Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 23, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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During last ntahl'B storm tip until
8 o'clock. 'his morning .21 of an Inch
of rain fell, and the wind blow at a
!!0 miles nn hour nverngo speed, at
times reaching 30 miles an hour. At
5 a, iri.; today It began blowing at 30
miles. Ruin 1b predicted tor tonight
and tomorrow.
Huve buyer for Medford residence,
easy terms. . Dennett Inv. Co. 261
Mrs. George M. Roberts and chil
dren returned homo today from a
several months visit with Mrs. Rob
erts' parents at Cincinnati, O. Mr.
Roberts met them at Sacramento and
returned with them.; ''".'
You can get a 35-eent lunch at the
Paris Cafe., . . 25S
Tho first welcome home reception
to members who have returned from
war service will be held tonight by
the Elks lodge and the club house
and temple will be filled by members
Of the order. : The chief address will
be made y Lieutenant Colouel K. E.
Kelly. .
Guaranteed spark, plugs for all
cars. C. E. Gates. Auto Co. ,
Mrs. W. C. Wilson left for Duns
niulr Wednesday to care tor her sis
ter, Mrs. Hutching who Is very sick
. Malted milk 50c lb. DeVoe's,
Mrs. At. L. Ross and her daughter
Anna of Applegate, left for San
Francisco Wednesday. They wore
living on a homestead and lost their
buildings by fire, and as they had no
insurance, they cannot replace them
at present ...
' For the best Insurance see Holmes.
the Insurance Man. '
Mrs. M. Woody who has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Earl Knox, at
Grants Pass, returned home Wednes
day. Join National' Guard today. 3!
North Central. 261"
Sergeant O. J. Bell of Brownsboro,
who has been visiting home on a fur.
lough, returned to Camp Lewis Wed
nesday. . Shoes at cost 10 South Central.
Game Warden P. H. Daily reports
that there is the largest run of steel
head and silversides in the river this
week that he has seen for years. He
says that the run has continued for
several days, and that- they are
crowding the fish ladder to the limit.
There -has been more water in the
rtver than usual and he thinks that is
the cause of the big run.
Insure in sure insurance. Phone
7S9 or 509-Y. Bennett Ins. Co. 256
Mrs. Orrln Davis who came from
Weed to receive treatment for throat
trouble, caused by the flu, returned
home today. ..-
Daily's Taxi. Dodge cars. Phone 15.
i . - -
L. A. Snrrol and John P; Kleim
of San Francisco, were in the city
Wednesday on business.
Whipping cream at Do Voe's. .
E. L. Webster and R. C. Barclay
'were business visitors in the city
Wednesday from Eugene. :
- National Guard forming. Recruits
aces 18 to 45 wanted. 32 North Cen
tral. ' 261"
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pelouze who
came in from Eagle Point to -hear
Lieutenant Colonel Kelly speak last
evening, were guests at the Hotel
. For fire insurance phone 64, cor
ner Eleventh street and S. P. track,
B. R. Wood & Co. . .
Airs. R. G. White of Grants Pass,
Is the guest tor a few days of Dr.
and Mrs. Chas. T. Sweeney.
Guaranteed brake lining for all
ears. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
Roland Flaherty, assistant county
agricultural agent, is again on duty
after having been in quarantine be
cause of his wife's Illness with the
flu. .-
. Electric cleaner delivered to your
home, rental $1.25 a day. Phone 90
Paul's Electric Store. . 2G0
Attorney O. S. Blanchard of Grants
Pass, has been appointed a member
of the state bureau of mines and
geology in place Of Dr. J. F. Reddy.
Get your milk, cream, batter and
buttermilk at DeVoe's.
. Fred C. Cornutt of Prospect, who
was recently operated on for a rup
ture sustained in his work at the
power company plant, will be a pat
ient in a private hospital of Medford
for three weeks.
City hemstitching and pecotlng 5o
yd. Mrs. B. 15. Haney. 274
' While here from Drain today Post
master Ira WImberly received a tele
phone call asking if he would for
ward a nine-year-old boy from there
to Idaho by parcel post. As the pos
tal laws contain a provision prohibit
ing the admission of "live animals'
to the mails, the request could not be
granted'. Rosebnrg Review.
See tfeichler Plerson Inc., for
tiros, oils and auto accessories. -
Mrs. Ella F. Brown of Spokane,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. 13. L.
Motchkiss who is very ill.?
