' PSQE FOUR STEDFORD MATE TRTBtJOT!!, MEDFOKIh OREO ON, S ATITRD AY, MAY fl, - 1919 tlEDFORD Mail. Tribune AM IMntflrKnRNT NRWflPAPER rvuvwiya kvert afternoon JBXCBIT SUNDAY UY Illll MEDl-OKD PIUNTINO CO. Offlox. Mull Trlbuns Building, S6-J7-H norm i'ir nmu rnons yo. . A consolidation of the Democratic Time, Ths Moitford Mall, The Medfnrd Tribune, the Southern GregonlAn, The , The Aferiford Sunday Sun le furnlahed ubscrlbers desiring a seven-day daily newspaper. ROBERT nUHU Editor. 8. a SMITH, Manuirer. ' ajtrasosiPTIOsT SSBxai Y MA1I IN AnVANOh: Dally, with Sunday Sun, yearW.0o uany, wun Sunday wun. momn . . DallT. without Sundav Sun. veal-- J.00 Dally, without Sunday Bun, month .(0 : Weekly Mall Tribune, on year 1.60 ' Sunday Sun, one year 1.50 BT CARRIER In Medrord, Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix: Dally, with Sunday Sun, yar..7.S0 Dally, with Sunday Sun, montii .6 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year. (.00 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .(0 Official paper of the City of Medford. AMI.I.I T . . IChtered as second-class matter at Med ford, Oregon, under the act of March S, Xi9, Bwora flail ivmn fldMinlatlon fn? Six months sndlng See. 81, lSlS.-S.04t MfcMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED ..- i -. prkss '. - Vull laaA Wlro ServiM. Th A kjmv- elated Press Is exclusively entitled to wi uw xor repuoiicauon ok ail news dlspatohcs credited to It or not other wise oredlted In this paper, and also the local news published herein. All rights f republication of special dispatches rein are aiso reserved. . Ye Smtidge Pot By Arthur Perry LINKS TO SPARROWS The sparrows playing on the streets. Each day are growing bolder. . They flit about the horses feet ; ' ; And roost upon your shoulder. ' . Thdr work lies In the fields afar, A-chaslng bags, while farmers sputter Instead they loaf beneath some car And dine from out the gutter. ; c : ' ,-;..; '-, .' ".',C',; ' Of all the birds up in the air, .No other's brain' so narrow, . For nothing do they seem to care, i Kach, a feathered Theda Kara. ." That the coming generation shall Stow npjree from all deception, it is ' proposed by a gang of Philadelphia - xealots to abolish Santa Clans. This is the most laudable of reforms, and showing the Bplrlt of the Crusaders still: lives hot on the trail of the "forces ot evil." . ' ,V The-Belgians, as you no doubt re member, were the game fighters who with the odds 100 to J against them, delayed the German armies. 11 days at Liege, and elsewhere, while France . and England were waking up. But for the Belgians It might have all "been over in 1914,wlth no need for America in 1918. Yet the peace con- i fab quibbles , over the damages, and Belgium threatens to follow Italy. BUTTON! BlTTOJf! ETC. (Orlando, Cal., UnK Button On Tuesday, April 29; 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. John -Button, Orlando, California, a son,' weight 8V4 pounds. - IX) YOU REMEMBHR When Mose Barkdull sold Ad Wol gast a hog ranch, and a pair of brake- men out of a Job promoted an Inter urban line in the valley. ; - ".-. Only one returning soldier or sailor in 192 leaps into matrimony, statistics show. The 191 have .enough of war. ; : ; , For uniqueness , in architecture, and originality In design, none will deny that she thlngamajig on the top of the fish market takes the cake. 1 'Farmers, try our squirrel poison. Klamath Hardware Co." (Ad Kla- math Falls Herald).- If it gets the farmer, the hired man can go after the squirrels. FAMOUS SYSTEMS Human Hun Oregon. , . The Italians are not, as excited as they were last week. They are either oooled down or getting their second wind. - -. ' :' . ' If Col. Mundy hits oil, it will not be necessary to smudge, ,but mon - dleu! how the streets will be tracked UP- ' .Ti-'.'