oiiKfiox. TirnisiAY, .TANTTATJT 2.1, 1010 VAcm tttret; "ser JJ-ILVH.1.. F but ono recently dropped bombs on a party of hnmlilM who believed them selves snfelv enst'onced on Hie top ot a liioiirllrfln near Oi'iznbn. SENTENCED TO 12 E E MTSDTORD MATL TljTBlTNK III1ULU IIIIILIIIUIIM . ) ACCORD SEEN IN IpSSSigi PEACE CONFERENCE ' illlKil ! I- Ill I'il'i'iiil I'uiirl nl (IranlH I'mks TtlttMllllV Jllllui" ClllllillM Hl'llll'lll'l'll Hmilji'ii V. Dt'Wili, iiiiii of t lio two ini'ii wlui ticltl mi II, I lu well mill sun lit tin IUihh'i-II mini' mill Mull' $0,111111 In tmltl Imlliim ln hiiriiiK wit mmi. Il'lll'llll III I'J YI'III'H ill lllli i I I'll I in r v. 1 1 1 imrlniT in Ilia criiuc Iiiih iii'vit IX't'll II i i l i 1 1 M I c I, "Hi' Will, tthi'ii iihki'il hv iIic cmirl Wlll'llll'r llf llllll IlllVlllilltr t" KlIV lll'ltll'li M'llll'IH'0 WIIM ihinmciI, ninili' I'l'IV lii'icf rviimrkN, mivm llu (IriinlN I'nth CintriiT. I hi Hiali'il tliul Inr iwu nr tliri'i' vein prior In llii' rnlilii'i v lin lunl Im'ihi roaxi'il hv ipIIiitm, ami iMn'i'liillv Ii V .lulf llmvi'll, Ii h luii'tni'r ill 1 1 1 rriini', In I"'" liiulittiivniaii. He liim. Iv t'olihCMiti'il. Hi' Haiti lliiil ii wiim lii Diulni'r mnl mil hiiiwll' lliiil drew (lie liiin on Hi" HiihwcIIm, but lluil )ji nut t-xcimi' him in tin ovum uf lliu law. Ml! Mlliil l( WIIM ,"l VI'lltK (if IIL'O llllll liiiil lii'im nnirrli'il, Iml hiul nut livcil with hiii uil'v for nliuiit lour vi'iti'i, lli Htuluil Hint kIih i now in Snll l,al t'itv. "AfliT Atlnmi'v Jnhnlon. immiiixH for IMVilt. hml innilr 11 fi'W ri'inurltK nHkinv Icn'i'iii'v fur ln iiriioiivr, awl HiNtrii't Allunii'v Miller lunl nnoki'ii of lln urnvitv of iln- I'riini' I'oiniiiii. I ml hv llt-Will, .Itulm' Calkin imiioii'il n ni'iiti'iiPti of 'i vi'hi-s ,11 ih m- vifli'd limn, li-Vill look tlio M'li tntu'v rill nlv, mnl I "ii i I'linic to In" I'Viw ill ll wiim liil hark to hit I'i'll hv Shi'riff I.iw!k. The minimum IM'imltv for llui'iuiM, na'il I lie roinf. wiim nl vi'iii-m, mnl Hip iiiiimimuiii mi nltv lil." WIRELESS AGE LONDON. Jan. 2;l. "Itv Iln' time llin in'iii'o tri'niv i" ml'IH'iI wo nhall lip tiilkimf npfifM I lip A l lam ic hv wirp. Ipmm," miivm (iutll'rpv NaiH'M. iiiiiiiayiinj diri't'lor of i hit Mart'oiii Wirt'lps Tt'l Pimuili Kttinnanv, in nn inltn view. "One ilav in Ilip not far ilihlanl fu lurr," lni ntltlii, "I ihink wo sliall walk nhont with wiii'li'-H li'li'iilioiit'M at. lai'lit'il to our hiiiiipM mnl wo r-luill he iililf. Miainlinv "iiv in I'ii'inlilv Clr- 1'iiM, to pall an n friend who i I'lviite Moiiu'whi'ro. Or wp imiv hnvp an In vitation hv wiri'li'M ti'lciihoiiv from n frii'inl fl.vinu in Kniiipp to join him nl tlinniT in lln pvt-ninc. 'Wir. li'MM tt'lt'iiliunv Iiiih I n vorv lunrrlv iikpiI in war fur I'oiinnnnii'ii tiuli hi'lnoi'ii uiriilani'M anil lifiulu niiarli'n nml for nrlillprv work. Ilul there is no rpnxon whv it hIiuiiIiI not ho availnhli' ovpr vitv intii-h lonuar (liNtani'PM. "It will not hp vorv Ions lipfurc ono will ho nlili' li nit at oiii''h ili'fk in 1, unil, hi and mii'iili lo Now York nrai lioiillv iiiKlniilnnpoii'ilv. Knniil facili liim will ho nvailahlp for commnnii'iit inu with I'nriM. Hoiiip. Mompow or Am hlurilain. In niv vipw it will ho iih pbmv lo Hiipali to SviIiipv ni' Mi'lhoiiriip or to Nuw y.i'iilnnil. "l.onif (lihlancp wirrlpsn tola nliiuiv will nniilv iiImi to Minus at mi ami to iiiriiliuii'H Ami mrshniM. ' AMSTERDAM. Wodncxdn)', Jan, 22. Supromo oommnnil of tho (lor nmn ormy hn hoon trnnsforrod from tho pooplo'n commlimloiiorii