Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 19, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    PA (IK TWO
Those- citizens who did not came
miliar thoiwlre by March 15 by tiling
their Income tnx statements will have
another chance to do bo to obtain of
ficial, heln In preparing the. state
ments, n Deputies llnrper and Wlm-
berly, ot the internal rovcnue otrico
. will bo stationed at tho city hall In
r Medford March 31 to April 2 for tills
purpose. This Information was wirea
to the olty this forenoon to rosimas-
tor Minis from Portland Xtf Collector
of Internal Revenue Milton A. Miller.
DeVoe has a tine lino of assorted
chocolates at 60e per pound. . ' "
The citv council wont on record in-
fdruiMly last. night os favoring the
establishment of tho proposed new
city bank, towards tho support of
which the city Is asked to contribute
Sfid a month, Secretary Steel ot the
Commercial club, William F. Isaacs
i and B. C. Uoot put the mutter before
tho council, .
' Knlub'tjt of Pythias' attention. On
Krlilny evening,. March 21st, 1919.
. thoro will' be an entertainment by
local, talent.- ..Dancing. . afterward.
i Come, brine your families and
friends., Castle ball. 30G
Women ot tho county who are In
terested In the clothlug exhibit and
demonstration to be given at Thoenix
are asked to remember that the date
Ik this week, Friday, March 21st. The
meet Ins begins at 10:30 o'clock and
a..Iim?beon at the noon hour will be
strved by the women of Uie Phoenix
Presbyterian church.'
: Now Is tho time to spray your
trees- anil rose bushes, Call 508-R-;
f -': : 307
5 11. C." Ttecves of Oklahoma City,
i"'inTMddford investigating condi
tions with the probability of locating
f For the best Insurance see Holmes,
the. Insurance Man.
' i Attorney E. D. Brlggs of Ashland,
was among the visitors in. the city
. today.
Skating at the Xat tonight at 7:30.
.-' - ' 306
Mr: and Mrs. F. A. Dixon are vis
itors in Medford from Seattle and
were registered at the Nash hotel last
night. ' , "
Switches made from combings. 340
South Riverside. - Phone 292-X. 325
B. W. Craig who had been connect
ed with the C. E. Gates Auto company
for the past sis months as automo
bile salesman has left that company
and now serves in a similar capacity
with the Pruitt Hittson company.
Orres, tho ladles' tailor from Ash
land, will be at Hotel Holland every
Thursday. Spring styles shown. 323
,, Ira Bunlap, tho well known Trail
rancher. Is a visitor In the eity.
Skating at the Nat tonight at 7:30.
, . ; ' . " 30B
L. b. Provenes of New Orleans is
among- the Hotel I. Medford ; guests
from a distance. " .
Halstead the Healer. Treatment
J1.00. 227 S. Central. Phone 379-H.
. 327
A 71i pound daughter was born at
the Sacred Heart hospital, March 18,
to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reter.
Oldsmobiles set the pace. Geo.
Trelchlcr Motor Co. ' v
Mr. and Mrs. C. Caldwell of Spo
kane, Wash., are -visiting Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. Elliott and other friends.
They formerly lived here and Mr.
Caldwell was connected with ' the
Pantorlum. - '
Guaranteed spark plugs for' all
cars. Ci E. Gates Auto Co.
John C." Robey arrived in Medford
Tuesday 'and Is stopping at the Hotel
Skating at the Nat tonight at 7:30.
": - .. ' ' . 305
' The dinner tendered to the far
mers of the Ashland-vicinity by the
Commercial- club- of that city last
- night in the Elks hall-was a most en
.loyable affair.- Among those who ad-
' dressed the gathering of from 150 to
' 200 persona were Prof; Reimer of the
experiment station and C. C. Cate
and Miss Anno McCormick of this
city. .-' i; ; ::
Dr. Edw. do Reymonte, druglcss
physician. Acute and Chronic diseases
by his own system, - 9to 12, 1 to o
p. m. Rooms 4-5 Sti Mark's" bldg.
