
tPMtlmonlnlH. frna.
F.J. CHMNKY ft CO., Props., Toledo, O,
All DriiKfTlHts, 75c
Hull's Fumlly l'llls for constipation
The McCurdy
Insurance Agency
.. Writes every form of insurance but life.
Your patronage solicitcd'on the basis of superior
service. ' ' :'
. , Medford National Bank Bldg.
JHTyD'je ConsiderationV
pi to Your Own Interests
lm II TIiIk Is nelUior miserly nop gplflsh ilSl
IIJI It' In it ninttor of flnunclal prudence II Jl
I I ' to have a reserve fund and snvo nil ' II , I
you cnn.
,V Shirt such n fund now vtltli the ' il I,
.. vLi v, , Jacknon County llnnk. 1 JjI
' LS. " '" rSr ent Interos' Jk JI
fPK paid on savings . " ar
jpr; aoconnU. ; ' '
HEDie6s' -.
You Can Get These
Seldom, ifver, is a motorist offer
ed a really tangible added service "
at one-half the cost , lie has been
paying. .. .
Yet Gates. Half-Sole Tires do give '
Puncture-proof tire service guar
anteed . r -.
At only 12 the cost of ordinary ires.
Such service was made ' possible ..
only by the invention of an entirely
new principle of tire construction
by Charles p, Gates, E. M., a tire
engineer of national reputation.
This invention has already put back
thousands of dollars into the pock
ets of more than 400,000 motorists
and dded 8,0C0 to 10,000 miles to
the life of their tires. i ; '
. j - .' ; ' . ''.. '. .,':",;'''"
" Thiuk what it rieans to you to start
.your season's driving practically
free from tire worry and with the
satisfaction of effecting a tire econ
omy you had hardly .thought pos
sible. : . .
" '""The 'day is over wheivyoii need be
satisfied with anything less, for a
new standard of tirei service has
been established.-- - . - . .
If you are not now securing these
,ad vantages, you qwg ifc tp yourself ;
to investigate the Gates Half-Sole
; Tire at once.
F. R. Roberts
Phone 162-R
132 S. Riverside
When the American engineers appeared on the. scene
"Over There," the necessity of putting through one big job was
apparent. Thousands of our boys were to follow; the big ships
bringing them, and the big freighters loaded with supplies must
be able to dock quickly, unload in haste and depart unhampered
by delay of any kind, to bring more and more men and additional
tons of food, supplies, ammunition and the necessities of war, in
order that success be assured right from the start. .
: A certain seaboard town, on the coast of France, had been
selected as the most favorable port for the landing of these great
ocean carriers, but the facilities to dock and store were far from
adequate and haste was the important factor to save France.
. Elaborate plans had been prepared by the French engi
neers for building suitable docks and warehouses, but they said it
would take six years to complete them. The American engineers
re-designed and built them in six months. ORGANIZATION
did it. , , '
So it is with everything else American today. Success in
the operation of all the big things, in this ago of wonderful ac-'
complishment, is through this medium. Public service . corpora
tions have been quick to realize this fact and their policy has
undergone a change. -
Organization sounds the death knell of the duplication of
effort, it systematizes details, it brings unity or action, it pro
duces the most for the least, it makes a smooth limning marine
whose product is service.
This is the reason why, in this day of progress and devel
opment, modern cities and great manufacturing industries prefer
to be doing business with large concerns engaged in supplying
electric energy; this is why the systems and plants of big power
companies are being , tied together to secure the most efficient
service through organization , ; ,
, California-Oregon Power Company
Phone 168
Medford, Oregon