Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 07, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    TXCm . T-WT? -,
During Iho pant few dnya thu Med
ford Irrigation Dlair-fet has rili'il
wlili llm sluto ' 1 1 v: 1 1 n i r Its riii ci I mi.
plliiillon for lliu water (if iiik iiuliu
ITIH'k IIH till! Mllll'l'l) llf Nil UIy 'ill1 III"
district. Tli In couiplcloii thn upiiHco
lion made nit n preliminary uu No
vember 7l)i, I HI 7-
Tho coiiirollliiii right on tliuim
waters was formerly Imlil liy Messrs.
ltnwloy mill Hlnockman hut Mr, Tho-
mini, wlm wuit limn h illi lor of llm
"Win it I 'mire' iinmiclullou and Hluiii
KiiKlneor Lcwln succeeded In per
suading Hum In ri'llniiiti,h their jmr
iii 1 1 n to 111" Hindi mi im in rentier
nvnllHliln 111" limuleil liy tlictrn
lixritiltH for llm Irrigation of liny pro
jiwt roporlcd fnaslhlo liy (ho survey,
villi' ll wan I tu in i'.I ' ii t o? y mitilii hy Ihn
hliil" eiwliliior'it officii nuil III" Pulled
Mates r.M'liiiiiiUlim service working
In iiioponitlnti. I!niliir tint terms of
the nitreoinonl Messrs. llnwloy iiml
Hiucckmun With In ho ruiiiponiiaicd
fur ihitlr water rlKliln liy uny project
iinluit lli'-iii. ,
I'lllnit Mmln Thiiriilny
(Mi Thuritd'iy in Hulein llm nltor
ni'y fur thu dii 1 1 lei In submitting iho
nmiil"lril npplli-iilliin In Mr. Cupper.
Ill" Mill" iMiitiivor, explained In
lull llm, cmlre hl.iinry of the mov"
lii Kll t fur llm Irrigation of Hi" lauds
In tint (IlKlrl I, which Iiml lu 1 1 1 1--j -Hull
na limn ago n llltri. Tho dime
turn liiivn (Oiuplm.) i):ii.i mi t It I it sub
ject unci Imvfl In tlmlr iois-.vlnn Hie
records of Hi'' iiirluus riiniiullli'im
' i II I f-. , JKi kit
ft J V. J" -r
-j-i,:V 1 . I f. . : !
n hi 4rJS' 'i i. ( i"(.
- P '( i"(.
i i.l f , . i J I "7 A V
B j I , . ' r I T J Hi' Ki
Kovariuncnt to call a general ntrlkol
ul nil bourKOoln clamen it tlialr de-
mamlH wura not grantod. Thin unl(uui
protnat In the flint of Uu kind to ho!
applied on u hl ni'alo an a rotulla
Hon ugiilimt Hptirtarun turrorlani.
WASHINGTON'. Feb. 7. Tho wnr
i!(Mvirtrri"iit todiiv rc!iort(;d John
c 111 r ,.i....i
.I1BHMN, Feb. (Hy Annoclatod I ' i11
l'rm.) Tl.o whole c.'ly of Uui:el-1 "" f" n, ""Tv T? T?"'
,. , In t Dorlford. triiliind. Kiji.t
dorf lm "walked out.' OfficlaU, Sor.., H(,r;lllf. i)rl,4i il4 m)orte,i ar.
c!orkB and other empxyen In iho sur- j r,vid in t'ranve trust a prison caino.
vlco of railways,- poms, leirnrnth,
A nation's necessity has plung jc many tbousands
oi boys and girls in their teens into ths vortex of
business before their time. ' f.Iany 'vrii.1 feel the
strain upon vitality and energy and likewise the
need for the nourishing and tonic virtues of ;
tRlophono and xervlco l'iim; hnnkoiii,
lnwyorn, pliylc!ann, xchool (ntclieri
and other perc.on imiiai;i:d In profou
n'.ona hiivo ('.ilt work. Tho Ktrlke In
In koepliiK with Iho throat to the
executive counc'l of Iho eom-v1lln'lltl',.
I'. S. A. meant! U Stay Arid. De
troit News.
Thin zmerntion may mi the
Iiiiozo; the next will wonder what it
"nitlipo-o A""ri"nn.
ill wSifel
A very little, taken regularly, 13 far more beneficial than
when taken by fits and starts. Scott a Emulsion is
concentrated nourishment that contributes to strength
and helps confirm the body in vigor and health.
