Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 28, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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CHICAGO ; April ,'jlH. Iinniliim.
- Him (if 11,000,000 foreigners, mostly
CbluMO mid Jupuntwo, every year for
(lit) next firty wwm predicted
hero today liy Abraham Bowers, I in
mlnrntton aenroliiry of tin) Y. M, C. A,
in Ilia coiirsn of un address before
the llllnnlii 1 Htnto Anitirlcmiltiulon
coiiinilt too, . ,. ' ' , ..; ,
Mr, lluwom bnsini lila pradlatlttit
on the iiwtuiiiiitlon (hat tho Krowih of
Iho; Untied Slate fur (ha next hulf
century will run u I ro horde ot.uum
limn laborers,
"They mun( coi'iin from tits Orlonl'
said Ml; Bower,. ,'Tlio' Huroimuii
lulmr now In thli country la fust
uruiluntliiK Into iniiro skilled occupo.
(lima unit further Immigration from
I lint noiireo doulx InuH will lio greatly
turtullod owIiik to depletion of mini
power In Kuropo by tho war.
"Before tho war wo nHnlmlliitod
about 1,000,000 Immigrant annual
y. ' they worn mostly used In comV
munJI'or, A osr country, grows
the heed for" labor t Inornaac "-In
ratio. Thero lit only ono place for It
lo eonio from now, Chins and Japun,
1 believe that they will lutnrmarry
with our people at other Immigrant
ire (loin. 'jnpatitiso and ' CIiIiiimo
Indent now uiarry our university
ilrl. .They will override racial pro).
Uillcfl, literary leal and. ovury othur
K ...
(hi Tuemlnv evening. Anrll 20, nl
8:ir. tlit! i'riiiriwH Kuliiiie will nro
ncnl lur own ilrumnlililiun of
"N'liiuiiiin, (lie l,eier." bnwxl un t lit
old Jtihlo jtorv in which (he imrt of
the lift It Hebrew iniiiil, tliroiich whom
Iho urciit Svriim I'linliiin. Knninnn,
was enl into the In ml of Wnrl to the
IVil'liot Kliwhn to lie denied of Iiih
Irprotv'. In fini'lv portrayed.
The rovnl viMitiir, wn born nt
llnnlbek'bn (he lower loi of Mount
.cfmnori and Mimto of n lin lino tif
lirini-emiVMy Hlie renreMimtM the (uire
Knnilla men mid him. oil. (lie warmth
of ttoiil nrnl poetry upon whlnl, lint
liw'ii KiiiiriiiitHiel (he edui'iilion n T-foriU-il
bv the American culleuen nt
Hldon (I ml Heirul, Inter eximiidud by
studies til unlvemitie in dim conn
trv. -
I it it While the frrirtl'bkhaii',rii loved
the tiilvnntuae of higher iliiotion
for, women In America, aha remains
inteninlv Orictiliil. ... rilia romett from
1'iileMtiiie to brinu n I'loner mid briml
er iimlerNluiidimr of the people iiinmiit
whom i'mr own ideaa of oi vtlir.ul inn
bi'L'ini. Kvervohe should dike udvnii
litee of the ritxirtmiitv afforded li"f
the vihit of 1'rineeHH llnlinu', nitfive
of thiit .fumoii8 .lund, I'nlextine, to
enin Homo rf ul knowlcdiMi of lliu Sv
rinn iwoide. " ,
1 ..falvvnifirk , '
v POUTfJlNlj; April 2B.-Cattlo
alow; receipt 1749. Steers,, beat
SI3.7&0 14.75; good to choice ateera
lll.K0(f12. SO; medium to good flO
Ul; fair to iood $9W 10; common
- to fair $8(f 9; Rood to choice cowa
; and helfera $ 10.60 tf 12.15; medium
;' to pocd 7 - fair to nioilluin- $ hit
0; cnneri $j,50 04.60; bulla ftf
8. CO; calvea B.fi014; atockors nud
feedera 175 10.'. : . -,
lloga hlglior; receipt 1 S D 0 . Trlme
mixed $20.26 20.76; medium mixed
$20to,26; rough hoavle 1 8.25 ic
U;1 plR 18ilg,80;
Sheop receipts 160., Markat Btondr.
