Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 01, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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ti Choral ooloty rehearsals are being
held on Tuosdoy ovonlngs Instead (
Monday ua previously. During the
PB,st winter the work of tho Choral
society has been broken Into the same
as everything else of this nature. The
members Intond now revtvlnir tho old
lntorest add are now rehearsing n
. splendid : Urogram for their
eprlnic concert. Applications for new
Tnerhbers will bo accepted during the
' month of April.' A)l old members are
requested to be present at all rogular
rehearsals. : . , .
J , . DoVoe has fins .too or assorted
chocolates at 00c per pound. , ,'
i i! Tlib Installation ) of tho recently
elected new officers of tho Elks lody:o
will be beld next Thursday nlRht. and
In consequence a large turnout of the
- membership Is looked for. Iinmed'.-
. atoly after being installed the new
Officers will take hold for Uio next
1 year, i t -.. 4 -. , j ;. . , ..
. i .For the best Insurance see Holmes.
,. fh Insurance Man. .
Mr." and Mrs. TV. I. Valenlino and
two children left today for Klamath
Flails to make that city their home, as
Mr. Valentine has accepted a position
as .bookkeeper with . Uie , Klamath
; Foils Peeking company.. '
Switches made from combings. 340
South Riverside. Phone 292-X. S25
T,he Kpworth League dinner at tho
'Methodist church will begin at 6 p.
m. tills, evening. .. ',,:.; -,. , : 1
1 O'rrqs, the ladies' tailor from Ash
land, will be at Hotel Holland every!
Thursday. . Spring styles Bhown. 323
It was rumored today that Mayor
vateq would make his long delayed
appointment? to city positions at tho
council meeting tonight, ' hut . the
mayor was noncommittal on the sub-
ject These appointments were due
the first of the year.
Halstead the Healer. . . Treatment
I.uO. 227 S. Central. Phone 379-H.
.Attorney , JameaT. -Chlnnock . . of
Grants Pass, who. is sporting a new, Is Jn the city on business
and Is a guest at the Medford. '
- .. Ako Taxl. Fnone 95. -
Mrs. B. TV. Wilson ot Rogue. River,
who had a major operation, perform-
; ed In the Dow hospital last Tuesday
: is convalescing rapidly, and will leave
, for, her home In a few days.
- Oldsmoblles set the pace. Geo.
TreJchJer Motor Co. . .
JMlss ' Dorothy Boozer Returned
home yesterday from spending the
wejk end with friends at Grants
... Pass :''"' ''., '..'
, Alco TaxL PLoi.e 93.
t R. A. Pierce of. Central Point, re
turned home Monday from a visit
with his son at -Bremerton, Wash. . ,
-. Guaranteed, spark plugs 1 or .all
ears.- C. E. -Gates Auto-Co. . .
.-, San Francisco visitors who are
guests at the Hotel Medford include
i. h: "Chandler, C. P. Rice, P. O.
Crawford, 'William Hoff, H. D. Coates
and 3. H. Barteau. ; ; .' u . ,
::Lots of old papers 10c the bundle
" at this office. -. - -. : - -
Mrs.' Ben" C.- Ely of Portland; who
had been working here the past week
In the Interest of the Oregon Assoc!
atvfc strles, went to Ashland to-
dajj & I Tend some time there in the
ea x& 13, and from that city rlll
go x ce lmath-Falls. it 5. f;i
DrLidw. de Reymonte, drugless
physician. Acute and chronic diseases
..- by his own system. 9to 12, 1 to 5
i p. m. Booms 4-5 SL Mark's bldg.
. a-.jiv'- -Ti.. jv 316
h iThe iParont iTeacher circle rot. the
Lincoln school will hold their regular
meeting at ..the jschool . liuilding ,Fr I-
' day... A .program Is being prepared
for. this meeting;,'. In tho evening a
social will be given. at the school to
which, all patrons and friends are In
vited to attend. fi ..j ..-.;t,- s, .: -'m.
Sir .slab and dry wood, for sale by
J. T. Gagnon. phono $59. ,-.; .
Dr. Carl Gioney. of Salem, presi
dent of Willamette university,; arriv
ed In the city this morning and is a
guest at the. Medford-. .hotel. . Dr.
