Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 03, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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: Cakes, hundreds of them, and
cookies from all parts ot the county
arrived at the iNutatorlum Saturday
and today (or tonight's big patriotic
party in honor of the roturned sol
dlors, and more cakes It is expected
will continue to come until the last
minute before the big demonstration
begins at 7:30 p. m. The Natntortiini
will be nice and warm as the furnace
(Ires wero started this forenoon.
. . Mrs. Paul Hansen, experienced
vorsetlor, (or Nu-Bono Corsets. Phone
645-af.' . V ... ' soo
'i Two more local 66th members.
Sergeants Treve Lumsden and Bon
Plymale, arrived In the city this
, morning (rom Portland In advance of
the other 65th boys. Several ot tho
boys arrived Saturday and three
more Sunday. .,. .
Old papers for building fires and
house, cleaning, 10c bundle.
W. H. Gore arrived hpme Sunday
from Portland to which city he went
after the legislature closed last week.
- beVoe has a fine nna of assorted
chocolates at 60c per pound. i
.Lieutenant Raymond Talbot Of
Mason City, Iowa, who was the ob
server on Lieutenant Newell Barber's
car In the aviation service In France,
, will arrive here in Medford tomorrow
for an indefinite stay with Dr. and
. Sts. M. C. Barber.
; Bakery goods at DoVoe's.
. Miss Frances Loosley who has a
position with the Pacific Coast Film
company at (Portland, arrived home
Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. S. Loosley. Miss Loosley has
been transferred to Seattle where she
will resume her duties with the same
i Guaranteed spark plugs for all
fin. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
- A special conference was held re
cently between Supt. Davenport and
the principals ot the elementary
schools for the purpose ot modifying
end rearranging the course ot study
in arithmetic In such a manner that
more efficient work might be had In
the present emergency of completing
the work during the shorter period.
'Dr. Edw. de Reymonte, drugless
physician. Acute and chronic diseases
by his own system. 9 to 12, 1 to 6
p. m. : Rooms 4-5 St. Mark's bldg.
.f' ' - ' sis
- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. On- of Rogue
River, were Sunday visitors in the
city registered at the Hotel Holland.
. v'i Mrs. Chas. H. Castrier of Hood
River, tho president of the federated
omen's clubs of Oregon, is In the
city consulting prominent club wom
an relative to arrangements for the
coming state convention of the fed-
. Crated clubs.
1 ," D. H. McKee, one of the local 65th
boys, dragging two suitcases and a
couple of German helmets and other
relics, arrived home this morning.
.: The high school band of IS mem
bers made Its first formal public ap
pearance at the depot reception this
afternoon to the returning 65th sol
diers. The band and also the high
school orchestra, under the leader
chip ot Prof. McReynolds, will play
at the reception for soldiers tonight.
.5 Guaranteed springs for all cars.
J. E. Gates Auto Co.
:. The new sawmill plant and exten
sive logging operations of the Weed
Lumber company will open up ton
pfarch 1st We have steady work for
(Men conversant with sawmill . and
fogging operations, and men Beeklng
iich work will do well to write or
wire Weed Lumber company as to
their capabilities and positions which
they can hold in such operations. .
'' t .'. : . . 295
A two-lb. hoi of Vogan'a chocolates
br 1.35 at DeVoe's. - , . . i
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Calhoun wore
week end visitors In Mcdford from
Grunts Pass.
Handicraft , 1
.. Shop. ,' ' :
' Alonzo Llndsny, nephew of Mr. and
Mrs. Goo. Lnldlcy,. arrived hero Sun
day from Camp Lewis. Ho Is en route
to his homo nt Manvillo. N. D.. after
having received his discharge at
Camp Lewis.
Llthia water at DoVoe's. '
Dowoy Purdln had a little touKh.
luck on the homeward vovtiKO from
France and consequently wus unable
to reach tho city with tho other local
soldiers of the 65th artillery. He was
taken ill on tho transport and on tho
65th arrival at Philadelphia w'as
transferred to a military hospital In
that city until ho had recovered.
Hence the regiment reached Camp
Lewis before he did and his discharge
came later. He will cither arrive In
Medford about the middle of tho
wook or go direct from Camp Lew
to visit his brother Lyle In Eastern
Oregon before returning home. Judge
and Mrs. M. Purdin's other son. Em
ory Purdln, who has spent the past
two years in the navy service arrived
home Saturday of last week, having
reccivod his discharge.
Alco Taxi. Fnono 85.