8prlnK !niba $16 18.60; prlmo
Inmba-f lS.BOtfl Id: fair to motllum
. IHM1II; yesrlliiKS lldtl3; ttoth-
. or 9CI0: ewoa 0.00 lo.r.o. "
: 1 ' T,. lliittci ,-' :' -a
PORtU'ND., April., liutfOf
toady. City cronmory prlntn. extras
box lots 56c:' cartons Cfio; hair boxo
: halt cent moro; I nun than half boxen
, ono cent moro, lluylnit prlco buttnr-
; 'nt, country 5354c; cubo elxtrna
6io,. i , .
' BoltUora. Hallor kiid Jtitrlnc , !
viY6u are hereby notified that the
. Woodmen of tho Wond will samit
(lliofinrgod soldlom, aallora and miir
Ines.qhcludlnir thoso In thtf kW let
loo to mbmberahlp without Itiltla
tlon foerfinr thS nonJ Ciinip will ptty
nodical and. oertlflonto foe. Tho
Insurance rotes sre, low and. a 'big
. rojorvo to back thorn up. You aliould
Inyoatlgato this ,0ffor,: it Is Worth
omethlng to you. v. V1 ' : ,,! j 'i
.:(' W, B. JACKSON, Clerk..,!
( ; . , Camp No. 90. W. O. W.
To1 thB fito'okhoitlers of . tho ,lioiuo
Illv'6 ifrnft Produce A"iis6clntloilf
Notice Is horoby .glvbii that the
fogiilar mooting bf;tlie Kogue Btver
Fruit & Produco association for tho
emotion of director and the transac
tion of such bustnos as may proQorly
comb before, such meeting, will be
hold nt our offloo, on Main strebt,
Mbdford, Oregon, tho 20th'daybf
. May, 1810, at 2 b'olook p. m.' Q
' ' ,,! ' ASSOCIATfON :;i s'f; ' '
i i - By R. O. yCft'sHburn, Pros,
, ( O. B, Doalf; Socrotary.
, ' hated Modford, Oregon, April 11,
1918, :
: '.;v -
l'llll,AIKj'illA, Amil' aH'.-fht
eorn erl.n of Um i;e( Btitten in
l iri.iileii. xul.i ),.. -(. Mownrd.
Hiief of Hie biirniiu of oiiIoiiioIokv.
I iiiled HtntcM deimrtniMil of nirrlenl
hirn, WdHhinitlon; who niioko before
Um Ahiiiricnn l'holohouliiim) hoiIii(v
here. ; . . : ,, (.' t,t".
I)r; Jlowirrd itid, (hi- Kurooeiiii
I'orn borer, ii conifiiiriitivMv now fmr
tiHtlii tilMdiioftd hit,, tliix 'country
I row foritlmi kIiIimiihiiIh, Iihh obtuincd
it Klroinr foothold in New Kiifflnnd
mid New York, , , (
"If (hi borpr reneliM tlio rmw
lieldH of the wiwl," he miid, ")' don't
ki'u what ih uointr lo hiivo lliein: And
(hero Nceiiix to be but Nliuht lione of
our liuliitf ulile In riiriittM file lieHt."
- 11 ' 1 ' t-..-a j i..-. j
An Inside Bath ''
Makes You Look
'and FeelFresh
aya olsi of hot wster'vritir
pheaphst bafor breakfsst'
ktspa lllnea twtf'
r,' ,
Thla sxeellant, eommon-eans .
health maaaur balng
tdoptad by millions,
. . -1 ... v
Pbyaleiana the "world "brer rooom-'
mend lbs lnalde ball), clatmlog this U
of vaatly more Importaace than out-'
Me olMnllDMf, bocmuM the kni'
pores do Sot absorb lmporitl' lata
the blood, cumin Ul health, while the
pores la. the tea ysrda of bowel do.