-.v .;''''.'' ' None of the aristocracy showed up FrI. . wearing a bunch of straw mold ed into: a hat. L . ,' , , The Chlco ('Cal.) Enterprise has ceased .abruptly hooking: this, the Shears or nerve being lost. ,) Where are the Frenchmen who used to cheor the president, . trlas tempo diem. . , -. A halr'fell out of old T, Fuson's head In mid week. Friends fear he 1 will commit haticlde like Port Neff. The police are watching Immature . mustaches for sudden growth. It Is reported, hut not confirmed ihat a new form of whiskers has broken out on Mose Alford s boy. This Is the end ot it oil 'The Lowest Depths." HOW ABOUT MEXICO?, MEXICO promises to become a live issue again. A book has recently been published by Doubleday Page regarding the. Carranza administration. It is called "Mexico under Carranza," by Thomas E. Gibbon. ' .. . If half of the statements in this book are true, then conditions in Me::ico now are worse than they have ever been before. v 7 - ' . ' ! Carranza was recoguized by this couhtxy on the as sumption that order was soon to be established, and re forms instituted which would bring relief to the common people of that distracted republic, v According to this book, however, the peons who were to be emancipated are suffering a far more frightful bond ago than even in the reign of the autocratic Diaz. Instead of establishing law and order, Carranza is merely the willimr tool' ofi a corns of rival bandits. A-ho rob and loot and kill, during the week; Carranza regime alone on Mexico is uaturallv one the continent. But in this treatise Mr. Gibbon declares ranches are grown to weeds, cattle are fast disappearing. and as the constant guerilla wartare renaers country lite unsafe, the farm laborers have migrated in hordes to the citvs, increasing the" mouths to feed, raising rents, and by thus .cutting off the production of food stuffs, increasing ehftos and starvation. . ' .-.--; : The middle and lower classes in Mexico today are dying by the thousands. .Foreign business interests have long since departed. And worse than all, according to Mr-. Gibbon, Carranza and his lieutenants are Vaxing ..II ...... - '. 1 A 1 . -I ,t i riclij bmldmg up private toitunes tnrougn tne exploita tion and ruin ot the coimnon people ot .Mexico, whose welfare they righteously proclaimed was to be their sa cred obligation if allowed recognition and control., , ; ; - ........ . - , . .- The author arrives at this conclusion: . , - . -( ."Thei-e is yet time to accomplish a great deal that jus tice, to speak nothing of humanitarianism, would appear, to call for, if we would cease to expect at the hands of the dominant class m Mexico the justice tor the masses winch we humanelv desire, and insist upon the sort of govern ment which the rights of our this we would be rendering masses of Mexico. ognizes force as the only influence that can .control his actions.; He .has no conception of and aia respect for any other influence. Like his brothers the Bolsheviki, the L W..W. and the Germans, he ure or refusal to use force to accomplish a purpose if it-is at command. In a well meant effort to serve these unfortunate people we imposing famine and death We have assisted of Mexico over to a party which is destroying the Jives of thousands or its own people in vicious and immoral living .the property of other thou sands." -';''.""' '': 'f.- -"'"'"'.'! - "Would it not be better idea of doing our simple duty leaving the Mexicans to their are not warranted m rescuing the suttermg masses . ot them from the criminals who are imposing upon them so many of the miseries ot self government as it exists ui Mexico! ; , .".v-'-v ' c In conclusion it may also be stated that Mr. Gibbons is a lawyer who has spent many years in Mexico but he claims to represent no large oil interest or industrial con ceni in the country across the line. . Time For Calyx . The first arsenate of lead spray should be applied to apples within ten days after the petals fall'. The calyx on the apple closes soon after the petals fall, therefore It Is neces sary to spray at this time In order to fill the calyx cup with poison; , This Is considered a very important appli cation in order to prevent calyx in fection later on in the season, a thoro application, should be. made .within the next ten days. - Local conditions will cause variation