Doney addresses the district conven
tion of , the Epworth, League here to-
: .night rV U;. in,. r-..v..- . .
v Malted milk J50c lb. DeVoe's... ,
i iButte Falls citizens in the cjty to?
day include A.; L, Cross
the. Nash hotel and John Cadzo, who
Is a guest at the Hotel Holland. .
. For fire Insurance phone 64, cor-
ner. Eleventh, street and 8. P. track,
D. R. .Wood & Co." ; j . i . .? I: ; V f
.Mrs. TV. H., Locke received a tola
gram today from Mrs. Roger Bennett
In ..the. east, saying her; son , Francis
Bennett had just arrived In .New
York, He wast wlth:the;3,Ist division
and had been stationed near Aix la
Chappelle,... France, , ,for, -, several
months.. .-, ...-v V.: vv'--
l,The,.Medtord ;Shoe Shining Parlor
Is now open. . Shoes cleaned and
dyed. 9 North Fir,.near Main St. 11
Gus DItsworth and H. E. Peyton
were .sojourners.tln.-.the city today
from .the Derby section.:; u .! V
.. Furniture, upholstering, mattress
making, .crating and packing. Doug
las, 101 South Central. Phone 615-J
.;.,,Burrtotto Dodgeiand. daughter ,ar-
. rlvod. home last night from .their five
, weeks visit at Akron, O, Mrs. Dodge
stpppod off at Oakland, Cal., for a
week's, visit with relutlvos beforo re
turning home. . f- . .
, i Heqistltchlng, . . . ..
, , Pecotlng,. . -I
Handicraft Shop. . : .
, Chris, Swanson o R, F. D. No. 3
Mcdfordi 1b a patient at; the Dow hos
pital. to treatment for, stomaqh tron
bleinnd Is . consldorbd quite sick.. '
. ..Alco. Taxi. .Phone 95. ... . , "
Itay Phono: Pacific 227. i
NUtht intones: F. W. WeekslOS-JZ.
A quartet of young men who will
be In iho cliy, for some time arrived
here' from Portland their home, toJ
day utnd are registered at the Hol
land. ') V j; .l)-.- y. ,,- iv,
" Guaranteed tor all cars.
CMC. Gates Anto Co. v
Sergeant Herbert Parker pf the
4Sth regiment, const artillery, which
recently reached this country from
Franco, arrived homo this morning
from Camp Lewis whero he recelvod
;his discharge from sor.vice. ,, p
v. A two-lb. boif ot Vogun's chocolates
.for J1.3B at DoVoo's.; , . , t v
Dr. G. II. Parkinson and J. Jvdcnr
Purdy of Portland, the latter being
.Epworth League socpetary.ot the mis
sionary centenary of the if. E. church
Portland area, arrived la tho city thl
morning to address tho : Epworth
League rally at tho Methodist church.
Dr., Parkinson,;, who had, boon chap
lain at tho base hospital nt '. Camp
Lewis during the war was Just re
cently released from service. .-
'.Hemstitching, pecotlng, all work
gunrnnteed.i Vanity Hat Shop'.
.. Carl Shoemaker, state fish and
game warden, arrived In Medford
this, forenoon from Portland, and
left by auto with Deputy Game War
den Dalley and Jack Ait ken by auto
to make an Inspection of the Anient
New location Main and CentralJ
Paul's Electric Store. ; v 315
Mrs. TV, J. Austen left today for a
visit witlf hcT daughtorr Mrs. E. p.
IUIA ui mil. : , . ,
Daily's Tasl. Dodge cars. Phone 15
Winifred W. Phtlltpps ot Ashland
was a vfsitor In the city today. .
Dr. Heine, Garnett-Corey Bldg.
Many citizens have called on Inter
nal Revenue Deputies Wimberly and
Harper in the city council chamber
since they opened an .office , there
Monday morning to seek' advice and
receive aid, In, making, out their. In
come tax statements. The deputies
will only be here till Wednesday
evening when they, depart for. Ash-
laud. Their office. hours are from 9
a. m. to 5 p. .m. ..,... .. -Ltthia
water at DeVoe'a.
Los : .Angeles visitors In the. city
Tuesday included Mme. Brockway at
the Medford ond Lieut Frank Foley
and L.:B. Davy at-ttie Nash. - ,
Windshield glasses lor all cars. C.
