P AOTC TOtTR BFEDFORT) MATE TTtTBUOT!, MEDFORT), .' OllfiGON.' TITUKSDAY, --MAY 1. 1010 JLJI J l '. fa llEDFORD iflAlL, TRIBUNE AN lNDHPRNDRNT NKWHl'APKH PUBLIHHICl BVMHY AKTKHNOON ... JCXCBIT HUNDAY PY TUB M KDKOHD PUINTINO CO. Office, Mall Tribuna Build In jt 3&-1T-U norm rir sireou rnone to. A consolidation of thfc Democratic ?imPB, The MoiUow Mall, The Medford rltmne, the Southern Oreftonlfcu, The Aanianu 'iriDune. , The Medford Bundiur Pun la furnished ubaorlbere dalrlnff anven-d&y dally newspaper. ...-. -. RonEnr Ttimu Editon B. t$, SMITH, MrtRor. nasomiFTioH tbbmbi ftV MAIL. IN ADVANOh: -"V Dally, with Sunday 6un; yMr.MM.0ft uaity, wiin isunuay un, monin., .00 pally, without SunrViy Hun, year.. 1.00 Dally, without Sunday sun, month . Weekly Mali Tribune, on year. 1 Sundav Run. one venr...j 1 BY CARRIKR-rn Medford,." Ashland, Jankiionvllla. ' Central Point- Phoenix: Dally, with Sunday Sun, ynr...-.$7.50 Dally, with Bunday Bun, months, .86 , Dally, witholttBunday Sunt year.. 8.00 Dally, without Sunday Bun, month Official paper Of the City of MtnJford, umoiai paper ox jaexson uouniy, Rntered ae eoond-clnss' matter at luedford, Oregon, uuder the act of March worn flatly aTerare circulation for mix months ending Deo. 31, 1918.3.04S MEMBER OP THR ASSOCIATED PRESS Pnll Xeased Wire Servteh. The Asso ciated Ffeaa la excluslrely entitled to the use for republication of all neWa aiapaicnet crednod to it or not other wise credited In this paper, and also the local news published herein. All rifrhta ox republication of special dispatches sierein aire aiao rwerveo. - Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry 1 "There-is bo such thins as Pcrson- v al lhsrhts," : shout , the zealous. If there "wits'- hot, people 'whw like mu sienl eomedv.., would find relief in choir practice. The Personal Right . thine has. more antrl.es than the world has sim but it is the iitr Saw in the toolbox Of the rcformci's mlhateiir and pro who .have bowed their necks. on remodeling human nature, on. ac count of the wnr. v u ... ... .. . It was advertised extensively that the war would , make a different world. So far it tms-not sanctified the saint. nor rciicncrnted, the sin ner. If filifthittir. it allowed Human ltv to get its wind for the farther pursuit of the Ahniiihtv Dollar. There was a little slowinar ub. at the crossings, but for the most part it was. Full Speed Ahead! ,V . Terrorists, who plotted and made bombs for leading citizens, of the land, muilihp the same in some in stances. ould be cured liv an nnnli cation 'of the Jerror they advocate. No doctor likes his' own medicine. In 3916. or 1!)17. a ccntleinan bv thc name of Little.'. an L.W. W. of hieh detrree. started a reisni of terror in . Butte, Mont; Jn the irrev dawn of an April morn thev found Mr. Littio hanging from a. trestle in the sub urbs): feet down. Butte, Mont., has not been bothered with reigns of ter ror since. . " A PB LUXE FELINE- i ; -, .Corvalhs Gazette.) -v LOST Yellow Persian cat. An swers to the name of Levx Uewnrd ; for recovery of same. : ' Mrs. Jiines Hill, . . People and editors and poets in sist' on cullins Fiume phume. That makes 'em fiime. ; - - Two more staw hats showed "d on the avenue du Muinj Wed. Towit: S ii.. Lieonard ana a stranger in our midst. .-1 v . What has become of the old fash ioncd citizen, who was nlwavs get- ; ting hit with an auto at Hoverside and Mam streets, in the earlv evening? V A COMMERCIAL ti ET AW AY . (Albany Democrat.) '..''