Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 28, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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A substantial and welcome boost
toward Melfbrd"s Quota' lit the Vic
toria! campaign Was made Satur
day when the Medford Nattonil
' bank' subscription of J30.0OO was
received. The Medford National also
flbscrlbed 130,000 In tho last Lib
erty loan camna'ttn known as the
fourth, and Saturday'! subscription
makes a total of $130,000 In liberty
' bonds has taken since the vat
smarted. ' .' .
. Planb tuning, George W. Cross, 603
2nd, phone 809; endorsed by
leading teachers southern Oregon. 63
M. and Mrs. George Gales who
were tuarrled .last Wednesday and
gave their friends the Blip after the
v ceremony and hurried f-om the city
in an auto on their honeymoon trip,
have returned home and are com
fortably located in their bungalow on
. ' West Main street., :
Wfio Is Vt?.-;; s:.;''iV ':';'
- The remains of Thos. J. William
son were forwarded to Portland yes
terday evening, following the funeral
. services at .Perl's chapel In Jthe after
noon, accompanied by LJoyd, a Son
and from Where after cremation 'the
ashes will to interred' in the family
- plot at Muncle, Ind., Mr. Williamson's
old home. " . t .
: "DeVoe has a tine line of assorted
Chocolates at 60e per pound.
;A nteetittg of the Greater Medford
ciuu is Deing neia ints aiiernoon ai
the. public library with a fine musical
program aS a feature, I ;-t '
.The' Woodmen Dt the World will
hold a class initiation next Wednes
day Jniht,. Refreshments will be
servea. .ah memuers requesiea 10
attend. : - . S3
T. A. Bonar, manager tor the Call-4ornfa-Oregon
Power company at
Glendale, was in Medford today oh
business connected With his work tor
the fcoriJpany. :; ,
For the best Insurance see Holmes,
toe' Insurance Man. : "
, William. Watson Powers. Treka's
fewest pioneer citizen and the man
whf erected the first frame building
in this city, is celebrating, his 92nd
birthday. He is hale and hearty not
withstanding his advanced age and
has a clear recollection of the events
in Yreka's early history in which he
-took a prominent and active, part.
Mr, powers was well known to the
old .residents of southern Oregon. .
Dr. R. W. Stearns who Is now at
tending the Mayo clinics at Roches
ter, Minn., expects to return to Med
ford to resume his practice abont
: June 1st. , . ... ,,. ., ,33
Mr. and Mrs. J., W. , Berrlan re
ceived a message Sunday from their
son, Herbe-t Berrlan, of Washington,
D. C announcing the arrival of a
daughter at his home. Mr. Berrian's
with the Interstate commerce com
mission. .-, This Is the first granchild
of. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berrlan. -
.-. Common alfalfa seed $27.00 per
hundred pounds. Monarch Seed &
Ceed Co. ... . -, 35
S. 8. Scheli, who has the contract
tor, paying the Pacific highway from
. grants Pass to the Jackson county
line,, began work last week on laying
. the . asphalt hear the. city limits of
Grants Pass. This stretch of the Pa
cific highway Is to be 16 feet wide
with two feet of crushed rock on
' either' side of the road, thus making
the highway 20 feet wide. Mr. Schell
has about 40. men employed at pres
. nt..i While this piece of work Is be
ing constructed a cut-off road has
been' opened from near the south end
of the Sixth street bridge; leading
around the present work and con
necting with the Pacific highway fur
ther south. -
Who Is it?.
iE.:A..Wood of Montague, arrived
in the city this morning and is a
- gnest at the Holland. : ,
.. . .Boomerangs, pot whizz-bangs. Cra-
: ter Lake1 Hardware CO: .
- Los Angeles business visitors In
the; city, who arrived Sunday at the
Hotel Medford are Colin Mcintosh
and L. B. Cochran. .'-'
; Hemstitching, pecoting. Some new
, ldea.; Vanity. Hat Shop.
James and John Stk-kel wore week
end visitors In the city Sundav.
