VACm TWO MEDFORD MATT) TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OHTCflON, THURSDAY. VKRRITARY 27. 1.010 ff OCAL AND PERSONAL The committee In 'charge' of r frenlimonts for the soldiers welcome liomo reception next Monday night wlRhes lo Impress tho publlo that it jtnecis many donations of cakes, and that nil cakes should he delivered at tho Nalatorlum'elthor next Saturday afternoon, any time during the after noon, or alt day Monday. A commit tee will he at the Nat to recelvq the cake donations. , - Don't forget French Military band : nt Muutorlum Tuesday evening, March 4th.' ,'..".' ' 28$' In the four-handed match game of billiards for one thousand points between Mnrit and Kugl against Gott lieb and Hall the last block of two ; hundred, points will be played ort at Drowns tonight at 6 o'clock. The scores on the -blocks already played are Gottlieb and Hall, 200, 150, 200, HoOf'Mnru and Fugl, 166, 173, 151 23S.i Total score, Gottlieb and Hall S00: Manf and. Fugi. 728. Mrs. Paul Hansen, experienced corsetler, for Xu-Done Corsets. Phone 583-H. . 300 Misa Edna Burrell left this morn ing for Bremerton to resume her du y ties in the naval reserve service after a week's visit at home. Her brother Dan also' arrived home a week ago from Fort Dodge, having been dls -charged from the signal branch of the artillery service. Bakery goods at DeVoe's. Corporal Frank Coleman, former deputy county clerk, who is one of tho JVtedford iboys of the 65th, who wllljiirive home Monday from Camp lewls,; will only remain here a short tlmtf and -will go to Portland to take a position.'- in the internal revenue collator's office. A position as dep uty in Sheriff Terrell's office had been, hetdt open for Corporal Cole man, but he preferred the more lu crative position at Portland. Guaranteed' spark plugs for all cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co. . ' William Schultz, the former well known' Medford barber who has been a resident of Klamath Falls for some time, is visiting in the city. Lit h la water at DeVoe's. , ' Mr. and Mrs. J."W. Macdonald of Tolo, came in Wednesday for a sev eral days visit and are guests at the ' Hotel Medford. ''.'. Dr: H. P.' Hargrave, physician. Rooms 409-410 Garnett-Corey Bldg. photitf 230. - v tf i Li: J. Allen ' and-H. C Seymour?! members of the O. A. C. ' faculty working in the interest of the (state clubs -of Oregon, left this week on their way . to Kansas City. ' Ma. where they wll attend the national council of club workers to be held lir that 'city. '' On the return trip'the two Instructors" will visit Tarlous clubs in the eastern part of the state. Irfgal1 Siie' typewriter paper $1.50 per box of 500 sheets. : Good quality Bond. Medford Printing Company, tf . S. O. S. call for flags, big or little of the allied nations, porch rugs and furniture, palms, ferns, fancy, lan terns , to ibe used in the decoration for the patriotic party at the Nat. List your donations at once and tele phone H.G. Stoeckman 741-J2.' - A two-lb. box of Vogan's chocolates for $1.35 at DeVoe's. " Mrs. J. J. Scott of Medford, who has been visiting in this city for the past week at the home of her mother Mrs. R. A.;' Weatherford, left this morning for her 'home after a de lightful visit here.' Mrs. Scott for merly' resided in Roseburg. Rpse burg Review.' . ,,- .'. , ct 'Hemstitching, . , -i - pecotlng. " Handicraft , - - "'. Shop.--' - - ' , - Portland sojourners in the city to day are T. K. Allen, K, B. Mill, W. V. Garrett, O. . Bloom, W. C. Wlthcr mumnH, I. I.orlng and G. A. Tho mas. ..''' '' Alco Taxi. Phone 98. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Y, McClelland are Hotel Nash guests from McCloud, cai. - . , Guaranteed piston rings for all cars, O. K. Gates Auto Co. " Friday's meetings of the farm bur eau membership campaign will be held as follows: Dewing school ut 2:30 In the afternoon, and at Oak Grove school at 8 p. m. ' Furniture upholstering, mattress making, crating and packing. Doug las, 201 S. Riverside. Phone 16J-J. George Childs arrived home Thurs day from Camp Grant, Rockford, Ills., having been discharged from an In fantry replacement regiment, tie is tho son of Mr, and Mrs. U W. Childs. Tickets on sale for French band at? Medford Pharmacy. ' 2SS Fred Champlln arrived in the city today from Foots creek for a several days stay. Windshield glasses for all cars. C. p. Gates Auto Co. ' i . k. R. Alderman, former superin tendent of the Portland schools and former superintendent of the Eugene schools and professor of education nt the University of Oregon, left sev eral days ago for France to engage in, educational work in the American army under the auspices of the Y. M. c. A. , V :-' Legal size typewriter paper $1.50 per box of 500 sheets. Good quality Bond. Medford Printing Company, tf Fred Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benj, F. Collins of Grants Pass, for merly of Medford and Jacksonville, arrived home WednesAy from Camp Taylor, Ky.. He arrived from France on Jan. 14 with the Second field ar tillery which was mustered out at Camp Taylor. . . .. Nash Hotel. Special rates, week or month. Steam heat, .