E. Gates Auto Co.. . .. ;,' , '
Mrs. M. , ;B. Ager of ; Agor. Callt
who had. been, visiting In Medford for
several days, left for home this mor
ning..;, , .,... ,. . . . .
Nash . Hotel. .;- Special rates, week
or month. Steam heat. 317
.Frost Expert Young and County
Agent Cate last night began the an
nual spring custom of giving out the
local, weather forecast e.v.ery: night to
the- orchardlsts .and farmers of the
Talley.-. , After the forecast has been
made it is telephoned to., the central
telephone exchange, from which all
interested -persons can learn of It by
calling up.. This custom will be con
tinued until the end of the frost per
iod. ; .r. 1 .
Guaranteed piston rings for all
cars. C. E. Gates Anto Co, ,
Mr. And Mrs. M. G. -Womack have
received word of the arrival of their
son. Corporal Roy P. Womack, from
overseas service at, Camp Mills, N. Y.
He , will be discharged at Camp Kear
ney, Cal,. . ..
Kodak work., Jap Art. Store, i
h. Joha M. . Root left Tuesday fore
noon - foe a business - trip , to San
Franclsco,i,, o i:, '; -:: .'i-:' ;.. ,
. Yon can always find something for
a quick lnnch at DeVoe's-,,;, v.' ..
...Mr. and Irs.-. C. ;Bertelson of Bea
gle;i,arrived In the city, ibis morning
from a visit at TVeed. , ;:
: Guaranteed brake ..lining- for. all
ears. , Ci E. Gates" Auto Co. , -
.-. Mr. and . Mrs. .-.TVilliam A.'- Gates
moved, yesterday from the Barnum
apartments to their home at the cor
ner otWest Ninth.. ' , i
0 Best line used cars. Geo. L. Treloh-
ler Motor Co. , .', ;
ji ilss. Thomas(. Johnson and, Mrs.
Hattle Cockman ,of..WInnipegf Can.,
who are enroute home from spending
tho .winter in southern Californla(
stppped,off here .this morning, for a
few. days, visit jWith Mr. , and .Mrs-
Arthur Bevan at- No. 9 Ross avenue.
Bakery goods atiDeVoe's.
Portland people registered at the
Medford Include Mr. and Mrs, .1. ,C.
Lewis, Mrs. Ei M.,Ward, C. C. Hays,
W. H. Norton L. O. Rex arid T. P.
Rawdor. . ,
Oldjpapers for building fires; and
house cleaning, 10c bundle, t : .
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tolson .- who
ha,ve been living at. Butte Kalis, were
inj town today; enroute to- Seghers,
Ore., where they will make their
home. ; :-''
Sunday guests at the Hotel Med
ford included Mr., and. Mrs. D. W.
Stoltz of Roseburg, Mr,and Mrs. A
V;.:y,-'Hile of Seattle and .Mr. and
Mrs, E.Ci Baker of.Dunsmuir, .'
,, Samuel. Bcrthelson,, returned . to
Medford. today from a business visit
at Seattle.,.; ,;i . . .,
- Get your milk, cream, butter qnd
buttermilk at DeVoe's. . . .
Mr. -and Mrs.:J3. O. Lock wood and
two children-i left .this morning for
Roseburg to make .their home In that
city.. :,:,--
Superintendent Dnvenpnrt of tho
local schools and snpt. Briscoe ot the
Ashland schools are In Spokane iu
uttondanoo nt the auliual convention
of tho Inland Emplro.Tenchors sassiv
elation.'- . -.- !-.
: Wood choppers wniitod to cut InOlJ
cords of wood for Valley Fuel Co. 13
M. M. Lawrence, the .stranger, who
attempted to pass, bogus checks at
several stores last Saturday, pleaded
guilty to the charge ot .vagrancy be
fore Judge Taylor yesterday, and was
sentenced, to 10 days In Hie Jail,
while an Investigation . Is being made
In an effort to connoct him with some
of the phoney check passing that has
been bothering merchants ot other
southern . Oregon . cities lucludlug
Grants Pass and Roseburg.
Four-Inch wood pipe at Medford
Lumber Co. ' . . . tf?
. Misses Flora Grey. Adole. BrauU
and Tithel Newland have moved from
the Borben aiinrtments , ti the,. Jhu
num partmonts, and Mr , and Mrsi
William Vawter are. to .make,. their
homo In a suite at the Bqrben. f '.,,u
It pays to save In the Building ft
Loan. 439 M. F. & IL.Bldg.. ,.,,.:,.
