Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 26, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail. Tribune
Office Mtttl Tribune Building, 25-27-2
Norih Fir tftreot. Phone 75.
A connolidntton of the Democratic
TlnifB, The Medford Mall. Th Modforil
Tribune, tliu Southern Otveonlau, The
A nil land Tribune.
The Medford Sunday Sun In (urntnhed
mi bcr litem desiring a ucvcu-day daily
Daily, with Sunday Sun, your $6.00
Dully, with Sunday Sun. month. ... .45
Dnfly, without Sundav Sun, war.. 5.0o
Dallv, without Sunday Sun, month .f0
Weekly Mull Tribune, on year l.&tf
Sunday Sun. one year.,... 1.50
BY CARRfK.K In Medford, Ashland,
. Jcioksonvillo, Central Point, Phoenix:
Dnlly, with Sunday Sun, year $7.50
Daily, with Sunday Sun. month 65
Daily, without Sunday Sun. year.. .00
Dully, without Sunday Sun, month ,50
OffirlM paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jacksoik County,
Entered as second-class matter at
Medford. Oregon, under the act of March
8, 1879.
worn daily arerage circulation for
six months ending Dc 31. 1918 3,042
Full Leaned Wire Service. The Asso
cln ted Press is exclusively ent I tied to
the use for republication of all news
difipatches credited to it or not other
wise credited In thin paper, and also the
local news published herein. All rights
of republication of special dispatches
herein are also reserved.
WASHINGTON. Fob. 26. Presi
dent Wilson today reiterated bis eon
fnlenee tbat tbe people of the eountrv
will support tbe plan for a leiurue o(
nations union in n telegram to Theo
dore E. Burton, president .of the
loiisue of nutionnl union.
Tbc mesnsKO was in rcplv to the
. following, telesrntphed from New York
bv Mr. Burton:
"Leajrue of nations union, mercinc
world eourt leairuo and New York
Peace society, welcome vou as rec
ounted leader of league of nations
movement nnd pledge cooperation in
rnllviuir public opinion nnd in seeur-
iim 7 united action in support ot
leapue." :"- ,
The president replied: ,
"Your messnse ereatlv appreciated.
Am myself confident the people of
the eountrv will rally with practical
unanimity to the. snpport of a plan
in which the whole world is looking to
them to be the leaders. ,....'
" President Wilson's messace was
Rent almost immediately after his re
turn to the White House and before
the. stuff of the executive offices had
reported for work.
IXJNDOK, Feb. , 20. (British
"Wireless Service.) Strong forces are
at work to secure a postponement of
the threatened miner's strike to" en
able the government commission of
Inquiry to opmplete its task:. ; Lnair
man McGuirk of "the National lAbor
party and one ot the Lancashire min.
era' agents, advises that work should
not cease until everything possible
ban been done.
"William Brace. labor member of
. parliament, and former president of
the South Wates miners federation,
says that' tbe government has taken
a- big step forward In the form In
which the committee is to he set up
and that this goes further than any
previous Investigation in any country
in the world.1 '
Try Magnesia for
j Stomach Trouble
i .
It Stomach Acidity, Pro-
1 vents Food Fermentation, Sour,
1'Jm Oiihhjt Htomiuh and Acbl.- .r
i' Indigestion
' Doubtless If you are a sufferer
from Indigestion,. you have already
4ried neDsln. biHmuth. soda, charcoal
druus and various digestive aids aud
you know these thiugs will not cure
your -trouble 7-in some eases dp not
, Hut before giving up hopo and de
elding you are a chronic dyspeptic
itiot try the effect of a little uisurat-
el magnesia not tho ordinary com
mercial carbonate, titrate, oxide" or
mtllt, but. the pure blsuratod magne
slu which you can obtain from prac
tically any druggist In either pow
dered or tablet form, -
Take a teaspoon ful of the powder
or. IWo compressed tablets with a lit-
tie water after your, next meal, and
see what a difference this makes. It
will instantly neutralize the danger
ous, harmful acid in the stomach
which now causes your food to fer
ment and sour, mnking gas, wind
fltttiitance. heartburn and the -bloat-
etl or heavy, lumpy feeling that seems
to follow most everything you eat
'-Yon "will -find -that provided you
take a little blsurated magnesia im:
mediately after a meal, you can eat
almost anything; and enjoy it witn
out any danger ot pain or discomfort
to follow and moreover, the contin
ued use of the blsuratod magnosia
eannoti Injure the stomach .In any
wav so long ns there nre any svmp
loins of add indigestion. . Adv,
T11M initiative ami rofoiviuhun was . adopted to cub
tho "publif-be-daimiod" policy of the legislature
by enabling the people to pass upon legislation enacted
as well as initiate needed legislation. The joker in the
law was the "emergvin-y clause" provision,' deemed nocos
sary to secure immediate action in case of real emergency.
