Crmn Historical 800 Public Auditorium The Weather IMiixliiiiini jrtM(it'lny 'II m in 1 111 11 in today ..nn j'lwipiiiiUnn art AILTffl Predictions Tonlirtit nml Tomorrow. Vrobubly ltnln. FORD r'nriy-etKhlh Your, tally 'flili tumuli MJSDFORD, OTJT'XKOX, - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 3919 NO. 271 Yr. MED BUNE to place Seattle under lARTiiiMr 1 MATUM TO BE GIVEN TO GERMANY Allied Premiers' Meeting to Imnose ' New Terms Upon Hun. Whoso Tac tics of Obstruction and Recrimina tion Reach Climax In Threat By Ebert to Break Off Negotiations Fall to Fulfill Armistice Conditions Leauue Makes Progress. ' TAKIS. Kelt. 7. (llv Iho Ann eintod Pre,) TI10 nllii'il premier uli.i will meet I 111 llllcriim'll IIN tin' Minri'inc! intcr-ullicd . wiir council. Iirnllilhlv will li IICW icrillS to I"' ini pilCll IIIHIII (IiTIIIIIIIV. V.llllC llU'lll'B of uhl ruction miil recrimination lire Kit il lo Iiiivd reached climax in llirc-iil mode ill Woimor hv Cliniii'ellnr Thert llutt Oermunv would brcntt oil ni'i'iiliiitiiiiiH with tli iillie. Tli feeling in pence con fcrcncc cir cle" i llint llic (icrtiimii urn morn unit mure foriicllinif their position nml it i expected Hint the supremo war coimi'il will lake incisure In bring litem lo n Hcnrn) of llic rcnliliei. Marxluil Foeh will uo to" Treves February 1" t" lit Iho conditions for u lliiril renewal or the nrpiiticc. Servo ritliimtiim II U niiilertoinl Ihiil the council will fix n brief lime within which the OcrmmiH mut eiirrv mil the eoiuli- ' Hon thev hiive iinlv riitrtllcd in pari. None of Iho (leiiniiii increlinnt ships which wero to luivc been went to cer tain allied ports Inn vet been hmulcil over. French opinion consider Hint the oecuiMllioil of KHll in of lirt noeos Nilv if Hie allies are to control Ger- iiimiv's nniieinnl wnr fncloric. Pub lieopiuion in Franco nN i nuking if the supremo wnr council in coing to nliow Field Mntxhnl Von lliiiden Ininr to iireimrv ft riitiipniun oirninst Poland. The supreme wnr council nlo will fix the Uo of the contiiiL'cnt of France, (Ircnt llrilnin, the United Sin lea nnd nllicd nations in (li arm ii'H of oecnpiilion, both ill Kuropo mid '"' Ixmiuuo of Nations V Substantially onc-lmlf of llic drn ft of the constitution for Iho society of miliotiH bus been covered bv tho chief conference comuiiHsion denlinir with thiH nneslion. it wns' nlt'ieiullv nn nounced lodnv. In improving n iintn hcr of ndditionnl articles of the drn ft the cominiHxion renched mi necord, it "is slnled, on ceHniii nuestioiiH of the 'incnlost importune!) roncornintr the positive of Iho functions of the league. Secret Ireulios mndo under (he stress of wnr mid which ninv ho con sidcrcd oul of hnrmonv with the prin , ciploH on which n unmet v of iintiniix ix heinir orcnninoil, hnvo provoked n urenl dcnl of comment. The Anieri enn delcifritcx. nt lenst, lmvc said Hint Hiich iirgrccmoiils insofar os thev lire in conflict with the principles of n so cictv of nnlioiiH must civo wnv. Unofficial inl'ortntition in Hint President Wilxon proposed mi exceu live brunch of five members from tho limit powers with four nicmherx (Contlnuod on page, two.) 8AN VnANCISCO, Fob. 7. That Mnjor Gonernl .lohn P. Slorrlnon commnndlnK tho Wostorn depnrtmonl of tho iinuy, had gono to Honltlo to tnko chnrgo of tho tinny ond of tho Btrlko Bltuntlon thoro, was contalnod In n Btnlomont on tho Btrlko BltXintton by a high offlclnl ot tho dnpnrtmont lioro today. Mnjor nonornl moitiboii will dlroct tho army's activities In Tnooma nlo, ho Bnld, "TIkJ soldlors nro thoro to protoc.t tho strikers, tho public nnd govern mont property from tho Irresponsible element." this offlclnl snld. "I do not look tor any furthor troop movo nionlM us tho troops on hand nro amnio to tnko enro ot Iho Bltuntlon. "1 nm Hiiro Hint many ot tho strllt ors nro out ngnlnst tholr will, nnd it tho disturbing minority can uo got ten rid of, ft normnl stftto ot utfalrs win bo nulcltly rostored," COMMANDS TROOPS NO ARBITRATION; SHIPPING BOARD TO STAND PAT No Chnnne In Policy In Seattle Con troversy Bv Government Con gressmen Declares Strike Due to Foreluners Who Should Be Deport ed as Anarchists. WASHINGTON', Wli. 7. ShlpplllK board officials Indlculed today Hint absolutely no chaiiKo In tho policy of rofiislmc lo arbitrate tho controveray with sliliiyim! strikers nt Suuttle would ho ninilo. U wim nald, how over, that tho prnRrena of tho general utrlko thero wux