Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 06, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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irEDFcmn matl trtrtwr' metvfotit), oftiwox. Thursday, firttary fi. mifl,.
".The campaign for membership tn
the; .Jackson county farm bureau
which began Tuesday has so far en
countered gratifying success, and of
the attendance at tho Boverul cam
palsn mootlngs hold S5 per cent of
the ranilllvs represented have Joined
the" bureau. At tho meeting last
night at Talent 45 rural families represented. In addition to the
large number joining at these meet
lugs, another gratifying feature Is
the many farmers who have volun
teered to solicit members thruout
their districts. Thursday's campaign
meetings Included one at. Valley
View this afternoon, and another at
Phoenix scheduled for 8 o'clock to
night. At tho Lower Griffin creek
school a campaign meeting will be
held for the Griffin creek district
Friday at .8 pj m.
- Llthia -water at Do Voa's.
' 'Porter J. Neff left last night for
Salem on business before tho legisla
ture and the supreme court..
Dr, II. P. -Margrave, . physician.
Rooms 409-410 Garnelt-Corey Bldg.,
phono 230. - - tf
Ed Brown after a ten days illness
was able to. be at his place of bosi-
. ness today. . He Indignantly denies
that ho had the real flu' this time
and asserts that he had It during the
other two attacks of Illness ho -suffered.
Guaranteed piston rings for all
cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
Letters received In the city state
that Lieutenant Hob Deuel, formerly
of the Seventh company and Goth ar
tillery, but who was detached from
the latter command for special duty,
: was officer of the day on Christmas
for his division in France of 20,000
men, which day President Wilson
spent with the division.
Bakery goods at DeVoo's.
Mrs. J. E. Woods of Grangeville,
Idaho, who has been -visiting ber
brother, W. E. Barber, and family
for the past three weeks, will leave
for home Friday morning, and en
route will stop off at Portland for a
visit with friends.
Nash Hotel. Special rates, week
or month. Steam heat 267
Must vacate, stock of men's and
boys' shoes for sale. -Make me an
offer. Selling now at cost - Close
Feb: 26th. U F. Stroud, 1-0 South
Central. . , ;
It pays to save in the Building &
Loan, 429 M. F. & H. BIdg.
Tuesday, Febt 5, Lieut. Colonel E.
E. Kelly addressed a large gathering
of the students and faculty ' of St
Mary's Academy. A splendid rendi
tion of the "Star Spangled Banner"
greeted the guest as he entered the
auditorium. Rev. Father John Pow
ers presented the speaker. Besides
vividly outlining the social and in
dustrial conditions of France, the
colonel related many interesting de
tails of the great war at the oppor
tune time when our nation's strength
upheld .the1 battle line of the west
front. All present were grttly
pleased and deeply appreciate the
fact that in the midst of so many en
gagements, the colonel so graciously
spent an hour at St. Mary's Academy.
. Jk two-lb. box of Vogan's chocolates
for $.135 at DeVoe's. .
O. C. Richards of Ashland, Nebr.,
is visiting at the home of J. F. Wort
man. Mr. Richards Is a brother to
Mrs. Wortman and came to visit with
the Wortmans and bis aged mother
who is making her home with Mrs.
Hemstitching and pecotlng. ' Han-
ticraft Shop. , , 272
Harry Hosier of Ashland was visit
ing friends and attending to business
in tin' city Wednesday. . .
Windshield glasses for all cars. C
E-. Gates Auto Co. "
Chester Fitch, orchardlst south of
Medford, was In the city Wednesday
on business.'
DeVoe has a fine line of assorted
chocolates at 60c per pound.
W. H. Kenworthy whj has beea
visiting his mother, Mrs. Ida E. Ken-
worthy, left for Los Angeles Wed
nesday evening. . .- . . i .
, Get your milk, cream, butter and
.buttermilk at DeVoe's. -
Mrs. D. B. Soliss of Xorth Oakdale
avenue, left last evening for a few
weeks visit with friends in Portland.
