TAQY. FTOIIT MEDFOTJD MATT; TRTBlTNl'l MKPFOTin. 01 EGO??. FRIDAY. -VKniWAKY 7. Ullfi J'l " I -II H lip JiJf FORD ELKS E .AT Aftar hours ot brotherly content nd onjoymont In which was mixed muoh ontiment, humor, near-humor ' and general good fcolfng, with not a . dlacordant feature In sight except the dress suits worn by the past pxalted rulers, the Medford Eiks had to go end crab everything late last night, and right In the. presence, too, of their many Ashland guests of honor. - Besides It being past exalted rulers night It was also hair-lip nnd crab night, the star feature ot the social session being hair-lip stories and the piece do reslstnnca ot tho banquet being an abundant supply of fresh sea crabs. Just why tiie past exalted rulers ot the lodge should appear in full dress suits, which no doubt are hired 1 for the occasion from local clothing tores, puzzles the vast majority of members Ojf tho lodge, except that the former head guys are. following a foolish custom started years ago. These full dress suits mar the plea euro of an otherwise perfect day. Colonel Kelly who was acting as - chairman of the social session voiced the sentiments of tho lodge when he was asked to fine tous 'Newbury and T. E. Daniels, the only past exalted rulers not in dress suits, by saying. "I haven't the heart to do It Tor 1 wouldn't wear one of the darn things myself." Conspicuous features of the social session were the felicitations of Grandpa Brown, tho speech of Ver non Vawter In accepting the nomina tion for re-election as treasurer, and the addresses of C. V. Carter, Prof. Irving Vinlng and Exa'.led Ruler Xin Inger of tho Ashland delegation. A sublime exhibition of botherly feeling and the absolute confidence and trust df the local Elks la the fairness ot the Ashland Elks was seen when the large delegation of visitors was given a five-minutes start 16 the banquet room before the hungry Medford bunch, numbering hundreds, wended their way to the festal board. This trust was not mis placed, for It developed there was plenty for all. - - s. 10 LECTURE AT L L SALE1I. Feb. 7. Followinz a con ference between "Governor Withv combe. the chairman of the legislative reconstruction committees and Port land officials, a decision has been reached that after the adjournment of the present session the coventor shall call a special session of the legisla ture for reference of a comprohensive reconstruction prosram to the elector ate at a special election not later than June. Irvin S. Cobb, Americas greatest humorist, will lecture nt the Page theatre Wednesday evening, Fob. 12 th. t Nv Irvin S. Cobb is an American who needs no introduction. Ho is as much a national institution as' pumpkin pie. baseball, cbautauquas and the Fourth of July. Xew. York tried to localize him. but It couldn't. He's as big as all outdoors, and In all' he writes anu says and does reflects unerringly the American spirit. . He's a native ot Padncnh, Ken tucky. The best description of him '. set down by his friend, Hobert 11. Davis who, without knowing to whom ho was speaking, asked Cobb what kind of a person this Irvin Cobb was. "Well, to be perfectly frank with you," replied the Paducah prodigy, "Cobb Is related to my wife by mar riage, and It you don't object to a brief sketch, with all the technical ities eliminated, I should say that' In appearance he is rather bulky, stand ing six feet high, not especially beau tiful, a light roan In color with a black mane. Ills figure Is undecided. but might bo called bunchy lu places. Ho belongs to Bevora! clubs, includ ing tho Yonkora Pressing club ami tho Park Hill liemocratlc Marching club, and has always, like his fa'her, who was a confederate soldier, vote I the democratic ticket.. Ho has had one wife and ono child tind still has them, lii-rclllon he Is an Innocent Bystander." Could anything be ful ler than this? Early tu January Mr. Cobb sailed for Europe to make a personal visit to tho fighting front in France and Flanders, reporting war conditions for the Saturday Evening Post. His articles written for this publication In tho early days of tjie war, detail ing his experiences in Belgium, mark ed a new era in war reporting, and established Mr. Cobb as ono ot the keenest observers in tho world. Cobb talks as ho writes, in plain, under standable United States English, and presents facts with a humor, distinct ively his own. Tho lecture will begin at 7:. 