." P? A; Yonngy Harrv B. Cusick ' and Carl Sox, three progressive , business men of tlie. citv. left on the morning train, for parts un ' known, 1. -1 y. f-. ,v-. It is tibotit time .for the Czar of Russia to show 110 alive again. ' ; ROSE CITY RESUMES ITS SERV1CEP0RTLAND RUN SAN ; 5lACiCp..:'MpV'-i-r-The r San 'Francisco'ahdJPoTtlnnd Steam, ship company 'resuhied business to day with the iclenrine of, tlie Hose City for Portland at 11 a, -in. The company had. been inactive ginfe the Hose City was laid up for repairs in December. She canned. k full cargo of gcberal merchandise. The company's remaining steamer. The BcaVer, still is under the direc tion of the United "States shipping - board. - -v' 's lie Escaped Influenzs ." ''Last spring I. had ft terrible eold ' and grippe and was afraid I was go ing to have Influenza," writes A. A. McNeese, High Point, Ga. . "I tried maijy kinds of medicine, 'but remain ed clogged with' cold. I then took Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, feeling relief from the first. I .used seven Bmall bottles. It was a sight to - see the phlegm I coughed up. I am convinced Foley's Honey and . Tar saved me from Influenza,'., CheckB coughs, colds, croup and wltooplng cough. For Bale by Medford Phai niacy. ' ' '''' ' " JOHN. A. PEEL Undertaker Phone M. 47 and ' Automobile Hearse Service Lndy Assistant 82 SOUTH RAUXLETT Aula AmbuUaoe Service. Coroner THE CHINO JAPANESE AGREEMENT. T T NTIU tiiv1 t'omplcto text ho ngfoonicuV lo( wi'on jjiimn and (. uniii rogamiiiur Kiao l-lialt and NituY tmig in made public, jiUlKUieiit of course must be vesorv- ed. Hut upon the race ot the present reports it won! appear that Ja-i.an, lias roeeived deeidedlv the best of it. All Gernuui rights at Kiao Chnu hnd yhaiUuiig are re ported transferred to Japan ."without reserve, Japan agreeing to hand back full sovereignty. .iu'Sluuitxmg to China retaining only , the eeoiiomio privileges gi'anted Qerniany and the right to establish a settlement at Tsing Tao, south ot Iviao Chau. . "Only the deonohiic privilege's" would nppeaf to he only what; japau has been after. Jatmn doesh't care about thQ flag waving Over the custom house if sho can collect the rent, and full economic privileges would in reality mean, tun economic proms. , L' Paris reports tlie League of Rations will be sufficient ly strong to fully safeguard OhinDsc interests, particu larly as Japan agi-ces to Withdraw her military forces as rapidly as possible. , This looks suspiciously, like passing me duck to tue league. , ut course there iyay be regula tions not announced which will materially change the complexion of the i situation, but iith the infgririation at Hand, it looks as though the settlement of the controversy had been postponed, Hot decided. ; . - This Hiiiy be the proper course. ; To alienate another nation immediately .following the Italian withdrawal, might, jeopardize the establishment of the league entirely, aiid the imperative need is to get the league machinery as sembled. Once assembled the problems can be adi listed as. t uey arise, ; if rienrta or the lefieue ;will natura v be much interested however-in receiving'-the official text of the Urmo-Japanese agreement, .so the equities in volved may ue accm-ateiy determined. Until some of . tlibse bombs explode there will be a suspicion that Gimbel Brothers advertising man lias pull ed an advertising stimt' that' entitles him to a raise in salary. ' . . . . .::Z'L.T'T' ' :" ''7 -;.; Pari is 'taking no chances with the Gorman 'noiicp delegates they are to be housed in the Hotel Reservoir. Tlie British aeroplane may get across the Atlantic but get a regular service would not appear likely unless they a new weather man in Xcw Foundland. . - New Guinea a Knotty Problem WASHINGTON. April 20. "New Guinea, had it determined its sover eign powers Itselt, might be said to have 'played-both ends a'galnst the middle" with a vengeance; for it was divided among England, Germany, and neutral Holland," says a bulletin from the National Georgraphlc so1 clety. .. v .;."' ; " ;' "This Island, the largest In the world. If Australia bo ranked as a continent, and fn many respects the most primitive, furnishes one of the perplexing colonial problems before the peace conference." Conditions in New