Advantage of this clause has been taken in many in
stances to deprive the people, of their rights to "pass upon
legislation, where there was 'not' even the shadow of an
emergency. '
Abuse ot the emeigencv clause has been gradually
growing with every session
iwmilar defiance with the
Chamberlain and 'West vetoed
the emergencv clause was needlesslv attached constitut
ing an encroachment upon the rights of the people. . They
went even further and vetoed legislative bills which nul
lified the Avishes of the people as . expressed at the polls,
It is high tunc. that Governor AVithvcombe acted similarly
and by executive action restored the people their usurped
rights. .
The legislature is full of
demagogues who loudly declare their devotion to the pub
lie interests ana blatantly iirato tneir love tor tne -deer
pepul," their deadlv opposition to "corporation coriuov
ants" and "slimy monsters,"' and of professed purifiers
of politics who, when the time for action arrives, vote with
the "gang to soak the public and deny the erstwhile
object of their oratorical solicitude their constitutional
right of a day in court. . , .
There never was a more glaring instance of the "pub-lic-be-damncd"
nolk-y than the road legislation enacted
at this session legislation, that is truly taxation without
representation or recourse. The entire Jmrden of1. road
construction has been thrown upon the" automobile and
motor vehicle owner, who is made the ''goat" and de
nied the right of protest. Millions of dollars are to be
squeezed from the autoist for the development of Oregon
by a system of extortion without precedent in this or any
other state and the autoist is denied a voice in his rob
bery and deprived of his right of protest.
The legislature has voted a lxmd issue of ten million
dollars, following the issue of the previous six 'million
dollars, authorized two years ago and still unspent, 'for
liighwav construction, interest and bond to be paid bv
the autoist. This ten millions
ever made in the history of the state. No emergency ex
ists, for the money cannot be spent before June, when the
special election will be-held, yet the legislature declared
an emergency existed by the following clause:
. It Is "nereby adjudged and declared that existing conditions are such
tbat this act is necessaryfor the immediate preservation ot tho public
peace, health and safety; and an emmergency is hereby declared to exist
and this act shall take effect and be In full force and effect from and
after its approval by the governor. ; .
Here is legislation based
so based, 'can be just legislation or honest legislation.
But the legislature has
the money from the autoist, bills have boon. passed im
posing a tax of one cent a gallon upon gasoline and a half a
cent a gallon irpon distillate,
doubled the cost of auto licenses, inequitably based upon
horsepower, so that a man owning an old high powered
ear is forced to pay more for a license than the value of the
ear.' To both of these; .'measures' the same emergency
clause was attached, to deny those affected the right of
appeal to the people, though
exists. ' .