.. Daily's Taxi. Dodge cars. Phone 15.
..'- -.' .-.
it. G. Smiths who has been on a
business trip to New York, returned
home Wednesday evening.
Sherclene for waists.
. Vollp for waists. . ,
Mercerized poplin for rompers.
. Japanese nainsook for lingerie.
, Linens for centers. .,.:
--! Handicraft Shop. 272
Sam Brooks left today for Chilo-
. tiuln; Klamath; county, to work in a
sawmill.''.-. .... c-"-;'.' 'i-f:
, For the best insurance see Holmes,
ithe Insurance Man. : .
, Walter Offenberger who has been
working in Portland for several
months, returned to Medford Thurs
day, i ;.-' ;'. . . ,
.: i Guaranteed spark plugs for all
cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
A telegram received. In .'.the ctly
today by Mr. and Mrs.. L. B.
Brown announced , tho , birth of a
daughter to Lieutenant and Mrs.
.Walter I). Brown at Sun Francisco
last night. Lieutenant Brown is still
in France In the motor .transport ser
vice. - .:..,;- . .
Dr. Heine, Carnett-Corey BIdg.
I Robert Ruhl, the Medford editor
and assistant sergeant at arms of
the .state Bonate, was a guest at the
.Hotel Portland, Portland, last Tues
day. .--. , -
You can drink a pint of cider for
a nlckol nt DoVoe's. f ...
I From renortR comine In it Is evl-
I dent that the road supervisors of the
county are making preparations to
begin work on the roads early this
season, and by co-6porntion where
roads run thru adjoining districts
decide which need intention first
Since (he order suspending the oper
ation of the Pacific Kastern rail
road, the people of tho Butte Falls
and Derby districts realize that un
less tho roads aro looked after this
season it will bo bard for them to get
supplies next winter, Ono strip of
road that thev are Interested in is on
tho desert between Kngle Point nutl
Medford, which It Is understood the
county court has agreed to have re
paired soon. If the road work is
started early It will help to adjust
the labor situation, as it will give
work for a good many men.
Hemstitching, pecoting, all work
guaranteed. Vanity Hat Shop.
The lodge feature of the Elks ob
servance of past exalted rulers night
tonight will begin promptly nt S
o'clock, and will be followed by the
social festivities and banquet, A big
attendance of Ashland delegates Is
expected as well as a full turn out of
the local membership. '
. For fire Insurance phone 64,Vor-
ner Eleventh street and S. P. track.
D. R. Wood & Co.
John H. Carkin left Tor Salem last
night where he will spend the re
mainder of the week looking after
(ho state office consolidation bills
pending and work against bills Inim
ical to the Interests of the merchants.
Guaranteed brake lining for all
cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
Rev. William B. Hamilton is able
to be out again after having been
confined to his home this week with
a bad cold.
Furniture upholstering, mattress
making, crating and packing. Doug
las, 201 S. Riverside. Phone 162-J.
The rainfall of last night amount
ed to .OS of an Inch, and much rain
fell today. The prediction for to
night and Saturday is more rain.
Guaranteed springs for all cars.
C. E. Gates Auto Co.
Miss Anne McCormlck has so far
placed IS household expense books
with Jackson county housewives and
expects to place many more In the
near future.
City hemstitching and pecotlng 5c
yd. Mrs. B. E. Haney. 274
William F. Isaacs, the 'Medford
merchant, is spending this week and
part of next in a pleasure visit at
Insure in sure Insurance. Phone
7 or 509-Y. Bennett Inv. Co. 291
Lieutenant Ralph H. -McCurdy ar
rived home this morning from a bus
iness visit at Seattle. .
You can always find something for
St quick lunch at DeVoe's.
Owen Dunlap of Phoenix, was a
business visitor in the city Wednes
day. 1
The Valley Fuel Co. has adopted a
strictly cash basis beginning Feb. 1.
All kinds of wood for sale. Phone 76.