Tho county campaign for saulrrel
poisoning .begins tomorrow nigh
with a meeting at the Talent city hall
ot tne members ot tho rodent con
trol committee of the farm bureau
to discuss measures to 4be taken to
exterminate this pest. Another meet.
Ins will be held in the southern tmrt
of tho county later on for the same
purpose. ,
Old papers for building fires and
house cleaning, 10c bundle.
The French army band which ap
pears in concert at the Nataioriuin
Tuesday night win arrive in the cit
on a special train tomorrow after-
nooni from San Francisco, and wll
leave early Wednesday for Portland
The band numbers fifty members.
Guaranteed piston rings for all
cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
Corporal Clarence Roundtree of
the motor transportation service
after a day's 'visit here with his sister
.Miss Vera Roundtroe and aunt. Miss
Matney, left this morning to resume
his duties at Camp Lewis. He does
not yet know when he will be dis
Care ot the hair and skin a spec
ialty. Herbex tonics. Hair comblngt
wanted. Sanitary Beauty Shop. 29
The ten pounds of smelt offered
as a prize by the Medford Fish and
Poultry market for the largest list of
words made from the letters In the
firm's name, the contest, being open
to children of ten years, or under,
was won by John Sprague of, S19
Taylor street with 4717 words. Dor
othy; Latta won second place with
3001 words.
Hemstitching, pecoting. all work
guaranteed. Vanity Hat Shop
ilrs. W. J. Hartzell loft Sunday for
Minneapolis for an extended visit
with relatives and friends.
Legal size typewriter paper J1.50
per box of 500 sheets. Good quality
Bond. Medford Printing Company, tf
' Addison'' Robinson, who was re
cently discharged from the navy, left
for his home In Sentinel Butte, N. D.,
yesterday after having visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hopkins,
Snowy Butte orchard. He was a for
mer classmate of Fred Hopkins Jr.,
at Shattuck Military academy.
' Furniture upholstering, mattress
making, crating and packing. Dong
las, 201 '8. Riverside. Phone 162-J.
-Clarence B. Robinett and Grayden
Childreth, two members of the 65th
artillery from Eagle Point, arrived
home in the city Sunday and at opee
left lor their homes. Intending to re
turn for today's depot demonstration
and soldiers patriotic party. -
Malted milk 60c lb. DeVoe's. '
O. V. 'Myers was removed to his
homo Saturday nlnht following an
operation ou his tonsils ut the Mod
(ord Banltnrium, and will bo confined
to tho houso for several days yet, .
Windshield glasses tor all cars. C.
E. Gates Auto Co.
At 2:30 o'clock tomorrow after
noon tho Ladles' Missionary society
of the Presbyterian church will moot
in tho church chapel.
The Now York Restaurant baa
moved two doors south, on South
Central. Will bo open (or business
Saturday morning. . '-294
Most of tho hoys ot tho 65th are
not lacking In funds. According to
a conservative estimate, each man
received about $100 from the govern
ment in final settlement. Tho re
cently authorized bonus ot $60, trav
el pay nt five cents a mile ami hack
pay for January wore given each
Old papers for building fires and
bouse oleaulug, 10c buudlo. J
Mrs. W. K. 1 .urn u whs removed to'
her homo Sunday utter having under
gone an operation at the Dow hospi
tal. Tho now' spring hats have nrrived
at Lottie Howard's, 109 Cs'ortU Cen
tral avenue. 392
A. E. Strong and tour motherless
children, of Uedll Lane near Central
I'oint, -left Saturday afternoon for
Boston, Mass., whore ho will reside
permanently and his sister will care
for the children. Mrs.' Strong died
recently from an Influenza attack. .
New location Main and Central.
Paul's Electric Storo. S15
. Mrs. M. I. Ball formerly "of Jack
sonville, who is convalescing from a
severe attack of tho flu at her home
at Lyndon, Wash., expects to return
to Jacksonville In May.
Guaranteed brake lining for all
cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
Two large audiences greeted D. E.
Millard, the new pastor at the Chris
tian church Sunday and wero highly
pleased with his sermons and with
his ideas ot what the vision of tho
churches of today should be. The
special music was a
It rays to save In the Building &
Loan, 429 M. F. & H. Bldg.
District Engineer J. C. McLeod of
the highway commission and his as
sistants, Roy Nunn and M. Drlakwell
are hero and will immediately begin
work on the surveys of the Pacific
highway thru this county. They will
work first on tho sectloft botween
Ashland and the SIsklyous.