4 Who IS it? " : '.' ' y
: , , H; Bi. Cady has returned home
from' a three weeks' prospecting trip
with' his" partner, H. E. R6s4, over
joyed at their discovery of some fine
placer ground on Pleasant creek near
the' Lone Star mine- which has been
a good producer for many years. Mr.
Cady brought with, hirii , a' bottle of
lWSvy, glacer gold, panned from be
new ground. Mr Rusa is still at
work on their claims and Mr. Cady
. will return ' tere rbortly. ., -. '
v : Anyone wanting us to pack furs
for cold storage drop us a card or
leave :furi 4$5 South Fir street: Furs
insured against loss by fire,- theft or
moths-. F W. Bartlett. . v ; 35
: At ihe noma or Mrs:- T. F. FHer.
': 1004 East Main st.eit, Miss McCor
mick; .home dStnonsrr.itlo.r agent,
will-give a food dem jantratlod. Tues
day afternoon. .,
i Alco Taxi. Phone 65. , ,
- Ri ., BOswelf, the . Holland ifaftttPg
man, M a business Wtor In .Mcdtoid.
- Furniture upholstering, mattress
making, orating and packing. Doug-
las; 101 South Central. Phone 616-J.
Charles Claytoi and family ... of
Portland, are soloarners In tho city
and guests at the Hot il Holland
Brake nning tdr all cars. : C. E.
Gates Auto Co. ; ...
. Frank-Baldwin was a week end
visitor in the city from Applogate.
' ; Sudan grass seed. Pasture grassed,
both wet and dry land. Monarch Seed
& Feed Co. , . ': 35
; The new (elephlne directory Of the
Home Telephone company for Med
Tord' and vicinity Is on the printing
presses and will 'be distributed to
piiene patrons about May 1st.
Auto tourists passing thru the city
report that cars on the Pacific high
way are allowed to pass thru the
Cow Creek canyon after 5 p. m. The
highway, however, is badly torn up
in some sections ot the canyon, but
nevertheless many cars are passing
thru the canyon dally, encountering
but little difficulty.
Who is It?
Springs (or all car. C. ft. Gates
Auto Co.
. The ladies ot the Baptist church
will meet with Mrs. Jos. Htbbard
319 Laurel street, Tuesday afternoon
at 2:30. There will be a missionary
program and refreshments will he
served. . , .
The iBarneburg that was to have
been given Tuesday night has been
postponed. ... 32
Lithla water at DeVoe's.
, (Minneapolis men at the hotels to
day are T. M. Crane and C. W.
Nichols. :.
Piston rings tor all can. O. E.
Gates An to Co.
Fir slab and dry Wood for sale by
J. T. Gagnon. Phone 859. ..
Since the last dance, April 12th,
W. A. Cook, Who recently resigned as
trackwalker between here and Grants
Pass, has worn the star as chief of
police, i He has been busy most, ot
the time with repairs and necessary
Jobs about the city. Gold Hill News.
Tou can always find something for
a quick lunch at DeVoe's. v
Woman or girl wanted tor night
shift at DeVoe's. . '
, FIto. hundred Lane county Odd
Fellows were gathered in Eugene last
Saturday tor an all day celebration
of -the 100th anniversary .of the
founding of the I. O. O. F. order,
meeting conjunctively with the Re
bekah lodges ot that county. A large
number ot candidates were initiated.
It pays to save In the Building ft
Loan, 429 M. F. & H. Bldg.
Buy now and save a dollar. Crater
Lake Hardware Co. . ,,
There la no let-up in sight yet to a
contlnnation of the fine weather, The
prediction for tonight and Tuesday
calls for fatr weather with a light
frost Tuesday morning. ,
- This Is oil stove Week. Let us
demonstrate the Clark Jewel oil
stove. Crater Lake Hardware Co.
Malted milk GOe lb. DeVoe's. .
Tom. and Cliff Dunnington, former
well known Jacksonville men, have
for some time been operating a meat
market in Oregon City
, A two-lb. box ot Vogan's chocolates
for $1.35 at DeVoe's. . ,
. Canteens are practically indea trac
table, yet cost less than water bags.
