PAGE TWO MEDrORp MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO ON,' THURSDAY, APRIL a, 1919 ' -.; Mtdford's drinking water Ib atlll pura Bit -ehon by tn report oj Dr. A. C. Secly,-stale health officer, on the samnla-recently submitted to him y City Water Superintendent Arnsptger, ,Tbls. report, just receive ed, was an follows: The examination ' or -the sample of water submitted oy you March 25th, showed a bacterial count of 25 per C. C, neither gas nor colon bacclllt being recovered upon 1i hours Intubation. The report is all the more gratifying because the . sample was taken just after the long rainy period. ' DoVc-d na fine .Tn er assorted : chocolates' at 60e per ponnd. . 'The now officers of the Elks vlU .... lie Installed tonight and o full turn' out of members Is anticipated to wit ness tire Installation. No candidates will 'be initiated and tho lodge will complete' the arrangements for Its minstrel show, to be give at the Page next week. " . Very choice line of stock beet seed, long" Red. halt sugar, 75c per lb. - Monarch Seed & Peed Co. . li' 1 Sergeant Don A. Runyard of tl.e 69th artillery, radio wireless service, arrived home from Camp Lewis this morning, having received his dis . : charge, after (two years of service In i , the larm.Vi t j x'-:f.k : i: ' . Geof W.Doiiglas, the upholsterer, . formerly at 201 South Riverside, has removed his establishment to 101 South Central, cor. of Eighth street Phone 61 W. i v l , Ameetlng of the Comrades club ct the Drama league will too held Frl day afternoon at 4 q clock at thfc public library. As the. list ot charter members will close at! this meeting all the girls of the city desiring to ; Join are urged to be present at this , meeting". ' ; ' '. - ii- '. , ' For the best insurance see Holmes, the Insurance Han. .' - "Mrs. V'llliaia Sfewart. ; Ella ' Bet ford and Anna llonick o? Eaglo Point arrived In the Jity Wednesday and APft guests at to.) Hotel M?df ord. -, Snitches made from combings. S40 South-Riverside. ., Phone 2 93-X. 225 K-'Dr- J. M. Kerne arrived tome this forenoon frum his several dri visit In Portland. .. '. . ; Call .Jd itchell In regard to that lawn mowen and have it sharpened right." Called for and delivered. Phone 320-J.- , , -Airs. M. Dorn is visiting In the - city from Watkins and If stopping at the Nash , hotel, hawing arrived Wednesday.-'- The Parent Teacher circle of-the - Lincoln school will give -basket social Friday evening, -April : 4th. Good music Coffee, punch and candy booth. Proceeds to te used for Prl- i mary Dqpt, Organ fund. 18 nf The city street. department Is bus ily engaged in the annual spring ' Vorjf of dragging all the dirt streets. ' Some ot the thorofares are also being ditched and drained. - ' , White Belgian stock carrot 65c per lb.; Yellow stock carrot 86c per lb. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. ;, 14 - Among Pdrtlaad jyisitors In the city Thursday were Chester A. Par son, A. D. Back ley. J. j. Kelly, W. T. Wilkinson, J. H. Crane, B; . Hogan, A. S. Rand, E. Spamer, E. H. Cum- ' mings, W. W. Scarborough, R. D. I Miles, C. D; Wood. W. O. Oiling. G. ' A. Nichols, T. J. Herllhy; Ji Wigman and.A.-A- Baumanu. .-;'-"(' PlstoA rings for all 'cars. C. B. -Gates Auto Co. .- - , , Caspar Taylar left today for Kla math Falls in which city and vicinity be will spend a month or two on bus-.inesi.- ; .- - ; -Moose dance Saturday night. Launspacb. orchestra.- No children under J6 allowed unless chaperoned. -V ' ", ,' - . - -.