PAGE THRUM CYOLONE OF FUN CANNED "APPLES "Flirtation Walk" Feature of ' . . "My Soldier Girl" at Page FROM MEDFORD A VICTORY WEEK P a KffiDPOTlT) WATT. TUTBTrNTE, MEDFORD, OTtEOOX, HA TURD AY, MAY ft, 1910 I 'riml'i a darn poor plitoo to buvo n jmliitor .woiTdnJ diirlim Ihu tiny, mild a Iriiviillnii ni mi oiitorlim omi of Mod ford'i Inrito rot all Ktorn yoKtonlny, Ho wan hnikliltm with a liiiiitlkorcliliif ut ft nliiH or whllo on hi Kliotililur. . The morHtiiint iiuiiIokUihI tluit (ho ncelilimt hud Imnpimoil, and flniiily lit In find lliu Hlj'uiiKiir, lQvory dny till week pulntom linvo been ninhliiK fttoro from llko now, und window trlmmnr Inive . iionn working fur liilo llio nlKht down In tho linanmimt mid nock rooms koi IIuk mirirlnu roudy tor tho erowil tinxt Mondny ulKlil, whon Tilndford'n Victory Week onon. , WikHC.Mimiii Much ' ( Kow nvrmin rnullui whnt nil wonk nioaiin to Mud ford, unlit a t(iivolliiK men who piMiKjH thru tho oliy often. Till g mllomuii , him boon boIIIiik Boocln , to , Mfldford morclmnl (or u Ion tlinj and known a number of person very well, i 'Thl wook of Vlotory window und Victory, nlu , mnknt your city look llko a iiiutro libllinn place vorul time ll olio. You do not know how many people not tbo Mtmo Impromilon. I do und you Imva no ld tlio rcwultn thivt como Imok to the olty m run u It of tho illKht oxpeno and work tlmttho tore go to, In preparing for tho event.. ".-...- . ; . i "It' eometlilnic the wholo city can Ink prldnMit Vlotory Week and nl tho nme time show tliolr spirit and loyalty." ..v. fs,..,.t- -.. And what tho tnan 'aaya In true. Modford ooplo aro proud of thulr olty. Thoy do. not apatoRlxa for it alio, but on the. ollwr hand point to what tho IiIk lltilo oily ban dona and l going to do. :. : , j . , . Modfortil fortunnto In having oma of tho beat window trimmer on ths coaat, w fft"f-' . fiHHal r'rafairra '' "':;''- " Through arraniceinontK for .Victory , Wook tbo city band hua boon ongagod and will nlvo an oponlng contort at 8 o'clock Monday ovonlng. Following thin tho 'National (liiarda undor tba direction of Captain Canady will glvo 00 Exhibition on tho frcet. . Tho tor window will be opened at 9 o'clock. One minute before 9 the light In the whola elif will bo turned' out and thin will be tho lwin4 for all merchants to uncover their windows for Inspection by the crowd. The tmUthcb of the evening will be turned Into a cnrnlvnlot nolao and fund and there will be a well conduct ed treet danco. ' : i , Ruturdby night I fool night and everybody, man and child, In aknd to monk, wear clown nulla, blow born. ling or do any othor thing you want - to dn, JimL ho you ha honorable. . - Mr. Mlllurd will bo In chargo of the community Ring. Tho high achool will lead and all Join In old long that wo all know, , ; A cyclone or fun for old and young. Let tho old town rook. :"' - : ' WOMAN IS ARRESTED . 1'ailTL.ANf). May 3. II. B. Wll iop. formerly a itudont ut nil officer trninlntf achool nnd on of Mm. Iurft Elipy WillBon, prominent club woman wua iirroBtnd at tho Mborty Templo yeatordny chnrgad with ' dlaordorly conduct; i'ntrolman Evmia, who made tbo nrront, roportod that Wll aon,; who In 19 your old, bud mado lilmnolf a nulannco by haunting tho government omploymant ' offlco In inarch of ponltlona which ho would not knon after ho hud flocurod' thorn. f Polfeo rniy that nftor aulttlns work tbo govirnm(!iit 1 omploymont offico had found (or him,, tho boy would rot urn to tho offlco nnd upbruld thorn If anothur Job wan not forthcoming, EARTHQUAKE IS LATEST . 