-..V;;. ". , 316
William Stewart was a visitor in
Med(ord yesterday from bis ranch on
the upper Rogue river. ' . ' -
Furniture upholstering,, mattress
making, crating and packing.- Doug
las, 201 S. Riverside. Phone 1S2-J.
George; Rohrer of-Newport, Ore.,
who was recently released from' the
infantry service and. who had been
visiting, his : brother, W. W. Roherr
of this city, left; this morning for
i Klamath Falls. :
Bakery; goods at DeVoe's.
Portland visitors registeredf at the
Hotel Medford Included Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Tomassene, Vernce Guthrie, C.
i 12. Penn, John M. Scott, H; J: Jo-han-sen,
C. H. .Cordson, J. L. Shaw, Harry
H. Nobergall, Ira Beeman, W. A.
Kay, E. N. Ward and Roy, G. Stewart.
"Italy's Flaming Front' The first
films of a whole battle. ' You can now
see Just "-how' battles' are fought" on
I. lnd--orf tlie 'sea--andin the air. :
.. Tho dinner glVen by the Women's
Rollef corps chapter on St. Patrick's
dar was a culinary and financial suc
cessand enjoyed a liberal patronage
from the r patriotic citizens of Med-
ford;' ' ' -.;'' '"":- i -
Fir slab-, and' dry wood for sale by
J, P. (lagoon. : Phono. 859.-
Mr. , andJ Mrs. Raymond' Phillips
vcro sojourners in-Medford-yesterday
from the' upper Applegato' sec
tion,, , . ,
It pays to save In the Building &
Tioan;-4 2ft M. F. & H. Bldg.
A, III Noycs, T. A. Blalsdell, F; E.
Guntor and W.- G. Egloston of" San
Francisco,. are Hotel Medford.' guests.
Guaranteed sprnrgs for all carB
0. 13: Cntcs Auto Co;
11. J. Kalisky, tho representative ot
a Portland wholesale hardware house
and who makes his heniUtuurturs In
Kiigono, Is hero on-a periodical visit,
and left this morning from the Hotel
Medford for a business trip to Eagle
Point. ) .
: In "Italy's Flaming Front" two
moving picture operators lost their
lives and five, wero decorated for bra
very while" taking pictures of ' the
actual battle. r, '
P.1 C. nigham who last week sold
out his bottling business says he In
tends to do nothing but fish and bunt
for some time, and Inasmuch us he
can not hunt till' fall he will enjoy a
long spell of fishing and loafing.
Lithia water at DeVoe's. ,
Mrs. M.-Stclnmeti of Gold Hill.
who bad been visiting in Roseburg
with her cousin, Mrs. W. A. White,
for the past month,, returned home
this week.
Dainty hanccsraocked and cross
stitched spring wash suits for little
brothers and Bisters. Handicraft
Shop. 305
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Weston left
this week for a few day's visit at
Salem, from where they will go to
Seattlo in which city they will prob
ably locate permanently. Mr. Weston
recently sold out milling and lumber
interests near Doris.
Something Individual In children's
spring .apparel. Handicraft Shop.
AlcoTaxl. Fnone 95. .
Mrs. G. F. Clausing and Miss Lou
ise Clausing were shopping visitors in
tho oily Wednesday from Phoenix.
Not onto person in a million will
ever have the opportunity of witness
ing an aerial battle In the clouds at
close quarters." Yet this amaiing
adventure can be experienced by any
one who sees "Italy's Flaming
Front." ' ; !
Eugene men sojourning in Medford
today included A. A. Pirn, E. Spanier,
C. F, Diemer and R. B. Morton. -
Hemstitching, .
Pecotlng, -.,":' ' j
Handicraft Shop.
Seattle visitors af the' Hotel Med
ford yesterday were C. E. Stout and
J. Emery Cox. ,
Get your milk, cream, butter and
buttermilk at DeVoe's.