. ' 290
Irving Prultt, farmer and orchar-
dist on the Eagle Point road, was vis
iting friends in the city Wednesday.
bpeclal rates on scalp treatments.
Sanitary Beauty Shop. 274
H. T. 'Hubbard who has been in
Spokane the most of the winter with
the Earl Fruit company, returned
Tuesday to resume work In their of
fice here. -
Manzanita wood for sale corner
Fir and Second. Phone 44 1-J. 269
Whipping cream at DeVoe's.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nichols of Ager,
Cal., were visiting friends in the city
. Malted milk 50c rb. DeVoe's.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sooy-Smith
arrived today from Portland to visit
friends In the city.
Hair switches made of combings.
Sanitary Beauty Shop, . St. Mark's
bids. ... . 274
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madden of
Seattle arrived on the morning train
to resume their residence in tho val
ley. G. F. Wertz came, up from Rogue
River today to look after some busi
ness matters in Medford. 1
Mrs. H. L. De Armond and chil
dren who have been ' visiting in
Grants Pass, returned to "Medford
L. A. Taylor and H. E. Smith of
Portland were in the city Wednesday
on business.
Geo. A. Coble and F. A. Rasch who
are on a business trip to the valley,
were in the city Wednesday.
J. A. Wilson and Phil Floyd were
Portland visitors In Medford Wed
nesday. M. J. de Rochamont of New York,
who is visiting friends in tho valley,
was in the city Wednesday.
J. T.'Sterer and H. AI.. Grant of
Portland, were transacting business
with the merchants in Medford Wed
'Wm. H.' Taylor arrived from San
FranciBCO Wednesday to attend to
some business in the city.
H. (i. Murphy of Portland, Is visit
ing friends In the city and country
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nelson of Carl
ton, wero guests at Hotel Medford
Wednesday. , .
W. X. Smith of Portland, who has
been looking over tho valley for a
few days, was in Medford 'Wednes
day. .
WANTED Position by young lady
caring for invalid, or children In
home; Best references. ' Nursing
experience. Box 30, Mail Tribune.
' 270
Day I'lionc: Pacific 227.
Night Phones: F. W. Weeks, 10:W2.
J.ady AKxbdant,
I. T. GnlliKur of Rogue River, who
was elected direr-tor of tho Gold lllll
Irrigation district at the last elec
tion, wns In tho city Wednesday. Tho
caual is taken out of tho river above
Gold lllll opposite tho Goo. Lymnri
place, uud nt the Intake will be four
feet on the bottom nud eight feet on
the top and will cover one thousand
acres. It is est I muted to cost seventy-five
dollars per acre. Mr. di
nner has been nppolu(cd superinten
dent of construction.
C. 11. Corey arrived today from
Eugene, to look after some business
matters In tho city.
Mrs, R. L. Orr of Rogue River, was
visiting friends In Medford Wcdues.
W. L. Tcrwilllger and wife of
Ager, Cal., were visiting friends nt
tho Hotel Holland Wednesday.
Jerome A. llllhort and Sum L. San
dry of tho Blue Ledge mine, aro do
ing business In the city today.
Mrs. J. Ballod of Copper, Cal.. who
is visiting friends In the city, was a
guest at Hotel Nash Wednesday.
J. D. Buckley came In from tho
ranch near Kuch Wednesday, for a
few days visit In the city. ..
- With the Goth artillery safely iu
this country and soon to return home
the people T Medford and vicinity
are now anxiously awaiting tho arri
val from France of that other coast
artillery regiment in whlchThoro are
also a large number of men from this
vicinity who were also a part of the
Seventh company, the 69th artillery.
The -Portland auxiliary of tho 69th
artillery C. A. C, is working out a
program for the reception and enter
tainment of theso men on their re
turn from abroad.
They especially wish at this time
to set into communication with the
relatives of these men and secure
their suggestions and cooperation. If
it is the purpose of any of these rela
tives to meet the men on their arri
val and they will so notify the Port
land committee .there will be some
one at the depot to meet them wear
ing a red badge marked 69th, C. A.