Hon and women are urged to drink
each morning, before breakfast a
guu of hot water, with a teaipoonful
of Umeatone phosphate In It, ea a
haralee meaoa of belpl&x to waah
from tho itoinach, Uyer, kidneys and
bowel the preftoa dsy'a.ladlgostlble
tnaiorlsl, poison, sour bile and toxine;
itbuaoleatulnx, awoetanlng and puri
fying the entire, alimentary' oanai be
ore putting more food into the a torn
peb. " ., '
.Juat as op and hot water cleanse
fend rreshen (be skin, so hot water and
llmoatono pboaphato act. OB tho.ellm
Inatlve organ. . ' . i
Ik Those who wnko hp with bad brontbr
eoated tongue, nasty taste or hare a
dull, aching head, sallow complexion,
acid stomach: otliors who aro subject
to bilious altaoks or constipation,
abould obtain a quarter pound of llrao
toao'pbosphato ( tho drug store.
This' will cost vory Uttto but Is sum
clenu to demonstrate tho value of in
side bathing... Thoso who continue It
each . morning are . asaurod of pro
Inouneed result, both in regard. to
health .and appearance. . " y ,.v
' "ifi-i"- ric-- a ,r rjnaarr-aj-';, i ii
MKNT TI. Mil lilt. Qenoral Und Of
fice, WashlnRloh, D. C, March 17,
1810. Notice. I hereby given that
subject to the conditions and limita
tions of the Act of June 9,. 1010 (30
Stat,, 218), and tho Instructions of
the Recretary of the Interior of Sep
tember 16, 1917, tho timber on the
following lands will be sold May 6,
1919, at 10 o'clock a. an., at public
auction at (he United Rtates land of
fice at Roseburg, Oregon, to the high,
cut blddor at not less than the ap
praised value as. shown by this notice,
sale to bo subject, to the approval of
the 8eorolary of the Interior. The
purchase price, with an additional
sum of one-fifth of one per cent
thereof, bolng commissions allowed,
must be doposltod at time of sale,
money to. bo returned If sale Is not
approved, otherwlso patent will Issue
for tho timber which must be re
moved within ten years. .-Bids will
be received from cltlions of the Unit
ed State, association of snob cltl
tens and corporations organised un
der the laws of the Unltod States or
any stnto, territory or district thereof
only. Upon application of a qualified
purchaser, the timber on any legal
subdivision will bo offored separately
before being Included In any offor of
a largbr unit. T. 39 S R.'2 W., See.
1; 8IM4 NB 14, Yellow pine 10 M
red. fir 205 M.. NEV4 8B yollow
pine 06 M., red fir -806 M., none of
the yellow pine to bo sold for Jess
.than $2.00 per M and none of. the
rod fir to be sold for Ions than 11-00
per M. T.' 87 8 R". 7 W.( See: 19;'
NEV4 NWU. yollow pine 80 M red
fir 850 M., NW14 NW4 yellow pino
HO M red fir 420 A., nono of the yel
low pine to be sold for loss than 82.60
per M., and nono of the red tlr to be
sold for loss than $1.25 per Mi Clay
I'sllmmi, Commissioner General Land
Office;',, v a' , : j.. v . i ;:;"
yi ; 'v,;-if '::..-. , 'C : Jl T5m, tip SbuSpeA: to . 5t W r; I oyfiiirr Vou spck&to mer iP5 W )
" - r - - Tmb uw m -r MAcitwa --f? W ' W ia she? . ' JlY
-: W passed? J , ': ... , W k-r r
i; i' r-V mt0 '': ?tL& '':' II - U , ' c-V t - ' " 1W ".IVvf-S. IPOH1 KHWIWRKMME ST
I ':' . 1J ,'.;-; ;::7jyWlp , il!feWr' CegraiMiy , l ; -r " of our MEie6oRs
' -" ' ' ";r:, '
VMM kVrH m B4Hl.faiSt. AlwaVf KtNka ,
Nollro tt, (;oiilrU torn Hlnto I
, , t : lllghwiiy ('onstrnetfon j
Rnaled bid Will ha received by the
State. IliKhwsy CommlSHlon or the
Hi ul ii of Oregon at Room 62 0 Multno
mah County Court House, liortlnnd,.
