Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 17, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Off loo, Mnll Tribune BuiMing,
, North Ylr atrent. I'hone 76, Y
A consolidation of the Democratic
TlmffM. The Mod ford Mall. ThA Mod ford
Tribune, tho Southern OruuouUa, The
AehlAml Tribune.
The Modford Sunday Sun la furnished
aubficrtbora dcslrmg a eavon-duy daily
Pally, with Sunday 8un, ycar.-.6.00
. Dally, with Sunday 8un, months . 65
latly, Without Sunday Sun, yiar.. 5.00
l(iHv, without Sunday Hun, month .K0
1 Weakly Wail Tribune, on year J. 60
fiunday Sun, ono yeur . . 1.60
BY OARRIKH In Sledford, Ashland.
Jacksonville. Central Point. Phoenix:
. Daily, with Sunday Hun, year...7.60
. Dully, with Bundy Sun, month .65
Ially, without Sunday Sun, yoar.. .00
Jally, without Sunday Sun, month .60 paper of the City of Modford,
VJiioiai paper 01 jacKuon county,
Kntered hi seeondclnsit matter
Bedford, Oreganundcr the act of March
worn dailv imrun circulation Iot
alx ntontha andiuff Deo. 31, 1918,3,048
Full Sensed Wire Service. The Asso
ciated Press Is exclusively entitled to
The use ror republication of all news
dispatcher credited to it or not other
wise credited In this paper, and also the
iucai news puDiteiieu ne re in. All rifinia
of republication of special dispatch eo
uorein ur H.180 reservna.
AlUFONGEX, Holluud. March lfl.
(Bv the Associated Press.)
Former Emperor William todav com-:
nloted.sawine into logs his thousandth
itree since he took refuse at Count
Von Bentinck's castle hero last fall.
From the thousandth tree a few loss
were converted into souvenirs o& the
achievement and marked in, red ink
Avilh the inscription "V.-2.'' These
weret" presented to members of, the
Uentinek familv and to those who
liuve assisted the? ex-cmporor in his
-work during the last ten weeks. '
As he was completing his task a
young countess took a snap shot of i
TI lj.,1. . u: : ! uuucu&uoeru una ills assisiunis,
UK Roerster . and Captain Von Ise
mnnn. together with .the "vouns eard
nor who adjusts the loss on the bench
for the ex-ruler to saw them. 'The
picture included the former empress,
who. was readme a newspaper rienr-by.V--..,,
,.-.;.-- ..-',:
Kxpcrt sawyers of the neighborhood
compute the value of the waaes Ilerr
Iiohenzollern would have earned if
ha had been paid the trade union rate
t nbout $30 for the whole period, or
an average of 50 cents a working da-y.
which usually consists of three hours.
PORTLAND, Mar. 17. Members
of Company C, old Third , Oregon
which had an active part in the war,
have planned to reorganize as a Nat
ional Guard, company upon their re
turn home.; Returned members of
this fighting unit, and others' who
were members formerly but who did
not go overseas, have made definite
plans for reorganizing the company
as, Boon as all the boys have come
bock. A veteran corps will be formed
and application will be mado to the
government to muster in the com
pany again as a (National Guard unit.
After Searching for Ycnrs Ho at last
. Finds Medicine That Ends i
"I have been trying for years to
get something that would relieve me
of my troubles nd liave, found it at
last in Taplac," said Alfred Jolly, of
3291 Quitman street, Denver, Colo.,
and an employe of the water ,works
department of .that city. '
"For a long time," he continued,
"my stomach was in such an awful
fix that I could -eat hardly a thing
without being n '.misery afterwards.
Kven the lightest foods would bloat
m me up with gas and.I was. constantly
belching up. sour, undigested food
that at times would almost choke
me, and often I would get so dizzy
and light headed that I would almost
: fall down, and I would get so nervous
that It was almost impossible for me
to rest at night. , I suffered agony
from rheumatism and was in such a
Wretched condition that I was hardly
fit for a -thing.
, "After trying nearly everything 1
could hear of I took Tanlac, and it
sure hit tho spot and has made a dlf-
. fcrenl man of mo. My appetite is
splendid, my nerves steady, I sleep
like, a log at night, have gained eight
pounds and am in better shape than
I have been in years." -
, Tanlac is sold in Medford by West
Bldo Plmrmncv, in Gold 11111 bv M 1).