- ' 11 - . The city has begun a campaign to t compel property owners to , repair viwaTd sidewalks in front of - their places, and where pwners refuse ot - are non-residfents, the city will Itself jlo the repair work and charge the jcost of the-same against the prop ? arty. This campaign . was given im- Icetusby the fact thatvMrs. H.. I. Giem on March 26th fell thru a de lapidated and rotten board walk on the. north side of Sixth street, badly spraining an ankle. ' Mr. -Giem has notified the city council that he will told the city responsible for any er- pense Incurred thru the injury to his wife. '....-...',?.-.';.'--. ,!.A. aew organization in our repair department. Better service. - Power Auto Co.- . ' -.' . 12 x' Mr. and Mirs. Fred E. Cutler of Los Angeles, are registered at the Hol- . land and will be in the city for sev eral daps. . a Orres, the ladies' tailor from Ash- . land, will be at Hotel Holland every Thursday. 6prln2 styles shown. 323 , The-report that the. Power Auto company has been sold Is a mistake. A deal for change in firm is pending but nothing definite has been done ; as-yet.' .- - - - - ' Halstead 'the Healer. Treatment 11.00. 227 S. Central. Phone J79-H. - : '' 'ft ffl -.: Mrs. . li. Morgan and daughters. Misses Miriam' and Lily, of -Jackson, Wash. -who had been visiting in Med ford, left today for a sojourn at Fres no. Cal. . ' .',.'' v i Grace Valentine who takes the lead in Oliver Morosco's "The Un qlinstened Woman", at the Rlalto to- roorrow and Saturday will hold you Spellbound with' hef wonderful lriter- , prctaiion of this role. ; ' 10 ' William Cross is a visitor In the city from .Butte Falls. ' Firestone tire! "most miles -per dollar.'v Ppwer Atito Co. 12 Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Harrison are Iri the cfty from Missoula, Mont. "Just looking around," and are guests at the Hotel Medford. i . AIco Taxi. Pnone $8. MIks IH'rnlco Cameron of the Pos tal Telegraph company, received word today that the passage of the Paclflo highway near Canyonvllle blocked and Is liable to remain that condition for two weeks. - Red and white seed oats, beardless barley. Alfalfa, clovers, timothy, and grass seeds. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. ' - - 14 B. J. Adams ot Bugene, - former state highway commissioner, who was here in the Interest ot the state chamber ot commerce campaign tor new members, went to Ashland this forenoon to spend some time there on the same errand. ' Springs tor all ears.; C. E. Gates Auto Co. P. D. Blackden loft for Portland thlB morning to resume his employ ment In a ship yard, attar a short visit with his family here. ' If - ''The ITnchastened Woman" 'came to Medford as road produc tion you would pay t.2.00 for a sent to witness it. You can see it at the Rlalto tomorrow and Saturday for 25 cents. ; ' 10 J. L. Etherldge, director or organi sation ot the Victory loan, will be In Medford' Sunday or Monday to look after the work here. Power Auto Co: with full line still on deck. 12 The survey and cross sections of the Medford-Crater Lake ' highway, on which bids for construction are being called for,-are on display at the Commercial club, for - Inspection of all who are Interested. Vy. , Oldsmoblles set the : pace. Geo TreiChler Motor Cos -. ' Medford people will find it worth fan auto trip to Eagle Point to see the large bitter almond tree In full bloom In the front yard at W. G. Knighten's home. ; It is at its best now and forms a beautiful tight. - The roads are now in good condition. - We carry a full line of Internatlon al Stock and Poultry Tonics.