urugon ui 10 o'clock a. m. on tne etn
(Jay. or May, 1919, for tho, following
projtiotsi. . i -. , :
t Grading und Macadamizing; ' Pa
cific, Highway, Benton County,, Moil-,
roo to Lane County Mini, a. 24 mllos
in luiiKth; 18,000, oulilo yurd exca
vation;, 0,750 cubic, yard rock ur-
fucing. ,. , ,..-, .. ..
Oradlng; Ponlfie ftlifhway; Clack
amas County, Oregon City to Oswego,
s. mile in iimgtn; 40,000 ouiiic
yards excavation. ' . . ...
.Grading and -r Maeaoam, - Faeine
lilghway, Douglai County, Comstock
Pass Crenk Suction, 1.0 mile . In
length; 5,000 cubic yard excavation;
2,000 cubic yard rock surfacing. .
Oradlng and Macadam, Pacific
Highway, Douglas County, lycona
Drnln section, 2.26 miles In length;
19,000 cubic yards excavation; 6,000
cubic yards rock surfacing.
. Urudlng and Macadam, - Pacific
flghwuy, , Douglas County, Oakland
South section, 1.2 miles In length;
14,000 cubic yard excavation; 2,400
cuhlo jSrds rock surfacing, '
rudlng and ' Macadam, : Pacific
I'tlghway, Douglas County, Roseburg
Winchester section, 2.0 miles ' In
longth; 9.000 cublo yards excavation;
4,000 cubic yard rock surfacing. .
Oradlng and Macadam. - Pacific
Highway, Douglas County, Roseburg-
Dlllard section 0.7 miles In length:
61,000 cubic yards excavation; 7,600
cubic ynrds rock surfacing. -
Oracling and , Macadam', Pacific
Highway, .Douglas County; Jacques
Place-Johns Place section, 7.2 miles
In length; 211,000 cubic yards excava
tion; 1 1,200 cubic yards roc, sur
facing. . ' . ' , ! .
Oradlng, Columbia River Highway,
t.llllam County, Arllngton-Morfow
County Una section, 12.3 miles; In
lenath: 88.00 cublo yards excavation.
Omdlninnd Paving, Pacific High
way, Jackson County, Gold Hlll-JonOr
phlne County l.luo section, 12.2 miles
In length; 24,000 cubic yards excava
tion. .- H-''
. . Oradlng and paving. Pacific High
way, Jackson County, Ashlnnd-Oreen
springs Mt. itoaa, miles tin
longth; 24,500 cubic yards excava
tion. - ' "I'.' . .I-. ' 't;.
Paving. Pacific Highway, Jackson
County.. Ciroon Spring ' Ml., Road
Callfornln Wne Section, 14.8 mlloa In
length; 11,000 cubic yarda excava
tion. (trading, Pacific; Highway, Jose-
Dhlno County. Aoxton Mt. 8octlon7.
miles In length, 118,000 cubic yards
Paving, Pacific Highway, Lane
County. Kugone-tloahen Section, 4
miles In longlji; 10,000. cubic yards
excavation, , ,
- Oradlng and . Macadam , Pacific
Highway, I.ane County, Junction
Clty-Benton County. Line, 5.5 mllos
In longth; 18,000 cubic yards excava
tion; 11,500 cubic yards rock surface
Ing. -i V
Paving, OltrOregon Trail, Union
County, Island Clty-LaOrando-Hot
Lake Beollon; 6.5 miles In length.