A. J. Grimes, of ITedford, who has
been visiting -with his sister, Mrs. O.
E. Daniels, who resales near the city,
left this morning, for Grants Pass,
where he -will remain a short time
enroute to his home. Roseburg Re
view. - j
Now is the time to spray your trees
and rose bushes. Call 508-R. 306
Soldiers who fight on skis- at an I
altitude of from 8000 to 11.000 feat I
are some of the unforgettable fea
tures of "Italy's Flaming Front." ' I
Robert Fox, better known as Slim 1
McDonald, former janitor of the Nat
atorium, who fled from the city last
summer, after passing a number of
forged, checks on Medford business
men and who was finally captured at
Oregon City last week, pleaded guilty
in circuit court at Jacksonville yes
terday and waa given a sentence by
Judge Calkins of from 1 to 5 years.
However he was not sent to the peni
tentiary but was turned over into the
custody of the. state parole officer
as he is not regarded as any too
strong mentally. For was Indicted
shortly after he fled the city.
Kodak work. Jap. Art Store. 326
For fire lnsurancs phone 64, cor
ner Eleventh street and S. P. track.
D. R. W7ood & Co.
f Fred E. King of Portland and C.
M. Turner of San "Francisco, are re
cent arrivals at the Hotel Holland.
Hemstitching, pecotlng, all. work
guaranteed. Vanity Hat Shop.
See the beautiful models of New
Pacific Package goods at the Handi
craft Shop.' . , f 305
. People who have traveled the road
between here and Grants Pass the
past five yeare declare that they
never saw it in so miserable a condi
tion, . because of tbe mud, between
Central Point and the Pass. At points
it is almost impassable and at other
points the mud ruts, are several feet
deep. , ' . ;. -. - .
The actual pictures ot a thrilling
naval battle on the Adriatic sea is
one of the big features to be seen in
"Italy's Flaming Front," Page the
atre Mar. 20th, 21st and 22nd.
Motorcycles, - bicycles, , supplies.
Libert Repair Shop, 22 South Grape.
; .;.'; .... - '.'.' '- 3 (0
For the benefit of-those who failed
to see previous notices of the recep
tion of the Jackson county legislators
at the Presbyterian church tonight at
8 o'clock the-W. C. T. U. wish to re
peat a cordial invitation to everybody
to attend.
P. F. Close & Son. Riverside Gar
age.' .., :' - ; x ' ' ' 30S
.J. A. Butler and T. J. McPherson
were visitors here Wednesday from
Eagle Point. ; ' . . , ;
. Notico-to 23-12 members. There
will be no camouflage on Friday,
March 21st, but there will be a regu
lar dance. 307
FOR SA'LE Ten milk cows, all Jer
sey; good young cows. D. M. Lowe,
Talent, Ore., Phone 6-F12, Talent,
- . 3io
FOR SALlS Buff Leghorn hatching
eggs. Phone R-13M. 307
WAd'TED Single man to work, by
the month; steady- employment.
CliaB. H. Brown, phono D91-R1.
' .,''', '".... ;' ; -..' 307
FOR SALE Taking orders for white
'. Leghorn chicks. Mrs. Dressier.
Phone 777-L. 307
Day PliOno: Pacific 227.
Slight Phones: F. W.- Weeks, 103-J2
Highway Commissioner H. A.
Booth and lllshway Kuulnoor Her
bert Numi will be In Ashlumt toivjuht
and will bo In Medford Thursday.
They have not doeldod but It is hoped
they Vi.Hl remain for the Commercial
club bnyiiuot Friday night.
Best lino used cars. Geo. Ls Tretch-
ler Motor Co.
. Dr. Heine, Gnrnett-Corey Bids.