people, though no emergency
The. automobile owners
their share and so indicated
united ettort secured a popular endorsement ot the six
million dollar road bill which doubled their licenses. But
the legislature is riding a free horse to death, by forcing
all the cost of the road building upon the autoist, leaving
the users of other vehicles untaxed and denying them
the right or referendum. -
The autoist is a public
do his share and more in road
that had these million dollar mulcting measures been
made contingent upon a vote
cheertully worked and voted
being deprived of a voice in
his rights as a citizen. ' ,
; . ' There is no excuse for such legislation. ' It is wrong in
theory and 'vicious in principle, utterly uncalled for and
destructive of popular government. The legislators should
be compelled to answer their constituents for their de
fiance of the spirit of the constitution and greater care be
exercised hereafter to select men who will live up to their
professions and have some regard for the inherent,rights
of their constituents. ' ' , "
WAKIIINrOTON". Feb. 2(1. Thirty
nine per cent of the nrmv officers on
duty November 11, hist; and 33 -tier
cent, of the enlisted personnel had
been dischnra-d bv Fcbriuirv If), the
war department announced todav. on
the basis of complete returns to the
irencra! staff. The total strength of
office rsand men November 11 was
3.070.888. while discluinrcs to Feb
ruary 1!), numbered 1.3"J8,428.
LONDOX. Feb. 20. Deaths from
influenza increased at mi n I urn: ma
rate last week nccordinir to the offi
cial figures issued toilnv. The loti'l
number of dentils hum llus ciinso in
1)0 ureal (owns vL Iviilaiul nnd
find has reached the height of
present session. Governors
many bills, merelv because
grand-standing, self-seeking
is the lamest appropriation
upon a lie, and no legislation
not stopped here. To extort
and doubling the already
no emcrgencyy ot any kind
. '
of any kind exists.
are more than willing to do
two years ago when their
spirited citizen and willing to
building, and it is probable,
of the people, he would have
tor them but he objects to
his taxation; and of losing
Wales was 3,010 as compared
1.303 in the preccdim week.
' Quickly Eased By Penetrating
Hamlin' Wizard OH
A safe and harmless preparation
to relieve the pains of Rheumatism,
Sciatica, Lame Back and Lumbago is
Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It penetrates
quickly, drives out soreness, and
limbers up stiff aching; joints and
muscles. :
You will find almost daily uses for
it in cases of sudden mishaps or ac
cidents such as sprains, bruises, cuts,
burns, bites and stings. Just as re
liable, too, for earache, toothache,
croup and colic.
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back. .
F.vcr constipated or have sick
headache? Just try Wizard Liver
"Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30
cents. Guaranteed.
Phone M. 47 nnd 47-J2
Automobile Hoarse Service
r,ndyAss!stiint '
:ta south iMirrMnr
uto Aiiibuluuco Service, , Coroner
WASHINGTON', Feb, 2(1, Oononil
IVrshinu untitled I ho war department
toduv that "divisions now in Ibo
American expeditioiiurv forces os
oontin-r those with remtlnr urmv des
lunations" would ho returned to the
fiuted States ill the onler of the Hi''
rival of their respective divisional
heiidnimrlors in France. This was
interpreted as iiioiiiiine tlmt nil divis
ions except tho First. Second, Third
Fourth, Fifth. Sixth anil Seventh
would be relumed as shippina wus
Combat troops uot assigned to di
visions will he returned in the order
in which their services can be spared
uii,l u similar poltcv has been adopt
ed reinirdinir service of siipplv troops
except that as tar as possible tlieso
WaJU Ilellovcd by Tauluc After Suf.
foriuir Twenty
"N'ot 111 years," said Phillip A.
Walt, while In tho French Drug
Store. Tacoraa, recently, "havo I en
joyed bettor health or fell so wall
generally as 1 do slnco taking run
Mr. Waltz lives In what Is known
as Old Tacoiua, ut 33rd and Ijiwrenco
streets, lie has been n resident of
that city for nearly twenty-flvo yearn.