(fcotta BoWM.BIoomOcW.N.;. -, U-M
Hi M
HKXK'O i'ITY, Poll, 7. The Mwt-!i-iiu
Hi0!itj and thu ihuiubcr "' dnpu
tliw li.'ivn ili.i-lili.(l in alirotialn t!io
and n"iiii''aiiiiiin Hint hiivo i iiniliirlM i prcKlili'iilliil ilei-iro of Aiiuuit 't'i
Iho "rn'ini !"d flr.hl. Tho i iinllili,:i ; will ll pliuixl a .10 pcnoiil t:ix In kind
o' lb" r (" In III llm mull) "tnt'imcfjii mi Importation of nmvuprltil paper,
iif'l." tn fur nn ih"v r,i;.lv to Illi? Vlrtnnlly ovm-y lnduiilry coiineclod
lliiK" ci""!', M"r itViMi,..,,., ,,,, Mr. j Willi li:o Ki-nphlr (ills havo preuunlod
'iiiii r a I'lmr'i . Mr M-iMnnni k to : iHititiuim lo ict a .Ul" tho il.-croo, an
ii'.rtu' llil i kI.-.'ii-iik'iI, If tin. fialn tho M-xkati pnpiir nulla woro unntilc
I'litt'iTt"' i!i riii'i,M ii'i ilnj law ttuvt.' in i,i;ii:y thn dmiiand lor putmr. At
him tlm r ! I t i i'o that Uui Illi! j tho tiittu v.hvii ihn diMTco wan ujiro
IIiiiio pr"iil r.i', r.- I.!!)", h'tiiiid iiiii ;-h,,(, thn j nibnttio plured by the
ixpiH'liilliin Hm! ihi-fi. wmi ill lio nay j !ii!Um Sialcn on nowiipriiit cxportii
l"i:al dlffl illy wltii ihn dlaitli l's Hon to him nnl heon lUied.
wntor rlnht. I lixorcliilna thw imiwitk In financial
I'liml lt"K'rl Miido
Tho final roport of ihn il'mrlct
mmlnwr, rovorlni; wilh rrtal earn
nnd ilnt a 1 1 nil Iho ouiilni" rliiu fx.'i-tnri-a
of tin prajwt, wan aitbiullird
to Mr. ('upper thin moriiliiu l,y Mr.
Iliimm.'Ht ylio vorbnlly jm-jii'iitiMl
Puimi of llujiiiir" Impuiinul it it it In-trb-ato
frntirli'ji of tho nclK'iiii".
W lllllu n fi w l:i n thn tliici lorn
will flln with tlio Irrlnaibin Snriirltlca
i'itiiiiiit..ilim Hi. 'It- roport on thd f : u n n
rial nnd commercial tmprrtii of tho
propoiltlon, nnd tlmn t!t v.iok mnt
in: tli rs hiiiiiIimI lo lilm by conKri)a.
l'r.h'.b'iil rjrraiiia haa a tax
of 1.' rimiaviia pir lillo llm. I
on ii'Wiiprlat -:iimr litiporlcil from
fnn-ii::! i-oiintrloa. Thin talt" tlio
pi n t! uf lint tax In kind which wan
not nnlt".
II Pi Matinl hero that Ihn 1'nlteU
U'.oi ai:il.a?:'a:!or. Henry P. Kletch
i r, ban ritii'lved autliovliy to lift tho
I'littntl fiiatca e:lmn:o on thla kind
of papfir and ninvnpupm hnro export
thill bo will do no an Boon in ho In
luillr.f'ed that thorn In :u further
tnr will ho III tho hand of the mate j dnnuT of paper falling Into the
nffli'lalti. Ihiia.ln o! iiuwapapi m opposed to the
To IfrtMril Mullet Pulled t'.tnuiu. Il' rnlli-iTliiw a tax,
Tho Uinta enisineer nnured Mr. Mc-ji '
Cormiu-k that In Iho Intormtii of the
district ho would ncn m-ejy effort to
banlen ftctVili lu li'n office, nlwnyn.
however, havlnK In mlml lint fact
that Iho project Involved 1 1,500.000
of thn people'H money nnd eouiio
quently de'iiiiudnd careful nnd (h'llb
ernlo ennnlderallon.