-' Mon- ach Seed & Feed Co. 14 Eastern visitors registered at the Hotel Medford are George W. Eddy of Boston, F. G. Butineck of Wash ington, and Mr. nnd Mrs. F. T. Bag- gerly, George G. Hodge and. Louis E Katx of Chicago.' - A .two-lb. box ot Vogan'a chocolates for 21.35 at DeVoo'a. A rellner will double the life ot your tire. ; C, E. Gates Auto Co. Sergeant Albert Nelson of the 43rd Infantry arrived in Medford today for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nelson who moved here from Tremonton, Utah, since he en tered army service. He comes from Camp Logan and has just been dis charged from service , Old papers tor building tires and house cleaning, 10c bundle. Oliver Morosco's greatest dramatic success "The Unchastened Woman" will be shown at the Rialto tomorrow' and Saturday. ' , 10 . F. O. AhlstrSm. the Butte . Falls merchant returned home today after a two days business visit in the city. '. We have been lucky In securing R. A. Skinner who has been foreman In Portland for the Manley Auto Co., as Our mechanic with the experience. Power Auto Co. . 12 It pays to save In the Building A Loan. 429 M. F. & H. Bldg. -. -. If you have not already given any old clothes to the Red Cross, send In some how. The drive has been con tinued this week, but even yet the desired amount has not been collect ed. These -clothes must be shipped next week and the Red Cross Is anx ious to have as near as possible its quota of eight tons. Collection sta tion is at the Nash Grill, and the tele phone number is 302. . Alco Taxi. Pho&e 96. Four-Inch "wood pipe at Medford Lnmber Co. ' ' tf Captain H. A.- Canaday received official word from the state adjutant general's department today that the Medford National Guard company bad been approved and accepted by the state, and that its designation in the Third Oregon regiment had been changed to Company E. The Ashland company is designated ' as Company F, The local company Is yet to he approved and accepted by the federal government. Its equipment will soon be here. .- . . Wood choppers wanted to cut 1000 cords of wood tor Valley Fuel Co. 13 .. Get your milk, cream, butter and buttermilk at DeVoe's. .' George Trana left Thursday morn ing for a business trip to Klamath Falls.'; k V, . Going to the woods? Remember we have the lunch goods. Medford Fish Market. . 11 Mr. and Mrs.. G. A. Helbig of Rose burg, are visiting friends here for a few days, and Mr. HeHilg is looking over the realty situation. Daily's Taxi. Dodge cars. Phone IS. Lots of old papers 10c the bundle at this office. - ' ' -'' tt San Francisco visitors here today included Louise RounpiUd, Joseph Schwartz and H. B. Jordan. Old papers for building fires and house cleaning, 10c bundle.' , : Hemstitching, pecoting, all work guaranteed. Vanity Hat Shop. :. The Commercial club directors did not have a meeting last night owing to the death of Mrs. H. h. -Walther, and adjourned until next, .Monday evening. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY , WANTED Boy with bicycle at Cra ter Lake Motor Co. . " FOR SALE Singer sewing machines on easy terms. Cleaning and re pairing of all machines a specialty. 245 South Central avenue, phone 903-R. C.'A. Chapman. ' 344 WEEKS & McGrOWAN CO UNDERTAKER , Day Phono: Pacific 22. . Night Plioncs: F. W. Weeks, 10342. Lady Assistant. . . Mrs. Maud Kubll and Edith Kubll ot Applegate, are making the HoUM Medford their headquarters during u short sojourn In the city. Ed Binus arrived home today from Bonlaiul whore he had been dispos ing ot a consignment ot cattle. Brake lining for all cars. C E Gates Auto Co. . Mrs. P, C. Uiglinm loft Thursday morning for a two months visit nt her former homo, Boise. Idaho, and enrouto will stop oft for visits .with friends, at Oregon City,- Portland ami Baker. '. Dr. Heine, Garnatt-Coroy Bids, Llthta water at UeVoe'l. ; Bakery goods at DeVoa's. - ' The Commercial club luncheon . at the Holland cafe next Tuesday noon will be addressed on the five