5 STUNT AT REDDING " ! REDDING Cut., May '8 An earth qunkc of ' ft (toon nocojidii' durntion was toll hard onrly toduy, und uIho nt Andomon, Cul. No dumugo wnu ro portod. " ,::.- ' .No dilHtiirbiinoo at Mount Lusson w'hh n'otloottli'le today, nltho Hn erup tion oocurrad early . last nlKltt.v Tliln wa' tho ono hundred and forty-soy-oftth oruptlon t eliico' tho volcano showed BlgiiB of ronowod aotlvlly, Out This Out It In Worth Monoy DON'T MISS THIS. Out out thin lip, enoloBO with Sd and malt It to Koloy ''ft ' Co.,! i 8'35 Shof Hold Ayo Ohloago, 111., writing your name and addronn oleurly. You will receive In roturn a trial pacltngo containing iroloy's Honoy and Tar . Compound, for coughB, colds and oroup;. iFoloy Kidney 'Pills (or, pain in sides 'and baok; rheumatism, backache, kianoy nnd bladder nilmonts; And Foloy Cu thnrtlo Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing onthartlo, . for coiiBtlpatlon,, hilloiisnoss, hoadacha, nnd nlugglell' bowols. For sale by Modford Pharmacy, " - inr 'Ha. i'tf iWimwawM III IHIIHIt ir"Tl 1.4." T ' . .VT- .'-'T"!'. ,T7. Tim nioni tulked of mualcul show or the neunun In the military mimical nitocluclo "My Holdlor tllrl," coining to tho I'ugo next Tuiwday, May 0. The gorgooun contumn aro or tho lAt- ent donlgn, tho numuorn are ningod undor ono or our boat ballot masters and tho feature novel) Ion aro many, Flirtation Walk," an -illuminated run-board extending from tho itago over tho audience, and the inuny number Introduced on tho "walk" offer now and emntlng'entortalumont UYtalion corps In novol drill, a grand illumination of New York City; ( a beauty ballet from the Hoof or the New York theatre and a bewildering orroct, a ljuttlKflold ''Bomewhero In Franco" aro a few of tho (oature novoltlen. . Thore are. some twenty miinlcal hit, Including "My Soldier Olrl," "Take Mo Homo With You,' 'Mlollo Evorybody," "Jasper' IUg tlmo nund," "J ut for You," "Won't You 'Uo My BeauT". "I-et' Keep the Olow In Old tllory" and, ajscore of while an aerial night, the girl or the other tuneful molodles, I IN LOCAL PULPITS In every uliurch In America, no mutter, what the denomination, nn effort in beiiiit Ujimle tomorrow to foo that winio part of the service dciiln with the (mention n( unctuidovment. Modford in no exception to the rule. Uiilu dviilinir with the subject of emidovmcnt lm been muilcd to ev ery piiKiup in America bv Snurelnrv of r.nbnr iWilwon; ' iMnidovmvnt Smidiiv will bo cele brutcd ntiilo largely in MctbodiHt chundioH. ulllioimli it will be bv wuv of the Mctliodiht miniilo men. Hie novel orgiinixntinii of liivmen created bv the lur..lll)0,OIIO Mi'llindiHt ecn lennrv for iU caminiiun, that the iileu will be i)rcentcd. ' ct'erv job with tbo nenrcftt brniii'h o the United Klnles oinnlov inent Horvice" in the LMt iff the ideas the miniiio men will make. Dr. ('Iirisdinn R HeiHiier, lender of the 75,000 JIoilindiHt miniilo men, UL'KOsled tho , cmiilovment. Snndnv idea, an nart of the Mclliodist con ten a i-v idea to miika Die churches of Hcrvico to Hie government, 'llio min iilo men for Home time have been KlieiiliiiiB