in the stage ot development of the fruit and spray ing can commence when ninety per cent of the petals are off. This will only be necessary In large orchards where it takes a week or ten days to make one application. " On smaller orchards spraying will be ' general from May 5th to 10th. . , . Where green or purple aphis are present, use one gallon of distillate oil emulsion to 100 gallons of wajer and three-fourths pint nicotine sul phate to 100 gallons of water and two pounds arsenate powder. and (If arsenate paste is used,' use four No Substitutes for .. .Oregon now has a oermahent,- in corporated dairy . roiincjl. And this, is its motto, or sloiran:- - 1 ,, "There are no substitutes for dairy products."..-" . '" Over and over these words haunted a few of the leading spirits of the state of .Oreiion. It was Inst sum mer when the war was at its height, when, feed was nearce . and labor scarcer when the dairymen of . the state wore becoming V utterly . dis coiiraired nnj when many were kill ing off their cows nnd the uulilie was cutting doifn mos'v ahiiininOlv on its (onsumiition of milk, butter and other dairy products. .ana so a icw W roese lar soenutj eultural college,.- the " 'Bureau', of Health of Portland, the fctnte IWvv and Fond comnusHion and the Food ArlminiHtration culled a niectin mid organized the Oretojr Dnirv Council as a temporary boil?' lo help Hie dam-men nnd to sirens lh food value ol dnirv prodiietw and enipliiimr'.o the - '...... i and "accept bribes tg leave the bundays. of the most fertile regions on citizens domand, Iu doing a service to the lurtortunate The Latin Mexican rec can not understand the faiH have actually assisted in upon thousands of them. in turning the government and confiscating and spending now for us to go back to the to " our own peoplc'and own devises if we feel we Spray On Apples pounds to 100 gallons). If apple scab was present last year add lime sul phur at the rate of one gallon to forty gallons to the above mixture. pray thoroly and be suro to fill all the calices. , , r .-'; ;;' Pear Scab " . - '' ' It is not necessary to spray pears In order to fill the calyx cup as the calyx does not close on pears like It does on apples. . However, in some orchards, there are some leaf-eating Insects and it Is thought advisable in some localities to spray pears at this time. I do not believe it Is necescary to; use lime sulphur on pears for scab because very little scab", has been found for the past three years, how ever the above combination .without the lime sulphur can be used, very satisfactorily on pears and It is very effective In .preventing new infection on .pear blight. If you have not used this preparation in the past commu nicate with the county pathologist for particulars." ' -V 'V ' (Sighed) C. C. CATE; ; Dated May -2, -1919.- - Dairy- Products fact" that for milk,, butter, da., there are no substitutes. . ' . ? ; . .-; : , - , . . , -r. i ' O. D. Genterliead of the extension department of the Oregon Agrii'ulr tural college, was elected president, and K. C. .Callaway, 'city -milk cjiemf int. secretary. It was from the eurly efforts of thiw ortranization and, on the foundation it laid that the present incorporate, bdv. was bui'.tl. i i . , -- The council imredintelv refeived the eruloi'Keint'nt of'tlie titntu sunort intendeht of schools' who Offered his pn-operntion in the educational cum; (yiigu stiii'led by .the. .nu.bli.pitv direc tor. Kditli Ktiigiil Hohnes, to. empha size the food value nnd vital worth of d;rVr wAnnllt nd their in.lispenna- jIHICHESTER S PILLS rv THE UIA4IOND II BAND. A bota, sealtrt ia plii BIU -ju. xbmi Btt otmer. npi Imt nf ronr rf. A.kiofirfJin H.TRK')! DIAMOND llltANU FJLI.N. fof rkrt-mailJt,8fert.At.yiKolil)lft SCU)btliRU(('i!STSEVE8VlHERE The; Lamb- and ill WfC . '. 5i c .''"''A ' fri "TKt lama and 14 Uw," UUlit SklM la(M Maulv 4riaw, ,' v ; One ot the scintillating luminaries in "The Lamb and the Lion,"' Ulllio Rhodes latest picture to be shown at the Rialto for today only', Ib "Polka Dot." : f-i ;-'."- .