million dollar bond Issue by K. T. Rood of the O. A. O. faculty. Tickets for the luncheon should be obtained from Seoretary Steel of tbe club. , The Medford Shoo Shining Parlor Is now open. . Shoes : cleaned " and dyed. 9 North Fir, near Main St. 11 Fresh lettuce, spinach, radishes, onions,- cautiflour, green peas. Also cabbage, potatoes, dry onions, sweet potatoes, garlic. Last shipment Flor ida grape-fruit. Souie extra flue Newtown "apples. Medford ' Fish Market. ; :-' , 11 The illustrated tree lecture on bird life by State 'Biologist Flnley, which was to huve been given at tho Page theater this afternoon beroro tho school pupils of the city, will be given tomorrow, afternoon at 4 p.' m. at the same place. A change In dates was made necessary too late for pre vious announcement. : ' Furniture upholstering, mattress making, orating and packing. Doug las. 101 South Central. Phono 615-J. Four-Inch wood pipe at Medtord Lumber Co. tt Among visitors registered at the hotels Thursday were S. B. Huernan of Salt Luke City, E. L. Ktesel ot Seattle, K. A. Burnell of Auburn, K.-i F. Miller of Gold Beach and G. E. Francis of Glendale. . ; Fir slab and dry wood for sale by J. T. Gagnon. Phone 869. :: Ton can always find something for a quick lunch at DeVoe's. i Mrs. W. E. Gilbert who had been visiting relatives in Indiana and Illi nois for the past sir months. Is en route home and was expected In Med ford today or Friday. Malted milk 60o lb. DeVoe's. W. M. Stevenson left Thursday for Dunsmulr, Cal., where Mr. Stevenson will engaga in the vulcanizing busi ness. '-.. " " '.' t ' ' Canteens are practically indestruc- table. yet cost lees than water bags. E. Gates Auto Co. For flra Insurance phone 64, cor ner Eleventh street and 8. P. track. D. R. Wood & Co, : . ' Mrs. J. L. Stone who has been vis iting with Mrs. A. Coleman for. tho past month, left Wednesday for her home at Shasta Springs to open her house. Moss Brae Inn, tor the sum mer season. Mrs. Stone predicts a heavy tourist travel this year. Lent is the time to eat fish. We have an extra choice stock for this week. Medford Fish Market " 11 Kodak work. Jap Art Store. 326 E. H. Hurd, secretary and treasur er of the local farm loan association, , is among the Jackson county men at-j tending the first state convention at Eugene ot the farm loan associations of Oregon. Spark plugs-for all bars.. C. E Gates Atito Co. - - , ' , ' : Hemstitching, v -,.. .: Jfecotlng, , - , , Handicraft Shop. " Notwithstanding the . sKy ,. was cloudy today and local - conditions seemed to presage a rain, the preop tion which came from the San Fran cisco weather bureau this morning was for fair weather tonight and Fri day. :' .' ' ' V :' ."-,'. Vr Best line nsed cars, Geo. L. Trelch ler Motor Co. ' ; ' ' . Alco Taxi. .Phone 95. ' :r .'" Legal size' typewriter paper $1.50 per box of 600 sheets. Good quality Bond. Medford Prinj-tng Company, tf Two Minutes For Lunch I tell Ma; and she says- Here's ijot TOASTIES DR. RIGKERT : BYES 60IEXTIFICA LIY ' TESTED, AND GLASSES ! . ''PROPERLY' FITTED NO DROPS USED Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated finite 1-8 over May Coi .: Kodak Finishing . Film develoru'ner. 15c roll. -Printing, post card size, 3 for 10c. 2x3t and smaller. 2 for 0c, ,: Kvery (fnv 'scrvifio. JAP ART STORE BOND FORGER READY TO "PAY"- FOR CRIME Four year of' continued, math- . odlcnl torgvry, and ,' then tho knowledge that he li happy tor Hie first time In year. That Is the record ot Millard Hawthorne Cut- v ter, Chicago broker and con fessed forger who has'bean turned over to the (rand jury, charged with bond forgeries' aggregating ! more than $600,000. ' "I wouldn't trade places with a king tonight," Cutter is reported to have told the officers arresting him. "I am. happy for tho first time In mora than tour years. I have stopped lying to myself. Ye torday I was worth a million: to night I have my clothes, two mag. atlnea. two paoagea ot chewing gum and a prayer-boof. t am con tent. I am ready 'to pay for what I'vo don.' ... .' , MRS. ALFRED VANDERBILT MARRIES NAVAL OFFICER NEWPORT, It; I., April 3.