Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 06, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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PAO 15 ..1-TVT!
PORTLAND, Full. Il. Ontlli.
r'endy; ri-rnlpl h 74. (Honrs, hr-m
U'.J'Udl t II . 3 6 : good lo tliolio
u.r.u; iiaull inn iu kuuiI !i.ri!ii 1 1 :
(u'r IU good $H.fi0 9,50; common
tu'r $7.aOai H.riO; cows mill heifers,
cli'ilcn ID.afiflf 10.25; good lo choice
M 7 11 W 7 " : inmllllin In good $7. Ml
K.50; fulr (o moilluiii $5.75 0,75;
eiiiuier $ :i . r y 3 r ; bulla ID'iMi:
cu'viia t Wti' 13; Hlochum uml feodum
lima Blfiuly : rocttlpta ilu.'l. Prime
ir'vcd t ) 0 . 4 0 HI' U.BO; medium itilxi-tl
r llOi 10,10: roiIKh llcuvlos 115 41 U;
r ri M u.4o:(i)iiik $ia.,-.o.
,-thoop utontly; receipt l:i:i. Prime
liunbt $13,75 41 14, a.'; fulr lo me. Hum
$'! I; yearlings $I04j II; woihur
ID J 10; ewes III. tiUH) 8.7.-.,
, llulK-r
POUTLANI). 0. lliiltwr
weak, City orumitiiry prints, exiiao
Inn loin 4Ue; carton u i-; Imlf bote
half cunt uioro; linn ihun hull boxes
oiw cent mora. Buying price butter
fnt, country 4.1c; culm cm run 4,v.
PORTLAND. KbIi. . Eggs Htftl
Iiik price, cam count 3Nc; buvlwc
price ,'ldc: selling price, candled, 4ne;
elected candled lu curluno,
M. drank of Itciiu'le wiih u Im.
ilictm visitor .Itcre (In' lii-Hi nf ti
Week uml wih nl-o i-ii lliuu- mi friend.
The Imiiril ol' imlilii- work under
the Miipcrvimon i" Wnlcr Hiiiktiii-
ll'llllcilt J'.lllll MllV. II II' llllVlMW III!'
I'ilV water liuik I'li'iiiit'il mil uml will
imint I Iik Innk iiiHiiln uml mil. While
tlnilur llilH llipy will ihiimii I lie win it
direct inlu llii! miiiii". fiiii-iiitr us lu
ll inconvenience to llio wiilcr mit
hi nowililc. Mr. Mov will hasten lln
iult lu niiiiiuli'liiin.
Mr. Tiimv left .Minulitv for Hciiglc
wlirro xliii will viii frirtuU fur mime
The ApoMnliii r'nilh worker lire
mill huliliiiir rvmilur services m1 their
uiinNiiin, curlier Firt mnl I'liie
Mr. Kit V.lilrtil of (IrnnU I'm
Mieiil Monday here wiih home folk.
J. K. Hitfcwril mill Km lucrum re.
luriiiil lliu firnl nf the week from n
horl trip to Mr. IIiihwcH' riineli
neiir llrnwiiV Ciiliin.
Tlleoilnro (llnH. Jexie OIiihh nml t'.
K. ("me were mimntr the Anlioell neo.
ilt Undine: hero thiw week.
.1. W. Merrill or Oiilil Hill wiik n
Htttiiiv" visitor the firnt of the week.
Mr. mnl Mr. J. I. linker were in
Irnin the Moilne or.'hnnl the firl ol
t!i week, cullitii; on friends.
Mm, Jno Hlevnus, who enlnreil I he
Atihlmul hospital limt week, piiminil
vary ucciwifiilly thru her oimrniloii
unit U roliiK wall u could ho os
rottml. The U, V. Kliloim cnlnrliilitei) Mr.
and Mm. II. II. t'lnrko nml llielr
lioimn Ruest, MIkr Until Merrell, nt
upper Tuemlny ovenlnK.
itohnrt C. llrophy, who rerenlly ro
lurnod from Cnmp l,wln. Ri vlnltlim
hla piirentu nour Derby till week.
Mr. And Mm. Dorlii Coy and ilnmth
ter npoiit thi) week end with hln
r.ioihur at Kimlo Point.
Wu nro to lmvo new nolglibori) an
I hi) old McKuu placo chunited hiinils
thlH week.
Minn (lay Wohh, who linn linen
nurHlnit In tho Heft family dnrliiK
Ihnlr altnrk of flu,' In now vIhIUhk
her Rlmar, Mm. Kriuler nt Tolo.
Mr. and Mm. Itoy Nlchnli nccom
pnnleil by Mr. Nleholn' fnlher nml
inntlior. motorml to Kimlo I'olnt 9un
(luy nnd miont thn day with tho
Cburlea 'Mcliolii fa in 1 1 y.