, llowers, in Central Point by Mlss-il.
A. Meo, In Ashland by J. J, JIcN'air.
THE country hoars with rogret of the doubling of Ma
" ior General WilHam 1a as -director of mUi-
tary .-'aeronautics, as a Reward for his successful efforts 'in
reorganizing tho aircraft service, .lie reverts to ,his .rat
ine as colonel of iiehl "artillery. IIis,deiuotion .again calls
attention to the autocratic
in rriissian-luce manner, .punishes ' ol licers 'that have ca
pacity and originality enough to suggest rhanges. iu the
red-tape inefficiency of its bureaucracy. ,;
Ueuoral Ivenlv, who had
A. E. F. was selected by Pershing to become director of
aireratt when the scandels
Secretary Baker to divorce
at once demonstrated his
ion of -military aernautics was at the signing of tho arniis-
rics was whollyJus work and that of the organization he
built."".:- ' ..".'. , . : .
The reason for "scalping" General "Kenlv is the
fact that he held that "the air service ought to be a distinct
establishment, that just as the army is the military es
tablishment of the nation on land and the navv tho mili
tary establishment on the water, the air service should
be the military establishment jf the air as is the case in
Great .Britain.
A hill along this line, providing for a consolidation of
tlie flying arms of the army, marine corps and navy undeV
its own member of the cabinet, was introduced in the last
congress by -Senator Xew and approved bj Senator
Chamberlain. Whether General JKenly had anything to
do with drafting the measure is not known, but it 'em
bodied Ms views. .
The proposal aroused the antagonism of the eeneral
staff, of the juwy and of tlie marines, who sought to keep
the control of their respective air branches in their own
hands. :llie general start proposes to detail otheers to th
air service for specified periods, during which they retain
tueu rating to tlie branches
longed. The result will plaeeia shifting nersonal of in
experienced men ui.ehairge
and make for neglect of
Whatever the general staff wants, goes with Secretary
Baker. "Wlien it opposes .reform pt ju-my .injustice ju
com-t martials, and demotes the off ieei-s favoiing it, Baker
sanctions the opposition. iVhen it -opposes, efficiency in
ail service, and demotes those fa vorit it. Baker O.X's the
action. It is a law unto itself and its rigid red-tape rules
the -military establishment. which is one reason why the
people pray for a league of
- Commencing Thursday the Ath
letic association of the high school
will put on a benefit at the Page.
The program, will lie made up of
vaudeville, glee club orchestra and
this will he supplemented by the Ital
ian government war film, "Italy's
Flaming Fronts" . The students will,
appear on the program . Thursday,
Friday and Saturday evenings and
Saturday afternoon.- This program
I is of unusual merit and tickets are
being sold for 25c. Every ono should
not only stand behind the stfudents
but should plan to enjoy this pro
gram. . Here Is a partial list of th stirring
events, (as they actually, happened),
that you will see In "Italy's FJamlng
Front": v' ':. .-
The marvelous feats performed by
the Italian troops in ascending the
Alps and swooping , down on theis
arch-enemy, Austria; Italian artillery
in action ; close-ups of a dozen differ
ent types of, big field guns; panorama
of enemy trenches under fire; first
complete alr-battlo-ever botographed
Austrian bombing plane attacking
Italian fleet; six Italian seaplanes
giving chase; fighting on mountain
peaks above the clouds; Italian sol
diers advancing over Icy-peaks on
skiis; Italian torpedo boats in action
and a dare-devil tail dive to sea by
an Italian hydroplane pilot. General
Diaz, who is directing Italy's ..offen
sive against the Austrian, on land;
Vice-Admiral Emmanuele Cutinelll
Rsndina, commanding Italy's navy
and Italy's "ace," Gabrlelle dAnnun
zio, are seen in action, and in intim
ate close-ups. , , ,s
Italy's Flaming Front,'' without
exception the greatest war .-picture
ever presented to the American pub
lic, will be seen on the screen of the
Page theatre. Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, 2 p. m. and 7 o'clock. '
MEXICO CITY, Mar. 17. Among
the most notable recent surrenders
of rebel leaders to the government,
according to an official report by
General Fortunato Maycotta to the
war department, was bat of the for
mer federal brigadier general, Pablo
V argas, in the state of Guerrero. V.-.r-gaB
revolted about a year ago whon
his chief, General SUvcstre Mariscal,
governor of Guerrero, was Imprison
ed in Mexico City for disobedience ot
orders. .-
In addition to General . Gorardo
Morones, more than 1200 Zapata ad
herents have given up their arms and
received amnesty at the military
posts in Tlalpum and Xorhlrnllco..