helms cloudy watch eil mid that Chairman Hurley of tho ithllininK lionrd, who will nrrlvo In New York Moiiilny. hnd been fully in rorineil of Iho Nliuiitloii and tho MP tnkon. , Klin lo VorHwicni WASHINGTON, Vl. 7. Hopro- aonlntlvo Johnson of WnxliliiKlon, In a apuoch In tho hoiuo today dcclurod that atrlkea In )hn I'ni'Ulc northwoat wore due to foreluners. who (houliJ tm deportml hut nKninat whom no ac tion wim taken by liovemmeat ornc lain. Muliit worker thero, ho mild threatened itcnorul atrlkes In tho motnl Imliiatrlaa thruoul tho country as a nympntlieilc niovcnient. "Thuxo srciit atrlkoa." llcproiton tntlvo Johiinon anld, "woro precedod by n aerh-a of rloU on Sunday, and nftor ono of thoxo nutliorltlea In 8enU tlo nrrexted 13 men, tho leadcrx whono iiamea were a great array of Slovliikkya and nnmca of that ort. Oul of tho 13 thoro woro two Amor- irana, of whom ono mtd ho wlxhcil ho were not an American. Tho other eleven wero allena and mnro than half of tho olevon wero ItiiHulnnn. Afkn lkiMirtHtloii I rim Informed that tho commls- xloner of IninilHratlon at Seattle, rep- rnMintlnit tho ImmlKroiion aervlco In Hint port of tho country, slnlod ho would tnko menu to deport thoxo men. If our government official will procoed under tho law onncted by congrc and deport thco nllen who co in o hero undortnktng to toll how to run our government nnd our affair, wo will hnvo lo trouble from theo nlrlke. I wn ntonlhod ((T rend tho name and what they had to ny about tho I'nltod Stales nnd to learn that no leps were proposed to ho tuken to deport them." E WASHINGTON', Fob. 7. Sailing ot flvo transports from Franco with about 200 officers nnd 5500 men. consisting nliilnly of former national guard units, wiir announced today by tho -war donnrtmonl. Including ele ments ot tho 103rd Infantry, 4 1st ill vision, which was niado up from the Second Molilalia Infnntry, nnd parts of tho Third District of Columbia In fnntry nnd of tho 10 1st infantry which was mado up from the Second Washington infantry nnd parts ot tho Third District of Columbia Infantry. Tho crulsor Huntington Is duo nt Wow York February 15, with tho sup ply company, machine gun company. third battalion ltondumirtcrs nnd compnnlos A, ft nnd C of. tho 161st Infantry, nlso for Camp Dlx nnd tho 10 Itli nmbulnnco company. Tho Horodln, duo at Now York Fobruary 20 Is bringing ilotnchmonts ot llnso (Hospitals numbers 11. IS nnd till. Tho V. J. Ltikenbnch also will nrrlvo lit Now York .February 2 0 with n few casual nfflcors. Tho Mercury 1b duo nt Newport Nows Fobrunry 10 with tho G!Mh reg iment, const artillery, completo, bound for Oregon)- tho fi lth nmmii nltlon-train composed ot Illinois, California and Toxiib troops; a do tnehment of llnttory K, Olat roglmont const nrtlllory; convalescent detach mont. No. 05: 2(1 ciiBiial officers nnd 0 officers -nnd 33!) men of tho nnvy Tho BtnnmoiB Kiirune nnd tho F. .T Luhonhncli bring a fow casual offi cers. Tho uliipwTci'Uod snilor of Iho fu ture mnv not lie so licon about reach ing ilrv lnntl, -Brooklyn KiirIo. TACOMASTRIK E E Street Car Employes Promise to Re turn to Work Normal, Conditions Prevail Otherwise Teamsters and Chauffeurs Stick to Jobs Defying Mandate of Council. TACOMA, AVah., Feb. 7. There I a more reported at nn by street car men employed by tho Tncoha Hull way mid Power company lo pull away from the Central Labor Council an they ny tho fact that their action aro guided by their International of ficer tnu.ic It Impossible for them tu legally walk out on a sympj'UOc str'k. Thcjoforo they say they iiietl.)n iho province of the Central l.nlior Council and will begin ad Ion to follow tho ruling of tho Internat ional and return to work. Latest re ports say tho car will bo running on si'hedulo Saturday morning. To ItCfilino Cur Servlco Taeoma' municipal street ears which run to tho shipyard area on thn tldo flats will resumn operation Just as soon as men can be obtained to operato thorn, Commissioner Hoy Harrison, of tho stnto public wor department stnlod this afternoon. Commissioner Harrison began a search for men ond announced that sorvlro would probably bo resumed on tho city lino by night. Barters In Taeoma went back to their chairs today. . Dellvorlcs, taxi hire nnd transpor tation betwoen Taeoma and Camp Lewis was doubly assured this mor ning whon the teamster and chauf feurs decided to stick on the Job in defiance of tho mandate ot the Cen tral Labor