Mr. and Mm. J. W. Klflon nnd
una and Minn Koho Jonea wiiro din
ner iiueata at tho W. J. Kreoinan
homo In Central Point Sunday.
Thn IC. II. Dnvla family aro afflict
ed with llio in urn pii-
Mlaa I,ah 1'arkor has nconptod n
poHltlon In tho nlHl nml offluo nt
; (Irnntn I'niw an pronf rondnr, and bo
Kim hor work tho tlrat of lnat wook.
Thoro Ih to bo a Karm llnronu
cainpalRii montlnK at tho Willow
HpriiiKa school hoimo Kab. 1.1, nt
2;:i0 p. m. Thoy hopo to hdciii-o n
largo momhorshlp nnd- lo offcet nn
.organization In thbi community,
. In B rocont loltor from Mrs. Mc
Keo, to Mm. AVm. Thompon, she
wrltoR thnt nlin Is still dolnit enntoen
work nt tho bano honpllal at Camp
' Kronmont nnd nxpeels to bo llinro
as Ions ns hor hotp Is iiooilinl.
Tom l'erilne, wlio Iiiik iiwt rolnnicil
li'nni tho liuruiini muni) nt Hullo KhIIm.
whero ho Iihh been in I'lmrue of n
inolor tnielt lor l.liu IiihI. two immtlix,
,. wim 11 Tihlo ork visitor Sniilnv.
'I'M enly cents 11 liiuinil wiih reeeiveil
for veni shipped to I'orllunil IiimI
week liv Slimlev Lviliiinl.
C. K. Ilmnliii. llio MciHonl lnilelier.
Iins lioiiuhl Hiivimil heiul of I'nt pill tin
in Hum fliiiliii'l Inlelv.
t 'In rk Cnlliiw nnd fiiinilv have inov
cil lo lliu Allen rnneli iiimi' iMiiill'oid
vlinro (ilni'k has nninlovmenl.
'Jrilin Doiko, llio well driller, lins
f'iiirthod drillinar oiiornlions on Hi"
Neiilnii iniii'h Where nl n ileplh ol HP
J'Wt fivr wt Pl'lllillVHl Wllii'll lm
ol hec.l le,.e, yet In, I i l,ivcil to
be iib-uliilele um,.
'"iiiiftn Ihn mild riu hiliiulion unv.
'i"l nl mir eij,.,.,M mVM )(,(,mo
bold ertiiiiih In vi'iiluie out lo Ihe
iiiovnm 1I111 intr Ihe l,,M wi'iilt, while one
e.tien wiih liennl to renuirk Ihnl the
hi heme liiul Mined him hOWiiI dol-
.Mix. .1. (', I'enilli'i,,,,, w, riir,,,
lew din-- nt.., Ihe Dmv Iioh
I'HiiI. wliue hIii. him U,H, eunrineil
dnniii, ii iei:,. r im iiiiiIi.
wm bun h pninie ,m tin, n ,..
lire rei'iiverv.
, Maliv ill I hi- ili..ln,. Himieddhe lie
ilion iikliim I hiil mir hind. olTieiiilM
lie i iili!d ui. on In iiiiiiu',, m., mi ls
or m l nn., n niit v he mopei' uml nee-
ei-Hiirv lo t- iver M'linnl liuiihi Mo-
etirnil Iroiu lite , i,il.' HinitiKh I'nuid.
l(miilSii,,'iv .i,i S:.v,M ,d ile
lon.l in Uii ,li,.irn l ilriiiiKed. whii'h
iimile ii wonderful Improvi'menl in ll
John lliinkiii nml lnmilv of AK'ilford
were vifiliiur relalinw here Siniilnv.
The wnier tifi - been I m in d out of
the Table Idled ditch lnr three iiiiiiiIIih
mIi le a Miuill iti'ivm!' men lmvo been
eiilnrviiii.. nml repnirinit lh ennui.
That hllle miiiiuil known nn the
uroiinil Iiok, whin.!' ilntv it is to eonie
' on the i mid da v of Kebniiirv
mil iiiihh bo- imlLeiuenl on the eomiin:
eiiM.u wan oul nil dit v SiiihIiiv in n
min nlti'iiint in n'e hhiulow. Inn
ih there wiih not it I In kel' of hhiniiiL'
nn, iieeoidinu' lo old limern Ihe
wilder i over mid Ihe little niiimiil
will retiiiiiu on the Hiirfneo.
Krahk Miller of Onlrnl I'oint in
loiinj eni'iifiiter work nt lliu Mutloc
I.. I'itiulril k in the prulid iiokhi'H
hur of it new Chevlorel enr whieli he
mireliiiM-il in Mi'illonl hint week.