This leaves the mountainous district
near the capital, for yours dom'mtlcd
by rebels, jB g safe cpuaitlou, ' '
rule of the goneraLstaff, which
heen duel ot artillery for the
pt tho aircratt program lorced
trainiiig and production. He
efficiency and what the divis
to which they formelv be
ot air. craft, spell jneffieiency
this , vital branch of national
-.'V ' . ' ' :-'-.. -
nations to minimize its power.
PORTLAND, ?Iar.- 17. Twenty
one counties were reported already
to have exceeded their quotas in the
state-wide Oregon state chamber of
commerce membership drive, which
opened today. There were assurances
that the remaining' fifteen shortly
would be heard from.. -
Tho 21 counties which had furnished-their
quotas of membership,
totalling 6301, wltb $32,505 in cash
for the state chamber's development
program, were Lincoln,- Clackamas,
Deschutes, Lake, Sherman, Gilliam,
Wheeler, Wasco, Clatsop, Columbia,
Union, Morrow, Curry, Coos, Wash
ington, : Yamhill, - Polk," Klamath,
Crook, Malheur and Linn.
The membership quota for coun
ties outside Multnomah, to be raised
by Saturday night Is 50,008. Port
land will be asked to supply an addi
tional 50,000 members.
ATLANTA. Ga., March 17.-Ahout
1,500 railroad clerks, employed on
ail roads cnterini; Atlunta. except the
Nashville, Chuttunootni and S. Louis,
returned to their desks this momintr,
after hdving been on strike since Fri
day nnd tvinir urj freiirht traffic
Atlanta and ndinrent territory.
Damp,' Changing Weather
Brings Its Toll of Sickness to Mcd-
' ford People) "
.Chllljf, damp, cha'nging weather Is
hard on the kidneys. .
. iEven moro irrica'.ini aro col?, grip
and -prepmonia; , . , , ;
" hey congest the kidneys; '.
They bring backache and disord
ered kidney action. . . . '
For weak kidneys use a tested
remedy. '- '-. ' '
Medford people recommend Doaa'g
Kidney Pills. , - -
Mrs. J. H. Gustln, 52V South Grape
St., Medford, says: "I have been tak
ing .Doan's Kidney - Pi"i . whenever
I ri-vo felt the need ot a kidney.mea
icine for several years and I have al
ways received tho' most satisfactory
results. My kidneys seem to be my
weakest spot and every little cold or
strain affects them and my back be
comes weak and lame. Alter I haye
taken a couple of boxes of Doan's
Kidney Plll., my kidney become nor
mal end ia every way I tpol a3 well
and ctrong as. ever."
.Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan'a Kidney Pills -the same that
Mrs. GUBtln bad. Fostcr-Mllburn Co.
I.lft'rs., Buffalo, N..Y. Adv
Phono M. ,47 nnd 47-Ja ''
" AntoqiobJle Ilcnrso Service
Lady AsNistarit
4uto Aujbulugce Service, Cvroiior
medford, -oreoon.
"I was conscious nil the two days
I lay on the battlefield in Franco.
and about all that 1 could think ol
was to tlrluk water and smoke cigar
ettes," said Irwin 11. liostwick, who
so fur ns Is known was Jaoknon coun
ty's most wounded and worst wound-od-soldlor
of tho war, who arrived In
Now York, Fob. 12, and Is hero on
tho. thirty days furlouKh from tho
bass hospital at Camp l.owls to visit
bis mother, : Mrs, Eva liostwick. Thoy
formerly resided In ApploKnto., '
"I am lucky to bo living and
thankful tor It too," Haiti this modest
27 years old hero ot tho 117th engi
neers who was swoundnu In four
places. In two different battles, par
ticipated actively in all tho big tat
tles of .the war In which American
troops participated oxcept tho last
one, tho battle of , the Argonuo., ami
who will bo n crlpplu tor lite. Ills
right leg Is shorter by two Inches
than before ho received an ' uwrul
wound from a mnchlno gun explosive
bullet at St. M Intel. .