C. , .
This matter will be given publicity
thru the Portland papers and any
photos or data which It Is desired to
have used In this connection may be
sent to Mrs. R. S. McKlbbln. 501 East
Thirty-eighth street. North Portland,
'ATHENS. (Correspondence of the
Associated Press.) Few Inrtre cities
of the country thut were entra-jed in
the wnr have been less affected by it
than the ancient nepilnl of Greece.
Free entirely from the mennco of air
raids and hostile bombardment, and
participatinif actively in the war for
comparatively onlv n short time, Ath
ens is today in all essential features
exnstlv os it was in pre-war flavs.
There is scarcely unv oittwnrd siirn
that the country ever wns in the trrcat
world conflict. Durinir tho chlire
nroirrcss of the wnr. nil the store,
theaters, cafes, museums and idnces
of amusement in the Greek metropo
lis were doinir bnisness as usual nnd
the inhabitants felt onlv remotely the
effects of the wnr. Prices of food
and clothinir were much hither I linn
in neiice times but Hie people suffer
ed from no such scarcity of these and
other neees-mries of life as did the
populations of London, Paris nnd
other continental cities.
The tourist, who at one time was
one of the most abundant sources of
revenue. Jiowevcr. disappeared en
tirely diirinz the wnr.
. Prohibition msiv nr mov nnf .otiun
ii arcnt improvement in the public
health, but sometliinir tells us that it
will do awnv with n eood deal of the
neeossitv fnl. uilftmr. Jin ' will, ui.r
friends. Sprimrfield Union. ; '
Kay It Is tho Best in the World
There Is one remedy that those
who know depend upon for rollcf
from coughs that "hang on" after the
grip. Foley's Honey and Tar clears
the passages, soothes raw, Inflamed
membranes and banishes Irritation
and tickling in the throat. A. H. Mc
Doniel, Box 51, Llndside, W. Va.,
writes: "I am glad to tell you that
Foley's Honey and Tar is the best
medicine in this world. I have had a
severe cough and before I used half a
bottle I was, better." For ;eale by
Medford Pharmacy. . ii 1
i ' : Eras 8ciKTrFioAiir' ' '
Suite 1.2 over May Co.
Florence Nash hat insured her inife for one million and a half dol
lars. Miss Nash is thirslar of "Remnant." The policy covers an) dam
age b accident to Miss Nash s facial muscles. There is a clause which
covers Jeftiftoiarj) smiling disability caused fcy jitcft uiuaf human ills as tooth
ache. Under it, she gets 50 per cent of. the money she vould earn if her.
imile were in fit condition. "Pavlova had her toes insured," said Miss
Nash. "Why not mji imi'ic.1 . should lose that smile. I might find it
' hard to get a role as a tragedienne." "' - "
Weimar, capital of the vrund duohv
of Saxc-Wcimar-Kiseiinch. 00 inileo
southwest ot l.eip.ic nnd Ml mile
southwest of Herlin. known as "the
poets' city," nnd "the German Ath
ens." wns chosen for the siitherinc
of the first. German national usscm
blv. it is said, because it is u non
Prussinn town. It is situated in n
fertile vallev on. the river iliu. a .-1111111
trilmturv of the'Snnle nnd has a pop
ulation of less tlian 'in.non.
Here, tmml the old buildings that
remind 0110 of n medieval pnst, the
410 representatives of the German
people cleeted on Jntiunrv 2D. assem
ble to accept, reject or nmend the
draft tf a constitution uhich has been
prepared Jbv tJe.,F.bert irovcrnment
and to form, jrvrhmi.-. a union of
slates on the modern American prin
ciple. Sleepv pld Weimar, famous 11s the
home f Goethe. Schiller and I.i.-.t. is
said to have existed more llinn 1.1
centuries. . Tinier ('hnrli-s Auiruslus.