The llee-e iroierl v w hieli WIIH Hold
nl Slierilfn mile mi Juniiiirv '27th,
wiih hid in hv Mrnt AuneH I). Hccko,
nlin held Ihe inorli.'iii:e,
KIIihiI (iliihH of Heiiule whm ii Ta
ble Hock vihitor Mondnv.
I, and huvern were lookinff over
riiiieh priiiK-rlv in thin .diclriet liwt
Allhoiiuh haekerii of the irronnil hoir
elnim stiriiur i here yen rofune to
believe, it until we hear Iho erunkiiiL
of thn fnnf,
A ronler of the Fifth Junior Ituin
huw ri'vinient of ( Iretron reeeived hv
MiH Kvn Neilxoii hIiowk K inemlierK
in .luekhon eomitv. three (if IIicho ho
iiitf in the Tnble Ifoek ilintriet.
Jim I'onlaiiil and molher were vis
iliin: relutiven iu Ceniral I'oint Sun
dnv. I'urine Ihn Dnl week Bovrnil lilown
have been htnrted on tho lighter oiU
'II thii dihtriet.
Geo. V. Klnx of Monlaituu, Oil.,
was thru our district Hnturdny In
quiring for nalalilo cnttlo and sheep
Uev. Itonnliinn, who had discontin
ued Ills monthly sermons here dur
ing the prevalence of the flu, will de
liver a sermon at the school house
Koniu of tho Mcdford visitors of
last week wcro W. W. Islington, I,.
M. risher nnd wifo, (loo. Lymmi and
Mrs. Milton Sleliiniclit.
.Mrs. Hawkins of Woed, Cat., Is
vlslilng with hor mother, Mrs. K. V
(too. II. I.llllo who was visiting his
daughter, Mrs. V. C. Kenney roturn
od this week to Wood, Cal.
Mrs. M. K. (iiirdner who has been
our postmistress for many years,
will soon exchange her office with
Clarence Wllhltn of IleiiRlu, who has
purchnsed tho Oardnor sloro which
Mrs. (Inrdner tonductod In connec
tion with tho office. Mrs. tiardnor
will occupy one of the homes' on her
other property here.
The 'Misses Nealons in company
with frlonila of Tnlilo Hock visited
Sunday with the Wilson family.
II. I. l'ultnn who has visited Tor
aomo tlmo with Ills family In Port
land, returned home Tuesday,
8. It. Sloner returned Saturday
from Ashland nftor visiting with his
wife and duiightor.
Minn Dimple Williams who loft
some time ago to atteud school III
Ashland underwent an nporntton
lately for appendicitis from which
Bbo In fast recovering.
Alex Doris and wife of Astorlu,
Ore., are vliiltlng C. J. Kenney and
family at their Applngute homo.
Chan. Toll and faintly accompanied
by rolntlvca from Sonttle, spoilt Tuos
dny nftomoon In town visiting nt the
homo of II. PIU.
Mrs. ltobt. Finney nnd daughter
who have been spending tho wlntor
nt Ih'e Hluo Lodge mlno, nro visiting
relatives In town.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. King and Mrs.
I. Smith- wore dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Ulrlrh on Saturday.
.Itllinn Abbott wan among tho sail
or hoys to arrlvo homo this wook.
Privates Uoubmi Pltr. and, Hurry
Slop Itching Skin
There is one sate, dependable treat
rnent that relieves itching torture and
skin Irritation almost instantly nnd
that cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask anydruRHist for a 35c or $1 bottle
of Zemo nnd apply It as directed. Soon
you will find that irritations, pimples,
and similar skin troubles will disappear.
A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis
fying liquid, Is all that la needed, for It
. banishes most skin eruptions, makes
the flkln soft, smooth and healthy.'
Ilynn arrived homu from Cmnp 'I.owls
lust wook being discharged from scr.
Tho 1'ortulghlly Ilrldgo club too.
tored to Modford last Hntiirdiiy even
lug whore, they wore onlorlulnod by
Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Colllmi. Mr. uiii
Mrs. Collins expect to leave for The
I in lien In the nour future where .Mr.
Collins will open, a gnriigo.
Kliiier Hour of Unite Palls, visited
his father, C, K. Iloet ona day this
Hupl, (I, W, Agur and family spent
Hominy at the homo of I.ouln Drown
In Talent.
Ournr Minx mid son lmvo purchua.
Cd Ihe biiti.'ber shop recently opened
by 1', I,. DuVoro mid mo furnluhlng
Iho public with first-class meat at
reiisoiiublo prices. .