' Guaranteed springs for all cars
C. E. Gates Auto Co. '
The Parent-Teacher circle of the
Lincoln school will give an entertain
ment Friday evening at the school
building. . A good program has been
prepared and a large crowd of
friends and patrons are expected to
attend. - '
Miinnle Kelly of Jacksonville, who
has been employed in a store in Port-
laud for some time-is convalescing
from an attack of influenxa.
Weeks McGdWAw co
Day Phone: Paclflo E27.
Might Fhonec F. W. Week. lOftja.
, IMj AKtlftMt,
The state militia company march
ed In n body lust night to the Page
theater to hear the address of Lieu
tenant Colonel E. E. Kelly. 1
Dr. Home, Garnott-Corey Bids.
U. E. Hughes of Kansas City, Mo.,
Is a visitor in the city and was a
caller at tho Commercial club this
Furniture upholstonug, mattress
making, crating and packing. Doug
las, 201 S. Riverside, Phone 162-J.
, Superintendent of Schools Daven
port is now recovering fast from his
recent prolonged lllncis and bus
boon able to spend an hour a day at
his office this week doing light work.
He ftrst visited tho high school last
Monday when he made a brief speech
to the student body. It will be some
tlmo yet before Mr. Davenport will
be able to tako active hold of his
school duties.
Dr. H. P. Hargrave, physician.
Rooms 409-410 Carnett-Corey Bldg.,
phone 230. tt
A trululond of cheering soldiers
passed thru the city at about 11a. m.
today enroute from Camp Lewis to
the Presidio, San Francisco, whore
they will be mustered out of sorvlco.
For iNu-Bone corsets-see Mrs. Paul
Hanson. Phono 5S5-H. 267
Major and Mrs. George Von dcr
Ilellen and children left Corvnllis
this week for San Francisco, where
tho major returned to duty after n
furlough spent in visiting the family
at Corvallls.
Hot Chill 10 cents at 115 West
Main. 261
The home coming of all the ctrclos
of the Ladles' Aid of the Methodist
church will bo held at the church
Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 28th. The
South Oakdale circle will furnish the
program. Every member is request
ed to be present at 2:30 as there is
important business to be transacted.
Guaranteed piston rings tor all
cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
The Medford postotfice has receiv
ed orders to accept mall for dispatch
to Alsace and Lorraine as governed
by the postal union, with the excep
tion of parcel post, which is not ac
ceptable at the present time.
You can drink a pint of cider for
a nickel at DeVoe's.
Contrary to Us seeming appear
ance the new flag on the city hall is
not at half mast. The flag pole Is so
outfitted that the rope and pulley
don't reach its top, and as a conse
quence the flag is suspended a little
below the top, which at a short dis
tance away makes it look as tho it
were at half mast.
Maintain national spirit. Joint
the new National Guard, now form
ing. 261
Miss Ruth Ann Wilson, a graduate
of the university, whose home Is in
Medford and who is teaching at Rose
burg, is In Eugene for a visit.
Eugene Daily Guard.
Windshield glasses tor all cars. C.
E. Gates Auto Co. .
August Fetch, who had a merchant
tailor shop in Medford several years
ago, was on the northbound train
last evening enroute to Portland
where he now resides.
M. S. Becker, A. L. Chenowith and
H. Norton of Portland, were business
visitors in the city Tuesday.
G. N. Borland and F. T. Lydyard of
San Francisco were in the city Wed
nesday on business.
Join the new classes at the Med
ford Business college, forming dur
ing the month of January, 1919.
Large, commodious, comfortable
rooms just Inspected by a member
of the health committee of the city
of Medford and pronounced sanitary
and free from danger of infection
from contagious diseases. Re-opened
by permission of the mayor and
health officer of the city after care
ful Investigation. 260
Mrs. J. W. Macdonald of Gold Ray;
was visiting friends in Medford Wed
You can always find lunch neces
sities, cheese, pickets, tripe, smoked
fish, canned fish and meats, bottled
goods, etc., at Medford Fish Market.
R. H. Wiper and wife of Spokane,
are visiting in Medford for a few
DeVoe has a fine line of assorted
chocolates at 60c per pound.
W. B. Robinson and John Dixon
of Watkins are spending a few days
In the city on business.
Coors Malted Milk at 115 West
Main. . 26 W
B. 'B. Kyser arrived In Jledford
from St. Paul, Minn., Wednesday tor
a few days visit with friends.