to tho mlnliitor ot wnr. Tho trannfor wan npprovod liy tho noldlorH' and work, men'H oouncll, whloli will atlll bo ro- iponnlhlo for nil uncial and economic retaliations concornlim tlio army. OfflcorB will In fuliiro wonr a dark bliio utrlito on tho loft Blnovo. All othur dlHtlnotlvo innrkB havo hocn nhollHhod. Tho olillKiillon of salnto In ro'clprocnl, lint liaa boon uliollHhod In tho lilg cIIIpb. SPECIAL DROUTH RATES EXTENDED UNTIL MARCH WASHINGTON. Jan. 23. Spceial TatoH on feed mIhITh In dronlh mnl Htorm ridden KeelioiiH of tho hoiiIIi woKt: worn ordered eNleniled todiiv hv tho railroad iidininislratioii from Jan uary 25 to Miri'li I, r NOSE CLOGGED FRONT, . A COm UK UAlAnnn Apply Cream In Nostrils To Onen Un Air l'niwngen. I...,.,.. ,. .....- ..,.....,.,-- Ah I What roller I lour riopupH uu trlla onon right up, tlio air pannnifrti of four head aro clear and 'ou can brentlio Ireoly, No mora hawking, Bnullliiiff, niucoua diwlinrKc, hendacho, dryiioM no itruifRllnE for lirenlh ot night, your cold or catarrh Ib pone- . Don t Blav B1 tilled tip i vcii a """ bottle of Ely's Crciini Halm from your drtiuci't now. Apply a little of thin n .i ... 11 nn... I., vnill HnH rrnKraiib, nn"ejiu v j trlla, let It pmintnitn tliroiijr.li every it ir nnnBitga ot tun m-uui "" tllO BWOIIOII, 1.IIUIUIIUU i,,v livlnff you limtiini. reni'i. i'i.v "'" r., . l' ...I...I- .rj,O..i,lll, linil CIL' jiaiin n ni'"' " j . , tnrrh milTerer Inn been ovkiiig. Ji Tim new hunt (liMliiui'O leli'iilioiid nili'H un orilei'i'il hv Hie iiiimIiiiiihIit veiieral to iiliiee lulM un n Htmiiinril biiM:M Weill iulo el'I'i'i'l Tiii'm(Iiiv. lull I'iiIIh urn ilii'4'led tut o Iwo ui'oiiiK-"i.iilion lo Mlnlion eiillH, whi'i'o I he iii'iKiin i'uIIm unlv for a niiiulii'i' and iml fur n Hiieeilic ner huii: mid "iu'I'miii lo iiei'Huii'' ciiIIm, u liere I lie iiei'Hon iihIim for noiup tmr lieiilar imrtv. The lulu for tint laller Hpi'vii n in otiP-roiirlh lirealer Hum Hie "tut ton lo edition" pall rati; wliirli ih delpriiiiiu'd hv tho nil' lino diHlmiee hetwi'i'ii loll noilitM and in pouiiniled on I he Iiii'iIh of ,'ie fur eiieh II inili'M. ill) to 'Jl null'! nnd live penlM for eiieh eiuhl mill's hevolid Illin iiirul. I'or iiimIiiiioi', iiixlPnd of tho I'urmer in le between Meilt'urd und Ceil I nil I'oinl, whieh wiim 10 ceiilD for tlio fii' l r,:i!'"le mnl live p:ii(4 for oaeh addiliimitl ininiile, the rato now la, niM'onliiii In hliiliuii lo Htulioii pull, five ppiiIm for live inimilCM poiiver Miilion, The nil"' between Mcdfnrd and I'ortliiiid i 1.15 for n live min uIpn' ponvprHiiliiiii. on Mlnlion to Kin lion i'iiII. whereaM Ihe lormer toll wiih tl.'Jll for lint Iirl iiiinulo and 71) ei iiN for oiii'h nddilional minute. The new loll between Anlilunil It ml Med fonl is 1.1 pentM for five iiiiiiulen on t ii I lull to hIiiIioii pall. Am iinnoiiiH'Od hv llio noMlmnMter ueiieral exlrn eharuo will he inaile in the eiiMtt tliul Ihe uerMon heiliL' pulled eiinnol be reached hv IpIpiiIioiio wilhln one hogr, the e.vm'l addrehH not hav ini hpen uiveii. Tliiw ehnrue is palled the "report eliamp" and i iiImo made whi'ii Ihe oallini.' imrlv Ih nliHent or will mil talk when tho eouiivetion ix mailo wiihiii one hour. The "reuorl I'linrue" will not hp iiiiidp if the call h poiuiili'led oil the iluv filed. Thin elinrt'o ih made to povpr comiiensalion for the niieniliii'.' work mid is iiniiullv itliout onti-roiirlli of tho "hlnlion to Mlnlion" rale. Siieeinl I'hanfo in iiImo mndo where n inecieimer iM reouiretl lo brim: the ih'I'moii wnnletl (o tho telephone. The rule for IhiM ervieo is umiiiiIIv about one-half crenler than Hip "Hint ion to' Mlnlion" rale iiIiim Ihe ineMMPiiuer fee. "Ain'oinlnienl" rate in churned when Ihe i"'ron cnlliiiir bi'Im n xneeifie limit nl whieh ho will talk to tho per moii bi'iiur palled. This rate in tho Maine ita ihe uii'MMenuer oall rato lens Ihe moMhenuer fpp. llpiluei'd rali'M fur niuhl nervico on Ihe "Mlnlion lo Mlnlion" hiiMii onlv are iim follow: 8:M0 p. m. to midniL'ht iihoitt oup-hall' tho "Mtntion to Ntn lioii" ilav rait-: miiliiiuhl to 4 :.'I0 n. in. nhont oiip-iiuiirter tho "Mtntion lo Mlit!t,nM ilav rote. I'AltlH, Jan. 2.'J. ( Iiv ABMoeliilcd I'ioiih.) It will probably bo aovural wi'oIim bofuro liny l.iillii-Ainnricuri iiiiiUnnH will ho voimlilered by tho peueu couki'ubh, bueauHa of lliu more prenuliiK liuttiro of tho Buropoan problem. Tlio Tiinrn-Arlca ilbipulo hot wee ii C'hllu, Peru and llollvln Ik tho only unite Blliiullnn ' In l.atlu Auinrli.il, but It koomiu Unit even thin Ih not llknly to command iiltentbin bnforo the LiciKiio of '.Vatlona Ih form ed. Tho Icimuo U expected to 'he cHpecliilly ittiallfled lo deal with boundary qucHllonB lit a Bcleullilo niunner. Tho I'iiHoiI HlulCB haa ninny ex port)! In I'n rln Willi full Information about Koulli .and C'eulral American tlutiHlloiiH, Tlio lioumliiry dlnpulo be tween (luate.miila and lloiiilurim, In which Hiitrelnry of Hlalo l.uimlim wan iniiiieil tin arbitrator Ih null! to bo movltiK toward Botlloinont and cun probably 1jo adJiiRtcd without rofer oneo to tho police cnnKrcHH. An yot I'oloinlilu Iiiih not iiiuilo any overture In reference to her illfforencioi with (he I'nlteil Buuon nnd no formal mops huvo boon taken lo hrliiK any of tho neuron of l.nlln-Amcrlcan boundary dlpuloH to tho mention of tho con Kre. InvoHllKalion by tho LeaKiio of Na IIoiih of t'olonibln't alluKvd aHHlBlaneo to tho (iorman navy by permitting tho uko of her IbIiiiuIb Ib nUo rcgard od an probable. Many dlplomnlH Intcrontotl In tho l.onguo of Nations bollevo that boiin dnry dlHputcB, oapeclnlly IIioho In re molo BcetlonB of Uitln-Amerlin. aro largely duo to tho luck of accurate Kiirviivfl und tlto dearth of nclontlflc ally collected hlHtorlcnl data. Tlioy lire confident Hint, by iikhIhIIhk In the proparatlon of title (In In. tlio league can removo many posHlbio cuubck of serious illfforeiiceB. WorUi .VI.tM) ii liottlo Wm. BnrnoB, Ban Antonio. Tex., writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar Is tho boat cough remedy in tho world. It has been worth $50.00 a bottlo to mo. I had "the flu' followed by pneu monia, which loft mo weak, -with a persistent cough. I needed rest and sloop, which I was unablo to get. Somo ono advised Foley's Honey and Tar. 1 begun taking It that very night, ficforo bod tlmo I noticed re lief, and that night had a sound sleep and perfect night's rest, tho first slnco tho beginning ot tho flu. I huvo completely rooovored and do not cought at all. It cost mo only $1.20 lo euro t lint obstlnato cough with Foley's Honoy and Tar. Lot all who road this lottor try Foloy's." For snlo bv Metlford Pharmacy. ' 1.0 NOW. Jim. 2 3. Colonel T. K. Iuwroiicn of tlio llillluli ormy who rei'onlly arrived In Umdoti with a nun of tho Hlierlf of .Mecca to glvu In formation concerning tho A rain' aMplralions for Independence Is char acterized by somo London newnpa pi TH iih "ono of the niont remnrknlilo men produced by I tin war." A fnlr-balred younti KngllHhman or 2'J, smallish of Btuluro, Colonel Law rence guvo Hitch services