Guinea. In the period before the wa, are described in the following bulletin from the National Geographic society, - based on a communication from Thomas Barbour: - "New Guinea, the last great area remaining in the -tropics which is still almost completely unknown, has peculiar charm for the naturalist. "Lying between the Equator and Queensland, Australia, its length is about 1490 miles and its maximum breadth is 430 miles. Its area Is greater than that of Borneo, being about 300,000 square miles. Politic ally It is divided into three-parts. ' "The lower coasts bordering Torres Straits from British Papua as it is now called. The eastern coast as far as 140 degrees.47 minutes east longi tude, with a considerable hinterland, goes to make-up Kaiser Wilhelms Bryant Washburn and Pearl White at the Liberty Tonight '- pRYANr-yASHBURH & The Viy o au VitKi-NdiS ' SEWi LAR PORTLAND, iiay, 1. Only- ono girl, out of 221 Btudonls enrolled, in the Girls' Polyteohnlc school here. hopes to live at home and be her own housekeeper, altho all hut two ot the girls have decided upon their 11 fo careers' according to answers receiv ed today to questions regarding their life ambitions. .': : Of 38 occupations listed by the girls in their answers sowing proved the most popular with 43 students who were willing to claim it as their llfo wofk.. Stenography came second 39 girls listing It. as ' their chosen work, while mlllliwy with 23, hurs- 2 p Ins with 20, teaching 13, mimic, It. domestic sctonve, 10, and domestic art, 8, followed. Among the. more unusual occupations, each chosou by at least ono girl, are postal clortt. actress,- fancy dancer, florist," re touch, advertising, short story writer, lawyer, physician, singer, rook, tele graph oporutor, soulptor and Illustra tor. .. '.' i : : .. i m SUNDAY BASEBALL !S LEGALI2T0 IN GOTHAM ( JBV Y0IIK,; May lAa it ; quence to the recent ennetmont ot stalo law pernitttins' local Option oil Sunday baseball, the city board Of aldermen todav adopted an ordinance legalizing the playing of professional baseball in tills city on Sundays after 1m T. ATifl 11 IVAIOJW MDOBfiH Crescent Bahing.Powdcr "Hire ' imnortiuit own t I n I btitir tlinn nlher Itliidk'ttika n elioilld uido you bi Oio d.-lwllim ' fctarlii wholiwom ' M or bakl .Hiwder-purity. StToi leavening efficiency and econ omy. ... .' (VoN(n In nlwolutoly puro by ', Uibtirntory tmta and itovrininont . ' tMulnrd, tVrttM-nt, Ihm-uii It ."' Udotible avtlug r,nhmi (ho dough Crescent Mfir. Ci., fUvntlte, Vnb thrift ImkllMI pawdir. It roalit I cm, does indr nnd U-tli-r work, and Icon quiiii; lily Is iwulrl. , VoM will tUM the frest-rait Owk llimk I very , Itetnful. Cox free on WUtt. -. Write , ' , . w i - BLISS NATIVE H E R B TABLETS Recognized for thirty years as the only standard herb remedy for - CONSTIPATION Disordered Stomach, Biliousness1, Indigestion, Sick Headaches, a fa mous - . Kidney and Liver Reaulator Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price $1.00 per box of 200 tablets. Get the genuine. Every tablet stamp ed with this trade mark. Sold by leading druggists and local agents everywhere. : ' , it , ' GfVe it riihn kooii ifood ahii- drink- agreeable to his taste, healthful and invigorating, and lie will surely come back for more if the cost is not ni-o- "liibltlve. MGusherCafe 'rodiicls will be offered to you uiion tills' principal, ;,. Land, or German i"ew Guinoa. . In both, of these. districts there are a considerable number of white settle-L ments and mission stations; and min ing and copra farming are carriea on. The great western region Of Papua is Dutch and it Is of this region that we are dpallrig especially. :.