The new Medford National Uuard
company which was recently mus
tered Into service will meet touisht
.for tho completing of the physical
examinations and for putting finish
ing touches on tho organisation. Tho
men will meet first ut tho ottlco of
Captain Cunaday und then proceed to
the public library. Later they may
hnvo ltsht drill on tho street.- It Is
not yet known what tho company's
official designation by letter will be
in tho Third Orcson rogtmoiit'. It
had put In an application -to . -be
known as C company, but since that
time It has been learued that the' obi
C company is being reorganlned for
service In the regiment, so that letter
is out ot tho question.
Reosonablo and dainty spring
frocks for little foli;s at Handicraft
Shop. - 305
'Wo repair them all. Riverside
Garase. , 305
While the rainfall only amounted
to .01 ot an inch hero Tuesday and
there was noao at all last evening
there Was on unusually heavy rain
at Ashlaud about 7 p. in, lust night.
Rain Is again predicted for tonight
and Thursday.
AlcosTaxl. Phone 95. -
A two-lb. box ot Vogan's chocolatos
for $1.35 at DoVoo'a. .
T. C. Gaines of Trail and Floyd
Wilson of Prospect, were among
county visitors registered at the Nash
hotel last night.
New location Main and Central.
Paul's Electrlo Store. 315
Windshield glasses tor all cars. C.
E. Gates Auto Co. "
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific north
ot Ashland, and E. E. Penn, general
agent ot tho passenger department
ot the Canadian Pacific railway 8Knt
the day In Medford and Ashland re
newing acquaintances. '
Nash. Hotel. Special rates, wreek
or month. Steam heat. 317
Guaranteed piston rings for all
cars. C. B. Gates Auto Co.
The Gold Hill bank is not handling
the tax collections "for this commu
nity this spring as formerly. No sat
isfactory arrangement could be made
with Sheriff Terrlll, hence the people
in this halt of the county will have to
apply to' the tax department Individ
ually for their tax list. Since the
first half of the taxes must be paid
before April Gold Hill News.
Alco Taxi. P.hone 95.
: Malted milk 60c lb. DeVoe's.
, Roland Flaherty, assistant county
agricultural agent, left last night for
Yakima, Wash., on a personal bust-,
ness visit. ,.
Daily'a Taxi. Dodge cars. Phone 15.
Guaranteed brake lining tor all
cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
Acids in Stomach
Cause Indigestion
Crcato'Gns, Snurness and Pnin "
How to Treat.
Medical authorities state that near
ly nine-tentbs of the cases of stomach
trouble, indigestion, sourness, burn
ing, gas, bloating, nausea, etc., are
duo to an excess of hydrochloric acid
in the stomach and not as some be
lieve to a lack of digestive juices.
The delicate stomach lining is Irrltau.
ed, digestion is delayed and food
sours, causing the disagreeable symp
toms which' every stomach sufferer
knows so well.
Artificial digestents are not need
ed in such cases and may do real
harm. Try laying aside all digestive
aids and instead get from any drug
gist a few ounces of Bisurated Mag-
nfRl flnrt tnkn n ti.:iRnrnnftil In n
quarter glass of water right after
eating.. ;, This sweetens the stomach, I
prevents the formation of excess acid
and there Is no sourness, gas or'pain.
Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or
tablet form never liquid or milk) is
harmless to' the stomach, inexpensive
to take and is the most, efficient form
of magnesia for stomach purposes. It
Is used by-thousands 'of people who
enjoy their meals with no more fear
of Indigestion. - - Adv.
Pastry Flour
Fresh Shipment '
Blackberry and Loganberry
, 'Libbys
Asparagus Soup
lbeper can. ' , ;-v."-.
Try these. "
. 36-40 North Central Ave. -
Kodak Finishing
Film developing, -.I'm roll.
Printing, post card size, .') for 10c.
2x3't and smaller, 2 ior Be'
AIuoiik K08ls from n distance at
tho Nash hotel tire Mr. and Mrs: J. 1),
Donsloy of Toronto, Cam .
You can always find something tor
a quick lunch at Devoo's.