Mr. 'upper oxpecH to make n per
minnl eMiuilnntlon of tho dlinrlct
laud nnd tho country thru which Iho
ditch will run within n abort lltiiR,
probably tho end of iMh nioulli or
tho liec.liinliii! of next. He la liu-
preaned with Iho fact Hint If the
roniildnriitlou of tho many probliimn j
prenenlod In taken up Immediately, It
will ho iiillo potiHlblo to havo tho
walnr on Ihn land for Iho n"aon of '
lir.'d. I
In kind on nowHprfnt Imporln tho
Kovornmoiit uan enabled, unions an
vmbarito were linpoHCd, to obtain
KOiidn for Industry in Mexico rcRiird
leaa of whether 11 wan pro-German or
Other articles of coinmorco affect
ed by now preoldontlal decrees are:
Iteduetlon from 40 to 20 coutavon
pur kilo of tho export duly on tobac
co; lncrcitto of tho export tax on cot
ton from 3 lo 8 ccntnvoa per kilo;
decreimo from 15 to & rentnvos per
Here's What People , irvin S. COBB
Sav About Tanlac , ,
" :
"I Feel Like Going From House to House and Telling
Everybody About It," Says A. J. Livingston People
From All Walks of Life Praise Medicine That Has
Helped Them.
-z. T.
"1 lout fool llko going from houpe-good Tanlac has done me.
to hoime and telling the people about! Moody, Greensboro, Ga.
Tanlac." A. J. Livingston, Aahinnd I "TIiIb medicine in worth Its weight
kilo on imporia of caumlc soda, foiClly, Tenn. ' I In gold, and if the price was fifty
iho purpose of cncournnliiK tho Mox-1 "This In really tho first medicine I ; dollars a bottle Instead of one dollar
lean soap Industry; extension until havo ever taken that docs what they
1112 0 of tho decree romovlnis all lm-1 y " will do." J. P. Hollcy, Lc
port dutleH on automobiles, motor j liK'on, Ky.
truck:!, agricultural and iiianufaetur. "I would not take one thousand
Iiik machinery and accessories.
I would buy It just the same If I had
tho money. Robert Young, Knox
vlllo, Tenn.
"Four bottles of Tanlac helped me
more than fifteen years of medical
treitment that cost me on average of!
I00 a year." E. B. Hall, fountain
Oily. Tenn.
"Money couldn t buy the good this
dollars for what this wonderful med
I ielno, Tanla;, has done for me."
,.Mr. lluttle Lutos. Lexington, Ky.
"We have cold 1.1 SO bottles of
Tanlac and have never hod o dlssatls- Tanlac has done for me." Ex-Sher-
fled customer." Sinlscr Drug Co., ti'f Archie Anderson, Houston, Texas, j-
, coiumnia, 'jenu. "Tanlac has certainly helped me
j "For two years lieforo taking Tan- and I recommend It to others for the
lac 1 had rhoumatlsin so bad I giod it has done me." Ex-Sheriff C.
couldn't ralso my loft band lo my W. Mangum, Atlanta. Ga.
head. I now fee! like a new man.-' ! "! would spond the last dollar I
j J. It. Woodward, Lexington. Ky. imj ()n earth for Tanlac; I have gain-
"1 feel so good after taking Tanlac ed nine and a half paunds on one bot-
iiini t iuih my ituittiB iiiw uintir u,..y mj una leei jusi ime a new mau.
believed 1 could bca any of them J. T. Andrews.
shucking cornk 1 meant It, nnd he-! "if tho people of this town only
Hove I could hnvo beat 'em all." J. ' knew the good Tanlac did me you
A. While, It. K. U., Lexington. Ky.. j wouldn't be able to make It fast i
"In mv thlrtv vears nf acllve time- annni'ti t annnlv thA HumRnd " !
tiunm. iiniiiimiT'ed tomclit tlml the pro-, tlco na a physician I hnvo never coen Mrs. Mattio C. Bond, Memphis, Tenn. !
rain lor the ioi ielv will Le r.'iulv ' anything lo oo.ual Tanlac as a med-j "Yes. sir, I gained twenty-five;
ihiui-I Hie nexl tt eek. I le also said : Iclno to produce results." Dr. J. T. pounds by taking Tanlac. and It has :
"I'Vuir'e in QDlHixi'd to llm r.uiinc i Edwards. Fayetievllle, ;n. been a long time since I felt as well .t
of the blockade on ra,v material "' ' corlalnly like to shake as I do now ' -Capt. Jeff D. fliggs, ;
' ,, i i. . i i the hand of the man who discovered VIcksburgMlss.
iLMiti.t Cennn nv until her dimmite OiTanIa nnd ,c hlal ,0 hlia ; ..lMoTl i took Tanlac x woucl '
i veii 'li lining. ru-K ban lieeo ui"" j a00t my wife." It. 1.. Winter. Mn- gladly have given a thousand dollars
aoml. ("Tiniinv was resiimisi.tle i"ricon. ti,, - . . , to have been able to cat the supper.