-i-Mrs. Ellon French Vandorbllt was morrlvd today at Harbour View, her resldonco here, to Lieutenant Paul Kltxstmon's. U. S. N.. son of the lata medical di rector, Paul Fltislmons. U. 8. N., and Mrs. Fitzslmons of Washington, Mrs. Vanderbllt obtained a divorce some years ago from Alfred G. Vun derbilt, who lost his life in the sink ing of the Lusttanla. American Decorated Bv Kina. LONDON. AvrU 3. Contain W. E. M"wOinlev of the American vxot'tli tionurv force was decorated with the military cross bv Kiue . Gcorao nt Buckiiuilinm puluce today: The cap tain bus been a mvuiliur of tho medi cal corns. ,. ' Old papers 'tor building fires and house cleaning, 10c bundle. A WOMAN'S TESTIMONY .... Mrsl Ettle Warren, a farmor's wife of Emmlttsburg, Md., openly declares how she has Iound health through reading a newspaper advertlsomont of Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. '. So great is her relief after fifteen years of suffering that she askB to have this Information published.' i : . . Adv. Southern .Oregon's ; Leading Confectionery ' V'- - 1 -Vivt WW When (. you v think . of Candy think of LIBERTY LAST TIMES TONIGHT WALLACE REID "TOO MANY MILLIONS" lie Drearaed-and It Came Ttm$ fhe Next Day;'' tomorrow saturday elsie ferguson ' ' Under the greenwood triJe" REPORT JUG0-SLAV FUSS IS ITALIAN PROPAGANDA WASHINGTON, April . 3. A for mal denial of reports from Homo Unit tho Karnituorgovlluh j dynasty bul been overthrown and a ropublla pro cluliuoii at Itoluritdo, was Issued Vj day by tlio (ugutlun ot tho Borbi, Croats and Slovonos. A atukvmunl Inst night by tunofflclul In formal Ion liuiwtU of tho kingdom characterised tho report m a pteco ot ltulluu propa ganda. -. ... -, . 1)iieen Victoria Oneraterf Uuon. MA I) KID, April 3quoon Victorlu yostorday undorwont a slight opera tion. An announcomont today said that tho operation was successful. BLISS NATIVE H E.R B TABLETS Have ' you nOllrod the ruKHnd, hanltby. coniuloillon of our sodlvr boyiw tholr t elastic . stop, ' ' and strong, manly bcarlnK. - ThlB con dition Is due to outdoor llfo. plen ty ot exerclso,- romilur habits and wholosoma food. ' Your rOMponslbllltlns may not permit' you to work, live and piny outdoors. You may havo to grind away at a ' machine, a donk, or othor omnloymont. unlll your con dition becomes alalo, indigestion, constipation, hvaduohos und Ron oral dublltty follow. Your (Ivor and, kidney full to act proporly, and your blood becomos poor and sluggish. Don't be a houlth-slack-er. Take 'Bliss IVntive llorb Tab lets. Thoy will rollovo constipa tion, remove Indication, help to prevent rheumatism und mukoynu you tit. I,ook for Irado murk. f?. Our money buck guurantee At) on every box. . 'Sold by loading druggists und local agents every whom. . Heal Skin Diseases ) , U is unnecessary' for you to suffer witheczcma,blutches,ringworrn,nuihci and similar skin troubles. Zcmo, ob i., at ""y dr,W ,or 'or 35c, or $1.00 forratra largo bottle, and prompt, ly app bed wdl usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and henli quickly and effectively most skin diseases. , Zemo is a wonderful, penetrBllnft dlsappearlnff liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today ami save all further distress. Tho B. V. Rom Ca. Cleveland, a . QUALITY MiUUC APRIL ' THE wearing of a diamond is said to bring good fortuoo to the April born. Diamonds,- tbo most beautiful of stones, also signify prosperity and good thventmontv. . Appear -prosperous and havo your monoy woll inveslu'I wborp you can turn li ut a momonl's no tice. Lot us toll you our plan for selling diamond's. ' ' DIAMOND RINGS , $6.00 to $850.00 Martin Jf Keddy " For DliimondM ' " , , - -"-j ; , Quality First. , l'hono 81 ' Visitors Always Wolcomo. ; Yellow 2nd Sheets for Carbon Copies pcr a'etun - . , THIS WEEK ONLY Medford Bbok Store 45S IT'S NOT YOUR HEART; IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS 'KltlnKy dlneiw l no rpn.;tr of wt uiih. A uinjorlly f th Ills all lctj iiuIi todny imiu bo trseod .Imi'k to (,lis Kidney trouble, , . , , ' Tho klUut-ys aro tho most liui"Hn j( iritii ( tlio body. 'l'wt nr " txrora of your blood. If tho iln whlrk nro swopt irum Iho tlmnios by J Ho blood nro not iillinlnntod llirouili tlio kMniiys, dlnouso f olio form of ahutbiir will I'lolin you ti n vlrtlm. i J Klduoy dWuo Is umiully Indloalod liy weiirhiOKs, loeiIi'm', ncrHiiiniy, dospoiHloury, boehiu'lio, utonmi-h trou ble, imla III lolim niul lower nlliiiiu, snll stones, growl, rlioiiuntllniii. wlsiica. ud lumllf. , ' , ... All '.bong doraiixeuieula aro usturo s It RaisesUie Rough 8ufcio.fnl baking lx aaauml Vhon ft cent la uhimI, Ih MiuiiO t rnlMxt first when moUtura la added In tlio iiillnic bowl, and t It o n ngu,lu wliou ht'iit la niiiilloL Tho ri-Miilt of th Ik double i-nbci la dvllcluuNly light, liolinnmo, und riw- fly illKoainl brdH, cakcif mm blncultn. ' .'-.rf.'S. I 2:Days S:;2': Days SUPREME SENSATION OP THE AGE, , , U The Caillaux Case All Star Cast a true story of love. intrigue and treason with world figures in "the principal roles. : MUTT JEFF 'Draft Board' . Regular Prices Adults 20c; 'Children 10c. ' Coming Sunday Only-Mary Roberts Rinehart's "THE STREET OP SEVEN STARS" PAGE oxrc vif.iiT Mall Ordrn THEATRE oThurad'y, (lus J nil The Musical Comedy Sensation .. M UTT WOOLLY I WE ST ALaupgliaSceond : positively ; very thing Prices hVcv Floor' lst 14 'l."Last 4 rows, tr . , Baleony. 1st 4 liovs, 7i5t, Kalancc.' 50c; ' . Quality Certified by Test Those who iiiidoi'takcjixinirii accept for tlicmselves a 'greiit iiioral - rcKp'oiisibility. Few people have any knoyvfedgo of 'the' lncdici'ries they Imy. Tlrey must ri'epejid wfmn t)io dnlggtst and .the iiiHtitution behind him-rrthc source of ftiipply.' ' ' Our label is a guarault'o of purity. . . ;- ,':.- r.y..:,.r, . : -:,;. I;', v . ' r. ii. ..j. .... . Heath's Prug Store Phone 884 !ir- Ymi uliiiiiul n 111)1,1) MI.IIM, llnnr., Uni O.II ..('iul liniiii'dliilolr, Tlio' HtHtmiUK, "VI n vn nMiiiuiuivn lltQ idtlticyt, rellevea liillouililiilliiii ami iln. (In to your tlruatafiHt, loduy ami st a; linic uf UKii'U iiiijwoti , iinoru'iii on Ainnuloi In Iwi-iily-fiiiir boura y.m nhotild (del lienllit mid viaor returiiliiif. - lAHur y.iti ftd aoinewliiit liiiiriivii conllniio to tako ono or lvo euimiU, oiiili dny, an na lokeiji Ilia llrai-i'luna conillllmi and ward on tlio duuor e( oilier ntlitt-kM. . ; -, . Auk for tlio orlxlual ImiHirtei) Of)l,D Ktl-liAf, brand, 'litre atvea, MJuev r. I funded Tt lUvy do uot litlp jtuu. (Vrront lina tlio rolnbllalied alau. third linking Mlilrr for n nunrtiT ur li nntiiry iiu tlio I'n- " rlflo limit. Xo l.trf lor liirtnula Iiim' bwn priHliK'nl, Tho CrcMi-nt t'iMik lUaik l vi'ry holp I li I. ,,Wrlto tlw (ftawci'iil Mfg. Co. Horn i li-. for cupy. Urtwr i ll (Yrwrenl, , IUk lug l'owdrr. -J , i ... . Comedy 'INSPECTOR'S Sat. Apr. 5 Xow. JO .i. Of lore , -'.- ;i. ' -!-T.'rrr;r"'r" JTy.'nud Up to Date The San Tox Store '. f a . I