. Haniliiy night tho hardware store
of I-'. K. .ook wan robbed of Jl j and
so fur no clues huvo developed.
Anion Nlnlnger and wife were vis
itor from Aiihlmid Tuesday after
noon. , . ,
Frank Ontiimn, a member of the
lih Kngiuuiirn wus tho first .luckson
vlllo boy to return from the front. He
saw nctlvo scrvico, being wounded in
tho socoud biittlo of iho Marnn. After
spending several weeks In one of the
largo hospltuls In I'nrls ho was dis
charged but his hearing Is slightly
Dr. mid Mrs. Rwedenburg of Ash
land, wore roconl visitors In jaeltson.
vllle whero tho former was culled on
professional business.
Roportcd by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Central Aro.
(ircull Court
T. T. Shuw v. John V. Miller. Kor
luoiiin-, '
1', J. Kiiutz vs. Carrie ItiuZK et nl.
Hiir I'iiic'h l.iiinlier coiinmnv vh.
Awliliind Hox mid I. limber enmimnv.
Kinnl report of iietitioii of receiver.
Hutlor & Tliompson eomiMinv vs.
C. II. (iillelte hi ill. Decree.
I'utler & TlionipM.ii cmnimnv vh.
Cilv of Meilford et ill. Order.
I',. 11. Ilunlev, iidminiHtrator, et nl
h.v lia Mnrhiill et nl. Order.
Medlord I'ruit eonipunv v.i. A. C.
Dotv. I'tiileilukiiiL".
I'rolmio Court
Robert K. I.. Hureli, estate. Final
order. St at emeu t. Voucher.
K. Kil Hull, estate. Proof of publi
cation. Voucher. Order on finul
. Murio K. l'lnmerth. cslnle. Finn)
reporl. Order uppoiiitinir duv.
JnliiiK Hvemumird, estate. Order on
final lii'iiriiiL'.
Annie II. Klremmiiiir. Affidnvit of
I.iziio Iloefl't, decenscil, estate. Ad
mitted lo nrolinte.
Olive H. Hell oMulc. rndcrtukine.
I.eah M. Collins, estate. First re
norl o liiiliiiiiii-trnlor.
(.'. 1). llevener. estute. Substitute
65 Loganberries
Are used to flavor one
Jifly-JeUdcsocrt. The juice
i3 condensed and scaled in
a viol.
Thin 3 ono of our bent
fruit flavors. Compare it
with tho cld-etylo quick
gelatine desserts.
JO Flmian, at Your Crocor't
3 Package f-r 25 Ccrfi ,
M ISN'T Tl.YlDEIt t.eneral Land Of
fice, Washington,. 1). C, December
21, 3'JJS. Notico Is .hereby given
thnt subject to the conditions and
limitations of tho Act of Juno H
1910 Cl Stat., HIS), nnd the in
structions of tho Spcrctnry of tho Ul
terior or Hopiomiior in, i:u(. in
timber on tho following lands will be
sold Feb. 11, 1919, at 10 o'clock a.
m., nt public auction nt thoJJnitod
Slntns land offlco nt Hnsehurg, Ore
gon, to thn highest bidder nt not loss
than the appraised value ns shown
by this notice, snlo to be subject to
tho approval of Iho Soarotnry of tho
Interior. The purchnso prlco, with
an additional sum of ono-flfth of one
nor cont tborcof, bolus commissions
atiowon, must no nopositon at timo oi
sale, money to bo returned If sale is
not approved, otherwise pntont will
Isnuo for the timber which must be
removed within ton years, liiils will
bo rer.olvod from citizens of tho Unit
ed Stnloa, associations of such olt
iKonn and corporations. Ovgnnlr.ed
under tho laws of the Unltod atnton
or nny state, territory or district
thoroot only. Upon application of a
qualified pufi'hnsor, tho timber on
nny legal subdivision will bp nl'fored
separately bol'oro being Included In
nny offer of a larger unit. Township
21 S., U. 4 W., Sec. 19; NW!4 SK ',4
rod fir 330 M., not to bo sold tor leas
than si. 00 per M. T, as s K. 7 w
Soc. 11; NIC Vi SKVt, XB M., yollow
pine, CSu Jl., rod fir, liono of the yot
low plno to bo (old for loss than
$!!. BO per. M.,. nnd none of tho rod
fir to be aold for less thnn $1.25 per
M. Very reiipeetfully , 'Clny Tnllman,
yunmUHSlQUor qonwal i,ni)Q ocrtce,
I'Vmik Smith, i'hIhIo. Cilutioii,
t'lurn ColliiiH et nl (minor I, e-lnle,
Kirnt report of giiardiuii.
Heal Khtntn 'J'riiiihfi'i'S
Mivrlle Hliuiilelfr et vir to W.