Council. Mke Normnl City All other avenues of local trade woro plying busily till morning nnd Taeoma took on tho aspect of a nor mal city but for tho Interruption of street car servlco.. Hardware stores in Tacomn exper ienced a "run on tacks" yesterday afternoon, the direct result of which was a hundred or moro punctured automobile tires. On tho Pacific highway betweon Tacomn and Camp Lowls It was re ported that during the night more than fiO motor vehicles wero forced to pull In tho slclo of the road to ro- inovo tucks from punctured tires. TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 7. Sh-eot carmen aro In conference with Louts Ilcan. manager of Iho street railway company nt 9 o'clock today. It is be lieved that as soon as the manage ment nnd men feol they are reason ably safe from, violence street car ser- vlco will bo given the public. The calling out of the enrmen was char- actorliod by J. Doone, president of tho union, as a plcco of trickery. He accusod tho strike lcadors of giving tho stroet car men a "shady deal and promlsod tho pooplo ot Tneomii that tho stroet car mon Intend to stand by tholr vote and remain at work. Some ,10 restaurants of Iho city woro operating with enrds In -their windows announcing Hint thoy wore running undor the control of tho cooks nnd waiters with permission ot tho strlko committee Tho cooks nnd waiters votod ovorwholmingly against tho strike, but considerable sent! mcnt for standing by tho strikers ex isted. Markets Keep Open So far as can be learned all Taeo ma meat markets are open. Somo woro operating by pormlt ot (Contlnuod on Page Eight.) SCALE OF PRICES WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 President Wilson has been asked to nnmo -committee ot Industrial londors nnd govornmont representatives which will hnvo tho powor to Investigate and suggest n scnlo of prices for basic commodities nt which eminent will buy during tho poat-wnr period, Socrotnry ot Commerce Rott- field announced today. Tho stop was takon after confer ences ot producers and lnbor repre sentntlvos and government officials who wore unanimous, Secretary Hod- Hold said, In rocomuiondlng It. , PROVES FAILUR MEN RETURN NG MA YOR NOTIFIES STRIKERS TO GO BA CK TO WORK IN MORNING OR UNCLE SAM WILL RUN CITY MAYOR DEFIES SEATTLK, Feb. 7. Mayor OIc Hanson today is Kiicd tlx; following proclamation: "To Iho People of Seattle: By virtue of the au yy,. thority vested in me as tcanism. Go about your daily duties without fear. AVc will see to it that you have food, transportation, water, light and gas and all necessities. "The anarchists in this community shall not rule its affairsrr'All persons violating the laws will be dealt with summarilv. . ' (Signed) "OLE HANSON, Mayor of Seattle." BUTTE MINERS STRIKE 0VER.CUT OF DOLLAR A DAY DENVER. Colo.. Feb. 7. "The an nounced reduction in wages imid min eral miners in the copper districts of the country shows tho fairness of the copper producers toward the miners, in that thev will continue production rnlher thnn throw thonsuuds of min ers out of employment lit this time." This statement was made today bv Onirics 11. Mover, president of the I nion Mine, Mill nnd Smelter W'orJc crs, in discussion reductions of one dollar u dnv. announced ot Butte. Mont., yesterday. BVTTE. Mont.. Feb. 7. The entire dnv shift of tho Elm Orln mine, n t'lnrk property, nnmhorini; about 2o0 men. walked out this inornimr because of the reduction of $1 n dnv in wnscs that went into effect in the Butte dis trict today. ' These men marched to Finn Hull, where nt 2 o'clock this nl'lernoon mid nt 7 o'clock tliis eveninir mass nicot ines were called bv tho I. W. V. will he held. The men who unit work wero for the most pnrt Finns. No other properties in the district were affect ed nd nil of these mines report nor mal shifts nt work. The I. W. W. tins distributed a bulletin culling upon the miners to tukc action in respect to Hie rcduetiuu of wages. None of tho com panies ns vet lias received deinniids from trade unions affected bv the wniio reduction. A Cow men who Blith ered nt- the eiillnr of tho Elm Orlu shaft nt 8 o'clock this mornimr with the evident intention of workimr wero jeered bv the strikers nnd not per mitted to eo on Ilia toll. Thero whs no disorder nt the mines mid no nr rosls hnvo been initde orvuiiurds sta tioned. 