The predicted heavy, frost ox last
night fortunately did not mnteriullto,
tho minimum temperature, of Inst
night and this morning being 36 de
grees above. Fair weather Is the, pre
diction, for tomorrow. : ...-
,I)ur-Iuch wood ,plpo at vMedford
Lumber Co. .,..' i ;s '. . . tf
' R. Berqulst ot .the 4-Sthi const arttl-
lory, recently arrived from overseas.
following his discharge : .at . Camp
Lewis, haa stopped ..oft for a visit at
Portland before, coming home. .
Old; papers for building flree and
house cleaning,- 10c hundlQ.;'' 't? ?
The news has just become kuown.
that Miss Lillian Plerce.Uhe r well
known school teacher,, and daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pierce, will be
married to Louis G Centner in the
First Evangelical church at. Portland
next'Fridny night at S, o'clock. Miss
Pierce and Miss Carmine Hittson left
for Portland last Sunday, night, to
make the. wedding preparations. Miss
Hittson will be the bridesmaid. . .r ..:
-lr. Centner, was tor a time a rest.
dent of .Medford and is quite well
known here,' having been county ag
ricultural agent for a month or so
before Claude. C. Cate assumed, that
office. ' ; He is now connected with the
state of Wisconsin agricultural ser-(
vice with headquarters at ..uaaiaon
Wis., where the newly wedded, couple
will make their home. The best man
at the wedding will be the brother, of
the groom who only recently return.
ed from war service In. France.
!'. At'(! o'clock this 'afternoon tho
rally of tho Klamath Falls district ot
the Epworth League missionary con
tenti'ry begun In the' First Methodist
church of this city and from that
hour on ,the rally Is to continue with
varied features until 0fl5 o'clock to
night. A delegation of fifty Kpworth
League utpmuors irom Ashland, tir
tuen ..from Grants Puss, some from
Talent-and a number from ' other
points in itho district woro In Titton
duueo,.,. At 6 p. m.. a dinner will ho
held at the church for all tho conveu
tlmi; attendants. nd local Epworth
Leaguo mombers. . ; , .
'Prominent speakers will bo In at
tendance Including Dr. Carl O. Doney
of, Salem, president . of . Willamette
university, Roy. Dr.-U. H.iJ'arkhwou
of Portland, and J. Edgar Purdy, Kb
worth. Leaguo secretary ot tho mis-
sionary centenary of , the ;M. E.
cluireh, Portland area,.. Joseph lmto-
utun is chairman of today's rally, Tho
program. In ynrt fallows:
4:00 n. m. Fellowship period.
4:30. p. m. 'Devotional song sor-
vlce.. . . , .
4:45 p. ,m. "The Strategy of tho
Centenary," President Carl G. ponoy,
ot Willamette University, Snlom, Or.
5:05 p. m. Special music.
5;10 p. m. 'The Kpworth League
Lining Up,". J. Edgar Purdy; Epworth
League secretory,, Portland area.
5:30 p. m. Special music.:' '
',.6:35,"The fltewnrdahlp of
Intercession." Dr. O. H. Parkinson.
5:55. p. m. Intermission., i .; '
,; 6:10 p. m. Dinner In church din
ing room, Tonslmaator. Arthur Hess,
with four-minute .responses. ,
7:30 p. m. Devotional song ser
vice. ' ...
. 7:45 p.
S:05 p.
, 8:15 p.
,jlfi SfANIdri fKUVINUta
JIADIHD. April 1. (Havas.)
The industrial situation in Spain up.
pears to be improvintr except in Al-
ccntc, . where n state of. seiaefhnS
been prot-luimed.. ine Ktriko oi mail
carriers in Madrid has ended nud
several factories reopened vestcrdnv
in Barcelona. .Workmen also are re
turning in other provinces.:
-. He Escaped Influenza '
, "Last ispring .1. had a terrible cold
and grippe, and was .afraid I was go
ing to have. influenza," writes A. .