Paving, West Side irighwoy.'Wosh
Ington County,- - Hlllsboro-Forest
Orovo Section, 4.3 mjlns in length.: ,
. , No bid .will be considered unless
accbmpanleiT by cash, bidder's bond
or certified chock for an amount
,nni . ' (6) Dor cent of the total
amount bid. f '"H
A corporate surety hond will be
required for the faithful performance
of the contract In a sum equal to one
halt of tho total amount bid. ' -i-t-
To see you at No. 6 Soutli Fir Street.
.' 'WiaY
Bocause we know that it you are
looking for Farms br City property
at the lowest prices we have them
and can suit you.- ,
87 acres, mostly alfalfa, mile and
one-half from Medford.. - For quick
sale $172.60 per acre. ;
70 acres, one mile from town; oiib
of tho best places In the valley; alfal
fa and fruit. Special at $157.00 per
acre. - ,- ; ; v; ;
10 acres, fully equipped, , every
thing, goes, $3500. ,
40 acres, Including' crorf $100 per
aero. " ; ., - . , ,
300 acres, 'four mltos from Mod
ford, $25 por acre. . ' ' '
, . -.. At your service. . 4'
The Fchl Investment 'Co.
Loner prices bettor
v.valuoa our motto.
!''-- .-v.;;;
- Proposal blanks and full Informa
tion for bidders may be obtained at
tho office of tbe State Highway Engi
neer, Capitol Building, Salem.
Plana-, .specifications and form of
contract, may be Inspected , st the
Samp plnco or may bo obtained upon
deposit of $5,00 for each set of plans
and specifications. . l'lnns and speci
fications are also on file at Room
1801 Yeon Building, Portland.
. Plans and specifications for tbe
work In Jackson County may be In
spected at the office of Mr, K, H.
Hodgman, Division Knulneor at Med
ford, and plans and specifications for
tho work. In Union County may be
Inspected In the office, of Mancbe O.
Bennett, DIvImIoo Engineer, Pendle
ton. . .. C .f.f t
The right I reserved to reject any
or all proposals or to accept the pro
posal tleomea vest (or tho. stair or
Oregon. -. . - -. '
. S, BBNSON. Chairman, , ,.
, W, U THOMPSON, Commissioner.
Tt, A. BOOTH, Commissioner,
Attest; ' ' -; ' !;. :,
State Highway Engineer.
. Salem, Oregon, April 23, 1919.
Advertising Rates
Classified One cent a word. -Lpcals
-Tea ?en.ts, a line. ; 3 - 1
. Legaf--rivb cents a line, )
Display-- 26 cents ah inch. '
. : Contract rates on application. '
WANT WD Man and team to haul
wood; steady work all summer.
611 East Main. .. ;31
WANTED Man with heavy team to
plow, one mile from: Medford.
Phone 7-F4". , 81
WAS Ti MiacirrJiAS buuh
WAITED 100 . t 150 ewe on
share for three or five years; good
rare, igood, pasture .Apply T 641
Kalrvlew, Ashland.. . . ,...,42
WANTED Second-band sack for
rolled barley, - 6c each. Ralph
Waldo Eldon, Runs Mill. :
WANTEli To buy, mower, rake and
' two-bbrse , corn cultivator. , A-55,
' Mall Tribune., , V 81
WWNTED To buy hay;- also a team.
Phone 408-R1. - r
WANTED Dressmaking at borne or
I by day or week. Prtcea-reasonable:
..Work guaranteed j Tolophone 6-F4.
-, I...... ' -. . .. 81
WANTED- Highest cash prices paid
for wool and mohair. Medford
. Junk Co.. Phone I88--J. '
WANTED We pay. cash for Liberty
bonds. Hale's , Piano House inc.,
- J, F. Hale, general manager..
WANTED House moving and re
pairing. Phone 48SiM or 48-X.
KOR TRADE WK.' trado ; liberty
bodds for cow. - Box 9, Mall Trlb
' unB" '' "- ' 1 32
FOR RENT Bungalow, partly fur
v nlahcd. Phone 88-13. "
FOR RENT Six-room modern houae
. and two lots. Berrlos and garden
; plowed. : 8.18 Dakota. J. W. Wake
- field.. .-'. ; ' i - :.- 31
FOR RENT FIvo-v'oom furntnhed
bungalow; one Job carpenter shop;
apartments or office rooms jn
brick buildings at 131-209-213
a West Main stroet. 1 John F. Whfte.