- ': ' - ;v-:':,,'.' " "Polka l)ot'V Is a diminutive and frisky pig, all spotted over with what bilitvv-.The governor of the slate, the lute Hon. James Withvoombe, sent his endorsement, the state, fed eration of women s clubs did like wise and the school and libraries helped materially in the work. ' After the preliminary months the results were found to be greatly en couraging and the council decided to become, permanent and this month it was incorporated. Medford is repre sented, in the council bv the Jack son County creamery. Many of tho loading banks.- creameries, dairies, cheese and ice cream concerns are members. Tho council isn't organ ized with a viqw to' fighting any in dustry, but it is determined to brine before the people the fact that butter and milk are absolutely necessary. Dr. E. V. MeCollum.'who spoke in Portland, cave ns the result of mnnv years of experimenting, the statement that in milk and bittterfnt there are vital elements Hint make them iodis pcnsiblc. ; He fold of experiments that" showed 'thai "blindness hud re sulted from the- omiting of blittnrfnt altoget her. ; 7 .' ' Tbci next meeting of the state dairy council will be Jlav 21 lit Portland. Tho advertising- committee will meet this wecTc; ' - - O. I). Center, head of the extension service at Oregon Atrtcultural col lege is president; F. L. Shall, mana ger of the Globe Jlills is trensurcrl and Kdith Knight 'Holmes, formerly editor of the woman's department of the Oregoninn. is secretary. The wo men's clubs of the state huvc en dorsed the council: Governor Olcotr. State Hnperintcndent Churchill and everal others of prominence arc working'for its; success!. ' -,;' "MY SOLDIER GIRL" IS PRETTY GIRL SHOW 'What will prove the prettiest. $irl ihow, catchiest music, : funniest comedy- and most gorgeous produc tion on tour this' Season is the bril liant musical eomcdv.' "Mv Soldier Girl." n brnnd 'nnw offering coming to the Page May, 0. . :, If pretty girls.' who can nnd do, sing and dance, will make a musical show a success, this entertainment should lead all other attractions, for in this shpw from the rise to the fall, of the final curtain there are girls in all their possibilities, proba bilities, and nil their charming atti tudes. The authors have combined clever snappv diuUaiiie with tuneful melodies and the song hits of which there are more than' a score, in cludes the title .song success.' "My Soldier Girl," ,"0fr Broadway." "Hol lo Kvervbody,"-' '".Jasper's Kngtimc Band," "Take Afe Home With Yon." LWoh't You Be Mv Beau." "I'd Feci ut Home If They'd Let Me Join the Army,"- ;Jiiht. for' You." - "Sugar Baby:"' '.'A Long. Long- Time. . and several 'others.'; ,,"';' i: ' Woman Cried With Pnln Thousands of. -women work today while suffering from kidney or blad der ailments' that can' be relieved. Mrs. L. Wayuo,. 2726 3rd St.,-Ocean Park, Cal., writes) "I had to sit. down during my housework. My back ach ed so, also my 'hip pained me'so I used to cry out) the pain was , so great. . Now I. am thankful to say that Foley Kidney (Pills rid me of all my pain."; , Backache,, sore muscles, stiff or swollen 'Joints, rheumatic pains and Indications of kidney trou ble Foley Kidney pills are safe and rellab'lo. .They bring quick results. For sale by Medford' Pharmacy. JOHN i A, PERL -. tTndertaker .;, Phono SL 47 and 47-Ja - Automohllo Hearse Service Lady Assistant . 82 SOUTH HA11TM0TT Auto Ambulance Her vice, . Coroner the v Lion atv Rialto looks like the black moanloa hence his monicker. . Ills comedy is unpro medltuted, except when bi hits the butilo that Is tho baby mllk-bottlo but he reRlstors strong In his sronos, especially, whora ho Is found In his mlstross' )ied by u burglar who expected to find something also. oil E8 PHONE COMPANY SALEM, Ore., May 3. The Oregon public sorvlce commission today Is sued an order refusing to allow the application ot the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company for an In crease of 27 percent la telephone ex change rates oh the company's lines la Oregon. - Slight Increase In rates at some points. was granted by tho commission.' Tho