,''V. ?j i'
: BE
POKTLAxr), Mnvuh 10. The local
di'imrtment of hull const ruction of
I lie Knicimi'in'v Kloct ioriiorition was
notified today to proiuirv imii'lical do-
sians lor the oiuivorHuin of wooden
hulls built in tho Orouoirdistrict, into
lumber rurrviinr barm.
DIED. -":
STRONG Edward Strong, former
ly of Phoenix, who during recent
year has been foreman ot tha Queen
ot liroiue mines near Tukllma, Jose
phine county, died at tlrants Pass
March 11, Bgl 43 yours. Ho was
horn at Phoonlx, March 38, 1S7S.
married Holla Vulon In 1908 and Is
survived by bla widow and three chil
dren, Mrs. 'Mary Strong, of, Korby;
four brothers. William Strong, : of
WnshouKitt, Waah.;'Juuios Strang, of
Pollock, Ida.; Douglas and Cluronce
Strung, ot Korby, and two sisters,
Mrs. L. A. Retimes, of Phoenfx, Ore.,
anil Mrs. P. I'. Payne, of Waldo. lu-
ttirmont was at Korby. ' -
COOK At tho home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. II. -Woolrldgo In' Cold Hill.
Oro., Sunday, Murch 18,; 1919, nt
2 u. m.. at tho ago ot 8t years. Robort
A. Cook: Deceased was born In lllunt
In tho Indian Trlbo-ono finds tho
Medicine Man," ono verged In tho
heullng art of roots, herbs, leaves
and barks, . In these be discovers
emollients, astringents, laxatives and
tonics, all ot which are prepared alid
offered to sufferers among the tribe.
To such good old-fashioned roots and
herbs Lydia K. Piukham's Ycgctuhlo
Compound, the most efficient remedy
In tho world for female Ills, .owes Its
success. For forty-flvo years It has
been restoring the women of America
to health, until It IS now recognized
ns tho standard, remedy. Adv.
Vivian M
", '. : i 'rV: v In
Is tho ono vital fundament of drugs. Drilgw cvlht only bccallao of
, tho dcetHMt liumiiTi niMwl, Jdko food thoy iiro iii'luinrlly rclnlcd to
tho hrat law of Nature solf-prcsorvatlon. Tho world may exist or
it may Ret sick on second-class foini, but it cannot get well on net
ond-clnHH druKs. ; -
Our label on your drfags denotes qiinilty., ' ' , '
fteafch's Drug' St.bre
Phone 884 : ' The San Tox Store
i ASI i
Duttor ' ,
Ico Cream :
Cryirtnl Ico. ?
PttHtuerlzod Milk
Poultry- nnd ICggs .
Phono Gl. ' r
. .Tiichxoii County
Not a 'branch of any northern Interest
Save Your Money.
Deposit With "
The Jackson County Barik
i . Medford, Oregon
Kslabllnliud 1HHH
eounty, Ton u. , May 31, lSIIIl, Kuiior.
Hi services were conducted at I lie I,
O, I'Y 1''. coineliiry nt Hook Point,
Ore., Tuesday, March IS, at 1 1 n. m.,
by IK K. Mtllurd, paslor of Iho Chris
tian chureh, Modl'ol'ii. Intoi'iiiiiut. nt
Ruck 'Point. Mr, Cook jn survlvod by
a brother and slitter, anil olght oruul,
groat grandchildren.
INDIAXAl'Ol.US, Maivh 1I),-"A
policy" nuwliiiir of tiis reiirusiibliitivos
of tho 2(5 ilitrictH of (lie i'liitixl .titip
Workers of America liesnii at tho in
tornatiouul lu'iulinuulcrH u' the or
irnnixntinn hem loila'. Tde renrcMm
tativcx will )iroliablv ilociile on (men
tions rolntiiur to, uiii'iilDlovitienl, wane
coal raets aiul ueitcral comlilions ilur
itiir the re-construction kpi'IihI.