You can always find something for
a quick lunch at DeVoe's. , . '
H. It. Goodwin of Denver, Col., fs
attending to some business in the
city today. , . , ' ,
Nash Hotel. Special rates, week
or month. Steam beat. 267
(.'. D. I'lank and Claude F. Schmear
of Portland, were in tho city Wednes
day on business.
It pays to save in the Building fc
Loan, 4 29 M. F. & H, Bldg. ,
Geo. W. Griffin of Chicago, Is
spending a few days In Medford on
Insure In sure insurance. Phono
79'J or 009-Y. Bennett Inv, Co. 262
It. C. Hughes arrived from Taco-
ina,' Wash., Wednesday for' a few
days. vjsit In the city. . ...
Ell Cooper came in from Sams
Valfey Wednesday for a few dayB
visit in the city. . '
Suite 1-2 over May Co.
R. D. Miles and C. C. Kramer of
Portland, were among, the out of
town . visitors Wednesday.
The' committee appointed by busi
ness men and lumber operators to
net upou the proposed suspension of
the Paeltio & Eastern railroad, is In
communication with eastern timber
owners and awaiting word from Re
ceiver Turner as to terms- under
which a delay In closure would result
Pending replies. organUation plans
are being discussed.
The Hertford Fish Market has u
nico supply of fish, crabs, oysters,
vegetables and fruits for tomorrow.
. S59
J. T. Gannon who has sold consid
erable lumber to tho government this
year, shipped a car to ono of the
camps In Texas this week.
X. Whitton and wlfo and Peter Ob-
erly of Portland are visiting friends
in the city today.
N. Paulson, Tom. CummluRs and
J. A. Lesmelster of Portland, wore
in tho city yesterday on business.
L. H, Van Horn nud wife of Jack
sonville, wero guests at the Hotel
Nash Wcdnosday. ,.
Georgo Harlow, aged 26, of Rogue
River, was arrested at Grunts Puss
Tuesday on a chnrgo of criminal as
sault upon a 13-year old girl of
Evans oreek section and brought to
Medford, where after a preliminary
hearing before Judga Taylor Thurs
day, he was bound over to the grand
jury under 13000 bonds, where he
failed to furnish.
A. H. Ferguson and O. H. Klrby of
Portland who are making a business
trip over the valley, wero ln .Medford
Wednesday. '?' ' '
Kolleher of. Fort Dodge, Iow, was
nominated by President. Wilson to
day to be solicitor of, tho Internal
revenue bureau,; succeeding A. A.
Ballantine, of Boston, who resigned.
(Continued from page one.)
fornin auit the same statement ifi true
ill rcuurd to timber. , ,
''Heine encaged at the cession of
the legislature when this matter
came uo and knowing ot no other tri
bunal before which we can nppenr
and present this .situation. I deemed
it proper to come before the commis
sion for the purpose of filinir n pro
test ncainst this orulrr. but being un
fortified , bv data and information
which is much to be. desired, but
which on account of the suddenness
of the order it was impossible for me
to arcumulato and present to your
honorable bodv. However, we will
proceed to accumulate this data so
that if the commission should desire
a further and more extensive hearing
and ("will give the. lime necessurv for
the preparation thereon, it will be a
pleasure to again appear before von."
(Continued from page one.)
his announced purpose of devoting all
bis energies to the reducing of va
rious views' on the League of Nations
to a basis of agreement while unnit
ing results from the effort to com
pose the differences between Kussinu
factions. He intends to adhere to his
determination to hold all other plnns
secondary, including his visit to Brus
sels and his trip to the battlefields
and devastated regions.
It is now definitely settled that a
large number of American troops will
go to America with President Wilson
on the liner George Washington.
SALEM, Jan. 23. War to the
knife was declared today in the sen
ate on the bituminous paving monop
oly and the cement trust when Sena
tors Dimlck, Lachmund and Thomas,
after introducing four bills striking
at the former, signified their inten
tions of introducing measures tomor
row curbing the alleged monopoly
operations of . the latter, ' Senator
Dimick who made a valiant, fight
against the bituminous paving trust
in the 1917 session, introduced three
bills directed against It, and Senators
Lachmund and Thomas, a joint mea
sure. All three Dimick bills, were
presented to the last legislature, and
after a bitter fight defeated. They
are intended to protect the public
against Invalid patents, secret royal
ty agreements, and to Insure compet
itive bidding on hard surfacing. The
Lachniund-Thomns measure also at
tacks royalty in paving work, but Is
far more stringent than the bill of
Sehutor Dimlck. ' :
TVc wish to uiinounrc to our
Friends and Customers that
tins store will, continue in
business.1 .