"Tannic haa. certainly been re
markable In my case." he continued,
"for it has not only relieved mo of
my terrible Buffering, but 1 huvo act
ually gained fifteen pounds In weight
aud hnvo Just finished my tnlrd bot
tle. I had bean bothered with my
stomach and. kidneys for twenty
years and was never able to find any
thing to do me any good. The pains
In tho small of my back and shoul
ders nnd In my left hip and knee
were awful. Sometimes I wus In so
much misery that 1 couldn't get
around at all and would havo to lay
off from my work for a week nt a
time, or more. When the weather
began to get warm last summer I got
in such a bad fix that I could hnrdly
stand It, nnd had to give up my work
entirely and was unable to turn my
hands to a thing all summer. I mov
ed out of town, right out Into the
woods thinking If. I lived out In the
open It might help me, but I con
tinued to surfer Just the same. My
stomach was all out of whack and 1
suffered agony from indigestion. The
gas which formed on my stomach
would get up into my chest and al
most cut off my breath. I had to
stop drinking coffee, quit eating
many things I like best on account of
the trouble they caused me. Tbe
pain In my .bark and hip got so bad
at times I couldn't straighten up If I
stooped over and my kidneys disturb
ed mo so pften at night that I
couldn't get any sound sleep. .
"Klnallv a friend of mlno who
works at the shipyards advised me to
get Tanlac and as nothing olse had
ever done me any good, I began tak
ing this medicine. By the time I bad
finished my second bottle I hadn't
an ache 08 a pain about me and, so,
I can say Tanlac beats anything I
have ever run across in twenty
years. I haven't had to lose a mln
uto from my work since that time.
My appetite is great, I thoroughly en
Joy everything I, eat. and nothing
hurts me. My kidneys are now in
flue shape, and can sleep the whole
night through. I feel like I havo
takon a new Ieaso on' life, for I fool
younger, : stronger and better than I
have In years."
Tanlac Is sold In Medford by West
Rldo Pharmacy, In Gold Hill by M. 1).
Bowers, In Central Point by Mlns M.
A. Wee, In Ashland by j. J. McNair.
' Adv.
'' -V-
4 -Bean S
That increase capac
ity and decrease
operating expense.
Largeand small, but
all "The Best." r
also would be returned lu the order
of iirrivai in Fi'iince.
(leneriil IVrshinur said he estimat
ed the movement ot' troops, based on
toiiiiiiue kiiiiwn to be available and on
the (leriiiaii shipping soon Id become
nviiilulile, ns follows:
March, L'fJ.miO; April, 2'Jl.HOOi
Mnv, a-MUWlli .luue, "Jor.lMO.
I lie uencriil said Unit bused on
these estimates divisions would be
returned ill the lollowine; order:
March, lirth, llOth. (Citli. :i7tli nnd
01st ; April. Until. HMi'd, H'Jinl. U.MIi and
Wild: Mnv. .'l.'inl, USlli. Itllrd. 80lh mid
THtb: .lime SIKh. Dilth ami Tlllh-
TWnmcwt rrmrkbliwmly
cauuM the ntsii4h-lt li act iiutu.
nliv nnd kevm tha bowclnuimi.
! pun-ly vi-iirtoUto, prtMlucllUi
only hlv-itly bvncikut rcitutu.
" niUU'MlCIJlWaR.Mklr
. Alwlutcty twnnktt-comckio for
mula on tvory txsil-oniy wry brt
Itmrriwn Ut. mil rfmyt,l.
Know Thy Future
II c
If In lloubr, Worried or I'erplcxed,
She lias Perfected a System by Which
She Can ltend Your l.lio from
liifiiiii-y to Old Ago
She will reveal to you with unerr
ing accurucy, your past as you alone
know It; your prenent as It Is, and
your (mine exactly ns It will bo. She
gives nbxoltttuly reliable and sirli-ilj
confidential Information on every
subject ot life Comforts tlio weak
and cheers the sorrowing.
Call on this wonderful psychol
ogist and be convinced. Located -13
North drape street.
Our men are selected with such
care, that we arc able to work me
chanics who aro fnmlllnr with overy
mako of car sold In southern Oroson,
whether It be a . Ford, Chevrolet,
Maxwell. Dodgo, Overland, Oakland.
Hupmoblle. Paige, Velio, Oldsniobllo,
Diilck.Chalmttrs, Prniikliu, Hudson,
Cadillac or Packard.
Our work Is guaranteed, Inspected
nnd OK'd by Scoly V. 'llall bofore
leaving our shops. :"
No charge for inspection ot your
car troubles. Woldinn and machine
work of all kinds. Monogram oils.
Crater Lake MotorCo
Roto.. Film developing. Lie roll.
Printing, post curd size, 3 fur 10c.
' Printiin; 'Wx'&Vx mid smuller, 2
for fc.
Also oecnt for Fairbanks and Morse
' ;-' - F.noinos.
17 Smith Riverside.
All our work strictly (guaranteed to
be first class. .13 N". Fir Ht Medford
Phono l!H-r .
if t
21 ' KZfitn
V f Ul' HA, i hi' Jl
. i
ftitt) 1 lDi 6 Bell-ans
l--X hot waior ,
Sure Relief
Smelt Free
Ten pounds ot smelt free In tho
kklillu ten years or under wlin lirluKS
us the wonlii Hindu from letters
taken from the words
"Medfoiil Flh mill Poultry Mnihet"
For example there lire two T's, you
may use two In your words. There l
only ono 1, you can only uto It ouco
In a word.
Tho smolt will bo given awny to
tho nno bringing tho most words, so
number your words and brlnie tliein
In by Frlduy, Feb, 88.
In enso of n tie wo will itlve second
ono arriving S pounds of smelt, third
one B pounds.
Winners' names will bo ptihllxhod
la tha paper on tSunduy following,
Medford Fish and
Poultry Market
Fish 1st Itniln Food.
ItlM West Mitlu. Plinne :lil!i
Blue Stono
Sodium Fluoride
Whale Oil Soap
Stock and
Poultry Remedies
I'llOllO III
J kwosa
to okiikii moo DP
Also Cleanlux, IYcnsIhk anJ Altering
. A nii:! lino of
Al,4f it iii;(i lint? of
At Pritfcs tlmt will save you
Poole Furniture Co.
Ft ron I
Are Big P
r---!t2S''1 i
T I '.)! .. I.1 'HI "'!.
.. .. . - -i -
f iHjiM
Policy of
PROMOTING thrift, horns
Intlitsti v mm trade 1 hotter
furminn rontlitloii and co
operation acncrrtllv all tend
to' uroinuto uroMiorltv In
Jackson County nnd vou
will (iiul tho FIRST NA
TIONAL BANK both urcach
Inu ami nractlclna such a
. Link iiu with our efforts
bv oneiilnu nn account. .
i ,.
Wm. G. Talt President
Sulphur, Wizard and Land
. Plaster.
White and Red Seed Oata.
Spelts and Barley.
Alfalfa, Clover, Timothy and
! Grass Seeds.
Full Lino of Garden Seeds.
Monarch Feed & Seed Co.
China Herb Dtor
Herb euro roi .iracno, noikducl,
ciunrriih. illptherla, tore Uirot,
luuti trow lilt, klilnoy trouble, itonuoh
trmililo, heart troii lilo, cltlllo sod lev
er, cramps, tougho, poor circulation,
carbuncles, tumors, eraeked breast,
cures all kinds ot tailors. NO Ot
i:hatio:;s. ;
Medford, Oroson, Jq II, lit
This Is to certify that 1, the MM
dorslitncd, had very severo stomach
troublo and had bean bothered for
several yoati and Wst August was sot
expected to live, and hearing of Qtm
Chung (whono llorb Btore I at SI
South Front itreot, Medford) I da
cldod to 'not horbi tor my atomaok
troublo, nnd I etortod to feoltns bet
tor as soon as I used thorn and today
am a well man and can heartily rec
ommend anyone afflicted as I was to
8oo Qtm Chung and try bis Herbs.
(Sinned) - W. R. JOHNSON,
WItneaeos: .. :
M." A. Anderson, Medford ;j
S. 11. Holmes, Eaglo Point,
Wm, Lcwlo, Eaglo Point i . 1 ,','
W.h. Chlldrotb, Eagle Point, . :
C. B. Moore, Eagle Point. : j
J. V. Mel ntyre, Kagle Point, i. '
Geo. D. Von dor Hellon, Eagle Point,
Thos HI. WnhnlR, Kaele Point i