- 267 Mr. and Mrs.. V. J. Sturgis follow ing a two weeks visit with relatives in Grants Pass, arrived in Medford Tuesday. . x . 1 Malted milk BOc lb. DeVoe's. , ? Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar arrived in the city this forenoon from Portland to attend the annual meeting of the Jackson County Public Health associ ation which was held this afternoon. Alco Taxi. Phone 95. Miss Marie Gates has resigned from the government training school for nurses at Camp Lewis and Is ex pected to arrive home Sunday., She was just released from the camp hos-J pital last Tuesday after a severe at tack of the mumps. French band at the Natatorium Tuesday eve, March 4th is the only purely French organization ever ap pearing in the city. ' 2S8 Ray Gunyaw, the former Medford liveryman, -is here for a visit from Dunsmuir, Cal., and is a guest at the Nash hotel. VJ Legal size typewriter paper $1.50 per box of 500 sheets. Good quality Bond. MedioriJ Printing' Company, tf -The Medford Sanitarium turkish bath rooms have been reopened for business under a lease by Dr. Chas. .Bescy who will give the baths his personal attention. . Dr. Bescy has been twenty years in the turkish bath business and is well known In that line all over the Pacific coast. He formerly had charge of the baths at the City and County club and the St. Francis hotel of San Francisco and the Multnomah club at Portland. The Valley Fuel Co. has adopted a strictly cash basis beginning Fez. 1. All kinds of wood for sale. Phone 76. .". -s V - t-290 V. I. Clarke. of Oakland and J. Stono and J. F. Conn nl ley. of Seattle are guests at Hie Hotel Medford. It pays to save in the Building & Loan, 429 M. I.&, It, Illilg. G. H. Houghton ot Seattle, of the Pacific division of (ho Western Union Telegraph company. Is a business vis. Itor In Medford today. tonal slje typewriter paper $1.50 per box of 500 sheets. Good quality Bond. Medford Printing Company, tf John K. Tomlln was a business vis itor In Grants Pass on Wednesday. . For fire Insurance phone 64, cor ner Eleventh street and S. P. track. D. B. Wood & Co. Mrs. O. L. Upshaw, who recently underwent a serious operation . at Sacred Heart hospital Is reported as rapidly improving. " Dress making at home. 423 North Grape street. 2S8 Tho girls and boys' basket ball teams of the Roseburg high school which play the Medford high teams tomorrow night were in the city this forenoon enrouto to Ashland where they play Ashlund high tonight and Saturday night. They play the Ceu- tral Point teams tomorrow afternoon. Tho members of both teams nro a good-sized and husky appearing bunch of players and the ' Medford teams will evidently have to hustle hard to win. Legal size typewriter paper $1.50 per box of 500 sheets. Good quality Bond. Medford Printing Company, tf Tho foothills, especially to the northwest, are heavily covered with snow and present a beautiful sight. Roxy Anne, too', has a sightly cover ing of "the beautiful," City hemstitching ana pecotlng 5c yd. Mrs. B. E. Haney. 274 A special military train bearing discharged soldiers from Camp Lewis to their homes in California passed thru the city this forenoon. , 'Legal size ypewrier paper $1.50 per box of 500 sheets. ' Good qualiy Bond. Medford Printing compan. ' tf :With about seventy, applications tor membership the Eugene loilce of Elks expects to Increase its member ship to 1000 within a short time. Plans are being made to initiate a class of 100 on March 26. Alco Taxi. Phone 95. .. ' William A. Elliott of Los Angeles was one of the out of the state visi tors at the Commercial club on Wednesday afternoon. Legal size typewriter paper $1.50 per box of 500 sheets. Good quality Bond. Medford Printing Company, tf Tho first ot a series of Commovolal cliiU luncheons waa held nt thoHotol Holland tills minn with Prof. 0, A. Gregory of the University of Oregon as guest of honor. 