; ,,v , . -: .. . .; 64
FOR RENT Modern 7-room bunga
low, . furnlrhed complete; .large
. garden planted. Call 901 North
, Central, at noon hour or. after .4
p.- m. - ' :.-,. r.-, S4
POR RENT Bungalow partly , fur
: . nished. . Box H, Mail Tribune.. ,
FOR RBNT Several modern house.
Building Loan Aes'n. 429 M. F.
H. Tilda-
What Do You Think of This?
200 acres located about 10 miles from railroad,
. about 120 acrs-in ciSltivatiori, balance, brush and
" pasture land, all fenced, fair buildings, on good
county road; LU: ;('; K y": ' .' :Vf
. f - For quick action xtill seil f or-$2S.0d .per nci-e.' Can.
you beat this? " ;" . , 1 v -, : :
, Bennett investment Co. ,
Insore in sure insurance. ' ' , ' ' Fhone 709. -
No further argument
' -. .. - . . '
r"OR hBNT FtmiOflHEIi JtOOM.
FOR 5 RENT Modern , furnished
rooms for light housekeeping.
Phone 750-J. . 82
FOR RENT One furnished
ment at Hotel Holland
tyiti gALByoiimtr aNd eoge.
FOR' SAW'i-'-Oolden Sea Bright ban
tarn eggs for setting, $1.50. Phone
,19-K12.;. ..-,.,:....,.,..,,- 31
FOR SALE Eggs- ' Am offering
hatchlh.g eggs from my fine White
Leghorns, one of the best flocks in
, soutbern Oregon, beaded by four
Sedlgreod male birds from very
Igb lecord hens.. . Pullets from
. ' these eggg.wtll lay all winter. $1.60
per. setting. . I replace Infertile
eggs E. H. V'estorftald, Medford.
Phone 19-F4.-' t ti
FOR SALE Morgan stallion for sale
or trade. W. E. Butler, Eagle
Point, 00 the Brownsboro road. 36
FOH SALE Jersey milk cow,: two
small horses. 728 Welch street. 36
FOR SALE A No; 1 Jersey cow, R.
F. D. No. 1, Box 0, Medford. 31
FOR SALE Oodd gentle brood add
work mare, weight 1200 lbs. No.
29 South Peach street.: . 32
FOR SALE- We hajo retained from
out sheep sale only our very finest
eastern Washington Ramboulllet
bucks. We now offer them for
sale.-. Rosenberg Bros.,' Medford
: Hotel. . . : . 32'
FOR 'SALE Onp. notched team,
. ye,s old, weight IOC. .-One Here
ford bull, 3 years old, weight 1700.
: Phono 9-F7, Jacksonville. Write
cnester v. kuoii. . ii
FOR BALE One Durham bull
years old, weight 160u . Phone
9-F-7,. Jacksonville. Write Chea
: ter C. KublL . ;,r; , AO
FOR SALE- Pair of good mules. See
" KIggs at Frlnk orchard. , . , 34
FOR SALE Fino young. Red .Boar,
. great breeder; quiet sale; a bar-
' galil. Phone 19-F12... East of
Phoenix, third bungalow across
- iron nnoge. -; . . ; si
FOR.. 8 ALE Pure brett Red PolIeU
, bull calf, bora October. 1918; fine
youngster. -. Modoc Orchard or Pal
., mer Investment Co., Medford, Ore.
FOR SALE-rrModern house, lot 327
ft.t long; Bear creek bottom land;
all kinds berrlea. fruit: ho smudge.
Two doors off paving.'. Reasonable.