10 SUPPRESSING SUES OI.YMPIA, Wash.,' Feb., 7. Tho houno and somite joint appropriation commlttco ot tho Washington legis lature announcod today It is planned to --Introduce a bin appropriating SI 00,01)0 from tho military fund for tho uso ot tho governor in suppres sion of strikes. . ANARCHISTS mayor I hereby guaran tee to all people of Seat tle absolute and com plete protection. "They should go about their daily work and business in perfect security. Ve have 1,500 police officers, 1,500 reg ulars from Camp Lewis and can and will get the services, if necessary, of every soldier in the Pa cific Northwest to pro tect life, business and property. "The time has come for every person in Seat tle to show their Ameri- STRIKE FEVER SAX FRANCISCO. Feb. 7. Labor disturbances in three cities in the Snn Francisco bay reeion today threaten ed n nuii'k cessation of work on over ifl'iO.OOO.OOO in eovernnicnt nnd pri vate sliipbtiildiii!r contracts. More than 1.500 machinists here failed lo report to work in most of the metal shops outside the shipyards. In Oakland 4,000 members of the Moilennakers' I mon were utilizing a self declared "holiday" to vote on n proposition to strike next Monday for $1 tin hour wnee scale. J he 200 iron workers in the Pacific Const Ship building company's plant at Bay Point were taking n similar vote, it wns an nounced. , According to the Metal Trades As sociation, the Oakland vote was beine taken in svmpathv with the Seattle la bor disturbances. Absolute opposition to the idea of any enteral strike here was nnnotinc- ed today bv the Waterfront Workers Federation, representing 20.000 long shoremen, stevedores nnd other dock craftsmen. The Sim Frnneiseo Iron Trades Council nlso hits gone on rec ord ns being opposed to nnv general strike. ' Tho 2,")00 helpers in Onklnnd ship vnrds who struck yesterday for the right to be clnssed ns ioiirnevmcn me chanics nnd to draw n $(i.40 wage, were still out today. Little work was being done in the, Onklnnd nnd Alft medn shipyards. $75 MINIMUM TEACHERS PAY ; SAI.TM. Feb. 7. Following nn iin pnssioncd siWclbv Mrs. Alovander Thompson of Hood River and Was co,. which wns hcnrtilv applauded, the house passed the bill placing $75 ns the minimum snhirv which mnv be paid school teachers. 'Gentlemen, let us tnko the county schools of Marion county for exam ple). In 11)14 mid 11115. tho average wijgc was $58.18. In 1918 nnd 1910, the nyernge wnge is $04.78. The in crease iii nnv bus been $(i.ti0. In liv ing expenses, Iho increase bus been $0.78.- Gentlemen, theso oi'ii Jjuctjj. i , 4 1L STREET GUARDED BY POLICE WITHOUT Armed Soldiers Stand at Guard Around Government Buildings and 1.500 Special Police. Mostly Discharged Soldiers Are Co-operatina In Pre serving Order No Scenes of Disorder Sympathetic Strikers Warned Bv Mayor That They Must Return Bv 8 0'Clock Tomorrow Strikers Protest Order but Mayor Stands Pat One Newspaper Appears. ,1 SEATTLE. Feb. 7. Mavor Olc Hanson today issued the following notice to the strike committee: "I herebv notify vou that unless the sympathetic strike is called off at 8 n. m. February 8. 1 will taKe steps to operate all essential indus tries nnd place this city under con trol of the federal eovernment." SEATTLE . Feb. 7. A sub-committee of the conference committee of the Seattle Metal Trades Council to day called nt the city hall to ask llavor Hanson 4o revoke his threat to put the eitv under the control of the federal eovernment if the strike is not overtomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.. The committecc called nt the may or's office shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon. Strike leaders, it was said at the labor temple today, considered per- nutting several of the large nowniown cafeterias to open. The strike "soup kitehens" have been so heavily taxed by crowds that not every one can be servca. .Newspaper Appears A Seattle newspaper made its ap pearance on the streets today. Most of the front page was taken up bv Mavor Ole Hanson's proclamations. While the papers were being passed out at the newspaper ottiee police held back crowds for a block around the building. Police also rode on the paper trucks. Manned and cuarded bv soldiers nnd soldier police, the eirst truck load of newspapers were sent into the business district. Last night Mayor Hanson promised the newspapers all the soldiers and police to protect their plants that might be ncecssarv. 