C. E. Gates Auto Co. ....
Burns Bros, minstrels who played
at the Page theater Saturday night
left this forenoon for Ashland where
they appear tonight.: 'The minstrels
play at Gold Hill tomorrow night.
Dr. Heine. Gjfrnett-Corey Bldg.
For fire Insurance phone 64, cor
ner Eleventh street and 8. P. track.
D. R. Wood ft Co. . ... .t ,
Portland men registered at the ho
tels Monday included O. M. Siming-
ton, Paul R Deady, Chester V. Dolph,
B. R. La Polnte, . Jos. , Chambers,
Clyde Ackley, A. A. Carnes, W. W.
Dillon, B. Blrsh.' M. Reinhart, R. G.
Clark and J. G. Gallagher.
Who Is It?. : .
Spark plugs tor all cart. C. E.
Gates Auto Co. .: i
Who is II?
Among California visitors id Med
ford are Reid Wlllard of Los Angeles
at the Holland, and Ben F, Wilson of
Berkeley, George B. Ennever of Los
Angeles and H. R. , Prather, P. O.
Crawford and A. L. Thompson at the
Medford. - ,
. Alco Taxi. Phone 9S.
Paper hanging, paper cleaning. C.
F. Monnich, R. F. D. 2. , 52
, J. S. Wilson who was recently dis
charged from service In the navy and
who with his wife, had been visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs: H. F- W11
son On Beatty street, left today for
Sacramento to resume his former
employment with. the. Southern Pa
cific company as ah agent. -His wife
accompanied him. . . :
Four-inch wood pipe at Medford
Lumber Co. . v.; ..:. . ..'; '.'.v If
. Say -boys, they come right back: to
you that's a boomerang. ' . ..
Posted on the bulletin boards at
the S. P. depot accompanied with the
admonition to see the. postmaster is
the following alluring printed notice:
Who Is It? ;.:..,;.-.;.:;.;.,.. .
Get your milk, cream", tatter and
buttermilk at DeVoe's. ,
'Here is your chance to see France
and the Rhine. Enlist in the United
States army today for three years
(ho reserve clause). .Fifty thousand
wanted for the A. E. F. Men Wanted
Immediately for the infantry, cav
alry, field artillery, engineers ..and
medical corps. Herd Is the oppor
tunity you worked for. Trained men
will be sent at once, and others will
go after a short period of training.
Earn while. you learn French and
German . See the battlefields Of Eur
ope." . V, . . . : - ..
A relinef will double the life of
your ire. . C. E. Gates Ato Co. ; ;
A hot weather necessity Clark
Jewel oil stove. Crater' Lake Hard-
Ware Co. L.
John R. Gibson of Newark, Ctt J.,
and George R. Keith of Seattle, are
registered at the Medford.
Who is it?
Bicycles tires, and supplies.- Lib
erty Repair Shop. 22 South Grape.
: ,:' . - v.- v -. ; .47
IProf. Lewis of New; York, the well
known freak . bllllardlat who , is- the
champion world finger billiard artist
and the only professional bllllardist
playing with; His nose for' a cue, will
give , an- exhibition at Brown's to
night. He Will play the best local
shots l'OO to 60 points using his titH
grs,.and 50 to 25 using his rfose to'
shove the balls around.. '.;:. .. ;
Four-inch wood pipe at Bedford
Lumber Co. . ' ,. , -, . . tf
Old papers for. building fires and
house cleaning,. 10c bundle.- ' -,
Firtai Action 0n':Cov$nant Eiuneied
ct Plenary Sesslon-jao and Chi
nese Claims to Shanluno Mtst Im
portant ProBIem Germanv Seems
: to Be Ouletlno Down. " .
et tiie Associated tress
April 28. What promises to be per
haps the ntosi eventful weok vet of
the Paris penco conference opens to
day with a plenary session of that
body, with final action on the coven
ant of the League of Nations in pros
pect ' : . "'' '.'' '
There also is a feelinvr prevalent in
Paris that, the treaty of penee will
be rendvfor presentation fo--tlte Ger
man delewutes bv Suturdav of this
week,, before which tune it is hoped
the Itulinn situation mav resolve it
self, v.,
As to the pence treaty-.. the most im
portant matter still, to be settled is
the problem of composinit the Jap
anese and Chinese claims to Kino
Cbau'nnd the Shauritnne .peninsula.