McNeese, High Point, Ga. "I . tried
many kinds of medicine, but remain!
ed clogged with cold. I then took
Foley's Honey ad Tar Compound,
feeling relief from the tyrst, I .used
seven. small bottles.;. It was a sight to
see the phlegm I coughed up. - I am
convinced Foley's Honey and . Tar
saved me from influenza'j Checks
coughs, colds, croup and., whooping
cough. For sale by Medford Fharn
macy. '. '. "'. ; :. ' - .
FOR REXT:-rSleeping and houso
''. keeping rooms at 249 South, Rlyer
... side.. -Phone 292-H.'. - 13
think :;
. Leading Confectionery
m. "The Stewardship of
Dr. Carl Doney.
m. Special music offor-
..Ki;.f.,.Av'-)-,!..m '' .-
m. : "The Stewardship of
Life," Dr. G: H.'Parklnson';"' . '-
' 8:4r, p. m. Special music,
' 8:50 p: n(;ViCa.;W Do-lW Dis
cussion, and Goals, 'J. Edgar Purdy.,
oing Her Bit;
1 "'lorethan a 'year ago I 'took
a course of , Mayr'a ' Wonderful
Remedy for gall sUines, severe colic
and stomach trouble and have .been
entirely "well ever, Ince.. I have rec
ommended it to many oth,er stomach
sufferers, as I felt it was my duty to
tell them just how much good It has
done me." It is a simple, harmless
preparation that removes tho catar
rhal mucus from the intestlnul tracfl
and allays the Inflammation which
causes' practically nil stomach, liver
and Intestinal ailments,, Including ap
pendicitis. One dose will convince
or inoner "refunded. For' sale by
druggist everywhere. ;Adv.
' State Biologist Win; h, .Fhtt'ojr, who
Is nationally famous us tin authority
on birds' and wild anlnuila, will do-
liver a free Illustrated leeluro on
bird Ufa nt the Pugo theutro nt 4
o'clock Thursday afternoon, April 3
to tho school children at Medford,
Dr. 'Pago having made thin treat, to
tho Utile folks possible by oflorlng
the uso of his .theatre. . :- , ,
Mr. Fliiloy, who lectures here nu-
nuully, on natural history topics, hus
an entirely now set of films, wliloh
are pronounced among the -bust yet
takou, showlug birds and animals In
their natural haunts, tholr customs
and' hablta. Scholars, stated Mr.
Davenport, before his departure for
Spokano, lll march front school to
tho thontre with tholr teachers.
'Mr. Flnloy will lecture Thursday
ovonlng to tho school children at
Gold 11111 and Is opon for a lecture at
Ashland or other places Friday ami
Saturday, provided he can bo assured
the use ot a flrst-aluss moving picture
projecting muchlno and, operator as
ho has no machine or operator with
hi in this trip.
fiiimluv hi-IhioI Institute Is in kvm
Mion.iit tliu . ' ilnptUt cliiircli tniluv,
WeiluuKtlnv iii'lci-iimm nud uvviiino,
lliti' institute lieinir led liv Dr. .1. f).
8u:il'iHton of I'oit linnl. director of
lVlirimiH e'tliu'iilion I'.vr tliu lioi'lli.'
w-cl, iHiiHloil liv Miss llrorkwav of
Lux Anu'i'les, nnliuiiiil Hiinei-iiitemlent
of ekmicnliirv buiulnv. Hi'liuol work
for (ha liiiptixt ilennmiiiulion. MinH
Hrot'kwnV in one ol! tlui.tniixt imon
lur uml nUra.'live leiulei-x in liei- do
unrlmetit in Hie aouptrv. The m
mhiiih tiro of inlurtvit to nil Kumliiv
Hcliuul workers Mini nil ure welcome.
tagnt slio typewriter paper (1,110
per box ot COO shoots. Clood quality
llotid. Medford Printing Company, tf
i.'J'V. - '. I ..' : .. ..-i. , I.'.'
Don't worry about eld . A
Alfoctlnni of tin kldnoys and blaildtr'
r aiuiing Ilia wndlng cauaoi of ssrly'
or holitluHM nirn. .. Kvnn tliviu cbmn aiui.
f tho olhor Hi-sun In working ouiuliuuu,)
liiu yuq wui UHrn uuiiuus iu ivsr, ., VJ
Drive the polf minus wmk (rum' tin.)
yalia anil avoid urlr arid a.-ruuiula-.i
tlun.. Tak GOLD MHUAL Ilasrlain H
Oil Uapauloit purliHllially and yuu will!
find that yuu are aa oml at th nnat
follow. Sour aplrlta will be roj.mi-(
imlp.l, ynur im.NoIca atruiif nud your:
uilnd anvil (.iiiiuku fur any uak,.