We desire at this time to
thank you for your patron
age in the past, and we shall
try and merit your future
patronage. Y
Manager, '
WASHINGTON. .Ian. 2:1.- In open
ing what administration leaders hop
ed, would hu tho final debate on the
house bill impropriating $100,000,000
asked bv President Wilson for Knro
peau famine relief, Chairman Hitch
cock of tho foreign rvlntions commit
tee, vigorously urged its passage us
a measure to bring world peace,
"It is not u mntter of charitv," said
MY. Hitchcock, '"hut of good business
policy nud war expediency to rescue
these peoples from starvation ami
put them iu a frame of mind to listen
to pence and not revert to luuirehv."
Senator Hitchcock urged the senate
to accept the opinion of President
Wilson . and Komi Administrator
Hoover Hint the tuoiropriulion is ncc.
essarv. adding:
"The uuestiun here is whether we
are going to repudiate our own rep
resentatives in Kurope who lire seek
ing to make peace."
lie declared that the supreme war
council had agreed that $:i00.000.flt0
should he spent in relief work mid
fixed, 100,000.000 as .America's
share and that "to den v it would bo
to repudiate our obligation."
Kij orenns ot tliA hum on hmlr lire mo
important to health mul ImiR lif m tbo
kimitys. When tliy mIow up and com
mence to Ihr in tbeir dutien, look out!
lnnjcr in in lijtlit.
Kind out what tho trouhl in with
out dclny. Whenever you tWI nervous,
weak, duir, suffer from MeeplpiuineHrt,
or hNYft Miint in tho bru'k, wuktt ii nt
onre. Your kidneys need help, The nro
ijrus to warn you thnt your kidneya
are not pcrfortnuiir their fum-timm
properly. They nro only half doiujt
their work and arc allow in impuritieff
to enimulato and bo converted into
uric ' add and other iuf mum, whit h
are causing you dixtresH and will de
stroy you unless, Uivy are drivvu rom
your yU'tn. f
Filling Prescriptions
is our business.' Our jirrsi'nplimi business lias in
creased 300 per cent in the last year.. Let us fill your,
next one. We give you 'service ami quality.
HeakH's Drug' Skore
Fhdfle88&,,;"--!'.."" The San Tox Store
'1 " ---I"
Three Days' Showing-
Thursday, Friday, Sat'day
January .23, 24 and 25.
r --'Begins
Vrj-jl: of w!;
iioae the i u
With 1
' Mitchell Lewis
Of "IIiuTicr" I'limo
"Tho Sln Invisible."
"Tho IJur Sinister.'4
A Stirring, Fascinating and Mighty Drama
m LLVTI3 1
SS IN tl
m "co oe' II
IIl viikhn jpf
Everybody loves a Northern story,..Tom Santschi 's Fight , in u "The Spoilers.'
Mitchell Lewi3 in "The Barirer." One against tho other in this story of the North
Supported by a remarkable cast of players. ,
Special Music
PARIS, Jim. 2:1. Contradictory
advices on tho status of tho mon
archist revolution 111 Portland were
nt hand today. A wireless dlHpatch
from Madrid quotes u VIko telegram
us staling that the monarchical
movement Iiuh iiHiiumud a moru ser
ious character. On tho other hand,
Lisbon advices declare that tho gov
eminent la on thu point of quelling
the uprising.
Tho official Journal ot tho Lisbon
government has nromulnntod 11 do
eruu Inflicting heavy upon the
districts of Oporto, Vl.ou and llruga
whero the monarchists have been Hi
control, These fines vary from Su
000 to 100.000 for every day tho
districts remain In a state ot rebel
lion. " ' '
PA HIS, .Inn. ';!. President Wil
son tonight received 11 deputation of
the students of the Soilioune. ,
Thev presented him with it souvenir
album liouiul in old parchment anil
containing excellent photographs of
tho Hheims cathedral before the war,
Walter C Uiraed returned laid
night from his visit at Chicago nud
Sun Francisco.