Hie i'elr.!i'limi nl' mie-lhiid of the1 " wouldn't tu".o a hundred nc;c3 Pvo just finiicd." John Farrell,
CitttinrU'i nt' !'V:iii"0." of the bent lnd lit tioorgia for the Nashrille, Tenn. -
I'AWIS. Fi-b. 0. (Bv the Asmx iat
"(1 I'ref.i.)- Ciiiitnin Andro Turdieu.
mio of Hie French rcurescntntivex on
tlio comi'iiin' imt f( the nocietv of :
"TlioliMiii'N Hnvo It iiml llon't
Know 11," Hiij'h I'IijnIiIiiii.
I n (iiclilly Mlsliil.cii for n
illg.cstlim Mow to liroiaiibui
nnd Trent,
"ThoiiHtindH of people suffer inoro
or less coiminntly from furred, cnat
od tongno, bad brealh, sour burning
atomach, freiiunnt voniltliiK, rum
bllllg in Hlomaeli, blllnr eiiiclul Inns,
gas. wind nnd hIoiiiiiiIi avidity and
call It InillttOMtlon when in reality
their Ironblo Is duo lo Miinlrle ciflar
rnli or tho aloniiieh," writes n Now
York physlelan.
L'ntarrh of tlio sloniai h Is ilnnger
ous becnusi! tho mucous nmiiibrano
lining of tho Htnrtinch In thickened
mill a coating of phlegm covers the
Biirfuco so that the illgmilvn fluids
cannot mix wllh tho food and dlgeat
them. This eondlllon soon lireeiln
deadly dUeimo In tlio formuulod, un
nssliiillalod food. The blood la pol
luted nnd earrleit tho direction
throughout tho body. Ganlrle ulcers
mo apt lo form and lie(iimlly an
ulcer Is tho firnl sign of a deadly
' In catarrh or 'the a'.oiuach n good
nnd safe treatment In lo tako before
meals a toiiHpooin'ul of puro lllainat
d MiikiiobIii lu half a gln-'ia of hot
water as hot as you can comfortably
ll rink II. Tho hot water washes the
mucus from thn stomach walls and
drawn tho blood to tho stomach while
1ho blsnriiled mngnenln la an excel
lent solvent for mucus nnd InereaHoa
tho ofllelenry of tho hot wnlor trcnt
mont. Moreover thu lllHiirntod ,MuK
noHla will pervo ns a powerful but
harmless niilncld which will noiilral
lzn any exeesa hydi'oelilorlo iield that
may bo In your Hlomaeli and nwoeleii
lis food contents. ICai'T. nnlurnl in
gestion without distress of any kind
should soon tollow. Ilbiimitod MiiK
nuHla la not a Inxnltvo, In harmless,
nlonnnnt and onsy to take and can bo
obtained from any local tlrugglr.t.
Don't ennfuno lllsiiraled Magneida
with other forms of ningnosiln, milks,
citrates, ote., but gel It In llm puro
blsnriiled form (powder or tablets),
osiioeliillv prepared Tor thlB purposo.
cjl iVc
awx mm mmm mm.
e&JiMJ J Jp
First Showing Ladies' and Misses'
Wooi Suits for Spring
Two Special Lots of Suits to Open the Season
Special Lot Suits i
at ... . . .
Special Lot Suits
at '. ...
Home Journal
A. W. HUBBS, Mgr.
Pictorial Review
44 if
America's Great Humorist and Journalist.
Wednesday Evening, Febr'y 1 2
50c -75c $1.00 $1.50
Mail orders now being acceptctf.
Box Office Sale Opens Monday, February 10.
Lecture Begins Promptly at 7:30.
This may seem a little early for seeds, but they
are beginning to sell, and this is a good time to get
them, while the assortment is complete.
We have D. M. Ferry's and C. C. Morse & Co.'s
new seeds.
Our onion sets are here and the quality extra good.
Would advise that you order early.
Personal Attention
Prompt Service '
Marsh & Bennett
Phone 252
You Get What Your
Doctor Prescribes
scientific accuracy
speed, nnd , -
x absolute honesty
are added to every doctor's proscription you bring to bo filled at
our store. - , , '
West Side Pharmacy
Wc have purchased' the Pacific Highway Oarage
and will continue the business at the old stand, 39
South Bartlett. Both of the proprietors are exper
ienced mechanics and wc will guarantee all work.
Wc specialize on oxy-acetylcnc welding.
Roy Ulrich and Ive McKinney, Props.