OOLD MEDAL Ifanrlrm Oil Oapaula
will do the work, i Hut hi aura' to
tha Tirliliinl linnnrtml Gtll.l) MK1
Ilaarltm (III Cni'u.'. ,'1'liny ara ,ra-'
' o ant
linl.lo ami alioillil hrip jtnu, or your
inaiiiy will bo refunded. For Mil by
iiiuat ilniRKlats, . In sealed uiu-kaixa
tl.rto alalia. ;
Get tt &aras' Olive' Tablet9
.That Is tho lovful ov or thousanda
Jac Dr. Edwards produced QUvo Tcbktj,
tha substituto for colomcl. , , , ' , ;
ut. Mwauis, a practicing physician for
17 years and calomel's old-tima enemv.
discovered ths formula for Ollvo Tablets
whilo treating patients lor chronic con.
::.'j3tion ccd torpkl livers. ,.
Dr. Edwards' Ollvo Tshlebi da not
renuin .c.-Uomt'I, but a hoaliof, acMthine
vcgetabla laxative.' ' ,
. No griping Ja tho "keynoW' of theso
little suraroatcd. olive-colored tablets.
They cause tho bowels and liver to act
normally.- They,' Dover force them to
unnatural action. ,. ... .... ,,,,,
If you have a Vdarfc brown mouth now
and then a bad breath n dull, tired
feeling sfck headache torpid livcf and
are constipated, you'll find Quick, sure and
onlv pleasant results from one or two lit
tle Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take one or two every night
lost to keep right. -Try them. lOo and
Z5c per dox au arugKutts, -
Mali OnliTH Now.
THEATRE K"'o Thumd'y, 10
Sat. Apr. 5
The Musical Comedy Sensation '
' and ' '' v' : " " 1
A'Lnnpgli n Sct'oud - A Sliout h MLnuto
Positively Kvorytliinj; Now.hhd Up to Pnte . ,
LoTrt Floor, rlst 14 Kows $T. Lrist 4 ro
Ualt'ony, 1st 4 Rows, 75c, IJuIiu'ici, 50c, ;
. 1 1 have ono, of your TriiHsoa now. This lnakos th'o
second one 1 have worn. ;Tf they had rot been nil
right I would not have Iioiight (lip seeond one. It I
had worn an Akron Truss front the f jrstl believe my
, ruptuiHi would have been well. ' From. r .
, ; (iKo.iiiLLTAitn: ; : .
Heath's Drug Store :
Phone 884 . . , . ; i .The San Tox Store
Today Only
In That Screaming Farce
1 Ion;t Miss'it This Time'.
, ;. .Admission .-.
Adults 15c; Children ,10c
Tomdrf 6w-T,hurs(Jay
Wallace Reid
NOTE : Commencine-'-To-
night Doors Open 7:15 p. m:
errormancestarlB 7:30.. -
Kodak Finishift
Film rlovoloDinir.- ISn rnltu
,:, Printiricr, post card izo, 3,for 10c.
ewiVd and smullcr, 2 for 5c.
Kvorv diiv serVii-o. ''
' TfeSTED, AJtp glasses;
: no wnoi's usi:n
llri-tlrnn T Sn cub A rrn pninln Tlnntlnriu1
RfeSil Special
- V -(Kcgular price 35d
mi.!. i . i '. -
11118 TVCCK, two : ioiv:.:, .;.....,,
,'' tf '' ' : -.
' ' -i ... ' . ,U ,il . '
i - r '
He out-Dou'gs
r Added
.- . - Thrills. '
' '; The House of Big Features :
America's Greatest Athletic Star
George Walsh
On the Jump '
Something Doing .
fr Every1 Minute
This High Cost Program
t J Regular Prices ., .
'Adults 20c. . Children 10c
Itfa Another Big Show
, , -. Added
A Fast Snappy
"The Fable of a Film
; v Fed Family. ;
Big Shipiii
ent of
Arsenate of Lead
Place, yoiir order with us now
Hubbard BrdSi
U$f. AB8lstnt. ... 6n(e ovsi Jtor Cp, : .