A decision on this subieet has been
expected for (several (lavs and it mav
be .announced t(Sdav. .
i- ,- : - German Problems
Matters 'dentine with lbs disposi
tion of the German cables, the repa
triation of German prisoners of war
and the future status of the Kiel can
al . and nuestibns relative to Luxem
bourg also are pendintr. but it is be
lieved thev are m a fair wav toward
adjustment. ' ' . " y .
At the public meeting of the peace
conference to be held todav the re
vised draft of the covenant of the
League of Nations will be presented.
This draft, differs in some importnnt
respects from that brought to Ameri
ca bv-President Wilson last Febru
ary.' It is probable - that Japan will
make an effort to secure an amend
ment to the coyennnt which will ernnt
the Japanese claims for recognition
of racial eflunjity . -, ,
Germanv. . trith . the exception of
Bavaria and Silesia. - seems to be
much auieter than it has for several
weeks; A general strike is reported
in the coal and iron district qf upper
Silesia, and the iron' industry is se
riously affected. . ;
Opposing Feeding Russia-
The Russian Bolsheviki have suf
fered important reverses on the east
ern front and' Admiral Kolchak's
forces seem to be making gains which
may develop most favorably in the
near ..; future. Troops which have
been fighting . against the allied
forces in northern Russia are report
ed to have been withdrawn and sent
to the eastern front where the dan
eer to the . soviet government seems
more threatening. Dispatches , from
Paris: indicnte that the' nlnn to pro
vision the larger cities in Bolshevik
.Russia is making little progress, and
that opposition to it is growing in an-ti-Bolshevik
circles. - , '
. TOTAL 2,000.000 FEET
PORTLAND.-.- April 28. H. X.
Francis, assistant purchasing agent
for the federal railroad administra
tion. Southern Pacific lines, has be
gun placing orders tot railroad ties
to aggregate 20.000.000 feet among
the mills of the northwest. The ties
will be shipped bv rail. Previous or-:
ders for ties for shipment bv steam
er from Oregon and Washington
ports . this spring have i aggregated
50.000.000 feet.,-: . v
The Medford-KIamath Falls arrto
stage which began Us schedule last
week now makes a daily trip In both
directions, going; via the Hornbrdok
route, 32 miles farther than: the usuril
route over the Green Spring moun
tain -.road, whlclt , is. impassable be
cause of the snow and mud. As soon
as the latter road is dried out and
has been dragged the stages will go
by the Green Spring mountain route.
Who ill it? vv: v; : -i : f r
' Hemstitching, s-.'i".-- ,. ' .
. PeCOting,- -Ir-. t-Jif .
Handicraft Shop. '
,-' O. N, Borland, freight claim adjus
ter of the Southern Pacific railroad,
Is in Medford today from '8an Frarf
ciBCd looking after -bosinew matters.
Alco Taxi. Phone 96. l-K ; ,
: Bakery goods at DeVoe's.- ' - '
The fine weather of Sunday: lured
many people to auto rides over the
Siskiyous to Hilt and Hornbrook, and
mariy others only as far as the' sum
mit and return. ; lit the afternoon it
Is renorted that a rilan drove his
auto, in which' was his faniiiy, Off (net
grade near the summit, but that no
one was injured beyond a bad shak
ing" up. , .
Not whizz-bangs Boomerangs.
Asfc the fclds, (fief knowV-
' Call Mitchell in regard to that
lawn mower and have It sharpened
right. Called Ut ' and delivered.
Phone 320-J, t .. v . . . .