Ills IK Shnttored
It was a 'great emrlonoo I went
thru and I wouldn't huve missed II
for anything." .said this modest, fino
looking and smiling young man as ho
leaned on his cane and discussed the
miracles dono by modern surgory.
His big was shattered by the dumdum
bullet between the knee and tho
thigh, which In its exploslvo. terco
cut 'two Inches of the bona awny.
Like' moat other wounded soldiers
Bostwlck oarrles with hiin tha.bullot
or missle which the surgeons extract
ed from his leg. as a souvenir.
All his wounds wore received In
the thickest of fighting and while he
was serving with his company which
was attached to the atlaokiiiK tanks,
which meant that' tho engineers ac
companied the tanks into action and
cleared the way for "their progress.
. Story of .Wounds
He was first wounded In the neck
on Feb. 22nd a year ago on tho Lor
raine front. Ho was returned to duty
Immediately after, lio was rolonscd
from the hospital
Ho escaped In thoj
How Great is the Saving
When You Buy
It's Real
It's Rich in Flavor
,-and Strength
Every Can
Camera Shop
the Only Exclusive
Couurierciitl 1'botographer
J. . 'in Southern Oregon. .
Negatives made any time or
.... place rjy appointment.
Phone 3 17-J.
We'll do IU rcut.
' J.. B.' PALMER
m IJust Main ytrcei
,l l .'tij I . i ujLjajw.L..u.jmjmjiiu.ju.uijij..ii i. i
succeeding Imttl until Ut tko Hi.
Mlchlcl front uii Simt, 13 lip rooulvoil
sovunil bud wounds, nil nt the sumo
limn, from. mnchlno mm bullets. In
addition (to tho bullot i which shat
tered hln log, hOf was womulud by
other bullets, but 'far loss .Herlonsly,
In both lugs mid tho buck, '
lie bu- mi the Held where ho fell
until ho could ho' removed to tho hos
pital two days Intor, uml nil thin tlmo
ho had on Inordinate craving tor olft
n ret tea nnd wntor,-
Crnvot Water mid Cigarettes
"!iy cniileeu was pretty well filled
when I foil," ho snys, "but other sol
diers pausing by luft mo sevorul cnif
toons full ot water which kept iiio
supplied. I had no vlutii'otto, only
tho "mnklngs," consisting of pn'purs
and a pnengo ot Hull Durhnm. How
ever uvory tlmo bouio of tho boys
passed by I bummod soverul olgur
ettcs, so I mnnuged to kjliip orotty
WOll SlipplllHl." 1 '
Mr. liostwick Is still taking suntl
cnl treatment ,nt Cniiip Lewis . uml
docs not expect to be discharged from
service tor soma tlmo yet
Tho memborg ot the Christian
church, their rolntlvos and near
friends will have a - get-togothor
moot Ins 9iid rocoptlou to tho new
pastor and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. 1).
K. Millard, at the. church 'tomorrow.
Tho dinner will bo sorvod nt tf: 3lt
and tho business men aro requested
to go from work to tho church.
Members should tnko onough In
their buskots for the family and one
more. Take your own silver and
mark it so you will bo able to Iden
tify It after the dinner. ' Also put
your namo on your basket. They will
bo taken by a committee and arrang
ed for the dinner.
A good progrnm Is being arranged
and overy member Is urgently rc
quentod to be present at this tlmo.
Arrangejuauts huvo boon made, to
tako caro ot tho children tor those
who deslro to take them,
Mombors of tho different commit
tees aro requested to bo on ; hand
early. - -
Ijogal alio typewriter rnpor Jl.tiO
per .box of 800 sheets. Good ouojlty
Bor.d. Modford Printing Company, tf
. Star Brand '
Typevvriter Ribbons
give clear, permanent
copies. Will not smut,
dry out, or fill the type.