(', Kiiivoli. I .ii ml in Mi'd . 1
Dave I'M DomricH lo T. W. Doiu
' rii'H. Wi'mI hull' of norlheuHt,
itorlhciiHt of northeiiHt, m.rlh
W(wt of HoiitlieiiHt section 10.
towiiKhiu lid, riiime 2 cunt:
east half of houllnveMl of ec
tion 13, townMhip ninue
' 2 wenl 10
Start Tomorrow
and Keep It Up
Every Morning
Oct In the habit of drinking a
glass of hot water before
We're not hero long, so let's make
our stay agreenblo. Let us live well,
eut well, digest well, work well, sleep
well, and look well, what a glorious
condition to attain, and yet, bow very
easy It Is if ono will only adopt tho
morning imlldo bath.
Folks who aro accustomed to feel
dull and heavy when they arise, split
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
can, Instead, feel ns fresh as a daisy
by opening tho sluices of the system
each morning and flushing out the
whole of the Internal poisonous stag
nant muttor.
Evoryono, whether oiling,' sick or
well, should, each morning, before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
wator with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate In It to wash from tho
stomach, liver and bowels the previous
day's Imllgestlbto Wasto, sour bile
nnd poisonous toxins; thus cleansing,
sweotenlng and purifying the entire
alimentary canal before putting more
food Into the stomach. The action of
hot water and limestone phosphate on
an empty stomach Is wonderfully In
vigorating. It cleans out all the sour
fermentations, gases, waste and
acidity and gives ono a splendid
appetite for breakfast. Whllo you aro
enjoying your breakfast the water
aud phosphate is quietly extracting
a largo volume of water from tho
blood nnd getting ready for a,
thorough dualling of all the Inside
The millions of people who are
bothered with constipation, bilious
pells, stomach trouble; others who
have sallow skins; blood disorders and
sickly complexions aro urged to get a
quarter pound ol limestone pnospnate
from the drug store. 1 bis will cost
very little, but Is sufficient to make
anyone a pronounced crank on the
subject of Inaldo-bathlng bofore break
fast . .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Jackson.
In the Matter of the Application
of the Buird of Directors of Med-
ford Irrigation District for tho
Judgment and decree of this Court
as to the Regularity and Legality
of tho proceedings In connection
with the Organization of the said
District and the proceedings of the
snld Board of said District provid
ing for and authorizing the Issue
of tho Bonds of said District.
To Medford Irrigation District, to
All Freeholders, Legal Voters and
Assessment Payers within said
District, and to all whom it may
Plonse take notice: that the peti
tion of Leonard C.irpentcr, W. A.
Folger and E. G. Coleman as tho
Board of Directors of Modford Irriga
tion District, praying that tho pro
ceedings of said District in the organ
ization thereof, i.nd nil mnttors Inci
dent to said organization, and the
proceedings of the Board of Directors
of the Medford Irrigation District
providing for r.nd authorizing' the Is
sue and sale of bonds of said District
in the sum of One Million Five Hun
dred Thousand Dollars t $1,500,000
.00), inclining tho voto of the
olcctora of said District authorizing
said bond issue, and all mattors and
things In connection t'uorowith, may
bo examined, approved and confirmed
by tho auid Circuit Court, was on the
16th day of January, 1919, duly filed
In the nbovo entitled proceeding in
the office of the Clork of said Court;
and that pursuant to an ordor of this
Court, duly made by the Honorablo
F. M. Calkins, Judge thereof, and
filed, on tho lGth day of January,
1919. a hearing on said petition and
on tho prayer therein contained, has
been set and will bo held on the
Eighth day of February, 1919, at
10:00. o'clock in tho forenoon of that
nay, tit tho Court Koorn of the above
entitled Court, in tho County Court
llouso at Jacksonville, Oregon.
Any person Interested In the or
ganization of raid District, or in the
proceedings for the issue or sale of
tho bonds of tho sold District, may on
or boforo tho said Eighth day of Feb
ruary, 1919, at 10: 00 o'clock in the
forenoon of that day, that being the
day nnd hour fixed for tho hearing
on said petition, demur to or answer
tho anld petition, and thereupon such
proceedings will bo had ns will justi
fy said Court In making such exam
ination of nil such procoodlngs nnd
In approving and confirming tho
same, or making such further order
or decree as shall uo just and propor
In the premises.
This notice Is published In tho
Modford Mail Tribune, a nowspapor
of gonornl circulation published In
Jackson County, Oregon, whero the
said Uoard of Directors has its office,
for three successive weeks prior to
the date tlxod for such hearing, in
accordance with tho provisions of
snld ordor mndo by the Honorable
F. M. Calkins, Judge,, on tho liith day
of January,' 1919.