to tho A rati catmu that ho wuh treated us a slicrlf and given tho additional rank of emir, which Ik equivalent to thai of prlncn. No other European or Chris tian, according lo the London Dally Mull, has cvor rocolved such a dis tinction at tho hands of the royal family which Is tho senior dofoendant of Mohammed. lioforo tho war Colonel Lawrence was a student of lilstory at Oxford. An he was able to speak two Arabian dialects, ho was sent by 1he war or floo In I9l l lo do inlelllgenco work; In Kgypt. Later lie was nnslgncd to aid In tho negotiations with tho king of tho Hedjas who revolted axnlnst tho Turks at Medina In Juno, lliH, afterward Joining the sherlf's mili tary, service. Ho adopted tho full Arab field kit of flowing robe, head piece mid golden dagger. With Slicrlf I-'olseul. ho planned the blowing up of troop and munition trains on the Hedjas line, and so Huccensful were '.heir operations that the TurkH put a price on their heads of ts.'i.nou each If taken ul he. und $:i',.000 dead. They biew up seventeen '.rains, one n great troop train which contained DJemnl l'UBha, commander In chief of tho Turkish army, and his staff. For Ibis train Colonel Lawrence lay in wait for nearly three days and nights. Sovcral trains were permitted to pass In rafety. Then camo .the 1lg ono and Colonol lwreuce prcs5od a button that set off a mine. The two huge engines wore toppled Into a ravlno and tho train was wrecked. DJemnl Pasha's car near tho end wa:i derailed, and the commandor-ln-chlef was launched Into hpace. Uninjured, he picked himsolf up from the sand and fled for life, tearing off as he ran his medals, decorations and epaulettes. These wero found later and given to Colonel Ijiwrenio. mi PA It 1 8, Jan. 23. (My Asnoclated Press.) . The solution ot the Itusslan problem Is considered here as the first visible manifestation and reali zation of Amerlcun and British ac cord on great Issues before the peaco congress. It Is understood mat, inasmuch as me supreme council auH uccepien iiiej American plan for tho settlement of I Die Kussiun n,ilo,t!on, the British plan may form the foundation of na tions. Y'et It Is pointed out that this Is a mere ex-haiign of courtesy. The plan for settling Ihe Russian ques tion Is virtually Identical with that which Premier Lloyd-Ocorge suggest ed In hl note to Stephen Plchon. French foreign miuirtor on January 5. It la understood that the British plan for the creation of a League of Nations hi essentially identical with that wbl.'h Aiierlcan experts formir "laied afier close Htudy of the two score which wero presented. There Is somo reason to believe Unit, thru unofficial but powerful sources, assurances have been con- Teyed that the UoUhevlsts will re-1 cede from their threat to repudiate Husidu's foreign debt in considera tion of relief, thru entente aid of des pernto economic conditions In Uus- j sia. It Is believed that assurance on j this point Induced France to sanction i the plan, which averts Ihe spectre or j i nnanriai loss lo r renen nomers oi Itusslan securities. I A i . ... , With Soupi 1 -r-and broths. You will find Snow Flakes satisfying in every particular. .You will enjoy immensely their delicious salty crispness and . rich texture. Don't ask for crackers, say Snow Flakes. - i Your grocer can supply you: y 3a 11 y Padfic Coast Biscuit CKi i ?EXICANS USE AIRPLANES j AGAINST THE REBELS I I ?.n.:It O CITY, Jan. 23. Oenernli 'Ac'iler. chief of militurv operulions I j in Ihe iitilf regions, is usinu airphmes iio .sii,m'c.s 111 111s cniitpuiirn imn'tisi ! I lie itheli-. espet'iallv in tile state of j Voru Cruz. Not onlv arc the avintor j d-min- vnliinhle reconnnoisance work. MINERS'' QUICKSILVER $1.75 f round wwmm S175 Pound i t ! ARCH DUKE LOUIS VICTOR EX-EMPEROR S BROTHER DEAD PARIS, .Tan. 2li. Aiinoniu'inenl is inadf of the (lealli at Sal.lmnr of ! Archduke l-imls VkUr. vo',:nirest j hrotlior of ionncr Frmpror Francis ' .liwpnh ftf A'"trii.l lun-'nv. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by lucnl applications, a they cannot reach ih dtBeoU portion of th ear. There is on'y utic way to cure catarrhal di afnesi, rt '.hut I by a coiwtitut''jn3l remedy. Catarrhal Deafness In caused bj an In flunicd rendition of the mucous lining ot tlio Eustachian Tube. When this tute is lr.1111.11ed you have a rumbling sound or tra in flam ma tic a cun be reduced and this tube 4 rrslurcu to us normal condition, beanos wiit be destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the niucoua sur face. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acta thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the y tem- We will rive One ITundrcr! Dollars for ny cane of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot bo cured by ilall'a Catarrh Medicine. Cir cular lice. Ail DrunAlsta. T&c l J. CUE NET CO.. Toledo. O. 3 WAR .DE IARrrI EN T "Tff TSkvt;w,sbii; m tv Aya o lytfj.-fii . Spruce probugtion Corporation ( Sealed Bids Will Be Received on the Following Equipment from January 15, 1919, up to 11 A. M. February 15, 1919 DONKEY ENGINES Logging, Hoisting and Loading ' Willamette, Tacoma, ' Smith & Watson, Washington and other makes. Sizes ranging from 614-ln.xlO-in. to 13-ln.xM-ln. ,' A. C. Electric Motors 40-volt, 3-phase, 60-cyclo, 8 to 70 II. P., with or ' without startors i fh I RAILROAD EQUIPMENT V Rails 20-lb. Reltiyei- CS4 Tons 20-lb. New 40 Tons 85-lb. Rclayer 8 Tons 40-lb. Roluycr 147 Tons 45-lb. New 1727 Ton3 45-lb. Reluyer 499 Tons 64-lb. Rclayer 56 Tons 60-lb. Now .......2581 Tons 67-lb. Now 5030 Tons 80-lb. New :210 Tons Locomotives , Geared nnd Rod, 86 to 70-Ton,, Shays, Now Yorks, Baldwins, lleialers, Climax, etc. Logging Trucks , ' Connected and disconnected, 60,000 to 80,000 capacity. TRUCKS and AUTOMOBILES Trucks Packards, 1 to 8-Ton Standards, Hi to 5-Ton Darts, Ui-Ton Denbys, 2-Ton, Seldens, 2-Ton Velies, lV4-Ton" Unitcd3, 1-Ton Gramm-Bcrnsteins, 2H-Ton Federals, S-Ton Garfords, 8V4-Ton ? cAutomobiles . Cadillacs, Seven-Passenger' Dodges, Five-Passenger Fords, Five-Passenger Also OTHER MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT FOR SALE For Terms, Full Information nnd Descriptive Catalogue of Equipment, Address All Inquiries to the SALES BOARD United States Spruce Production Corporation Yeon BullUlnc. Portland, Oregton . fill .a yMtdx flour should be in your BECAUSE It Gives Salisfaftion, Satisfaction means Qualitv, . "Quality First" our Motto.' RogueValleyMillingGo. Buy Your Goods from a Home Factory HELP BUILD UP YOUR COUNTRY. HELP US TO GET PAY ROLLS. You can do this by buying goods grown and packed at home as muck as possible. BUY CAHHED GOODS PACKED BY THE Rogue River Valley Canning Co. JOIN the , National Guard The State Militia is being transferred into a now National Guard requiring 100 members. Tho Com pany in Medt'ord is partially recruited. MORE RECRUITS WANTED, Age 18 to 45. The Company will maintain open headquarters' for returning soldiers and sailors on the order of the Y. 'M. C. A. at the front, ; Recruiting Headquarters, 32 N. Central 3 Just (plenuin,