1 Armed soldiersitodav stood guard around United States government buildings and post office here todnv to protect them against any trouble that might occur during tho general strike of over 30.000 workers here who vesterdav walked out to help 25. 000 striking Seattle shipyard work ers press their strike claims for more wages. .' Xenrlv one thousand extra police also were held in reserve at tho Sat tle police station ready to answer any sort of cull that might come in. No Tronblo Today lint there wns no trouble during the morning. The police remained at the station nnd the soldiers continued to once back nnd forth. Brigadier General John L. Ilnyden. commander of the troops, who were sent here from Cnnip Lewis, Tacomn, told friends today that in all his years on Paget Sound ho hnd never seen Seattle ns ouict ns it wns today. Street enr service is to bo resumed on the Senttlo municipal railway ns fast a screws can be obtained to man tho cars, tho public utilities depart ment of tho city government nnnounc cd todnv. . The cars will operate to nii'ht. it was said. No attempt was made to block tbc passage of the first car which ran from the city hall to Ballard, a, sub urb, and back. Plain clothes police rode on the car. As soon ns the enr arrived at the city hull it stnrted on its second run. Trucks currying police nnd soldiers SENT TO MARMORA PAKtS, Feb. 7. William Allen White, ot Peoria, Kansns, and Pro fessor George Davis Herron have been appointed the American dele gates to the Marmora conference with the Russian tactions. OF ' l probably will be sent out with the cars to be put on the line Inter, tho de partment said. , - Everybody Walks , Seattle today started its second day of a ceneral strike bv walking to . work, no attempt having been made vesterdav or last night to operate the street cars which have been idle since the union car men ran them to the barns yesterday and ioined the thousands of other workmen . who walked out yesterday. . Early today there were no signs of a break in the opposing interests. Members of the Seattle Central Labor Council, which is directing the strike, did not met last night and did Dot plan to meet until some time before noon today. No move has been made by employers. . Union leaders say they look to Charles Piez, director general of the Emergency Fleet corporation, to make some move to arbitrate the demands of the striking 25,000 shipyard work ers who walked out January 31 and in whose interest the present strike . was called. , ; Soldiers-Keep Order ; Camp Lewis soldiers, numbcrinff over one thousand, arrived here early today to co-operate with local police in keeping order and to protect gov ernment property that might be en dangered if trouble starts. Brigadier General John L. Hayden early today announced the troops were here. Ho would authorize no statement beyond the bare announce ment. When asked how many troops he had in his command, ho replied. "we have enough." ..-- General Hayden has established headotinrters in the postoffice build ing. - Some of his men are Quartered at Fort Lawton. near here, while oth ers nre at the downtown armory. During the first day and first night of the strike Scuttle police did not receive one trouble call as a result of the strike. Had trouble started. the police were ready, they said.- In front of the police station there was a big string or. automobile trucks loaded with a machine eun and piled high with sandbags. About 1000 ex-. tra police have been deputized, ae- cording to Mavor Ole tianson. ' a Scores of Rumors -Rumors, scores of them, were cir culated about the city lust night. On the strength of n rumor that a muni cipal dam at Cedar river had been dy namited, hundreds of citizens filled their bath tubs and pails nnd pots with drinking water. Other rumora (Continued on page four) L WEIMAR. Feb. 6. (Bv tho Asso ciated Press.) Tho old order in Germany has gone bovoud recall and the pooplo now nre determined to rule themselves; declared Fncdrtch Ebert, tho chancellor, calling tho nationnl assomblv to dordor hero this after noon. - :- .. "Wo will call on the old Gorman spirit of Weimar," ho said. "We will bo an empire of justico nnd truth." - The chancellor opened the proceed ings of tho assembly at 3:18 o'clock.. Ho was received with applause. In opening he addressed the nssomblnge ns "Indies nnd gentlemen" a form of address never before heard in a Gormnn legislative body. The chancellor's speech wnR nn earnest appeal for unity and utitinuir labor, .