(Circuit Court Scull
Witness the Honorable F. M. Calk.
Ins, Judge of tho Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for tho County of
Jackson, and the seal of said Court
affixed hereto this 16th day of Jan
uary, 1919.
County Clork for Jackson County,
Oregon, nnd Clerk of the Circuit
Court of tho Stato of Oregon tor the
CQuniy of Jackson, ... ...
Advertising Rates
CiasslfledrOno cent a word.
Locals Ten cents a line.
. Legal Five cents a line.
Display 25 conta an Inch.
Contract rates on application.
WANTKO ItcHable. comuetent
housekenpor; no children; good
home for right party. Reference!).
Address It. K, L). , Hox 43, -Med-ford,
Ore. 275
WANTED- 'lloiiskne.per, one who
wants permarrit easy place; fani
lly of two. I'honn 5X4-Y. '
WANTED A:;enta to sell our quick
selling line of a dozen big money
makers. Lome profits, nulck sales,
particulars free. Address W. H.,
,1021 Warh. St., Klamath Falls,
Ore. 272
WANTED Live ulesinen with car
to sell mo'-t' C.r.t'n. llins, Wagon
Boxes, anil oilier farm specialties
direct to the fa.' '.;. Right party
can make fro-n 1500.00 to
$1000.00 a mcn!h o'lt of our prop
osition. In answering state age,
experience and references. Our
goods are standard. There is a
big demand for them. Coast Cul
vert & Flume Company, Portland
' Oregon. 2 70'
WANTED Men lo clear land and
cut wood, by tier or contract, on
Webster Hunch. Phone i85-J3.
WANTED A good live wire 'sales
man to sell our lino In this terri
tory. -Unlimited possibilities for
the right man. For further lnfor
. matlon write General Sales Co.,
505 Swetland Illdg., Portland, Ore.
WANTED Position as orchard fore
- man. Eleven years experience
Can furnish reference. Apply I
S. Employment Office, Nash Ho
tel. . 2 S3
WANTED Experienced man and
wife wants position on orchard or
stock ranch, two children. Inquire
U. S. Employment Agency. 24o
WANTED Fresh milk cows. Phone
WANTED To lease full equipped
farm by experienced man, or will
take charge of farm. Address
Box 133, Falls City. Ore. 2.1
WANTED TO RENT A small place,
close in, well Improved. Please
state If stocked up or not. Mrs
Robb E. Caviness, Harper, Ore. 280
WANTED A job as housekeeper for
small family. Write Mrs. Rose
Caviness, Harper, Ore. 280
.bronze gobblers; also for sale 120
Buckeye Incubator. 'Phone 19-F14
WANTED To buy 40 or 50 gallon
spray barrel with or without hose.
Also Ford trailer. W. D. Withrow
702 Newtown street. 270
WANTED Orchard to care for or
some place to rent on share basis
Albert It. Hanscom, 40G Apple
WANTED Six fresh milk cows.
also 1 0 rods second-hand picket
fence. Geo. B. Young, phone 7-F4.
WANTED Wo buy your unpaid Lib
orty bond contracts for cash
Halo's Piano House, Inc. J. F.
Halo, general manager.
WANTED House moving and re
pairing. Phone 48S-M or 4SS-X.
WANTED R. H. Toft will buy your
partly paid Liberty Bond contracts
WANTED R. H. Toft bays Liberty
bonds, also mortgages, notes, judg
ments, escrow contracts, etc., and
makes short time loans on any old
FOR RENT Two and three-room
apartments, 322 South Control.
. .274
KOK RKN1 notsi.
FOR RE'XT Five-room modern bun
galow and slecpins poach; nice
garden, lawn nnd shade; water
paid. $10.00. 820 Vo::t Twelfth
street. . '272
FOR SALE Cows and hogs. Fresh
cows, others soon fresh; gentle,
heavy milkers, high tests. Three
fine brood sows, bred; one fat hog
ono fine red boar, fine breeder.
Must sell. East of Phoenix, third
brown bungalow, cross iron bridge.
FOR SALE Team, harness and
wagon, wolght 2400 lbs. 302 WU
lauiette street. 27
FOR SALE Registered black Per-
choron stallion coming three years
old; weighs ISoO lbs. T. L. Tay
lor, .Medford, Ore. 2
FOR SALE Span of horses weigh
ing about 3200. A. T. Ellestcad
ono mile north Central Point. 273
FOR SALE One three year old Dur.
nam bull. Welborn Boeson, Talent
; Oregon. . .. 27
FOR SALE A few fresh milk goats
Mr.- H. H. Fox, Lake Creek, Ore,
. :'.-. ' 27
FOR SALE A few registered Duroc
Joraoy bred gilts and sows. Large
typo nnd good ancestry, at Modoc
Orchard or v. A. Sumner, man
ngor, Hotel "ueuiorci.