commission took the position that to grant the general rata revis ion sought In the company's applica tion would place an unwarranted burden Upon' tolepho'ni juaori.1 Tho decision was readied ottly after a far reaching Investigation, by vt largo force of exports working for the com mission, extending over five months and after stormy hearings at which telephone users testified. Except at four polnta," no Increnss was nllowod In residence rates by the commission.. Temporary modification was mado In fates for business ser vice to help the company meet wage Increases and othe abnormal ex penses. ; Tho order .was-made effec tive May 1. Business service rates In Portland were increased for single parly 'lines from fg to $8.50 and for two-party linos from to to $7 monthly. At points outside .Portland, . excepting towns whera ; consolidations have been made, the maximum Increnso In the business rates was f 1.&0 and this applied only at a few places. Thru out the state the Increano In business rates ranged generally from 25 cants to one dollar. .' ' . Llshon Revolt Crushed. LISBON. May 2. An attempted revolt in Lisbon which had been or ganized fur Ijist, Tuesday was. broken up If v tho government, A 'number of persons werq nrroHtcd nnd soma have been expelled. ' ' " ' Thre Is moTf Catarrh In this cHon of th country than all othea dlseasos put together, and for years ft woe aup posed to be Incurable. Docton prescribed local remedies, and by -constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced ft Incurable. Catarrh Is a local disease, srcatly Influenced by constitutional con, ditlons and therefore requires constltu. tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co... Toledo, Ohio,. Is ' a constitutional remedy, Is taken . Internally and sets thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward Is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Bead for circulars and testimonials. ; , . F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohlo.-i ' Sold by Druggists, 76c. . - . ' t Hall's Family, Pills for constipation, j, , rf- V4t GHT INCREAS Forward Went the Stars and Stripes As tho stars and stripes went for . , 'Ward In many a battle, you rejoiced thut you heliwd supply the wnnls of . our bravo troops, who do gloriously helped In winning the ,wniv Your . . Country now Invites yon to subscribe to the Victory Loan. . . ESTA&LI 5 I re tees" GIRL'S APPEAL 100 .. WINCH K8TKUY KnuliuuV April II -((,ur,it'Himiueni't) til" Hit A.wuiit ed lltwsii' XJoi'ii Hill, ,011(1 of thq lingo . military rewirvntitiim tin - tliu heightrt ovorluoMng thfs pioliirusnue old city, is uiiuin an American (uiiiipl During the war it was tint principal UNHtmihlv uromirt in Kimlaiul for Amurieun Itigionw on the wav to tho war. Now it is the clearing station for thousands, ut' bnttlo worn Aincri-, (tans who nra on I lie way homo, Tlutv are the men who fought with thu British ftm'-xi , Uno htlskv Michigan lad now-it) the camp inituted his chance to gel away with- thu Inst shipload of un married mcu by making a sudden en try into the matrimonial stale. A dnv or two before bis transport was to sail he was spetiding the afternoon with an American gjrl ho hud met iul Winchester. . She was trout I'atlur son, N. J and ha failed her ''Jersey.'1 ' ".Well, this is uuml-bv." bo said as ho was about to return to ramp: Thinking of huino diunned thu girl's eves, "dec, 1 , wish I was go ing tool" she exclaimed " . "You mean thitt. Kid," said tho biuj uiiqdlu westtirnvr, ' "1 sure do," she replied, '' ' i -Tciichcd bv her tours, ho made ft tpiick docihlon. "All right, come along with mo." ho said, soiling her arm. He know where a suocial li cense could be obtained, nnd a few hours Inter they were inun nnd wife, ; 111 Jelling the correspondent of his romance, the soldier remarked : "I wouldn't leave- a dog on this side of that goad old Ktnlue of Liberty." lie meant no disrespect to his lirulx. I A Hpevial canteen for these home, wartl bulind soldiers has been estab lished at Morn Hill by lli Aiuurivan lied Cniss. - 1 - L . IJU .Ml . K OF