-'' '"Tt IS this very absence of white folks which gives this land an added Interest, for h.ere the native may bo seett In his primitive simplicity. With such a bewildering varrety of human types among the Papuan tribes, each speaking its own language, the eth nologist has a great field, one which Is certainly unexcelled. "In coming to Papua from Malasla it is the sudden contrast in the peo ple which makes the most startling impression on one's mind. : The Ala lay, grave, reserved, and dignified. Is as unlike his New Gulnean neighbor as a Chinaman is unlike a European. These Islanders are a happy, boister ous, lot until some little thing offends them, when they at once become sul len and treacherous; but as we had no occasion to cross them, we got along admirably. . ; N'vi i v i V - i lA' CHICHESTEi. SPILLS , - THE LA MO. ID DBA50L A IodlcI AalL J oa r If ncltt for A lM-m.T: roar " V ft t RJl Blue RiW-w. 1 F1IU la Bed ftn4 UeM BxrtalUcV Doxei, euti ru Blue Riu-n. Takoo alhtrr. DnriffM U1AMUND HUAMD PJLI. for . - rtu kstwouBoL Baf trt. Alwara ReJL,lUi SOLD B UffliWilSTS EVERYWHERE LIBERTY TAXI 33 With new Dodge car. Stationed at.4 N. Front St. Hale A Lyon, Props. Phone Vulcanizing All our work strictly guaranteed to be first class. 15 N. Fir St., Medford f - : . ' ;" Phone 434-? ..- ...... - .!.. medford Vulcanizing works Congol eum 4 First-Class Floor Covering Nin6 feetf Avide. iTongift bes fore war" pries'. We're addbd, nice patterns,; regular price Our Price 80c yd. Come in and see it before buying for spring, - - Poole Furniture Co. 0 WlthlSouDS and broths. You will fiijd Snow ( Flakea satisfying in every particular. I You, will , enjoy immensely their , delicious ; salty crispness. and srich ' texture. ;) . ' .. A ' . -: .'," , Dont, ask.lpr2crackvers,sayiSnow , rlakes. . " iYour grocercan "supply ' you.') Clean Up Paint Up Make your appointment with . for your ffonie Beautifying in all it's branches!' Good workmanship guaranteed and good jnaterial psed.' Phong 840-J '. ' 1 ; v 844 W. 14th , , ' ' '-.;'. --' V'- IStiiwr HMIKHM'MilS T' ';. :'' -' III . ... - ?'CashCapifar'f' NOW that 'ybu htL-ei addedctbry bonds to your other gtrod Securities it's time tb.be- ., gin accumulating more Cash Ca,pital. Otlicr--; wise your repoiH'c.el will be out .of balanco. Adopt the facilities' of the First 2$sx- tional Bank to your necds--and learn to niiikc use of tliesc to' the full cxhint, : Capital $100,000; , ' ; ) MciiFORD Oregon tot' : ...;:.'..;;.-.., Lady irc'sioT'fi- .-..;.' f-- :' ''; 5,!' if r .' ...... '' -.'. Owfuir id J'cccivinir. so lnaiiy jiaiuc I stntotions from liuly mitoinoliilists wenvo coiripclU cd to givt tuio iosmut 'pitch day to motor ; loublcs. . We have dcHignatcd certain days tot cct'fnin '(fat's, iit'twpcn the houtw of 2 p. in. and 4 p. in. Bring an old ithmtcr On the day of 'your iii.structioiiH.. (Hit this out, and come on the day set for your cr All lossotin free. "'' "X ''':.' ' 'v ' , MondajrsBuickfl. ; - J- v ' i- Tuesdays Ohevrolets, Franklins. ' Wedhesdays-Hudson, ChftlmeM, Maxwell. Thursdays Dodge, Oldsmobilo. - : " ; FridaysOaklandi Saxon, bveHaiid.!v,f ;:, Saturdays Forda. '': l' ,'.' ' .'V- Lake Motor Go ForWalfead Ceilings A Pointed Fini sh Is Best ' A lustreless oil paint finish is Idonl for walls and colllngi.',. It It artistic and sanitary. It Is .economical because ; its ' .'' ' ditrablHly renders froquont ro-docoratlon imnecessarjr,'' ; ' : : fiCME QUALITY NO LUSTRE FINISH Is a sanitary lustreloas, oil paint made especially for walls and ceilings. It can bo applied oVor plaster, wall board, ; motsl, capvas, wood, or any surfaco upon which paint can' . bo used.. ;. v. " . ., ;. ' . ; ' ASK at ouf store for color sample cards, and lot ui ostlmate.' - tho quantity required whether you buy or noL. - ; Crater Lake Hardware Go.'; MEDFORD. OREGON tonsumpt -it ion Home Products :- ; Means Home Industryr; Let your next sack of flour be JILMO ahd keep your money in dfculation at home. Your local grocer has it. j SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Rogue Valley Milling Co. 'I , Medfotd, Oregon