Dry, clean, storage. Class A build
ing. Low insurance rate. Mason,
Ehrman A Co.. 295
Ifs Easy If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young is to fed
young to do this you must watch ur
liver and bowels there's no neeoT of
having a sallow complexion dark rings
under your eyes Dimples a bilious
look in your face dull eyes with no
sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety
per cent of all sickness comes from in
active bowels and liver.
Dr. Edwards, a well-known nhvnirlan
in Ohio. Derfected a vegetable com
pound mixed with olive oil to act on
the liver and bowels, which he save to
his patients for years.
. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the euhsti.
tute for calomel are gentle in their action
yet always effective. They bring about
that exuberance of. spirit; that natural
buoyancy which should be enjoyed by
everyone, by toning up the liver and clear
ing the system of impurities.
You will know Dr. Edwards Olive Tab
lets by their olive color. . 10c and 26c per
DOS. All oraggisis.
Waldo W. WlUard.has returned
Jfrom oevoral ' piontha spent at Sun
Francisco wluiro ho was operated
Upon for cutiirnct ot tho eyes. Ills
vision Is much Improved as a result.
You can always find somothlng for
a quick lunch at DoVoe's, '.
Legal slr.o typewriter paper $1.60
por box of 500 Bheots. Uood quality
Bond. Medford Printing Company, tf
. Dr. K ll.'Plckel has returhed from
n visit to Eugene whuro ho witnessed
tho University of Oregon defuut Cor-
vullts and win tho biiskotbnll cham
pionship ot tho northwest. Csrtpr
ltrandon Is a member ot tho Univer
sity team. .
Daily's Taxi. Dodge cars. Phono 15.
Sowing or work by hour. 5 IS West
Second street. ' 297
Call Snider 'a Dairy for" fresh but-i
tormllk. Phono 755-U.
Cull Snldor's Dairy for tresli but
termilk. Phono 755-lt.
For (Ire Insurance phone 64, cor-
nor Eleventh street nud S. P. track.
D. B. Wood& Co.
Porter J. CCoff spoke to a very largo
congregation In tho First Proaliytor
ian church Sunday night nt which
time ho discussed tho proposed con-,
stitutlon of the League ut Nations
Mr. Neft displayed Intiinnto know-
Jcdgo'ot the subject and In a fair and
Impartial manner discussed the ban
eftts and answered tho criticisms of
tho plan. Tho mooting took tho form
of an open forum with 'frequent and
pointed questions from tho audience.
which Mr. Xeft responded to la
gracious manner.
Alco Taxi. Phono 96.
For tho best insurance soo Holmes
tho Insurance Man; .." 1 "
Ralph Bollinger was ono of tho
local Otith artillery memliurs to tir
rlvu In the city Sunday (rum .Port
land. Gat your milk, cream, butter and
buttermilk at DoVoo's.
Mr, and Mm. Porcy Cochran of
Missoula, Mont,, are guosU of J, II.
Cochran ami daughters.
City h'enistltohliiK ana pecoting 5o
yd. MrB. 11, 10, Hiuiey. !!74
During tho rorty-olirtit hours end
ing this morning .lis ot tin Inch of
rain fell In Motlford and vicinity,
Fair weather Is predicted for tunlKht
and Tuesday,
- Alco TaxU Phono MB.
1. 1...J Ht-l-J.'J. 11.11 U
A number of (hi Ntimw and ul
iiohh pluciM are iipiuritii'lnlly decor,
uted lit honor of I ho homo coining of
tho (inili hoys and all soldier who
have returned. Tho Heath drug "tore
while honoring tho living dnvoum Ihu
window to tho luommy bf it dead
Mctirni'd horn. Lieut. Nnwoll llarher.
Tim window eon In Inn a photograph In
colors of, tho young officer and Out
French war crons boxlowod on him
by tho French government.
Cropo :io yard. Jap Store.
' Marv 'Mnv was an over Sunday
gmnt 'at tho Hotel Me.ilford from
Call Snldor's Dairy (or frosh but
termilk. Phono 755-11. ,
Mrs, M. Ki Towno and ISunono K,
Towno are llnlal Holland iiuokU from
Berkeley, Calif,
LOST At Nat Friday nirtlil. hkhio
lavnleer wll It gold rlui around
Valuable (0 loner. 1'lioiui II UN
(Hive Hllnmin.