Grand Duke of Saxe-Weiiaar-Kisen-ncli.
the town hucitmc a center of lib
eralism 11s well us,nrt. lis most im
portant buildin; is Hie p:ilii"e. de
scribed ns a "Inure structure lormiai:
three sides of a oiuidrmmlo. erected
Rr!inc Mj-fl tlint ol(l nc l"B'T with
weakened kiUneja and digc.Uivo urmut.
Thin bolne trni. It in vtiny tn brliovp
that by kccjiinjc tli kiiliK'.rn nnd iUri'h
tivo orftrtns knmcl nnd lu pni,i' wu ril
ing onli-r olt! hro fun ho duffrrM nnd
life prolonged tar beyond tltnt enjoyed
by the uvcihrc jiersua. i
For over 20 yonvs fJOT.D fF:.L
Hiinrlora Oil lion bocii rrtiovittfc Iho
wi-ukm-MflCS and diaability du tu ndvnnc
hif yearn, Jt is a HtnnSrd nld-titi-e
home reinpily nnd ncedn im introtiiiftlon,
GOLD MKDAIj trlanrlcin Oil is inrtoMrd
in odorli-ns, tnnMnun rupHitlen rontniii
lag about 5 droiw vm-h. '1'akn them aft
you would a piilt with n nwiillmv r,(
water. The oil ttuiululutf the kiduty
Matinee 2 P. M. Evening 7 O'Ciock
iUW&fo' 4l ' 'Featuring .; -
1 "fit, VfVMi
9M "Wmm
iW Arr&M
wiir"U 4 $i'ji. me anot xuai; eavea
MifcHtr?'Vi $ An Important War. In
SliWW IS dustry
V iW r i .
I ( ITSlMHO.'l) under the '(.upcrinlend-
jenee of Goethe" onlv u reuiiiartt of
I which, however, with u tower, in still
I .'iiinilint!.
It contains a series of rooms dedl
i rated to tho uoots Goethe, Schiller.
jlliitler and Wieland, al of which are
i!e 'orali-il hmslilv with mural puiut-
iiiss. .Nearnv is the nouso where
Goethe lived from 1782 to 1M:1'. a
home of luxury for that dnv. built as
a uift In the iiuet bv Charles Aiiuiih
t us and pivsenlcd to liiui liv his pat
rim upon Goethe's return fnnn his
Italian tour.
I louses with liiuh pitched rimfs nnd
rubles uivp l!ie town 11 uietiireniue
iippcarani-e. while the nnrruw windinir
slri-cts of the older pnrtion of the
place, and Ibe Vestiues of tin) uiedie
vnl walls, coiitimiullv remind I lie vis
itor of its lii-U.ri.- character.- The
Slntkil-ehii. or pari-h house of wor
ship, a Gothic structure ilalinir from
ilia, ut 1 Hill, is a hinl.liiiL- of rare in
tcrist. II Iiiih been sli-jlitlv nindcrn
hut cnouvli of (he m-iuinal edi
fice rer.iains to show its hkm and cliis.
sie outlines.
Annul..' the nulaltles whose lombs
arc lieiu'iilh its roof ure iIihms of Ihe
princes of Saxe-Weiiinir-Kiscriuch. in-
notion nnd ertRMe tho nrsnnu to throw
off the. fjoi-iiiim which mute itreinntnrn
old use. Nf-vv life and ftrrettnlh iiirtiMiNn
im y-'ii ri'iithme Hie tieniineitt. W'hv.n
(umi'Ietidy n-Htored rontinue tnkhi n
enptiil or two eoli ilny. t;(J,l AiKIi
Ali liHfirlom Oil t.'ujMiileH will kr you
in health nnd vigor und prewut a return
of the ilhtenpe.