on I ho Vietorv loan. E Tho different auto dealers have or. ranged for a Victory Weok auto par ade on Tuesday, Muy 6th. Tho par ado will Blurt (rom tho Washington school building promptly at 3 p. m and march down Kant Muln street, doublo'back to the city park,.. where mo cnnt maun, aim iruciura win m ready for inspection of all interested Tho parade will be headed by the Modford city band and will be the grandest display Of motor vehicles evor shown in Orepon outside. . of Portland nnd will, be well worth com ing 50 miles to see. . ." .. ( ';. ,. . . Tho Modford auto, 'dealers are a Mvo-wlro bunch and when they start to do anything It Is always done right, v . ( , Come to Modford on Tuesday. The following Interesting note from Sorgeant Cole llolmoe, son or Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Holme, written on tho hack of a Hogue River Can ning company wrapper taken from a can or apples, will ho of Interest to everyono in Medrord; . Amei. Exp. Forces, university a Iioaumo, Cote d' Or, France. I I.;- April J, 1919. ; Rogue River Valley Canning Co., Medford Oregon. tientlemon: "When Greek meet Crook then come the tug of war" might paraphrased to read. When Modford man meet Medford rrult, then come tho cry for more." Today a mink neighbor of mine In our billet made a visit to the commis sary ntore at the school here, rottirn- nlng he Invited me to share some canned apples he . had purchased. They tasted so good that he was curs ing at not bolng able to buy but one can at a time (tbo rule here).. T vowed then that tomorrow would ee me In line bright and early to buy a can, they! were o good,'i ' An he wan about to throw the can away. I; waa attracted by this label. uoiioto me i cauoa inoir attention io It and lot them know' 1 too was (rom Medford'. It may Interest you to know that tba government sells these to ii for 13c a can can you beat it. a. good 7000 miles from home? r . ii.;.. Wishing tho R. R. V. C. Co.. the best of luck; and promialng to buy a can tomorrow- and another the next day, If the aupply holds out, I remain, Ono of Medford's many- over her.e, 80T. (R. C.) COLE! HOLMES. i ffio af(- uoat 'tound soft drink Retailers and consumers are not required to pay any U. S. Revenue Tax on Be vo, as Anheuser-Busch pays all revenue taxes Hfereon direct to the Government. ANHEUSER-BUSCH . ST. LOUIS m "T - f SLS urn 0 ''"iiii,:,!!::!!:,;;:,.!:1,::!:.! WEDNESDAY. MAY 7TH 1 DODGE CAR DAY The Geo. B. . Treichlor Auto com pany will have a big display oi the femous Dodge cars on Wednesday, May 8 of Victory Week. at which time he asks that all owners of Dodge earn In Jackson and Josephine coun ties to be present, with their car to take part in the parade which (orms on South Grape street, and starts at 4 p. m. . Cars should be In line by 3:30 p. m.- i ;-'Mr. Trelchler Is offering $75 In Iprlzea or best appearing cars (or each yoar from 1315 to 1919 inclusive, and the ovent promises to Ve one of the big features of Victory .Week. Owners of Dodge cars ae responding nicely ana Mr. Trelchler want eacn owner who can take part to phone him or mall slip from his ad else where In this paper, which also gives the list of, prizes. . If you cannot notl ry Mr. Trelchler come anyway. HOOD JtlVHll, Ore., Mny 3. Mrs. njndys Wxmdnvor, tonchnr of lun gitngeo In tho high school