THE Clarcnc J. iilocnker of St. Louis. Missouri, writes. "I have a pair o( shoes with Ncolin Soles and have used them for two years. I think they will hut another six mornha." Mr. Blocnker-also recommends Nolin Soles for their comfort and watcrproodicua. It Is a remarkable fact that Ncolin Soles cost no more than others that give only ordinary wear. You can Jet them on new shoes in many styles or men, women, and children and they are available everywhere for rc (oling, too. And look at the money you lave because you need fewer pairs of shot with Ncolirf Soles. Kcmemher tlicnf soles are made by Science to be espe cially tough and durable. They sis manufactured by The Goodyear Tne & Rubber Co. of Akron, Ohio, who oho make Wuitjfoot Heels guaranteed to outwear any other heels. . ' wiiJj hblp you ' A simple way to add strongth and vigor to Indoor workers. - Oftentimes, tho Inactivity and con finement of Indoor work results In a goneral "falling off of physical fit ness. , , .. ;''. , PKPTONA, our host tonlo, Is ideal as an aid In combating these condi tions, and In rebuilding run dOwA systems, , ,' --. , - , . . . v - . . ' 'I ipBPTONA contains organic Iron, Malt, MaHganose and Extract of Cod Liver Oil, so comblnod that It Id pleasant to take and easily assimilat ed by evon very weak digestive ori gans. ' I- ' , -Por Bale Only- by ! m PEPTONA i Per Cent Interest . paid on saving ..; account. ' In The Spring-Time. ; r a uy tool Hnnwn enough to carry an urnbrojla whon :, Iti'rnlns, 1.... .i . UllI; UIU VHSUIUIHJ . - who or v I II I rtoe 'ona whon f Hlaonloloudy.- 'itl ' . i ' ' " III" eend fop a iloo-; lor whon bo acta bodfoflt, but tho'wlsor'.qno In hq' who adopU propor snofuiuroa poioro Ills ills booomo Borloiis. ,. Ptiring ft hard winter or tho following spring ono fools rundown, tlrod out, wotvk nnd norvoue. rrobitbly; you havo aufforud from coldt) or tilfluoniu which bus lord you thin, wonk and polo. Thin U tho'tiino to put your,, system in order. It is time for jioustJ-olcttnliiR'' , , ; ' ' A good, old-fashioned fdUrativo nnd tuinpornuco tonio is opb mado of wild roots and bucks without tho ; use of alcohol,' nnd callod Df.' Tiorco's Guidon ModiuoJ Disoovory, in taClot or Utiulil.form.' 'i'Wa V naturo's tonlo, which rostorci too. tone of tho stomach, activity of the livor nnd stomlmes kto tho norvos, utrougtueuuig tho whplo system. ' .. '.' '. '"-V Send Dr. Piereo, nuffalo, N. Y, tea cent fur trial package. : ; j, ' , Mim, Ori "A s t6iht timlo to bulii n weAluitwJ, runluwu s?"vitt mm to sirs u n nralli I Jguttd lf . , frnts's 4IoMm l)lry s-nkI. A IrWod I.l rsinimiti I I (mikI It sll U,( slit hud eltlnwd lor Ik" M'.J(Amw, ISiHH H.llttUuvlH. . ',.;. ', 'V.iaiMICri . When Irrnsulur or delayed use Tri umph Pills. Hafa and always depend able. Mot sold at drug stare. Do not exporlmcnt with others, save dlsap polnimot. Wrltn for ''Hellof'.' and particulars, It's free. Address: Nat loiml Mtnlleal lustlttite, Mllwuukoe, Wis, - ? - ."' LIBERTY TAXI With saw Dodge cr. Stationed at It N. Front Bt 33 Uaio Lyon, Vrousv Itioae ,1 i. W l j..'-,,-,.,. ', .-l;..ij.-,'f : : .. ,-. '',:.; i v, . I- ' I It tllvn n man good fiMxl And drink Ngrecnhlo to his taste, healthful and Invigorating, nnd ho will suroly come buck for more it the coat Is not pro hlhltlw, '' ; !. (' ';-' - ... . ' . " '' V'i-' IheGusixefCafe Prodtirls will lo offered to you upon this 'principal. U-i.fi t ' : '.ft', , WORKERS In Oregon's : industries should firrd ''.'especial pleasure and satl-' action in favoring Oregon . products In their buying for by so doing they 'tort, helping to support pther Oregon workers on other; Oregon payrolls In true "brotherly .fashion. ;'. ':, ,n lSE flOME VROPMCTS.. ,' .'-) ' ' ': '- ,r HOMI iNDUttTRVLtAOUR a.OKBOON urn 'VHVV'WVMV'Va'i-'--,',! i-iaS5;fli'' Loyenng; Nino coti,( wide,, bougljf bo fore war prices were added, nee T)atterns. rerriilnr m'ice 51,20 'Vftl'd.'"..!', : .i:M Our Price 800 .' ... ' p;.ri'); ,'..(.;. '; '; ,". .' .,' . , ( : C6me irt atid see it before 'bayifl'g :prigvlv:;' Poole Furniture Co. W1 Congole ".a1: