MrcprorcTi matt; trthmr, ufaworm, QT,FioV sat in? day, FrcnnuATCY r, 1010 SOCIAL EI . WAHHINflTON'. I'Vb. f-An h mIi'ii 111 II llllllllll U'illU I'llllllllliull Itlllllllbl (lie Hiii'ial nvil, in i ii i( urn mill t'liiii'i'li ll'lllll'rM Ill'tUrlfl'd ill It lllllllllllllt i. (.IIC.I l)V tll I'llilull Stlllf-4 lllllllif .lli'iillli MIM-Vlcll lu ollKI'1-VII Fnlll'lUU'V 12,1 UN lli'iillli HiiiiiIiiv. Willi i.ncciiil mr iiiiiiin mill tiiiM'linir lluil tluv devoted in (linl'llkNillll llf I III' llll'llllx 01' illllll'IIVillA Iiidi'iiIn, " .- titiinirnli' wiu'liiiurt fiirmi'ii nml wo- IIIOII lll'll Nlltfirt'Htl'tl In I'i.IIM.IcT I'lllllill- iilinn til' vii'ii iliilrirlx, I'lliii'iiliuii ill' children, till OllJIlllizulion n HIT llimiiuil euiiiiilllliity I'uiiiliiilli'i' In ini Iiriivti I'ivin ciiiiiliiinim mul in nmviilc wliuliwuinii rui'i'iiliim, I'siK'i'iiillv fur ri liii'iiiiii.' Hiililirrv. , "Tliu nubile lli'iillli fiiiiinuicii in ii rniniiiitiiilv lnk." "iiiil t lit? iiiililif Jll'ltllll KIl'Vil'l'n lllllllitllll'l'llll'lll. "Till' i liiil'i'li, iih mi iiiiimrliiiil tmrt i' I hi' I'liuililiiuilv. hlmiilil lint I'nil In ),ii in thin i in Kil t ii n I wnrk, "Vmir whole iMiimtiiiiiilv will hi' nt llin (.inliiin 'when l In' Ihivh i'iiiiic iimii'liiiiii liniiii'.' rtin von imikiiiv Hiiro lluil till' m-nfili'i-rt of vi.'o nri mil Iiluiiiiiiii.' In liikii iiilviitiliiui' nf Un IV of fl'Hlivilv In illslltilllir Ilium licfnm llicv ii'l wcltlcd ni.-nin in the jiortntil wiivm of life? Are vim (.mil tliut iK'im iliil i !u I ittii will nut mi ii 11 ilc. llHiitilir.iiliunf "Cilii'x iiUil Inwim tliroiiulifuil llii' rminlrv mow turn n iih.-I ihiixtI mil M'ikIm. t'nilnr coin ml o' llii' niiliturv nullinrilii'K lour luillinii miMicri mul Milium iwnin'il ijri'iili'r nnitci'tinu ni'iiiiixt ilifKiNti llinn lliev rcci-ivcd lit-furo llii' wur in civil il. fine- nl licftiie flin wur in t-iv il life. The ,.i. frill IMIVIM'llllll'Ilt lillll. lit V in thn iii'il few iiintilliii eivii mi wiir time I'liiilrnl, II is tint Miciiil if.-iimihiliililv of oilii' mul limim In muk.' their oiiinniiiitii'i fit IiIim'ck to receive Die ri't'Tiiimf milliters'." Tim mililir lli'iillli service linn nre tmreil n urouriiiu of iiroecdiiro for rimiiiiiinilv oruiiniiriiliuiix. villi nurlii' nliir rcfcri'iieu In the rlnirchei' nnr Ui'iimliiiii. fiyiWWMMWWUMIMW Kvvnrnl woiiion'ft norlmlim luivo lipuli kIvoii ri'ltiKi'A KnriuutilH lo mukn until Mm. Mi'iim mill liun u lurKO it I -InUiiHUit on linnil nl Hud Cruiw rooiini wlilili itlin will tin vry H 1 " ' In Klv lo liiillo tlwilriiiK lo nw ut liomy' or to church ittitloilf. 1 Out) of llui tlt'tnlln of it iiliin of oo oponttloii Willi Hit) I'mliTiil llnitrtl of Vorutloiiiil IMiirullon In n dohIiiI viiril prlntntt liy tlui Amtirlran Hud Croan In Frnnco tinil itlvcn In ontli rottirn liiK illmlilod Htiltllnr. no tlntl liiimutll nltily II nitty lio flllmt out untl mitllt'il to Clio bonrtl iiion litx nrrlvnl In llilit coulilry, no Hint tho liniiii) itiitl mi ll rom nntl ollivr citHCiillnl liifnrinnllon Hum ftirnlnhotl miiy Until to llio phIiiIi- ll.ntnnnul of llio iiropnr conlnct (or nr- rnniilnK Hit) uiaii'n voiatluiml truln InK. i . If onch womitn In Modfnrd would Rlvo an hour or two each wock to tlin Itod Cromi tho load of work now nn Im ml would noon ho riulnhutl. . An nlllml nnll-lvnliim truln, Iho control of which In undor tho Amor lean Kod Crovn commlmlon and to he opvrntod hy Iho Aniarlcaii Hcd C'rornt In one of Ilia Into Iniportitut fonturc of rollof work In Hlborlii, nftcortlliiK to a report which In Jut nl hitntl from VlitdlvoBlok, undor tlttlo of Hep, 2. Tlio t rn In wnit cni out thru SI- Iwrla to flKht thn typhii bIIuiiIIoii which l vury grnvo, nud I ha plnn wim diiclilcd upon by tho ulllctl Bitnllitry oipnilitlon. hh u romilt of rocommcn dittloiiB niiido by tho Amorlriin It ml Croud. Tho funds for tlilu rollot work will bo supplied by tho various nlllud .powoni mid llio truln will ,conlst of fourlcun cni'H. InclutlliiK for HmtliliiK, citi-a for clollilijlf, driiK" nnl for pornonnol. .- v c . 1 Willi loan I linn 3 por cent of Iho population of tho nation, tho liortlt- wostorn dlvlnlon of tho American Kd C'roitH butt enrolled . 4.2 por cent of tho lolnl Hod Crofln niombeinhlp ruIii oil in tho ChrlHtniitB Roll Cull, ho far iih roportn aro In, and nt thin wrltliiK thd fluurnn for norlhwoatorn illvlBlon nro an follown: WnHhlmilon 37:1,174; Oroiioit 23(1,000, ltlulto Ofi.OOO; Alna 1110,000. ' . , , ii m - ''' Tho wointm ItnlttorH of America linvo mndo morn limn jn.ooD.OOO RnrmontB for llio tioopn In Franco. Thn Amorlnnn Ttod Crnsn ban pro- Vltloil 250,000 articles of filntlilnp! for votiirnlim Italian prlnonoi'B. .,, ' ' , Tho Aiiiorlcaii lted CroiiB ilncornt oil iho KnivoH of 10011 Amnrlciin iliutil nt LuroiiOH, Krnnco, on poo. jiiin pno lo thn flmidlBli InnovitlloiiH lirounlil Into oiiontlloii In Iho rocent world war, tho citHiinlllos InvotvlitK lillnilnniiB aro projiortloniitoly urontor llinn In Iho oiiho nl nil provloiiB oou flltllB. . (I is ttoinir In liike liurtl work fur .Hnini' iionpln to Inkti In kiiI'I, tlriiikini;. iut'iui)liia C'niniiici'tiuil-Aiu!iil, BHURCHESl rTODAY'S markets Ht. Mitt It's Kih('oiiiI .Owing (ii Din IllnunH pf Wm. Hiiiiilltiiu, t vicar, thnro will be iHirvli'i'H ut HI. Murk's loiiKirroW, ' Clll'lullllll CIllH'cIt Hiimliiy mi-IiouI 11:45,.. ' ('oiiiiiiiiiilini I 11: l!i. All iiiitinliitrii mil riiiiiiiiHtiiil In Iin printout in dm morning service in the coimriiKiiilmi will vulit oil culling ii IHIHlOl'. Prayer meeting Thursituy evening 7::i; I'fiiinil I'nliii 'o.iiiiiiillvo Chill-ill Will liolil services In Iho Presbyter Ian church tniiiiirriiiv. Hiiniliiy Mi liuiil ut 10 ii. in., iiriMnh liiK ut II a. ni. ami 7: 110 p. ni. 10 p worlli l.i'iiKiin II:. 'li p. hi. Hpnrlul iminlii liy Ihil IIIIIIh ulrln' ilinrti't ut liolil HurvlrPM. CniiKrcKntlon la kmiw liiK. All ronlliilly Invltoil. I'.vaiiit.-I.ulli. Zlnlt'it Church l'liiiiili HI. biilnw Oitktlulo Avo, Itev. Hr. V, II. Moroiiii-dostir, I'aiilor. ItcH. 1 1 H SVi'Kt Kourth HI. Hiiniliiy Hcbmil 10 Ii. III. Iilvlnn nnrvltti 1 1 a. lit . Ynii mul yours nro cordially In- vlttid. J'li'O Mt'lliodlnl (litnili lr. Ivy mid West Tonth His. Hnliliiilli services im follows: Kiibbnlh school 14 a. in. I'roni'tiltiK II n, in. , v Biiuit mid prnyer sorvlco 7:30 p. in I'rcnclilnit 8:00 p. m. A wolt-omi) lo nil Is uxteiiilotl. M. Clillds, I-ustor. Hon. 337 Wost Tenth slrnot. M. K. Clilirt li, Hoiilli ' Cor. West .Mil In and Oitktlulo. S. H. Wnlbm-k. pnslor. Kundiiy school at 10 a. in. Pniai'liliiK nt 1 1 a. m. mid lit 7:30 p. in., liy I'rtnildliiK l'ltlor . J. Ken- Ion. Tbo sitcriiineiilul sorvlro will , ho roiiiiiieniorutcil at tho closo of tho mornliiK survito. Tho secnntl quarterly conforoneo will convono In tho pnslor's study Hutnnluy ovanliiit nt 7:30. You uro luvlttid lo all services. l lr.1 Cliiirch of ClirlM, HcIi-iiIInI llrnnrb of Tho M oilier Church, Tho Klrsl Church of ChrlBl, Hclentlst, In ltnslnn. Service Hiintlny ut 1 1 o'clock, subject, Spirit." Wednesday evening iiieellmr nt which tt'stliiioiilvs of Chrlsilun Hclencn lienllnK nro given, ut 7:30. Hiiniliiy school ut !):&. All under tho nito of twenty nro wolenmo. Church oilmen 212 North Onktlnlo. llenilliiK room in tho M. I'. & II. ImlldliiK. N'orlli Centrnl. Open from I to ii, dully, except Huniluys mid liol- Idnys.-- - Tho public In corilinlly Invited to littcnd thn servlccH mid visit (he reatlliiK room. 1'llKt Mrllinillht I':iUniiul Kourth untl Ilnrtiotl. Hitndny school 0:43 a. m. Clunncs (or nil. Tho Coiilennry movement mndo fine slnrt Inst Hundity. Ovi;r one hundred united In "Iho fellowship of Intercession Tbo subject for Hnndny. Feb. 9, nt 1 1 n. in.. In "Tho Stewardship of l.lfo." At 7:30 p. m.. "Tho Knlth of Lincoln nntl of Hoosovolt." Their fuvorlto texts and hymns will be used. Thn Epwortli League at G:u p. m. will Btutly tho 4th chuplor of tho book "Tho Christian Crusatlo for World Iioniocrncy." Minn Helen Phll brook, loudor. C. It. Carlos, minlator. 1'lrst ItuptlHt Cliiirch Wo nil n ii Id rojolco In our prlvllogo of worship untl Jtot frsnko tho ub nemblliiK of ourselvcB loRothor us innny do, Conio and lot us exult Ills n nine louatber. 0:45. lllblo gclvool, Mr. Frod Mourn, nupl. 11, Nubile "SinwnrtlRhlp.1 worahlp. Subject, 3. A conforoneo. Stnto Director of l.iiyiiion. Harry IC. IlullKron and Dr. J. 1), HprliiKstan will oponk. 0:15. liy Y, P. V. 7:30. A sorvlco of' story nntl hour. ' An appreciation of so mo pop ular hymns. Bpoclul parts of nurvloo will be taken by Ml uses llotlt Clark, Alllo lloudloo, Oonovlovo RprlKKB, Vera Hood nntl Mrs. i.M. L. Dally. W. T. S. SpriKKB, Mlnistor. First Presbyterian Church ' Corner Main and lit) liy Sts. Sunday school nt 9:46 n. m., C, OlllOB, Bttpt. . E. "Mornlnir sorvlco nl ) 1 n. ni., snr- mon, "Nohomlnh tho Ituililor." KvcnliiK service at 7:30 p. m., loc- luro. "Ahrnhnm Lincoln nnd tho ProbloniB of Poaco." .Tbo hiiibIc In tho morning will bo, Lntlles' (iiinrtot. "Oh Shonhortl of Israel" (MorrlBon) , Mra. Androwa, Urn. Core, MIhb Cray, Mrn. lanacs. Solo. "Deop Rlvor," (Durloliih), Mrs. Frank Iriiiiob. KvonliiR Solo, "llnrbnrii Frltclto", Cloo. AntlrowB. ' Violin Bolt), Mr. W. Carloton .Innoa. I-nillos' qnintot. iMi'B. Clinton MnCtirdy, , organliil, (loo, Andrews, dlraclor of music. h. Myron Uoostor, Atlnlstor. SERIOUS RIOTING IN CAPITAL OF HONDURAS SAN SAIA'ADOli, Feb. 8. Serinus riolilii; bus neiMii'ietl in Temieiuulini Hie eiipilnl of lloiitliirns, nnd the min ister of Iho interior, 1 rnne.isco ! Mo.iin, hits liecn killetl, net'ordiiit; lo n dispatch, from Tejtiicimilptt, i. Iilvestock i riil(TUKI), Ore,. Kl). H. Citllle Hleiulv, ri'i'eililit BleerH, ImmI. irlli.ri(i(-i:i..')ll: uotul lo elitiico. 11,00 fd'IL'.riO; niediiiiii In unml, l),')0(ti 1 1. oil: lnir in unnil, H.:,il((i li.Wl ; con,, innii In lnir, ftT.'AHwB.'M; mwn ami lit'il'eiM, clinlce, ifO.linOi.JO.'J.ji icnuil to eliiiit't'. $8,7.")( D.75-, meiliiiiii lo muni, rk7.."H" H..")ll ; fuir In meiliiim, i)."")(,"'i; caiiiiiirn, $:i..ri0(oiri.()0; bulk 0.110(6 11.00; eulvcN, 4U.00W i:i.00; KlniMerK uml (wAvr. t)7M(u 0.00. ' IIiiuh hlcmlv; reecipU 128." I'riine ini.xeil. 10.'.'.' (ii 1(1. Ml; im ilium mixetl, ijH(l.(IO(,i, ll..'0: inui-li lifiivic-. $l..2'i fa l.'i.OO: niim, I.(I0( 14.00; bulk of hi. N't. 1(1. 10. Sheen xleiiilv; reeciiilH !t',i, I'riine linnlw. i?i:i,7.'i(a 1 1 .2,1 : fuir to mediiiin, 0.0D(ri 1 1.00; veurlinux. IO.0O(u. 11,110: tvelliei'-. ll,00(i 10.00; cwcn. ijni.filKn H.7". t'.iittiir l'(lirn,AXI, I'Vli. 8. Itiillerweik. Cilv eremiierv nriiitt, exlriiu, box lots llle; curtnriK filie; hull' boxen t,e mi, re: Ii-kn llinn hull hoxcx e mur". Iluviiiif iirieo biillerfnl. oniiiitrv Ine; cube extriiK. -I"u!. IvU'. Kellinir iiiicc, cum; eoiiiil, 41o; biivini' iii-ice. 40c: Ht-llliit.' niice, cmi- illeil, 4:ie: selt'i'tetl ciiinlletl in cartons. Illf. An accident oeruroil belwccn two union in I'lmi'iiix lnl TiiohiIuv. Knr tuiutlelv no one wiih injured. Airs. Klbert Cooper luriieil her rortl into .Mil in Mtrcct ul the turner of the I'lmi'iiix Mcri'liJitiJe eouiiuiiiv ire. iiieetiiiL' n biL'U'eiir from Aslilnnd. I lie Kuril fl rin k the bit; cur in the rc-nr iiml tinned it over, breiikiu u rear hIici'I, The Kuril bml mi uxle bent. .Mr. mid Mr. H. N. Kiendi were cullerH jit ('. Curev'n Tticntliiv. Mrs. .1. K. linbertK mul iliiutrliter. Mih l.uellu wero AmIiIiiihI Iiiikmickh vihilnr Weiloeilitv. Albert llenrv, who Ihih been very ill, ill AMonn, Ihih rt'liirnetl to his fiillier'tt linmo in Xortli Talent.', Mm. I). AV. Whcolcr nf Kern volley wut iiiiiuiiL' iruentt ut Atrs. A. S. Kur rvV W'cilnestliiv. Mm. .1. II. llenrv of Xnrlh Tnlenl in hlnviiiL' in Ahtnriu fur it while niter numiiii: her kihi tliroiiL'li nn uttnek of lUietluinlliil. ' T. K. Kinvlli of North Tnlenl luin Hold lii bimie ailinininr tbo Kxperi iiient Station untl will move to Asli Imitl hiiiiii. Air. untl Aim. Kil l.nt-Uwniid of Hie White Wiiii; ntuillrv fitrni luivo or der for tluv old chinks in uneh imin- beis lluil .llieir inculuttor Himeo is all cticnL't'i! iih In May nt, Knoeb Conner tif .lnekonville onuit1 nut Inst Kriilnv In visit bis dmichtcr. .Mm. Wells, of North Talent, mill ol receive medical treatment of Dr. Mnliiiuren. (ieiiro Knberts of Kern vollev nU toiuletl cliureli ut I'lioi'liii; Sunday mid visited his son. Dr. Frank Itoli Kris, of North Talent. Wciuiostlnv, Keliruyrv 4Lh, nt the 1 licit nl hniiie of Mm. Arthur Furry. i it slinwer was iriven for Aim. Colver I'uirv. Knrly of her most intimute frieiitls uullliired ftr the oeeitsinn mid niiiiiv lieuiitifiil nntl ilninlv yiftn filled it Inrue basket. Much iilensiire was nl'fnrdfil lis Mm. Kurrv itnlietl oneh uift and 'tlisidoved it to the miosis. A bonntious dinner was served. A list of names would ro tiniro more snncc tliiin wo wil tnke nn nt this writinc. Mrs. J. M. Hntlcr cot nn oca Inst Friday from one of her Plymouth Itoek hens tlmt nicusured 8xliV. inches in trireumfertMieo nnd weieliotl :1c ounces. Aiivunc iimv see this tax nl mv desk whore it wus mensnrcil and Aveiulied.'. '. Mr. mul Mrs. Colver Furry of Fust K.tlen ennie over bust Sunday to spend llio tiny with Jlr. nntl Ah. A. S. Kurrv. v. Curl Anderson, son of Mj and Mrs. Ktl Anderson relumed Inst week from Onion lewis, hnviiiir reeeived his dis cliiirire. Airs. fl.,r. McClnin of Phoenix went to Portland, Tuesday lo look niter Hie vonntior children of her deceased brother, Walter Iinrvoy. their mother beinir in poor health. Airs. John Ornfes of Ashland, tvlio bus lieen in Door health, was able to FACTOR N CUTTING OE EXPENSE "Many months of comfort at little expense is the way Charles A. Pear son of San Diego, California, sums up his experience with Neolin Soles. Mr. Pearson had two pairs of shoes re-; soled with Neolin Soles, and after wearing them for twenty months writes "I will have to get new shoes sometime, but so far as the soles are concerned, that time seems as far distifnt us when they wero new." , - This ia typical of the experience millions nra -having with Neolin Soles. Created by Science to be durable, llexiblc and waterproof, these soles aro tin important factor in cutting shoo expense. You can get them on new shoes for the whole family, and for rc-soling. They are made by The Goodyear Tiro & -Kubber Co., Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels guaranteed to outwear all other heels. Ulluhl!u, EDEN PRECINCT iitleiitl Hie Kliowcr iriven lier lieiilieiv'M wilt', ul Aim. A. K. 1'iirrv'n Vctl;icd iluV, ..... . . , COURT HOUSE REPORT Iloportod by Jackson County Ab Nlract Co,, Sixth and Central Ave. 1 - Circuit Court Wnry It. Orlffln vb. Joseph M. Orir fln. Divorce. . I'robftle Cnurt Knt, John II. liurron. Decroo t HiiiK final jtcounl. list. M'try Ii!. Jllttor, Ordtir np pointluK appru'Ker; order appolnllcs uduiliilttr,it.'r. Km. Oooi'kr W. Sporry. Order up. pointing aprnlsoRi; order ;iip dnl'iiK udinlnlHtritlor. Iteitl Ivitule TrnnHferx J. II. Wtre otux to City of AiihUtnd, land In Ashland. It.'iOQ.Oo CJoorno K. Holly et ux to Ci;y of Ashland, ' land in Ash- am :. 4500.00 Arnos tiuhull nt ux to Clin-;. . II. Churiib."'ln et ux. lol 7, blk. "C" loule.vurd Pork Add. to A h It i it it 1 Freeman A. Hrown et ux to Amos Maliuff nt ux. lot 7. blk. "C" Honlevard Park Add. to Ashlund Francis 1,. Ulbbs to M. D. Allen, SW of see. :;4. twp 33, It. 3 V Korrost B. Bmlth to E. Pat- . torson, KVi of BV4 of ,K of NV untl W 'A of W14 of NK sec. 31, twp, 35, Ii. 2 W. W, 1). Curoj et ux lo Wolborn Hot-son ut ux, land In hoc. 31. twp. 38, II. 1 K ... 1U0.0O 5.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 Ira C. Biullh ot ux to W. I). ; Carey ot ux, land In sec. nn, twp. 8. it. i w 10.00 Wolborn lleeson ot ux to V. I). Caroy et ux, land in sec 3.., twp. 38, li. 1 V 10.00 O. P. Helms et ux to J. U. CouKvr, liintl In I). Jv. C. , 03. two. 3S, it. 1 V 3000.00 Ttwire Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for yeara tt wu sup posed to he Incurable. Doclore prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure jvtt Ji local treatment, pronounced lt Incurublc. Catarrh la a local disease, greatly Influenced by constitutional con ditluius nntl tlierefuro requires constitu tional treatment Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney St Co.. Toledo, Ohio, la a constitutional remedy. Is token intornally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Hurtucca of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward Is oircred for any case thai Hull s Catitrrh Medicine falls to cure. Scud for circulars nnd tentlmoiilals. K. J. CHUNKY oV CO., Toledo. Ohio. ; Hold by DruKjfists. 70c. Hull's Family Pills for constipation. Advertising Rates Classified One cent a word. Locals Ten cents a lino. LoKnl Five cents a lino. ' - Display 25 cents an Inch Contract rates on application. HELP WANTKD aiALK. WANTED Agents to sell our quick selling lino of a dozen big money makers. iJtrgo prqllts. quick sales, particulars free. AtldresB W. II.. 1021 Wash. St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 272 WANTED Live salesmen with car to sell metal firaln Bins, Wagon Boxes, and other, farm specialties direct to the f trmers. Right party can make from $500.00 to $1000.00 a month out of our prop osition. In answering state age, experience and references. Our goods nro standard. There Is a big demand for them." Coast Cttl vort & FKtme Company, Portland, Oregon. . 270 WANTKD Men to clear land and cut wood, by tier or contract, on Wobster. Ranch. Phone 6S5-J3. "-' - - 280 WANTED A good live wire i sales man to sell our lino In Ibis terri tory. Unlimited possibilities for tho right man. - For further Infor mation writo General Sales Co., 505 Swetland rtldg., Portland, Ore. , - - 272 NOT1CB OF SALE OF GOVERN MENT TIM DER General Land Of flco, Washington. D. C., tocember 21, 1918. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions und limitations of the Act of June 9, 1910 (39 Stat., 218), and the in structions of the Secretary of tho In terior of Senlomber 15. 1917. the tlmbor oh the following lands will be sold Feb. 11, 3919, nt lO o'cloek a. in., nt public auction at the United States land offlc.p nt Rosebnrg, Ore gon, to tho highest hldder at not less than tho appraised value as shown by thin nottco. sale to be subject to tho approval of Iho Socrotary ot the Interior. Tho purchase price, witn an additional sum," of one-fifth of one ntf nanl llinrnnf .hnlnc PniiimkninnH allowed, must be deposited nt time of sale, fnonoy to bo returned If salo is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for tho tlmbor which must bo removed within ton years. Bids will bo recolved from citizens of tho Unit ed Stntos, associations of such cit izens nntl corporations organized undor the laws ot the United Stntos or nnv stato. territory or district thereof only. Upon application ,of n quallltotl purchaser, mo timuor on any lennl subdivision will bo offered soparnlaly boforo being included In tiny offer of a larger unit. TownRhlp 21.3., R. 4 W Sec. 19; NW VI 813)4, rod fir 330 M not to bo sold for loss than $1.00 por M. T. 33 S.. R. 7 W., Sec. 11; ME Vi SEVi, 85 M yollow pine, G85 M-, red fir, none of tho yel low pine to bo sold for loss than $2.50 por M., and none of the rod fir to bo sold Tor' less than $1.25 por M. Very respectfully, Clay Tnllinnn, louiLulsslouor uonoriu Land Office, WANTKD tollable. compotent housekeeper; no children; goad homo for right parly. Koferencos, Address H, F, U. 4, Hox 4.1, Jlori ford, Ore. 275 WANTKD 'Housekeeper, one who wants permanent easy place; fam ily of two. Phono &24-Y. WANTKls 8IT0ATION, WANTKD Competent woman wants position an housekeeper on ranch, or cook In camp. Hox M. A. C. care Mall Tribune. 277 WANTED Position as orchard fore man. Klcven years experience Can fiiriiluli reference. APDly V. H. Kmploymonl O'flce, Nash Ho tel. 286 "WA-N'TED Experienced man and wife wants position on orchard or stock ranch, two children. Inquire U. B. Kmployment Agency. 245 WA NTKIs trraOEiaUTBOUS WANTED to bear from owner of ood ranch for sale. State cash price, lull particulars. D. F. Bush, Min neapolis, Minn. (loud second-hand ranne, rtiKs, rocking chairs, Hox S, Mall Tribune. 272 WANTED To rent small furnished house, not too far out. Phone 203. 272 WANTED Fresh milk cowb. Phone 7-F4. WANTED TO ft BNT A small place close In, well Improved. Please state If stocked up or sot. Mrs. Hose E. Covinous, Harper, Ore. 280 WANTED A job as housekeeper for small family. Write Mrs. Rose Covinous, Harper, Ore. 280 WANTED TO TRADE Mammoth bronze gobblers; also for sale 120 Buckeye Incubator. 'Phone 19-F14. 274 WANTEI Orchard to care for or some place, to rent on Hhare basis. Albert It. lianscom, 401! Apple street. 273 WANTED Wo buy your unpaid Lib erty bond contracts ifor casu. Hale's Piano House, Inc. J. F. Halo,' general manager. ' WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 4S8-M or 488-X. WANTED R. H. Toft will buy your partly paid Liberty Bond contracts. WANTED R. H. Toft buys Liberty .bonds, also mortgages, notes. Judg ments, escrow contracts, etci, and makes short time loans on any old . thin. FOB RENT HU-SEKKKPISG ROOMS. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 311 North Bartlett, FOR REM1 HOUSE. FOR RENT Several modern houses. . Building & Loan Ass'n, 429 M. F. & II. Ilidg. FOR RENT Completely furnished five-room house with bath. Phone 929-W. . 2i FOR RENT Furnisned house to adults $13.50 per month; water paid. 17 Newtown. . Caas. Gav. phone 290-J. 272 FOR RENT MISCKLLuVNEOCH. FOR RENT OR. SALE My brother's .place, 20 acres, good buildings, 14 acres under water. Rent $150.00. Sale price $3000.00. Terms. Apply E. G. Whiteside, Central Point, Ore, Rural Route 2. - 1 '276 FOR RENT Five acres under irri gation on racmc Hignway. rnone 442-X. 276' FOR RT0NT Ranch 160 acres. 25 acres in fall wheat, 10 more to put in; new barn, small house, good well; for sale good team, imple ments, six tons grain hay, one ton corn, 20 hushels wheat. Address Wm. H. Jlichl, Lake Creek, Ore gon. 2 FOR SALE LlrraTOCK FOR SALK-Cows and-hogs. Fresh cows, othors soon fresh; gentle. heavy milkers, high tests. Three . flno brood sows, bred; ono fat hog, ono fine red boar, fine breeder. a! nut sell. East of Phoenix, thlr.d brown bungalow, cross iron bridge. 27 FOR SALE 20 head Hereford and Durham cows, mostly yearling and two-year olds, one mare 7 years old, weight 1100, broke to ride and work; one sorral gelding, three years old, broke to work woight 1200. W. R. Holman. Lake Creek Ore. : 277 FOR SALE Team, harness and wagon, weight 2400 lbs. 302 Wll- 1 'lantetto street. 274 FOR SALE Registered black Por- cheron stnllion coming three years old; weighs isao lbs. T. L. Tay lor, Mctlford, Ore. ' , .273 FOR SALE Span of horses weigh Ipg about 3200. A. T. Ellostead one mllo north Central Point. 273 FOR SALE A few registered Duroc lersey bred gilts and sows. 'Largo typo and good ancostry, at Modoc Orchard or V. A. Sumner, man nger, Hotel Atedtord. FOR SALE Pur bred Red Polled bull calf, born October, 1P18; fine youngster. Modoo Orchard or Pal mor Investmont 0o- Modfo'rd, Ore. uost Off Butte Falls range, ono roan Durham bull nnd four cows. -brand shield on. right hip. Swallow; fork in leit ear, untlorwtln right, Phono or write Antotope Orchard Wellen, Ore. Phone 25-F13. 272 LOST Round black fur muff at Pago, Wodnesday, Jan. 27th; Fin- dor roturn to Mall Trlbuuo Office, 272 FOIt RENT APARTMENTS. or renttwo apartments, 322 and three-room South Central. 274 FOR 8.1 1,1-: Al'TOMOHILF.S FOR HA LB ford touring car. Coll 273 8ii4 Kast Ninth street. DBARHORN" TRUCK UNIT and a usod car make a first-class truck for Icsb than half the price of the so-oalled standard trucks. Valley Garage will explain. ' 272 von bale ponrivY ajto aaa FOR' BALE Rhode Island Red 292 hatching eggs. Phone 370-W. FOR, SALE ithnde Island Hod fiKKS. fl for 13. Rooster, 1st prise at poul-.n. snow. Mrs. Fowler, Koene Hirer, ureeon. ' FOR SALE High rood value eggs culling out of non-producing poul try; small fee charged. Dick San ders. Poulterer. X40-.I. 277 FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE My home place iVt miles southeast of Ashland P. O. cheap oa account of sickness. J. L. Miller, R. 1, Box 74, Ashland. Ore. , . ' 277 FOR SALE Grain, stock and fruit ranch, about 100 acres under the plow; buildings. 15 acres pears peaches, apricots and apples. Ad- joins open range. 2 V, miles to town and railroad. R. F. D. route. Small payment down, rest like rent. Long time ' 6 per cent. Horses, cows. Implements for sale. Some trade. Owner, care Mail Tribune. ; - 273 FOR SALE: A substantial modern home with good ground equivalent to almost three lots, small fruit of all descriptions. Half block from paving. No liens. Phone 102-X or call at 1014 East Eleventh street 274 FOR SALE OR TRADE A fine stock ranch right in the heart of tite bunch-grass In Malheur county. 35 head of good cows, chickens, wag ons, tools go with ranch. Anybody interested write Mrs. Rose Cavin- ess. Harper. Ore. 278 FOR SALE 158-acre tract on Evans creek. Write or call and learn particulars. A bargain. Levi N. Stevens, Rogue River, Oregon R. F. D. 1. 292 FOR SALE Thirty acres. Irrigated (arm, good soil, improvements; will take good car part payment. A snan if taken at once. Box 95, Mail Tribune. 272 FOR SALE One hundred acres -water for eighty. Sixty dollars cash. Box 29, Mail Tribune. 273 FOR SALE Five - room modern house, all clear, three lots, fruit trees, barn, woodshed, garage, chicken yard. Call afternoons, 305 Portland avenue. - 277 FOR SALE Or rent, several ranches O. U. Hoggs. FOR SALE -MISCKLLANKOC9 FOR SALE Al onion aeends. ,J. I. Demmer, phone 846-J. . 277 FOR SALE Belgian-Flemish Breed ing does. $1.50 up. 10a9 Court street. , ! FOR SALE DeLaval separator, size 10. F. H. Hopkins, phone 198-J1 273' FOR SALE Beardless barley. Phone K-13-R. - - -, - 274 FOR SALE Beardless barley, extra clean. E. L. Lane, Central Point, Phone 13-3. 276 FOR SALE: One Baby Indian 2 cycle 3-speed motorcycle: in good repair. Wm. Wagner, . Central Point. . v 276 FOR SALE--Yellow Globe Danvers onion seed $3.50 lb. 540 South Fir street. -. 276 FOR SALE Owing to sickness must sell my pedigreed New Zealand red rabbits. Prices are right Phone 3T1-H. 273 FOR SALE One 150-egg and one 390-egg Cypress Incubators,-price $15.00 and $25.00 respectively. Both nearly new and in good con dition. S. A. -Marshall, Central Point. , FhonOtor .write. 2 FOR SALE Having purchased the sums vtiey store am selling an livestook and machinery; also as fine a ranch-as there is in this part of the country. Livestock consists of two teams about 2550 and 2800, 17 head cattle. 23 hogs, some nice Barred Rook hens. Most any kind ot tools too numerous to mention to work the soil. A fine barley crusher or feed roller. The land to be sold or leased. The crop is most all in, some in alfalfa and seed and land plaster, to put in more. Phone 174 Central Point. O: E. Wilhite, Sams Valley, Ore. FOR SALE Six-hole range, heater, and Rayo lamp. Phone S61-Y. 273 FOR SAIJS Apples'. Spitz, Bald wins, Black Twig and Newtown, at 27 North Grape. . 272 FOR SALE Hot water Buckeye in cu hat or, 230 egg capacity, $18.00 203 Mc Andrews street. 272 FOR SALE Singer sewing machines on easy terms. Gleaning and re pairing ot all machines a specialty. 245 South Central avenue, phone ous-K, v. A. Chapman. 21)1 FOR SALE John Deere Bulky plow. Splendid condition. Phone 534-X FOR SALE 125 tons of alfalfa hay all in good order. Will bale and load on .car at Grenada for $21.00 per ton. U. Cuneo, Box 85, Gren adit, Cal. - ; 31 FOR SALE-r-For sand, gravel, sodl- mom or guraen plowing pnon ma-j. 27 FOR SALE Sulphur, land plaster, superpnaspnate. ; Ralph Waldo El- acn, kuss Miu. FOR SALE Fine quality baled hay ijb.oo per ton. Modoc Orchard Phone Central Point at meal hours. FOR BXGHANGR. FOR KXCIIANOK A brand ' now ; hlgh-grndo phonograph, never un packed, to exchange for a piano. Address P. O. Box 1031, City. 273 OR TRADE .Yfedford residence 'property and nearby acreage truots to trade for Seattle properly, C, C. Pierce, phone 370-J. i ' 271 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED "Fortune Making": 10 secures membership and lull pro rata interest In five great Xlurk bitrnett fortune making gusher oil wells. Big opportunity.. Act now. Abner Davis, Trustee. Wichita Fails, Tex. ' 372 MOXKT TO LOA5 LOANS Farm :onns t per cent In terest. O. C. BoggS. LOANS City loans. Building ft Loan ASBO., 429 M. F. & H. Bldf. MONEY TO LOAN on good reel estate security, and will buy Lib ertr Bonds. J. 4. Andrews, No. 31 North Grape. Phone 53-M. US BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF, Attorn ey-4rt-lw, rooms 8 and 9, Medfora Natural Bank Building. - . " A. B. Reames, Lawyer, Oantett- Corey Building. Anto Supplies LAHER AUTO BPRINQ8 Co. We are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our springe when others fail. Sold nnder wilt ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Garhage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned np for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons tor good service. Phone S51-T. 1. Y. Allen. : Expert Accountant WILSON- AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention gives, to anything in Accounting end In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. M. F. & H. Building, Mcdford. Phone 157-R. Farm Loans AMORTIZATION PLAN 5 to 40 years 5 14 Money ready when land is appraised and title ap proved. E. H. Hurd, secy-treas., National Farm Loan Associations, Garnett-Corey Bldg., Medford. : Instruction In Mnate FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot piano and harmony. Height Musis Studio, 401 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone 72. - - - Planing MO! THOMAS MOFFAT General mill work, sash, doors, mouldings aa screens. Shop 437 S. Fir. Phone 184. ' Physicians and Surgeon DR. A. BURSELL Physician; Spln- ologlst; Surgeon. 309 Medford Furniture & Hdw. Bldg. Hrs. 9-18 and 2-5 or appoint. Office phone 29. , .-i : '.t ' 275 DR. W. W. HOWARD- Osteopathic . physician. 303 Q arn ett-Co rey build. Ing. Phone 130. . , DR. J. 3.' EMMENS Physician ana eurgeon- . Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup : plied. Oculist and Anrlst for S. P. ; R. R. Co.: Offices M..F. & H. Co. Bldg. Phone 667; DR. F. G. CARLOW DR. EVA MAIWS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. ; Phone 804-L. 1 Residence 26 8. Laurel Street. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, , loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. , 87 North -"Fir St. ''.. : Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Otflce 42 North Front SL Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. INTilRURBAX AUTOOAR GO. ; TIME, CARD. - Leave Medford for Autiln daily except Sunday at 8:00 and ,10:15 a. m.-and at 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also.on Saturday at 9:30 p. m. .Sun days le ave at 10:30 a. m. and 1:30, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. . r Leave Ashland for Medford dally except Sunday at 9:00 end 11:00 a. m. and at 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 6:30 p. m, Sun days leave at 9:00 a. m. and 12:30, 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. . . ' . : :, , C FIVEACRES Of Good Soil With a nice strictly modern 5-room , bungalow with sleeping porch, ' ce' . mont fruit and vegetable cellar, good barn, ohicken house and yard, a fine well with pumping plant, tower, etc:', on the best graveled highway in the valley and lose In; an opportunity to own a place like this for $2100.00 will not watt long for a buyer as there are too many people looking tor a good piece of land with a nice home on It close In to Medford. , Let us show you this today. s. Brown & White 10 South Fir St. i. .