VANTKI Pour or flvo-rniiin VuT.
iiIhIioiI Iioiiko before March III
Phono 0U 1-M. alio
I.OHT Hnmll black vnlviit liaiulbiiij
containing $110.00 bill, HoiuuwliMi',1
on Main Htioot of ulty. Will rimlur'
plenmi return to Mull Tribune..
Foil HAUC -Hirletly fancy alralia
seed, sweet clover and other (trim
noedn, Nltro-culturuH. . Italuh
Klden, 'Mudfiiril.
FOIl HAM') OH TIlAKKl'lvH.rnuin
fiirulnhcd Iioiiko mid hair ni.r
sround In Ashland. Will trade
gouts or hoilieittnud or sell on im.y
ternn. Phono IINO-J. lilt (tnk
HI reel, Anlilaad, '
Dr. King's Nevf Discovery
almost novcr fails to
bring quick relief ;
Small doses once in awhile and that
throat-tearing, lunj-eplittlng coueh
soon quiets down. Another dose and s
hot bath before jumping into bed, a
good sleep, and back to normal in the
Dr. lunj's New Discovery Is i well
known, hor fifty years it's brcn
relieving coughs, colds and bronchial
attacks. For 6fty years it has been
sold by druggists everywhere. A
reliable remedy that you yourselforany
rsembcrof yourfamilycan take safely,
60c. and 81.20. '
TralnT hoseStubborn Bcvvcla
Help nature take its course, not
with a violent, habit-forming purga
tive, but with gentle but certain end
natural-laxative. Dr. King's New Life
Pills. Tonic in action, it stimulates the
lax bowels. Sold by druggists. 25c.
1 Last Times Tonight
"Vive La France"
and tho Flajjg Comedy
"Hick Manhattan"
"Wild Flower"
that niado Hiss Clark famous
as a movie star.
Tho Houqo of Big
Welcome Home!
' Today Earle.Williams
An American Live Wire
COMEDY "Skids and SKalawatfs"
AIU'I.TH UtK Cllll.imilN I tic
Day Phone: Pacific 227.
Night Phones: F. IV. AVocks, 103-J2.
Iadr Assistant. :
, i . . ' ..
36-40 North Central Ave.
Home Week!
From tho Irenrlioa to tlio
old flrosiilo Is a huppy trip, '
and tho lioys (losorvo all tho
lilcsslnKS vihlch wo can pos
sibly n'howar upon them.
We aro all proud ot our
boys, and ovcry ninn ot thorn
is wolcomo to his own homo
swoot lioiiio. Some of tho
trophies which they brought
hack with them aro to bo
seen In our window.
Martin J. Reddy
Page Theatre
XAST ro tXMST TOI It ;;f i j
'.ThVFamous Americnn Conifdian Tv-rrf
, iu:i.uti 'S;72
In tho greatest nud fun iiliwt Munlvnl Gummly of
" his enrcor
"Furs and Frills"
Willi tho ordinal " ;
xiAV yuan t irv cast ok puwkhh
nnd tho
' Prntlicst (llrl Chorus Kver Asuomlilod
Cateliy Melodies
, Superb Hcenlc Production '
15 Hundred Hearty IJiuKbs
Knrotilo lo tho t'olumlila Theatro, Crlsco, for
an unllinlliid enKiiKnment. "
fM.WK l.n, 1.00
lliiltiMiy ?l-7.Te
tiiilliT)' nile
X..I.' .tliill Ortlrm I'lllnl lie. Knlo Will
fore Tlekel Office Hiile 0riii. dK'ti mi
Add 10 per cent war lot to ' Haiunlny,
prlro ticket desired. Int'lime Nth,
solf-nddreiisod stamped envoi- 10 n. m.
opo lo help liisuro sulo return.
All you Hint linvo luid llni flu or coliht of nny kind olionlel thin
sprlnir tnko Hi n tonic Hnn Tw Kyrup of HinplioiiiliHwt U n
.Krcal fliwli builder.
Heath's Drug( Store
Phone 881 The San Tox Store
Look the cars over that are equipped with Federal Tiresnearly always two or more V
Note the way the tires are worn and you will see that Federal users are rebuying after giving Federals a trial.
Proof of quality? Sure! Also proof that customers like the way we do business on Federals.
. .. . . j
They like the way we back them up. They know that every Federal must give service. That if defects
appear we stand back of them. . They are sure of their money's worth and they cost no more than ordinary
tires.-.. ..- .. r. v; y
-i's .. ' .U