Phone .197 or call 1020 East Elev-
entn street, - i 1 . 31
FOR . SALE Thirty acres alfalfa
land under Gold - Hill Irrigation
: ditch on Riverside Drive. Will sell
10 acre tracts, $200 per acre. See
W. H. Striker. Gold Hill, Ore :64
FOR SALE Three lots and. .two
story, brick hnlldlngs if can find
: suitable purchaser. . Terms reason
able, at 131-2A9-213 West Main
street. Medford. John F. White. 64
FOR SALE House and lot; garden
In. Peaches and berries on. lot.
. 725 Alder street. 31
FOR SALE "Mt:-- View Home", 80
acres, good improvements; Jersey
cow, span of mules,, harness and
; . wagon; 100 tiers of, wood, farm
'.,- Implements and all crops go with
place., Write or come and see for
; terms. lW. K. ' Godding, , Rogue
River, Ore. . 45
FOR- SALE Desirable acreage close
in. terms. For information address
- Owner, Mall Tribune. 43
..i... ..i- ,.j.,.'.i 1
FOR 8AL: Haled alfalfa and grain
hay. Itegar ranch, phone 201-H. 30
FOR SALE $45 gas range In good
condition, to sell at $15.00.- Call
615 -West Second or phone 605-Y.
:'' . - 33
FOR SALE Fprd car; has been
used about six weeks; Just as
good as new. Call 740-!H. 34
FOR SALE 3-Inch wagon, Califor
nia rack; first-class sliupe. A bar
gain at $35. J. H. Ouches, It. F,
- D. 1, Orlffln Creek. - 32
FOR SALE-rl9l6 Ford, price right.
Good order; looks like new. 'Box
8.- O. ., Mall Tribune. ... 35
FOR SALE Superior spud planter,
good as now, less than half price,
f Myers power spray at a bargain,
Phone Ashland 259-R. , 35
FOR SALE About five tons good
alfalfa hay, first cutting. L. Nie
dermeyer.. Phone 21-F3 Jackson
ville. .... 35
WANTED Second-hand hay rako.
Call 689-R1. ' , . 32
FOR SALE Good Twin Indian mo
torcycle. Bargain at $45.00. 20
Xorth Peach, or phone 784-L. 81
FOR SALE Second-hand single
- buggy, bicycle, 50 feet almost new
bose, and 4awn mower. Phone
19-X2,. Central Point. 35
, Ford touring .body. In good candl
' Hon; Will trade for a 1910 Ford
roadster body. Pbone 503-R. -. 34
FOR SALE Ford car; has been
used about six weeks; Just - as
good as new.; Call 740-H. 31
FOR SALE Power spray rig. For
particulars call 12 1-X. 32
FOR SALE Team. 12U0-lb.. horse,
. 1000-lb. mare, wagon and harness,
cheap :.if ; taken at once. Phone,
. 190-L at meal times. 31
FOR SALE Saw mill and . tfmber.
Dupray Lumber Co., Butte Falls,
Oregon. ... . . 1 33
FOR SALE Take your super-profit
with fertilizer, it's not too late.
We have a full line of fertilizers.
' Car load- of land plaster just in.
Ralph Waldo Elden, Rush Mill.
FOR SALE Very, little used 1911
Cadillac car In perfect condition.
Address Box X, Mail Tribune..;
FOR SALE At yellow . dent seed
corn . Three tons to select from.
. , Phone 591-J2. C. W. Isaacs.
FOR SALE Singer sewing machines
; on easy terms. .Cleaning and re
. pairing of all machines a specialty.
245 South Central avenue, phone
903-R.. C. A. Chapman.. 344
FOR SALE Electric motors for sale,
rent, or trade. We buy motors.
Paul's Electric Store. . 33
FOR SALE Sand, gravel and sedi
ment. Plowing done. Phone 912-J.
FQR SALE Striccty fancy alfalfa
seed, sweet closer and other grass
seeds. . Nltro-cull-ires. - Ralph
Elden, Medford.
buildings,. $2000. ' ,. :
Pick Out Yours
.jNo. l 10 acres, 4 room house and
outbuildings, good water, flue young
Bartlett pear orchard. $1250. ". :
No. 2 5 acres, fine soil, good im
provements, close in at Jacksonville,
$200. - . .