FOR SALE Pure bred Red Polled
bull calf, born October, 1918; fine
youngster. Modoc orchard or Pal
nicr investment Co., Modforili Ore,
Oil RENT Ranch 1 GO acres, 25
ucros In fall wheat, 10 more to put
In; now burn, small house, good
well; for sale good team, Imple
ments, six tons grain bay, one ton
corn, 20 bushels wheat. Address
Win. 11. Mlchl, Lake Creek, Ore
gon. 274
FOR SALE Rhode Island Red
batching eggs. Phone 370-W. 292
FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs,
$1 for 15. Rooster, 1st prize at
poul'.n, tiow. Jlrs. Fowler, Rogue
uiver, urcgon. an
FOR SALE High root value eggs
culling out of non-producing poul
try; small fee charged. Dick San-
dors, Poulterer. 8 40-J. 277
FOR SALE Mammoth bronze tur
keys. J. C. Herring, Central Point.
' 270
FOR SALE OR TRADE A fine stock
ranch right In the heart of . the
bunch-grass in Malheur county. 35
bead of good cows, chickens, wag
ons, tools go with ranch. Anybody
Interested write Mrs. Rose cavin
ess, Harper, Ore. 278
FOR SALE 158-ocre tract on
Evans creek, write or call and
learn particulars. A bargain. Levi
N. Stevens, Rogue River, Oregon,
R. F. D. 1. 292
FOR SALE Thirty acres - Irrigated
farm, good soil, improvements
will take good car part payment.
A snan if taken at once. Box 95,
Mall Tribune. , 272
FOR SALE Two thousand acres
solid body Umber, 36 per cent pine,
G5 ner cent fir. fronting two miles
' on the Southern Pacific R. R. and
extending back fire miles. Freight
rate of $1.50 into Medrord. Wei
born Beeson. ' 271
FOR SALE One hundred acres,
water for eighty. Sixty dollars
cash. Box 29. Mail Tribune. . 273
FOR SALE Five - room modern
bouse, all clear, three lots, fruit
trees, barn, woodshed, garage,
chicken yard. Call afternoons, 305
Portland avenue. 277
FOR SALE 80 acres, estimated will
cut two thousand cords wood, three
miles from station, will take car as
part payment. Brown & White,
10 South Fir street. .
FOR SALE Houses, easy monthly
payments. Building & Loan, 4ZS
M. F. &. H. Bldg.
FOR SALE Or real, several ranches
O. C. Boggs.
FOR SALE--1917 Ford cur in first-
class running order. If taken at
once will take $350.. Call 402 S
Newtown St. 270
FOR SALE Ford touring car. Call
854 East Ninth street. 273
used car make a first-class truck
for less than half the price of the
so-called standard trucks. Valley
Garage will explain. 2.2
FOR SALE Chicken feed.
South Orange.
FOR SALE One 150-egg and one
390-egg Cypress Incubators, price
$15.00 and $25.00 respectively.
Both nearlv new and in good con
dition. S.. A. Marshall, Central
Point. Phone or write. 275
FOR SALE One second-hand power
sprayer, $200.00; one second-hand
Sharpless cream separator, llio. 00
Hubbard 'Brothers. 270
FOR SALE Having purchased the
Sams Valley Store am selling all
livestock and machinery; also as
fine a ranch as there is in this part
of the country. Livestock consists
of two teams about 2550 and 2800
17 head cattle, 23 hogs, some nice
Barred Rock hens. Most any kind
of tools too numerous to mention
to work the soil. A fine barley
crusher or feed roller. The land to
be sold or leased. The crop Is most
all In, some in alfalfa and seed and
land plaster, to put in more. Phone
174 Central Point. C. E. Wllhlte,
Sams Valley, Ore.
FOR SALE Six-hole range, heater,
and Rayo lamp. Phone 8G1-Y. 273
FOR SALE Apples. Spits. Bald
wins, Black Twig and Newtown, at
27 North Grape. 272
FOR SALE Hot wator Buckeye in
cubator, 220 egg capacity, $18.00
203 McAndrews street. 27
FOR SALE Singer sewing machines
on easy terms. Cleaning and re
pairing nf all machines a specialty.
245 South Central avenue, phone
903-R. C. A. Chapman. 29
FOR SALE John Deere sulky plow
Splendid condition. Phone 534-X,
FOR SALE Wood saw, four-horse
engine, 26-Inch saw; light, power
ful rig, in fine condition. $100. J
E. Guches R. F. D. 1, Griffin
Creek. - i 27
FOR SALE 125 tons of alfalfa hay,
all In good order. Will bole an
load on car at Grenada for $21.00
per ton. G. Cuneo, Box So, Gren
ada, Cal. 31
FOR SALE For sand, gravel, sedi-
ment or garden plowing phone
912-J. -..