hero, wua dismissed todjiy by tbo city nehool board wtiich ullegod tho teachnr bud radical tendonclon Iwhlch. mado hor eiiiploymant In the schools Inadvis able vAecordlng to Information glvon tho school hoard, MVr. Wondovor vis ited sovoral schools hero on May Day, dollvoi'lng radical uddressos to the stndoiils und distributing litoruture. Tho toucher came here rocontly fromj,lJOBtluiid und hud boon under obsorviitlon for sevnrul Sveoks, inom bern of tho school hoard Bald today, Sho had been warned on former occa sions whon mho distributed1 radical lltnratiiro, thoy juild. - '.'- LIBERTY TOMORROW - . . MONDAY ' ;. First'Program of Victory Week. . 1 , MACK BENNETT'S 'GREATEST COMEDY OF , ' . THE SEASON WitK Variations Tmvcsty on Famous Play that, used to set the Gallery Gods Wild.. - Featuring Ben Turpin, Chaa. Lynn, Marie Prevost East Lynne Pauline Frederick In tho intensely dramatic and heart appealing story "Out of the Shadow" liberty:". With Meilford Irndn Is Medfnrd mndo Today BIG BILL HART in "Branding Broadway" Nmw York or Now Movlco, you nro Oond suro of ono thing In every Wllllnm S. Hart picture. . Thin time), tlio husky Wostornor tonrs right Into Ilroiulwny's roughest. Wntch him), : FANCY HART WEARING A DRESS SUIT 1 NEWS WEEKLY REGULAR PRICES LYONS-MORAN COMEDY . SUNDAY- MONDAY Mack Sennett's Greatest Comedy of the season "EAST LYNNE with - VARIATIONS," Travesty on Famous Play. , Clean Up Paint Up , ' Make your appointment with , , . , DICK SANDERS for your Home Beautifying in all its branches. Good worknlanship guaranteed and good material used. Phone 840-J 844 W. 14th Vulcanizing All par work atrictly guaranteed to be tint das. 15 N. Fir 8t Medford - Phone 434-J , . , . MEDFORO VULCANIZING WORKS MJSJOrUJtUi IKUM WUfiJU FOtlhDRY AND MACHINE SHOP Also aeent for Fairbanks sad Mono Engines. ' ' - : 7 South Rhwrslda. '. X ? T t t T 1 i t T V I t t 1 t I t t t T J i x T X X T X t V X t $75 IN PRIZES GIVEN AWAY To Dodge Brothers Car Owners in Jackson and Josephine Counties HELP US OUT ON OUR VICTORY WEEK STUNT ?" ,t Our part for Victory Week is a Dodge Brothers Car parade, and, as an incentive, the following prizes will be awarded, by competent judges, for cars of each year since first built by Dodge Brothers. ' . . f 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 FHIST PRIZE, AUTO ROBE SECOND PRIZE, TIRE COVER. FIRST PRIZE, ONE SET WEED CHAINS. " SECOND PRIZE, ONE SET NO-GLARE LENS. ' , FIRST PRIZE, ONE SPOT LIGHT. ' SECOND PRIZE, ONE PETRY CUTOUT. FIRST PRIZE, ONE MOTORMETER. SECOND PRIZE, ONE TROUBLE LAMP., FHIST PRIZE, ONE PYRENE FIRE EXTINGUISHER. SECOND PRIZE, ONE CANVASS WATER BUCKET : ' These prizes will be awarded for general appearance, ' and each year 's; modeT will be considered separately.' , , We want every Dodge Brother's car owner in our territory, Jackson' ' , ' and Josephine Counties, to be interested and join the parade. ' . V , . i There are no conditions other than being an owner of a Dodge Broth- . crs' Car. . r f Parade to form on South. Grape street at 4 p. m. Wednesday, May 7th. v ' .If you will consent to enter the parade please sign this slip, cut i it out, and return to us before 12 M,,May 7th. , t - t T Salesmen: ' X ' W. E. Guyer, J. 0. Cobbs X Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. Medford, Oregon Liberty Building