J. D. HoHon of Warren,-Idaho, Is a
business vWItor (n Medford '. , ,
Who IS It? -; : ,' -
:. t
William Duncan
At the Page
7 t IHrN-tur'iif -'
.-. .' "-.-St t,.,; I
, ... :uy- -
Fifth episode of "The Man of
Might, will be shown at the Page
onlv one dnv on account of the big
musical conie.dv-. -"Uoing Up ' appear
ing -Tuesday night. ; This serial fea
turing William Duncan and Edith
Johnson IS proving to be a Brent
drawing card and. giving the best of
satisfaction: Each episode is com
plete in itself and can' be enjoyed
even though one has not seen those
preceeding. With this a splendid out
door, picture with . Hurry Carv as
star is shown this feature "Roped."
is one that will certainly please and
is Carev's' best production.
ST. LOUIS. Mo..orij 28. Ameri
can business is determined to meet
the needs of this nation and foreign
countries during the remainder of the
readmstment period and after, ieud-
ers in finance and industry declared
todav at the convention of the Cham
ber of Commerce of - the United
States. .... . - .. -. . .
But to' carry out this program, the
speaker warned, there must he no
delay in ; bringing nbotit the closest
cboporittiott of. all , branches of fi
nance .and industry. ,, ; . . j ; i ; ,
With this cooperation. America
will be able to immediately develop
her foreign trade, which was charac
terized bv some delegates, as "a re-,
sponsibilitv to the rest of the world,"
international commercial arbitra
tion received careful attention. ;
Obstacles and setbacks encounter
ed bv business generally . since the
signing of .the armistice are gradual
ly being overcome, nocordine to ro
ports. .. i .... , , .. . , ,...'; .
Biit- griiinmen of the ; northwest.
lumbermen ..of . the far west, cotton
men of the south and industrial lead
ers of the east all had their probltmi;
to . place in the big. melting pot out
of which , the convention hones, to
mold a concrete policv. , . . . ;
The unemployment Question, par
ticularly as it Pertains to relumed
soldiers,' will be taken up; .Reportx
submitted todav. indicated that the
situation hod been somewhat relieved
by the opening of spring work and
bv the fact thnC the soldiers are re
turning in small groups.. . , .,-,. ... ;
Lieutenant Aviator Is Kliliiit
.SAN ANTpNlO. Tex.v. April 28.
Lieutenant C. E. I lines , of ; Lake
Charles, J,a.,t a -flying, instructor at
Kellv Pield wan instantly , killed tin
the. fall of: his nirplnne today.' Cndot
Masse, flying, with hun. was 8 ighllv
LOST Child's wagon Frlday evenlng
on Front street. . Finder return to
WANTED Two young men want to
woric on farm anywhere In Jack
. son' county. Call at 227 East Sixth
street or write D. Kadar, Qen. Del,,
Medford, Ore, 33
FOR. SALE Dispersal sale.. I will
sell : 10. head of cows out of my
h'erd,' 70 head to 'choose , frorti.
C. C. Hoover, Phone' 452-y,.; . 33
FOR SALE Power spray rig, good
.condition,- Slde-hlll plow,'. Red
.. beans Bel Berkeley Orchards. 36
,tay Phone! Pacific 227, : j.'
Night Phdnes: F. W. Veeks, 10S-J2.
:t'-'' iadif'' Aslsttf!''.''"-;'
Iff. V- '
CIUCAOO, April 'J8. Hoxers will
be active in half n don middle wuhI
cities tonight. Four contests of Im
portance are Kchediiled. the luuivv
weight encounter between llillv Misko
of St, Paul and Hill Hremiml of New
ork, scheduled for Tulsa, Oklu
topping the lint in interoNt,
,'Johnnv Krtlo, (ho St Paul Imii
tamweiglif, wil meet Krunkio Mutton
at South Ilond, Ind.; Itatlling Lv
insk will ehi(ti with HOrrv (lrb n
Canton. Ohio, and Johnnv Griffiths.
Akron, Ohio,- welterweight, will fane
Willie Louuhlin nf Phihululnluu,- in a
lJ-round contest at Akron.
Tommy (KhhonA brother of the
St. Paul middleweight, will moot Cup
tuin ltopcr, lulu of the army, in n
10-munU contest ut Walorloo, Iowa,
Thev are lightweights. .
pointment of W. F. Ingram,' federal
treasurer for tho Southern Pueifie
railroad, north and south of Ashland.