Do not wait until old one or dirrenfto
have, nettled down for K'oil. At the llntt
wttn thut your kiditeyM are riot working
properly, ro to your itruififlHt and gut n
box of OOI(D MKDAL Jlaur.ein Oil
('aputtlen. Alouev refunded it they do
not help yotj. Thn Hten. (tut ra
member to Jink for ilit! unttioul iuiported
OOl.H 31i;i)AI, brautt iu ouuhid pack-
Friday and Saturday
Thrilling Runaway
The Rescue
Clever Roniner "
Escape From Jail
The Bhot That Saved
Slide for Life
Tl'M n (Inl ine Mtmy ()f H oci-ot
Kcrvlie limn ivhoxe ilcviiliiiu to
duly nearly coHt. hlin llie lovo
Of lllll KHOftllClllt.
"Adults 25cf, Children 10c.
I'AltlS, I'eli. fi. A mei'tiii "I' l1"'
supreme iiiler-nllim! ' cuiiaed will
be held al tho fuieiuii t'ti-t l-'riduv
In decide Hie iiuVslinii n l "'
Hlrenulli or liirces to hn inauilamed
in thu service bv Ihe dil'l'ereiil eiileiile
lu-mies, Coudiliims for n renewal ol
the iiriuisliee with liepmiiiv will i'!""
lie emi'iidered; J at iJJ1
eludinit Hie eleeloi' Julm l''reileriek
Ihe MtttMiTi niinuus, mid liis il'" I11"1
Duke tlernhiird, n hero of the Tlurtv
Years' wur, "Tli" nllur piei e i ' 'r
pi veil." one writer snvs, "llie renter
piece represent iu llie crucilixiuii: be
ciiles tlu cross stands .Martin Luther,
ail open llible iu his liund. while (lie
hlond from Ihe pieicwl xiile of the Hit
vlour poiun iipuii his head."
Another ancient church is Hie Jiik
obs ir llol'kiiTher, or court idiureh,
whose disused oeiuetcrv eoiilailis the
iiraves of l.ueiis ('riiiinelii Hie nrlisl.
and Column Musnctts, the nuthor of
(lernuiii folk lore. Anolhcr burlul
uround eonlitins the tralid ducal lain
ilv vault, in which Goethe and Schiller
also lie, side hv side. . Ilrouce slalm-s
of both poets, (he work of Keilschcl.
and uronped on one pcdcntul, sin ml in
front of Ihe ilo of it Iheater built in
lS."i under the dirwlinu of Goethe,
it time memorable as the "uiddeii line
of Gerimiu drnmu." Here inaiiv of
WliKiier's cuuipositiiuis were first civ.
en to Ihe world. .In JlHi" the old
structure was replaced bv a new build,
The KoniiiN of Goethe and Schiller
characterize Weimar in oilier fnruii"
of civic bciiulv. Goelhc, some eiir.
before his denlh, laid out n hm;c iml
lic oak in llie font) of a ciiiiK-n uud
without nil ein-losiiro of anv kimi.
There u muiinl relic of its oriniuMor
reuiuins iu the slone alter round
which a serpent climbs In cut the
votive liiend, t oon the altar Is an
inscription to the "veniiH liuiiw m-l."
Steero Cubes
Stecro is on invicornt
inn beverage which
may be instantly
- 35 cents the Tin
of.12 Cubes
Clam Bouillon
Just llie Thing (or the Sick Room.
36-40 North Central Ave.
Don't Stny Gray I It Darken
So Naturally that No
tody can Tell.
You can turn gray, fail.l hair beau
tifully dork nml lustrum nlmut ovor
iilltlit If you'll pet a Mlrciit buttla nt
"Viyptb'a Hugo and Riilplnir Compound"
at any ilniR utoro. .MIIIIimh nt Uittlrs of
tliia oH fjinom Hiir '1'ca Iti-clpc, Im
proved by llin aiblition of other Uutrinli
tula, arc (old annually, luiya A well
known druufn'nt here, bVcaumi it darkens
the luilr mi mitiirally and mvnly thut im
one can toll It linn been applied.
TIidm whmo liair la turnlnjr (fray nr
bccuuiiiiR failed liavo a aiirprlw iiWallliig
tlcfm, bucauac ulUr ona or two applica
tion tliu ray Imlr vanlnlics and your
lock bccouie Imu'iantly dark and beau
liful. 'J'hla la llio ajro of youth, Graydmlrivl,
uimtlriictli-e fnlka arun't wanted around,
o gnt Imay with WvHIi'a Sago and Kul
ihur Compimnd to-nlnlit) and you'll be do
liKlitcil witli your durk, handaonin liuir
and your youthful appuarauco within a
few da,vn.
'l'hl prci:arallon la a toilet requlidU
unit ' n"t Intcnilcd for thn ouro, njltlga
tlon or praventiou ef ijlwvw.
Wool and Mohair
Supplies Early
First quality used wool sacks
First quality Mohair sacks
Paper fleece Twine per lb
.Aliovo prices pmtpaid.
Prices in (nanmies oil re-
Honinvo nil InRB nnd tlo wllh
pnper-flnnce Iwlco nnd rocolvo top
pricaa ror your product.
If I enn buy your product when th
market opona will refund no cents
for wool micks und sn centa for mo
httlr. ' ' ,-
Wrlto ,
J. J. Ossenbrugge
in titi, emu,
VIIOVi;' i.. .p,(MiS()NVlf,l,M
Thr l innre rlarrh In llili ntnm
nt llio ciiuniry tlmn all ntli.-t- ill,."
nil l.'iiailior, and for yunra it win ,. i.i Im fm-iiralile. IJocinrn ivi-..,.-rii,!,i
local. roiii.ll. "ml 'v miiwiunily luilin.
10 euro Willi local ticalllionl, iniii.iuug,3
11 iiii-uriiul". taliirrb In a local .Hn,,,,,
erially iiiiluaiioml hy viniallluiiiuikl ran.
diiliuia aim llwrnfiiio rcijulmii ciiumiiij.
Hi. mil uimiimuil. Ilull'a Cntarrh M.n,
I'liin, iiiuiuir.i.-nircil by I', J. ri,..i.ey a
Co., Tulrdo. I'bU'. I a ciinmliiiiion.i ' la lnli.ri.nlly nn.l ac,
turn Ibe lilood on ilia Mu.-oun hurrnct-i '
ot Hi Hyiiein. fun Huinlioil liolhiin r..
witril la tur any can ilui iiuliv
IVIiirrli idlci falla lo unto. Hon,! ur
i-li.'ot'iia ilii'l iillnii.lilnl.
I.', J. l.MIKNIiY A CO., Tolfllg, 0,i
Mold by l'riialia, ?fe.
lull's I'lmiily I'llla lor coiiailimtlgn,
Last Times Tonight
f . i .
"When Do
We Eat?"
. v . Starring
Enid Bennett
Tomorrow Saturday
Fred Stone
(Miinlstouiery Ktmie)
The Famous Comedian
"l lie Joar
Annual Remnant
Feb. 8th
. A pair of
for housework
A (limit imlr of rublmr Rlovca
innkea n RorHl nddltlon l tho
bnimcliiilil eiiliinent Mirlliil
litrly na It onnblea thn iloliiK "r
liiiUHCivni-k nnd UimIIiik mid
luikhliiu ami aerubblnif nilhout
nny hnitn tit thn IiiiiiiIk or nulla,
l-'iill n olect Ion boenuio iH-nt
imllty. TiiiikIi imnuuti an they
will nut tour, liny n uilr Indny.
ni)c mid H3c i
rinHio in
ninmond Ensngnmont
KIiir nnd tho circlet of
puro gold thut unices tho
wedilliiK tiornmony aro ot
bucIi prlmo importnnco
Hint tho- u I moii t onro
Hhuuld bo iiHod In tholr
One Hcpulnllim
Votn- Hiirefflliml
Tho vlnitB wb rncom
moud Id you inuy bo ro
lled upon to bo Junt as
roprescntod always.
Marlin J. Rcddy
', I'houo 8t .
VUltora nlwuyn wolcome.