M some COm MKOAT Ititnrlem
(HI Cn pittite nt once. They nre tin old,
tried prepnrnllitn tixed nil over the
world fur feiiturirn. Thev rmttitin only,
old-fofhinni'il, itnmhinif romhlurd
with Ktreucih-Eivittg and nvittem-clmu-fnc
h?rtm, well ktimvti nnd ttxed lr phy
nii-tan in their dnily prnHke. ;H.I
MKOAIj Ilnurlem il l'nputeti nro itn
ported direct fmm the InlHtratnrie In
tlollnnd. Thry nro nvenfriit to take,
nud will cither vivo prompt relh'f or
ymir money will he refunded. Ank for
tltetn nt nny tint more, hut ho mtro
tn get the nriftiwil imported OOI. 1
MKDATj brand, An-cpl uo mlntM hU-h,
lu wealed pttkUK-. U'hree !..
From the Story
Anthony Paul Kelly.
Admission I
Adults 25c; Children 10c,;
SAUIAMKNTO. fiilif.. .Inn. 'Jll.
KMnWislimcnt of u hIiiIk "farm
home inMiruiice I'uiid" wan ii,o'
cd iu a skeleton lijll in'eimred hv At
semlilvmiin I'nlclcv tinluv. The mimx
lire in detuned to UnhUI ciipuhle
men without I'mnls lo huv faruix un
der the Ktiite laud hcUIciiicuI iiIiiii.
The iihui outlined hv I'rnfi'umir
Klwooil Mend of the I'niverMlV of
t'nlil'orniu. and now liefnre the leuis
Inlui'c tlcclni'fx that men tnl.imt up
liiinl in -late colonics uiul iuvil . !,
iVIl). I'ol-lev's hill provide t lint men
ma v take up nui'Ii laud without iuvcM
imr monev mul upon a muiiII puvincut
into ii revolvintr lipnl olitnin in-ur-uuce
acAiift lorot of eriipi which
iniu'lil prevent Iheni I'roui imvitiL' nut
on their hoincx,
V. I., TerwIlllKor nnd wife of Alter,
t'uY, were it'lcnta at 1 1ntel .Uiilluud
Weduemlay. ' '
"Zwiilijj j
Tuesday, January 28
William Morris
Julian Eltinge
and a Notable Cast of
Mail Orders Now
Seat Sale Monday, Jan. 27th.
Pr.ice3, Jowor iloor, first 3
; rows, $2.00; balance lowor
I floor, $1.50.
: Balcony, firat 4 rows, $1.00;
balance balcony 50c.
'Coming Suaciay"Kultur."
Feature Starts-
Afternoons 2:15, 4 o'clock
EveningB 7:15 9 Q,clock
Tom Santschi
of "The Spoilers."
of the Northwoods
a -Pacf h,, n j..
, , "A Tight Squeeze" ,
Uape .'of Democracy
A New
Hot Lunch
Wo luiva niTiuiKeil u
nuinlier of Inaty nnd
iluliiK eomliliiitlliiii
lunclieona from which
to clioono, W'm uru
foiilurliiK hoi liiiu'ullH
with nearly all ot
VTJtt IOiihI Main
In the iiiiod ImiMirlmit cnld
rrulloii In rliiMxIn your J
rlryllip fminiuillun uf Jew
ell) Mlll-fll'll.l,
Our uliolo effort I devoted to
ImlldliiK for the future. Your
kikmI hIII" l our flrl omirru.
Our linen nro reidelo ivltli Hie
citMiir Intent lu Jewelry.
Martin 1 Reddy
tiik ji:wi:i.ku
Vlnltorn Ahvityit Wclewmo.
I'll, me HI.
- . w
Don't Dig Your
Own "Tire Grave"
ON rough roads it
pays to pick your
way slowly and care
fully. For fast driving in
deep ruts quickly
rinds away both side
wnlls and tread of all
four tires.
And it puis ihcm in quick
line for the scrap pile
Innjl before iheir natural
life is run. ' .
FEDERALS will stand
more of (hit abuse than
most tires but why the
abuse ?
Our "Care Saves Wear"'
Instruction contains many
nioncy-snving ideas, It s
yours for the asking.
I havo contrar.tod to mipiily ono
order of no oild noirnnd hand sloven
and ruiiKim.
Wo- lrtiilo now Btovos for soeonil
hiiid. ' . ,
Wii nceept Mherly IIoiiiIn (lit) kiiiuo
an ciimIi, j .j j' " ,",
(.HuccoHHorij to Scotl Voolf.)
i r