Ore., and for the Arisona Kastorn
railroad, mid Charles Klscv. "trens-
unr for the Western Parifie, Tidu-
wnter Southorn and Uvn Creek rail
roads, was .announced here todav bv
ritilruud- udminiKtrutiiiii olficmls.
PORTLAND. April 28: Rentals
for five seining sites for salmon
fishing on Sand Island, just inside
the mouth of the Columbia river, will
net the war department S5,2'J7 dur
ing the next three vears. Colonel
Zinn. of the nnnv eugiueers. tins iitst
accepted bid. fur tho fishing privi
lege. . Bllrzard in Britain.
LONDON. April 28. Following
period of perfect-spring wcathor a
storm raged ovor the British Islet
uist night, covering the countrv with
from lour to six inches of snow. Tl-
egr.iuh and telephone lines suffered
s-jverulv. . ,
Idaho Man Killed. '
WASHINGTON. April ,28.-The
name of Hugo Funk. Cottonwood.
Idaho, uppenrs in the kilted in ne
tion today on the army's casualty
list. ..
Finally Made Well by Taking
i v d:i.i .
uin a uuuicuu w eg
., etable Compound. , .
EmmltsBuTir: Mi. "I goffered for
twelve or fifteen years', and was treated
by a physician, but
got little rollof. I
saw an. advertise
ment of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound in my
newspaper, so
thought I would try
it, and It did me more
good than all the doc
tor's medicine. I
am s farmer's wlfo
iwork all the time:
and I am better now than I have been
for years.. I am never without Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in the
boose and have recommended it to sev
eral of my friends. You are perfectly
welcome to publish my letter for the
good it may do other women." Mrs,
Erne Warren, Emmltsburg, Md.
Backache and nervousness are symp
toms or nature's warnings, which in
dicate a functional disturbance or an
unhealthy condition which often devel
ops into a more serious ailmont " '
. Women in this condition should not
continue todragalongwlthouthelp, but
profit by Mrs. Warren's experience, and
try this famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
poundand for special advice write to
Lydia E, PinkhamMed.Co.,Lynn,Mass,
UK .
Kodak Finishing
. Film developing, 1fio roll, ; j
' Printing, pout onrd size. 3 for 10o.
IVilSVi and smaller, 2 for 5o,
Everv day sorvloo. . ".
XJ I A Flavor for -
m m u . m- ti sj
All seated air-tttiht and
Impurity-proof. In t hi wax-,
wrapped, safety packages.
Be sure to ttet
because It s supreme
The Flavor Lasts
V A. '.
C Out of town people phono or write -us .your tlmig
store wants. Wo pay delivery C'liargtw, ' '
HeaLh's Drug' Store
Phone 884
-: ? ' '" v- ' : , . ' , Added k '
, . scenio .' v.:,.
. Adultai 20c; Children 10c.
Coming Wednesday-Thursday ''The Wild Oaf of
,- : s Pafis.' '" ;
; . ' ; ..; v . i Cohah and
The Siiiashiiig, Trcmondoiifi" O'vorvvlil'lriuiifrf Sensa
. x ; - i r i . i r ,
iionai ijomcay jau
resh from" nearly Two j Years in . New. York, Six
Months in. Jioston.!; Now the biggest hit iti Chleago: '
..'Big Chorus of Youthful, Beautiful Girla . .
":;T Over 60 iti the Company ' , ' ; :,v'-'
, v - ; . ; Special Company Orchestra '
Makb' it a Gala Ni'ghl, foi; i'ts: tlio Lattghing, dancing,
- . Musical Treat of. tho Entire Season - .
:f Seais: Now Selling.. .... ,' . ;
PRICES 50c to $2.00
Post Paid
The San Tox Store
IN . .
Man of Might"
Tuesday, ApK 29
karris Present ' ' s( ' '
I'liorid and Mdll
! .. Orders Now Accosted
Jl.-)U--i:v r:--r-
AWbli '.''." -.'.n en i;r'jiii) , ,m o 'M'lV.,