'. Buy typewriting euppfiet of
1-, : K
. Cqnr.KNZ. .M:ui 1(l.--(Hv llio Ah-
soeintcd I'liws,) .(lenerul J'cfuhlnir
Hiinl uood live lo the Iiuvh or the -I'Jini
division toiluv. In u I'iircwcll nildrcHM
o I he ti'ooim ol (he liiiiulmw unit who
are propm-iiii' lo Kiui't lor liomo the
rirxi week in Aiu'il, llio Ainorit.'iin limn-mmnU'r-iii-i'liiot'
wished Ilium nil uood
luck. ,
Th iiiHiKM-liou uml review took
lilueo in ii itrunl field noar lfcuiimc-'
nou, on llio west tinnk ol' llio Uhiiic.
I'Voni the hclulilM niM'ox hIIiii river
huiiili-eils oi' Ooi'iimn invilimiH iiHNcui
hled iiinl uatelieil the review Ihmiiiull
field ulnsHoh, (leiivnvl i'er-liimr spoko
from the nmri'iid of n wimon Willi the
xoliliers itutliercil iilmiit him,
Hefore bin nililrefM the cuniiuiinilur-in-i'hii'f
in-'eseiitod one cuimreHMioiinl
niojliilot' honor, two (IjstttiL'iiiMieil
Kcrvii'e mcdiili mid -1(1 (listini;oishel
Hcrvico rroMKiw In ol't'ieen oml men
of tho division, Tim meilnl of Inuiyr
ivns pinned liv (limenil IVrshinir on
Cornural Siilnov Miiniiiinr of the lllTlh
Inftilitrv lor Ivadim; hi plntoou dtir
iuir an titlark on the Ouroi after is
eommniiilers had I'nlen. All hut seven
inomheix o'l' the nlitlnnn were killeili
or wounded. Miiiiuim; Iiinisell' wits
wounded nine limes. Aliiiintnir was n
luiiucr hov mir Urowtoin Alu.
Tlii ilistinciiishcil service inedols
Hot. water
Sure Relief
'y-im procor,
tho aherilT.
.cvuryono chim
ed her! 1 - - ' . " ; .;
: Seo "Mlckoy," tlio ndoraWo
little tomboy you will novur
forget, in tho ftrcnU-Ht picture
of its kind ever produced.
Potatoes $1.90 ber cwt!
Quickly Eated Dy Penetrating
, r Hamlln'a Wizard Oil
A aaie and harmless preparation
to relieve the pains of Rheumatism,
Sciatica, Lame Buck and Lumbago is
Hamlin s Wizard OiL It penetrates
quickly, drives out soreness, and
limbers up stiff aching joints and
DIURC1C9. ' . -
You will find almost dally uses for
It in cases of sudden mishaps or ac
, cidents such as sprains, bruises, cuts,
Jiurns, bites nnd stings. Just as re
iable, .too, for earache, toothache,
croup and colic.
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If nbt satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back.
Ever constipated or have sick
headache? Just .try Wlmird Liver
Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30
cents., Guaranteed.
Xlio reputation of tho Drutf
glnt tho antlNfuctlon of tho
. I'liVHlclan -mid tho welfare ot
tho pnllent roqnlro that choin-
" Icrils ucd In illniinnMliiK should
conform -to tlio hlnlicnt sluml
ords or purity.
, Wo lino SQUIWI'S.
riionn lo.
Mu)i nd C'culiiij.
went lo UrixiidiM' (loni'rnM lunula
MuiArlliir uml ; Ijiiliiiml - VIIiin
IIiiiiImis, Jr, '
HuinlitN' imirnlmr (Ifiinl'ttl J'urNhinif
inspeeteil the tiootw' (iV tl 'i'lilril
con'H'lioiu' Viilliinilnr. "'' -i )l s i i ' i
; Afloi' lliu rovluw of dm 12nd dlviH
ion, (li'iiei'iil I't'i-Hlilmt woill liv nuto
inile to t.'oWfiu, vlinre liu hml dihner
with IMnlur fli'liDfiil J)ieliiii1ii, ( '
Tho Nation demand itrona
menatronp women And robuit
childi-en. Wlidom uhr1s that
every prorxjr monnt of ofit1,unrd
inn tho vital force and building
tip of roafotnnce, be utilized.' . '
affords definite help to those who
nre "finhting to win" ffilrwt
the inroad of wenknea.