1 Prof, dreaory's address on "Some Problems ot 'Re construction" was very timely and gnvo his hearers much food : for thought. ' ''-;''' You cait always find something tor a quick lunch ut DoVoe's.. ' tW. Butler was among Eagle Point people, sojourning In the city toda-.. '"' '" '.; '.'ft'.' , Guaranteed springs for vail cars, C. K. Gates Auto Co. ", :. Mm. '11. V. Wlmberly, of this city, left this morning tor Medford, whore she will meet her husband, deputy collector of internal revenue, who Is looking after' Income tux matters. Mrs. Wlmberly expects to beout of the city for at .least two weeks. Roseburg Review, ; .v Dr. Holno. Gamott-Coroy BUIg. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED TO TRADE House In Portland on paved street one block from car, for farm property. Box S8. Mail Tribune. 293 DR. RICKERT ' EYES SCTEXTIFICALIiY TESTED, AND GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED NO DROPS I'SED Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated Suite 1-2 over May Co. Pineapple Desserts 2c : Thq bottle in each package of Pineapple Jiffy -Jell con tains all 'the ricK essence from half a ripe pineapple. The dessert has a wealth of this exquisite flavor, and a package serves six people for J12 cents, You owe to yourself a f rial of this new-type gel- . atine dainty. ' " ' , " , tO Flavor, at Your Grocer's " 2 Package for 25 Ctntm lr'a Santa Clara Prunes (Largo Sizes.") " . ' i .' i Dromedary Dates 10 ox.- PiM kagos. . - V , Genuine California - ' Dry Lima Beans , , ' SCHIEFFELIN'S GROCERY 36-40 North Central Ave. WEEKS & McGOWAN CO . , UNDERTAKER ... Day Phone: Pacific 237. ' Night Phodes: F. W. Weeks, 0M2, - ' Iady Assistant- IT IS COMPLETE Our line of Medicated and Toilet Soaps. Palm Olive, 10c. ' See our window. ! l Heath's Drug Store Phone 884 The San Tox Store urn I When we drew aside the curtains displaying for the first time 4 New Modes for Springtime fromi tlie big Fashion .Centers of the country, showing tho largest assortment and the finest collection of spring 1919 stylos to be found in the city the people were delighted. t r t t ? t I t f T - T t t X X y X t ? ? ? ?..' t y t y T t y t y t . f y y ? y y y ? T . , SUITS-EVERY ONE A REVELATION Whether you prefer a tailleiir or a fancy model 'you are Hurt to find one here that will he the envy of everyone who sees it. "Uoxy" eoats and those alTeetiiiir novel vests are most prom inent. Their lu-ji-es rmuro from $25.00 to $75.00. 'DOLMAN AND CAPES LEAD And it. is no wonder! Their full flowing sleeves and.loose( lmek ef feet, w ith just a hit of lieaut il'ul silk lining peeping out, are quite, enough to insure theiu first place in the sun of Coat Fashiondom. . Their prices begin at $35.00 and ranire to $(r.0Q. DRESSES THE PRETTIEST DESIGNABLE Surely niagie has been at work in the niakingof them. Thorn nro veritable creations of wonderfjilly-toned georgettes, soft t silks and of taffetas and of combinations of these fabricH. Prices bogin as lmy as $18.50 and iiiiure on up to $55.00. ; BLOUSES ARE MORE LOVELY than ever before. Manv are the delighted obs! and ahs! heard in our blouse depart fuent these days. chorus when vou see t hem. You, too, will join tho FASCINATING MILLINERY SHOP ' . v Our Second Floor Shop is a lyost fascinating spot these days for milady avIio would be most fashionably "hatted" for tho new; season. Here you'll find. Hats that are utterly different, indescribably smart. Mero words fail utterly to convey even a hint ;r their beauty and charm. Conic! See them all for 'yourself.' You'll love every one of them.' Home Journal ' Patterns The May Co. Pictorial Review Patterns A. W. HUBBS, Manager Federal Tires and the Doctor y y t y y t' T' t f f y ? Y y' - You know how a doctor drives. He goes over all kinds of roads-r-gQes fast spares nothing to give his patient prompt service. ' , He wants dependability must have it. " One of Medfords leading physicians bought him a new car; but before driving it, brought it to us and changed the tires that came with it for Federals. w He has run those tires more than 12,000 miles on a 3000 pound car, arid they are still serviceable. Pretty good service, we think, and pretty gopd judgment on the part of the doctor. , ! "If you don't get Federals you don't get the best" Yes, we make the adjustments. : v.-;.v . ; V; ; ( V ,1 '' V f y ? y t ? ? t y x y y r t y y y y y t y x ? ? t y f v ? , v t ? ? X y f x ? ? t t y ? y' V y y t y ? ? y T ? i j y y y x y y y t t y y ? ? ? t y. t f t f f f f f f f. f f