No. 3 6 acres, fine soli with good
good improvements; also close in, at
. No. 427 acres close to Talent, 12
in alfalfa, balance in pasture, fair
No. 5 10 acres on Pacific high
way, all alfalfa, modern home, every
thing up to the minute, $5500.
No. 6 18 acres on-paved highway,
9 room house barn, garage, etc.,
splendid property, $6500. . v.: ..
Kb. 7 IS acres, good improve
ments, grain, berries and garden; on
paved highway near Talent, $4000.
No; 840 acre hill ranch,? well
improved, close to highway, $2000.
No. 9 71 acres on Gold Hill road,
No. 1061 acres, Wagner creek
road, $1600.
to South Fir St.
f3l SPEHK fi HHR. BVT o
m-Mmm ,
LOANS Farm loans S per cent ln
terest, O. C. Boggs.
LOANS City loans. Building ft Loan
Assn., 429 M. F. ft H. Bldg.
PORTER J. NEFF, Attorney-at-lsw.
rooms 8 and 9, Medford National
, Bank Building, i 4
A. E., REAMESi Lawyer,, Oarnett
Corey Building. 1 ' 1 '
ELIJAH H. HURD Lawyer, 213.14
i Garnett Corey Bldg.
- Aoto Supplies :
are operating the largest,'-oldest
and best-equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Use our spring
when others fall. Sold under writ- :
: ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteen to,
St., Portland, Oregon.
GARBAGE - Get your premise
cleaned up for the summer. Call
oh the eity garbage wagon for
' good service. Phone 161-Ti.- ..J.
'- Y. Allen. .
Expert A ceo nutans
Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given
to anything In Accounting and In
come Tax requirements. ? Look
Into ' our simplified 1 aceountlnl
method. M. F ft H. - BnUdUa,
Medford. Phone 15 7-R. -
! Farm Loan
years 5 V, Money ready whoa
land la appraised and title : ap
proved. E. H. ' Htird,- secy-trea.
National Farm Loan Associations,
Garnett-Corey Bldg., Medford.
, Instruction In Music
piano and harmony. Halght Mnal
Studio. 401.- Garnett-Corey Bldg,
Phone 72.
Ptanlns Mill
rHOMAS MOFFAT General mil)
work, sash, doors-mouldings-and
snreens. Shop 437 S. Fir. Phone
is. .-..' - - - - -
- Physicians and Surgeons ri
A BURSELL, D. O.; M. D. SplnoK
bgist physician and surgeon. Diag
nosis and treatment. Methods Of
Dr.- Abrams. Office M. -F.. & ,H.
Bldg., phone 29.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician. 303 Garnett-Corey build
ing. - Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician; and
surgeon.- Practice limited td eye,
' ear, nose and throat. Eye solen
- tiflcally tested and glasses "eun
" plied. Oculist and Aurist for a P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft H. Co.
. Bldg. Pbone 567. t , i-
DR. F. G. CARLOW 1 .i 1
416-417 Garnett-Corey Bids.-.
. -Phone 904-L. .
Residence 26 S. Laurel Btreei.
' Printers and PnblUhera
best' equipped printing office In
Southern Oregon. ; Book binding
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc Portland prices.- 27 North
Flr8L- - - r.
Office 42 north Front St. Phone
315. Prices right Service guar-,
anteed. - .
; ;, ; - TIME CARD. K .
. Leave Jlledford for Ashland daily
except Sunday at 8;00 and 10:15 a,
m. and at 1:00, 4:00 and 6:16 pi m.
Also on Saturday at 9: 30 p. m. Sun
days le ave at 10:30 a. m. and l;SO,
6:30 and 9:30 p. m.
Leave Ashland for Medford dally
except Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 a.
m. and at 1:00, 4:00, and 6:16 p. m.
AIbo on Saturday at 8:30 p. m. Sun
days leave at 9:00 a. m. and If: 80,
4: an and S:SO o. w. ,