"The Marionettes"
Medford High School
, Critics Say : 1' ;
It is Vivan's r '
Best Pipture'
, . lit. fioiver HVIcex ltci'liimo '"" ' "
Ili-llvciy to all iiiirtH of tbe cl(y. ... '
Kourlli arid Ilartlot.t, Mbdfnrd, Oro. ' ..'-.,
'.'.. ';'.-. . C1IA1U.ES 11; CA11I.OS, I'ASTOIl.
Sunday School DM B a. m. ' - - i
Morning Service 11:00.- Evening 7:30 p. m. "
Wpworth l.eaguo fi: 15, , . - .' . , ' ' ,
-, -Mid-week Sorvlco Thiirmlny, 7:!!0 p, .mi 1 . ,
;, , , V : Hanldonco I'hono 32. r; ''
Wn linvn employed for tlio coiiiIiir Hcaxon Homn of tho
best Motor MoclianlCM on tlio Coimf.
4 - . i .. . ' - ; . -i . . - i
I'ully equipped jmIicIiIik nhop. . Our work kuui'iiiiIooiI.
. "I ' ' i, '-',.: " .... '.'.
Tolepliono 100. .. , i , .', JOnlH Hmtlh Wr
Ask for
lb' Oitginal
. NourUhlna
No Cooklnil
Tb. Oiuiln! Tood-Driuk For All Aifos.1 OTHERS ara IMITATIONS , ,. ..
Entire Lower Floor $1.50
1st 4 Rows Balcony - . $1.00
2nd 4 Rows Balcony " 75c
Balance Balcony 60c ;
A Crawler Tractor .
Costs Less to Own
PrcpnrirtK Iho ground for Kill ing work inuKt,tak(into
consideration wet," wcatlieu its wcll as nnt.'king tlio
ground., ..-".,.. . . -
Tin; fnrnior who docs his heavy -work wilj) horses lias'
the. exiu'iise of kecking those horses, and yet is not
able o do his work ns quickly as the funnel who has '
n tractor. '
The fanner who luis a tractor ciin do his work quicker
than a horse fiiriner, lint must keep some horstw in re
serve to help out on heavy work in ease of wet
weather, orto.pull over these places -where the tractor
wheels slip. '. i
The Crawler Tractor Farmer is independent of cither
wet weather or soil conditions, and doeK; ; not need to-
keep 1 he extra horses in reserve for heavy work. Tho
fact that a crawler tractor takeg the place of more -
'horses thau does a wheel tractor is one of tho numei-
Oiis reasons why so' many farmers' buy .crawler type
t ractors when they purchase their second tractor.
Costs less to own than other tractors, hecausc" it is
more reliable and accomplishes more work in a given
; tilTIC. ,, ' '!' ,'" , ' '! --.'. -"' ...'.'
' It has roller bearings throughout, four cylinder heavy
duty motor, with working parts enclosed : against'
dust. ', . : , ' " ,
: Hubbard Brothers
Eihnger dGeqrgeCTyUo
Glad Play
Ed oatbetoohd tiieumermbyEkinKH.Ibrtec
Mail Orders Now
Seat Sale
Friday, Maroh 21
, Meohano Therapy. Ilaths, ; :i;
''". mt. ''fi. n. lVniKUW ' ' " ' ',
Nco-Kclocllc 1'liynliinn" ' '
, Nntiu-opallilo Clill'oiifnctor-:
' Of f liso Stownrt. Illdg., W Rwit Main,
Telniiliones prrico 170;' Iton. 170-.I2
Hours 012 and 1 f,' . ' i
, Koort Scloncos.
The best of natural methods' com
lilnnd to meet your conditions in, acute -and
chronic (IIboiibob. ,
" Cleaners) Dyoi'S) Tailora
Wo savo you' tnoiioy on your dry. clean
ing and dyolng,
Wo call nnd dollvor.- ' ' "'
fial.lHfantloi gutininlnod. '
r Suits Dry or Steam Claimed $1.00, '
lit Nni'tli lVontSt.
Oppnsllo S, I. fasHnngor Dopoti '
' Phono 474.. .-