FOR SALE Sulphur, land plastor,
superphasphate. . Ralph Waldo El
den, Kuss Mill.
FOR SALE Fine quality baled hay
$25.00 per ton. Modoc Orchard.
Phone Central .Point at meal
WANTED 'Fortune Making": $10
secures membership and full pro
rata Interest In five great Burk-
burnett fortune making gusher oil
wous. nig opportunity. Aet now
Abner Davis Trustoo, Wichita
rttl'8, m, S 'V
OR EXCHANGE- An unincum
bered modern Modford home, with
targe freo soil Int. for small ranch
near Medrord. Phone 10S-X.
.-.Tr i, i- v.-.n-r --j&.-ssvB.. Tsa
LOST Off Ilutto Falls rnngo, one
roan Durham bull and four cows,
brand shield on right hip. Swallow
fork In left ear, underblt In right.
Phone or write Antelope Orchard,
Wellen, Ore. Phono 25-F13. 272
IX8T Round blnck fur mnff at
Pago, Wednesday, Jan. 27th. Fin
der return to Mall Tribune Office.
272 y
TO LOAN $700, all or part. C. C.
Pierce. Phone 370-J. . 20
LOANS Farm loans per eont In
terest, O. C. Boggs.
LOANS City loans. Building tc Loan
AsCn., 429 M. F..& 11. ttldg. . '
MONEY TO LOAN on good Ml
estate security, and. will ouy itia
ertv Bonds. J. 1. Andrews, No.
31 North Grape. Phone S3-M. 340
''- Attorneys
PORTER J. NEFF, Artorney-t-Uw,
rooms 8 ana 9, Aiaaiora nauuiu
Bank Building.
A. E. Rearjnea, Lawyer, Qamett-
Corey Building.
Anto Supplies
are operating the largest, oldest
and best-equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Use oar springs
wiien others fall. Sold under writ
ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth
8t., Portland, Oregon. - .
GARBAGE Get your premises
leaned np for the Summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons or
good service. Phone 851-T. : J.
Y. Alien.
Expert Accountant
Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given
to anything In Accounting and In
come Tax requirements. Look
into oar simplified accounting
method. M. F. ft H. Building.
Medford. Phone 167-R.
Farm Loans
years 5 Money ready when
land is appraised and title ap
proved. E. H. Hurd, secy-treas..
Rational Farm Loan Associations,
Garnett-Corey Bldg., Medford.
Instruction in Music
piano and harmony. Height Musis
Studio, 401 Garnett-Corey Bldg.
Phone 72. - ,
Planing MIR
THOMAS MOFFAT General aaill
work, sash, doors, mouldings ana
screens. Shop 437 S. Fir. . Phone
Physicians and Surgeons
DR. A. BURSELL Physician; Spin-
ologlst; Surgeon. 309 . Medrord
Furniture & Hdw. Bldg. Hre. 9-12
and 2-5 or appoint. Office phone
29. 275
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
pnysician. sua uarnett-vorey en ma
in g. Phone 130. -. . 'j-
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. .Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sap
plied. Oculist and Aurist for 8. P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft H. Co.
Bldg. Phone 567.
416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg.
Phone 904-L.
Residence 26 S. Laurel Street'
Printers and Publishers
best equipped printing office In
Southern Oregon. Book binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc Portland prices.' 27 North
Fir St
-Office 42 North Front St Phone
815. Prices right Service guar
anteed. 1
Leave Medford for Ashland dally .
except Sunday at 8:00 and 10:15 a.
m. and at 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m.
Also on Saturday at 9:30 p. m. Sun-'
days le ave at 10:30 a. m. and 1:80,
5:30 and 9:30 p. m. - .'
Leave Ashland for Medford dally
except Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 a.
m. and at 1:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m
Also on Saturday at 6:30 p. m. Sun
days leave at 9:00 a. m. and 12:30,
4:30 and 6:30 p. m. ,
Of Good Soil
With a nice strictly modern 5-room
bungalow with sleeping , porch, ce
ment fruit and vegetable cellar, good
barn, chicken house and yard, a fine
well with pumping plaut, tower, etc.,
on the best graveled highway In the
valley and close In; an opportunity
to own a place like this for $2100.00
will not wait long for a buyer ai
there are too many people looking
for a good piece of land with a nice
home on It closo iu to Modford.- Let
us show you this today. , ; -
Brown & White
10 South Fir St.