SootfB, abundant In tonic
nutrient ptoportics. ibullds np
the body by Nature's method.
tcolta Iwwuj.llU'OuilItU.N.J. 1-I4
' ,11. Ml CAUU, .,
Tiav Med lord for AsliUnd dully
except Sunday nt 8:00 and 10:16 .
in, nnd nt 1:00, 4:00 end b: IB p. m.
Alto on Saturday nt 0:30 p. m. Hun-
day lo nve nt 10:30 . in. ud l:0.
6:30 nnd 0:80 p. m. -.
Iicnvo Anblnnd for Medford dilly
oxcept Sunday nt 0:00 and 11:00 a.
in. nnd nt 1:00, 4:00 nnd 0:16 p. m.
Also on Bnturdny nt 1:30 p. m, Sun
days lenvo at 0:00 a. m, aal 11:30,
4;ft anil ,'0 d. n.
, There's one fur your heme. Just itnc!
u your name and, wiihmit any nblic.j
tlun on your p.i:l, vc tvCI uuil yiu this
imlructive publication. . ..
Every nun, woman or child Interoted
In X4"'ltniK slKnitJ h:uc (hU rtMctkil '
bnok of loo pjge--pri.lii:l)' lllu.tnici.
Complete lists of Muric iiur.J TrLe
Vegculilc and Flower Scc!s. ;,
Morw'j (urden Giiiile will be c
trcmel, helpful In the rnuing of flowrrt,
trc, pljiitu and vegciahlc.' It Is the
mot complete and comprcliciulvc man-
nil of JVilic Coast jrcleniitg ever puh
lUhcd. Won't delay send for yiir
copy luduy I . - ., '
SrfJ Crrwtn ftr 4$ YutrtOymttrt
tf lit liiu Sai Firm in lit II' t'U
71) Front Street, Snn J'ranc'oco ',';,
Flowar Lovrn4 CitnlNnanrTfT Mfluc't '
u,i.nrDrllln,.Oiah)l Wliiu ,l'ofiif.l OiiIkii.
Pflu culli-cllnn ol iukii N Sfllrr ll i
f., 1 1 ,.,ll Mi'MfSKklo Mil.)
r wim...i. , Z t) .it,.
Mori.', Sf.ili In fttkm ir far
ildruCI.ulpniti,iMtfit.,hrdiiirf flerMlr.
'.-'- DRINK EOT TEA! ;
in ip ! 'i'.i...-B.f-t
Oct a smnll mcknire of Hnmhurir
IlrcnHt Ten nt nny ihnrmaoy. Take
tiililcHpoonful pf tlie tan, put n cup of
Ixilllnir water unon It. nour thrnnsh.n
hIovo nnd drink a toooup . full , at nny
t ime diirliur tho daw or bufnrn rnilrlin..
H Ik the must elToctlvo wiiy to 'break
a cold und ouro arlp, an it oneiiH tlio '
pores of the skin, ru Invlmr coninMin.
Also looaeiiM the towels, thus breaking
U 1. 1:11111. -, ... 1
iryiit tim next time you. suffer from
colli or the u-rin. H In I
and cutliwly vegetable','. therefore ;afo
and biirinless. - - 'ah' A.-,:'
Rub Sorencw from Jolnta and nniolea
with a small trial bottlo of old'
'-. ' 1 St,1 Jaoob liniment
Stop '.'dosing" Ehenmntlsm.- V .
- Its pnln only j not ono ense In flffy
requires Internal . trcntment. ' Hub '
noothlng pimotrntlng "St. Jncobs tlnl
moiit" rlpht on the "tender npot," nnd '
by the time you say Jack lloblnson'
out comes tho rhuiimatlo puln. "St. '
Jacob's Linlinant" is a Onumlom rheu
matism euro which uovor disappoints V
nnd doesn't burn the skin. It tnkos
pain, soreness and stliTnass from ach
ing joints, muscles and bones.; storm '
sciatica, -lumbago, backache, tmuralgfn. -
' liluiber up I (Jet a 80 cnt bottle of
old-tlmii, lwinest "Ht. Juoobs Mnlmont"
from any drug store, uml a moment
yoll ho frae from pains, nolios nnd
HtiffiicHs. Don't Buffer I Hub rheunift- -tism
I'll' t ViiiiW iffti.;,