10. Box otfico sale opens Monday morning at 10:30. Prices 50c, 70c. $1, ?1.50. Mall orders received now. MWLIIES !N RUSSIA TOTAL 181 WASHINGTON, Feb. ".Total casualties in lliu American forces in the Arelmnuol veston of Ittissia m lo ami includint! January HI. were JS1 killed, iliod of womnis, uickucs.s 'or from other cause, or iiiissinir inunc tion, nnd 2"J!) wounded or injured. making it total disunite list of 410 nut of n force Hint nmnliivl 4. !'-'.". TO RESTORE DEATH t SAl.K.M, l'Vl. 7, Senator' Dimick'n joint resolution lo rcsturu the tloutli liemiUv for (leinoiiM convicted of mur der in tile first licit roo or for treason was reported upon favorably toduv bv tho senate committee on ittdiciitrv. but with the amendment that juriv in.. tend of the court Khali determine whether the iivuultv ltoll bo dearth or life iitmt'woement .' How Long Must I Suffer From the Pangs of Rheumatism; Is there no mil relief In night? Doubtless like other Milfcrcra, you have often asked yourself this inten tion, which continue! to remain tin unawcrcd. Science lias proven that your KliciiiuutiMii is numcd liv n irerm In your blood, unit llio oiilv way to reach it Is by a comedy which elim inates nnd removes these littlu puln demons I10111 your blood. This ex plains why liniments and lolioug enn do no pcniunicnt good, for tlicy initirii nossllilv rench ttioo ecrnW which Infest your blood by tliu mil lions. S. S. S, litis been mtcccssfittly used ,'nr Klii'tninulMii fur more lliiin lift years, 'fry It to-dny, mid you will Ji nt) yourself lit liiKt on tuo rlylit truck to net rid of your Klicumti tlsm, You can net valuable mlvlco about Ilia treatment of your indi vidual cusa by wrltlnir to the Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Co., Dept. U, Allautu, Ga. - SHEEP HERDER B Judson Bowdre. the Umatilla coun ty sheep herder who was taken from the tra'B Wednesday nicht nnd ar rested bv Spaed Cop McDonald for having 20 half pints of whiskev in his suit case, was released from ens- j lodav this moraine ns his bank at Pi lot Kock. near Pendleton, telemtphed i him the money to pay his $100 fine last nisht. Prosecutor Roberts and the police sav that Bowdre is no bootleeeer, but is a hardworkinsr. stcadv man. Bow dre has several thousand dollars in vested in L.bertv bonds and about $1,000 in war savings stamps. He has worked for one company as sheen herder for several years, and remain injhe hills six .months at a time. lie recently came in from the hills and when he was civen a 30 (lavs' vaca tion, conceived the idea of running ilomi to Horbrook, and obtiinir:r a supply of whiskv to take home. He aid he intended to cive a bitr party to his friends and take the remainder of the booze out to the hilts with him. Bowdre will leave for home this even insr about $'200 poorer than when he left it. T0C0MA STRIKE IS FAILURE (Continued from page one. Aocordine to the liquor men. it is unconstitutional to ehanee the con stitution. Louisville Post. the Central Labor Council and the others were operating anyway. . "We have permission of the Cen tral Labor Council to operate, altho we are out on strike," one of the union meat shops in the public mar ket explained: "You see, if we close up it will give the non-union shops a chance to take our business." Open shop markets Including the Japanese markets, were all open and expected to continue to operate whe ther tho men were called out of union shops or not, tho proprietors said. Pollco reported that no disorders had taken place yesterday or last nisht as a result ot tho strike. Further impetus was added 4o the flight of tho men, It was reportod this mornlns. when It was discovered that some of the moat prominent and noisy "Kcds" In Tacoma are plain clothes men In the employ of the secret sorvleo department. Tell The World This Woman Says Tliafc Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound made Ms a Well Woman. Los Angeles, Col." I suffered with iemoie troubles for years, was sick 11 'II 1 i ilmost ot tee time. -WJ was not able to do irmTin UN? i,r'-p lill rVir8i?JJi bny own housework, l!fti;iV'S'iianl I could not get i.Jj Wf''v-vS5il help from doctors. X' ' VfSS'sgi'M saw Lydia E. Pink Iffij & S'i?!WSam, Vegetable I p ! i. :lUyPamPoan& adver tised in the nowspa tpers, and took six h..... Or&y:well woman. You ysun use my liuuie lu Jtell the world the gcod your medicine has done me as I snail praise 11 always. Mrs. A., u. DeVine, 617 St. Paul Avenue. Los Anpeles, Calif. Women who suffer from any form of "Vt:at:r-.eFS, as indicated by displace ments, inflammation, r.lceration, irreg ularities, backache, headaches, nervous ness or "the braes," should do as Mrs. DeVine did, andgiveLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. For over forty years this famous remedy, which contains the curative, strengthening properties of good old fashioned roots and herbs, has been correcting just such ailments. If you have mysterious complications write for advice to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass. IN "PALS FIRST SUPPORTED BY JAMES LACK AYE ''' AM) ''"-.' ... RUBY DE RIMER ' T O S ,.;.h.-s) 1 W T ' " 1 o M s R . Ill R O w n Illlll PRICES FLOOR 25c LOGE8 35c KIDDIES 10c YOU WERE HUNGRY, -RAGGED, AND PENNILESS WITH NO HOPE. IN YOUR HEART AND YOU SUDDENLY "WERE MADE RIOII Al'TD COMFORT- ABLE AND HAD A LOVE AFFAIR THRUST UPON YOU AND YOU LIVED AS AN IMPOSTER, COULD YOU KEEP IT UP? s ALSO SMILING BILL PARONSi in "CAMPING OUT" MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED SALE OPENS Saturday Morning at 8 o'Clock Sharp 'The Early Bird Is the Lucky One EMI aims TKeWomarfs Store 14-22 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE MEDFORD. OREGON jj REM ANN MAIL OR EXPRESS PREPAID DON'T MISS THIS Great Opportunity Sale That Comes but Twice a Year . See Window Display UAL N ANT SALE! The Sale that Appeals to Thrifty Buyers and that Only Comes Twice a Year This Year We Can Offer More Radical Reductions than Ever efore, So Stock Up for the Season H 14c A YARD jH Buys 'renpants of best H quality ,-'I)rys Prints, Batistes, Muslins and Crotoinics. Sold regular up to 2uq yard. All ufw goods, good lengths. S Saturday, 14- yard 21c A YARD Buys ronuiants of Drcf.i Ginghams, Waistings, "White Goods, Muslin, Cambrics and Silkolijies. . iA.ll new goods, best qual ity, good lengths. Sold to33e. Saturday, Ol yard lv 24c A YARD Buys remnants of best Percales, Zephyr G ing hanis, White Goods and y Waistings. All good styles, fast colors, good lengths. Sold regular up to 43e. yard. For this S"!:: ......24c 29c A YARD Keuinaiits of Curtain Scrims, Wash Goods, Cretonnes and other ma terials. Good styles, col ors and lengths. Values to 50.'. For this OQp sale, yard u7t Thousands of Remnants at Less Than Cost! , 33c A YARD Buys remnants of fancy Voiles, Devonshire Cloth "Wash Goods and Cre- tons. Values up to GOc yard. Good colors and lengths. Sold OOp Saturday,: yard ...... J J w Remnants OF Wool Dress Goods and Coatings at Less Than Cost Price Remnants OF Silks in Lengths Suit able for Waists, Skirts and Dresses at Great Reductions 48c A YARD Buys remnants of Table Linen, Sheeting, Crc tonnpNnnd fancy Wash Goods. Good lengths, Values up to 75c. For ...48c this big sale, yard 1 This Is the Way We Clean House I $1.00 WAIST SALE 100 Beautiful New Waists made of fine voiles, all sizes. Worth' today, $1.50; While they $1.00 lats, Saturday, each $5.00 WAISTS $3.69 50 new Crepe do Chcno Waists, well made, good colors and sizes. Cheap at $5.00. On sale ff 3 Q Saturday, only SUITS HALF PRICE About 20 good' Winter Suits' Saturday at Half Price. $25,00 Suits ......$12.50 $35.00 Suits ......$17.50 $40,00 Suits $20.00 $8.00 WAISTS $5.48 Beautiful new Georgette Crepe Waists, good col ors and sizes; real values up to $8.00. All go on $5.48 sale Saturday, each The Biggest and Best Remnant Sale Ever Held i Remnants of Iiaees, "Rib bons and Embroidery, all widths and lengths, good colors and styles go in this sale at about one half price. Remnants of Linings, all colors and lengths, very cheap. First Showing of New Spring Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts Bought from the Best and Most Reliable Manufactuiers Exclusive Styles at Reasonable Prices It Will Pay You to Buy Now. Sep Windows.' Remnants of Dress and Coat Buttons in all sizes and colors, nt less than COSt, ; . ': ".''. . '. ' ' First 'showing . of new Ginghams anitAVash Goods: for Spring : and Siiniinor.woar' 5 I I MAN&'S--The Best Goods for the Price, No Matter What the .Price-.MANN'$; i illihl 'ail Illlll! ...